I’m madder than a leprechaun with a crooked shillelagh about St. Patrick’s Day!

St. Patrick’s Day is the stupidest holiday of the year, because the Irish are the craziest people on earth, next to the Paleostynians and those nutcase A-rabs. The Irish are basically just Mexicans who speak English.
Why are we having a big parade for a bunch of weirdos who pray to the Pope, believe in fairies and blow each other up?

I know my history, and this great country of ours was founded by Pilgrims and Puritans and other Protestants, not weirdo Catholics like the Irish. If it had been, the Statue of Liberty would be the Virgin Mary!

All the Irish do is get drunk and sing sad songs about dropping dead. Once a year, we let them march down the street, all boozed up on their disgusting warm brown beer. Then they stuff themselves with potatoes and cabbage and stink up the place!

Potato-eating, beer-puking Pope-lovers, that’s what they are!

What have the Irish ever done for America? They stuck us with those damn Kennedys, that’s what. Between their Old Man the crooked bootlegger, down to fat Teddy boy, that family is an embarrassment, not to mention a danger to public safety! Ralph Nader fellow should’ve left General Motors alone and gone after the Kennedys. Their cars should have warning labels instead of bumper stickers.
When St. Patrick’s Day rolls around, don’t get tricked by all the booze and the songs, my fellow Americans. It’s all part of an evil Jesuit plot to help the Vatican take over America! So stay away from all those crazy parades or you’ll end up praying to the wrong Jesus!

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2,288 thoughts on “ED ANGER SAYS: I HATE THE IRISH!”

  1. I have two possible responses to this. If you are targeting Irish Americans (you know, the people who failed in Ireland and their pathtic descendents) then I love you and everything you do. If, however, you are targeting the real Irish, (god's chosen) I lose my sense of humour and now despise you.

  2. Bah humbug to you! There are only 2 kinds of people in this world. The Irish and those damned Orangemen that wished they were. Take that & smoke it. lol in fact very loud. good fun post keep it up. (the posts I mean)

  3. You can thank the Irish for all of these posts. Irish monks preserved literacy and are the only reason we can read and right. So pick up a copy of "How The Irish Saved Civilization"

  4. Pingback: | The Angry Rant
  5. I'm as mad as a Kennedy is gunshy!!! Hey Ed, you pinhead, the only reason God created whiskey was so the Irish wouldn't rule the earth!

  6. Absolutely brilliant piece! I can't stand the way the Irish and all their descendants are so bloody pleased with themselves. We're celebrating a race of pathetic, self-loathing drunkards with criminal tendencies. No wonder the planets in the state it's in. All Irish emigres I've ever met are up to no good. Get back there if you like it that much!

    • It's not the Irish it's the Irish Americans … they were the ones to murder African Americans while simultaneously forgetting about their own troubles here in the US as both Anglo and Scotch Irish . Irish Americans delude themselves to anything – they believe that they are the better Irish and at the same time somehow they are able to drink on St. Patrick's Day . They lived with a righteous indignation to be criminalistic , never outwardly Irish , yet they mingle amongst themselves exclusively outwardly displaying this spirit . They're criminalistic and mongrel , but the latter describes them better – they're rabid-deluded stray mongrels assailing and humping everywhere all the while being upmostly proud of and showing off their illgotten German physical aspects in parties and all the while outwardly hinting " Irish " when devising .
      Remember it isn't the " white " people who murdered the Africans – it was the Irish … ALL IRISH …. no Germans .

  7. you're all a bunch of retards. stop wasting so much time on here and find each other, kill each other and let the rest of us move on. i'm irish and i loathe all of you.

  8. I agree with the original poster. I wouldn't hate the Irish at all if they wouldn't act like they are something special. The Irish have done nothing at all throughout history except get drunk, come up with horrible sounding folk music, and think they are important for some reason. That is what gets me: Irish have pride over NOTHING. You have done nothing, you are nothing. They were always militarily weak and played no major role in any World War (all they did was get conquered by England). The Irish are known throughout history as being rather unskilled (I've even had Irish Americans admit this to me). Ireland's history is just plain lame.

    • Pretty sad,the Irish are worthless and have done nothing throughout history?So the Irish have never contributed to massive bloodshed in modern history ,they have never invaded a single country,they have been oppressed and persecuted for almost a thousand years,came close to being wiped out,and now they are thriving,have a successful democracy and government,and have completely dedicated their armed forces to peacekeeping.Trying to clean the mess the colonial powers caused.They speak the most ancient language, Gaelic.The legends and culture have been inspirations to the arts,the monks of Ireland in ancient times spread Christianity throughout the world and preserved literature and the arts in the Dark Ages after the fall of the Roman Empire,and have a love for the land and nature only Green Peace could rival.Are the amongst the greatest poets,storytellers and musicians.They have the richest history in the world and have fought for their freedom for centuries and won it from Great Britain at the HEIGHT of its military and imperial power after they forced them out militarily?So they are worthless and pathetic.What you fools have said only reflects upon yourselves.And the Irish are not pushing St.Patricks Day upon you,the majority of Americans want to embrace it,it is a time for them to forget about their troubles,the recession and the pains of everyday living.So put that in your pipe and smoke you stupid peasants

  9. And what is with Irish Americans trying to push their pathetic holiday of St. Patrick's Day (which is nothing more than an excuse to get wasted in the US) on others? They are trying to make it a national holiday in America, and that should never happen. I don't see too many German-Americans, Italian-Americans, French-Americans, or anyone else trying to push their national holidays on Americans, so why do the worthless Irish feel they have to? Their mentality is "Well, we're here, and we've done nothing throughout history………let's celebrate over it! In case you can't figure it out, I HATE IRISH PEOPLE!

  10. Pretty sad,the Irish are worthless and have done nothing throughout history?So the Irish have never contributed to massive bloodshed in modern history ,they have never invaded a single country,they have been oppressed and persecuted for almost a thousand years,came close to being wiped out,and now they are thriving,have a successful democracy and government,and have completely dedicated their armed forces to peacekeeping.Trying to clean the mess the colonial powers caused.They speak the most ancient language, Gaelic.The legends and culture have been inspirations to the arts,the monks of Ireland in ancient times spread Christianity throughout the world and preserved literature and the arts in the Dark Ages after the fall of the Roman Empire,and have a love for the land and nature only Green Peace could rival.Are the amongst the greatest poets,storytellers and musicians.They have the richest history in the world and have fought for their freedom for centuries and won it from Great Britain at the HEIGHT of its military and imperial power after they forced them out militarily?So they are worthless and pathetic.What you fools have said only reflects upon yourselves.And the Irish are not pushing St.Patricks Day upon you,the majority of Americans want to embrace it,it is a time for them to forget about their troubles,the recession and the pains of everyday living.So put that in your pipe and smoke you stupid peasants.Go whistle Dixie.

  11. if the irish want a united ireland, they should go live in ther own country set up for them – the republic! not northern ireland…

  12. Im from spain and live in ireland,And all i can say is the irish are the greatest..really friendly and funny
    who cares wat a bunch of fat judgemental americans think,

  13. I am Irish , We are loved all around the word as we do not think we own it not like the small minded Ed ! , I would say Ed is a redneck who married his sister just like his daddy before him never been out of the usa .

  14. I don't know where to begin,I literally don't . The number of ignorant , stupid and inaccurate comments beggars belief
    First , the lack of historical knowledge is breathtaking. The Irish preserved both christianity and literacy after the fall of Rome,and established centres of learning as far south as Bobbio in Italy and as far east as Kiev in modern day Ukraine. Without the missionary and scholastic vigour of the Irish , Europe would have remained a desolate and illiterate civilisation.Several cities in France,Germany and Switzerland can trace their origins back to Irish missionary foundations
    America has been immeasurably enriched by the tremendous number of sons and daughters of Ireland , that built America and gave her her character. From the revolutionary war, to the present , America has relied upon and has been led by Irish soldiers, generals, and presidents.
    Do any of those who criticise the Irish even know of John Barry,the father of the American navy,who defeated the British navy in the American war of independence? I doubt such mental pygmies knowledge would stretch that far.

  15. The Irish have been very active in the field of science to name a few , Robert Boyle, father of modern chemistery -Boyles law,George Johnstone ,discoverer of the electron. Earnest Walton ,nobel prize in physics for the transmutation of the atomic nuceli (splitting the atom)
    In technology, Nicholas Callen, the induction coil, John Holland first true submarine for the U.S. navy.Louis Brennan ,guided missile. Hypodermic syringe, Francis Rynd.James Drumm,the nickle-zinc battery.James Martin,aircraft ejector seat. Harry Ferguson, the modern tractor.Radiation therapy,John Joly There are literally thousands of patents registered by Irish people every year. Ireland is second only to the U.S.as a producer of software.Much of the technology, software and electronic that is used by the U.S . military is developed by Irish companies. Almost 100,000 Americans are employed in America by Irish companies .The Irish have,on average , a higher education level than Americans ,more than 60% have college education. Ireland is among the leading 10 countries that invest in America, this is remarkable for a very small country of 4 million.

  16. The only people in the world who believe in Lephrechauns are Americans.This is not surprising since Americans know little green men exist,sure ain't they all hiding in area 51.Well apollo astronaut Edgar Mitchell is convinced , but wait Mitchell that's Irish isn't it , maybe thats why he's telling stories about little green men.Better watch out for anyone called Mitchell, wicked tricksters who will lure you in with their lucky charms, I fear .

  17. Well I'm glad others hate the Irish. Every Irish person I meet r horrible. The women are two faced, moody. The men r waste of space. Can't handle their drink, act like prats. Some Irish said they can have a good fight…well so can alot of people!! Lack of education. They hate the world even each other. They r selfish n dodgy. Stay away!!!

  18. Hello. I'm 14 years old. I was born here in the United States, in Connecticut. My Dad's parents came over from Ireland on a boat. My Mom is also half Irish. My name is Kaitlin Marie Glynn. I see that there actually to my suprise, racists – mad about MY "mick" descent. I find this so freaking funny! So, my Dad doesn't have an accent but he's full blown Irish. If Irish people are so useless than how come my Dad is making over half a million in salary, selling life insurance, as normal as any other American. (He was born in the US – connectitcut.) LOL yea to amuse everyone even more, guess what my birthday is! St. Patty's day! yup, March 17, 1995. Now, I don't look much into my history. I know that my last name had "Mc" infront of it, which is pretty cool. Haha, so someone said we don't have pride over anything – like hell we do.

  19. The Irish are a nation that should be admired. They originated from a tiny persecuted island, travalled around the world and worked. They built America ! Australia and even built a large portion of modern day England!
    The only people that hate the Irish are trailer trash right wing idiots. They feel threatened by success, which is why they usally also hate the Jewish people.

  20. "Irish people are useless" lol lol lol Funny who they played a major part in the US war of independence and went on to build and rule the greatest country in the World. The USA!
    The British are the ones that are usless… they made a mess of everything they touched. Even in WW2 it was us the americans (many Irish americans) that saved their ass. Ireland is for the Irish get the Brits out!
    The Irish are the true master race!

    • the irish who fought for u s independance were presbyterians from the north,mostly christian men,there is no mention of the pope or mary in the declaration.the irish you are talking about came over here 150 years later starving,not much pioneering spirit among them,it seems they were just out for themselves and what they could milk.good laborers but thank God they had no part in the founding of this country.

  21. Right…
    I'm going to stick a big barbed fence halfway down America. Invade your country, Start a War.take your land, slaughter hundreds of thousands, kill your language,
    Blame it on religion, throw in a famine, corrupt poloticians etc….Do you hear us jeer you on the 4th of July…..no!
    Now lets look at America……
    Watch 'Zeigeist'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  22. The only thing the Irish catholics have given this world is hundreds of paedophile priests. The lowest denomination of race anywhere in the world.

    • i agree,except its more like thousands.i am irish lived there for 28 years.i never realised what a disgusting race of people we are untill i had lived in the usa for a few years.the Lord changes hearts my friends.

    • Your statement screams of IGNORANCE and bigotry.
      There are tens of millions of distinguished Americans of Irish descent-many Catholic.
      Here’s a few. I have no time to determine who are currently Catholic or not. Those termed “Scotch Irish” are generally Protestant.

      Mathew Brady – photographer
      Kurt Cobain – songwriter and musician, lead singer of Nirvana
      Jerome Connor – sculptor
      Thomas Crawford – sculptor
      Alex Donahue – Artist, Designer
      Michael Flatley – dancer[1]
      William Harnett – painter, Irish immigrant best known for trompe-l’œil renderings of still life[2]
      George Peter Alexander Healy – portrait painter
      Thomas Hovenden – painter
      Carrie Ann Inaba – dancer, actress; mother of Chinese and Irish descent
      Gene Kelly – dancer, actor, singer, director, choreographer
      James E. Kelly – sculptor and illustrator
      Thomas Lanigan-Schmidt – artist, activist
      Edward McCartan – sculptor
      Samuel Murray – sculptor
      Jim Morrison – singer, frontman of the Doors
      John Neagle – painter[3]
      William Rudolf O’Donovan – sculptor
      Georgia O’Keeffe – painter[4]
      Timothy H. O’Sullivan – photographer
      Maurice J. Power – sculptor, politician, foundry owner
      John Ramage – miniaturist
      George Reynolds – painter, student of Eakins, Civil War Medal of Honor
      Augustus Saint-Gaudens – sculptor[5]
      Louis Saint-Gaudens – sculptor, brother of Augustus Saint-Gaudens
      John Talbott Donoghue – sculptor
      Joseph P. Kennedy Sr. – former ambassador to the UK and father of President JFK.
      Diamond Jim Brady – financier and philanthropist[6]
      Dawn Fitzpatrick – Global Head of Equities, Multi-Asset and O’Connor at UBS Asset Management[7]
      John L. Flannery – former CEO of General Electric
      Henry Ford – founder of Ford Motor Company[8]
      Paul Galvin – inventor of the car radio; founder of Motorola
      Franklin B. Gowen – lawyer, president of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, prosecuted the trial against the Molly Maguires[9]
      Herb Kelleher – Southwest Airlines chairman[10]
      John Leahy – COO of Airbus; commercial pilot
      Mike McGrath – Chief Justice of Montana Supreme Court
      Shane McMahon – minority owner of WWE
      Stephanie McMahon – CBO of WWE
      Vince McMahon – CEO of WWE
      Tom Monaghan – founder of Domino’s Pizza[11]
      Richard and Maurice McDonald – founders of McDonald’s
      Edward Creighton – Omaha businessman and philanthropist
      John A. Creighton – Omaha businessman and philanthropist
      Marcus Daly (1841–1900) – A “Copper King” of Butte, Montana, United States
      William Russell Grace (1832–1904) – mayor of New York City and founder of W. R. Grace and Company
      Pat Powers – businessman and film producer
      Bill Rancic – entrepreneur[12]
      Joseph F. Sinnott – owner of Moore and Sinnott, the largest rye whiskey distillery in the United States prior to Prohibition.
      Jack Welch – former CEO of General Electric[13]
      George Croghan
      Edmund McIlhenny – inventor of hot sauce
      Bill Gates – co-founder of Microsoft
      Thomas Mellon
      Louis Sullivan – inventor of the skyscraper
      Charles Stark Draper – Anglo-Irish
      George Bryan
      Martin Luther King Jr
      Mary Harris Jones – “Mother Jones”, educator and labor organizer
      Christa McAuliffe – teacher-astronaut who was killed in the 1986 Space Shuttle Challenger disaster; also has Lebanese ancestry
      Joseph S. Murphy (1933–1998) – President of Queens College, President of Bennington College, and Chancellor of the City University of New York
      Victoria Leigh Soto – educator who was killed in the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting; hid students and died trying to protect them[14]
      Film directors, producers and scriptwriters
      Rafael Casal (1985–) – American writer, actor, producer, and showrunner. He is of Irish, Spanish, and Cuban descent.[15]
      Roy E. Disney (1930–2009) – senior executive for The Walt Disney Company and son of Roy O. Disney
      Roy O. Disney (1893–1971) – Walt Disney’s brother
      Walt Disney (1901–1966)[16]
      Thom Fitzgerald – known for independent films like The Hanging Garden; born in New York; his grandparents were immigrants from County Kerry and County Cavan, Ireland
      John Ford (1894–1973) – director, best known for stylish Westerns and the film classic The Quiet Man
      Mel Gibson (1956–) – known for both writing and directing the highest grossing rated R film of all time ($370,782,930), The Passion of the Christ[17]
      Alfred Hitchcock (1899–1980)[18][19]
      John Huston (1906–1987)[20][21]
      Rex Ingram (1892–1950)
      Leo McCarey (1898–1969)[22]
      Michael Moore (1954–)[23]
      John Sayles (1950–) – independent film director and writer, frequently takes a small part in his own and other indie films[24]
      Mack Sennett (1880–1960)
      Quentin Tarantino (1963–)
      William Desmond Taylor (1872–1922)
      Raoul Walsh (1887–1980)
      William A. Wellman (1896–1975)
      Shannen Doherty
      Pat Powers (businessman)
      Gangsters and mobsters
      Main article: List of Irish American mobsters
      Law enforcement
      Raymond W. Kelly – former New York Police Commissioner
      Francis O’Neill – Chicago Police Chief
      Brian Terry – United States Border Patrol Agent, BORTAC (USBP Tactical Response Team) Operator
      Charles V. Glasco – New York City Police Sergeant who served in the New York City Police Department from June 1926 to July 1948
      Buckey O’Neill
      William J. Brady
      Bat Masterson
      James Duane
      William J. Brennan, Jr. – Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States[25]
      Sandra Day O’Connor – Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States[26]
      Wayne M. Collins – civil rights attorney[27]
      James B. Comey – former United States Deputy Attorney General[28]
      Charles Patrick Daly – Chief Justice of the New York Court of Common Pleas
      Patrick Fitzgerald – United States Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois[29]
      Anthony Kennedy – Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States[30]
      Robert F. Kennedy – United States Attorney General[31]
      Roger I. McDonough – Chief Justice of the Utah Supreme Court
      Frank Murphy – Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States
      Roger J. Traynor – Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of California
      James Sullivan (governor)
      George Wythe McCook
      James Clark McReynolds
      Charles Carroll (barrister)
      Philip Barry – playwright; author of The Philadelphia Story[32]
      L. Frank Baum – author of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
      Ted Berrigan – poet, part of the second generation of the New York School; author of The Sonnets[33]
      John Berryman – poet; one of the founders of the Confessional school of poetry[33]
      Louise Bogan – poet, translator, and critic; served as Poet Laureate of the United States 1945–1946[33]
      T. Coraghessan Boyle – novelist and short story writer; awarded the 1988 PEN/Faulkner Award for his novel World’s End
      Bill Bryson – travel writer; awarded an honorary OBE for his contribution to literature
      John Horne Burns – novelist and travel writer; author of The Gallery
      Jim Carroll – author, poet, and punk musician; author of The Basketball Diaries
      Neal Cassady – author and poet; provided the basis for the character Dean Moriarty in Jack Kerouac’s novel On the Road
      Raymond Chandler – novelist and short story writer; author of the Philip Marlowe detective series that shaped the modern “private eye” story
      Mary Coyle Chase – playwright and screenwriter; awarded the 1945 Pulitzer Prize for Drama for Harvey
      Kate Chopin – novelist and short story writer; her novel The Awakening (1899) is considered a proto-feminist precursor to American modernism
      Tom Clancy – novelist; author of many bestselling novels, including The Hunt for Red October and Clear and Present Danger
      Mary Higgins Clark – bestselling author of suspense novels
      Billy Collins – poet; served two terms as Poet Laureate of the United States 2001–2003[33]
      Joe Connelly – novelist; author of Bringing Out the Dead
      Michael Connelly – crime novelist; author of the bestselling Harry Bosch detective series
      Pat Conroy – novelist and memoirist; author of The Great Santini and The Prince of Tides
      Robert Creeley – poet and author associated with the Black Mountain poets; awarded a 2000 American Book Award Lifetime Achievement Award[33]
      Maureen Daly – novelist and short story writer; her novel Seventeenth Summer (1942) is considered the first young adult novel
      Philip K. Dick – science fiction author[34]
      J.P. Donleavy – novelist; author of The Ginger Man, named on the Modern Library List of Best 20th-Century Novels
      Kirby Doyle – poet and novelist; associated with the New American Poetry movement and “third generation” American modernist poets
      Alan Dugan – poet; winner of the 1961 Pulitzer Prize for Poetry for his volume Poems[33]
      James T. Farrell – novelist; author of the Studs Lonigan trilogy, named on the Modern Library List of Best 20th-Century Novels
      F. Scott Fitzgerald – novelist and short story writer; his novel The Great Gatsby was named on both the Modern Library List of Best 20th-Century Novels and the TIME 100 Best English-Language Novels from 1923 to 2005[35]
      Robert Fitzgerald – poet, critic, and translator; served as Poet Laureate of the United States 1984–1985
      Thomas Flanagan – novelist and academic; winner of the 1979 National Book Critics Circle Award for The Year of the French
      Vince Flynn – political thriller novelist; author of bestselling Mitch Rapp series
      Alice Fulton – poet and short story writer; awarded the 2002 Bobbitt National Prize for Poetry for Felt[33]
      Tess Gallagher – poet, short story writer, essayist, and playwright[33]
      Lucy Grealy – poet, memoirist, and essayist; author of Autobiography of a Face
      Pete Hamill – journalist, columnist, novelist, and short story writer
      George V. Higgins – novelist, columnist, and academic; known for his best-selling crime novels, including The Friends of Eddie Coyle
      Fanny Howe – poet, novelist, and short-story writer; awarded the 2001 Lenore Marshall Poetry Prize for Selected Poems
      Marie Howe – poet; winner of the 1987 Open Competition of the National Poetry Series for The Good Thief[33]
      Susan Howe – poet and literary critic; awarded American Book Awards in 1981 for The Liberties and 1986 for My Emily Dickinson[33]
      Brigit Pegeen Kelly – poet; finalist for the 2005 Pulitzer Prize for Poetry for The Orchard[33]
      Myra Kelly – novelist and schoolteacher
      Robert Kelly – poet associated with the deep image group; awarded a 1980 American Book Award for In Time
      William Kennedy – novelist and author, winner of the 1983 National Book Critics Circle Award for Fiction, 1984 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction for Ironweed, and a 1984 American Book Award for O Albany!
      X. J. Kennedy – poet, translator, anthologist, editor, and children’s author[33]
      Richard Kenney – poet and academic
      Jean Kerr – author and Tony Award-winning playwright
      Galway Kinnell – poet; awarded the 1983 Pulitzer Prize for Poetry and 1983 National Book Award for Poetry for Selected Poems[33]
      R. A. Lafferty – Hugo- and Nebula-nominated science fiction author
      Michael Lally – poet and author; awarded a 2000 American Book Award for It’s Not Nostalgia: Poetry and Prose
      James Laughlin – poet and publisher; winner of the 1989 National Book Critics Circle Award Lifetime Achievement Award and the 1992 National Book Awards Medal of Distinguished Contribution to American Letters; namesake of the annual James Laughlin Award administered by the Academy of American Poets
      Dennis Lehane – novelist, author of A Drink Before the War and Mystic River
      John Logan – poet and academic; awarded the 1982 Lenore Marshall Poetry Prize for Only the Dreamer Can Change the Dream
      William Logan – poet, critic, and scholar; awarded the 2005 National Book Critics Circle Award for Criticism for The Undiscovered Country: Poetry in the Age of Tin
      Thomas Lynch – poet and essayist; awarded a 1998 American Book Award for The Undertaking: Life Studies from the Dismal Trade
      Michael Patrick MacDonald – memoirist; winner of a 2000 American Book Award for All Souls: A Family Story From Southie
      Cormac McCarthy – novelist and playwright; author of Blood Meridian and winner of the 2007 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction for The Road
      Frank McCourt – memoirist; winner of the 1996 National Book Critics Circle Award and the 1997 Pulitzer Prize for Biography or Autobiography for Angela’s Ashes
      Alice McDermott – novelist; awarded the 1998 National Book Award and a 1999 American Book Award for Charming Billy
      Brian McDonough-author, physician
      Campbell McGrath – poet
      Thomas McGrath – poet; awarded a 1984 American Book Award for Echoes Inside the Labyrinth and the 1989 Lenore Marshall Poetry Prize for Selected Poems: 1938–1988[33]
      Thomas McGuane – novelist, screenwriter, and short story writer; nominated for a National Book Award for Ninety-Two in the Shade
      Jay McInerney – novelist; author of Bright Lights, Big City
      James McMichael – poet; awarded the 1999 Arthur Rense Prize
      Terrence McNally – playwright; winner of six Tony Awards and nominated for the 1994 Pulitzer Prize for Drama for A Perfect Ganesh
      Maile Meloy – novelist and short story writer; awarded The Paris Review’s 2001 Aga Khan Prize for Fiction for her story “Aqua Boulevard”
      Margaret Mitchell – novelist; awarded the 1937 Pulitzer Prize for Gone with the Wind
      Helen Curtin Moskey – poet
      Robert C. O’Brien – journalist and children’s author; awarded the 1972 Newbery Medal for Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH
      Tim O’Brien – novelist and short story writer; prominent author of fiction about the Vietnam War, including The Things They Carried, a finalist for both the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Critics Circle Award
      Edwin O’Connor – novelist, winner of the 1962 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction for The Edge of Sadness
      Flannery O’Connor – novelist and short story writer; notable author in the Southern Gothic style
      Frank O’Hara – poet, prominent member of the New York School[33]
      John O’Hara – novelist; author of Appointment in Samarra, named one of the TIME 100 Best English-Language Novels from 1923 to 2005[35]
      Charles Olson – poet and critic, associated with the second generation American Modernist poets; author of The Maximus Poems[33]
      Eugene O’Neill – playwright; awarded the 1936 Nobel Prize for Literature and four-time winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Drama

      J.F. Powers – novelist and short story writer; winner of the 1963 National Book Award for Morte d’Urban
      Anne Rice – horror novelist; author of bestselling Interview with a Vampire series
      Ryan Max Riley – humorist and freestyle mogul skier on the US Ski Team
      Nora Roberts – romance novelist; first inductee into the Romance Writers of America Hall of Fame
      Kay Ryan – poet and academic; currents Poet Laureate of the United States
      Michael Ryan – poet; awarded the 1990 Lenore Marshall Poetry Prize for God Hunger[33]
      John Patrick Shanley – playwright and screenwriter; winner of the 2005 Pulitzer Prize for Drama for Doubt: A Parable
      Nicholas Sparks – author and screenwriter
      Mickey Spillane – crime novelist; author of bestselling Mike Hammer detective novels
      John Kennedy Toole – novelist; posthumously awarded the 1981 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction for A Confederacy of Dunces
      Jim Tully – novelist, playwright, best known for Beggars of Life
      Michael Walsh – novelist and screenwriter; awarded a 2004 American Book Award for And All The Saints
      Roger Zelazny – fantasy and science fiction author; winner of three Nebula Awards and six Hugo Awards
      Media and journalists
      Tom Kenny
      Loretta Lynn
      Dennis Quaid
      Karen Allen
      Jim Acosta
      Mike Barnicle[37]
      Bob Costas
      Greta Van Susteren
      Nellie Bly[38]
      Joseph I. Breen
      Jimmy Breslin[39]
      Howie Carr – author, Boston newspaper columnist and New England radio talk-show host; has claimed family “two-boater” Irish ancestry (i.e., Ireland-to-Canada, then Canada-to-Maine) on his father’s side
      Neil Cavuto[40]
      Phil Donahue[41]
      Maureen Dowd[42]
      Brian Doyle-Murray
      Roger Ebert[43]
      Pete Hamill[44]
      Sean Hannity[45]
      Greg Kelly
      Megyn Kelly
      Chris Matthews[46]
      Bill Murray
      Joel Murray
      Peggy Noonan (1950– ) – author, political analyst and pundit for the Republican Party[47]
      Nicole O’Brian – model, pageant contestant, and reality television contestant
      Conan O’Brien[48]
      Soledad O’Brien[49][50]
      Norah O’Donnell[51]
      Michael O’Looney – New York-based reporter; later a business executive with Merril Lynch
      Bill O’Reilly[52]
      John L. O’Sullivan[53]
      Regis Philbin[54]
      Dennis Roddy[55]
      Tim Russert (1950–2008) – journalist, hosted NBC’s Meet the Press from 1991 until his death in 2008[56][57]
      John B. Sheridan (1870–1930) – sports journalist (Sporting News)
      Ed Sullivan[58]
      Elizabeth Vargas[59]
      John Walsh[60]
      Brian Williams
      Ellen DeGeneres
      Smith Hart
      Bruce Hart
      Keith Hart
      Dean Hart
      Bret Hart
      Ross Hart
      Diana Hart
      Owen Hart
      Ireland Baldwin
      Alec Baldwin
      Daniel Baldwin
      Stephen Baldwin
      William Baldwin
      Emily Deschanel
      Nicole Sullivan
      Kevin Conroy
      Tim McGraw
      Debbie Reynolds
      John Barry – father of the United States Navy; Irish-born[61]
      Patrick Edward Connor – Union general born in Kerry
      Michael Corcoran – United States Army general[62]
      James Hickey – leader of Operation Red Dawn; son of Irish immigrants[63]
      Stephen W. Kearny – US Army officer, noted for action in the southwest during the Mexican–American War[64]
      David Conner (naval officer)
      Andrew Lewis – Continental Army general[65]
      Alfred Thayer Mahan – naval officer and author whose work, including Sea Power, inspired the creation of the modern United States Navy
      Dennis Hart Mahan – guiding light and head of faculty at West Point for decades prior to the Civil War; influential author whose published works were the keystone for spreading engineering knowledge throughout the antebellum US; his Napoleon seminar at West Point informed Civil War strategies, North and South
      George Gordon Meade – commanding general of the Army of the Potomac who led the Union forces to victory at Gettysburg in 1863
      Thomas Francis Meagher – United States Army general, Fenian
      Richard Montgomery – Continental Army general[66]
      Audie Murphy – most decorated combat soldier of World War II[67]
      Lt. Michael Patrick Murphy – Navy Seal, Medal of Honor
      Timothy Murphy – marksman, Continental Army; parents were Irish immigrants[68]
      Thomas Macdonough, Jr. 19th-century Irish-American naval officer
      Jeremiah O’Brien – captain in Continental Navy[69]
      Joseph T. O’Callaghan – Medal of Honor
      John O’Neill – United States Army general, Fenian[70]
      John P. O’Neill – high ranking anti-terrorism expert[71]
      Molly Pitcher – Revolutionary War heroine[72]
      John Reynolds – general commanding the right wing of the Army of the Potomac who surprised Lee and committed the Union Army to battle at Gettysburg in July 1863; killed in the front lines while personally rallying troops for counterattacks during the first day of fighting
      Philip Sheridan – United States Army, General of the Army, Cavalry[73]
      John Sullivan – Continental Army general
      William M. Browne
      Richard Busteed
      Joseph Finegan
      William Gamble
      James Hagan
      James Lawlor Kiernan
      Walter P. Lane
      Michael Kelly Lawler
      Patrick Theodore Moore
      James Shields
      Thomas Alfred Smyth
      Thomas William Sweeny
      James McLaughlin
      Samuel Brady
      James Clinton Anglo-Irish
      Stephen Moylan
      James Moore (Continental Army officer)
      Hercules Mulligan
      Thomas Hickey (soldier)
      Richard Butler (general)
      Edward Hand
      John Shee – Revolutionary War hero Colonel John Shee[74]
      John Fitzgerald established the first catholic church of virginia and Aide-De-Camp to George Washington[75]
      Thomas McInerney
      Thomas White (patriot)
      Simon Girty
      Charles Clinton
      Myles Keogh
      Patrick Edward Connor
      Stephen Joseph McGroarty
      Robert Nugent (officer)
      John McCausland
      Lawrence O’Bryan Branch
      Peter O’Brien (Medal of Honor)
      John Gregory Bourke
      Edmond Butler
      Henry D. O’Brien
      Out of the 115 killed at Battle of Bunker Hill 22 were Irish-born some of their names include Callaghan, Casey, Collins, Connelly, Dillon, Donohue, Flynn, McGrath, Nugent, Shannon, and Sullivan[76]
      Robert Magaw
      Capt. Daniel Neil – Revolutionary war hero[77]
      John Rutledge – Anglo-Irish
      Richard Byrnes
      Bennet C. Riley
      Philip Kearny
      Main article: List of American musicians of Irish descent
      Main article: List of American politicians of Irish descent
      At least 22 presidents of the United States have some Irish ancestral origins,[78] although the extent of this varies. For instance President Clinton claims Irish ancestry despite there being no documentation of any of his ancestors coming from Ireland, but Kennedy on the other hand have strong documented Irish origins. Also Ronald Reagan’s great grandfather was an Irish Roman Catholic, and his mother had some Scots-Irish ancestry. James K. Polk also had Scots-Irish Ancestry. Kennedy and Joe Biden were raised as a practicing Catholics.

      Joe Biden (Irish and English)
      46th U.S. President a practicing catholic.
      Andrew Jackson (Scotch-Irish and English)
      7th President 1829–37: He was born in the predominantly Ulster-Scots Waxhaws area of South Carolina two years after his parents left Boneybefore, near Carrickfergus in County Antrim. A heritage centre in the village pays tribute to the legacy of ‘Old Hickory’, the People’s President. Andrew Jackson then moved to Tennessee, where he served as Governor[79][80]
      James Knox Polk (Scotch-Irish)
      11th President, 1845–49: His ancestors were among the first Ulster-Scots settlers, emigrating from Coleraine in 1680 to become a powerful political family in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. He moved to Tennessee and became its governor before winning the presidency.[81]
      James Buchanan (Scotch-Irish)
      15th President, 1857–61: Born in a log cabin (which has been relocated to his old school in Mercersburg, Pennsylvania), ‘Old Buck’ cherished his origins: “My Ulster blood is a priceless heritage”. The Buchanans were originally from Deroran, near Omagh in County Tyrone where the ancestral home still stands.[81] Buchanan also had pre-plantation Irish ancestry being a descendant of the O’Kanes from County Londonderry.
      Andrew Johnson (Irish & English)
      17th President, 1865–69: His grandfather suppoosedly left Mounthill, near Larne in County Antrim around 1750 and settled in North Carolina he was of English ancestry. Andrew worked there as a tailor and ran a successful business in Greeneville, Tennessee, before being elected Vice-President. He became President following Abraham Lincoln’s assassination. His Mother was Mary “Polly” McDonough of Irish ancestry 1782[81][82][83]
      Ulysses S. Grant (Possibly Irish, Scotch-Irish, English & Scottish)
      18th President, 1869–77: The home of his maternal great-grandfather, John Simpson, at Dergenagh, County Tyrone, is the location for an exhibition on the eventful life of the victorious Civil War commander who served two terms as President. Grant visited his ancestral homeland in 1878.[84] His grandmother was Rachel Kelley, the daughter of an Irish pioneer.[85] Surname Kelly[86]
      Chester A. Arthur (Scotch-Irish & English)
      21st President, 1881–85: His election was the start of a quarter-century in which the White House was occupied by men of Ulster-Scots origins. His family left Dreen, near Cullybackey, County Antrim, in 1815. There is now an interpretive centre, alongside the Arthur Ancestral Home, devoted to his life and times.[81][87][88]
      Grover Cleveland (Irish, Anglo-Irish)
      22nd and 24th President, 1885–89 and 1893–97: Born in New Jersey, he was the maternal grandson of merchant Abner Neal, who emigrated from County Antrim in the 1790s. He is the only president to have served non-consecutive terms.[81] Stephen Grover Cleveland was born to Ann (née Neal) and Richard Falley Cleveland. Ann Neal was of Irish ancestry and Richard Falley Cleveland was of Anglo-Irish and English ancestry[89]
      Benjamin Harrison (Scotch-Irish & English)
      23rd President, 1889–93: His mother, Elizabeth Irwin, had Ulster-Scots roots through her two great-grandfathers, James Irwin and William McDowell. Harrison was born in Ohio and served as a brigadier general in the Union Army before embarking on a career in Indiana politics which led to the White House.[81][90]
      William McKinley (Scotch-Irish & English)
      25th President, 1897–1901: Born in Ohio, the descendant of a farmer from Conagher, near Ballymoney, County Antrim, he was proud of his ancestry and addressed one of the national Scotch-Irish congresses held in the late 19th century. His second term as president was cut short by an assassin’s bullet.[81][91]
      Theodore Roosevelt (Irish, Scotch-Irish, Dutch, Scotch, English & French)
      26th President, 1901-09: His mother, Mittie Bulloch, had Ulster Scots ancestors who emigrated from Glenoe, County Antrim, in May 1729. Roosevelt praised “Irish Presbyterians” as “a bold and hardy race.”[92] However, he is also the man who said: “But a hyphenated American is not an American at all. This is just as true of the man who puts “native”* before the hyphen as of the man who puts German or Irish or English or French before the hyphen.”[93] (*Roosevelt was referring to “nativists”, not American Indians, in this context)[94]
      William Howard Taft (Irish & English)
      27th President 1909–13: His great great great grandfather, Robert Taft was born in 1640 in Ireland and immigrated to America, during the mid 17th century. Robert taft was from County Louth in the republic of Ireland, He died in Mendon, Worcester, Massachusetts.[95][96]
      Woodrow Wilson (Scotch-Irish)
      28th President, 1913–21: Of Ulster-Scot descent on both sides of the family, his roots were very strong and dear to him. He was grandson of a printer from Dergalt, near Strabane, County Tyrone, whose former home is open to visitors. Throughout his career he reflected on the influence of his ancestral values on his constant quest for knowledge and fulfillment.[81]
      Warren G. Harding (Scotch-Irish & English)
      29th President 1921–23[97]
      Harry S. Truman (Scotch-Irish & German)
      33rd President 1945–53[98][99]
      John F. Kennedy (Irish)
      35th President 1961–63 (ancestors from County Wexford)
      Richard Nixon (Irish, Scotch-Irish, English & German)
      37th President, 1969–74: The Nixon ancestors left Ulster in the mid-18th century; the Quaker Milhous family ties were with County Antrim and County Kildare and County Cork.[81]
      Jimmy Carter (Scotch-Irish & English)
      39th President 1977–1981 (County Antrim)[84]
      Ronald Reagan (Irish, English & Scottish)
      40th President 1981–89: He was the great-grandson, on his father’s side, of Irish migrants from County Tipperary who came to America via Canada and England in the 1840s. His mother was of Scottish and English ancestry.[100]
      George H. W. Bush (Irish, & English)
      41st President 1989–93: County Wexford historians have found that his now apparent ancestor, Richard de Clare, Earl of Pembroke (known as Strongbow for his arrow skills) – is remembered as a desperate, land-grabbing warlord whose calamitous foreign adventure led to the suffering of generations. Shunned by Henry II, he offered his services as a mercenary in the 12th-century invasion of Wexford in exchange for power and land. He would die from a festering ulcer in his foot, which his enemies said was the revenge of Irish saints whose shrines he had violated. The genetic line can also be traced to Dermot MacMurrough, the Gaelic king of Leinster reviled in history books as the man who sold Ireland by inviting Strongbow’s invasion to save himself from a local feud.[101][102]
      Bill Clinton (Irish, Scotch-Irish & English)[103]
      42nd President 1993–2001: He claims Irish ancestry despite there being no documentation of any of his ancestors coming from Ireland[81][104]
      George W. Bush (Irish, Scottish, Dutch, Welsh, French, German & English)
      43rd President 2001–09: One of his five times great-grandfathers, William Holliday, was born in Rathfriland, County Down, about 1755, and died in Kentucky about 1811–12. One of the President’s seven times great-grandfathers, William Shannon, was born somewhere in County Cork about 1730, and died in Pennsylvania in 1784.[102]
      Barack Obama (Kenyan, English & Irish)
      44th President 2009–2017: His paternal ancestors came to America from Kenya and his maternal ancestors came to America from England. His ancestors lived in New England and the South and by the 1800s most were in the Midwest. His father was Kenyan and the first of his family to leave Africa.[105][106] His great great grandfather, Falmouth Kearney, was born in the Irish town of Moneygall.[107]
      Michael Collins – astronaut with Gemini 10 and Apollo 11 missions[108]
      Jim Collins – Rhodes Scholar, MacArthur genius, bioengineer and inventor[109]
      John Philip Holland – inventor of the submarine; Fenian[110]
      Simon Hullihen – known as The Father of Oral Surgery[111]
      Charles McBurney – medical pioneer[112]
      O. Timothy O’Meara – mathematician, University of Notre Dame
      Muhammad Ali – former professional boxer
      Danny Amendola – NFL player
      Lance Armstrong – professional road racing cyclist
      Cal Bowdler – former basketball player
      Brian Boyle – NHL player, Florida Panthers
      James J. Braddock – professional boxer
      Tom Brady – NFL player, Tampa Bay Buccaneers quarterback
      Joseph “Joe” Brennan – Basketball Hall of Famer
      Courtney Brosnan, soccer player, international for Ireland
      Phillip Brooks (CM Punk) – WWE wrestler
      Tom Cahill – MLB baseball player
      Ryan Callahan – NHL player, Ottawa Senators
      Kyra Carusa – soccer player, international for Ireland
      Chris Coghlan – MLB baseball player
      Marty Conlon – former basketball player
      Billy Conn – professional boxer
      Dan Connolly – former NFL player
      George Connor – NFL player, Chicago Bears
      Gerry Cooney – professional boxer
      James J. Corbett – professional boxer
      Charlie Coyle – NHL player, Boston Bruins
      Matt Cullen – former NHL player
      John Daly – professional golfer
      Jack Dempsey – professional boxer
      Pat Duff – MLB professional baseball player
      Mike Dunleavy Sr. – basketball coach
      Mike Dunleavy Jr. – professional basketball player
      Patrick Eaves – NHL player, Anaheim Ducks
      Julian Edelman – NFL player, New England Patriots
      John Elway – NFL player, Denver Broncos quarterback
      Dave Finlay – former professional wrestler
      Whitey Ford – MLB player, New York Yankees pitcher
      Mike Gibbons – professional boxer
      Tommy Gibbons – professional boxer
      Mike Hall – professional basketball player
      Noah Hanifin – NHL player, Calgary Flames
      Luke Harangody – professional basketball player
      Jeff Hardy – WWE wrestler
      Matt Hardy – WWE wrestler
      Ben Hogan – professional golfer
      Holly Holm – MMA fighter
      Derek Jeter – MLB player, New York Yankees shortstop
      Patrick Kane – NHL player, Chicago Blackhawks
      Jason Kidd – NBA player/coach
      Joe Lapira – soccer player, had 1 cap for Ireland
      Jay Larranaga – basketball coach
      Jim Larranaga – basketball coach
      Tommy Loughran – professional boxer
      Brian McCann – MLB player, catcher for the Houston Astros
      John McEnroe – professional tennis player
      Donnie McGrath – professional basketball player
      Terry McGovern – professional boxer
      Kevin McHale – NBA player
      Larry Miggins – MLB player, St. Louis Cardinals outfielder
      Shannon Moore – TNA wrestler
      Charles “Stretch”Murphy – late Basketball Hall of Famer
      Connor Murphy – NHL player, Chicago Blackhawks
      Troy Murphy – basketball player
      Larry O’Bannon – basketball player
      Philadelphia Jack O’Brien – professional boxer
      Patrick O’Bryant – basketball player
      Mike O’Dowd – professional boxer
      Ian O’Leary – professional basketball player
      Troy O’Leary – MLB player, Boston Red Sox outfielder
      Ted Potter Jr. – professional golfer
      Jonathan Quick – NHL player, Los Angeles Kings
      Bob Quinn – current general manager of the Detroit Lions
      Dan Quinn – NFL head coach of the Atlanta Falcons
      John Quinlan – pro wrestler
      Ryan Max Riley – skier, US Ski Team
      Freddie Roach – former boxer, current boxing trainer[113]
      Kevin Rooney – NHL player, New Jersey Devils
      Ryan Shannon – NHL professional hockey player, won the Stanley Cup with Anaheim in 2007
      Sheamus – professional wrestler
      Kelly Slater – professional surfer
      Sam Snead – PGA Golf Hall of Famer
      Erik Spoelstra – NBA Head coach (Dutch-Irish American father)
      Giancarlo Stanton – MLB player, Miami Marlins outfielder
      John L. Sullivan – professional boxer, first Heavyweight champion of gloved boxing
      Gene Tunney – professional boxer
      Mickey Walker – professional boxer
      Andre Ward – professional boxer
      Mickey Ward – professional boxer
      Lenny Wilkens – professional basketball player
      Aaron Rodgers – NFL player, Green Bay Packers
      Billy the Kid – gunslinger[114]
      Thomas Fitzpatrick (trapper) – aka Thomas Fitzpatrick broken hand.
      John Kinney Gang
      Lawrence Murphy
      Bill Doolin
      Hugh Glass
      John Daly (outlaw)
      Hopalong Cassidy
      Jesse Lincoln Driskill Cowboy 1824–1890[115]
      Tom O’Day
      Sir William Johnson, 1st Baronet
      George Shannon (explorer)
      Joseph Breen – Production Code director
      Frank E. Butler – marksman
      The “Unsinkable” Molly Brown – born Molly Tobin; Irish-born father[116]
      R. Nicholas Burns – American diplomat, Harvard professor, columnist and lecturer; 19th Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs; 17th United States Permanent Representative to NATO; United States Ambassador to Greece 1997–2001[117]
      Mark Calaway – pro wrestler with the WWE, known as the “Undertaker”
      John Chambers (1922–2001) – Academy Award-winning makeup artist[118]
      Cheiro – astrologer
      Eileen Collins – first female commander of a Space Shuttle[119]
      Éamon de Valera – third president of Ireland
      John Dunlap – printer, printed the first copies of the Declaration of Independence[120]
      Wyatt Earp – lawman
      Henry Louis Gates – professor at Harvard University[121]
      Cedric Gibbons – art director
      Ann Glover – hanged as a witch in Boston[122]
      Dan Harrington – world poker champion[123]
      James Healy – Bishop of Portland, America’s first African-American bishop; born a slave according to the laws of Georgia to an Irish immigrant and his beloved African wife; first graduate and valedictorian of Holy Cross College in Massachusetts
      Michael Healy – Captain of the Revenue Cutter Bear; defender of Alaska’s Native Americans; inspiration for Jack London’s The Sea Wolf; prominent figure in James Michener’s Alaska; younger brother of James and Patrick Healy
      Patrick Healy – President of Georgetown University, considered its second founder; brother of James Healy; first African-American president of an American university; Priest in the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits)
      James Hoban – Architect of the White House in Washington, DC[124]
      Mary Jemison – frontierswoman[125]
      Bat Masterson – lawman
      Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis – former First Lady; her mother, Janet Lee Bouvier, was of mostly Irish descent
      Margaret McCarthy – migrant[126]
      Marguerite Moore – orator, patriot, activist[127]
      Paul Charles Morphy – chess player[128]
      Coco Rocha – Canadian model of Irish, Welsh, and Russian descent
      Ellen Ewing Sherman – stepsister and wife of William Tecumseh Sherman. Because they would have needed to buy a slave to help with the children, Mrs. Sherman refused to accompany her husband to command at the Louisiana military academy, which later became LSU. During the Civil War, she and their children took up residence at Notre Dame University, with which her family was closely affiliated.
      David Steele – Presbyterian minister
      John L. Sullivan – last bare-knuckle boxing heavyweight champion of the world; first gloved heavyweight champion of the world; first American athlete to become a national celebrity and to earn over $1 million
      Andrew Anglin – Neo-Nazi, founder, and proprietor of The Daily Stormer; a white supremacist, anti-Semitic news and commentary website.
      Kathleen Willey – major figure in the Paula Jones and Monica Lewinsky scandals involving President Bill Clinton; mother is of Irish descent
      Vince McMahon – professional wrestling promoter and executive American football executive Businessman (paternal grandmother is Irish descent)
      Seth Rollins – professional wrestler (Irish descent)
      Dana White – American businessman and current president of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC)
      Kayleigh McEnany
      Bill Murray
      Mariah Carey
      Harrison Ford
      John C. Reilly
      Macaulay Culkin
      Susan Sarandon
      Anne Hathaway
      Billie Eilish

  23. Sorry to rant on but English people are sick and tired of Irish (and Scottish) racisim/nationalism against us. Where Ireland is concerned, this comes predominantly, almost exclusively infact, from DUBLIN. It seems we open our arms to these countries, because after all they are our nearest neighbours, alot of us have Irish ancestry etc, we are generally very fond of the country…. but strangely we don't get the reciprocated sentiment back (World/European Cup anybody???)…. Either get on with it and live here like/with the rest of us or piss off!!!!!
    And ffs don't bring up the 'history'….OMG if we all carried on like that, none of us would be speaking to Germans or practically anyone else in the world for that matter. 3 words: GET. OVER. IT. You want to live in a black person's shoes for just a week and then see how you feel about prejudice. And no I'm not black and tbh I don't want to patronise black people by even making a comparison. I'm actually a quarter Irish myself. But if there really is a book entitled How The Irish Saved Civilization, I think it's time to start beng very afraid indeed.

  24. I'm 14.I was born in london in 1995 and my mother is irish and my father is english.Well he was born there but his father is from trinidad and tobago and his mother is from south africa.He's black and my mother has blond hair and quite pale.Yes i look very intresting,where do u se a red head with tanned skin and jet black eyes…people say i'm really preety every day…it actually gets quite annoying.Anyway i dont know why everyone is allways so stereotypical of the irish.From like one movie where the irish person(who wasnt even irish and had a TERRIIBLE irish accent)and all they did in it was swear,drink and fight.When the people who probally made that movie and believed in that rubbish are some what irish.The irish having being persecuted for many years and dont forget the famine which nearly wiped out the entire population,eaither dying or emmigrating.Before the famine the population was 8.5 million and now its only 4 million,we still havn't recovered from it in the 1800's.I moved to Ireland to the south in kerry (its georgeous!) in 2002 from london so my accent is kinda strange…a mixture between the two.So what the irish drink,doesn't every race drink??and no i have never seen any irish fight in bars or on the streets and our cities look a lot like your cities all with the same chain stores.In ireland St.Patricks day is a national holiday and we get a day off school woohoo for it.The parade consists mainly of children in their footbal,dance,art classes and people really dont get drunk and fight during the parade..i mean seriously…what century are u living in?Also no offence to any americans,i want to move to LA when i'm older.The standard of education is a lot lower.From americans that i know that moved to ireland,The school work that americans do in their senior year of high school,we do at the age of eleven and twelve.Like simultaneous equations,i learnt how to do them and algebra when i was 11 in school.Also there is no easy "multiple choice" questions in our exams.They ask u a wuestion and u better know what the answer is plus you have to learn loads of essays off.So nobody can say that irish people can't read or write because the have been since hey were four years old.I'm sure that not all americans arn't like this of course.This freak on the computer just doesnt have a life and gets his opinion of the irish from stupid stereo type movies that got some one scottish to do the irish accent.And i think more than half the world can claim to have irish decent…even you…and that's quite scary.

  25. I've never gotten the whole "Luck of the Irish" thing. What's so lucky about them? They got conquered by England like 6 times in 2000. Seriously, They are almost as sad as the French who haven't won a war in over 2000 years.

    • You absolute idiot.
      The Irish built new york city i hope you know.
      In 2000 please dont say your another ignorant american.
      You do know the irish leaving school exAM IS The third hardest in the world.
      The english GCSE and american equivalent is ticking boxes:L
      Any irish man would laugh at your silly tests.
      Your 2000 comment backing up your ignorance yes they conquered all 4 million of us,when they have a far far greater population you complete idiot

  26. IM irish and you know by posting this artical you are being really racist and rude and america is not the center of the world Ireland maybe small and we have stood up for you in wars people decinded
    to your country in the famine because we were all dieing over here also we never insult your culture and we all have as much rights to live on this planet as any of you people who are stuckup anof to write that

    • i suppose but i kind of have the right don't you think since im irish and this guy "ed" is beeing racist toward the irish?
      peace out

  27. The Irish have done nothing?… Why is Ireland known as the land of the poets and scholars then? What about the great artists, writers, musicians and poets like Joyce, Yeats, Kavanagh and Montague that have come out of Ireland? What about the Book of Kelts, Newgrange… Not all Irish people drink. Not all Irish people are religious. And from my experiences of America, we sure as hell are not as ignorant.


  29. irish and civilization in the same sentence,interesting.irish monks are the only reason we can read and RIGHT,downright funny.pick up a copy of the bible and find out how jesus can save a lost race of people.

  30. Irish and civilization in the same sentance?.irish monks are the reason we can read and RIGHT,ha ha.pick up a copy of the bible and find out how God can save a lost race of people.oh,three and tree their is a difference.

  31. Patrick was a christian first and foremost,you ignorant micks have romanised him and turned his name into a drunken pukefest.

  32. these protestants that formed the state came from Ireland. well the North of Ireland, many from the six counties which today remain in the UK. But Irish nonetheless, many expressed an identity seperate to Britain which can be seen in the American WoI and the 1798 rebellion here.
    Irish Americans came in two waves, first was the Irish Scots/Protestant Irish which were central to the founding of the States, and the second being the Irish Catholic wave after the famine, who which have played an integral part in the American society since.
    happy hannakah weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


  34. Irish ppl are useless, Ha Ha, What you gotta realise is that the majority of people on the Island consider themselves Irish not "Northern Irish" or "republic of Irish" and no matter how much you try to say otherwise that isnt going to change. Best bet is to get on with life and try and live together. By the way does someone who was Irish before partition all of a sudden become northern irish afterwards because the British government says so?? I think not. If you want to start playing the old childish games of the past, why dont the people who are british head off back to britain and join the rest of your brethren. The Irish were there first…. LOL

  35. im sure you have an amazingly detailed knowledge of irish history do you? one of your points about hating irish people was that we were "militarily weak"!! how ignorant and backward are you to use that as a reason for hating a people. i suppose your respect lies with who has the most tomohawk missiles? i actually pity you more than anything.

  36. are you mad "what have the irish done for america" ha the irish built america new york was built by the irish, the roads were built by the irish, the hoover dam was built by the irish learn your history, the irish are the second largest group in america after germans

  37. Why don't you go and read something, try Ulysses by Joyce.
    Some Irish are ass-holes, of course most aren't, some Americans are ass-holes, most aren't, most people posting on this are ass-holes, some aren't.
    Do you really think that what you're written here is well thought-out and based in reality?
    Why don't look up racism in the dictionary!
    Oh, I'll save you the trouble "Racism – The belief that each race has distinct and intrinsic attributes."
    >"You have fooled a lot of people by acting proud"
    Who isn't proud of their heritage?
    > "they ran out of potatoes in a land where almost anything grows, and with tons of livestock."
    I don't know why I'm replying because anybody can see that your totally unreasonable.

  38. I am english and I love Ireland, as far as I am concerned we are of the same cloth, although there are many who would strongly contest that statement there are many others who would willingly believe it.
    Ignorant, greedy Americans however are not the same, who the hell are they anyway? they have so many mixed creeds, colour and races in that country they do not know who they are or where they are from!! they have no ancestry of their own, they all originate from other countries so who the hell are they to slag off someone elses beliefs and cultures. Americans think they are somethink special but they are what they are on the back of the british and irish people!! ignorant pigs!!

  39. As far as the over the top wanting to be irish goes, the worst place for that is your country the U.S.A, where people are soooo desperate to cling onto some forign ethnic identity, by virtue of a long, long dead great, great grand parent that it makes u wonder how much they must loath the cultural identiy of your great T.V. addicted, pescription drug addicted, meth amphetamin addicted, Junk food addicted, gunt toating, country Invading, police state. The weather is good though.
    From an Englishman of Irish parentage who has lived in all three countries .

  40. what you dont realize is that the irish are a lot better educated race and i find it disgraceful you have made those comments seen as the americans are known worldwide for being polluting,obese,dumb and incredibly bad when it comes to sporting matters.

  41. You ignorant little prick.
    Typical yank.So full of yourself.Im Irish real Irish born and raised not some annoying American telling you their great great great great great great grandfathers uncles cousins brothers sisters neighbour was Irish.
    Guess what I may be a catholic but I dont have red hair really pale skin and I most definitly am not an alcoholic I dont even drink, oh and I dont say top of the morning or believe in leprauchans thats probably some stupid thing you Americans made up haha it probably is you americans and your ufo sightings and crop circles lol!

  42. Thomas, you should really learn to spell, use punctuation and write grammatically correct English before venturing to criticise others on intellectual grounds. As it is, you come across as a sub-literate, intellectually deformed individual, as someone who is trying to be controversial, or even perhaps trying to express some inchoate thoughts, but who has instead publicly embarassed himself by demonstrating that he lacks even the fundamentals of a basic first-level education. I'm guessing you are from N I.

  43. you are such an idiot, you really have no idea what rubbish you spout. I love the fact you hate us so much it is, in my opinion, a demonstration of how brilliant and successful we are in america, you hate us because we are loved the world over. Ha Ha to you.
    The Irish played no part in the murder of african americans, i seem to remember africans where sent to the Caribeen by various other Europeans none of which were Irish. As free men in American they had to deal with a puritin society who considered the african american and the Irish as being one of the same thing.
    The only mongrel race in the world is the americans, and yes my friend all germans did kill african americans and yes quite a number of jews catholics and others as well. Face facts you stupid idiotic mongrel.

  44. Get one thing straight before you attack the catholic church, there are FAR LESS cases of child abuse in the catholic church than any other religion, just research it yourself but the despicable jews and their media outlets are trying to destroy the church by ignoring all the abuse in other churches and even their own 'faith' if you can call it faith because it seems that they worship money and money is their God,
    The murder of the poor palestinian people will come back to haunt these devils and the jewish abuse lawyers that take on these mostly bogus abuse cases with no evidence just the words of mostly criminal moneygrabbers will burn in hell

    • billy you have a case but the Muslims have less child abuse then the catholics even though i am myself bust i did the research. yeah i agree Jews have done a lot of horrible things to the Palestinians.


      then they will truely no what a GREAT COUNTRY IS ROCK ON THE IRISH an we can party with the mexicans

  46. IRISH GIRL HERE u are soo rite we have sooo much history between both our countries alone and what have the americans MMMMMMMMM NOTHING they have no real history no cultur mmmmmmm dose mcdonals count as a cultur
    ENGLAND for world cup

  47. the english didn't teach the Irish how to speak….what you did was came over to us, raped and pillaged our land….forced us to speak English instead of our own native tongue, which we were speaking long before the Brits showed up. The brits couldn't be bothered to learn another language and had no respect for any other culture back then. It was the Brits fault that the famine happened in the first place because of their greed. And as for chasing 'native indians around'…i think you mean native americans…native indians would be the people who are from india. And we're the think ones??


  49. If your an arrogant idiot and talk to other People like your an arrogant idiot, then you'll be treated like dirt as you deserve. Anyone who paints all People with the one brush, is an idiot, pure and simple.

  50. Italy has long gone down hill since Leonardo Di Vinci!! that was a very long time ago. now all the Italian's are known for is being over weight and pizza!!
    the amount of Italians in Ireland running fast food joints. we have some pretty impressive poets of our own and the best musicians in the world. don't get me started on explorers i'll be here all night.. Don't be jealous Mario.

  51. i am irish and i am proud.
    but i abolutely love americans aswell!
    and i love potatoes 😀
    cabbage.. not so much…
    (with help of americans of course lol)
    ehh.. i suppose the english are ok too.. except the ones that are all " Ohh shes irish bate her!"
    dont like that type of english person..
    just thought id let you know..

  52. Jealous Brit. why don't u go on the jeremy kyle show with the rest of the backward twats. least were not banned out of every country in europe, when there's a football match on. and u say the irish can't handle their drink. hooligan fools.

  53. w.b yeats, oscar wilde, bram stoker, wrote Dracula, jonathon swift, wrote Gulliver's Travels. just a few famous poets and writers that came out of Ireland.
    a few irish invention, the submarine. guided missile, Binaural (double earpiece) stethoscope.
    can't name all because i'll be here all night.
    we all know about irish musicians the best in the world nobody can deny that. luke kelly,the script,the clancy brothers, and all the greats even if your in to them u2. were a step above the rest when it come to music. james hoban who was irish. was the architect who designed the white house, influenced by Leinster House, in Dublin, Ireland. did i mention that Halloween is also an irish holiday so if you say ireland didn't contribute anything to the world take a little time to learn some history!! and that just a few little examples iv'e given. what did the italians give the mafia and opera and pizza. ass raping romans and not to mention the best thing that came out of italy leonardo di vinci but that was a very long time ago and you should not be jealous that we are celebrated all over the globe..

  54. Irish people do not push St. Patrick's day on anyone. I'm sure they couldn't care less if other countries celebrate it or not. To say that they have contributed nothing to the world is very ignorant. I never understand why people have such strong opinions about things they clearly know nothing about. Your article shows that you are ignorant, aggressive, and hate filled. I would like to point out that most Americans are more educated that this author, and do not actually believe cliches. Some of the American posters here have done nothing for the stereotype of Americans as ignorant about other countries, loud mouths, and rude.

  55. We are the nearest country to Ireland (i.e. Wales) and always feel that the Irish tend to be over patriotic and think themselves something special.
    There also seems to be a high proportion around here who are always drunk and are looking to con people out of their hard earned cash. Never let an Irish man tarmac your drive (lol)!
    The country is also very backwards (reminds me of the UK in the 1950s).
    Just my real life observations and no offense meant to all the descent Irish out there.

    • i so agree with you. in australia they are the same. they are the ones that always are in drunk driving crashes.

  56. whoa whoa whoa!!!! geez why does everybody hate the Irish?!?! St. Patricks day is not a worthless holiday!!!!! There is a history behind it, obviously. dont diss the Irish until you've read up on facts. we have done much throughout history! you just wouldn't know because I bet ur a lazy selfish american huh? You dont have to celebrate St.Patricks day if you dont want to! It's your choice, but in case you havent noticed most people LIKE St. Patricks day. Go read up on your Irish facts, unless that is your too lazy. Stop being mean to us Irish people!

  57. if the Irish ruled America then wouldn't it be a Catholic country but in fact it is protestant! 51% of americans that claim to have Irish ancestry in fact don't as their ancestors were indeed ulster-scots. Fact- the Irish supported the Nazi's in the second world war hence the POPE being in the Nazi youth so why would anyone desire to be Irish or associated with the country. I mean the IRA, tatties,guinness,famine ridden is all the Irish are good for. They sing songs about the famine and feel sorry for themselves but no wonder the POPE loving,-child abusing priests are the way they are. Those people in Northern Ireland that say they are "IRISH" should scurry off back down South and leave the protestant community alone-what are they still doing there, its not as if the Ulster people are going to surrender they haven't since 1690 to be precise and they ain't about to give up now. All the irish have ever done is emigrate. Scotland is ridden with people of Irish ancestry. St patrick's day is a way of the Irish to say "WE ARE POPE LOVING MURDERERS-UNITED IRELAND" LOL a complete waste of time.

  58. Americans are known by the British of thinking there are Irish, Scottish or whatever even though their ancestors left the country like – 200 years ago! It irritates many people. And what is IRISH-AMERICAN? You are either Irish- born in ireland or American -born in America its not hard. There will NEVER be a united Ireland. Stop being racist about the Irish- (laugh) they are the Nazi's here. You just have to look at the Pope- Nazi Youth!

  59. Dude you basically just described Americans, think they're great, can't fight wars without help, and are completely unskilled. . . . .although you were wrong, with beat England. So unless you're talking about 'Irish' Americans, then you're just plain wrong. . . .

  60. this is pretty offensive to the religion that millions support.. and ye call the irish thugs, how many gangs and murdering physo's are there in america? more than the population of ireland.. yes everyone likes a drink here, its called having fun ye saddos.. im guessing your a man in his 40s who is not married and prob a virgin…. enough said

  61. the irish are really just english. most of irish culture is really english culture. they speak english in ireland, play irish football which is really the english game of rugby. the whole pub culture is from england, and a big chunk of irish live in england at one point or another. without england the irish would have no culture. the irish should thank every englishman they see for there culture.

  62. Gods chosen are the Jews, we dont even believe in hell for that reason.
    the Irish pray to a false god (mary) which is against the the word of god, so if anything youre further below christians for worshipping A. Mary and B. the Pope.
    i also hate the Irish. great article 10/10
    i am also not american.

    • … I don't think it's fair that you stereotype any one born in Ireland to be Catholic or even religious. I'm Irish, not religious in the slightest.

  63. read and Write english, dont be so stupid, Hebrew is one of the oldest scripts and thats still writen today, the same can be said about chinese, you know those real cultures that contributed to the world in a great way, unlike the irish.

  64. i myself agree. in Australia they are bloody every where and the flee here like cockroaches. they are the most rudest bustards you will ever meet. they think they are so great that they are in Australia and try to act like they are better then other people when they came from poverty, i am sorry if i feel so offensive this Irish bustards come to my house acting so posh and offended me. in australia they are one of the most hated people and most place don't like to employ them because they try to scam people. i love this article.

    • If you’re going to put down anyone learn how to spell before you do.
      Australia belongs to the (aboriginal people) that your evil white ancestors stole from, not white racist pigs like you Liz, Australia does not belong to you and don’t you forget that. At least the Irish didn’t live of people’s backs like your evil white ancestors did. Your race is the most hated race in the world, black’s hate you, Asians hate you, browns hate you and yes we Irish also hate you.

  65. He was English and was taken to Ireland for punishment. Then when he was released, he went back to Ireland. . . . atleast get it right

  66. The Irish supported the Nazi's? xD its called being neutral i.e. not taking sides. and for the most part the Nazis were actually incredible, they were the first to begin designing the nuclear bomb, they designed the hydrogen car, they proved that smoking caused cancer well before anyone else. Most of the so- called American discoveries were merely stolen from the Germans and hidden away when they lost the war, the hydrogen car would have destroyed the American car companies and the cancer bit the tobacco industry.
    How would the Irish supporting the Nazis have any effect on the pope in the Nazi Youth?
    The current pop would have been quite young and of little importance to anyone at the time and thus would have no connection to Ireland whatsoever.

  67. I am shocked at the level of racisim in this place. To Americans, the Irish have always punched above their weight in this world. It was the Irish and the Jewish people who built NY and is what is today. Majority of your presidents have Irish connections. Irish have done alot for you. Far more than most !!

  68. HAHAHAHAHAHA at the first comment!!
    All you true Irish people have a little Irish Humour and laugh at this boy!!
    To be fair he's quite witty and very stereotypical! This really shouldn't offend you!
    love the drunken faries ect – think he's been reading a bit too many fairy tales!
    As for Mexicans speaking English ….you really couldn't get anything more different!
    This guy's a JOKA!!

  69. this is funny. Yanks are the most retarded people iv ever met. We had to put a yellow line a meter back from ours cliff edges cause yanks kept fallin off. Ur all nothing but fat pricks with big heads who think u run the world. U should go on to youtube and look up stupid americans. Its priceless. Haha muppets

    • Hahaha did you hear Irish or American accents from those guys?? Cause if we were watching the same video those guys weren't Irish. So what does it say about Americans? Just because somebody claims to have a great great great great great Irish grandparent, does not make them Irish, it makes them an American idiot

  70. "Majority of your presidents have Irish connections" – This remark is a lot of nonsense – the only president of Irish descent was Kennedy. The Irish take so much credit for accomplishment of the people from Northern Ireland. who are in fact British nationals. Approximately 16 of US presidents where protestants from Northern Ireland also called Ulster Scots. They were descendants of Presbyterian Scottish brought to Northern Ireland starting 1610. This plantation is controversial to this day but the facts are these people are distinct people from Irish Catholics. And the Ulster [protestant people to this day resist aggression from Irish catholic nationalist who are trying to destroy them. And what a joke that is because the IRA have failed to do it in modern times.

  71. Ed Anger is a comical writer who writes for a comical "newspaper". Chill out people! I am Irish and I think America is cool. Most Americans I have met are smart people with a great sense of humour. Although some Irish had a bad time in America back in the day, the truth is that there was a lot more racism against the Italians, Germans, Spanish and Asians, not to mention the blacks than there was against the Irish. I think the Irish just talk about it too much and love to be viewed as the "victim". The Irish regements in the British army were quite nasty to the native New Zealanders and native Australians too. Irish regiments were also involved in wiping out native Americans as well. I say forget the past and hate the real enemy ie.. pesky dandruff.

  72. There were never 20 million people emigrating because we never had anything close to 20million people in the country 🙂

  73. Oh yes all the great men were Irish: Sean McHancock, Padraig McHenry and Tomas O'Jefferson.
    But seriously, the thing that was so incredible about these people was they cared more for their ideals than their ethnicity. These were patriotic Englishmen, who has has enough and said " ef it, we don't need to be English anymore."
    Reading your post I cannot even tell if you are American or Irish.

  74. How can one be offended by such an ignorant baffoon?
    Ranting about the Irish?
    Being of Irish decent myself..I laugh..haaaa
    We Irish have been around too too long to take some silly puppet rantings seriously..

  75. #1. The Irish left Ireland for America because of famine, poverty (& other issues that human beings sadly still face in many countries). Please tell me Liz, who is it that you think are the aboriginal people of America? Probably not your descendants! What I find amusing is that you actually refer to a race of people as 'God's chosen' people (what would be funnier is if you believe this to be true) ….. at the end of the day, we all came from Africa. So we are, one in the same at the core of it all!

  76. Anyone that has anything bad to say about anyone else country is only a wanker that needs to mind there own. I f**ng hate the English but I don't see the piont posting stuff all over the net it just encourages stupid f*** like the one that made this one up to spread hate….

  77. lol and they say that America is not ignorant!!
    1. the irish don't blow themselves up, thats us, thats us the northern irish. have you ever spoke to someone who lived in ireland, believing in fairies is a myth. And as to the Pope? Thats all catholics not just the irish, AND they dont pray TO the Pope. Catholics believe that God speaks through him. Is no one allowed to believe in their own religion?
    2. The Irish, are bilingual, which I'm guessing you are not.
    3. The Irish history is a lot older than Americans, between getting invaded, a lot. being sold as slaves and the great famine. So many americans descend from the irish.
    4. Its an IRISH holiday, no one is forcing America to celebrate it, if you have a problem take it up with your own country and not someone elses, but NOOO america can never do ANYTHING wrong can they. You put everything in a box, possibly leading to the reason why everyone thinks that Americans are stuck up, self-centred, ignorant, arrogant and overweight population that teach us what not to do.
    5. As for the alcohol, america have an alcohol problem in their young. Growing up with alcohol, no one i know are binge drinkers, we enjoy a drink, but thats about it. 1.
    7. Saying all we ever eat is potato and cabbage, is saying the Japanese only eat Sushi.
    By the way.. Russia, China, Iran, France, the list continues do not celebrate St. Paddys day, you should wonder why you do!

  78. listen the irish have plenty of history that half u brain dead arse holes wouldnt understand!! the irish didnt force st patrick day u[on the americans!!the americans stole it and claimed they were all 1/2 irish!!! and as for the fact the irish are egotistic maniacs?? have you americans looked in a mirror?? your all desparate fame whores who afre never going to get anywhere!!! and all the irish do is get drunk?? hello!! half of ireland doesnt even drink anymore!!you seem to think wer'e all alcoholic religous leprachauns!!!!!!!! WE ARE NOT!! saint paddy's day is an important holiday to us!! it marks the introduction of christianity to ireland!! you think its a weird tradfition??? AMERICANS CELEBRATE THROWING TEA INTO A HARBOUR!!! the irish are better than you will wver be

  79. slan leat!! ni feidir leat leigh e seo?? ta na gaelinn nios ffear i gconai!!! ta ár teanga feinn againn ghoid sibh teanga ó na bhreattanigh!! irish people are gr8!! u cant understand what i wrote can you??? ya im deep i speakb irish!!

  80. We would love England, if they would kindly remove the broom handle from up their arse and please return, we have the kitchen to sweep.

  81. This was actually written by an Irishman to get some of your Irish up.God has always shone his grace on the Emerald Isle and its people,who have always been victimized by racism,bigotry and Diaspora. The point here is that even in the land of milk and honey you Irish have here the same hatreds and prejudice,fostered by the English tongue.Remember; its ourselves alone.

  82. They contributed loads of bloodshead. What about all of the innocent British people, including loads of children, blown up by their bombs. We suffered that for years and now they are starting again. The irish sponsored and supported terrorism for years. You are the greatest storyteller if you expect people to believe your yarn.

    • I would just like to clarify that the VAST majority of Irish people think that those terrorist acts were horrendous and in no way support them! However, If you want to tar everyone with the same brush, there are rivers of Irish blood on British hands…… it is far from a pulpit that you should be preaching.

    • Ireland doent even have an Army they have a defence Forse. the are peace keepers. WE are peacekeepers. I can't believe that someone would make an attack on a ethnic group in this day and age have we learned nothing. I don't care what you think i really don't because i know the facts, And i know how Irish people have been slaughtered for hundreds of years. How The Irish in Nothern Ireland did not have equal status, were murdered and generally unprotected by the law. I completly disagree with violence but at least know it was not one sided.. Get a clue.

    • hello there. about 500 british civilians were killed in the troubles. and over times over 25 million irish were killed. think of that

  83. why would someone write such an uneducated article? i just want to say, on behalf of ireland that irish americans are not irish anymore. they are americans. just as the protestant irish (in the republic anyway) are not british anymore. they are irish, and proud. i'm irish and, going by my surname i would be descendent from britain. but i'm irish. you see, the reason i am proud is because we've taken a lot of s***! and have come through smiling. not because of our importance through history (though it does annoy me when you all say we were insignificant throughout history when the facts are blatent). why i don't like americans? they post ignorant and uneducated articles such as this one. they have no sense of belonging. perhaps i too am being ignorant in claiming that all americans are as ignorant as this person. why would you lash out at a country becuase they were forced to emigrate and populate your country due to oppression and famine. St. Patricks Day stands for peace and offers the oppertunity to embrace life. why would you object to having it as a national holiday? and all counties have had their golden age. britain had hers as did ireland beforehand. americas is coming to an end.

  84. The pope smokes dope and so do the irish. nofin new about that, maan! Just have decent birfcontrol, that all Im sayin. this world too overpopulated to hold all your potato farts in it.

  85. how exactly are the irish useless? there a quite a number of people here talking about irish history and the irish people as if they have studied it in depth when clearly ye haven't. we dont want a united ireland were happy out the way things are. you really should read more! wasn't Henry ford's father from ireland…!! everywhere the irish emigrated to we did nothing but work really really hard. if we were such a horrible race of people, why do sooooo many people try at any opportunity to proclaim their irishness(be it true or untrue), Especially americans.

  86. Its because america doesnt really have any deep culture. ireland is an amicable place. we are proud of our history and how far we've come, unlike many western countries who try to shy away from their history because of it's ominous rath of oppression..eg usa, england. so people want to idetify with something deep and harmless like irish culture. so stop being such a prude and dryballs just cause you suffer from your deep inability the have the craic!! if people want to party let them! its not like were starting a war by celebrating our natinal holidy. A bit of advice, go out more then maybe you will learn some social skills and realise enjoying yourself once in a while isn't actually an evil thing to do!!

  87. im irish and proud but i laughed out loud at rant and even more at the outraged posts that followed what we got is a sense of humour and an ability to laugh at ourselves sadly missing in most people keep up the good work / cant believe they dont get it


  89. Brilliant article mate! Irish think they own the world! Bars everywhere. They're all pope worshipping peodophiles!!! The famines over why don't u go home!!!! God save our queen!!

  90. wales is not a country it sold out to the english a long time ago ,its ruled by sheep and a englishman called the prince of wales ,no offence to decent welsh people out there

  91. as an englishman living in ireland, i have to say , i find the irish ignorant, naive, lacking in manners, __illinformed, no social skills and an overblown sense of importance, based on an underlying sense of importance that belies such a tiny country,

    • Then why are you here? Low budget airlines fly to the UK every day. The average Irish person is far better educated than English- the standard of general knowledge among the English working class is pathetic.

  92. Ed Anger sure does rip an interesting article with this one. Would like someone to report on his opinion regarding Obama. If Weekly World News can dig that up would love to see it in print

  93. And 'Irish'- AMERICANS are so well-educated???? They've had an american education so they are bound to be extremely stupid.

  94. And cockroaches are highly intelligent animals….unlike Australians….who are nothing but drunken convicts…and the women are like butch men and the men are ugly freakled faced chauvanistic people all living in the past.

  95. How could anybody be proud to call themselves an American? They are shallow, self centred people. They lack social skills, can't grasp humour and if the word "like" didn't exist then they would be unable to put a sentence together. It has been shown that Americans don't even know where they are on the globe. Thats how self obsessed they are. Bush represented the true Americans really, really well because that is unfortunately how you are all preceived world wide. It is quite obvious from most of these posts written by Americans, that they have never visited Ireland. If that is how they see the Irish then it is all text book stuff. I have been to America many times through work. I am never in a hurry to return because although they have been welcoming there was always a falseness an insincerity about them. When they smile, Their eyes never smile. A cold detachment of emotions. That is how they live their lives, detached.

  96. Typical bigoted hate-filled rant from some retard masquerading as a Protestant but preaching the Devil's hatred. Evil Satanist dolts like you give decent Protestants a bad name.

  97. Im irish 🙁 born, raised and curently living in ireland. Theres nothing wrong with irish people. SOR-RY if you don't like us, but its not our fault 🙁

  98. actually, i live in northren ireland and i just wish we all just stoped pretending irelands part of the UK because….. newsflash ITS NOTT ?!!! :((

  99. In defense of Irish people, I always enjoy coming home because there is no race in the world with as good a sense of humour, generosity, filial duty and intelligence- even amongst those who were not lucky or privileged enough to recieve a university education. And yet most still do. While you struggle with free healthcare, we have that and free third level education. We take care of our own, even if the current political system is failing, our hearts have been in the right place and will continue to do so, as opposed to your dog-eat-dog democracy.

  100. I am Irish but I have spent quite some time living in in Continental Europe, Australia, Canada and the United States. In particular- California and Arizona but I have been the length and breadth of the country. You do meet good and bad people everywhere and I refuse to lower myself to your level by tarring all your fellow countrymen with the same brush. I have met some utterly wonderful and also some idiot Americans but in their favour, they are some of the most accomodating people I have met across the board. Perhaps you can take a look around where you live and tell me everybody is up to your standard of judgement? (Although with that article I can see you are ultimately incapable of setting the bar very high.)

  101. So please, my American friends, do not take this personally. The following critique is aimed at the deranged individuals who concur with and you Ed: who-somehow-feels- you- are- entitled- to- an- opinion- sitting- on- your- overindulged- rear- end- with- your- finger- up- it -looking- for- a- better- healthcare-package- to- treat- ailments- that- will- ultimately- stem- from- your- own- inability- to- control-your-culture-of-instant-gratification-compulsion.
    At the very least, you should maybe invest the same amount of time doing something constructive such as studying or writing a thesis, in which you would actually have to do some research for instead of brainfarting your way into our lives with your confederate opinions that are based on nothing but mental masturbation to thoughts of the bad german porn kind. The brain expends energy while thinking and this is where my presumption of your morbid obesity stems from. Degenerate.

  102. Welsh people are really Irish.__In the old days they were Irish people __but some didn't know how to swim.__That made them afraid to get on the boat too.
    So they stayed put__Now they are called Welch.__Everybody knows THAT..!

  103. Your obvious contradiction is shocking to me. I think the spirit of the declaration is lost on you. The Irish that came here during the 1800s fled their country starving because of the oppression forced upon them by the British. They came looking for a better life willing to work hard and try to make something of themselves which many of them did, I don't see how this differs from the hopes of our founding fathers
    Also I have Irish friends and this misconception that all Irish people are pope mad catholics is simply not true.

  104. Poor ED is dying of envy.
    He gave us the best compliment of all,
    "The Irish are basicly Mexicans who speak English"
    BRAVO. The Mexicans know how to party.
    They have beautiful music and women who are
    loyal firecrackers…yes, just like the Irish.
    Sounds like he was shot down by an Irish woman.
    They also have more courage than Bat Boy himself !
    I'm in an Irish pipe bandand when my sad music
    makes people cry, singing, or dancing, we sound good.

  105. America was built by immigrant. Spanish, Mexican, African, Chinese, Polish, German, Italian, Irish……..
    I am an Irish woman who doesn’t drink or sing sad songs. I am also the type of person who shows respect and would never judge a person based on ethnicity.
    Many Irish came to America during a famine and worked hard to make a life for themselves in America, they played a huge part in building the infrastructure in America. They are a proud old race and as I live in Ireland i should know we don’t all sing, we defiantly don’t all drink, we most certainly do not believe in fairies and we don’t all eat potatoes, but the majority of us are friendly to people of all race, sexual orientation & ethnicity . As as for killing each other how little you know. We have a large amount of Protestant living in Ireland they are our neighbours and our friends. And if you really knew anything you would know that the Catholic Church is not as significant in Ireland as you may think….
    The Irish like many other ethic groups make America the diverse country it is today.. Enjoy it..

  106. From what ive observed the irish do have a lot of pride to the point they will either look down on you or want to pick a fight with you if you arent irish. Some talk a lot to look smart but if you actually listen to what they are saying you'll just realize it's stupid sh*t. Most are punks, drunks, or flunks. So far all I've heard is talk about how they fought in wars. No talk of scientific accomplishments. Unfortunently the US is littered with a bunch of irish thugs. Hey if they would just act respectful like everyone else and stop thinking they arethe sh*t I'd see no problem. But from what I've experienced they are racist trouble makers just acting like they want peace.

  107. I am Irish Myself. I do not drink alcohol. I do not take drugs. I live in this country. It would seem that the article written by ed anger at first glance is relative to a trolling article. It is intended for reaction from the internet community. So as to provoke reaction. As with all forums the above posts are nothing more than a creation of cognitive dissonance. Each and every poster is trying to create consonance. But in saying that as an Irish person the article speaks the truth. It is correct in every point. I MYSELF hate this country for it is full of Drunken Binge drinkers and alcoholics. It is full of ignorance, bitterness, and hate. Unemployment is at an all time high approaching 500,000. I was born a Catholic. I had no choice. I was just a child. I had no voice. But now I am totally an atheist. The majority of the Irish are a deluded bunch of God believing drunkards. St .Patricks Day MAKES me want to vomit. The leaders of this country cannot do their Job properly. The iRISH are one of the most ignorant people I have Known. I have been in many countries . I hated coming home to this despicable Nation. But I have no choice. For it is My home. The Irish are a very deluded bunch. With extreme self righteous tendencies . To any American Reading this I would be glad to be an american rather than Irish. Their are some descent people in this country like myself. But unfortunately we are the minority. Ireland is a drastic nation with pity full fools. Idiotic nonsensical and brainlesss idiots. The Catholic church is an institution for the mentally ill. It is either that or alcohol. When You walk the streets at night. It is unsafe. Crime is rampant. Criminal gangs are taking over the streets Of cities Dublin and Limerick. Limerick City is so dangerous that it is now referred to as Stab city. Over 3000 people have been killed from the troubles in Northern Ireland. Countless More maimed for life. Their was a time when a person from the republic and northern ireland were used as human shields. People were forced to drive cars into a designated areas that was targeted for bombings. This is a pathetic country. One could go on but I think I have made My point.

  108. ha…this is brilliant, jealousy is an awful thing lads!
    For the smart arse who wants all "irish" people to move to the republic, how about whether you classify yourself to be irish or "northern irish" you were born on the island of ireland, and no matter whether its the british, americans or the bloody french who claim the north, ur still going to be irish!
    Im in England at the moment, and to be honest with you "northern irish" means f**k all to british people, infact they dont give a flying f**k, to them were all potato eating, guiness drinking irishmen and women…not even the queen gives a F**k about ya! The british dont want ya!
    Is it a crime that the irish people are proud of their roots, proud of their country? ! Whats Britian got to be proud of, cold blooded murder of innocent people, not just in Ireland, throughout the world! Though i suppose england does have its football team to be proud of…o wait no…!
    And as for the Americans, what have they got to be proud of? Sending their children to an early gave by overfeeding them! Keep up the good work! haha!

  109. eh we built the white house and split the first atom which reluslted in the atomic bomb which had you win world war 2 and invented the submarine ireland has had and still does have some of the greatest musicians actors and artists in the world we also have 36 million people in usa claming to be irish!

  110. America is of every nationality; so go ahead and call me "fat, stupid, and whatever else."
    Who really f*****g cares! Oh, and my mother came off the boat! Who f*****g cares! And I despise ALL fast food!
    Humans are Humans, that's the problem in a nutshell.

  111. calm down every1.
    1. Ed Anger is a joke.
    2. For the ppl saying they dislike Irish b/c…(and are not joking)
    stop using this post as an excuse to be racist

  112. what a bunch of ignorant people. ireland has a great and sometimes tragic history. who cares what part of the world you come from? st patricks day is the only national holiday i know of which is celebrated nearly world wide,no one is forced to join the celebrations.. little bit of bad news for all you irish hating people, our stupid government has practically bankrupt our country so we are emigrating by the thousands again. we have for the first time in history a lot of non irish people living and working here because of the so called "celtic tiger", and to each of them and their families welcome and enjoy the "craic". thats not the "crack" that most people will assume. honestly cant understand the stupid ignorant comments on here. are all the irish drunk?are all americans fat?are all british stuck up? are all polish working for less moner?, grow up and educate yourselves those bigotted people who have commented on here..
    if any of you ever visit our country you will receive a "cead mile failte",, hundred thousand welcomes.. nice talking!!!!!

  113. Well holy crap, you should really read back over what you said ED ANGER . . . and think of how you seem to the world outside your little computer . . get laid much???? – mite take the edge off, and by the sounds of it you could use a few drink yourself. The reason Irish people get drunk so much in America is to make it easier to deal with Americans LIKE OMG – spa!!!!!!!

  114. most Irish can trace their roots to Northern Germany and the Viking, Saxon, Frisian and Angle clans, even red hair comes from the invaders. So how Irish are they?

  115. I rest assured in the knowledge that we Irish are, and always will be, infinitely more popular than that most globally despised waste of space- the racist.

  116. To Irsh ppl r useless-Clues in the name love,the country is called Ireland and that is why that still to be returned part is called Northern Ireland pretty much acknowledging it is very much a part of the whole.They can even have IRISH passports if they want to and many do.Roll on the day when even our Protestant brethren in the north realise we wouldn't shaft them like the British government have.Time for them to embrace their inner Irishness like the good Irish people they really are. 😉

  117. Well, u americans really are a bit slow…. Everthing u said here is a stereo type…. Just like me callin u a fat retard because ur american… UP DE RA!

  118. Well us Irish did a lot for history even America We built the White-house we gave the world Dracula much more things that I cant remember lol I say ill get a bashing for not remembering .Anyways why are you acting like America has no problems.I like your stereotype knowledge its very good.And most of the people I know don't even believe in god.

  119. If you hate us Irish so much, why did you waste your time writing about us? Couldn't you use your deflated tyre of a brain to think of something constructive to do?.. honestly.

  120. Hi there, I am an Irishman living in Australia who has stumbled across this website tonight, most of it assine, however, one should point out most persons in your first paragraph were protestant not through Irish as you classify Irishness on this site . I loved Liam Clancy's brilliance but I cant stay up long enough to list Italian contributions. One thing we have in common is the poor government, made up of catholics. By the the way I am a devout atheist who was a catholic.

  121. What the hell is your problem! We believe in fairies? Your a horrid american or whatever country your from (probably america!). And we don't drink all the time! Thats insulting! Yes the irish tend to drink and not all the time! 50 years ago it was normal for the father to come home for dinner and then head off to the pub. Some are alchoholics but they're in every country not just ireland! And st patrick is the patron st of ireland so we celebrate him every year and thats when everyone tends to drink! And why do you all pressume we speak like this " a lads now ye're a disgrace……". We have accents (just not everybody and some have it really strong) just like you americans and your " oh my gawd, like look at that leprachaun". Yeah thats right!……. One st patricks day my friend (who just happens to have bright red hair!) was sat on the grass at a hotel because our families had dinner there and some americans came over when my friend left to go to the bathroom and started asking me things like "whats it like to know a leprechaun?", and some other rather strange things. And they were dead serios! Idiots! Accusing us of being drunks and thick red heads with culchie accents!!!!!!

  122. whole??? Hmmm…. must be that good job those Irish Monks did in preserving literacy. Lay off the juice so you can get your words spelled right, dude. Irish need to step off this high-and-mighty stool they are standing on. The only thing that holds them together s a people is their congregating in bars with like- minded drinking companions and sticky mashed potatoes, which have become a detriment to the health of this country. All of the Irish people I know are corrupt. Stick that under that hideous gnome statue standing outside your house! Better yet, why not put it in his hands and have him hold it up like a banner!

  123. Now theres some accomplishments…. drinking and fighting.
    Why not grow up & let go of the chip on your shoulder; maybe apply yourself to something more useful?

  124. the irish are not the only monkeys in the british isles…yes the scotts and welsh…but you sittin down?…the english are essentially monkey, i mean irish, I mean celtic…no joke…latest gene-based research says that even england proper is mostly of celtic ancestry, not germanic as is the common wisdom…which means i guess that most of us americans are monkey people also as the biggest source of immigrants here was england…see "saxons, vikings, and celts: the genetic roots of britain and ireland" by bryan sykes
    eeee eeee!!! eeeehhh uu uu uu uuuuu ee eeeee!!!!!

  125. I was born in england to irish parents and in england when i'd say my parents were irish they thought that was awesome. We moved back when I was 9 years old. We went for dinner at a pub that evening because we had not got a cooker yet, and expected to see a lot of drunks but the majority of people weren't even drinking anything remotely alcholic! I asked my dad why and he said the irish tend to only drink on special occasions and st patricks day. But I asked him why Ireland has like the 2nd highest alchol consumption rate in the world and he said it was mainly the tourists who drink now a days. People get the wrong idea about the irish. Why do you hate them? What have they ever done to you? Whats your problem? And what

    • "Why do you hate them? What have they ever done to you? Whats your problem?"
      they need to hate somebody — at least in america … we are an easy target because we dont attack back … and we dont cause we really aint much of a "we" as compared to other groups which are more cohesive… and the cowardly bigots know that…which is why they choose us to pick on us in first place. further the upside is great as there is so much bs about us…it makes us seem that we are far more numerous and socially stronger than we really are so they feel like big men going after the "big mic", the supposed tough guy whose ancestors hailed from that island over there which surely must be the size of most of the others

  126. youve got it kinda backwards…its the english who are really celts……see "saxons, vikings, and celts: the genetic roots of britain and ireland" by bryan sykes

  127. "Im irish……………. and im not useless"
    well i AM useless…but the exception proves the rule…i dont know why but it does

  128. Evidence for this story please – otherwise it's an unprovable empty rant ! Details please – details !! Names, dates, places etc etc

  129. i am Irish and i fell this is kinda racists u dont judge people on their religion or nationality, and what i heard when all the irish went to America they build cities like new york and Boston,
    and also America is the most hated nation in the world i feel embarrassed for you

    • Beeing Irish you should certainly feel embarassed a whole lot and then some.95% of Americans with Irish ancestry vote for liberal democrats like Bwarny Fwank or Shumer who
      accepted tens of thousands from Maddof.Irish democrats are either corrupt to the bone like
      Bulger or discheveled poor misguided leftist rabble-rousers.

    • r u kidding me do u c wat name u used to respond…r is that just supposed o be ironic…if so its not funny and us a complete fail…Padraig

  130. Ireland is a secular republic with a secular constitution! That is a fact!
    The majority of Irish Americans are of Presbyterian extraction.
    Both the Protestant and Catholic Church in Ireland celebrate Saint Patrick's Day.
    Personally, I would presume that being the second biggest ethnicity in the States, Irish people have contributed a lot!
    One noticable contribution is that Americans pronounce their R's which comes from Irish immigrants. Only for Irish immigrants, you would have adopted the inability to pronounce an R just like the British!

  131. Northern Ireland is in Ireland! Otherwise, it would just be called Northern. It is quite logical!
    Ireland has only been divided for 80 years and only about 800,000 people on the the entire island are against reunification. The devision is completely artifical!

  132. We in Britain will never forgive the Irish for their insulting attitude towards our gracious royals.
    The fact that Gaelic was replaced by English is just another illustration of how the British brought civilisation to the hordes of irish primitives. A six pack and a boiled potatoe says it all.

  133. this is rediculous, the irish are one the most liked and wellcoming people on the planet. and in any way you cant judge a race as a whole it is the individual that counts, so next time you want to put a nationality down remember the individuals who built your country

    • maybe they are to your face, its what they do behind your back you should think about, beware the mayo man for he care for no man but himself

  134. This is the most pointless piece of bad writing I've ever seen. Not to mention ill informed and immature. You shame your country and reinforce the global idea that America has serious problems with it's education system. Get a passport and see the world. Then comment.

  135. Lol, americans really are dumb. You cant even spell!! Go get an education before you start posting things on the net, trash. I mean, could you even find your country on a world map?! Doubt it! I dont think I've ever come across such a close minded, ignorant and downright DUMB nation of people. Have you ever travelled outside of your own country or even state?! Doubt that too! Europeans travel and educate themselves and appreciate culture and diversity. Americans, well, you lot just shoot eachother up and procreate (much to our dismay!) and say ridiculously embarrassing things. Whoever wrote this article should be put down, before they get a chance to spread their seed and make more dumb animal americans!!!

    • buba= insecure tiny weener personality disorder
      what happened Buba u tried to score an Irish woman and she rejected you?! thought so!!! lol

    • Amazing is a huge world, come down…I would say more behind the time and wild where the ignorance is living…

    • I don't understand, why you have to mention willies. Is this the only thing the Irish has, their willies bigger than American? That is really saddddd but yeah, maybe that is the only one, 😉

  136. your just jealous of the irish.
    The irish would have this world takin over if it wasn't for alcahol.
    They have the best sence of humour on the planet and always see the good in every bad situation.

  137. Before you go and judge the Irish, you might want to go and actually have a conversation with one who isn't in a bar. Not all Irish people are alcolholics so get your facts straight. And I think its sad that you make reference to leprechauns, no one in Ireland even talks about them, its yee yanks that dont stop shut up talking about them! And may I ask add what is wrong with Mexicans. I can tell from that piece that you are a incredibly rude and racist person who seems to have low self esteem that feels the need to talk about other cultures. Before you go ranting on about other cultures take a closer look to home your country aint that great Dude! So get a life and move on maith an fear!
    Ps Potatoes Rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  138. I think that they irish are ok to a certain extent , just depends on what terms and with regards to what . i think its a bit harsh to genralise the whole country as it just doesnt make sense. However, i have to admit that id never trust a person who is irish..and mainly for two reason :ALCOHOL & ATTITUDE. and their very selfish tendancies.
    I'm 32 yo and i have never met an irish person who cant leave alcohol alone, i mean ffs, why they have to plan to get hammered every weekend just bemuses me, i think that between 60%-80% are just simple pissheads.FACT
    another thing with the irish ..in my experience, is that you just cant trust them, ( i just cant put my finger on it ..all i do know is that id never employ one again. in 10 years of our business we have caught about 9 people stealing ,5 of them were irish , 3 were scousers and 1scottish. about a year ago i vowed id never take on a celt again…im my experience they never cased me nothing but trouble..not to add the distress they caused other team members because of their constant unprofessionalism and lying.
    actually , thinking again i think i do dislike them if im being honest…i mean why would i like them…they have proven to me that they are dishonest , scheming, and overall a nasty kind.maybe its the way they are brought up …and the general attitude of the irish…who knows, just as long as they dont come near my life or my families.

  139. Two words moron – Benito Mussolini 🙂 Yeah Italians never forced anything on anybody sure. Research the Italian occupation of Ethiopia, where the Italians rather loved to massacre people. And use mustard gasbombs on the Ethiopian military and the civilian populace. They loved their concentration camps Croatia too. Nothing against Italians, I love their people, culture and have visited their country many times but please don't be ignorant of history.

    That's not true. The Irish invaded Western Scotland, West Wales and Cornwall. The Brythonic Celts did not trust the Irish and gave them the name 'gwyddel' meaning 'raider'. St. Patrick was abducted during one of these raids.
    Saying that, I like the Irish. Nice people.

  141. There isn't that much Irish culture left anymore. The countryside is very Irish but Dublin felt like a mix of British and American culture to me.

  142. I think this was satire, guys. Calm down. 300+ comments being ignorant racists, one way or the other? I know there's idiots in every country but goddamn, I thought we had a sense of humour…

  143. I am unfortunately half Irish. That side of my family are a bunch of drunks who cause trouble for everyone who knows them. Usually drop dead from drinking or fall down the stairs drunk. Drinking, fighting and screwing until Mr. Willie stops working from too much alcohol. Few make it to old age. I avoid them like the plague.

  144. I had a chance to experience the Irish nation…. i have to say i was not fund of it… most filthiest and disgusting nation iv ever seen…yakkk

  145. I love the Irish. Such a fine bunch of erudite scholars this world has never seen. The descendants of Colmcille, of centuries of learning, of craftsmanship, of manuscripts, of art, of bards, poets, harpists, of kings, táinistí and druids, The people who century after century have resisted the most powerful empire in the history of the world. There's is much to admire in the Irish, in particular in those people in Ireland who continue to speak the Irish language, play native Irish games as organised by the massive organisation known as the GAA and play traditional Irish music. For such a noble, strong and admirable tradition to continue despite the colossal British military, economic and political might is worthy of immense respect by any standard. Long may Irish culture and distinctiveness continue in its best, positive sense no matter what the British do to suppress the flame of Irish freedom.

  146. I have to agree. The Irish, for the most part, are shower of idiots and I'm Irish. Cant have a real conversation with an Irish person. Cant make deep freindships with Irish folk. The women are for the most part chastised. They have a frame of reference as wide as a keyhole. Intellectually speaking they are lost. Idiots I have to say.

    • They take the piss in all the world as they are well known as drunk people….in Saint Francisco I have seen a T-shirt on which there was irish yoga drawn, people were laying on the ground in different positions as drunk…

  147. I wish one day this island finished at the bottom of the ocean….disappearing forever…they are too proud of their Crap

  148. ddorfing If u studied harder at school and got sufficient grades to attend university you might actually be in a job you like instead of being stuck making coffee in some accounts department managed by the Irish- see its not really the latter you hate its yourself for being such a loser!!!
    P.S. Get an education x

    • The problem is that irish people in general are loosers and they believe to be clever…without foreigner they could not have a prosper economy as you irish are unable to work…then the bunch of money came too quick and you f8ck yourselves with your hands….as you cant manage even money…you ignorant so now there is the recession

  149. STOP GENERALISING David should the world hate America because Ted Bundy was a sick man who happened to be American??? Thats the problem with this world too many generalisations perpetrated through ignorance and hatred.

  150. Cormac homosexual slurs should not be used in your defence of the Irish okay don''t retalliate with more bigotry thanks.

  151. Jack you are a prize c**t and a traitor I am Irish myself and spent 5yrs living in NZ and I am disgusted at your put down of your own people and country sounds like your racist against your own people what an irony and what a pathetic excuse of an Irishman actually you don't deserve to be called Irish are u sure ur not British u sound soooooooo bitter!!!!

  152. Firstly Ed after reading ur racist statement I have no doubht but that your are an IGNORANT ARSEHOLE. If you ever visit ireland and left ur narrominded, braindead country you would soon realise that the irish are highly educated people, which are open to to all religions and cultures. It seems that your until you take your american flag out of your hole and open your eyes you will remain a Stupid Yank!

  153. ders tonnes of gud lukin irish people
    pierce brosnan
    saoirse ronana
    cillian murphy
    danny o'donoughue fron the script
    irish are just the same as everyone else so leave us a lone and put all your pathetic anger elsewhere.

    • No Irish person I know hates the English and I know quite a lot seeing as I live in IRELAND. England (and Britain) are our closet allies.

    • Such sentiment is somewhat lost, between the subtle lines of arrogance, and the oppressive wave of injustice bestowed upon the emerald Isle at the behest of your blood – lusting, nefarious,
      vultures you refer to as ancestors, more like vicious, incompetent vessels of hate if the truth be known.

    • well youl find that your ancestors basically tore our country apart stole our food and money and completely forbid us from speaking our own language i dont have a problem with english people as my mum is half english but if you look at the history you will learn why some people hold a grudge

    • They have hundreds of years of reasons to. Except for the few most Irish of today, do not hate them. We all have family members that fought in two world wars for the British, and also fought in Yemen and other places for that. We all have cousins living there because a lot the Irish who fought stayed in the army and brought their families over, and others that didn’t stay in the army, stayed in the country too. So you are most likely to be the reason the few have no time of your ancestors. And all these years later, it’s a non issue.

  154. May I ask how are we without a culture? I know we are going through some economic strain but Greece is a lot worse than us. Ireland is also one of the most pro-European countries in the EU

  155. In this article you have made some idiotic remarks. Firstly, the pope is the head of the Catholic Church, no one prays to him. No one in Ireland believes in fairies. It is folklore and legends. And with the whole 'blow each other up' bit you only hear about the bad stuff that happens between Ireland and the North. So much progress has been made between the two that any time I have gone up there is no hard feelings whatsoever. The statue of liberty was given by the FRENCH to America as a gift. The reason? It was about the french revolution so no it would never have been of Ourlady. And finally 'pray to the wrong Jesus' ehh Catholics are Christians so how it could it be a different jesus?

  156. What i have just read is disgusting !! U racist pricks !!! Ireland is a great country and we dont believe i bloody fairies its flipin folklore not everyone has red hair and the 'dots' are called freckles and not everyone has them either !! How about u actually come to ireland and stop believing every stupid stereotype u hear from people that dont have a flipin clue!!!! Ive never seen something so offencive !! :@

  157. Not only are your prejudicial, and incessantly ignorant remarks, a reflection of your obviously deprived educational merit, but you lack the ability to ferment complex thoughts with lucid articulation. Perhaps in future, you may consider impregnating your brain with actual facts, before you allow your thoughts to meander and gestate, such fractured fallacies. I am quite proud of my beautiful Island, which was not built on impoverished ineptitude, or preconceived illusions of superiority, but structured upon the minds of some of the greatest literary scholars, to grace the pages of time. If you ever have the privilege of visiting my home city of Cork, I will be more than happy to acquaint you with the facts, so that when you leave, you will be well versed on what it means to be Irish believe me!! It's quite sad that America is still in puberty, and has many years of maturing yet to do. Sláinte, George.

  158. Loving your Random mix Of Upper and Lower Case letters Jack. You're doing A Fantastic Job selling the (mis)Education of your Country. Stop trying to use big words and lose the Tall Poppyness, be proud of where you come from regardless of its issues. Maybe think about having that drink…

  159. I am irish I get drunk and I have a laugh I enjoy my yourh …I am born a catholic but I am not religious nor is anyway my age ireland if fighting against the catholic church at the moment because of its past with sexual predators so ireland personally does not want the vatican to take over america And also you hate us cause we get drunk and sing sad songs ..well i hate u because of ur gun violence I hate how ever year your public schools keep dumbing down what they teach meaning ye have the worst education possibly in the world .Your stupid enviormental policy you treat your rivers like your toilet .How your small fries is a large one in ireland and you wonder why theres such a weight problem .Krispy kreme doughnuts because as long as your all goign to be clincally obese you might aswell die with donut powder on your lips.How you buy oil from the arabs and drill into the amazon wen you could find an alternative way but that would mean using your brain which you were never taught how to ….I hope yu enjoyed reading that you might see how getting drunk and singing a few sad songs isnt so bad now .

    • Drunk useless human being=IRISH
      Medium level of intelligence for IRISH=genius already as the rest of the population is under the medium avarage so its retarded but irish consider this level of intelligence as normal

    • Um, maybe you should sort out your grammer and punctuation before you post on a public forum, Clara?! Your post is a mess.

  160. F*&*k"ing country Ireland. I have never seen such a sh£t place in my whole life…awfull weather, dreadfull people…horrible cities…if someone wants to end his life, this is the best place where to do it as it helps a lot….I wish I have never came here…huge mistake…so many nice places where to live or to go on holidays and Ireland is not in the list….

    • Again Gill you sound really really bitter.You must be a failure and hate yourself and everybody else for it.Gill,you are the type that will drift around Europe scrounging wherever you can.You will resent your failure and continue to beat yourself up.Sure you are welcome back here anytime..

  161. Jack, I couldn't agree with all of what you have said more. I have always felt very out of place here, despite the fact that I am, unfortunately, Irish. The people are, at large, superficial, mundane, and incredibly sheep-like in their behaviour. If you don't like booze and sports, forget about it. I hope to emmigrate to America within the next year.

  162. I am Irish and completely agree with you. I work very hard, but still have to put up with this nonsense all the time. Moving to America where people actually care about and value their jobs and focus on something other than getting to the pub at 5.30pm is my dream.

  163. I wish irish do not exist…they are racist and thats why people do not like them.
    They are too osbessed by themselves and too arrogant to be nice people…they threat who is not irish like sh8t, so why the rest of the world should threat them better? I totally dislike them and their "country"…What really piss me off is that they are the most ignorant creatures on the earth and they think are the best in the world…they cant work, they cant make decisions, they do not have culture. The way how they live in that island is impressive as everything look like is made to let you live like sh8t…poor quality in food , in accomodations, in style of life in general…I am sick of this place, I dont want to hear about it anymore….

    • I have to disagree. I moved here from Poland 5 years ago and found Ireland to be just great. I have made a good life here and do not understand where the negativity with all these comments has come from.

  164. Even australian people hate them as they act as if they are in ireland, getting drunk as crazy, picking up fights and making only troubles…I think they hate them all around the world as they cant behave normally. They are lazy and incompetent in their job and they think they are brillant…the only thing they can do is to be at the pub at 5 to drink as sponges till they vomit…Dublin is absolutly a dirty city, cover by escrements and vomit and has a terrible atmosfere always so gray. I think that a place like Ireland should not even exist for the love of God and the human beings….

    • Jordan
      My god you really do have a bee in your bonnet.Whats the problem, were you caught scrounging off the welfare system or did you lose your job ?Where do you and yours head off to now–mmmmm
      somewhere 30 of ye can sqeeze into an apartment , live off cheap vodka and scrounge off the welfare system.

  165. Yeh Gill we are everywhere and you had better get used to it.Do not forget my dear Gill that we breed like rabbits.Gill,we Gaels(Irish ,Scot and Welsh)together with our close colleagues the Anglo (English) civilized this god foorsaken world -you read like you are the polluter.

  166. Just do that ddorfing -change your name asap because your grammer is atrocious–sounds like you are another Vodka drinker who has been caught out by the welfare people–next stop?-wherever i can earn E2 an hour ,share an apartment with 30 others and live offl cheap vodka .

  167. Recognizing your natural talent we brought you lot in to do the crap jobs.Now that we do not need you you become resentful and bitter.Is it the fact that you worked for e2 an hour while also claiming social welfare ,have been exposed and cannot take it.Please use your proper name and do not sully the great Irish name of Rosemary with your diction..

  168. Ludmilla
    You must have lost the old dish washing job and welfare or even the boyfriend .Sure dont worry about little ireland at the bottom of the ocean off you go to another land to scrounge and drink vodka

  169. I hate the irish….I hate ireland….I hate the irish…….I hate ireland…I hate the irish……I hate ireland…I hate the irish……I hate ireland…I hate the irish……I hate ireland…I hate the irish……I hate ireland…I hate the irish…..I hate ireland…I hate the irish…..I hate ireland…I hate the irish..I hate ireland…I hate the irish…..I hate ireland…I hate the irish…..I hate ireland…I hate ireland…I hate the irish…..I hate ireland…I hate the irish…..I hate ireland…I hate the irish…..I hate ireland…I hate the irish…..I hate ireland…I hate the irish…….I hate ireland…I hate the irish……I hate ireland…I hate the irish…….I hate ireland…I hate the irish…….I hate ireland…I hate the irish…

  170. Will you please get a hold of yourself?
    It is evident from your extract that you do not understand Ireland, its culture and the wonderful holiday that is St. Patrick's Day.
    I agree with you in the fact that many people use the day as an excuse to consume an excessive amount of alcohol, but that does not vouch for you to start calling the entire group of people ignorant idiots.
    I understand that we have our fair share of imbeciles, and I am not proud of those people, but so, too, does the Land of the Stars and Stripes – probably in a higher concentration!
    So, until you show me your History Degree (IRISH History Degree) or your academic achievements, your words are meaningless.
    I love the United States, probably more than Ireland – but you have no right to make these ridiculously bigoted assumptions. You've probably never even been there for God's Sake!
    Racist idiot….

  171. This is so offensive its unbelievable! Funny how u americans are viewed as big mouthed fat sorry obese drama queens who have taken over from the English in invading other countries and stealing their resources and claiming them for their own. Hence the whole 9/11 etc. There are many people in my country who are idiots and drink to much or take drugs, unlike america where no one drinks or takes drug or is plain thick! Oh wait yes there is in fact america had major drug problems before any other country and this state has filtered down to other countries over time. Who ever u r who started this thread ur a useless feck of a person who I hope is targeted one day by his own homegrown criminals and gets his comeupance! Prick

  172. The view you hold is only a mirror of your own inner riches or your own inner turmoil and an indication of your placement on the evolutionary tree

  173. Ireland = terrorist breeding ground shame you guys didn't stand up to the nazi's in WW2 instead of trying to collaborating with them eh? And the irish are the most racist cunts out ain't many blacks in ireland is there now and you hate anyone who isn't catholic or gaelic you dirty swine

    • you are an idiot i am an irish southern protestant and have never received any ill treatment.I have many friends both catholic and protestant.while you call ireland a terrorist breeding ground you are neglecting to mention the fact that the british army has killed or helped kill more civilians then the IRA and loyalist paramilataries combined.you seem to be an ignorant fool,who has no knowledge of irish politics or history yet you come on here making foolish statements.ireland may have been racist in the past however,we are now a multi-cultural country which sees none of the pointless riots which were seen in london recently.If you read up on your history im sure you will see the british army are responsible for more acts of terrorism then any paramilitary organisation.here is some suggested reading topics:bloody sunday,black and tans,dublin and monaghan bombings,1916 rising and come back to me when you have a basic understanding of irish history.Until then please refrain from posting uneducated waffle

  174. Best fighters in the world… hahahahahah you humor me you nonce you have been invaded more times than a 3rd world country best fighters …. hahahaha you have made my day mick

  175. Now don't start gettin ahead of yourself now you've had a few to drink my boy Irish tend to talk some right irish when they've had a few eh boyo

  176. Typical Irish-yank talks a load of irish twoddle and thinks he's black as the ace of spades hardman ain't ya drug dealing little c**t i'll come t'boston (shippin up) and knock your socks off give ya a glasgee kiss smelly mick its a f****n kilt and bagpipes by the way wee jobee southie knock ye clean out on your favourite day as its easier to knock someone out when they are that f****n steamin

  177. You are american southie you mong you was born in america and raised there that makes you american with irish ancenstry how many americans are born in ireland and say they are american irish thats just ridiculous man where you are born and raised it what you are otherwise america wouldn't be america would it it would be english,irish,scottish,welsh,german,spanish,french,belgian,dutch states of america ppl in brazil don't say they are portuguese-brazilian they say they are brazilian

  178. we love the polish and we dont have a problem with any other countries you are a complete uneducated idiot 10% of our population is immigrants and i think youl find its the likes of barack obama who consider us as the salt of the earth we have no problem with other countries is this day and age i think youl find thats why were a popular country so why dont you take your head out of your ass and educate yourself you clearly havent been to ireland who are you to judge !

  179. i am irish decent, i dont get along with the irish because they are hypocrates, they live in a country they hate(england) and go to mass on a sunday and they still complain, all the irish are to me are travellers with houses with no wheels, pikeys, diddycoys, call them what you like they are good for nothing

    • Show me some evidence that the Irish hate the English, the only people that say that is the English themselves. I couldn't care less for the English just like 99.9% of Irish people.

    • I am in total agreement with you, one of the most frustrating traits of these people is that they seem completely incapable of understanding that you do not like them, as if everybody loves a celt………..it's frustrating but also in a way it is pathetic. I have some Irish heritage and Ireland and Irish people mean nothing to me.

  180. I'me an Enlish Londoner with nothing but English heritage on both sides of my family all the way back,but unfortunately all of my ancestors have been very poor and opressed by the higharcy. Why is it the Irish have this distinct hate and jealousy of the English for things that happened 200-300 years ago.Surely the English and every other nationality can go back in history and find an opressor.
    Why is it then the Irish still feel they have this never ending right to see the English as there sworn enemy.Particulary seeing as that the Irish and decendant population in Enland exceeds that of the population of Ireland, and England gave them emploment and a home for the past 60 years.
    The bigest joke is that the Irish -Americans have adopted this same hatred but don't really know why!
    America was colonised by the English in the 16th century the majority of Irish never arrived until
    300years after that. Thats why Americans speak English.
    Can't you paddy's just get over yourselves and go find another scapegoat for your inherant ignorance,after all some of you can be quite good blokes.

    • just want to say the British army did not leave Ireland until the mid 2000s and they still wont give us the north of our country back . until the day the British leave there will always be hate in Ireland for England . u cant divide a country and expect them to like you . i put it to u like this if it had being the other way around would u like Ireland ? . if the north of England was under Irish rule would u like us ? I THINK NOT .

  181. im irish and im proud of it because if you actually met some of the irish people in leinster from the country side you would know that they are decent human beings like everyone else on this planet.. its not fair that the whole world has this horrible image about us and priests and fairys and leprachauns … :/ xxx

  182. u are soretarded . bet ur fat ugly and just bitter as u were probs f*&* by an irish man and he wanted nothing to do with you . only thing good about u is that you have a good IRISH name .

  183. well said Daibhi o bruadir.
    There are a lot of plebs on herespeaking throught their but h*le.
    I am from scotland my self, where much like ireland spoke gaelic before being raped by our neighbours for hundreds of years you see they themselves were raped by the romans and the normans where they learned much about colonization and they themselves went on to be the largest empire the world has seen.

  184. i think if you really have a problem with the Irish its your duty to fly there and tell them, i would recommend telling there friendly traveler community, they live it caravans dotted around the country, there always looking for objective criticism

  185. For your imformation you nutcase not all of the Irish are Catholic. My family comes from Ireland and WE are Christian. Did you re-read your post?? I do not think that St. Patrick's day is a vicious plot to help the Vatican take over America. I seriously DOUBT THAT. Get a life and respect others!

  186. One i do agree with you to a point but please dont show your white trailer trash uneducated opinion here. I am Irish i work hard and i enjoy life i treat people with respect and i expect the same in return so dont tar everyone with the same brush because dont forget we won you your dam freedom and we built you dam Nation. Remember that.

  187. Go get a college education and make something of your self – Life aint all sunshine and rainbows you got to stand up and be counted and stop blaming others for your small mind and your refusal to educate your self.

  188. Charlie i am true Irish i come from a good family and i am educated and i worked for my money i show people respect and you should look closer to home before you judge others – He who is with out sin cast the first stone by hell you are not with out sin you uneducated ignorant white trailer trash fool.

  189. I am 100% Irish and i am proud to be, yes Irish have alot of issues but no one in here who has attacked my Culture, Traditions and my nation has that right you think American Culture, British culture are clean and pure all go f*** yourselves – Afgan, Iraq, South America Libya, Rwanda, Somalia need i go on you killed steal and plunder nations and force them to live the your system.
    So please go away and educate yourselves before you mouth off about Ireland you bunch of uneducated Hippocratic fools.

    • A very rich comment coming from a nation who wanted to harbour and re-fuel German sub marines in World war 2 to help sink British and American shiping.The country that wanted to help Hitler by provided him with agents.Do you think he would have upheld your culture and traditions.
      Those countries you mentioned are all problem countries of thier own doing colonised or not and Ireland is just the same an ignorant race what will never be able to stand on thier own, not even 90yrs after independance.
      It's a shame because most paddys I know are really decent blokes to be with.

  190. here smart arse the irish helped build your country and one of your greatest presidents had irish ancestors so you might need to think about that. I could laff at you talking about potatoes you sick human making fun of the irish famine would it be funny if i made fun of hurricane katrina i guess not. But us irish arent like you were not sick and evil. JFK was the best.

    • Stupid maybe but factualy correct.
      And someone who can only offer a one line answer instead of a point of view is obviously an authority on stupidity.
      Or did the inherantly ignorant bit touch a nerve?

  191. There is good and bad people everywhere, the Irish are aggressive and can be sly sometimes, but you will never meet such kind and social creatures.
    I find as an Irish man that there is a social problem due to people from different countries not mixing with Irish people, it goes both ways.
    That is down to ignorance and thinking your superior to any one else, sad.
    I find it sad that people raise hatred about Irish people, I hate nobody and never will.
    I admire all people from different countries in so many ways.
    I have no hatred againnst the English and never condone cheap hate and bile that brings back a history that really made the rich of England condone war on Ireland, it was never about how you prayed.Poor English people fought poor Irish people.
    I have had bad experiences in other countries, but the good out way that in so many ways.
    This negative sight would not exist if people started to mix with each other more, for gods sake I see so many good looking foreign women and they never have any interest in being a friend.
    You can hate the Irish but you know thats not the real problem, you'll find someone else until you know its you.

  192. To you the people who say they hate the Irish… use have a sad fooking life's to go on the internet and say that ..! it people like use why this world is fooked up and full of hate . do me favour go and Jump of bridge ….it sounds to me you guys are sad and lonely Dicks and have never been laid 🙂

  193. You don't see the point. Yet you hate the English………And you've posted stuf?
    To clarify the matter I personaly don't dislike Irish people,but there are points which the Irish have to face up to…..The only paddy's I dislike are the ones like you who use the Enlish as a scapegoat to compensate for any shortcomings of thier own.
    And I don't need to swear on line to make a point.

  194. The average Irishman dos'nt hate the English you said. Then you come out with the rest of that inacurate venom.
    The average Englishman couldn't care if Ireland sunk! But try to explain your point of view to the protestants in the north. They are your problem not the English. And they wether you like it or not they are IRISH.
    By the way what language is it you are speaking in?

  195. Scotland and Scotish people were part of Great Britain when we ruled the world for 3 hundred years and you stil are. So be proud that your heritage is part of the Nation which dicovered,educated,civilised and gave the world so much.

  196. You have 36million Americans claiming to be Irish decendants but the true figure is nowhere near that many. Most are Irish wanabees [god knows why] with blatant English names.
    This denial by Americens to recognise the extent of thier English bloodlines goes back to the stigma of being English after the American war or independence.
    All of the founding fathers were direct English or Scotish decendants,The Irish never arrived in any substantial number until many years after that. Thats why Americans speak English and thats why English was the first language spoken on the moon.

  197. Boston is a town in Lincolnshire which is in England.
    Didn't you have a president called Lincoln…wonder what his decendency was?
    Most English people don't know what projects are but I think we have an equivelent called council estates……..Should you want to visit one of them I'me quite sure they would accomodate by KICKING YOUR A***

  198. Do you actually remember all that yourself then!
    Maybe I can remember how persecuted we were by the Romans, Normans and saxons.
    Anyway I probably will die before you ,sounds like I'me older which is why I have more Knowledge than you.
    Theres alot about the Irish most English people can't forgive,but thank god most of us do.
    Sounds like you've been indoctrinated with evil.

  199. A grudge for somethings that went on 2 to 300 years ago?
    Its a good job the English/British never held a grudge over the cowardly murders of the IRA in your name.
    At least wer'e still young enough to remember Irish misdeeds.whereas you could have only read about ours.
    You just need a scapegoat enemy.

  200. Your interpretation of arrogance is a covenience used by the peasant inhabitants of that Isle. Who aren't qualified to judge nor comprehend what constitutes injustice.
    And have nothing to rely upon but folklore to substantiate alleged oppresion two centuries ago.Arrogance is surely self titling as 'The Art Of Truth.

  201. Yes very cultured
    But insults are actually not part of a constructive debate.
    But then again there was no indication to give anyone a clue as to which post you were actually replying to.

  202. The people in the West country and on the South coast of England sound thier R's too.
    And being that many of the original cross Atlantic sea farers were from this part of England and the English were the first and largest colony in America I would say that gave the forthcoming Americans that R thing. Don't forget the Irish never arived in numbers until 300 years after the first English.
    So you theo'R'y dosn't hold water.

  203. Of course we all forgot all of your misfortune was Great Britains fault.
    I surpose when it becomes evident that your worthless economy,scrounging government and under educated drunken inbread population cannot substantiate financially being in the EU,when you get kicked out that will be the EU oppresing you.
    Or if that dosn't stick just revert to blaming and hating the English again.
    Perish the thought ude actually look to yourselves.

    • where do you be getting the idea irish people are all alcoholic's? If anything the english are the one's who are a bit to fond of the drink!!

  204. Well Ed.
    If you read through all the posts and replies you will see over the past few weeks I have validated your article through an average English working mans prespective.
    And as expected from the Irish was met with a volley of miss informed ignorance.
    They never fail.
    Why not do a follow up.
    Through these posts and replies you can see the Paddy's have already built the gallows.
    Keep it going and we can watch them hang themselves.
    Will keep looking for responses.
    All the best from your earliest cousins and closest allies
    Crippsy the Brit

  205. Every part of your verse above is badly factualy flawed to the point of being fictional.
    Have you ever studied the plight of the English working class and how they suffered for centuries under landlords and royals by much the same oppresion.Obviously not. Thats because the Irish sufferance will allways be depicted as the bigest travesty in the history of the world ,This being told that way to perpetuate thier hatred for all the English both gentry and working class.Thus substituting thier own failures as a people and a nation for international pity.You must have spent many hours in that same basement on a computer studying how to distort Irish history to the detrement of the British.Do you really need us as a scapegoat for your own shortcomings that badly? Obviously you do proof of that being The Irish free state then later the republic has been independant from Britain for 90 years and has had to sponge off of the rest of the international comunity to survive,even still now.Philpot has a valid point.None of our other former dominions have a problem with us like the Irish do, for the best part they've all moved forward,but Ireland never will. The reason for this being they are an inherantly ignorant race with no inititive just wallowing in self pity.!

  206. Philpot is ok,
    From you coments I can see your an uneducated ****hole who knows****all.
    You sound like an ignorant paddy or yank.
    Go read some books W*****

    • Of course ifs right and in the U.S. its the only place in the world where the Irih get any credibility.
      In the rest of the world they are a laughing stock. And rightfully so.

  207. ahem, Lordphilpot? is it? haha oh my god you made me throw up! Your gracious royals?? Are you serious? They should bomb buckingham palace, surprised it hasn't been done already! Civilisation?? Your country is far from civilised. Full of arrogant, nasty, pompous idiots such as yourself! Your "civilised" people raped and murdered and stole from our country and you are proud of that? not to mention all the other only country you invaded and graced them with you "civility."

  208. To the Ed who wrote this blog there isn't much point in making a comment on what you wrote as really you just seem like someone that has too much time on their hands to write such uneducated bigoted rubbish. However I would like to make a comment towards the few remarks by people who say they hate the Irish due to the their English ancestors being hated. Whilst I do not hate the present day English, unfortunately their ancestors have a lot to answer for because of their invasion and persecution of many countries not just Ireland. When the residences of a country try to force the English out of THEIR country, they are then known as terrorists and English media, propaganda and history books portray a one sided version of events. No country has the right to invade another and force their regimes on them, yet the English think this is correct. Name a war down through history and I can guarantee you the English were stuck in it somewhere, so really can you blame any people for disliking your ancestors? Right is right and wrong is wrong and you should be ashamed to say that you hate the Irish especially when it's the Irish that should hate you.

    • England gave up most of its empire freely,even India the jewel in the crown.This was because the second world war bankrupt England to fight it.
      Remembeer the second world war? It was England who stood alone for 3 years against what you actually could call tyranical invaders. England as you choose to call it is actually Great Britain.If Britain hadn't have stood up against Germany and Japan alone for 3 yrs the whole world including the U.S. would have fallen.
      Whilst the dear Irish colaborated with the Germans providing them with agents and harbouring thier submarines. So obviously sanctioning the holocaust!
      The Britsh educated the world by means of peace and commerce and all of the underdeveloped countries including Ireland sank into chaos on their departure.
      The Irish misdeeds against the British{IRA} are a lot clearer in peoples minds than the reverse which were so long ago they are based merely upon folklore.
      The Irish have allways been jealous of British civility leadership and intelegence. whilst the Irish intelegence has been a laughing stock the world over.Get over yourselves.

    • India should never have been part of Englands empire in the first place. You say it so freely and give the impression that it it was Englands right to force themselves on yet another country that did NOT belong to them. I am not denying that the English did good work during the war and who knows where we would be today without their involvement, however the English have on a more tactful basis down through history invaded and persecuted countries and the fact that they helped put an end to WW2 does not justify this wrong doing. I distinguish England from the rest of Great Britain, because the Scots and Welsh were just as persecuted by the English down through history, so I do not hold them responsible . That is in fact a lie that the Irish colaborated with the Germans during WW2, the Germans harboured their submarines of the Irish coast because Ireland remained neutral during the war and the Germans saw this as a safe base. In fact even though it remained neutral Dublin was bombed during WW2. It is a bit of a joke to say that the English educated the world by means of peace when in fact they done the complete opposite by causing unrest and innocent bloodshed. As regards the IRA, I do not in any way condone the killing of innocent people but unfortunately it is innocent people who suffer in these situations. The IRA was actually set up after British soldiers opened fire on unarmed civil rights protestors in Derry on the 30th January 1972. In fact your prime minister David Cameron has now issued an apology for this innocent bloodshed, so don't tell me these things are merely folklore when there are people alive today who still bare the effects of this wrong doing. I could go on and on about the persecution of the Irish by the English but all I will say is that things have happened in too recent a history to be forgotten too easily.

    • I think your slightly missing the point about the English ,do you actually think the English working class people were exempt from oppresion,so who was it who was forced to run infront of enemy cannons for five hundred years to maintain the empire and other campaign,has the English working man ever enjoyed any of the spoils of our nations empire? The answer to that is no.
      Yet the Irish never stop to think of that. The Welsh the Scots and the Northern Irish protestants which I know are proud to be British and don't worry they were involved in bloody Sunday too so your theory on that is absurd. And for your information British soldiers were sent to Northern Ireland originally to protect the catholics, but the IRA
      seized the oportunity to make them as targets.
      The English working mans opression goes back to the Romans,Normans ,Vikings and its own royalty and governments.
      But unlike the Irish the English don't wallow in self pity and use someone as a scapegoat hundreds of years on.
      I'de like to know when a British Prime minister is going to apologise for the 1000 years of wrongdoing to its own people let alone one incident in a terrorst conflict.

    • I would just like to make it clear that I in no way hate the average English person and most Irish people I know do not hold grudges against the average English person. However you can rattle on as much as you want but a fact is a fact, the English should have stayed out of countries that did NOT belong to them. I find it interesting that you noted that the British Prime minister should apologise for the 1000 years of wrongdoing to its own people, it really shows up the type of people that were in positions of authority down through English history. If they could do that to their own people what were they capable of doing to others? Who exactly were the 'terroists'' on 30th January 1972? Was it the unarmed civil rights protestors? It's not just one incident in a ''terroist'' conflict, it represents the innocent bloodshed that occurred on both sides after this event and in your own country too. I don't know why you say the Irish are blinkered by ancient history, I would consider this relatively recent history wouldn't you? I refer to facts not just drunken Paddy talk as you call it. Did your Prime minister consider it drunken Paddy talk when he apologised? What's done is done now and there is no taking it back but facts are facts. You in fact are the prejudiced one as you have made it clear in the majority of your posts that you are anti Irish.

    • The prime minister never apologised on behalf of me.
      The British soldiers were fired upon first.
      But then again you would know because the Irish/IRA then were experts on murder.
      And it is you who is obviously anti- English
      Tried to touch on some common working class ground with you in an attempt to validify some of your biased sentiments and what came back was terrorist venom. Your jealousy of the British Empire overwhelms any fair judgement you could make about the English.
      I'me not anti-Irish I just pity thier ignorance

    • To be quite honest anyone reading you're last post in particular can see you have no grounds for argument. The fact that you said the British soldiers were fired upon first is completely unfounded as the Saville report states quite clearly that those shot and killed were unarmed and the killings were unjustified and unjustifiable. Where are you basing your information on?? I already explained that I am not anti the every day English working class person but FACTS are facts and you can't change that. So I made a few points that you appear not to be able to handle and it's terroist venom??What English empire are you talking about?? The hoard of countries the English have forced themselves on at one point is it? Maybe it's you that's ignorant as you appear to recognise only selective facts.

    • Britain not England never forced themselves upon anyone.We were welcomed as teachers and providers and history has proved we are now missed.
      David Cameron was 5 years old in 1972 so his apology is unqualified.
      Unjustified killings are all the cowardly bombings of innocent people carried out in your name.And many more unjustified acts of murder carried out over a 20year period those are the overwhelming FACTS which you choose to ignore.
      You've had independence for 90 years and your still blaming the British for your own inability to be a credible nation. So whay happens when the EU throws you out finally realising they are actually suporting you, will the EU then be oppresors or will you just find it easier to carry blaming Britain.
      Ireland is nothing and its ungratefull uneducated drunken people have no credibility in the world.

    • Crisppy it's quite clear you have apparent tunnel vision when it comes to your one sided facts. I already said that it wasn't right that innocent people suffered (both Irish and English) during the northern Ireland troubles but innocent people are always the victims in these situations unfortunately. You can dress it up any way you want but the fact is these troubles occurred because of Britain's occupation of Northern Ireland. Remember there would have been no IRA if the English had stayed out and therefore no killing of innocent people on both sides. Remember the UVF did their share of killings also. The Saville report was released in June 2010 not 1972. I'm afraid you'll have to come up with a better one than David Cameron was 5 years old in 1972. That is just a stupid remark. David Cameron didn't write the Saville report on his own, he just made the apology on behalf of your government. To be fair the English have to be recognised for doing the right thing in that instance for once. Was England welcomed in Australia as teachers and providers? Was that before or after they forced the aboriginal race out to the point of near non existance?? It's only common sense that if one country invades another that unrest is going to occur. It would be the same in your own country if America for example tried to occupy it. The only providing the English intended to do was provide themselves with more colonies. As for the EU Britain is hardly in a position to talk, they are one of the weakest nations in the EU at present and the EU could possibly collapse because of the strain on stronger nations like Germany and France. There is no point throwing insults about Ireland's position in the EU when your own country isn't in the healthiest position. Was it not a couple of weeks ago that there was a big protest over pensions in Britain? I think I could go on and on talking but it's clear you have a bigoted one sided view of Ireland and nothing I or anyone else can say could change that so maybe you should be left to your one side ''educated'' tunnel vision!

    • Northern Ireland is part of Great Britain and the reason it stayed that way is because 75% of the population there are protestants who are prond to be British.And this was confirmed 3 hundred years ago after the battle of the Boyne.When you talk of invasions isn't that excactly what IRA/Irish tried to do by means of terror in Northern Ireland a country what isn't thiers.Try to explain your point to a Nothern Ireland protestant.
      On the issue of Northern Ireland the average Englishman could'nt care less,the protestant loyalists are your problem not the English.
      But unfortunately for someone like yourself who suports a terrorist movement those facts are ignored.
      Great Britain is one of the worlds strongest economies,propelled by a nation of 60million people,we don't need the EU but Ireland is just a bitter twisted dot on the map which will allways need help from someone.Your attitude is so anti British you are blinded by hate and obviously indoctrinated by evil. Your part of a people who are incapable of progessing because they hang on to their misfortunes of 3 hundred years ago like no other nation.Just get in the real world and move on. You are a joke and a bigot.

    • Crisppy this is my last post because you are just getting nasty now by trying to say that I support the killing of innocent people. My mother is from Derry, Northern Ireland, as well as obviously many of my relations so in no way do I support the bloodshed of innocent people. I have made it very clear in all my posts that I do not support the killing of innocent people but that is what happens in these situations. It is the innocent that suffers. Why do you put up ill informed facts such as 75% of Northern Ireland is predominately Protestant? That is lies, the fact is that it is roughly 50/50 Catholic with the other 50% being a combination of protestants (mainly) and no religion etc. In fact Protestantism in Northern Ireland is slowly dropping over the years. You contradict yourself by saying that the the protestants in Britain are proud to be British, and then stating the protestant loyalists were Ireland's problem. Were they not killing in your name? no? Try taking a relatively neutral opinion, instead of a extremely pro English and extremely anti Irish. Your points will only be proven when you write correct facts for a start and when you recognise that Britain is not 100% right and Ireland is 100 % wrong. You give too one sided of an opinion. I at least will recognise the English if they do something which is undeniably right therefore that does not make me a bigot. In fact I made it clear in my posts that I do not hate the average English person nor do most Irish people I know. You however seem to hate everything about the Irish. Also another stupid remark is saying Britain doesn't need the EU. What are they in if for then? I think they aren't really in much of a position to say that at the moment. Unfortunately Crisppy you decided to attack me personally by implying that I support a ''terrorist'' movement and therefore the killing of innocent people, so I won't be replying to any more of your comments. I'll just leave the people reading them decided themselves.

    • Elaine,this is my last post too.
      But I must say your'e facts on most of the issues must be based on folklore.If you check out the majority of your points on wicepedia you'l find you've been very inacurate.
      Your first post was a response to 'Ed's article about St Patricks day in America.
      Ed never once mentioned the English.Read it again and you'l see. You then launched a volley of of inaccurate venom about the English as a reply to him.
      I think your obsesive hatred for Britain and its people has become an illness for you and I think you should get some therapy.Its pointless trying to debate or find any common ground with someone of your disposition.
      These posts have been scored + or – by the readers look at it and you'l see thier opinions.
      No more to be said.

    • Ok I'm going to say it one last time I DO NOT hate the everyday working class English person, in fact quite the opposite. Haven't you read my posts properly???? I think they are much the same as everyday Irish people. I responded to a couple of people that said in their posts that they hate the Irish because of their English ancestors being hated and that the Irish were ignorant to their gracious royals. I didn't notice that you were one of these people until you replied to my post.
      I think that you should check your facts, I can list a few here of your inaccurate ones (by way never refer to Wikipedia, it is a great site but can be edited)
      1. British soldiers were fired upon first on 30/01/1972 – Wrong, Saville report states that this was not the case quite clearly. Maybe you are referring to the pre-dated Widgery tribunal?
      2. David Cameron was 5 years old in 1972 so his apology was unqualified – this one is just a completely stupid remark, like I said David Cameron didn't write the report!!
      3.The Irish colaberated with the Germans in WW2 by providing agents and harbouring their submarines. The Irish remained neutral and the Germans took advantage of the this on the submarine issue.
      4. 75% of Northern Ireland is protestant – another stupid remark, anyone can check this fact so I won't elaborate.
      I would like to know what information you are basing these statements on?????? I think it's you that should get therapy as I only came across this site by accident and I just wrote a few remarks to defend my country. What is your excuse?? racism? because that is what this blog clearly is. It's pointless trying to debate with me is it? What common ground would you like to find on the debate? The common ground where I agree that the English were correct to do what they done. Again let me make it clear I do not hate the average English person in any way that is the truth. As regards the + or – , well off course mine are minus cos the majority of people commenting on here are Irish haters or else you are + your own comments some way. No doubt you'll have the last word anyhow Crisppy so I'll leave it to you.

    • But your very first sentence was in reply to ED who didh't mention the English. The I don't hate the average Englishman dosn't work.Your comments are so anti British and incorrect, its insulting. And I too stick up for my country too.I'me not goind to atempt to prove the points you listed are correct I'me not that sad.
      I too found this site by accident which is an American site who you would percieve are your pals.
      The readers score says it all.
      The End

    • Someone calling themselves Sir Robert would certanly be an expert on idiosy.
      Oh and I'me not your pal either.

    • It looks like your so prejudice against the English it has blinded you to the TRUE facts of history.
      To hold a grudge for 2-300 years is using the English as a scapegoat for your own shortcomings which have caused your misfortune.
      Your blinkered by jealousy and hatred which has made you see ancient history which you have never been affected by as an excuse to hate the English.
      Its a good job the English don't hold grudges against all the wrongdoings that they can't remember themselves,its just as well otherwise we'd be looking for a scapegoat too.
      Look to the history books not drunken paddy pub talk.

    • Cripsy, the brits knew about Austwitz in 1942 and didnt bomb a train line into it. England gave up nowhere freely, and lost more wars than any other country in the 20th century.
      dont make me laugh the USA would have fallen if it wasnt for the English!!!!!, I am American and not of Irish descent, but your claim of we are you oldest allies is ridicolous, we were in a 50 year war with you on and off, 1780-1830, if we really liked you woudlnt we have a big St Georges Day parade!!!!! you guys are easy cannonfodder for us

    • You mean the war where the Americans who actually by the majoity were English decent fought the British army who were mainly German mercanaries.
      If the allies new about Austwitz why didn't the Americans bomb it. Anyway theres nothing to substantiate that,so don't make me laugh.
      If Britain hadn't won that air battle and had fallen the US would have had the Germans on one coast and the Japs on the other you'd have stood no chance.
      The only war you ever went to without us is the only war you ever lost. That was Vietnam.
      If you don't feel we're your allies thats too bad ,I know a hell of a lot of Americans and none of them would agree with you.

  209. Northern Ireland is part of Great Britain.It was left that way because the inhabitants there are 75% profestant and are proud to be British.__And thier position there as inhabitants was confimed three hundred years ago after the battle of the Boyne.__When you talk of invasions isn't that what the IRA tried to do by means of terror to take over the North,a place which clearly was a diferent country. Try to explain your point of view to the protestants in the North.
    You obviously don't know any Irish

  210. Look every irish guy i have met is great they are a developed country with highly educated workforce and many NMC's have their european HQ's there. and a lot of research comes outta the place too. also for you scumbag english chavs who think irish people are uneducated, think again, i bet you are typing from a council estate (typical of yous). and the vast majority of irish people dont support the terrorism. the brits still think they are a world power. think again.
    Why dont you go to ireland for a show down? Your ass would be handed to you as a souvenir.
    And im not irish so dont go making generalisations about people its like saying my people the americans are all fat hillybillys who are uneducated.
    Point proven

    • Sounds like another uneducated yank
      Ireland was developed years ago by the British and now relies on handouts from the EU.
      Until they get kicked out of it that is. Then they will blame they Eu for thier own shortcomings instead of the British. Can't wait.
      Your obviously an American wanabe Paddy can tell that by your ignorance.
      Allready had the showdown with them SAS finished it.
      You know nothing about England thats obvious.

  211. I'm a scottish jew so I have no leaning one way or another on religion. I went to uni with a load of irish and most were fine, however NI catholics on nights out were known for there hatred of the english and the British. I got into a discussion one night about scots history and they showed their true ignorance. They mentioned the english were to blame for highland clearances, in fact landowners were and they were nearly all scots. I mentioned the scottish enlighten was based on the break from the catholic church and not anti catholic and I was racially abused at that point!! I now live in oz where the same people lie all the time telling ozzies with scottish names that they are irish and should hate the english it makes me sick! Their country is about to slide into another decade of terrible struggle and frankly I'd rather help the southern irish than keep NI catholics in the uk. Americans stop listening to there lies its the only thing there people can do.

    • I think this is ridiculous…I am a NI Catholic and actually find this offensive! The only NI Catholics that are "known for there hatred of the English and the British" are the ones that have or have had to deal with it every day growing up. Its what they have been brought up with and just live in an older generation. No one can blame them for what they have been taught. I, however have grown up with Catholics and Protestants, along from the majority of the 6 counties. You have obviously ran into a couple of the "die hards" and have tarred us all with the same brush. You can never really understand what it is like growing up in NI unless you experience it. So, no harm….. but stick to what you know and can be sure of!!!!!

    • Deal with what everyday? A peacekeeping force which were trying to protect you.
      You're tryng to make excuses for terrorism.
      Own up you hate the English because your jealous.

    • Really like…it is this "peace keeping force" that causes the arguments whether you want to admit it or not. Its in areas like Belfast where the Catholics and Protestants in certain areas get a kick out of causing hurt to the other. This is not how all areas act. In other areas Catholics and Portestants can get along fine and im saying this from experience. Im not making any excuses for terrorism, like any sane person I wish it didnt exist but its something that we all have to deal with. Im proud of where I come from so I dont know where your getting this jealousy thing out off..I was brought up to show respect to every person, no matter what nationality they were. And in result of that Ive done very well for myself. Not all NI Catholics are bad!!!!!

  212. Irish/Northern Irish people are the most annoying around! They go on about how much they drink (um just the same amount as any other place mate) and the are the most unfriendly, unwelcoming people ever! I'm an aussie, i spent a couple of months there on a year visa and left after 2 months coz i couldn't stand the people. Moved up to Scotland where I still am and love it here, love the people, the country. Can't stand the irish twats.

  213. To ni girl, I have met more ni catholics than I can count, give them some drink and the lies and hate comes out, the stories about granddads tongue being cut out is the best, I heard the same story 3 times in one night. They tell me because I'm jewish and want me to hate the english! Sorry but being brought up in scotland I heard all this sectarian crap more than you can imagine. Personally I can't stand orange or green but I know fine well were I've heard most of the anti english/British sentiment. Sorry I prefer the irish to those from the north, I've also never been racially abused by southern irish for being either british or jewish! I suspect you should learn about stones and glass houses. If you have issues with fat little men who predominantly support rangers and play flutes take it up with them. What makes you think the UK actually wants the hassle that is NI? Unfortunately we have democracy which means we adhere to the wishes of the majority regardless whether WE like them or not!

    • Go back and read my post..never once did I say that I had any problem with any English/British settlement. I said that Ive been brought up among Catholics and Protestants along with the majority of the 6 counties in NI..and that the ones that would have the problem is the die hards that have been brought up in Catholic areas, where thay have been taught to hate the Protestants. Scotland is a different story altogether because of the Celtic/Rangers feud. Maybe itl take a couple of good mannered Catholics for you to step out of your box. As I said before… dont tar us all with the same brush!

    • completely agree I'm from the south and went to uni in NI, everyone both catholic and Protestant got on great, I can safely say that I've made friends for life with a few NI prod's! you only find problems or issues such as the ones mentioned in the disadvantaged area's and that goes for both side's (i.e. ares where Catholics dislike protestants, and in turn areas where protestants dislike catholics) and its a shame that the youth in these area's are raised knowing no better!! and in my experience I found that it was my fellow southern class mates who were the ones who drunkenly began to sign rebel songs one night and I can tell you right now that this was stopped instantly by a very angry NI catholic who was appaled and insulted by their behavior (he's best mates with them) and he began to explain that given they didnt kno what it was like for young people growing up previously that had know right to start shit like that and that everyone with a brain in NI have moved on from that and is happy to live in peace so yeah @Scot from my experience of living in NI you've either defo unfortunately stumbled upon a minority or your just full of SH*t

  214. im irish and lets get this straight we are not igornat we are the nicest people on the planet and yeah there is a few of us irish that act in a stupid matter but you should not judge us by those people and the way they behave we and so what we belive in faires and leprachens but we also belive in freedom you americans slaved black people and i you now have one runnin you country, you americans arent great either so theres no need for you to stick your noses up at us yeahh we drink but doesnt every country your ancesters are more and likely irish and oh yeah didnt you realise yur president you have had for two years now is part irish so you and i the irish haters and your country slan go foil goodbye in irish

  215. Poor little minority. Don't worry, us irish catholics will forgive you the same way we forgave the english. Btw say hello to king henry for me when you go to hell 😉

  216. Boy is this one dumb-ass hate-site. You all need to switch off your computers, go out more, and get laid once in a while.
    Being Irish and having lived in Holland, Germany, the US & UK (and having never encountered the hate and ignorance I see here in any of those places) before I came home, I can say that no country, or race, is any better or any worse than any other. They all have their pros and cons.
    Some people are great, some people are ignorant and hateful, and most of us just spend most of our time working and trying to pay the rent. .
    All nations, and peoples, have something to be proud of, and plenty to be ashamed of and tend to be 'led' by greedy assholes that shame the people they represent.
    Lose your pointless anger and have nicer lives.

  217. If your a foreigner who hates Ireland why dont you go back and live in your own country? Oh wait you can't probley getting to many free benefit's, free houses bleed the country dry having babies so they can be of irish nationality so ye can fcuk off back to yer own country and keep claiming benefits!! Give me a break!!

    • The Irish have migrated all over the world spreading there anti British poison.
      Thats because there own country cant support them.
      You are quite amusing


    • James your right.
      The paddy yanks would see us fight forever……..it serves thier need to belong…..why dont they be proud to be Americans……if they could they would see that Briiain was the loyalist allie they'd get.

    • the irish did`nt have to spread poison about the english. its common knowledge what the english are ,just look at them when they travel abroad on holiday. a set of thick drunken bald headed ignorant no nothing plonkers

  218. ernest walton first person to split the atom ….. you say he is irish …first of all his name is walton which is an english name and next he was protestant ….we all know where the protestants of ireland originate from ..england and scotland and you also fogot to mention his partner who worked with him to split the atom cockcroft an englishman

    • whats so good about splittin an atom, hasnt that caused all the shit were all in at the moment? its just "so english" to divide and conquer, but the rest of us will have the last laugh, pity the germans didnt wipe you out, but since they failed im sure you will do it to yourselves, cause you live in the biggest dump on the face of europe, ha ha 99% agree, die english scum die, now its your turn

    • Uneducated thick paddy.
      Divide and conquer ……… bet you didn;t think of that yourself, It's an age old term.
      Didn't really have to do that you divided yourselves.
      This site is getting dumber by the day.
      Educating the ignorant has proved imposible.
      Time to bail out of this site it's futile.
      Its been a laugh.

    • Does this make John Lennon and Paul McCartney Irishmen?
      Indeed,does it make Gerry Adams an Englishman?
      I would propose that you look into the amount of native Irish that converted to Protestantism before you assume that all Anglo-Irish are actually racially pure English or Scotsmen.

    • No one said anything about being racially pure..
      The names in the British isles over the past 300 years have been intermingled Cromwells' people took English names to Ireland and decendant populations in Ireland and Scotland moved to England to work.
      Thats a stupid asumption of someone trying to make a point that dosn't exsist.

    • You're not telling me anything i don't know.
      I was correcting the claim that Irish Protestants came exclusively from Britain.They didn't.
      A large proportion were 'natives' who converted.Many were also French Huegenot refugees and there was a substantial number of Palantines from Germany too.

    • What's to be jealous of? Narcissism is nothing to be proud of, (I get this from your posts, not generalizing the English) . Also who cares what country you're from, in the end everyone is the same. Seriously, you have to generalize a whole country, and use racial slurs ( Paddy) I am Irish myself, national identity doesn't mean much to me. But, in trying to answer your question, until the English move out of the north I doubt the prejudice you speak of will stop. You're right in some ways, but don't tarnish your insights with silly stereotypes. Ed Anger is effectively a troll, thus the name. He's trying to wind people up. After reading some of the other posts, I can see that you people are giving the Irish a bad name.

  219. That about says it all!! Not catholic so should be in hell!! One hell of a bunch of ignorant racist scumbags and sneaky to go with it. You should have finished all us non catholics of in the dark ages! you are nothing but white jihadists! Why cant you all move back to Ireland?

  220. really is that not because the irish famously tell everyone they are irish even when they are not just so you gain influence. liars!!! everyone seems to know that these days.Enjoy paying of the Germans for the next 100 years.

  221. Some of you right wing Brits make me laugh, especailly when you come over here and spout your "oldest cosuins and best allies crap" you have no idea how anit Biritish our origins are, the simple fact of the matter is we have mbraced Irish culture like no other here in America, whethar it be St Patricks day or Halloween or just simpley haveing a good night in the our local Irish bars.
    You may know Americans who agree withh you but where? in right wing chat rooms, but of course they would you guys are our cannonfodder, you guys clear landmines which save american lives.
    YOU SEEMED TO BE OBBSESSED IN YOUR HATRED OF THE IRISH, you need to get over this and learn the history abit more,
    P.S THe GERRY ADAMS VISA to the USA 1994 must have hurt, Special realtionship??????????????????????????????????/

    • All of the founding fathers were decendents of English parents.__I love America and I used to live there, thats how I know you're wrong.__The only Americans who I have a problem with are the wanabe paddys.__As you have a name like Schmidt you probably know who planted those landmines.__Particlulary as your pals the Irish aided Germany in WW11.__Learn your history pal and dont listen to those hatefull drunken paddys using Britain as a scapegoat for thier own shortcomings in those Paddy bars.__I think the special relationship excudes A********* like you.

    • They may have been descendants from the English but they soon renounced their Englishness, you used to live here? how did you get in? you dont seem educated or skilled at anything to warrant a visa. Where is your evidence that the Irish supported the Nazis?, they seemed to be neutral? as did most small countries, as for Britain knowing about Auschwitz Anthony Eden said in parliament about it in December 1942, you guys invented the concentration camp remember. Where in the states did you live it most have pissed you off, talking about special realtionships only for yanks to recount stories of what was done to their Irish ancestors, its not your fault its the way hisotry is thought in your schools. I just love the way you personally insult me, kind of shows you up for waht you are

    • You started the personal insults.
      The Irish supplied the Germans with agents and re fuelling for German subs read up on it.
      Believe it or not education in Britain is unbiased confirmed by facts whilst Americans are only have Holywood to indoctrinate them.
      If it was anoonced in parliament about auschwitzt and the information was reliable then why didnt the Americans take up the job they were in the war eventually in 1942,it would have made another great movie for you guys.
      Not educated enough to let me in, don,t make me laugh you let the Irish in didnt you.

    • why do u say you like Americans and then insult us?, it was announced in your parliament december 1942, please look it up, but back to you personally what level of education or skills do you have? where does your hatred of the Irish come from? someone like yourself surely has graduated into hating Pakistanis, or Eastern Euopeans by now.
      or are you just bitter that you are no better off than your ancestors 200 years ago? my ancestry is German, English and Scandanavian for your information.
      P.S 110 million Americans wear Green on ST Patricks day, yet only 20 million watched the royal wedding, once again SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP?

    • Listen Mickey Mc Schmidty its getting boring trying to make you see any sense.
      Looks like you've been poisoned by your Paddy pals thats why your so anti- British. Which is wierd for any free thinking American.
      Not going to keep repeating myself to an indoctrinated fool like you.
      Its plain that you've only distain instead of admiration for what Britain gave to the civilization of the world.
      My education skills are obviously much more than yours otherwise you'd be able to absorb facts and debate sensibly instead of repeating disproved issues.
      Besides Ive been to the school of life. On Paddy's you know f*** all.
      110 million wearing green… {is that the jealousy green]
      The decendant population of Irish in the USA is only 30 million look it up!
      To reitterate I love America but its only misinformed a***HOLES like you which I dislike
      Or are you multiplying the fact that Micks are 3 times as stupid.
      Don't bother responding to this because I'me not bothering with reading this site anymore it's pointless.

    • well you answered my question with regards skills and education,
      you have none and probable left school at 16, as for leaving in the States I dont believe you, you probabley went for the odd weekend in New York and Las Vegas and were shocked into how powerful and influential the Irish lobby is here and how much they resent what was done to them.
      Just remember they didnt ask for being treated like slaves in their own country and if you knew the history like they do you would feel the same way, the issue is you are ignorant of the hisotry and have been brainwashed by the right wing reactionary press.
      As for the 30 million of Irish ancestry that is self reported the figure is probabley higher as people who are fourth or fifth generation tend to report their ancestry as American.
      I have lived in your country and I am very pround of my English heritage, but why would the Irish be jealous of the English, the Irish are far more educated, far more hard working, far more likely to come from a stable family background and far more liked than the English in this world.
      P.S of the top 4,000 earners in London only 10 per cent were born In England, what an awful indictment on the English education sector

    • Ok Mc Schmidty… One very last time.
      I don't believe you lived in England you know far too little and you're certainly not proud of your English heritage
      I have just returned from the States where I have been visiting my family in New Jersey where I lived for 5 years.
      Unfortunaiely its not posible to let you know my profession
      Which needed very much education.
      Go to wycepedia you,l see that all of your embittered anti English facts are wrong. You should be ashamed of your views which have eminated from from your misinformed Irish pals. It seems you've conducted an Anti British/English research project using Paddys twisted views for your information culminating any damning facts you can get.
      Your not proud of your English roots don'tmake me laugh.
      I know what the average American thinks of the Irish read Ed's post its all there. I'me 63 years old and I know I'me right.

    • The Irish did not aid Germany in WW2.This is an outright lie.
      It amazes me how often i read that line from your ilk.You are a truly brainwashed nation of chavs who would believe any old rubbish as long as it is tailored to your long list of prejudices.
      And then you tell Mike to learn his history?!!! You truly are a spectacular ars""ole,the absolute embodiment of why the English are disliked in Ireland and way beyond.
      The Empire is over,nobody owes you anything.Stop using it as license to talk out of your collective arses…

  222. Have to say I like the Irish but admit ive had the exact same issues with people from the north. sorry Mark I think you may be the one full of it. While at Uni I was also party to nights out when certain people started horrendous racist banter. my parents are English so i consider myself English and the hate and terrible abuse i heard was from students from the north. I suspect nobody wants people like you around.

    • You are agreeing with him [as we all are] then saying he's full of it.
      As an Englishman you should never use the cry baby term[RACIST].
      Thats a term invented by foreigners pretending to be oppressed to gain sympathy or benefit.
      That banter from the Irish was thier jealousy.
      Be proud to be English not a wimp.


  224. haha god bless yee..ye know nuting about us irish,how many americans claim their irish??more than 3/4 of yee,and why??.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,..,because yee have the proof to

  225. "Inbread" population? The correct spelling is "inbred".You twits invented the language,perhaps you could learn how to speak it and stop worrying about our education system?
    It's an interesting description of us Irish though and it defines the the difference between us when it comes to grievances.You see,anti British sentiment in Ireland has always been driven by political and social discontent whereas with anti Irish sentiment amongst your mob it's always been far more racial.
    This has been going on since the Victorian era and despite your claims of English high-mindedness,discoveries in modern genetics still have not been unable to cure you of your ignorance.It's always a race to the bottom with the English.

  226. We didn't colaborate with Germany.Are you stupid?
    Terrorism is over but don't forget,the British played their part too.UVF,UDA etc
    Their are plenty of blacks here.
    Calling us racist somewhat undermines your argument.Can't you see the irony?

    • Stop trying to sound credible… you're embarrasing yourself.
      Nit -picking at the British is futile.
      Why not find something Irish you can actually be proud of.
      Sorry I forgot you havn't got anything.

    • Credibility is a piece of cake.You should try it some time but you might have to get that colossal chip off your shoulder first.
      Angry individuals like you are prone to talking out of your arse,you get so wound up by the object of your frustration that you can't even gather a rational thought or see your own hypocrisy.
      UVF,UDA,UFF = British terrorists.
      No point in trying to take the moral high ground here,these organisations were just as brutal as the IRA although far more sectarian in their choice of targets.
      To say that Eire collaborated with the Nazis is simply contrary to truth.It amazes me how often it's regurgitated but stupid people are like that,who cares about the facts eh? They would rather give into their prejudices even at the risk of embarrassing themselves.

    • I've been around along time and all over the world and I've never encountered any dislike for the English except from jealous ill informed Paddy's like you.__Mikes facts are wrong and so are yours.__How could any one calling themselves futuradvocate with a picture of a Paddy barman be taken serious.__Your bitter twisted views have left to that massive chip on your shoulder.

    • Who says i dislike the English? I'm your mirror,when you try to denigrate us by drawing on outdated Victorian era psuedo science i'll respond to you in kind.
      – The Irish are uncivilised and stupid? Well then so too are the English if XFactor,Jeremy Kyle and the English love for recreational violence and football hooliganism is anything to go by.
      – The Irish are all terrorists because of the IRA? Well then surely the same rules must apply to the British when one condiders the atrocities carried out by the UDA & UVF.
      These aren't my rules besides,they have been defined by you and all the other irrational racists on here.
      What facts of mine are wrong? That the UVF were terrorists? That the Irish state did NOT aid the Nazis?
      My picture isn't a "Paddy barman".It's a picture of Harry Enfield – an English comedian.

    • well said futureadvocate you are spot on. the bleeding idiot didnt even recognise one of englands best comics.in the words of del boy [ what a plonker]

    • Oh dear, If I do recall England and France were the two countries responsible for creating a climate in Germany in which evil could flourish.



  229. cripsey u cockney c,,, , like the way u got that bit in about america bein colonised by british,did your ancesters try that in ireland.,.,YEA THEY TRIED,suceed?? HELL NO..DONT GO TYPING SHITE U KNOW F ALL ABOUT,,.small country like rep of ireland made ye run like hell,and what yee did to people to get ireland is another story,ur comment was txt in the nicest maner but meant inside u to hurt,you wana get into history ill fkin embarress ya

  230. Welsh people are the original English. When the Romans invaded they ran to the hills for protection,those hills were Wales.
    Irish people ar'nt really even Irish let alone Welsh.

  231. Your trying to sound much smarter than your dopey Paddy mind will allow.
    All your facts are wrong.
    THe English tried to help ypu.
    If you need an enemy that badly…….look to yourselves you inbreads.

    • he has is facts completly right. what planet are you on, you brainless cretin, they must have broke the mold when they made you


    • dont be bloody stupid ,the americans celebrate st patricks day because they have millions of irish catholics and protestants who want to, if the english wanted to do the same for st george i doubt if they could find enough english stock to form a que let alone a parade. english descendants my ass

    • you say the americans are english stock, yet if someone tried to organise a english parade i doubt if they would find enough old english stock to form a que let alone a parade

    • Oh dear, catholicism and the protestant church are essentially the same, if your going to divide people over religion you really are bleak. And if I recall, a mass of european nations flocked to america in the beginning, not just the english. Please don't get too angry over an internet debate, and do people a favor by turning off caps lock like a good chap.

  233. But, wishing murder on someone is ok? Lol. You're on the internet, dont expect people to have any sort of humane morals on here, smfh.

    • did you know my bigoted friend
      that it was george washington who proclaimed st patricks day a holiday to thank the 60% of the army who were of irish descent both catholic and dissenter, who fought and died throwing out the english.

  234. Crippsy I've got to hand it to you you've taken all that ignorant anti British abuse and beaten them all.__By the way you are spot on about the Irish coaborating with the Germans in the war, I've looked it up.__Well done my countryman.

    • They never collaborated…. Ireland was neutral during the war, many immigrated to England to help fight the Nazis. Crippsy is ignorant, all his posts are completely biased and racist. Any significant insight he makes, he soon tarnishes with his disgusting vulgarity. I am now expecting a reply calling me a paddy, or a yank. Whatever he can come up with. But remember Churchill don't believe everything you read on the internet. Crippsy isn't a very good representation for you chaps. Best get a new speaker, maybe one who can act civil.

  235. Having read through this site all I can see as a response to Eds post [which was kind of tongue in cheek] .Is a venomous attack upon the British from obvious Irish posts which is strange considering Ed never mentioned the British.
    Full marks to Crippsy who defended his country with proven facts.
    But I'me not sure if any British people realised there was so much hatred from the Irish towards them.
    Now the troubles in Ireland appear to be in the past I'me sure that the average British man in the street hasn't got any particular opinion on the Irish one way or the other.
    So lets all just try to get along.What do you say?Huh

    • I agree with you, but don't defend Crippsy. He is quite hypocritical, he resorts to level of the people he insults. Quite sad really. People arguing about nationality. Every country has its own share of bad history and also the enlightening bits. In the end we're all the same, quit creating segregations.

  236. I would sooner the Irish decendants just cocentrate on being better Americans.
    As for the problems between the Briish/English and the Irish I would say the Brits have the stronger case. They're Americas staunchest allie and have never let us down.
    Also thier bloodlines go back furter in the U.S. than the Irish.

    • sorry pal the iriish have been in america since ealy colonial times,and if im correct at least fifteen of youre presidents were irish

    • Lets get it right I'me not your pal ok.
      And as far our presidents are concerned they've all been American.
      The Brits formed the original colonies very few Irish were there then.
      Our constitution was based on the British form of government.
      The Irish never came in any numbers until a long time after independence.
      Also more U.S. presidents have been of English decent including George Washington.

    • They should concentrate on being "better Americans"?
      What exactly is the ideal American in a society as polarised as yours?
      The fact that Britain is your staunchest ally doesn't give them a "stronger case" in the former problems between Ireland/UK.They are a foreign nation who tried to impose rule over us,it was immoral behaviour,end of story.

    • all i can say to you mate is read some proper history books.because im telling you the irish werei in america from the begining. ithink youve been reading to much propaganda like the irish didn`t arrive until the famin of 1845. and by the way inever said anything about the american constitution being anything else but british , why would i in those days, ireland like scotland and wales was part of the union. goodbye first generation yank ps im english

  237. You sir, are an idiot of the highest order, i say this not as an Irishman,Englishman,Protestant or Catholic. "England gave up most of its empire freely", choosing this oxymoron as the opening line of any argument is reason enough to pity your ignorance. I doubt you personally "remember the second world war", because if you did you would know that Irish authorites interned german pilots and soldiers captured on "neutral" Irish soil while returning the magority of allied servicemen(mostly british) to their respective homelands. On top of this the number of Irishmen who served on the allied side dwarfes that of whom served with the axis,a fact those of us who's familes fought with Britain against facism are eternally proud. The very fact you brought up the second world war, A WAR AGAINST FACISM, in support of your facist, racist, idiotic little diatribe shows the epic extent of your ignorance….that and the fact you spell intelligence wrong.

    • So if the Irish were that sympathetic to the English in WW2 why didn't the declare war on the Germans. Like the U.S. did.
      After all they enjoy the freedoms the allies fought for.
      England had to give up its empire freely the second world war bankrupt them and they couldn't sustain it.
      Sorry pal Crippsy's right.

    • If you want an answer to why Ireland remained neutral then i would propose that you research it.
      Do it properly,avoid history lessons from football hooligans on the Rangers football forums.They're not exactly reliable.

  238. Who said they were a foriegn nation Ireland was actually part of Great Briain and you were British.
    Sounds like someone like yourself wants to see that conflict go on and on.
    An ideal American is someone who just wants to be an American and dosn't want to poison everyone into sympathising with past european conflicts.

  239. The Irish are The scum of the Earth.They stick together like glue, they are bitter, twisted, and promote racist attacks on the British. They are Hell bent on revenge against the UK. And I for one think we ( Great Britain ) should have wiped this infection out hundreds of years ago. Message to all Irish Americans, your not Irish in less you were born in the country. Even then, still half breed scum. Never known a country with so much underlined hatred towards the British. Had enough of irish propaganda.

    • And you wonder why we (and many others) get pissed off with you?
      Maybe if some of you weren't such a bunch of obnoxious loud mouths we could get along? For all the supposed hatred towards you i can't ever recall an Irishman calling for the British to be wiped out.I see this all the time from your side.
      You are like a bunch of Muslim fanatics who can't control your emotions.

    • Think the problem you.ve got is you can't stand the truth
      Com'on just admit it you hate the English because you are Jealous

    • I can't stand what truth?
      You keep bleating about "the truth" mysteriously like some obscure character out of Twin Peaks.Please specify this "truth" you are talking about because i am unable to associate that concept with your posts and irrational hatred.
      I don't hate the English.I have the patience to make a distinction between normal English people and scumbags like you or Andrew the Jihadist.
      What do i need to be jealous about?! Your stupidity or Andrew's bloodthirsty fanaticism?

    • Me Andrew and all the rest of the free world that sees the Irish as a burden.
      I'me your mirror too.
      But unfortunately yours is a distorted fairground mirror.
      Stop being annoying to us all the Irish have and allways will be a joke just lay down and except it you've nothing to offer.

    • You're not my mirror.Don't flatter yourself.
      You're an inferior,feral,racist scumbag who is incapable of conctructing a rational thought.
      We're not even mildly concerned if the English think we are a joke.They like to denigrate their neighbours to feel better about themselves and then start crying when they get it back in return.
      Get over yourselves.If you can't deal with the criticism then start treating others with a bit of respect.

    • No you just love blowing us.
      At least you are honest about the way you feel…….unlike futureadvocate who tries to sound informed to cover his hatred.
      No matter how much you damn us you will never catch us up.
      Your a nasty twisted little person.

    • Nice try.
      I have nothing to lose or gain by being honest with you.This is the internet afterall,i could easily abuse it's anonymity like you do and never have to worry about dealing with consequences.
      This the problem with perpetually angry,they believe that everybody else thinks like them.Sorry to knock the cock out of your mouth,but i'm simply not as bloodthirsty as you are.

    • I completely agree with you. Especially on the point about bringing racial slurs into an argument. A true intellect shouldn't have to use such degrading terms. Also to brand a culture or nation is complete ignorance, and delineates the fact the speaker is not too knowledgable of what he is talking about. National identity isn't very important in the grand scheme of things. In the end we're all the same. But again, some people fall into the propaganda and ignorance that is created by segregation. Crippsy, you seem to keep bringing up the fact of Nazi sympathizing Irish citizens. But it's your ideology, that reflects the roots of the Nazi Party. You said Irish people are a burden to the planet. You don't sound very different to the anti-semitism ideals of Adolf Hitler. And also, I've read some of your arguments about how Irish people are using pure ignorance and hatred towards the British in this thread. You've adopted the very thing you seem to point out as ignorance. The result portrays how ignorant you've become over the weeks of you're rant that fuels acts like genocide, and civil injustice. You can't seem to see, you've become what you denounce. This comment was written without a single derogatory term towards your heritage. If you reply, don't be as predictable and lower yourself to such an appalling level. But I won't judge your country based on your bigotry, I'm not as close-minded as you seem to be at the moment. But again, I hope you will develop your insights into human nature. Instead of pointing out constant stereotypes, or bringing the two parallels of christianity (protestant church and catholicism.) If you follow your church correctly, you would have learned to love your neighbors, or treat others as you'd have yourself treated. I am atheist, but it doesn't stop me taking lessons from the book of christ every now and then.

    • "I for one think we ( Great Britain ) should have wiped this infection out hundreds of years ago" Ye tried, many many times. but ye could not keep us down. you burned us, you beat us, you starved us, you forbade us to speak our own Gaelic language, ye claimed we were terrorist in our own country, so you could treat IRA solders, like there were criminals and jail them indefinitely without proper trial. while men on the side of the uk were allowed to walk free for committing the same crimes, and you have divided Ireland and its people simply to fill the pockets of the royle family. The British are the scum and to cowardly to own up to what they have done to not only the Irish but the entire world (Tiocfaidh ár lá)

    • Can't be that bad millions of Irish live in Britain.
      Do you actually remember all those misdeeds youself then.
      Ok Andrews text is a bit over the top.
      But I've encountered similar extremism from the Irish on here.
      Think your royal family theory is a bit off the mark.

  240. No Churchill you've got it wrong.
    It was the English on here taking Ed's comments at face value that the Irish responded to.There is nothing more venemous than wishing for the genocide of an entire nation and that kind of fanaticism has come from your end.
    Crippsy has claimed that Eire helped the Nazis in WW2.He is has proven himself ineligible for being taken seriously with that claim.
    If you think all of the bile is moving in one direction then you are out of your mind.

  241. its obvious your profession, something to do with defence, and thats why you hate the Irish so much is that you probabley served in Northern Ireland, I thought you would have gotten over that by now or at leat have researched and read the truth.
    Known of my facts are embittered anti English just criticisms but I can be critical about my own country as well, doesnt make me anti-american. I dont really have many Irish pals so my information has come from books, I read alot you should try it something!!. dont just get your opinion from the Sun or the Daily Mail.
    While I am proud of my English heritage I am proud of the culture and language, probabaley something you dont know very much about, but unlike you I am not proud of the Empire and the uninvolved Innocent civilians that were killed with it.
    As for American opinion of the Irish, if you lived here for 5 years you would know how much they are liked and admired and its not always at your expense, broaden your mind old man, let the hatred go,
    READ EDUCATE and INFORM yourself

    • Ok mike I think we're finally finding a little common ground.
      Lets beg to differ on our opinions on the Irish.
      My opinions ar'nt in anyway formed by British newspapers but true experience.
      And of couse the British empire wasn't perfect but you're ignoring every positive it gave to the world
      if you were proud of the English heritage you'd certainly recognise those positives.
      As for the Anglo- American thing I can tell you in my time I've worked for both governments and in those circles believe me the special relationship is still alive. I won't listen to anyone badmouthing my country as you wouldn't with yours,but like you yes i will listen to sensible critism.
      Yes I'me old but I've seen a lot which has formed my views.
      But not fully retired just yet still do some consultancy work.
      Got all the education I need thanks.After all as I said after the British the Americans are truly my favourite people.

    • the worst thing about you Crippsy is you defend the indefensible, you are like a former nazi still going round bad mouthing Jews, your country behaved appalingly towards the Irish, why cant you admit that?, instead of hating the Irish, hate the people who brainwashed you to fight them.
      The reason you hate Irish americans so much is cos they know the history and the facts and they are not anti british just anti slavery anti injustice and anti genocide of the Irish, did u kill a kid in northern ireland and are you trying to justify it ever since?

    • Mike I've followed this differnce between you and Crippsy. And as a patiotic American I can see where he's coming from.
      The guys a patiot you can't change his opinions. It's like someone badmouthing America and excpecting us to agree.
      I've got nothing particulary against the Irish Americans but I feel a lot more comfortable having the Brits as our closest allie than anyone else.
      I've met a lot of Brits and I can say they feel more akin to America than anyone.This pleases me.
      By the way my decsendancy is German/English.

    • me and my boys? what the hell are you talking about, are you having a go at the germans now.i did six years in the british army stationed in germany. me and most of the lads got on well with the germans.except those with idiotic nik nams like crippsy

    • We have alot to thank the Irish for in America, they contributed so much, he shouldt behave the way he does towards them, England is a great country but their treatment of the Irish has been shameful

    • Like what?
      Historicly the English gave us much more.
      Just read your last post to him YOUR OUT OF LINE MAN!
      Are you sure know you what saying.

    • he has an irrational racial hatred of the Irish, the Irish here are just pointing out the history he is wallowing in insulting them, i have no doubt h served in Northern Ireland and no doubt that he did terrible things, The Irish and English have contributed massively to our country, but they also gave the Irish 800 years of what the Jews had 6 of, this is an inescalpable fact. i know what side I am on and thats the side of our brave fire fighters and policemen

    • You're making a hell of a lot of assumptions about this guy.
      Ok sure the Irish may have had a tough time under the Brits so did many others including our own ancesters.
      But don't trivualise the holocaust in an attept to make a point.
      And people on here are saying Crippsy's full of hate.
      Give me a break!

  242. i cannot believe i am reading these comments about "how bad the english are" seriously is this the english that fought a war single handed for 3 yrs to protect every country?? is this the england that has lost over 300 men in more 10 years to fight in a "war" that has really nothing to do with us that AMERICA started over oil!!!! but us been good neighbors you can say helped when you asked!! how many countries have america upset over oil or there arrogance you call us rapists and whatever else but isnt it the americans afgan iraq kuwait that hate the americans and not english???? as for the irish comments i am irish and proud dont use what happens in NI against the whole of ireland!!!!!

    • Nicola that is the most truthfull and realistic post I've read on here from anyone who is Irish.
      Your a credit to your country.

  243. Seriously,if I didn't know this was a troll,I would be super-p*ssed off.The "I will sneak into your home and castrate you" kind of p*ssed off.

    • for once i agree with you yank, because you cant judge protestants in other countries by the way they turned out in northern ireland, anyway all religeons in the war of independence would have been united by a comman cause

    • Don't talk stupid.
      I'me protestant the NI protestants were in danger of being overun thats why they were so vigilant.
      As for the war of independence in the U.S it had to happen because of the taxation law. But the people fighting for freedom from that oppression were inherantly English.
      Don't look to me for justification of your British/English hate its a no go.

    • plasic limey, read your hitory books again.did you not read the bit were george washington thanked the irish for there help in winning. the war.even one high ranking british officer proclaimed, the irish have lost us this war, ok thicko now get back to your history books and try again yank

    • Actually he is playing a character called William Ulsterman in that picture.It's a parody of Ian Paisley.

  244. as one posh english officer was heard to comment, when the irish turned up on the front in the first worled war in there kilts and playing the irish war pipes [bag pipes] the irish are here now we can realy get cracking. and this while there familys were being harrased by the black tans [english terrorist[. at home.

  245. So what do you want to be called.
    You paddy's are hilarious.
    Tomorrow I will give you the wycapedia page numbers to confirm your Nazi colaboration. You are distgusting cowards and no good to this planet.

    • Predictable as always. You're quite foolish to brand a whole nation or culture with derogatory terms. Maybe referring to me by my username would be nice. As you see, I did not lower myself to your level by branding you by any stereotypical slur with relation to your heritage. A real intellectual does not need to use these to delineate his points. It just lowers yourself, and makes you out as a neanderthal. But go ahead and keep making yourself out as a racist. I will not judge a whole class of people based on your ignorance. If I did, I would be no better than you at this moment. Regardless, I wish you all the best. I hope maybe someday you will be enlightened, and see the worlds people as more than racial divisions and segregations.

    • Why wait till tomorrow?
      Let me guess,you have to edit the wiki page first? I can imagine you sinking that low.

    • You can imagine me sinking that low…..Just because my views arn't the same as yours dosn't mean my integrety is less than yours.
      Obviously everyone has to just go along with your opinion.
      Did it not cross your mind that the only recruits you've had are fellow Irish.

    • Of course my "recruits" are Irish,we are the ones under attack here.
      What upsets you is that you have been unable to drag myself,Facepalm or maccartaigh down to the depths of vulgarity that you are obviously used to.We've stood back and watched you attempt to denigrate us Irish while making an outrageous spectacle of yourself and single handedly disproving any claims of your superiority.Well done.
      Interestingly,the only people you have been to conscript into your level vulgarity are your fellow English while myself,Facepalm and maccartaigh have maintained a stoic and reasoned response in the ugly face of bloodthirsty calls for genocide,outrageous racism and outright lies and propaganda against our country.
      I felt i was being generous towards the English when i speculated that the fanatical posts on here were merely the work of a loan gunman."Yank" has already admitted to not being an American.
      I'm still waiting on that proof regarding Eire Nazi collaboration…

  246. the angles and saxons etc didn`t arrive until the 4th century you prat, the welsh are mainly celts as is there bryonic language. as for the irish not being irish well i wont even attempt to fathom that one out. may be yank can explain it it`l definatly be in is history books all the other crap seems to be

    • I think it's quite obvious that Yank and Crippsy are the same person.
      He obviously feels compelled to post under multiple accounts in the hope of projecting a consensus that is in line with his stupidity.

    • Sir you are unbelievable
      Just because I agreed with some of Crippsy's points that dosn't mean I am him .. Are you crazy.
      I could my self yank because I know thats what the Irish and the Brits call us.
      So we all have to assume every thing he says is wrong and every thing you say is right how sef opinionated can you be.
      You've got a problem

    • Well yank how does it feel to be me?
      You know what it wouldn't surprise me if those two arseholes were the same person.
      Thanks for your support.

    • if you were a american why didn`t correct my last post when i said that german americans were about to start parades like st patricks day.when every real american would know that german americans have been parading for steuben and oktober fest since 1957. did my little ploy work

    • You are something else.
      Of course I new the Germans had parades I never even commented .
      Anything else you'd like to know about the States.
      Sounds like you're jealous because your not American yourself

    • He is offering us sweeping generalisations on an entire nation,i am offering opinions on him based on his outrageously nasty posts.
      He has also tried to pass off WW2 myth as truth.
      We don't assume i'm right about everything,I AM right about everything.

    • You don't get it do you?
      Crippsy has been running on a campaign of virulent racism and i have been trying to drag his fat head in front of a mirror to see the error of his ways.
      You tell me,how do his comments have any parity with mine?

    • I have said this before the guys a patiot your not going change his mind.
      And the way you keep attacking him so vigorously your obviously a patriot yourself.
      Some of what he says makes sense but I agree a lot of what he says is unproven maybe we ought to look some of that up.
      But I think you guys should just agree to differ that one is going nowhere.
      Don't forget that word racism is a very wide term.
      And certainly in America the word is too often used. Particulary when someone is pushed in a corner

    • I'm guessing you forgot to sign into your "Yank" account for that one.I think that's bad form trying to masquerade as an individual from another country.If your point of view had any merit you wouldn't have needed to do this.
      It was only a matter of time before you stepped in your own dung.

  247. i have heard that the german stock citazens of america will be having parades along the lines of st patrick day parade day, i think the irish will support this as the germans sopport st patricks day

  248. Yes we have migrated. Because of The Great Famine which the British most likely are responsible for << but that's just a guess
    the man in charge of famine relief, Assistant to the Exchequer Charles Trevellian< loyalist piece of shit.
    supported this statement — many believed that the famine was a natural result of over population, and should be left to its own ends
    proof of your country's intent to commit GENOCIDE
    Ireland can support the irish just fine. its when the royle family wants 95% of our crops wealth and land that we started to have a problem
    thankfully for country's like america and others. Lots more would have died

  249. You are right, I am not Irish I am an Irish American. I'm sorry if you hate me, I don't hate you. I love Irish culture. I mean, why would you hate someone because they share a common belief?

  250. i`m certainly not jealous of the americans as a matter of fact i like americans including english stock americans, it`s book burners like you that i have a problem with.i realy think yuov`e lost the plot

  251. he masquerades as yank,in the hope that other americans will see us as anti american and support is vile racial outbursts, he is sly by nature and will always find something to twist the truth , he is a lost cause.

  252. you put that far better than i could futureadvocat ,probably wasted you`r time though, he doesn`t understand words with more than four letters

  253. crippsy coulnt possibly compete with an inteligent post like facepalms, he can`t even string a sentence together,he`ll probably come out with is usual uneducated bilge

    • sir walter scot invented the kilt? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe he was a novelist not a tailor, rob roy ring any bells for you. idiot

  254. Eh, they did not help, though some members of the irish parliament sided with the nazis! and we all know certain Irish politicians asked to have the jews removed!! Many brave irish men who fought against the nazis were treated like shite when they went home. This year the irish govt have finally said sorry!

    • They were army deserters but yes they will be officially exonerated over the next few months.Had they deserted the British army they would have been executed on return.
      There was one politician who suggested the Jews be removed.I don't see the big deal,King Edward 8th – long after the end of the war – thought that Hitler "wasn't such a bad chap".Had he not abdicated before the war who knows how history might have panned out?

    • Yeah but Devalera wasn't pro Nazi despite what some British people desperately want to believe.
      You don't think that Britains war effort would have been seriously compromised with a pro Nazi King on the throne?

    • Read my other post yesterday about DeValera's sympathy and Irish coaboration with the Nazi's.All the facts are there for you.
      But don't feel to bad about your misguidence in defense of your kind there are as many other missinformed facts on here by other nationalities which I will be exposing.

  255. He's not Irish.He's British and he is masquerading as an Irish person in an attempt to drive a wedge between the Irish and Irish Americans.Ignore him.
    The British hate Irish Americans because they believe every Irish American is an IRA supporter.

  256. why can't people get along , if people are nice great , if not try to exclude these people from your life and live your own one. im irish and certainly do not hate the english. war or invasions are never good hopefully everybody learns from past mistakes and moves on. have a nice day to everyone from any nationality ,from louise

  257. catholics and protestants are all different nationalities, they can change to what ever they wish, you will always be a jew because that is your race.i also hate jews

  258. you talk like english man, but dont forget what they used to teach there children in nursary rhymes, ithink it went something like taffe was a welsh man taffe was a thief taffe came to our house and stole a leg of beef,and thats not all. also if youv`e been taken in by a tinker more fool you. they don`t get away with it in ireland ,why do you think they come to wales. no offence to real welsh people, they are the salt of the earth

    • You havnt got much to think with.__Just tried to pronounce your silly Paddy name……and nearly choked myself.__Just read your brainless posts what a jerkoff you are.__Even the dumbest Englishman must be brighter than you.__And I don't know any.

    • i wasn`t asking what you had between your`e eares,but while we are on the subject what part did you disagree with.the fact that they were there,or that they wore kilts and blew bagpipes

  259. Sorry to bust your bubble but Crippsy's right.
    I'me a true Irishman and I would side with the devil himself against the English.
    Which is exactly what we did do.

  260. I'm Irish. I know a lot of people judge us for potatoes which i find disguisting and seem to think we have leprechauns which by the way do NOT exist its a stupid American believe .. I don't like the pope I never go to church I don't drink and I love the English so no not ALL of us Irish are your stereotypical type even though there is a lot of racism against English and stuff not all of us are that bad. I like every nationality there is to be honest and if America hate Irish people sooo much then why is it that the biggest paddys day parade is held in new York in USA ? Ay? Answer me that please plus there's way way way more nationalities in the USA right now and that few amount is Irish do why pick on us? Cos Ireland never says anything bad about USA not that I've ever heard of any ways … so please just leave us alone and stop being a stereotype thanks 🙂 from a 100% 15 year old Irish girl 🙂 xxxx

  261. The average Englishman would love to give your problem ridden people that bit of Ireland that isn't yours to you anyway. But we can't because the people who live there still want to be British.
    It you were treated that bad in England why didn't you go back?
    I'le tell you why… because your own country couldnt support you……Thats what independence did for you.
    I believe the Americans had those same signs too about the Irish. Thats how loved the Irish were.
    Fiesty my Arse your a nation of backstabing terrorist cowards.

  262. No we could never catch up to being the evil scumbags u people are, we would have to rape and kill your people for 800 years to do that, but yeah it is nice seing a bombing every now and then, and anyway, we dont need to kill u people, those riots last year by your retarded youth was brilliant, showed the world wot u people are really like

  263. Crippsy, ONE incident? The black and tans targeted the general public and left the ira alone for most of the time they where in ireland and there were many more atrocities even before those p****s where sent over here

  264. Hey yank, i love america and all it stands for, but people like you piss me off, backing up the british, they enslaved america too, turned it into their colonies, how would u, as an american, reply if someone wrote all this stuff about americans? how would u respond if a british person came on here saying americans where the scum of the earth? and then imagine how you would feel about it if the british had been in control of your country for 800 years and raped and killed your people?

  265. You really are misinformed, and anyway, ireland has always been neutral, because we have not got a large army, we always have been neutral and always will be in wars, we are too small to take part, but our people that did want to take part joined the brits, we had a whole regiment in the british army, look it up

  266. I hate the Irish. They are a bunch of idiots and racists. The most disgusting nation ever. Very low educated nation. Their country is full of mould and an awful quality buildings. It is impossible to live in there cos they are complitly ignorant about everyghing. And lazy!! I hope this fu…g sh…hole will bankrupt soon and those drunk red faces will cry as they did before the economIcal boom.

    • Wow, love the spelling, this must be coming from a highly educated english man, sorry to burst your bubble, but the Irish educational system is second only to sweeden,within Europe, cant remember where yours is in the scale of things, not very high up, as you prove with your delirious mutterings…Pog Mo Thoin..

    • Pog
      The Irish are dumb everybody knows that.
      Before we ruled the world the Brits did.
      Ireland has never been capable of ruling its self. The Irish gave nothing to America except being gangsters and they were still second to the mafia even at that.
      Eds post is right dude!
      Read some of the Irish spellings on here ….says it all.

  267. And you to me sir have lost that eligibiliy too.
    Churchill was trying to be a voice of reason.
    But Crippsy is a little too extreme for me.
    And you sir are equally as biased.

    • if anybodys wearing anything untoward its you you old fart, your wearing knappies arn`t you, got a touch of the old prostate trouble ha ha ha ha ha ha .bet you wear a toupe aswell.nincompoop.

  268. i hate irish! they are a bunch of idiots. Mean, ignorant, racists, ugly, really awful people. They are everywhere in the world and they treat emigrants to their country like a sh..t. Why? Cos they are low educated or non educated bunch of farmers.

    • Yeah but its only the Irish who say that!
      The Irish are so inept they need to be colonised.
      Both India and Pakistan would love to have the Brits back to bring back order and civility.

  269. mafia,vatican,catholic,tomatoes in everything,obese people singing opera ,fascism,(mussolini),cowardly men dipped in olive oil beating their women when their bodies turn to fat,yes,the italians are remarkable indeed,the irish built america and the italians stole it in every way.

  270. Dont u just love this small brained biggot, he actually thinks that the world hates the Irish, hes also very keen on his one sided history, hate to break your bubble mate but if you could get your head out of your glourious empire days and read some of the atrocities visited on the irish by your race, then you might realize, what it is your talking about, My honest opinion of the English .. England going forward into the 20th century looking back on its glorious past…. the only difference between the atrocities commited by your lot and the Germans, is the time frame. I do like the terminoligy : missdeeds ; here is one for you.. the sins of yours fathers.. what goes around comes around… Ahhh isn't it very sad, the poor English standing alone against the rest of the world…recent history shows you to be just mere puppets who's strings can be yanked at any given moment by the Americans. Wake up and open your mind.. on secon thoughts dont , because you might outgrow your cave…Irish and proud of it. Bet you you were bullied in school,,,,typical armchair warrior, grow up little boy

  271. love that answer Futureadvocate, I think the research might be just a little bit too much of a strain, on a very small brain….

  272. Your quote ( Your jealousy of the British Empire ) so enlighten me Crippsy, in your little world you still believe that a British empire still exists ? get some windows in your cave man… Bit of a John Lennon fan are we, The working class hero.. judging by some of your earlier post, it is quite eviedent that you have a deep hatred for the Irish, as with most people that hate something,or someone, the underlying factor is almost always ignorance, and by the act of hating you delude yourself into believing that this is perpetuated by the Irish, on the contarary, I pity you and the small world that you live in, the Irish dont hate the english as in singular..more like they hate their arrogance, the arrogance that lets them believe that its ok to rape, plunder and pillage, in the name of queen and country, only problem now for the English empire,,,, your words, not mine…you now have to ask the big boys on the block… Pog Mo Thoin.

  273. get off the "Moral High Ground" that you are trying to stand on and choke down the fact that, 1. Yes some of us do remember the rape, murder and pillage that the RUC and other affiliated loyalist groups have performed in the name of "Queen and Country".and 2. BOTH sides of the fence are guilty, but as George Orwell says " Some are More guilty than others. Just look at the last 40 yrs in the north and tell me we don't have a grevience. but I also relent to the fact the you as an English man have the right to your opinion but again you try to force it on us!!!

    • The RUC as far as the average Englishman is concerned were Irish policeman,
      And as I have said before the average Englishmann couldn't care less who owned Northern Ireland.
      But what we could care about the cowardly murderous bombings of innocent people carried out by the IRA……..Its easy to have moral high ground where the IRA are concerned.

  274. Did you also look up how many Irish died in the the name of the Queen, fighting under a british flag!!!!! people pick the facts they want to pick out of history only gives you one side of the story!!!!!!!

  275. Ever heard of the "Black and Tans"??. These were "soldiers"/people taken from death row and English prisons, jailed for rape and murder. these men were the conscripted to the Engish Army where they were sent to Ireland to defeat any uprising or intelligence gathering. We all have ghosts in our closets look in your own before you look in ours!!!!!

    • were in any post does it mention that the romans came to england in any other century than the 1st, if it was my post your`e on about i said the angles and saxons etc, the etc meanig friesians jutes franks, why would i need to mention the romans. what have you got in betwee your ears.boy

    • Compared to the six other study states, Texas residents are relatively young and poor. As Table 1 indicates, Texas has the highest percentage of its population (39 percent) under the age of 24, and ranks at the bottom of case study states in terms of per capita income. In addition, when measured by Aid to Families with Dependent Children, poverty in Texas is higher than in any of the 50 states. While Texas is second among states in this study in the percentage of the population with a baccalaureate degree and about average in percentage of the population with a graduate degree, it also has the highest dropout rate (with Florida) of the study states and one of the nation's highest illiteracy rates (33 percent). Texas is first among states in this study in percentage of the population who do not speak English in the home.

    • you stupid stupid block head, your thinking of robert falcon scot ,[ scot of the antartic ] you uneducated dolt

    • Thats a nice word, inteligable. its not even a word, there is a word intelligability,, but even that is out of context, think you ment ledgable, but then again what would we know, according to you were just thick stupid paddys, another intelligent irish hating english man,that cant spell. It never ceases to amaze me,, where there is a low level of education ..CHURCHILL and CRIPPSY to name a few, then what follows is almost always and hate…. which by the way is not an opinion…..hate is hate for whatever warped reason…. Pog Mo Thoin..

    • no i havn`t forgot. but serving in the british army doesn`t make me a racist either.don`t suppose youv`e ever served in any army have you,why arn`t you in afghanistan ? flat feet was is that your excuse

    • Can't believe anybody who actually served the crown could be that anti British.
      You are a disgrace to yoursef and those who served with you.
      If your telling the truth that is.

    • he uses the word equipment in the hope people might think he`s ex military, instead of the dirty little coward he realy is. he just makes bullets for other people to fire

    • You spout anti British posts on here for weeks on end contesting anything pro-British and you have the cheek to say that your not ,you must think everyone is as stupid as you,
      For your information I've never been in the military.
      Name the place and we'll see who's the coward.

    • Your the racists pal….Anything English/British gets put down by you. Ime not in the EDL but I can well imagine you being in the IRA.
      Looking at the timing of your posts it would appear you dont work. Is that since you were thrown out of the Army for treason or was it cowardise both would fit the bill for an IRA man.

    • as matter of fact , judging by that method i could say that your drawing benefits,sitting at your laptop wasting time when you should be out looking for gainfull employment, your costing us tax payers a mint. just one more question for you, why do you crisppy and yank spell i`m as ime, this is to much of a coincidence, why dont you come clean crippsy and shame the devil. your`e the same person

  276. you did`t mention billy the kid, but then you wouldn`t would you,he probably shot your`e great grandad. as for the spelling mistakes most of them come from your`e lord and master cryppsy. or are you yet another alias

    • No
      The entirity of the British population went into that deal beliieving it was just for trade.
      But it turned out very diferent.
      Think we're all coming to the realisation now that its worthless to us and theres much more to be gained dealing with stronger allegences.
      Oh by the way you did mean Great Britain didn't you?

    • you stupid imbecile.england owes more money than the greeks,the only thing that saved your skin is that you dont have the euro, so basicly your the fattest of the euro pigs

    • stuck for proper answer agiain are we. what a minger you realy are.most english people hate the likes of you, in your working life,that is if you ever did work,you probably scabbed at every strike, then accepted what the unions had won. i`v got your ticket allright arsehole

  277. Why do you say it all happened 200/300 years ago ??? The brits are still on Irish soil right now this every minute just like they still occupy the Falklands , When we get the north of Ireland back we will then go after Scotland,, What an ignorant prick you are, , Next time you watch British Tv you might take the time to notice every face you see is Asian,, Your country is already lost.

  278. in irish proud of it and too be honest i dont care what u or all these other saddos say were just people just like u but your an asshole too the core so for makeing those statements guess u need some education.

  279. There he goes again, getting knowlodge confused with ignorance, If there is someone thats been indoctrined, its you. I suggest that you take a close look at yourself Crippsy, and what you believe in.

  280. First and foremost Crippsy, i do recommend that you let a little light into that small cavity that you call a brain, my god get a window put into your cave, believe me you will feel much better for it. As for your delerious mutterings,,,what can I say, your education was more than lightly acquired in a stable, along with your pedigree, your mother must be very proud of you, god only knows what she went through to drag you up, because its evident that you didn't grow up naturely. Your views as you call them are obviously dictated by the small amount of oxygen that reaches your small toe.

  281. The most popular christened name in the Uk last year, was Momahad. Crippsy your full of it, Irish people arn't Irish, by that assumption, the Englishs are not English, bet you claim social welfare under the name Raj. your a right clown, a poor deluded small minded armchair warrior,sad, sad little man. Pog Mo Thoin….

  282. Don't worry Cripsy I think this idiot is actually Bruno, Paulc & Futuradvocate.
    Thats why he thinks you are being others too.
    He can't stand the thought of being overwhelmingly ridiculed.

  283. have you noticed when things are ok its england, when theres problems its brittain were all in it together.no wander the scots and welch want out

    • this is true, andit is a fact that exam standards in england were lowered so as to gain more passes, thus making it look that they were not the dunces that the europeans thought they were

  284. lower case use less ink, i dont get free money like you, you lazy twat. at least i dont go around sniffing were ladies have been sitting you frigging melt, you must have hatched out after a chimp pissed on a wall, now get to work and stop making excuses. your giving england a bad name

  285. you dont have to work! you should want to work, your just bone idle, people like you usualy end up with a visit from the grime fighters

  286. i think you should consult india and pakistan before making wild statments like that one .but having said that they do like british aid, india geta four billion pounds a year, and yet runs a space program

  287. your tin pot 3rd world country was named after a viking (eire) Dublin is viking for Blackpool. Nice people those vikings. No songs about them tho?????

    • have you been trying to read a book ticasabric, trouble is dublin translates as black-pool blackpool is a holiday resort up north, ta ta for now

  288. wanting to find out why the irish joke was laughter world wide, i decided to travel to ireland and find out. The answer came quick. Its beause their stupid. they live on potatos and cabbage and cant talk properly. they get pissed up, go home and beat up their wives and have lots of kids and when they've saved up enough money they emigrate to england.

  289. the irish are stupid pissed up mongs who are hell bent on emigrating,mainly to england. They dig holes,have rotten teeth and cannot be trusted to any extent. they dont know what they want and are prepared to fight for it. Some micks (paddys) like to don a frock (kilt).

    • Gosh Elizabeth you must love all this attention your getting when describing US Irish.I bet you've never traveled outside your own country? I used to live in Cisco (San Francisco) and my room mate had exactly the same attitude as you. Guess what. He never had the balls to go see for himself what the world is like outside his own state. By the way I was born in Lubbock Tx. So say what you want about Irish people because they'll always come out on top. They are the best loved nation of people in the world no matter were we go. And thats a fact. Look it up. My guess is you had a relationship with some one from Ireland and they broke your hart. Well thats too bad. It happens to everyone. Its either that or your just to damn IGNORANT.

    • No your damn ignorant.
      The Irish in America are Americans. And saying someone should look outside their own country is rich coming fom an American,a nation where only 20% of the population have passports.
      The Irish will never come out on top, they're a third world country who survives by scrounging off of the international comunity.
      Come to Europe and see how much the inbred Irish are loved. More like loathed.
      Not a very good post from someone who comes from the home of Buddy Holly

    • well iv`e got to hand it to you churchill your bloody consistant, having a go at the americans now are we, just because they see through your blind irish bigotry. do you think they dont wach the news. all the world know the tories dont want to be part of europe, its the english that are disliked in europe not the irish. also what would a toffee nosed prat like you know about buddy holly, i didn`t think you`d like anything connected to country music, you know that music wich was originaly taken to america by the irish and scotch irish. i suppose you`ll argue to the contrary as usual

    • The biggest musical phenomena to ever hit the USA was the Beatles.
      They are English.
      By the sound of your childlike mind you'd be too young to remember them let alone Buddy Holly.

    • john lennon had irish decendents and they where from liverpool half of liverpool clames to be irish so what do you know about the beatles if you had the luck of the irish youd rather english instead do these words sound familiar

    • Looks like you've made another pal.
      Reading his posts looks like you have the same brainpower.
      Bet he don't know you're actually English and served the crown.
      Or maybe he is you when your pissed.

    • i refuse to talk to aliases, come back when your crippsy your not fooling any body, you lack of brain power homo get a life.

    • Sorry it's not me who's Cripsy.
      Don't need any allies like you do.
      Crippsy certainly got you rattled, think he's got you beat.
      My fellow Englishman!

      “Your country has ALWAYS called to me..your sweeping landscapes of rich green speckled with whites from happy sheep…music that makes my insides swell with joy! No other place can quite pacify my soul the way Ireland can. Lost in Ireland? Lucky me.”
      “Ireland feels like a dear old friend…an old friend who greets me with warmth and cheer no matter what the weather is, who serves up the best food and tea ever to cross my lips. An old friend who makes me feel at home so far away from home.”
      “When I visited I wanted to be as close to the everyday folks as possible. Tourist sites are great for photos but for lasting memories it was the Irish people who seemed so familiar…that’s because they reminded me so much of my family.”
      “It’s a place where beauty and serenity, laughter and music come together, wrapped up in myths and legends, and sprinkled with fairy dust and little people.”
      “The friendliness of the people is absolutely unparalleled and the genuine warmth of a cead mile failte drinking a Guinness by a turf fire and listening to trad music is the best experience in the world.”
      “It feels like home. The moment I set foot on Irish soil an overwhelming sense of calm and peace overcomes me. In this age of rushing we often forget to stop and enjoy the beauty of this world. Ireland offers this and so much more.”
      “It's like going home. I have clean air and towns; simplicity at it's finest; warm pubs to talk with new lifelong friends; true quietness when I want it; the bustle of a city when I need it; history, music, art, architecture,and something to do every day.”
      “On a cold day after overlooking the green hills and amazing views there is always within reach a warm pub, a smiling face, a pint, and a story waiting for you.”
      “Everything is so green and lush! Here in America something 100 years old is considered "old". In Ireland, you see things that are older than ANYTHING in America!! It is AWESOME!”

  290. The British economy is big enough to pay back any borrowing.
    Ireland are just scroungers.
    You wouldn;t understand that because scrounging on sympathy is the Irish way of life wanker!

    • i wouldn`t be to sure about that in todays climate, and dont forget the amount of british and northern irsh job that rely on irish imports. you grubby little git

  291. Read it again you crosseyed dopey mick idiot is spelled correctly in that post.
    And you would know its a word probably directed at you more often than any.
    I don't come from anywhere near London…… wrong again thick mick

    • what a pathetic racist little englander you are, i`m illiterate! just look how youv`e spelled breeding, you cant even spell, you and your`e kind are what the world hates about the english, thats if you actualy are english, you should have been thrown out with the after birth you half wit

    • You're obviously one of those Americans who labels anyone who disagrees with you an extremist.
      Your idea of "middle ground" is inventing a flimsy narrative to portray a nationality as "ethicaly disgraced" – an accusation that is particularly difficult to stomach given the fact that American Banking interests funded the War on both sides.

  292. Nice try.
    We've already established that Crippsy and Yank were the same person as he slipped up.
    I would guess that you were another one based on similar grammar and the tag team arse licking for each others comments.

  293. The Irish gave you – through Henry Ford – the motor industry which was described by your president as "the backbone of the American economy".

  294. Icant believe believe, that you didn`t know that the scotch irish were originaly an irish tribe that crossed over in to scotland.just because some of them returned as protestants doesn`t mean they wasn`t gaelic,so yes most of your presidents were irish stock, by the way you forgot regan

  295. I Do hope irish people will continue to be farmers as thats all they can do and not even so well.
    Stupid bunch of retarded monkeys. Nobody has done anything to try to improve this country, buildings are falling apart and supermarkets seems to be from the third world. Its fuc…depressive to live in this dump. I hope one day it will explode and will sink in the ocean, this would be a favour for the whole humanity.

  296. Ireland is the HELL ON THE EARTH. Very boring and depressive place. I understand why in this country people get drunk every day, first because they are idiots, second because there is nothing else to do here!!!

  297. Irish are like farts…you can feel their smell and sound and they are everywhere but they dissolve in a while as they are useless…

  298. every nation in the world hates america its a pitty the towel heads didnt finish you off your the fatest nation in the world have a nice day and would yaaalllllllllllllll like cheese with that

  299. Irish people are retarded if you see a retarded face on the street, you do not have any doubts, she-he is irish. Ugly, stupid human being. They are arrogants are they feel they have to be as they feel inferiors to all others. thats what they are INFERIORS

    • Have you got learning disibility, or is it some form of pigeon English your trying to write, what an ignorant cow you are.

  300. you are the most hated nation in the world and the fatest would you like some cheese with that have a nice day yallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

  301. Not one of you morons know anything about Ireland. Someone said it's like a 3rd world country haha. Uneducated fools. Irish people are as equal to anyone else in this world. Morons.

    • on the contrary, little man, what i believe in ,is self determination.. and i condone any prople or nations that have the arrogence to occupy another free state and then call their freedom fighters, terrorists, be it in my country or any other. If by the same token, England were to be invaded tomorrow, and yiou were to take up arms against the invading nation, after the battle was over, does that make you a freedome fighter or a terrorist ? to have an open mind, little man , requires looking at both sides of the story, something that is quite beyond you…

  302. Just been reading some of your other posts, I find it a little wierd that you are actually English yet bitterly opose anything English. Whilst on the other hand vigorously supporting and even promoting anything Irish.
    Yet even so served in the British army.
    Is it just because you have an Irish surname?
    In America anyone who served their country we would consider them a patriot no matter what thier surname decendency.
    This being the case I can understand why some off the Brits coments have been so agressive towards you

  303. america is the most hated nation in the world and the fatest from which obesity originated would you like cheese with that, the fact that ed is expressing his anger through racism and biggotry and not letting the victims of this racism and biggotry defend themselves proves that America is indeed NOT the land of the FREE and most likely the reason for being the most hated. Your attitude is STINKING like Obamas predecessor BUSH who sent how many of your children to fight an illegal war resulting in their deaths. BRING BACK THE KENNEDY'S I SAY !!!!

  304. Fooooollllllllsss….English and americans i am from germany,love the irish..Wouldnt mess with them ither..I know for sure the people behind there computors talking about the irish wouldnt for a second confront them face to face they would get Knocked into next week..Ive seen them fight and they dont mess..HAHAH i LOVE the irish..most of the world do!!..Except for these few Cowards!

    • Knocked out ……..don't make me laugh.
      Yeah but don't forget the paddy's are sitting behind those computers as well.
      Seen paddy's confronted by English and the paddys came off worse every time.
      Didn't do too well against the British army did they.
      SAS finished em. HA HA HA HA HA HA

  305. Have you ever been in a english pub since the smoking ban, because there is no sweet smell of nicotine.all that remains is the stench of armpits and unwashed bodies ,sweaty feet and fish and chip farts, the english live on fat sodden chips.ugh

  306. I know the story tiny man. Or madam whatever you are PMT.
    Who said it belongs to you and how much of it.
    Think it depends on investment and a lot of other factors in a two sided issue.
    Or are you just saw because your last attempt to invade the North was repelled.

  307. i am Irish. unfortunately, alot of the negative comments about us and our terrible country are true. our lower class (the guys digging the holes in London) with the rotting teeth are particularly horrible, but so are the chavy lower class english (jeremy kyle fodder). lots of irish people are forever stuck in the past and don't do themselves any favors by completely living up to stereotype. its a form of inferiority complex or small man (dick) syndrome the way Irish seem to get so defensive if criticized.. i always ask if i can work on Paddy's day so i don't have to see all the drunken scum and horrible green everywhere. whenever iv lived abroad i just get on with it. i don't see why so many Irish idiots have to broadcast to everyone how "oirish" they are. bottom line—shit country, crap people, terrible weather,corrupt government, narrow minded worldview…the list goes on.I realy wish i had thequalifications to take my family out of this dump forever. it breaks my heart to think my daughter is gonna grow up in this shithole. you are wrong about the religion tho. most young Irish people don't give a shit about the catholic church and never will, only in rural communities. anyway, thanks for your racist rantings, have a nice day. some stereotype Irish idiot will probably prove my point with an agressive reply covered in denial sayin"your not a real irishman"(which i am) etc etc etc…

    • I see your point.
      You're very honest.
      But that dosn't work on this site,you will probably recieve a barrage of insults for that.
      Don't let them bother you your opinion is the truth.
      Good Luck.

    • churchill i cant see daves point now fogive me if im ignorant to it but perhaps you could explain daves point which you so proudly agree with. I have some lovely literature/books i would love to post to you free of charge from such authors as Bram stoker, james joyce, thomas kinsella, jonathan swift, oscar wilde, w.b. yeats and many many many more i'll gladly give you my phone number and we can arrange a po box address.

    • dave ireland is a lovely littel country why blame ireland for your own short comings and lack of edecation yea theres scum but you get that in every country not just ireland and are we the only nation that drinks i dont drink myself but do go out to the pub its the pubs you frequent my freind i speak not of the past for i live in the here and now as for the catholic church you are correct but the racist remarks on here are shocking and would drive any man to say things he otherwise would'nt bother with

    • Read it its all there.
      Its his perception of the Irish and Ireland.
      And whats written I would say is pretty accurate,purely from experience and observation.
      Maybe you see it a diferent way,but I did warn him of the critism he may recieve obviously from his own countryman.

    • i in no way criticised dave but merely asked you to explain what point he is making. From what i can see in his statement daves problem is with himself and not having the qualifications to take his family out of the country he loathes so much with no justification. Now churchill can you please tell me what your experience is with my beautiful country that your nation so badly craves possession of

    • if you chirchill get a new email address and post it here i will gladly give you my phone number and we can continue this debate properly this site is too slow to keep up with our posts i think we are about the same age two old lecturers having it out in a civilised manner what do you say

  308. Think New Englander was right about you.
    Or is he me too.
    You've no credibiliy his facts and common sense showed you for what you are……An extremist.

    • His facts? I'm sorry but he lied and probably thought that he could get away with it.
      New Englander comes from the George W. Bush school of debate.If you disagree with him,you're an extremist.It's infantile.
      You and all the other inferiors latch onto him because he tries to offer an acceptable front to your type of depravity.He's composed and even polite – in that aww shucks kind of way – and you've mistaken it for credibility.
      But he lied and the ignorant would rather believe a lie.Which is where you,Crippsy and Tex come in…

  309. So what most of the British Isles have been interbread, he wasn't an IRA supporter though.
    He also came 7th in the pole of greatest BRITONS……because thats what he was British-English.

  310. So as well as being anti British you'r anti American as well.
    On those grounds yes you are an extremist.
    Long live the special relationship.

    • You don't get it,do you?
      American banking interests DID fund the War on both sides.Does that make America "ethicaly disgraced"? Well, if we apply your ridiculous sense of logic to it then yes it does.

    • Are you saying American banks actually aided the Nazi war machine?
      Never seen any evidence of that.
      It would have to be someone seriously anti American to make that one up.

    • Through intermediaries yes.
      It's not a reflection on the American people but sadly it seems that there is a different standard being applied to the Irish people.That's my point.

    • How reliable are your intermediaries. Of course this would be a reflection on American integrity.
      So why wouldnt any help given to th nazi's by the Irish be any of a diferent reflection.

    • Is that individual you?
      Think your wildly over-rating Irish integrity as well as your own.
      Your the guy who never knows when he's beat.
      Your just wasting everyones time.
      You don't warrant any further responses.
      Your an embarrasment to yourself and your country.

    • No the individual would be somebody like Prescott Bush or (according to you) Eamonn DeValera.The conduct of an individual isn't reflective of the country.
      That was a stupid adolescent rant.First you lied,then you throw an infantile tantrum and have the gall to question somebody else's integrity.I've been completely honest here.You haven't.
      Your the guy who knows he is beat but will argue anyway.

    • You have no integrity. You opose anything British or American blindly. Talking complete gobledegook to hide your Irish extremism.Only an extremist has no middle ground. Debate with you is pointless you carry on even when disproved.
      So much to the extent that I have noticed you've lost your little band of Irish followers on here of late who have stoped chipping in your behalf.
      Or were they just you anyway.
      You are a sad man.

  311. Churchill you are a small minded, ill educated, racist asshole who has nothing better to do with himself but bash the Irish. I'll have you know that I am no scrounger as you called my people. I'm someone who has a masters degree in a language which your countrymen opposed on my nation hundreds of years ago and I'm sure you cannot claim to have the same. I have no hate for decent English people but the ones like you on the other hand I cannot stand as you have no idea how to address a so called problem you have with my fellow countryman. Nobody forces St Patricks day on you or indeed on Ed so if you don't like the holiday then don't celebrate it, simple as. You are RACIST full stop and there's no polite way of hiding that fact so the sooner the better you realise us Irish are not going away the sooner you can get yourself something called a life.

  312. churchill i read your reply to my staetment about the beatles and it's obvious you're lacking in intelligence which is evident in your retort. Whenever you loose the upperhand you debase not only yourself but your beloved nation too with your fowl language and butchery of the English language.

    • You just didnt like my point.
      Ive never lost the upper hand the upper hand is very easy replying to idiots like you.
      Was that any particular language you were speaking in in you first 6 posts or were you just that drunk.
      I dont thnk anyone can actually work out what you represent.

    • ha ha ha ha ha you've just proven my point your a bitter old man probably living in a bed sit did you even under stand my post and i see philip has you beat aswell this is my last post here you racist bigot you'll die a lonley old man ah the sweet smell of succes at bellitteling a little sad bitter english man
      ps ill be checking to see what shit philip makes of you you still have to answer his question what is daves point xxx fat yany

  313. Glad you are begining to see the ignorance I've endured from these paddy's.
    The guys a joke its hard to believe he's actually English.
    Think he's been brainwashed by his dad.
    You could call that a form of chid abuse.

  314. I am not Irish but my first love was. He is still a big part of my life. In the eight years we shared as a couple I never understood why he compared his family to be just like mine. Afterall, he grew up in New York and I was born in what is considered the American Riviera (santa barbara, ca). I grew up with imigrant parents that worked hard. We are considered poor by economical guidelines but my parents stand by their family through thick (believe me thick) and thin. The beauty is that they extend their hand to help anyone in need with the same genuine concern. Educated by current standards (degrees, titles, honors stamped with the name of the time) they are not. A genuine respect for humans especially for what most consider lost souls they never flinch to look in their eyes and give what they can and all of us can… a look in the eye and a smile is minimum. If your brave enough clasp a wounded hand wether it be black, black irish, mexican, indian, a racist ass, queen ha ha ha, labels, labels. Don't fear being kind, I have yet to be dissapointed when I am. Loving what you know is easy. Not hating what you don't know or fear is living life. My mom always said you will be given in your life what you fear the most.

  315. if you wat to keep those teeth of yours ingood shape, then dont come to this third world country; only the middle classes can afford treatment, thats if you can find a dentist

  316. now now no need to start calling an old man names it was just a little joke i actually thought it was the admin reusing old posts sorry

    • that will depend on whitch part of is miniscule brain kicks in ,you might have to make do with crippsy or yank or andrew or newenglander or.>>>>>>

  317. crippsy red stated that st patrick represented christianity and said nothing of his nationality. The fact that you have to resort to personal insults says it all about your intelligence, futhermore that word "Paddys" that you constantly use to describe the Irish I don't find offensive in the slightest so I suggest if you are trying to offend the Irish you need to come up with better material than that. Looking to a sensible well written reply.

  318. im not even going to anwser you on the subject of me being anti british thats a load of bollocks and you know it, but i must point out the millions of people who opposed the war in iraq were they all anti british aswell. as far as my surnames is concerned ,do you think i`d use it as a username, i`m afraid you`ll have to keep guessing onthat one, also do you think that to be irish you need to have a mac or an o in your name if so you don`t kno w sod all about ireland ps idont even think your american, your just another crippsy figment

  319. and here is the rest i dont see the irish in here But that is only one of the cases detailed in this book. We have Standard Oil shipping enemy fuel through Switzerland for the Nazi occupation forces in France; Ford trucks transporting German troops; I.T.T. helping supply the rocket bombs that marauded much of London ; and I.T.T. building the Focke-Wulfs that dropped those bombs. Long and shocking is the list of diplomats and businessmen alike who had their own ways of profiting from the war."

  320. well theres no point in fighting a loosing battle the irish come out on top agen ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

  321. He seemed so nice when he played on the Mary Tyler Moore show as Lou Grant….I never would had thought that….I knew he had aids and the tennis courts where the U.S. Open is played is named after him…and that he was achampion tennis played , although by the time he got older he was out of shape

  322. I'm Irish… Frankly that post disgusts me , you clearly haven't set foot over here.. U idiot. Yeah it's a stupid holiday but what you fail to see is that we realised that 20 years ago, it's the Americans who still celebrate it like it means something. .. Im working this st Patricks day.. Don't talk about us blowing eachother up, again, 20 years ago. You're government is responsible for just about every war that's currently being fought on the planet.

  323. More fighters than any other caucasian race in the boxing hall of fame says your wrong son.
    Being English and needing blacks to do your fighting for you, I guess you wouldnt know that…?

  324. Puffing out your chest and barking like a little doggy? If you hate Irish, then why don't you do something about it? I know why, the Irishman is the only white man that can fight.

  325. Irish knew less racism than 'Italians, germans or Spanish?'
    Despite the idiotic posts I have heard from either side here, that is, without doubt, the stupidest statement I have heard yet! Of those three, only the Italians knew latent racism and oppression, strangely enough from Irish.

  326. The Welsh are easily the most backward people Ive come across. A bovinous, clannish race who like to 'play at being Celtic.' It's you numpties who live in the past; straggly long hair, wooly jumpers and sideburns, jerking off over your succession of 'JJ's' who played rugby in the seventies.

  327. Lol, yeah they would have to go out to the redneck suburbs and farms, find a few walmark clad endomorphs with clipped moustaches and pear shaped heads.

  328. i'm not even bothering with this any more i thought i was dealing with adults but clearly not i bid you a good night my freinds

  329. The DNA of the English is predominately Anglo and Saxon. We are the most superior people on the planet.
    The Australians are largely the descendants of the lousy scum we had no further use for. That's why we dumped them over there and that's why morons like Ned are so insecure.
    I think the Aborigines are great people ever and Ned is fodder for them.

  330. Awesome points you stressed out.very informative article ….. thanks a lot , i will try to visit again here in the future.Really enjoyed this subject matter here, don't think i've seen it discussed before. Also, fantastic themes on those blogs! Thanks & Regards commodity tips

  331. It seems to me that your american and british armies had no problem profitting from the slaughter of millions throughout world war two FACT and only steped in to the fight when they came under tret them selfs.HE WHO IS WITHOUT SIN CAST THE FIRST STONE

  332. Crippsy and Churchill as fellow Briton I would like portray my disgust and anger at the way you are both representing our great nation. How dare you speak on behalf of this nation and insult the Irish people. The Irish have every right to angry and appalled by what they read on this site. You and your kind disgust me to the core. Our nation is one of multi cultural and I personally feel that this has only served to enrich the lives of our children and encourage tolerance towards people from different ethnic backgrounds. It would suit both better to actually experience the Irish culture first hand as I do regularly and have never come accross any of the bitterness that you claim they hold to us. Grow the hell up!!!!!

    • ah luke how nice to meet you i see your a proper english gent. I have tried to engage your fellow man churchill and crippsy in civilised debate but there not interested in that they would rather slander us and make racist bigotry coments.

    • Luke. How nice to meet you a true british jent i have tried to engage your fellow man in civilised debate but they seem hell bent on being racist bigots and i see neither of them have replyed to your statment as the people on here have been saying they are cowards hiding behind there laptops in fact i would'nt be one bit surprised if these people crippsy and chirchill are adalesent children.your statment shows the true face of briton well done my freind

  333. You are a fool and have very bad grammar for an Englishman. Considering you can't write / speak your own language correctly I suggest you shut up and stop making a FOOL of yourself.

  334. As a fellow Briton your an embarasment.
    Its wet lettuced PC pansies like you who have endorsed this multicultural mess which nobody asked for.
    Go and sing folk songs up the pub with your paddy pals you met in college.
    Idont think you know enough about our nation to warrant an opinion.
    You sound like Nick Cleg in short trousers.

    • My god man, as a fellow britain, have you heard yourself, You wouldn`t have been out of place on Christal Nacht

    • If you remember rightly it was us Britons who stood alone for two and a half years against the perpetrators of the Cristal Nacht.
      And you obviously wouldnt have been out of place cowering under a white flag.

    • Was you there Crippsy? your talking like a war veteran,youv`e probably never been anywere near a british uniform.I think the only war games youv`e played were on your computer, and they would have been to realistic for a soft lad like you

    • Icould write it on the back of a stamp what you know about england boyo,But reading you posts tells me what a dirty racist you are, Thats not drawing conclusions thats a fact FART FACE

    • Racists is allways the term someone uses when losing a political argument.
      Maybe your being racist to me BOYO.
      No wonder Gary Speed hung his self with wankers like you as his countrymen.

    • Well well well if thats not dredging the bottom of the barrel,Using the name of a deceased person in vain, maybe now people will see you for what you are you miserable cretin,I thank god that people like you are a tiny minority in england

  335. OMG… what the F@&k man… have any of these people commenting on here even been in ireland??? im irish and half the rubbish people are talking about on here is all total bullsh@t!!
    1 I am catholic but certainly dont practice any religion!! Gods out there with Santa and thats pretty much most irish peoples views on religion!!
    2 I dont even drink and as for irish people drinking every day seriously … total bull!!
    3 Were dumb and hate the english… i dont hate the english ive no probs with them what so ever!! all that fighting crap goes on in the north of ireland only!! England are our closest nation and we are more alike them than any other nation in the world, some people wouldnt like to admit that!
    Paddys day is a day of fun and obviously people over there dont like to have fun. Thats fine im sure you are not forced in taking any part in this day. As for been ugly and rotten teeth… ha ha thats hilarious! F@&KER OUT!!

  336. Its fools like you whos lefty views have draged our nation from greatness.
    The comments I have made on here are only in response to the volley of venom wagered by the Irish against 'OUR' country.
    Read it. Thier endless blaming of the English for thier own inability to be a credible nation.
    And as for multiculturalism what has that given us apart from a wider range of restaurants.
    Its eroded the British way of life.
    I think you need a few more years on you…..or just adopt a little patriotism.

  337. you are a sick animal and like all sick animals you should be put down ASAP its people like you that make the world a bad place to live

  338. And its people like you who have made Briton a bad place to live in.
    Your the sick animal you sound like the runt of the litter.

  339. Everything made in ireland is made with the a,ss. People are very very very lazy and incompetent and most of the time stupid.
    Irish are the worst population of idiots in the world. They tell to the world they are friendly but if you know them, you realize immediately that is not true at all.
    Racist bunch of scumbags.

    • Theres nothing like first hand experience to form an opinion.
      And I would say that yours is very accurate

    • racist !!! you seem to be the racist here, if we are so lazy why did we bother to build england, when you british didnt wont to dirthy your hands paddy came in handy then, i wont say anymore cos i would be putting myself on your leval .

    • Dont flatter yourself youd never aspire to the level of anyone English.
      Those Irish who helped rebuild the country you didnt want to help in the war mainly all stayed in England because thier own country couldnt support them. Thats what your independence did for you.
      Not mention the fact that those navis wern't paying any tax in England or Ireland.
      Sorry your the racist.

    • If they wernt paying tax they must have been doing something right,bet you wish you could get away with it

    • Your missing the point.
      She was trying to make the Irish heroes when all they were doing was scrounging.
      Think you've spent to long in the outback.
      Why dont you go and persecute some abo's if your bored.

    • Dont forget mate the English are blamed for any Irish shortcomings or misfortunes.
      And they cant wait to tell you,
      Your right Alex never mentioned being English.
      Looks like Annas the racist.

    • I am not english and I am not american but I know that all nationalities dislike Ireland and irish people. Unfortunately I have been in ireland and what I say it is purely true.

    • No youve got it wrong mate.
      As if a paddy lovin Aussie could be taken serious.
      Now do be quiet theres a good little colonial chap otherwise we'l never let you have the ashes back again.

    • Whats up mucker did my post hit the spot,whats up with alex cant he speak for himself.the people we aussies cant stand are you ponci english gits the irish are tops

  340. Me thinks your an imaginary Irishman.
    I don't need any help with you as you havnt got an argument.
    Dont think its me whos the coward you probably got a dishonourable discharge when they found out you were a n IRA sympathiser who wanted to blow his mates up.

    • whats up crippsy, feeling a bit grumpy,is your prostate still playing you up,thats what happens when you reach 63,go and restock on nappies and stop taking it out on decent english and irish lads

    • Decent English and Irish.
      Englishmen dont suport the IRA, thats like an Irishman supporting the BNP.
      The evil of Irish Republican indoctrination is too deep rooted in you to justify you having any claim nor allegance with 'decent English'. Thats why you would have no comprehension nor conception of what 'decent English' was.
      This has been caused by the perverted anti-British inflicted upon you from a young age I surpose you could call that kind of upbringing a kind of child abuse.
      My prostrate is fine I could still outlast you in any way you could name. Your a nobody.

    • why havn`t you mentioned anything about crippsy`s nappie shortage,maybe you could nip to asda for him, you do seem very friendly are you partners ha ha ha ha

    • Recognised your illiterate grammar…….not fooled.
      Nappies is what you should be in and my prostrates fine youl see when I piss all over you.
      Or does Daddy the paddy still change your nappies.
      You have no right to any opinion, pity you wernt stationed in NI youd be shooting
      your own men.

  341. Most of what you put in this post is pretty much correct.__And you have the top scoring which proves that.__But theres a lot of really dumb Irish on here who can only hate.__In America patriotism is a good thing,but it seems to be different in the UK. __Keep defending your country……..thats a good thing.

  342. And St George was German,And the tune to your National Anthem was written by a french man,stick that up your Nostril Crappsy

  343. i,m sory your wright about every thing im a bitter old man with an arse like a clowns pocket ive nothing better to do all day apart from sticking veg up my hole that why i come here and take it out on you irish

  344. Have you ever thought of the plight of any irish cripps familys living in ireland,after what crippsys been saying about the Irish,I really wouldn`t like to be in there shoes,Crippsy should put is brain in gear before typing insults

  345. yes i know philip its because im gay that im on here i fell in love with an irish man and he broke my hart i miss his long fat shaft so much but then i met churchill he's small in that department but he's a good rimmer love ye churchy

  346. For a start im nobodys invention,Ullike you i dont need anybody to speak for me, any way what kind of idiot would call himself Tex if he came from Alabama, was that Hill Billy in deliverance your dad

    • I speak for myself.
      Is the best you can come up with a one eyed dick who jerks off under his raincoat for a name.
      Weeners like you wouldnt last long in the south.
      Your just saw cos those other English guys get the better of you and your alias's.

  347. Capital letters. You've obviously never been taught any punctuation.
    I cant insult your location because a treasonous cowardly IRA man like you should have no belonging in my country.
    I'le bet being thrown out of the British army really hurt you.
    But it would certainly have pleased your Dad.
    Are you sending the army your wages back that you took under false pretences.No I forgot you dont work your still scrounging off the country you disgraced….. Eastender ha ha ha…you know nothing.

    • What are you waffeling on about you illiterate turd, IRA. BRITISH ARMY were did you dream that one up, You know nothing about me, Ive never met any body as easy to winde up as you i`ll bet your dad was an army deserter in the last war and your ashamed of him,Like father like son, COWARDS

  348. I want to make a conffesion, And own up that i only pretended to be an American , In order to to make it look as if Americans were anti Irish,My humble apolagies TEX

  349. Scotland is ridden with people of irish ancestry because the scots came from ireland in the first place.You english homo


    • i would'nt knock your teeth out i like england and america. Our ancestors did do a lot of the railways and alot of boston and some of newyork and we are still moving there cause you love us and we love you because you are us and we are you. PEOPLE we are all the same if you prick me do i not bleed we should love thy neighbour

  351. i unconditionaly apologise for all of my comments pariculary those which have offended decent english people of which i know i am not one .i realise i amtotaly wothless to england and should not have the right to live here.i also promise to repay all monies paid to me in the army and since as i had no right to recieve it in the first place. i apologise especially to crippsy and promise not to cry when he finaly gives me the hiding i deserve, i denounce from here on everything that is irish. and apologise for my childlike humour which is about as funny as cancer.

    • You keep on about gays so you must be one.
      Tell me what part ot the country your in and we can make an arrangment from there.

    • You think your a hardman sitting behind your computer issuing threats let see how you go on with me, send me your email you ladyboy, I`ll be over in blighty next month

    • Got it wrong again I dont think that I know that.
      Get me yor address when your over,…….Aussies are usually a pushover.

    • So where does that put you in the pecking order silly bollocks we still have soveriegnty over your country. Colonial wanker.

    • This is another example of GAY BOY crippsys underhand ways by using other peoples usernames,He`s one of those Toady cockney characters you find in dickensian novels stinking in his filthy hovel, Full of hatred for mankind a real devient piece of excrement

    • crippsy ill gladly meet you to teach you some manners where would you like to meet just name the place.Can travil

    • Seems to be a lot of guys beying for your blood dude,I think your problem is your watching to many Mel Gibson films, Get real buddy

    • Glad someone mentioned the Mel Gibson anti-English propaganda films.
      Do you know that Braveheart and The Patriot both depicted scenes that were so factually incorrect that the historical advisors working with these productions refused to have thier names shown on the credits.

    • Only because the Small Killt seen on Braveheart hadn`t been invented at that time, And the pictish tattooing or painting with wode was a thousand years earlier, Apart from that everything was fine

  352. i unconditionaly apologise for all of my comments pariculary those which have offended decent english people of which i know i am not one .i realise i am totaly wothless to england and should not have the right to live here.i also promise to repay all monies paid to me in the army and since as i had no right to recieve it in the first place. i apologise especially to crippsy and promise not to cry when he finaly gives me the hiding i deserve, i denounce from here on everything that is irish. and apologise for my childlike humour which is about as funny as cancer.

  353. You keep harping on about how the Irish are being racist to English people on this site when infact you are the worst racist on here. You say the Irish were terrorist! So were the English!! What the hell is your problem? Every country in this world has a disliking to another country. Ive spend holidays in london and never had problems with the english people quite the opposite actually. And from being in london for both St.Patricks day and St.George's day there is no need to tell you which one is celebrated more!! Obviously from older posts you have spent time in Northern Ireland during the troubles but have you ever set foot down the south of Ireland?? I think some comments on here from people are disgusting and brutal. Alot of people on this site are living in a different century. You Crippsy are in your 60's and should really have a bit more cope on than coming onto a site like this slagging a nation off. You are living in the past when relations between the countries where strained and people have moved on but obviously you cant. And that goes for the Irish on here too less of the horrible comments it's childish.

  354. I would like to beg forgiveness, and apologise from the bottom of my heart to all those decent hard working Irish men and woman that i have insulted through my blind bigotry' I would also like to extend my heartfelt humble apolagies to maccarthaigh who i have so cruelly pilloried and hope that he will forgive me.Last but not least i am very very sorry for using bogus usernames like Churchill and Greasball and many more, I also promise not to drag the americans in to the argument by using my aliasl like Tex, Once agian i offer my humble apolagies and hope that maccarthaigh will not beat me to badly when he catches up with me.Humbley yours Crippsy

  355. Allthough i speak engliish, that is American English,Ive got to admit if you take out the Latin Greek and French words it doesn`t leave much more than gutteral swear words,Strange isn`t it

  356. Ah your a sectarian bigot as well are you, and arguing with girls to boot.Are you jewish by any chance ithink cripps is a yiddish name isnt it

  357. Ed Anger is an Ignorant Hate Monger. I, as an American, am greatly embarrassed by his xenophobic view and loud mouth. I am loosing belief in America as a whole. You, "Ed", and everyone like you have deeply sickened me.

    • Yep had pie n mash and was drinking John Smiths without a paddy in sight……..Heaven.
      Rule Britania!

    • Thought it was only the irish that ate spuds,Looks like youv`e been converted Crippsy. But you wouldn`t catch the irish drinking John Smiths UGH lukewarm crap; I wouldn`t feed the plants with that hogwash

  358. I would say most Irish people in new york suck ass.
    Now Irish people born and raised in Ireland are nothing like these once here.
    America always gets the cream of the crap.

  359. The Jewish conspiracy is known the world over. The holocaust denier Mark Weber, who is director of the American Institute for Historical Review said a few years ago that "Since the 1960s, Jews have come to wield considerable influence in American economic, cultural, intellectual and political life … close to half its billionaires are Jews.
    They claim that the Jews control the media and to make sure that is manifested in the Americas policy towards Israel where Israel seem to get a freer hand in dealing with rivals then any other countries. But is all this is just to hide the true conspiracy in the world the Irish Conspiracy.?
    Now many foreign readers of this are saying ah but the Irish are great they are great craic everyone loves the Irish. But this may all be a myth to hide the fact that the Irish are closing in on world domination created by the Irish controlled media and grip on the most powerfull office in the world.
    One of the most powerful media figures on the right is Bill O’Reilly an Irish American one of the most powerful on the left is Michael Moore an Irish American. But it doesn’t stop in front of the camera.
    One of the most powerful media moguls is Rupert Murdock. He controls Fox news one of the most powerful news agency in America The Times in London Britain’s newspaper of record, the Sun the largest selling paper. Sky News one of Britain’s top news channels. He also has numerous Australian titles. So is he Jewish? No but his mother is of Irish decent. Tony O’Reilly owns the Independent in Britain. The owner and CEO of the Tribune company which owns many of the big American papers is Dennis Fitzsimmons which is an Irish name this suggests that he is Irish, the president of the broadcast division is Patrick Mullen. If you look across other papers you will also see many Irish names appearing as Editors.
    But possibly the most damming statistic is this.
    George W Bush’s great great grandmother was Mary Elizabeth Butler so he and his father have Irish Ancestry
    Bill Clinton had Irish Ancestry
    Ronald Regan had Irish Ancestry
    Jimmy Carter Wife’s mother was of Irish Decent
    Gerald Ford was born Leslie Lynch King, Jr so is in fact of Irish Ancestry
    Richard Nixon was of Irish decent
    John F Kennedy was of Irish decent
    So in the last 46 years only Lyndon Johnson has no Irish connection that I can find.(and we all saw JFK didn't we maybe he is part of another organisation trying to stop the Irish) The Irish are infiltrating the world order. Look at leaders of other countries where the Irish have gone you will see that they have infiltrated the higher echelons of power.
    Now much of the facts may be indeed a bit murky all such world domination plans are conducted in secret behind closed doors. However the evidence is a lot stronger then Jewish Conspiracy theory. But if you still don’t believe that Irish wheald more power then any other people. I will leave you with this question What national holiday is celebrated in more countries and to such a large extent that rivers are coloured then the Irish St Patrick’s Day?
    Edit 07/02/06 the new President of the International Court of Justice is Rosalyn Higgins . Will anyone believe me until it is to late.
    Update: Tony Blair's mother is from Donegal. So he is also Irish.

    • Well WG thats a good point which obviously couldnt have been written by maccarthaigh.
      But I think youv've played far to reliantly on the name game.
      Names in the British Isles have been much intermingled over the past 400years due to integrations of peoples for various reasons. eg Gerry Adams {English name} staunch Irish Republican, Lord Arthur Wellesly {Irish name] Great British statesman. So this being I think you'r concerns are a bit off the mark.
      But it stil leaves everybody confused as to what your afiliations actually are.

    • Well that is spot on gladstone But you didn`t mention that most of the presidents after Washington had irish blood also

    • Thats not true.
      As said the history of the British Isles for a thousand years has mixed names and blood, virtually no one has a bloodine here to solely one of the four nations.
      This then became even further diluted with intgration of all nations within America.
      I think you'd do better to judge by achievment than bloodline.
      Man went to the moon and the first langusge spoken from there was English.
      That is fact.

  360. In America English TV series and plays are shown as comedies, The english are seen as buffoons,with silly accents

    • How do the TV series' made in Ireland go down……….I dont think there is any.
      Theyr bufoons in real life!

    • Listen maccarthaigh I'm not fooled.
      Told you give me the area and we'l go from there.
      Your the one with an afiliation to a people who cowered under the white flag of nuetrality.
      And could only inflict terror on inocent people bombing indecriminately without facing an enemy.
      Remember its only the make believe world of Holywood that has depicted the Irish as fighters. The rest of the world know the truth.
      Apart from when the're drunk that is……and then they'r so easy.

  361. Think your over estimating the Irish.
    Those presidents you mentioned are akin to a lot of other nationalities as well mainly British.
    And even their Irish element on most was when Ireland was actually part of the United Kingdom. Making their decendency technicaly British.
    Sorry none that holds water.

  362. I think British entertainment is great. And our entertainment industries are entwyned.
    The Brits are kings on entertainment and music,it all goes back to Shakespeare.
    Maybe the think we have silly accents.

  363. Actually the irish are superb actors as we Americans have known for years, We dont like snobbish Actors with sir at the beginning of there names,And i think you`ll find the Sheep like british are the buffoons

    • Your about as American as Bin Laden.
      Your just another dumb ignorant paddy blaming the British for your own under achieving.
      Jealousy is your downfall it makes you sound less informed than you actually are.
      Irish is just barely a nationality.

  364. My goodness youv`e certainly got a thing about this Maccarthaigh fellow, he`s certainly rattled your cage hasn`t he. but you are wrong the whole world knows that it`s the irish who have done most of the real fighting; even when they could have sat at home with impunity; They still fought for england.Compare this with the thousands of English after the war being hunted down for desertion and refusing to fight, Maybe Hollywood will make a film about that one day.PS you really must do something about your spelling it gets worse by the day,

    • Dont worry Ben.
      Didnt you know that Irish and wanabe Irish can be as bigoted as they like towards the British. But when its reversed and the actual truth is told to them , then the British are the worse bigoted opressors around.
      They wont listen they'r too interested in thier own promotion,to the point where they actually start believing they'r own publicity.
      Its hilarious.

  365. Youre to illiterate to be American, What sink estate in Darkest england do you come from, How do you suck down a potato you frigging retard, I`ll bet the british Tax payers are nice to you, You benefit scrounger

  366. Londoners dont say 'friggin' mate.
    Besides think I'd feel insulted if a know nothing Paddy loving wanker like you agreed with me.

  367. Absolutely no evidence of that,both his parents and thier parents came from England.
    Look it up and you'l see that all of Americas founding fathers came from England.
    Surely us English give you Welsh some budget for education ….why not use it Bumpkin!.

  368. my name should say it all crippsy im the first english prime minister to ?????????? what.You know so much about your own history what did i want to do.

    • Three issues of which Gladstone would be the first.
      1. The first British prime minister to serve office on four diferent occasions.
      2.The first British premier to suggest home rule for Ireland and failed,but did introduce reforms on Irish landowners and landlords to allow relocation of poorer Irish. Although he was instrumental in the abolition of the church of Ireland.
      3.Also he was the first member of paliament to be sent from the House for being drunk.
      I wonder if you new about the other two. ha ha ha

    • Well done crippsy only one spelling mistake this time,But you still need to go sit on the bottom step, Yuo illiterate ponce

    • very good it only took you six hours to reserch tell me wich gladstone i am o man of wizdom.

    • I dont need 6hrs.Sussed you were a wanker in seconds. Not going to indulge your silly Irish allegance anymore.
      I know I'm smarter than you.
      Your an arsehole…….sad little undereducated man with a terible inferiority complex same as most of the paddys who as a nation have achieved nothing.
      Why dont you go shag your dopey Welsh mate….or is he you anyway.

    • there is a painting of a irish politician hanging in the british parlement buildings can you tell me who it is thats how much your people in power value our people the irish

    • Dont you ever pull anybody up about spelling you dunce, Not one post have you written without spelling mistakes,you are a complete unmitigating imbecile,Make no bones about it

    • My my my all this from a turd who eats Pie and Mash and drinks warm John Smiths piss,on St Patricks day, You should be horswhipped you little twat

    • well the people in power would beg to differ and your name calling did'nt answer the question why dont you beet me with your intellect prove to me and the rest of the world that you are what you say you are superior to the lowly irish and answer the question failure to answer will only prove yourself wrong

  369. I thought that you would have agreed with me on that one, seeing as it was supposed to be an English man that invented the small Kilt..The trouble with you English is that if you dont agree with history, you change it to your own liking,or omit the truth

    • Only thick crippsy would spell STUPID as STUPIT and DISAGREEING as DISAGREIN, There are Chimps that spell better than that, Gow your own dope plant a pom

    • PRAT prat PRAT hmmmmmmmm thats very english slang for an irish man are you a jackeen you vile piece of excrement

  370. I am a proud Irishman but have lived in england for more than thirty yrs
    Ive been readig thru some of the stuf put on here and am very inslted and upset by some ot the things said about us irish.
    the very worsed stuf is from cripsy and churchill.
    I know how the english think.Also i know that a lot of people on here are upset by all that
    But the reason ye are so upset the same as me when i think about it because some of the stuf thieve said is true,
    thats y it hurts so much.

  371. ED, I really appreciate you wealth of knowledge of your country, Christopher Columbus a good old Puritan ha, as the say a little knowledge is dangerous but in your case we are all safe, happy belated Saint Patrick's Day

  372. its only taken 9 years, I would like to think it wont take us as long to come back. anyway let me say well done with your new captain and team.

  373. With a country the size of England backing you of course you will never surrender, 68 million take on five million ?????????????????

  374. The English loved us so much they stayed with us for 800 years, every time we revolted against them they released another bunch of lies to the world press when that wasn't enough they decided to banned education and then called us stupid, Just like the potato famine, we had nothing else to live on only potato's????????. No cattle sheep pigs chickens,that was required for tax's. Please let the world forgive us because all all our ancestors were doing was defendine our country against the terrorists, yet we were classified as terrorists for defending our country. We should be very proud of our achievements, over the last hundred odd years, because back thin we had more in common with the monkey than humans and look at us now almost blending in, how lucky are we.

  375. Did you bow and salute your picture of your queen today crappsy, Have you been invited to the Garden Party, Bender boy

    • john lennon and paul mccartney wrote two great songs [ if you had the luck of the irish ] and another one cant remember what it's called it goes some thing like [ give ireland back to the irish ]

    • cash is french dumb f uck its comes from the french word for case the ancestors of the cash name where case makers ha ha ha ha ha ha every thing belongs to the english even your name like i said your a foooooooooooooooollll BOY ha ha f ucking waister

    • Now the paddy is shagin the Aussie
      Looks like from now on everything in the worlds gona be Irish.
      Give me a break you two your gettin worse.

    • Not sure your Irish theyr usually better informed
      Anyway gutless wonder that address dont work {just like you Queer fella}

    • You english believe everything your told, you think your a cut above other europeons, But in actual fact your the lowest payed for working the longest hours, And pay more for everything you buy.Unbelievable

  376. ned could i please have the address to the web site you are getting this from please. no matter what site i go to all i can find is that cas s and cash are derived from the same french name go to houseofnames.com

  377. "Sunday Bloody Sunday" written by John Lennon and Yoko Ono in the aftermath of the massacre by British troops of civil rights protesters in Derry, Ireland during 1972
    In my opinion, John Lennon should be recognised as the greatest Irish singer ever: his California-based biographer Jon Wiener after all said that Lennon "thought of himself as Irish." The Irish roots of the two main members of the Beatles, Lennon and Paul McCartney, has not yet been fully acknowledged, despite the fact that Lennon, like McCartney, also had two Irish Grandparents. Incredible then, considering how well known the Irish roots of the world's most popular duo of songwriters – they are for some strange reason, not listed for example in The Guinness Book of Irish Facts and Feats by Ciarán Deane (Guinness Publishing, Enfield, Middlesex, 1984).
    The Beatles came from Merseyside – an area around the city of Liverpool which has the largest Irish population in England, mainly as a result of the exodus of people from Ireland during the Great Famine in the 1840's. Early in their career, the Beatles had played in Ireland three times: in Dublin and Belfast in 1963, and once again in Belfast in 1964. It was after the split of the Beatles in 1970, that both Lennon & McCartney began releasing songs about the Irish question – all of which were all banned by the BCC: McCartney wrote Give Ireland Back to Irish which became a hit single in 1972, and Lennon wrote Sunday Bloody Sunday, and The Luck of The Irish, both of which were on the album Some Time In New York City that was also released in 1972.On one hand The Guinness Book of Irish Facts and Feats informs you, for example, that the Socialist anthem, The Red Flag was written by Jim Connell from Co. Meath in Ireland (d. 1929), and under the heading "Top-selling contemporary Irish and Irish-related popular music artists" it lists only U2, Van Morrison and Bob Geldof. Under the heading "The London Irish", it lists John Lydon from the Sex Pistols (whose father is a Gaelic speaker from Co. Galway), Boy George, Elvis Costello and The Pogues – but nowhere is either Lennon & McCartney, or the Beatles mentioned – but then again neither is another world famous Irish singer – Mary O'Brien – commonly known as Dusty Springfield.
    Lennon – like another famous son of Ireland, Che Guevara Lynch – was more Irish than for example than either President Kennedy or Ronald Reagan, but l suspect that the main reason why the Irish state has not given these two proper recognition is because they were both regarded probably as dangerous revolutionaries and atheists – in Lennon's case, for example, he once sang about his opposition to the Catholic Church in Ireland, and expressed outright sympathy with the Irish Republican movement in his song Sunday Bloody Sunday:
    Repatriate to Britain
    All of you who call it home
    Leave Ireland to the Irish
    Not for London or for Rome!

    • I have just discovered these famous people are all of Irish decent.
      Gengis Kahn,Peter Sutcliffe,Idi Amin,Benito Musilni,Charles Manson,Gadaffi,Fred West,Moira Hindley,Adolph Hitler,Al Capone,Ian Brady,Sadaam Husain.Ho Che Min, Oh and Lenny Murphy.[Good Ol Len}
      Apart from the other two long inacurate boring fairy stories that I posted that everyone laughed at there is one mistake in this one for which I apologise.
      None of the above names have decended as low as the Irish

    • The truth always hurts the most my little pufta wufta,Read and absorb if thats possible with your miniscule brain

    • Talking to yourself agaiin Crippsy, there`s a Psychiatric description for that ailment BOYO

    • Sorry I've been away but obviously u've still been busy researhing looking for any articles in a vain attempt to justify your forlorne cause.
      John Lennon and at some times Paul McCartney when fashionable were subversives,both brilliant musicians but commonly anti establishment.Be it either against British or American policies.Both were born in England and niether of thier parents were Irish.
      And the real truth is none of the above mentioned artists could have futhered their carreers without the British music industry.
      As for bloody Sunday the British army will still claim they were fired upon first.
      Being that the Irish government oposed the IRA dose that mean Lennon was oposed to them too? This would make this article with all of its inaccuracies complete folley.
      Why dont you produce your own blogs instead of posting this extremist rubbish.

    • Sorry to burst your arrogant bubble Crippsy,But the real reason for there american success was the Ed Sullivan show, Coast to coast television

    • They were famous in Britain first.
      Anyway I was refering to all of the artists in that silly blog.
      Keep up!
      Its easy to sound arrogant amonst most of the ill informed paddy idiots on here.

    • Youv`e certainly got a massive chip on your shoulder Crippsy. Can`t you answer a question without insulting the Irish,This isn`t normal behavier you know

  378. do you want the web address.Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.You are a fool you should do some research before you type your mad every thing great and good belongs to england ideology.your just not using your head do some home work and come back with some facts and an actual argument

    • william gladstone you go brother. I have'nt posted here but have been reading all the other coments here i did'nt think that anyone was going to get the better of that crippsy person but you did with the truth. At the start i thought he was making valid points he kept using the word FACT when infact he new nothing just goes to show how easy it is to get swept up in such propaganda anyway i wish you lucy in you fight agenest evil

    • YOUR CULTURED! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA Pie and Mash and John Smiths HA HA HA HA HA Scrubber

    • Research is something ye should do.
      R u ashamed of your real name? ya misinformred feenian arsehole

  379. Would all you thick papists like a reinactment of the Boyne.
    The South will never amount to anything and the stupid pyilosothies on here are a testement to that.

    • another fool i think that crippsy and king wank stain here are from the north of ireland that's where the hate is coming from.Both of these people use the phrase DOWN SOUTH but its not there fault they have been tought this heatred from the time they have been able to speak. these are the kind of people that spit at children on the way to school.
      PS. Its DERRY NOT london derry

    • i beleve that crippsy and king billy here are from the north of ireland they both use the term [ you down south]. That is where the hatered is coming from these are the kind of people that spit on children on there way to school.
      So two of the beatles are irish and the english and american governments took gold from the nazis in ww2 stolen from millions of murdered jews i tell ye people in glass houses ?????

    • Your dreamin Mr thick paddy.
      You lost by nationality the day you was born.
      Ive disproved you with my own posts not those of some propaganda insenced republican journalist.
      Your jealousy of Britain will not allow you to form an unbiased opinion.
      Your even ashamed of your real name.
      Or is it Mc Stupid Ha Ha Ha Ha

    • You seem to have a dislike for the female sex Crippsy, Now i know you bat for the other side, I always thought you were a nith boy, say hello to your Partner for me xxxxxxx

    • Listen Simple Simon I know your a rural slow minded unworldly idiot.
      Your silly dumb meaningless comments on here are never relevent,
      I'le bet your a virgin and have never been outside Wales,probably not even your village where you are a joke probably known as THE VILLAGE IDIOT.
      how did you ever learn how to use a computer?.
      Now have your coco and get up to bed simpleton.

    • Actually i know all about the Battle of The Boyne and William of Orange, And how he only won the battle through a stroke of good luck, And if my comments are not allways relevant its because i`m sick of trying to teach history to a Pie and Mash scoffing illiterate pervert like you, Every thing you write you have to check up on Wikipedia,You know nothing nerd

    • Think your another wanabe paddy.Who will just twist any history no matter how obscure or remote to an Irish advantage,ignoring the over riding conclusive situation that being that England is the centre of all power in the British isles,and the jealousy overwhelms you and propells you to search for any blemish on us.
      I take it the virgin bit hit home after a while but obviously thats not counting the sheep. I can tell by your embarrasingly corny attempts to be smart that your just a slow backward country boy who's been recruited easily by some Irish.
      Your backward dumbness wont allow you to get any better role models.
      Even your innocent username is so 1950/60s its very sad. Ipity you.

    • Well Crippsy you must have spent at least two hours writing this Guff,And after all that you just seem to be describing yourself, [ twisting history] [intercourse with Sheep ] attemting to be funny] your`e about as funny as toothache BOYO

    • He was actually a Turkish muslem. But he did do a good job on those dragons,I mean you dont see them anymore do you.

    • A true Observer glad to see you've recognised my talent.
      Dont worry I'me a good Englishman just like St Patrick was.

  380. i beleve that crippsy and king billy here are from the north of ireland they both use the term [ you down south]. That is where the hatered is coming from these are the kind of people that spit on children on there way to school.
    So two of the beatles are irish and the english and american governments took gold from the nazis in ww2 stolen from millions of murdered jews i tell ye people in gl*** houses ?????

  381. I see the irish government is going to let children from the north have the choise of being schooled in the republic but dont worry we wont spit on your children as they walk to school

    • No self respecting parent in the north would allow thier children to be taught by those indoctrinated atheists in the republic anyway.

    • Well done crippsy no spelling mistakes,That King Billy alias must have done you some good you f ucking Melt

    • Thought you Aussies were outdoor people.
      Why don't you go surfin somewhere drown yourself and stop anoying us all with your laptop wanker.
      You n your namesake should probably meet the same ending.

    • Piss of you pommy midget, Everybody online hates you, why dont you throw yourself under one of those red buses you have over there, And put youself out of your misery

  382. says king bill???. I fear no man my address is there for all to see if you want to meet your maker at the cabra house just let me know ill give you a phone nomber you leave a voise mail with the time you will be there and ill meet you there. i hope for your sake you know what your doing

  383. says king bill???. I fear no man my address is there for all to see if you want to meet your maker at the cabra house just let me know ill give you a phone nomber you leave a voise mail with the time you will be there and ill meet you there. i hope for your sake you know what your doing

  384. First of all APOLOGY accepted. I suppose the public apology your PM gave to us last year was for nothing then. Your PM indeed admitted that your army were not shot at first. As for Lennon and Mc Cartney i never claimed they were Irish only that they were of Irish decent and of course they needed the british music indutry if they wanted to be big on the world stage. And there you go again using propoganda words like extremist which has no place with regards to any of my comments.

    • Firstly DC never apologised on behalf of me nor the British army.
      In the interests of diplomacy these PC politiians will sell their countrymen down the river regardless of the truth.
      And I understand your comments about L& McC which only proves that was a blog not written by you. Sorry if you dont like the term extremist but how else could you describe ridiculous statements in those articles like the Irish are taking the world over and those wildly remote decendency connections of famous people to Ireland.These are the desired ideals someone desperately trying to promote credibility of a cause which was perpitrated by terrorism.
      There is one thing you paddys will never understand about the average English working man that is none of us could remotely care less about who owned the north of Ireland,it dosnt affect our lives in the slightest. What we do care about is terrorist killings of innocent people which is the route your people chose to prolect thier cause,
      The British are not your problem but the protestants in the north would be,a force you could never defeat.
      As I've said all along your real dislike for the British is based on shear Jealousy.
      I can see now its only cowardise stoping you revealing your real name.

    • Dont you ever class yourself as the average working man, Its people like you that give the english a bad name.Do you still pray at the shrine of thatcheryou working class snob

    • If i was i would be proud of it the Irish are celts,and they were here first,Also 70% of the english DNA is celtic, You stupid prat

    • I cant believe thick Crippsy corrected Karls spelling, After the atrocious spelling in is own post

    • You couldnt wind a cuckoo clock up.
      what is 'windes',your the spelling man,or is that only nursery books.
      Bet you were even slow then ….bottom of a dopey Welsh nursery class Ha Ha Ha HA

    • Oh dear me did i spell something wrong, Never mind iv`e a long way to go before i beat youre record, remember WICCAPEDIA, You pathetic Numbskull go get an education

    • You`d never heard of the word [beastiality] note the correct spelling numb nuts. until someone used it about you, Crippsy the Sheep shag ger, You fool no man

    • Not tried to fool anyone
      Think your obsessed,or is one of your sheep called cripsy.
      Yur a pathetic simple man.

    • I see my comments on your sheep shag ging, really got your goat [excuse the pun] but you must make up your own insults,Rodger is right you are crippsy the sheep groper. Now run along to your Mummys skirts you little Pervert and keep it zipped,ps i dont want that Sheep, not after youv`e been there.

    • For your information queer fela.
      My name is William Miller,I live at Huss Row,Belfast,BT13 just off the Shankill.
      And I dont like pooftas, feniens nor anyone against Great Britain.
      I have f uck all to hide
      Anybody wants to come see me please do.

    • The only queer feller on this site is you Crippsy Sheep Shag ger, Belfast Addresses mean nothing to me, Anyway only a pillock would give is address away on a site like this,King Fuc king Billy indeed ha ha ha ha ha and my name isAlfred the Great

    • Crisppy Crisppy Crippsy Crippsy Crippsy Crippsy Ive Told you till I`M BLUE IN THE FACE your fuc king Crippsy the Sheep Shagg er

    • Rodger Rodger Rodger Rodger I know its ye ye queer welsh wanker
      Your the only silly c unt on here using two i.d's
      All your posts have that not funny dozy humour

  385. Why is that excuse for an english man Crippsy getting so upset about the Irish,He is such an ignorant mong, I can only come to the conclusion that he ails from northern ireland

  386. Hi Ed,
    You piece is the funniest comedy writing I have read in a long time, it made e laugh till I cried, seriously you should be on Tv. Thank for the laugh….still laughing….LOL

  387. Hi Ed
    Great blog all true word for word.
    Reading some of the posts on here think you got some of the Irish upset.
    But thats ok the truth allways hurts
    More please.

  388. Crippsy has introduced three more make believe americans on to the site He`s got more accounts than a horse has arse

  389. Thank you nice post i hate living in ireland surrounded by irish people. I really feel they are a pathetic race they have nothing to be proud of their history is terrible. I can't wait now I'm 18 i''m going back home to england. Thank you for the post im glad others have the intelligence and guts to admit what irish people are. And they think you americans and canadians love them haha

    • I did not write this post it must have been that wanker Crippsy, I apolagise for any upset caused by his nasty untrue lies about the Irish

    • Yes there might well be plenty of Lukes but not on this site,Now what fu cking idiot would name himself after a sixteenth century dutchman,for fu cks sake man ,get over it, All the people born in Ireland are Irish, no matter what you say, So live with it you Moron

  390. I to have noticed Crippsys multie accounts you can tell it`s him as he makes the same spelling mistakes over and over again, He must be sat at his Computer spouting poison 24/7 This man is a complete head the ball

    • What is a head the ball?
      Think hes got you all beat,thats why your paranoid and think everyone is him.
      Perhaps your someone else too,your spelling is awful.

    • For the uneducated,An head the ball is a person who sustains brain injuries caused by continuous heading of a Caseball, Someone not unlike yourself Fred, But mainly aimed at Crippsy

  391. This is the same pro Irish bull shyte that has appeared time and time again on this site.
    The facts are inacurate and based on a theory that the Irish are actualy achievers.
    The names mentioned as Irish achievers wouldnt form 5% of the amount of British achievers. And none of the British names would have to be looked up they are household.
    I am also breath taken and it beggars belief the extent you will go to in research in an attempt to substantiate Irish credibility.
    Fintan,these two posts are almost as forlorn as previus one read on here atempting to link famous people by name decendency to Ireland.
    Fintan these statements are merely based on your blinkered opinions and not reality.
    A horse and carraige could be driven through them but I dont have time.

    • Oh! here we go again the only country that achieves anything is england, Cant you see that this is the reason that the English are despised in Europe and America

    • No you'd love them to be despised but they are not which only fires your jealousy.
      Ireland and the Irish are a laughing stock the world over only infamous for stupidity.
      You ought to thank the English/British ortherwise you'd have no one to blame for your inability to be taken seriously internationaly.

    • Its not a matter weather i would like the English to be hated,The fact of the matter is that they are; All of the world love the irish and look up to them,and thats a fact.By the way i like the way you have suddenly changed from English to English/British are you looking for support, Idont think you`ll get it off the Scotch and the Welsh, they seem to be following in the footsteps of the Irish to indepenance, Jack you really are the stereo type English thick gobbin, do you wear a funny straw hat and chew on a straw, Who would be jealous of a Backward country like yours

    • You are dreaming ,im English and have been all over the world they all think the Irish are just scroungers a second class peolple.
      British people have respect everywhere.
      The North of Ireland will always be British and the rest of Britain remains firmly in tact.
      Theres a masive diference between the way it is and the way you'd like it to be.
      Bet your a drunk with frecles among the wrinkles with dodgy brown teeth and breath to match,thats a stereotype paddy.

    • No there you go again!
      Only despised by the Irish out of sheer jealous frustration.
      Then the Irish wonder why the English despise them back.
      The answer is people like you.
      And Im definately not cripsy.

    • Pull the other one you dimwit ,Weknow exactly who you are, And why should the Irish be jealous of a country with long working hours and low pay and the most expensive place in europe to exist, Wake up and smell the coffee Your living in a third world country

  392. What a splended post from an obviously well educated man, I think that crippsy oaf should take note, He might even learn a little truth

  393. Dont worry Finton mental Pygmies like Crippsy are not all that common in England, But there are a few Dinosaurs left unfotunatley

  394. After due consideration i have come to the conclusion that if the few pro Irish posters on this site were to leave, Crippsy would be left Talking to himself,Witch is of course what he`s been doing all along

  395. Ive been watching crippsy when he does is King Billy, He actually tries to spell in a Northern Irland accent , Mind you he cant even spell in English

  396. You sound like the typical irish lazy thick c unt.
    Im Irish and have made a great life for myself in England.
    Its the best country in the world to live in Ide never go back to that small minded sh it hole you call home.
    My family are English and ime proud of that.
    Its cos of people like you Eire will never amount to anything, your talking comlete bolex.

    • Pull the other one you t wat,youv`e never been outside of your council estate,Is it true that your benefits have been cut ha ha ha ha ha ha

    • kelly/crippsy/king billy Ime is spelt i'm Ide is spelt I'd these mean I am and I would what does the E mean

    • The man is a complete idiot,and to top it all he`s dyslexic, What he doesn`t realise is that everytime he uses a differant account he leaves behind a spelling footprint ,That is easily reognised as Crippsy`s

    • Stil waiting for ye coward boy.
      If ye need any more contact info let me no.
      All will end fer ye at the shankill

    • I didn`t know that you was Irish Crippsy,But i do know what they say about the recently converted,You probably will make a better Englishman than you ever made an Irishman, So good riddance to Bad rubbish i say

  397. Give me a break,blokes like cripsy feed off of idiots like you.
    And anyone who oposes you you say its him.
    Sure hes said some silly things but so of most of the Irish on here.
    Myself I dont think hes been on here for some time and your crowd wont let him go.
    Think youd all be f cked for somethin to do without him

    • Phill has nothing between his ears apart from hate.__Is he too dumb to realise nobody gives an inch when thier own nationality is under attack.__I say to you Phil you are a fool and you and your mindless flock of followers on here are a disgracce to the Irish.__The purpose of any debate should be a working towards settlement and peace.__Threats of violence go nowhere,hatred should always be the only loser.

    • thats rich coming from you. You are the only loser becouse you were showing such heatred for my people no one wants to know people like you and as you've seen hatered gets you nothing i have no respect for you at all

    • That last post never came from me ye dopy c unt ye.
      But the fela was right ur a wanker so ye r.

    • No you plonker i meant Scottish At least mine was a genuine mistake, you were supposed to be correcting me

  398. Why do the english have rotting teeth foul smelling breath,and walk around as if they had fallen off a flitting, I pity the poor souls, They drink till they are stupid, puke and pee all over there Town Centres, In fact English towns are ano go area on saturday nights, Could this be the same England that Crippsy is promoting, He must think the rest of the world dont watch the news,

  399. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Yes thats were the we tosser will be ,Stinking the place out no doubt, Stinky arse Crippsy they call him. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

    • you asked me for my adress pal now if you haven't got the guts to come down south and see me after asking me for my address you sad little boy dont bother posting here any more another man who's word that means nothing coward i want your mobile nomber and ill need your house nomber so i can pour petrol in your letter box while you sleep

  400. Maybe the English could set up a place in England for the few real English left on that island of 69 Million, No wander they are cutting benefits, your sinking under the sheer weight of numbers

  401. The English contributed more to the shaping of America than anyone. The Irish gave nothing. just an imbittered workforce.
    The truth is England controled America for longer than its been independant to date.

  402. so whats the story jack crippsy kelly billy not talkin to me any more if you get any more fu cken names ill run out of text space i dug your grave last night a lovely spot overlooking the Guinness lake under an oak tree it beautiful

    • I might say an Homily for him, I have some very choise German words i`d like to vent on him I hate this Crippsy boy

    • so what would a german know about problems in Ireland north or south.
      if you look at the dates on here crippsy has not been on here for some time. think you should all forget that issue and stick to the points raised

    • Stil waiting ye thick ye c unt cm'on
      Yeeve only got one problem thats me , ye spineless c unt ye.

    • Does your mom let you stay up too late reading them horror comics.
      She shouldnt do that when you grow up you may frighten someone.

    • ha ha fu cking fool i'm not going to tell you when i'm there i'm going to burn you to death while you sleep night night sweet dreams

  403. I think i`l leave this stupid site,there`s nobody but crisppy to argue with, Hasn`t he got a wife to keep him occupied.Oops sorry i meant Sheep


    • is that it so what your saying is your just another mouth peace asking for my address and when you get it you run the other way BOY

    • ye havnt got £500.
      Niether have ye been here
      Nor have ye got the bottle te face me yurself
      I am not playing yur silly e mail games anymore.
      Ye know where te find me. yeve embarrased yurself ye fuc kin coward
      This is my last visit to this fenian site.

    • ha ha ha ha fuc king fool anyone that can read can see for them selfs i wont be going any where i'll defend my country to the bitter end BOY as i said before its all here dated and timed and yes i am a fenian a freedom fither for the irish just like every irish man alive good look to you dirt bag

    • Phill`s got you running scared boyo, He`s given you all the infamation you need to face up to him like a man, But you choose to hide away like the scared Rabbit, But dont worry boyo someday one of your own will finger you, and then you`ll have nowhere to skulk you cowardly
      phills got yourunning scared hasn`t he you twat, He`s given you all the infamation you need to come out and face him like a man,But you choose to hide away like the scared Rabbit you are, But don`t worry Boyo someday you`ll be fingered by one of your own, And then you`ll get whats coming to you, you know what happened to Lennie Dont you

    • Your' the one telling the lies.
      The dates and times only prove all you wanted was to talk.
      This is too easy for a gutless southerner like you cowards e mails and answerphone messages.
      You never met Bills' challenge by going to the North.Cos you know what you'd get.
      Keep talkin cos thats all you can do
      You have made a real c unt of yourself infront of everyone.

  405. Crippsy how dare you undermine our Gratious Queen, with all those detrimental post about our friends the Irish, especially afer she visited there, trying to build new relations You are one stupid stupid Dolt,God forgive you because the English wont



  408. Irish roots in the South. ha ha ha
    The white Anlo-Saxon protestants [The W.A.S.P.s] are from the south.
    Irish are dog sh it down here.
    English roots is the majority

  409. The self promotion of the Irish on here is laughable.
    No matter how loud they shout and blame the english they will never get off the bottom.
    Whats more funny is they are actualy begining to believe thier own fairytale publicity.
    Keep it up its entertaining.

    • Typical yank
      We dont blame the english for anything anymore,but the world has a lot to blame America for.
      Since the troubles in the north ended Ireland gets on fine with the english stop trying to stir the shyte.

    • He`s not American, Hes an English man named Crippsy, he accounts for the majority of post on this site, all be they under different names, He`s a real c unt

  410. Im not an Englishman.
    So how does this work on here anyone voicing an opinion which isnt pro Irish is cripsy.
    So where is freedom of speech?
    You have it all wrong man,your paraniod.

  411. I live in maryland in the united states. and let me tell u. there is far more irish flags waving then the jackshit. americans and the rest of the world respect the irish more then the english. dumb ass egg heads

    • Seems to me like in the early days there was just as many slave owners with Irish names as English names.
      So from where im sittin yous both as bad as each other

    • Obviously when you say the rest of the world that would mean you have never been to Europe.
      The Irish are the gypsies of Europe with no respect at all they are vagabonds.
      Try going outside america and you will see.

    • been to ireland twice. canada and mexico on charity trips. the irish were trained to travel. brush up on the history of ireland. the irish are all over the world for a reason. oliver cromwell. i know alot for a dumb american. we learn about the history of every nation in a class called contemp world studies. learned about all sort of slavery but the irish. u must be dumb. like a pitbull, u can raise it to bite or u can raise it to be a companion. im pretty sure (100% sure) they where trained to bite. so dont be suprised. learn about how the irish where treated in america as well as the rest of the world. but wait, u cant stay at ur home or u will die of starvation. fckin dumb ass world we live in. michael collins got a free state in 1921, not even 100 years ago. open ur eyes. all irish have a natural fire, no matter where u reside. ever seen a barbadian / irish person. funky lookin people. wait! why are the irish in barbados? why hate the irish, i think they have suffered enough.

    • You sound brainwashed and full of hate [contempt world studies] what next. Have you heard yerself.
      Youd have no place in modern Ireland we dont harbour hate here we dont have enemies. why dont you just move on and do something for yourself in the world. You sound like the worst enemy you got is yerself.
      Ireland is a peaceful country so just stop it.

    • im just defending agains what people say about the irish. brainwashed….. u must be insane or never been through school. what did i say to STIR THINGS UP? u just dont want to hear me defending the irish? but then the irish say they hate me lol

    • The Gypsies of europe are the romaniansIn britain we have English and Irish Tinkers who were originaly itinerate ScottishTin Cutters a couple of hundred years ago, We also have the Romanian ones

    • Your post shows just how little you know about America we have every type of Gypsie you can imagine; English Gypsies Irish Gypsies Romanian Gypsies New age travelers Hippies. You name them we`ve got em, and seeing as your names Duval we`ve probably got French Gypsies aswell, Are you sure your`e not one you f ucking Jerkoff

    • alright captain obvious. my family didnt come to america till the 1800s. i dont care about before then. the irish helped fight the brits in the revolution……did we go back and help the irish? irish have taken what? we built the fckin railroads lol and were the majority of miners. did the jobs the pretty boys didnt want to. u hear what im saying lester?

    • When you say pretty boys did you mean intellegent people.
      So what your saying is the Irish were just a workforce. so were native Americans.Italians.Polish and believe it or not some poor English and German immigrants!
      So why should the Irish claim all of the working class hero status.
      The English had already laid down rules of government ,education,trade and commerce and a civilised way of life.Admitedly we replaced thier government with our own but the fact is thier contribution to our early infastructure and code of life in america was a little more than an imported workforce. Its ok saying you dont care about what hapened before the 1800s but the fact is the basis of our way of life was formed then and not by the f ucking Irish.

    • ur right. but i didnt say it was the irish 100%. just saying there not lazy. and the jobs the irish and asians did were key to american development (railways). again it wasnt all the irish. my op was kinda harsh. ima nice guy but have a little fire inside of me. just like everyone whos ancestors went through hardships. i feel lucky to be alive. the irish pop. is still only 1 third of its old population. did u know the irish are the most firtile race on the planet. weird coming from a small island. i respect ur arguments tho

    • Im an American and your embarassing.
      Listening to your posts Im so pleased that Im not of Irish decent.
      Sounds to me like your not past the 10th grade yet. You dont warant any further responses so please dont do any further posts,this site is world wide and your making fools out of us.

    • ur arguments are irrelevent to the subject im the only one throwing out facts because of ed angers rasist arcticle. ur calling me dumb? read a book or two

    • Hey f uckface, so anyone who has anything to say that isnt a ss licking the Irish suddenly is not American.
      I have news for you pal. Not every American thinks the Irish are so wonderful,just read Eds blog.
      Or maybe hes English too.
      F uckin Jerkoff.

    • Sorry to hear about your own personal tragedies but thats a million miles from the point.
      Everyone knows the story of how so many Irish ended up in America.
      There was 20 years of trouble recently in the north of Ireland with only a handfull of people in the south suportring what went on up there,but the so called Irish americans perpitrated that conflict from 3 thousand miles away not knowing what it was all about. We were all sick of it.
      The Irish have been opressed by the gentry for hundreds of years but so have the english poorer classes thats why they just the same as the irish are spread all around the world.Americans seem to think its a continual battle between the english and irish people,its nothing like that millions of irish decendents live in england we all get along fine now.All i am saying is the english had a bigger influence on the formation of America than what your saying.Almost every other town in those eastern states is named after an english one.Thats a lot more than a handfull were there before the irish famine.They were probably subdued after the independence war.We dont need your suport cos there is no enemy.

    • well tim i got on the internet and stumbled upon this post. judging on what i read, there still is tension…. just in 2009 (not that long ago) they found a 400pound bomb in belfast that failed to detonate. what if it did detonate (would they have ignored it). there is obviously still conflict. i know this from miles and miles away. my last name is mckee. and my ancestors came from county armagh. i live in a land of mutts tim. im proud of my irish blood. doesnt matter where i live. we are alike. i have an open mind so i believe what u are telling me. Northern ireland is a whole diff place from cork tho. well that what my grandmother has told me. and i know alllllll about "the troubles" (what americans call that period of time) im not stupid. my family is 100% irish catholic….. dont get started on catholic history please. just cause im in the USA doesnt mean i cant get involved with my motherland.

    • Tim is enjoying the peace and the friendship with the English.
      It sounds like you would have prefered that pointless conflict in NI to have continued.
      Which is realy brave considertng you live 3000 miles away from it.
      By the way Im an American and Im not a mutt.

    • Would you like a list its endless.
      Im Irish and I would love to give my own people any aclaim I can.
      I have no problem at all with English people and you have to give crdit where its due.

    • id like to hear sumthin that has knowledge to it please. my eyes are open. all i want is to learn why the irish are hated…….. southern ireland is a little different my friend. and im in america and i know this (visited both ni and the republic) will be back this summer. trust me ur people like americans well they seemed interested in what i had to say. i traveled with a folk band and they were the coolest people. u seem different then the irish people i met. oh and dont hate on my grammer but yet again i spent most of my time in NI and the western coast (where i couldnt understand a word)

    • You mean every town changed its name from a Dutch name to an English name.
      Dont be talkin like a c unt.
      Ye are makin ur own history.
      With you bein a dodger,was it school you dodged.

  412. im american. i live in maryland. waaaaaaayyyyyy more triclours then jack shits in the air. irish built america.

    • Silly boy. You'r not American we dont spell TRYCOLORS like you did.
      Or maybe it was cripsy or someone huh!

    • tricolour*** is how us AMERICANS spell it. the argument isnt about grammer. its about the irish being bullied for over 800 years even when they came to america. and when i mean came to america, im talking about the great migration during the famine. not the few before that. the english have trashed the world and nobady cares now of days.

  413. I'm a cross beween Irish and welsh as my name might suggest.
    This means I get drunk very easy but cant stop singing,I love digging coal mines or roads no problem,half of me wants to break away from the UK but wont cos its seen whats hapeneed to the other half and cant be bothered to work abroad,my favourite soup is leek and potato,but most important of all when I'm blaming the English for everything my name describes the verbal conent.

  414. After the American war of independance, If englishmen had been caught entering America ,they would have been swiftly delt with, Probaably lynched or scalped

    • I think thats what you would like to think.
      The truth is the English comunities were already established here and it was only thier army who were mainly mercenaries who left on independance.
      I think most Americans have been in denial over thier early British influence because of the anti anglo feeling by the Irish.

    • whatsup lester lol
      the colonist were english……but were treated diff then homeland english (also developed a diff accent)……so they fought….won……seperated themselves from the english (as they were english themselves.) The irish helped the colonist fight cause they were in the same situation. of course there is british influence lol. the colonist wanted seperation like ireland. the fact is the english did this everywhere and have yet to pay. the war of 1812 was AMERICANS(not colonist) fighting the english because of cut off trade. the english still tried to be cockheads. The english are so bad themselves wanted seperation lol
      BOTTOM LINE we dont hate the british cause the irish. english people (in england) are so dumb…they dont even care about their grills lol

    • Contradiction in every line.
      Your overwhelming hate for the english/british disqualifies you forming a realistic opinion.
      Your obsessed with promotinng the virtues of being Irish and are inventing your own history.
      Great Britain stands shoulder to shoulder with America in any conflict this pleases me I'd trust them in front of any of our other so called allies. Thier loyalty to the U.S. is unconditional. And I believe this is largely because of bloodlines going way back. The British invented capitalism and thank god we inherited that from them.By the way stay off the booze it sticks out a mile.

    • you are brainless. read a book im talking about the past not the present. the present i see is this rasict "i hate the irish" post. brainless…..

    • yes ur brainless. u cant come up with a logical arguement. tell me why im wrong? were r ur facts?

    • Here we go again anti Anglo feeling by the Irish. The truth is that the Dutch the Germans the Irish the Scots and the Welsh etc were also established communities,It was these groups collectively with the aid of the French that expelled the English

    • You guys crease me up.
      Cos hes saying something anti anglo he automaticaly knows what hes talkin about.
      The wide majority of people who expelled the British were English.
      You people are too biased to take in the truth.

  415. The English were never fully trusted in America, They still tried to take America back through the back entry one might say ,during the American ciivil war, And then there was the matter of the Atom Bomb secret winding up in russia, I dont think they got it off the Irish

    • The British not just the english tried to take America back in 1812 technicaly the Irish at that time were still British
      and obviously the British include Scots and Welsh.
      Cant imagine at all why the British would want to pass A bomb secrets to the Russians that would endanger them as much as anyone else,never heard of that one.


  417. After reading this I think in America now we should immediately hand power of government BACK TO THE BRITISH and apologise to them for ruining the land they colonised.
    Sorry Lord Cornwallis please come back.Look what we have done to an Irishman in Maryland.

    • We are mad?…..Did you actualy believe you could write such nonsensicle, illiterate,inaccurate,hatefull crap and not be ridiculed…..boy do you need help I pity you.
      My only advice….. Stop making such a fool of yourself publicly.

    • fck u. i can post w/e the fck i want u dumbfck. making a fool of myself? im defending myself u sht.
      My advice…. learn sumthin. i pity ur ignorance.

    • Chance would be a fine thing you f uking traiter,The English are still a sore point to most Americans. Lord Cornwallies indeed, we dont do Lords over here

    • It was a joke you mindless pr ic.
      Im an American and the English are fine with me.
      Sore point ..to an American…. for what?
      You'r just another hatemonger.

  418. everyone on this post is dumb. i thought you guys would have some knowledge of your own countries. insted ur arguement is to call me a wanker lol give me facts! you seem afraid of the facts. yall start losing an arguement cause i have facts and u start calling me names and saying im hatefull. what did i say that was hatefull? yall are too sensitive. im explaining irish and american history THATS ALL and your denieing it and getting mad. seriously?

    • Heres the facts for you without lowering myself to the level of your mindset by going into specifics.
      You are not capable of forming one literal sentance-FACT
      Your comprehension of a credible Irish American is non exsistant.-FACT
      Your comprehension of the status of Anglo-Americans is non exsistant-FACT
      Your politics are similar to that of a caveman-FACT
      You have chosen vague parts of hearsay history to encompas your own ignorance-FACT
      Those are the facts that is why nobody is prepared to debate with you.
      Basicaly in your terms its because your an idiot.

    • vague? i dont thinks so. i type so much i dont care about grammer hense i spell you with just the letter u. iv already explained myself amillion times. u cant get it through your thick skulls what im saying or my point in my argument. u still havent told me anything about history or irish racism. ur not on the same page as me. i have no ignorance since i listen to what people say unlike u thad. i wish i had a round with u to knock some scence into ur head. im a idiot because im telling u true facts….ok thad u win lol smh. oops u want my letters capitalised and my words in complete sentences my bad, i dont fell like it

    • The ruling classes in England opressed thier own people years ago as bad as anyone.
      Who was it who gave thier lives to go and conquer all of those empire countries in the name of the rich with no reward for themselves.
      Or just read Dickens that tells you all
      I am an Irishman and I know that.
      So just be carefull WHICH English it is that you hate.

  419. good for you pal i dont hate anyone not the english not the north not america my mother is english but i was born in ireland making me irish read whats posted here the only people i hate are people like you and crippsy-billy-wanker bitter sad people like you-ed-billy-crippsy who have nothing better to do than hate on people crawl back in your hole and die

    • Hes just a poor misguided American kid who knows nothing about the crack this side of the Atlantic.
      Someone with an evil mind has filled this kids head with shyte.
      He also thinks hes black.

  420. I cant believe on here how the English are being vilainised.
    Sure they had to go, but here are some things ot remember.
    Thomas Jeferson. John Adams, Benjiman Franklin,Madison,Washington,Jackson all of these had parents who were from England.
    If Great Britain hadnt of stood alone for two years against the Germans by defeating the Luftwaffe they, the Irish and eventualy Americans would have all fallen under the jackboot.
    Korea ,Iraq,Afganistan and special forces in Vietnam,all these times Britain stood with the U.S.
    They are our closest friends,please my fellow Americans dont forget this

  421. What is it about some English people who post on this site, Just because they`e a minority in the USA they think they have the right to slander the Germans and the Iriish and other races who make up the masses of our populace, Ithink they have an Inferiority Complex about the situation, they seem to have a misguided view that everthing American came from England, One post even read that Capitalism was born in England, When according to most scholers modern day Capitalism was formed in 16 century Netherlands

  422. I am Russian and I believe Irish are big waste of space.
    English is more superior and better people.
    Where the fk was irish in world war 2.

    • It was Germans and English what give USA brains.
      Irish is useless.
      I work in U.S. then Ireland then England.
      This I know thes is correct.

    • If Irish are useless then how come there are the 7th highest educated country in the world ahead of USA and england. England in fact is something like 30th in the world.. Irish thick… I think not.

    • If irish not thick how come you have never been able to keep yourelf.
      First Britain then USA then EU they have to keepyou.
      Oxford ,Cambridge,Harvard,Berkeley, irish just inbred ditch diggers.
      Iknow this, I have worked all over the world,everybody just think irisk drunken idiots.
      When you talk to them all they do is hate english,blame english for everything.
      They should blame themselves , english is good peoples.
      Irish is worthless.

  423. Thank god! Someone talkin some sense.
    Spot on. D ickens tells it all about 19th century england.
    They all were in the rich mans army just to eat. They probably would have love to have fled to America.
    People are people its only rulers that make wars.
    Well said Mick.

  424. Im Irish and I dont dislike the english people.
    Its just thier governments have made the Irish suffer in days gone by.
    But I agree you have got to admire the way they stood up to Hitler alone when all others had fallen.

  425. Are they in a minority in America?
    Theres just as many english names in America as anyone,and I think the english decendants here have had a much bigger hand in big business and government.
    Capitalism is free trade Britain were the first to sread that all around the world.
    I dont think either theres anything misguided about thier influence particulary in the early days.
    And before you say it no Im not english my decendants in America were Sweedish ,Welsh,Dutch and Scottish.

  426. Yo Ma was english. That makes you english you dumb fk.
    South Boston we spit on english ….come over we gona p iss on u too.
    Irish 4ever.

  427. Give me a break you f ucking brown noser, What bloodlines are you talking about ,English Bloodlines are 70% Celtic DNA and thats a proven fact

    • That would be correct but you know full well what I am saying.
      I am talkin about bloodlines to colonial America.
      Brown noser to who ? The Truth?

  428. The Irish who were in America then wernt in enough numbers to tip any balance.
    Why would I admit to somthin that was c rap.
    I surpose it was the Irish who defeated the Japs and Germans as well huh.
    History is what it is not what you want it to be.

  429. Im quite sure that if Mars attacked the USA you would say that it was the Irish who would repell
    Get over yourselves.

    • No evidence of that .Let alone any statistics.
      Dont forget if there were any Irish present technicaly they were stil British.
      Its not widely written in any of the history books that they were there in any kind of numbers against the British.
      Sorry youl have to research other avenues for any Irish aclaim.

  430. Hey faceache! Stil barkin up the wrong tree I see.
    Looks like the cripsy man had you rattled.
    Obviously your tiny mind couldnt compute someone who didnt kiss a ss the irish.
    Or are you just sore cos your people couldnt get the boat fare over.LoL

    • Why ?
      The point is as said from the outset British influence in the early days contributed much more to the formation of our way of life'
      Sorry but the Irish apart from a labour force have had nothing to offer America.
      Ed is right.

  431. Tim,
    I am Irish and you are a disgrace to my country for all your talk about Irish Americans, We would be nowhere without them, I lived in America for years and it was mostly irish born construction workers who funded NORAID not Irish americans, most of the donations to NORAID came from people actually born in Northern Ireland. we would have no peace process without Irish America

    • Well sean its irish like you who wanted that fiasco to go on….your the disgrace , irish construction workers me bolix.
      How the fk would you know who put into Noraid or not.__Only a tiny small amount of hotheads in the republic wanted that trouble, if that wasnt the case why didnt the Irish government back the IRA?__I will tell ye why ,cos it was wrong and not ever winable.__Why cant you people just try to live with each other in peace…..its over

    • No peace pocess without America?
      More like no conflict without America.
      Tony blair negotiated that without his efforts that was going nowhere.
      Think youl find those irish born construction workers were paid fund raisers by the IRA.
      I met a few at the time,but sorry I couldnt donate to bloodshed.
      Sean, Im a proud American why does any irish always naturaly asume Americans will suport thier evil cause?.

  432. I hate the Irish with all my heart and soul, they are the most rubbish 2 faced people I have ever seen in my life.
    They are nothing but a big bunch of ignorant bloody useless hatefull farmers.
    The only thing they like to do is drinking and speak bad behind peoples backs because they don't have the guts to say it in your face.
    They are all inbred that is why they all have the same faces and so many genetical defects and are every single one of them the same in their evil minds.
    They will destroy your life when you tell them the truth about whatever they do wrong in any company and make your life a living hell.
    I have been living in that country for so many years and they destroyed my life and of my wife completely.

    • Sounds to me like Rogier is pretty educated on the Irish.
      Your the one who writes in trash talk so your the garbage boy.
      Racist huh? you mean just like you with the english.

    • Lester. can i ask you something. Were you touched as a child. i am sure you were, there is help out there and there are people who will listen. You don't have to live as a victim, seriously.

    • Seein as you know all about that you must be an expert so your thoughts must aply to yourself.
      Its an illness to not be able to take in critism of the Irish …….you need help for that.

    • for f ucks sake shut your trap cripsy, we in this computer club have been watching you and your aliases for months , We know exactly who you are by the tone and style of your post, So please will you give poor ireland a break' And stick your head in the Oven; weirdo

  433. u guys are mad cause a terrorist organization fcked the british soldiers up. look at the death tolls of the 90s alone. british general or whater u call ur highest ranking officer said "we cannot beat them" it was on the front page news here in america back then. also i found this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRJGfe0k7rI suck it

    • Think youl find the IRA terrorists were unable to continue due to heavy losses inflicted upon them by covert British special forces and Blair making deals with Clinton then Bush to cut off all American irish funding._Nortern Ireland is still part of Great Britain that was the outcome.
      Just as well cos if the Brits had pulled out the IRA could never have defeated the UVF.
      Think your vastly over rating the strength ot the IRA and seriously under rating Britain who are a former world power.
      And its a fact the IRA were only suported by Irish Americans whos knowledge of the conflict was very limited,people in the South of Ireland by the wide majority never suported the IRA, it was just a small handful of extremists who were not suported any way by the Irish government.

    • You are proud of British soldier death tolls?
      Im American and I dont remember that headline,what was it in some shamrock journal.
      The reality is the ira lost badly.
      The North of Ireland is still British.
      They all live in peace and get along fine now.
      Give up will you thats a forlorne cause.

  434. like cut the crap, dont gata hate anymore. just accept the loss and accept a whole ireland. leave the irish alone for once both american and native

  435. Well we can spell………………….., "Here's to the English who shoved their language down our throats, until we regurgitatded in GLORIOUS colour. Plus we never kept slaves and although the British did for a while at least they never lynched or burned them. Ah sure every country and religion has problems, May the road rise before ye, may the wind be always at your back, and may you be in heaven half an hour before the divil knows yer gone! :O)

  436. Kelly, can you please tell me how that one works, you are Irish and your parents are English, and you call us Irish dumb, Pog Mo Thoin.

    • Listen u dopey fk . my family r English .
      I come from that shi thouse u r hopelessly trying to defend.
      My parents r both from Ireland and I wish they were here now living in England away frm shyte like you.

  437. Its fairly obvious to me why Cromwell foced the Irish to speak English
    Cos……..He couldnt understand what the fu ck they were on about.

    • Which 'rant' are you refering to.
      Im not Ed and whatsmore Eds blog mainly was about Irish Americans.
      But I agree we must be dumb to have let as many Irish in and let them spout thier hateful crap in America.

    • Technicaly Guiness is British.
      When the Guiness company was founded in Dublin Ireland was still part of Great Britain.

  438. And your promoting the Irish?
    Unfortunately drunken culture is worldwide,and of my experience in America the Irish lead that field.
    Cripsy obviously has a problem with the Irish. But Ithink he merely compares what Ireland as a people have achieved in history as oposed to Great Britain.

  439. The Irish where never british. Yes england occupied Ireland but the country was still called Ireland the name was never changed so therefore the people were still Irish. Like every other country the english took over the country name was never changed to england.

    • You are wrong. Ireland was part ot the British mainland as part of it still is.
      Being part of the British isles was one nation called Great Britain.
      Not a far off dominion,but British soveriegn teritory.
      Same as the northern Irish, Welsh,and Scotts are still the Irish were British.
      How proud they must have been.

  440. The only benifet I get is not livtng with arseholes like you.
    Im Irish but you can stick that small minded hateful pishole up your drunken arse.

  441. The Irish Are The ugliest people on earth.
    You are all in bred and it shows thru generations
    You are the next thing to being dog doo.
    Please all take arsenic now all of you lets stop this abortion of mankind.

    Please Observer come back and read all of the nice comments people have said about you and your kind.
    Even some of your countrymen.
    Is it now time now to repent and do the decent thing by saying sorry to everybody then commiting suicide.
    Good Ridance
    Your Fans

  443. well i am an American living in Ireland and married to an Irishman, whom i love with all my heart, and his family is great! even though the conservative nature of the people sometimes get on my nerves, i love the people, and the country.

  444. and u ofc come from the big old usa the place i dont want to be usa is full of gangs that will shoot u for looking the wrong way and look at your drug problems and u try to put england down cuz ppl like to chill but i guess nothing like this happens in the usa i have never seen anything good that came for your country see all u guys r good for is killing raping murder and steal from other country yea that right your country is so awsome and you kill your own ppl

  445. American ciivil war, this is your history and this is all you have you kill your own ppl you live with you go to other countrys to steal and pillage so yea what else are you known for nothing but death follow usa look at all your prisons today you have the most rasist country in the world you spend bils to kill ppl you start shit when ppl have what you want what do you do yes you go blow them up then when thay fight bk you blame them and cover it all up you sick mofo

  446. Where were the Irish in world war two? According to Anthony Cave Brown, who wrote Body Guard of Lies, 165, ooo men from the republic of Ireland enlisted in the British Forces in World War 2. Also, thirty five thousand men from Ulster served in the British Forces in WW 2. Most of these men were Catholics. Why. Because due to discrimination they could not get jobs in Ulster. They Orange men did not flock to the British Forces. Think Paddy Finacane or Paddy Mayne or myself. I too served in the British Army. God Bless America and God Bless Americans. On, in WW 2, men from the south of Ireland won seven VCs. And we were neutral.

    • Well said Brendan.
      That Rusian is an idiot,Hes also trying make a rift between us and the England.
      The whole world had Britain and America to thank in world war 2. Britain for standing firm and America for coming to the rescue'
      As an Irishman I would have been proud to help.
      God bless the freedom Britain and America gave us all.

  447. Yes please waste your own space on that tiny inbred island you are from.
    Please stop wasting our space in the USA
    Weve got lives here…dont sound like u do.

  448. this blog is bull I've lived in Ireland ye its a dump but the people are great friendly well mannered and a lot smarter than they let on to be. As regards to all the rest of the dribble being posted here by cripsy etc all the points you've raised have nothing to do with ed's blog

    • I've lived in England and Ireland and the Irish are mainly jerkoffs.
      Cripsy is right England is a difrerent class.What hes saying is relevant to Eds blog.
      His opinions on Irish Americans are the same as Eds.The Irish over promote themselves, constitutionaly and historicly the British have had a far bigger influence on our way of life.
      The Irish are like an empty tin can.

    • Not another one obsessed by cripsy!
      He must have got u all ratled even tho hes not been on this site for ages.
      Dont know how u could say hes not like Ed.
      He must have somethin right he has the highest score.

  449. Why is it that Irish americans who have blatant english names still see themselves as Irish.
    Theyr all a fkg joke.

    • If u dont know what a blatant english name is then you shouldnt even have the right to comment.
      So instead of Patel what do we call u O'Patel.
      Your ignorance is blinding.

  450. I'm living in Ireland trying desperately to get out…I lived there until Irish Republicans stole all the startup capital for my small business through a fraudulent investment firm that was set up to liquidate property holdings by the IRA, investments that were made to hide the Northern Bank robbery proceeds. After that, the Irish dissident fundraisers back in the US whom I knew (only on a social level, but I knew what they were doing) decided that my business needed to be shut down, and sent me a threat to my daughter's life. Right now I'm under the protection of the Loyalist community until the High Court finally grants me custody and I get the hell out of here.
    My story here is a dramatic one of radically changing sides, from being a devoted trad player to learning the hard way why I was lucky to have been raised a Protestant (and in the US). This happened because dysfunctional, rotten people in Ireland rampage unchecked and uncontrolled, and if they target you, you get the blame for it.
    Let me tell you something straight up. I came to Ireland thinking that speaking Irish and playing traditional music would get me far here. What I got was an insular nation of frighteningly closed-minded people, scared like sheep, bullied by a Republican underbelly, many of whom suffered from Fetal Alcohol Syndrome as children and many more of whom are…let's just say, genetically questionable. The top eschelons of the Irish mafia are men bred like stallions who are 6-foot Celtic warriors and muscled like the Hulk. The drunk mutants are their lackeys.
    The Irish in America took their hard survival skills and stubbornness and put it to good use, they were also not inbred due to mass emigration and ended up crossbreeding in the US to stay genetically healthy. Here, it's a different situation. Clannishness, exclusion, racism, all of this is the real story under the lie that is Republicanism. Many Irish are experts at gang psychology and lying to cover up pure evil so well, that they look like complete angels. There is even a term for them: "Cute wh0res".
    Most of the Irish in Ireland are middle-class and hard working and decent. But there's a frightening double-digit percentage of broken people in Catholic Ireland due to pedophile priests, alcoholism, clannish interbreeding, mafia culture, and plain outright ignorance, and the middle-class people let this underbelly of morons dominate, bully, and hurt them. Not because they want it, but because they know that if they stand up to them, they and their families will be singled out and bullied, killed, or burnt down.
    And don't EVEN get me started on knackers or "Irish Travellers". Suffice it to say I lost my shirt on this country because I thought that doing my best to fit in would work (as it does in the US!). I was marked as gullible as a result. And this, unfortunately, is why the entire Protestant community of Ulster feels my pain and understands where I'm coming from.
    The amount of Irish Republican mafia propaganda in the United States is so pervasive, that Americans think Ulster is an occupied territory patrolled by jackbooted English SS soldiers. Nothing could be further than the truth. Ulster is inhabited by an Ulster-Scots Protestant majority of normal everyday people, who know what hatred and ethnic cleansing they have had to face for 400+ years. Because Ulster has a half decent economy compared to the Republic, emigration is scarce so there are few who can come to the States and set the record straight. But US money is still flowing to illegal terrorists because of this stupid propaganda and it's only the mafia kingpins and their inbred, alcohol-driven lackeys that are laughing.
    Sinn Féin has less than 14% of the Dáil in the Republic; at least they're trying not to let the mafia win. The Irish are not the human cartoons in Ed Anger's column, but they certainly let themselves be bullied by them, and the bullies win. I can't live in that, or work in that; and I certainly won't let them win. So that's me in an orange sash and bowler hat, I suppose.

    • And if you believe that load of shi t you`ll believe anything, Sounds like Protestant propaganda to me,say no more.

    • Mrs Survivor.
      I have been unbiasedly reading posts on this site for the past six months.
      I admire your honesty and sympathise with your plight.
      Please escape get back to the U.S. and spread the truth. Most Americans particulary those paporting to be Irish are totaly miss informed about the sincerity of the IRA. They villailise the English to perpetuate there crime ridden greedy motives. The only cause they are fighting for is there own greed.
      And thru my own experience I can verify everything said in your post.
      Thank god for the Orangemen. And good luck my friend.

    • Thank you. Ed Anger's column on WWN isn't exactly the ideal platform on which to proclaim fact and truth, but then if I had chosen somewhere neutral, there wouldn't be anyone reading about what happened (is happening) to me. What's happened to me is bizarre enough to be on the WWN site, the only difference is, it is factual and the govt-approved details can be corroborated by the UK/IRL major media.
      The front company CEO of the ra's property liquidation front who stole my capital, is on the lam. The UK govt isn't digging any deeper, at least on the surface, due to a blatantly veiled threat via their solicitors of major breakdown in the peace agreement if they did. The beast I poked is huge; and only in retrospect did I realize how huge. I could corroborate this with a link via the CEO's solicitors but of course this would indicate my identity, which I won't.
      While living where I'm living I've had to put my foot down with infiltration by Shinners on several occasions, attempting to interfere with my court case. Accusations of child abuse, accusations of racism, you name the vice, according to SF's grapevine I've done it. Destroying reputation is SF's first major tactic. As far as SF is concerned, to them I'm the evil madam of 1000 cathouses and nothing will tell them different, although I am Ms Normal, a practicing Christian and morally bound by my own conscience.
      I really don't know what can change Ireland for the better; I doubt that there's anything other than waiting for the damaged generations to die out. If Gerry Adams' brother is any indication, we'll need to wait for everyone currently over 40 in the Republic to become pensioners, and have a full second generation of people used to peace and mas s media, before anyone even thinks about bringing down the border partition set up in the Ulster Covenant.
      But that's just wishful thinking. If generational dysfunction, memory and hatred is anything to go by, partition will be here for a very, very long time. Partition isn't there to limit the civil rights of Catholics in the North, which is SF propaganda's blatant lie, considering the UK govt bends over backward to accommodate them culturally (as they do the Welsh and Scots.)
      Partition isn't there to oppress Catholics, it's there to protect Protestants from what I lived through. The majority of decent, honest people living in the Republic have to live through it every day, and keep their mouths shut for fear of their lives. There is more in common between middle-clas s families in the Protestant North and the southern Gaeltachts, than there ever was between Republican mafia and middle-clas s Catholics. If there ever were a way to unite them on the front of coming down as hard on criminals, scumbags, and rogue Shinners, as the PSNI do, and a commitment to honesty in the Republic's government, you'd see a United Ireland.
      But I think that ship has sailed, for a few generations at least.

    • I dont think waiting for the current generation of worped terrorists to die off will ever make a difference.
      They still blame the English for the potato famine which was 160yrs ago, so that theory s not gona work.
      Anyhow as an American at college I studied the history the British Isles. The reason the North is still British is because the protestant population who have been there for over 300yrs want it that way.
      It would be a very irresponsible for any British government to hand NI over to Eire, the civil war which would then ensue would also carry on for generations with the likely prospect of the Orangemen winning.
      You know thats a probability you are there and you know how thier seige mentality works and how strong that feeling is.
      The evil masquerading as republicanism is fuded by miss informed Irish Americans, and until the U.S. is re educated with the truth of this 'cause' this criminal evil will continue.
      Britain is Americas closest friend but I feel sorry for the way they have been treated due to the Irish school of hate in the U.S.

    • Another Fairy Tale for the gullible,What sado thought this one up, who would want to waste there time penning such outrageous garbage, Get a life you silly cow

    • I have to say, you are one stupid person. I bet daddy has payed your way through life and the hatred you feel towards yourself for being a worthless small minded idiot, gets directed to nations you know nothing about, while you snivell behind your computer screen alone. Idiot. Get an education.

  451. Fairies are real! I seen them slinking through the trees on my way to worship the pope, I couldn't stop for a closer look cause my flying saucer was low on E115

  452. I am Irish and all of what you have to say is very true. I am not saying this out of bitterness but out of reflection and pity for them as they just don't know any better. The trouble is with the vast majority of the the Irish working class have been denied access to religion and education for centuries on end. Slaves all but in name. Hence the warped sense of right and wrong. And if you are straight they think that your just stupid ,I now live in The neighbourhood in the stockbroker belt outside London (Chorleywood) and they just cant believe how that fool managed to get there. But there will come a generation that like the generations before that changed and for the better . A generation that will not believe in the casting of curses ,a generation that can read and write effectively .Then reason will prevail but this will take at least a century . That a generation with no malice in its disposition will prevail there will be live and let live. Also don't go joining the Orange Order as a united Ireland will prevail in 50 years time .( vastly more educated) You leave nothing to your grand children as internationally the Loylaists are only seen as Nazis. I have seen the same in S. Africa after the fall of apartheid in S. Africa. As I lived there. I wish you all the best ….

    • John: this is exactly what I want to see, an intelligent and excellent reply. The majority of Irish persons are capable of this kind of objectivity and realism as long as they're away from any kind of defensive or mob mentality. You deserve the rewards of your career and honest way of life.

    • There's an Irish mafia? Jeez, I've lived here my whole life and this is the first I'm hearing of it!

    • hi,just been reading about your plight here in Ireland,i am born and bred irish and live down south,firstly can i just say that not all of us irish are how we are portrayed here and in defence of the most of us we would like to think that we are a kind sort of people not that many would think so,yes you are correct that there is the part of the society here that are still lving in the dark ages and stil have grudges but for me i couldnt care less what happened years ago is not in my timeline and raising my own family is important and putting food on the table and holding down a job,as fo inbreeding i think thats best left to the travelling community,apparently we areone of the most highly educated country in europe if not the world which is why we have a lot of IT companies here,i think you may have met the wrong side of Ireland and irish people and for anyone who thinks along the same lines then come and see for yourself everybdy has their own opinions

    • I must reply to you yet again if you have been robbed of every thing starting off with your basic self respect as I was then forget Ireland .We only pass this way but once and our lives are only to short . I can only say this to you read up on Brehon Law before we were destroyed ,they could never believe it the narrow minded small minded that they are now . All that you can do is feel sorry for them .John

    • You know f uck u pric ur the one with no life .
      Wheres ur comment a sshole u dont have one so but out jerkoff.

  453. Something anti paddy is it?
    You cant deal with that can u Mr no life.
    Rename Mr drinately no sence man…..fkg jerkoff.

  454. Fairy tale?
    Cant stand the truth can you?
    All you terrorist IRA mongers are in denial.
    YOU ARE EVIL believe it you mislead p ric.

  455. I'll be waiting for an insult that requires more than one alcohol sodden brain cell, spud sucker. Ooh, ahh, fk the ra… ooh ah, fk the ra.

  456. Mrs Survivor
    I did along sympathetic response to you earlier but obviously the admin influence on this would not show it.
    England is being used as a scapegoat .. you know that but Americans cant take that in.
    Think this site is now being monitored by pro IRA.
    They probably wont print this… but long live freedom of speech x

  457. Well, that was intellectually stimulating. Now how about a statistical counterpoint to my personally experienced claims? Oh wait, that's right. Shinners don't argue intelligently. They react, shout, accuse, socially assassinate, strike first, and ask questions later. Probably due to being punched in the head as children and used as booty fodder for the local vatican pervert. As opposed to the rest of Ireland, who are their cowering victims…except, of course, for Ulster's Protestants. So, eh, NO SURRENDER.
    mV <—*two fingers up*

  458. Fine, now reply with your one brain cell working and provide more than a kneejerk shinner's response, especially as the majority of Irish aren't shinners and have brains (just not the b0ll0ck5 to stand up to mafia bullies).

  459. Yes part of the the british Isles but the country was still Ireland and the people Irish. How many Northern Irish call themselves british? Yes part of britain but call themselves Northern IRISH!!

    • The Irish are not capable of running thier own country so why should they claim any form of independant identity.
      Firstly Britain controled and and kept Ireland because it was thier soveriegn territory.
      Then allowed them home rule and employed the majority of thier workforce in England thus proping up tier economy.
      Then Ireland joined the EU who since then have proped up thier economy and now to thier own detremant.
      Ireland has to have someone to lean on.
      They should be very grateful to Britain instead of being jealous.

    • All this from somebody that hales from a country that owes more money than the Greeks, and probably Spain aswell, I think its the English that need other countries to lean on. Also i cant see any other countries being jealous of england.

  460. i am from ireland but i am not crazy and in the place i live no one is weird at ALL so you ed anger can go f**k yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Oh yeh cos Bush promised Blair that to get Britains help.
      But he's right Britain had the IRA beat.

  461. what about the millions in gold taken by the english government from millions of murdered jews from the nazi war machine they and the american government only steped in to the fight when they came under treat them selves it was a matter of do or die nothing else

    • How about the billions the USA took from England bankrupting them after they fought alone under the same banner we call freedom.
      Then after doing that to our closest bloodline friends. We let our enemy USSR go free of the debt owed to us by them.
      Fk the jews gold, Britain paid enough in our name in WW2
      What an a sshole you are for even considering that!

    • The Beatles are Irish.
      I have heard it all now.
      Think youl find the Brits were entitled to that gold seeing as America bankrupt them after saving the free world.
      If it wasnt for Britain Hitler would have been right here in the US doin the same here.
      Take your anti Brit bigotry elsewhere its not welcome in America.

    • I have lived in Ireland most my life and am half english half irish so shut up you idiotic little man don't give out to people hating irish people if your racist towards a nation yourself its hypocritical im proud of both sides of my history dont make me hate the irish side

  462. Why do people bother with events like this, it's all a bit outdated and boring, if I had the choice between playing resident evil 6 on an hd telly or marching down a street waving a flag I'd be going for the first option every time.

  463. Face/palm* I'm Irish and I don't drink! Ed Anger wishes he had a connection with the land of saints & scholars!

  464. Lester,Mike Bailey ,Thad and Beaver all have the best and most realistic comments on this site.
    The rest is just loudmouth Irish b ull s hit.

  465. What an extremely eloquent and well thought out piece of commentary on the Irish people as a whole! Are you sure that you are not the one that spends all your free time drinking Rogier dear?

  466. Probably because it was a completely different language with a completely different alphabet. Well done, Donald. Glad to see the American educational system isn't as bad as they make out on TV.

  467. America is the world's self appointed policeman! And you talk about the Irish and self promotion. Hypocrite, much?

  468. You realise that your post makes no sense whatsoever? The Republic was set up for Irish people? And where does Northern Ireland fit into it? Is it a single entity floating out to sea all by itself? You realise they share a border right?! Somebody needs to pay more attention in school…..

  469. Here we go again.
    Looks like Im Cripsy again cos I wont kiss irish a ss.
    If thats the case cripsy must have some good points.
    So how many aliases does he have,maybe yor one too.
    I think its the rest of us the rest of us that need a break

    • I think Cripsy actually is king Billy.
      Because they both over stress thier hatred for anything Irish.
      I dont know what thier motive is,but all has made some interesting reading.

  470. poor ed what a bitter little man, he probably cant help it that he has a tiny little c*ck…hope you get run over by a guinness truck you c*nt

    • Yes I agree with you nobody irish is competent enough to be in charge of a truck.
      Wots up joe…truth hurts?

  471. Chucky ar la understand that bet your a fat cunt all america is…… Is a take away and bin laden made sure of that :DIRISH yeahhhhhhhhh ya yank haaaaa

  472. Obviously your a shining example for the Irish.
    I can tell by the sophistication of those posts.
    Any anti Irish sentiments have been validated by your incomprehensible comments.
    Please dont ever come to America we are full up in the idiot section.
    Thr Brits are right about the Irish…..you are living proof.

  473. has to be a joke i bet this fella never moved out of america some cheek to be talking about mafia in ireland and
    corrupt government when he comes from america its also shocking the stupidity of the people on here i think
    if the english behaved them selfs in proper manner we would probably accept them but i cant see that happen
    as for americans i like most of them accept the hill billys and republicans who as we all know are inbreed and another fun fact is that these people desended from the protestants that came from england and northen ireland even good americans from the citys know that you are white trash scum and racists you hate every one who is not a white protestant most people around the world like and respect the irish and hate english people and americans and you know this to true

  474. reading this all night cant stop laughing at all you irish haters your absalute comedy gold you lot from the darkest pitts of america and england are no match for the witty irish wheres your man crispy is he still on this haha

    • yea its good stuff man i lost interest after handing cripsy /billy his own ass after i kicked it all over this site ha ha ha he,s a total fool no contest

    • think the irish on this site have made fools of thierselves.
      none of you got the better of cripsy you just cant stand the truth.
      he must have riled you beyond belief

    • wonder where your from,can see by the date your proud that your countrymen took advantage of thefact that brtiain were fighting the kaiser with all their resources
      i'm a virginia man of english stock and am glad the brits kicked your a ss in th80's n 90's

    • i'm an american from english stock that should answer your dumb poinless question.
      uve gotta learn not all the world thinks the irish are so great and before you say it i'm not cripsy far from it but i can see hes got alot more to say that makes sense than up your own a ss micks like you.

  475. i am from england and i just want to say that i am disgusted with my fellow english men there acting like complete scum which is what most of the country has become we fought the nazis and yet they act like them with there racism the irish are great people even with there small population they fought us for 7 hundred years and never gave up i wish does supposedly british people in the north would just become irish cause i certainly dont want them living hear they are just pests that britain didnt want in the first ireland has gave so much to the world the british are cowards compared to the irish and as for american white protestants anglo saxons you are the scum of the earth racist hill billy scum nobody likes you not even your fellow american

  476. with that point of view you've got to be irish ,sorry i dont blieve you .
    any decent knowledgable american would know how close we have been to britain particulary in military situations.and by critisising them the way you have youve actualy critised america besause us and the brits share the same way of life.dont forget theres good and bad things about all nations that includes us.

  477. Eds blog is quite humorous and close to the truth.
    Reading thru the cmments on here boy do the Irish have a high opinion of themselves.
    Particulry for a people who on the world stage have achieved nothing.
    If your gona call yourselves Irish Americans then why not go live in Ireland.
    The people of this nation are just American!

    • No one Irish droped an atom bomb on anyone.
      Me thinks its ye yanks who have a high opinion of yourselfs
      No one anywhere likes Americans except your arse lickin pals the british.

  478. How the heck could any self respecting American go along with the Irish hate campaign on here against the English. The English had a far bigger influence on our way of life than anyone.
    For gods sake they even gave us the language we speak.
    Ed is right ,what the hell have the Irish given this country besides drunkenness and many other social problems.
    They are hate mongers and we dont need that in America.
    Dont listen to their s hit.

    • im irish and i think the american irish are a joke.
      they know f*** all about english/irish relations,yet they have taken up a cause that dosnt exsist in the modern world.surely they have been in america long enough to forget ireland.
      we dont need any help from you cos there is no problem.

  479. The Irish are only dirt there f ucking everywhere Germany Spain Australia Canada America England the list goes o n and on they bread like rabbits and then f uckoff to your country and my country taking our work f ucking our women drinking our beer pissing and sh iting everywhere filthy animals total con men to boot go home i say go home paddy

  480. I am English and quite fond of my Western neighbours – the spirited Irish folk – (maybe because, in the end, we're all a bunch of proud pasty-skinned North-Western European drunken fecktards despite our disagreements ;), but this article is funny as hell.
    Journalistic trolls FTW.

  481. Sorry but this will be lost in the maze of that Im sure. The dark ages for Ireland was between 1600 and 1800 ok.
    It was not untill 1829 that they gave the vast majority of the population back freedom of religion and education fact .
    Collecting taxes for them became a nightmare as they reduced the population to the point of base savagery fact they knew this themselves.
    Take religion and education from any society (on pain of death )and it will go to the wall so to speak .
    In 1922 less than 100 years after rescinding the Penal Laws the republic came into being. The four generations prior to that the British Government did everything to prevent the population getting an education they never built a school worth talking about.
    The second campaign of genocide was 60 per cent I will never understand Cromwell on more than the Jews understand Hitler.
    I want to apologise to you if you were insulted by one of my countrymen as I have been insulted a thousand time myself by them.
    If you want to know who the real (Gaels) Irish were just Google Brehon Law it will blow your mind

  482. IM IRISH and I hate what there sayin about us all we want is a bit of fun and anyone who think we're a waste of space ye are just jealous of us
    I would hate myself if I wasn't

  483. Ok, everyone. First of all, I'm Irish, and I've never understood why other countries hold St. Patrick's Day parades. If all of you hate them so much, why not just stop them? I mean, I once watched the New York parade and it was just boring. That's it. Full of marching and brass bands. Secondly, the Irish don't see the English as their "sworn enemies" anymore-we've been living and letting live for decades. I admit that there are still problems up the north: I was there recently and there really were places you'd get nervous walking through (I'm from the far south, on the coast. There's no mistaking which part of Ireland my accent is from!). I think Ireland is a nice enough place, nicer than some, and you can't judge an entire nation on the actions of a few people.

  484. Like the english and every other peasant population had it so easy in those days.
    Why o why do we have to keep on and on hearing about the irish plight.
    300 hundred years on and your still pickin out bits of history to demonise the english
    Im American and im sick of hearing it,god knows how the brits must feel.
    Why not do some research into how the english populations were persecuted by ther romans,saxons and normans.
    Just move on and give us all a break theres nothing special about your cause.

  485. dont get sucked in to this irish people it is not americans writing this it is one fella from northen ireland pretending to be different people

  486. American customs are very much British. I often get a stare or a comment from a Mickee when they hear of my very British first and last name . More than any other European in America they go around trying to flaunt thier "white Skin" to make other non whites feel inferior, even Southern Europeans, as though they can compare the Irish legacy to that of Greece or Rome.Crazy! The Irish as European history goes are the lowest on the European totem pole. They have yet to prove the English Crown had them all wrong. I do see the Irish as hate mongers and try to avoid them. They are VERY clannish people.

    • Oliver those sentiments are the same as mine.
      I am from a small town in Virginia but my mother is English and my father has an English blood decendency.
      Before the American money machine ruled the world Britain did and I'm proud of that, the influence Britain had on the world helped civilise the darkest corners of the world, and as inventors scholars explorers and pioneers thier influence was a benefit to mankind. Many unruley uneducated nations were given a code of conduct and leading in later years as an ability to govern.
      Yes I agree the Irish are bottom of the pile and can only look on with jealousy towards the English.
      Reading thru this site you will see evidence of that jealousy eminating in hatred.
      The craziest part is their total disbelief that the whole world is NOT in love with the Irish.

    • Your so right. They think everyone in America and the the rest of the world love them
      Lets get it straight the irish have nothing goin for them and never have.

    • Where do you get off with this s hit man.
      Cromwell ruled Ireland and you never got any of it back for 300yrs,and that was only a negotiation that suited Briitain.You've never defeated the Brits you dont have the balls or brains,the proof of the fact is NI is still British Its only dumb misguided irish -americans who believe that s hit and thier influence has made Holywood portray the irish as heroes when infact they are just worthless a ssholes.

  487. if your from british decent you are the enemy in america you are the racist scum from the south
    the hilly billys that every one laughs at including americans your a joke to the world the people that every one looks down at you probably have a mullet hair the irish live in the citys in america they built america help build american politis tammy hall was set up by irish immigrants they fought in all your wars they fought the racist south in the civil war and quess what kicked your asses to they fought the british in the war of indendence actually george washington said in a famous quote "Ireland, thou friend of my country in my country's most friendless days, much injured, much enduring land, accept this poor tribute from one who esteems thy worth, and mourns thy desolation." the irish help kick you scum out of america it was said that nearly a third of the rebels where irish in the war of independence there millons of irish in america so your the minorty in america down south that nobody takes serious you probaly were a bush supporter because you to are brain dead and give america a bad name but then again your probaly not even american your probably just some english moron or one of them even bigger shit bags up the north pretending to be american your very uneducated you have not got a clue

  488. i love the irish so fun to be around i went on holiday there i met a georgeous irish man having lots of fun and drinking is not every ones thing i think the british are just jelous lots of love from san francisco xxxxxxxx

    • What are people from Wales doing on a I hate Irish site you must have typed that into google sad thing is I actually like Wales and I am very disappointed with you

  489. The response to Eds article by the irish is typical.
    They cant believe there are Americans who actually dont believe the irish are that great.
    So they respond in typical irish fashion…..just blame the English
    Where would they be without the English to slander.
    But the wierdest thing is I have spent a lot of time among average english people in England and have never heard one bad word said against the Irish.
    Its about time you Irish both sides of the Atlantic lost that massive chip on your shoulder

    • this page was started by a stupid american and backed by people from england the irish didnt start it nor do we have i hate american or english pages if you get hit you have to choices hit back or curl up i dont think irish people are know for the latter i have been to england and america on several ocassions and had a great time and have been well received and respected so maybe its just a very small percent in each country that hate irish people maybe these people hate everyone who is not like them very small mined people who think george bush is god the presedent that most of the world hates including sane english people its a pity america has people like this in there country cause i really thought ireland and america had a bond with each other

    • I totally agree with you irish.
      in england we feel we have a strong bond with the u.s. and believe it or not the irish as well.
      bloodlines of all three are entwined going way back and only a fool would not know that.
      Theres good and bad in all.

    • Americans are fine ones to be talkin about bad atitudes.
      Give me a limey to a yank anyday.
      where do you yanks get this shyte from?

  490. Im proud to be American and am from english stock which Im also proud of.
    I dont know anyone in America who hates limeys except irish which is what you obviously are.
    Butt out trailer trash!

  491. why dont all u mother F***in irish get out of the USA and get back across the atlantic to the country given to ya by the brits 90yrs ago.
    ya'all pig sh it rednek pr ics.

  492. That dont change history f***face.
    Britain colonised america and gave a code to live by american constitution was based on british constitution.
    By the way what language are you speaking my mongrel friend?

  493. i am from ireland i i am catholic even do i do not support the pope i think he is a fascist pig i think the people on both sides of this argument are idiots and shame our three nations the man who wrote this is entitled to state his opinion even do all sensible people will agree it comes from a man with little intelligence and a small view of other cultures and a lack of knowledge for his on history maybe the native americans should be so racist against all white people that immigrated to there land and murdered the natives in there thousands all americans are immigrants just because you where there a hundred years before some people doesnt make you more of an american and to claim that you are more of an american because you have british ancestry is ludicrous wasnt it the british that burned the white house i think that is classed as an act of terrorism so why do you love britain is it because they follow you into illegal wars for oil must be britain gave you so much like language and law and all that maybe you should read about the contributions irish people have made in america i think you will be surprised in fact an english general said in court that have the rebel army in the american revolution was irish maybe he was over exaggerating but there was obviously a great number of irish fighting for the freedom of america ireland was a part of britain back then so the irish where there in america from day 1 look up george washingtons irish quote ireland has always been friendly to america so maybe its just you with the hate and the british are mostly nice people i just hate your goverment

  494. the thing thats lucky about us irish is we dont have to worry about alqaeda letting off any bombs in our country where both britain and america have to worry about alqaeda because we are not on alqaedas list of enemies

  495. Whatever man. I am Irish and I can say that English, American and most other women of the world think I am funny and have a great accent so slag us all you want mate. Doesn't mean a thing to me.

  496. That is rich coming from you. Inbred is an American thing and you dont have lives. Most of you are losers who sit on tje computer all day and most of you are angry at the world for no reason so shut up.

  497. Ireland has single handedly saved Western Civilization….how you ask? Easy….the dark ages. When Rome fell and your protestant anglo-saxon germanic barbarian ancestors were overrunning the carcass of the Roman Empire and pillaging and worst of all burning Roman libraries…the Irish were going through a cultural Renaissance. Ireland had writing pre-christianity but it was called Ogham. They learned Latin and the Latin alphabet when Christianity came to the country around 500 AD. While Angle-land aka England and mainland Europe were in a cultural stagnation, burning their precious books written by Roman & Greek philosphers because they were an affront to christianity, Irish monks were reading everything they could get their hands on and writing it all down and making copies of them. The Irish manuscripts and monks of the European "dark ages" preserved all of the knowledge of the Ancient Greeks & Romans. Without them, most of that knowledge would have been lost. This is historical fact. Without my ancestors saving their newfound knowledge and writings, your germanic ancestors would have succeeded in burning down everything from books, manuscripts, historical records, religious writings (greco-roman pagan writings not jesus writings). By the time the mainland Europeans got their act together….mainly by the germanic barbarians becoming "romanized" and christianized, they were able to recieve and trade knowledge, books & copy the manuscripts from the Irish monks. I also give a shout out to the monks of Alba…aka Scotland aka Caledonia….check out one of the books that goes into detail regarding this little known bit of history <a href="http://www.amazon.com/Irish-Saved-Civilization-Hinges-History/dp/0385418493/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1344608564&sr=8-1&keywords=how+the+irish+saved+civilization&quot; rel="nofollow"&gt <a href="http://;http://www.amazon.com/Irish-Saved-Civilization-Hi…” target=”_blank”>;http://www.amazon.com/Irish-Saved-Civilization-Hi

  498. I firstly want to apologise io all the readers of this site for my ignorant misconseption of irish values.
    I know what a fool I made of myself by trying to discredit Northern Ireland and the rest of Great Britain.
    And afore mentioning GREAT I fully understand that Britain allways will be and Ireland and thier inbred populas never could be thats inclusive of the misled irish american idiots.
    I feel ashamed of how I embarrassed myself when attempting to discredit KIng Billy of whom I am very afraid.
    And I also admit I lied when hoaxing a meet with him thru shear fear.
    I admit I was stupid to post that stupid journalists column and realise it was all a falsehood.
    I hereby relinquish my right to any credibility

    • and enlighten me Dingle what do you know about the irish. I am irish and wrote that to see what sort of petty people like your self would say i have 5 or 6 user names on here playing both sides against each other this site is a joke i come here for a laugh to laugh at people like you from all 3 country's ireland britain and the GREAT US OF FAT A

  499. It Bankrupt the Brits to fight that war. And if they hadnt stood alone when all others had fallen there would have been no Jews left at all.And us in America should also be thankfull for that.
    If anyone deserved the spoils of war its them
    Philip is just a jealous Irishman looking for any scraps at all to down the Brits

  500. The Brits call you the "Ill Run Away" army. What a load of useless tossers. The irish think everybody likes them, thats a load of bollocks as well. My half brother was born 60 years ago and thought his father was an american pilot in the second world war who stayed and lived in England, but unfortunately his father was born in Dublin which is why he is the only ginger haired family member, he does not admit to having Irish father and I do not blame him.

  501. Worst neighbors I ever had. Bray like asses and throw garbage everywhere. Say one word to them, and they vandalize your car in the middle of the night. You see them stumble out of bars to get into their cars at 2 a.m. If the bar has a shamrock on it, the cops drive right by.

  502. dont the welsh pride themselves on being second class english citizens ,and may one day be accepted as full english citizens when they stop singing and bothering sheep .

  503. how the hell can you think we want to take over America?? we have our own problems to deal with. People talk about sterotyping and how its wrong. All irish people aren't drunk idiots!!! Saying that is the exact same as saying all blondes are dumb and all other sterotpyes. we don't spend all our time drinking, cos we barely have enough money to put food on the table!!! Yes, we set IRA and bombed british soldiers but guess what? They did the same!! They're the ones who took over Ireland and let irish people strave during the fammine! I don't have any thing agaisnt England now, it was all in the past but people act as though Ireland just deiceded to randomly start bombing and shooting people! I know my spelling is terrible but please ignore it, I've always been a bad speller, family gene.

    • Think the Brits have a little more to be sore about than the reverse.
      Dont think the average Brit could care less who governed Ireland.Ive been to England and I know.
      The problem is the Irish Americans over here are so ignorant they perpetuate the hate over in Ireland.
      Think the Brits should start blowing them up!

    • The english side of that shi t was never heard in America.
      To much Irish influence in the media over here.

  504. We do speak our own language; Irish Gaelic. And Mexicans have better food and culture than you provocative Brits! (Especially food)
    …You're English, right? Your argument sounds like it was typed up by either a patriotic Englishman or a Redneck stereotype.

  505. awwwwww let me take the violin out, your just pissed that your wife prefered irish cock more than your worthless cocktail sausage 😉 and we have more guts than you let me tell ya pathethic keyboard warrior

  506. eh beaver, i know plenty of americans, not all from irish descent who not only hated the english but despised them too,,that of course when i lived in america whilst taking your jobs and women of course 😀 and i have been all over and never met one yank who hated against me, and i got on very well with the english descendants to, so tbh its only knackors like you who hate lad

  507. that coming from a mexican who still today illegally enter the USA, yeah stfu, at least when the irish go, there not being pursued by border patrol hahaha

  508. im an irish american but whats more important is that im an american.
    for you to blame america for all that just means that we are very important to you
    and guess what.i couldnt give a sh it about any of your problems you may have with the english

  509. F uck off you ill informed biased idiot. Mrs survivor gives the best account of the real situation in NI.
    for wankers like you blaming the english is an easy way out.
    Your people are brainwashed ill informed terrorists backed by even more ill informed ignorant americans.
    And wht more ridiculous is this self proclaimation that everyone around the world loves the irish, thats total s hit im not english ive been all around the world and I can tell you the english hold a lot more respect than the irish.

  510. Ah well, nice to know ignorance and racism re alive, well and apparently rife in the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave!!! Ed is obviously a sad, ignorant, bigotted little man with little idea or knowledge of history, no moral compass and probably single and unloved. After all what self respecting person would want to have a relationship with such a pathetic specimen as he? As for me, I was born in Scotand, have Irish blood on both side of my family, brought up Catholic, ( now collapsed), live with an English Protestant, also collapsed, live in England, served in the armed forces of the U.K. and was proud to do so. I know my history, am not too fond of the English oppression of most of the world over the centuries, I kind of remember they had a bit of a spat with a little fledgling nation called America at one point. I once met a American who; whilst being lovely guy; was a tad bombastic, a national trait I have noted. He loudly announced that he lectured in American history. To my shame; but the amusement of the gathered company; I asked him " A short course, is it?" Not his fault that Ireland, Scotland,Wales and England have centuries of history over the Americas. So Dearest Ed, Please keep your vile and racist opinions to yourself, and perhaps you may; one day; become a fully functioning member of the human race.

    • Sorry to pick you up on this but I noticed you said you were proud to be in the BRITISH army but didnt agree with past ENGLISH oppresion,thats a bit of a contradiction isnt it. Or is that just racist against English.
      In the states we are often a little confused over the various squables you guys have over there,but obvoiusly your history goes back further than ours but being that mosts Americans more than anyone originate from over there we kinda like see your history as ours.
      Just hope your not racist towards Americans too.

    • hahahaha i have never seen such an arse licking comment as thick as your beaver, but leave that to a yank lol, there are many british who dont agree with past british oppression lad, and you have a nerve to lecture this chap here with being a rascist..there are many british here that are ashamed to even see you originate from british descendant you dirty snake.."i just hope your not rascist against americans" lick arse statement i would say, because there are many nations and people that hate americans..your a snake and a hypicrot beaver and i will tell you why, as i read dennis here has irish blood in him so if you hate the irish, you obviously must hate against him and his family but all i see is you kissing up to him. In europe we call that being 2 face..as for dennis, i agree with your statement there, but do not be listening to bigot snakes like beaver her because all he has done is hate against the irish for no reason..now beaver in ireland we refer to irish americans as plastic paddys, i refer to you as a plastic saxon, which to the british YOU ARE NOTHING, you are an embarrassment to your country, a pure junkie you are

    • Your the a ss licker
      You Micks are so scared of the Brits its embarrasing
      Go back to your trailor and f uck your cousins.
      Hey John guys in ireland with your name are normaly called Sean…..notice you kept the english version LOL

    • what?, i am sucking up to the british because i trained with them, thats more like saying that the french GIGN training with the british are sucking up to them to, cop on…your right we did lose against the english, but we didnt lose for nothing lad, "winning is not everything", and no thank you, ill stick with your mum for the time being, until i get bored with her that is…and speaking of dumb, you spelled ALWAYS wrong lol

    • You didnt mind us 'yanks' when American Irish were suporting your evil terror war against the British tho huh!

  511. beaver stfu lol, if anyone should be hung, its you ya pathetic yank..you alone being a yank just proved to everyone how thick and sad you are..you and your poxy country are a bunch of thicks..one thing i will give the british is that they would walk all over you fat bigots anyday lad when i did training with the royal marines, they just laughed at how pathetic your military is because without them, yous would be flattened, america is just a bunch of losers..yous are the most hated country worlwide, at least the irish EARNED there respect from other nations, unlike yous who demanded it by bombing countrys

    • Well i'l give you one thing it least not like most irish your hatred isnt just chaneled against the english.
      But whatever your thoughts are on the shortcomings of our army American technology and shear firepower would wipe the floor with anyone.
      And as for going into a conflict with the Brits forget it historicaly we are the same people.
      Ive been to a lot of places and iI never found the irish holding to much respect in any of them.

  512. eh sam, a bunch of knackors come on this discriminating against the irish because there afraid to look at there own pathetic country and people, yeah keyboard warriors is what i would call it especially when they wont say it to our faces..and fyi the irish army are deployed in various countrys such as africa and lebanon on operations, one thing i can tell you is that at least when we are on operations, we dont scam countrys out of their oil and murder innocent civilians in the process

  513. im in the forces right now and i can tell u what your saying is correct ,
    the u.s. army relies on the british every time especialy british special forces.
    but on the political side i would say shoulder to shoulder is pretty much right theres a long history of it.

  514. well i didnt ask for your support now did i lad, you see you are so quick to point out facts about the irish, so im just givin you yanks some true facts about america

    • So Adams and McGuinness didnt ask nioraid for the money for weapons and explosives……well i live and learn. Or maybe it was just the Irish Americans who wanted the British out of the north.
      Let me tell you some true facts about the Irish sonny it was you Irish over there who poisoned the American Irish against the British not mentioning to them here that Britain vitually kept the entire workforce of ireland employed for 50years after independence. Youv obvoiusly inherited the dumbness of your ancestors who were too stupid to get on the boat over here in the potato famine.
      Im a proud Irish American, but I'm more prod to be just an American,go take your hate elsewhere moron.

  515. you see sam and bill, i know yous are really upset looking at my comment there, because yous know as much as the world knows that everything i said is 100% true and yous cant stand the truth, and the truth hurts lads

  516. actually we did beat the british beaver, back during the irish war of independance, the IRA, a bunch of untrained civilians fought the british army through guerrilla tactics, they got there weapons by killing british soldiers..and even though the british retaliated by killing innocent civilians e.g. croke park massacre, they never gave in and fought until the british came to negotiate, the british wanted to negotiate, not the IRA which is how we got the republic back but that is history now and the irish have no problem with the british watsoever, as it happens the queen visited ireland to improve relations between our two nations, and she apologised to the irish about what happened..now as i said beaver piss off back to your box and dont forget one thing, you know NOTHING of the irish or british and you are NOT british only a wannabe brit

    • Why bother mentioning Croke park when you could have mentioned all of the bombings and murders the IRA carried out in both of your failed campaigns on innocent people not only in ireland but in England too.
      And if you an evil hatemongers think the Irish dont have a problem with the English just read the venomous crap your countrymen put on this site.
      Forget the queen apologising,you should be kissing the brits a ss's for suporting your people with employment in Britain….oh and by the way if the irish education system is so good how come you can barely punctuate.
      So stop trying to make your hopeless points with insults….P RIC

  517. jealousy?? of the british, beaver will you cop on, every country has there own culture and way of life, thats what makes countrys different and interesting, will you for once stop arse kissing the british and stop trying to impress them with your foul discrimination against the irish because its not working, grow up you dirty rent boy

    • Grow up ?
      F uck me thats rich coming from someone with a stupid loyalty like yours.
      The Irish hold no cred with anyone and with people like you around we can all see why.
      Be gratefull to the U.S otherwise all of you over there would be speaking German.

  518. ed, yeah the irish couldnt give a rats arse whether you love us or not, the point is that rascists like you are coming on insulting our people, ancestors and our country for no reason, i have every right to defend the irish against bigot snakey pussies like you, there are plenty of things i can say about america which are ten times worst than any country worldwide so watch it lad before you start critizing

    • Think your right about the yanks
      Ive lived in England all my life and I consider my family as English ,its a fact they are.
      There is no problem whatsoever between the English and Irish people,there cant be its all to intermixed.
      But I think our Irish cousins in America would like there tobe one. They are missinformed ignorant shytestirers. They loved the NI conflict it gave them some sense of belonging when in fact they were the deserters.
      F uck the yanks long live all of the peoples of the British isles.

  519. How civilized and so very classy of you…..I can immediately tell, you're a very well educated an suave individual.
    I believe we Americans of Irish descent can take valuable lessons from some one such as yourself…..No, just kidding……you're an ass….

  520. beaver will ya bog off lad, YOU alone has done nothing more than make a show of the british with your foul, disgusting racial remarks against the irish, even though despite the troubles in NI, we have a unique relation with the british now, as for bill, i understand where you are coming from, but clearly you dont know the WHOLE history of the "irish war of independence" so i refuse to stand by and be lectured by americans who cant face facts about the USA, but are quickly able to criticize others like ireland and our people, and dont insult my ancestors lad, at least mine stayed and fought the famine, unlike yours who ran away to america, and you speak of us irish poisoning your minds, thats a good one considering you bloody americans decide to invade countrys to steal their oil and murder innocent men, women and children, thers some true facts about america

    • And I wont be lectured by some dumb ignorant backwater mick.
      America fights wars for the freedom you guys over there enjoy and that includes aquiring oil which we actualy pay for which perpetuates the economies of the entire free world. As for murder, just ask the Brits who murdered more of thier innocent citizens with your cowardly bombings in the last 40years.
      I can face facts about my country can you face the facts about yours?
      A unique relationship with the Brits my a ss.
      And you should be kissing thiers, they stand as America's strongest allie in every conflict on your behalf over there and we stand to gain nothing by befrinding insignificant nowheres like Ireland,despite bloodlines to here.

  521. oh and another thing, you cant call the irish dumb considering ireland happens to have a far more better education system than the USA and that has been proven, i know my own history lad which i studied for years and so do the british, americans dont even know what day it, and speaking of ignorant, your the one on an anti-irish website here so if anyone is ignorant, its you lad

  522. To John who is having a tussle with Beaver.
    John most of what uve said is pretty much the way it is.
    I'm English and its wierd to hear a yank taking that stance ,he's probably related somehow.
    Just a bit of advice- John dont keep using the term 'racist'.
    Its usually ony used when someone starts losing a politisal row.
    Apart from that best of luck.

    • Im an American but proud of my English heritage thats not 'wierd'
      Dont agree with or suck up to that Mick if your an Englishman.
      The Micks hate you, I know Ive met a lot of the American ones.
      Dont get fooled Steve.

  523. of course your not british, your american id say, your stupidity gave that away, pointless talking to you lad, its like talking to a dog only the dog would be smarter and be worth talking to lol

    • Im a Canadian actually.
      You are racist against Americans thats obvious.
      On my part the only Americans I dont like are the self opinionated Irish ones.
      Take that which ever way you like.

  524. Ed Anger, you need to go back to a real school. You sound so dumb. Your a racist and believe in stereotypes that where made up by Americans. No offence to the average American but I'm glad I'm not an American.

  525. listen lad you clearly have no clue about the troubles in NI so stop pretending you do, you seem to THINK you know by watching the news but you dont
    Now as for murders, you yanks seem to know all about that dont you, considering yous are killing enough people in iraq
    now the venomous crap from my countrymen, thats funny because all i have seen is arse kissing and hatred from you beaver you hypicrot, oh yeah lad i have read lots of your comments
    and dont lecture me on my punctuation lad, yours clearly is not any better, oh and you spelled PRICK wrong, but leave all that to an arse kissing yank lol

  526. beaver, a lot of irish people have relations in england, myself included, therefore the majority of them dont hate the british, but we do hate people that are very quick to judge us and insult and hate against us and before you start judging my countrymen, dont forget, you alone has done a lot of it as well as irish and english people, but you have to understand this is an anti-irish website, what do you expect??
    as for your military, yous rely TO MUCH on technology and if any country was to hit you, thats the first thing they would go for, which would cripple you severely and dont be to keen on the americans and british never going to war, it could happen, nobody knows what the future holds
    as for my country, we have given and earned the respect to/of other nations, us being neutral earned us that respect also but we lost being neutral when we allowed american war planes to land in our airports which many nations disagreed with.
    we have always supported other nations by given humantarian aid when needed, medical aid and supported many countrys when conflict occurs by sending in peacekeepers, we even supported yous by letting your soldiers use our airports inbound to iraq and help strengthen your ties to the EU, these are all proven facts
    I lived and studied in the USA and never once got a racial remark or stare from anyone, i actually gained a lot of respect from americans and most of them werent irish americans
    clearly you only met irish americans and have never being to ireland, so i suggest you come over here first before judging and discriminating against us, i hate discriminating against the USA but i will continue to do so to defend the irish people and my country, the same thing you are doing.
    now all that said, i really hope you see sense but this is the first and last friendly comment i will say and do not underestimate me, not trying to sound funny or threathening.

  527. Irishmen and Enlishmen have stood side by side together thru more wars in history than the yanks have stood with us.
    They allways come into a war last after being embarrased into it.
    The only war they ever fought without the British by thier side was VIETNAM and guess what………………………………THEY LOST… LOL

  528. Thanks for the appreciation John we seem to be like minded on this american issue.
    I would like to add that ive spent a lot time in America and as a native Irishman I can say the Irish yanks are a totaly diferent creature to us,we have nothing in common with them anymore.
    When your in thier company they imediately excpect you to slag the English,well on my part thats never going to happen. I love England and Ive never had any critisism for being a paddy.
    F uck them theyr out of touch with the real world this side of the Atlantic.
    I'l stand beside a Brit rather than a yank plastic paddy anyday.

  529. Hey john
    Think you hate us Americans that much
    Did one of us run off with your ol lady?
    Sorry I forgot what kind of woman would posibly be interested in a waster with your stupid points of view
    Or was it a British soldier ha ha ha

    • at least my points have facts in them, unlike yours which only state how much of a hard on you have for the brits…oh wait thats right, you yanks are so fat i bet your not even sure yous have a dick
      wow was that supposed to offend me?? LOL i rest my case hahaha

    • You dont have a case to rest.
      Couldnt offend someone as dumb as you youd never get the insult.
      Im not up the Brits a sses Americans dont need to be. But a dot on the map like the s hithole your from has to be.Ha Ha Ha

    • 'I trained with the Royal Marines' 'Us and the English respect each other' and many more a ss licking comments about the Brits from you. The Brits dont give a s hit about you an your medievil religous rows.
      Thats why you are up thier a ss ,just in case they come and take that republic back from you.
      But then why would they they were pleased to see the back of it.

    • and you call that arse licking?? lol you really are thick, "i am from british stock" or "i am english descendant", thats arse licking, especially when you mention it in the majority of your clueless comments
      i mentioned my military service and my training once lad, i dont keep saying it over and over like you do, and fyi there are irish, welsh and scottish regiments in the royal marines besides british ones, i could have trained with either one of those ya stupid dunst lol
      get with the times lad and learn a thing or two ya stupid eejit, you still think we are back in the troubles

    • Youv just magnified your stupidity,the welsh, northern irish and scots are British you dumb f uck.
      Implying the only British are English.
      Theres a life outside that trailor of yours.

    • there not british you stupid twat, just because they are apart of great britain doesnt make them actually british by blood, they have the same rights as the british considering the british are in charge, thats about it, you stupid american cunt LOL
      and your the one to speak about trailors ya thick redneck cunt, go back to school and learn something ya dunst
      and you have a nerve to lecture me about stupidity considering every one of your comments gave your thickness, LOL

    • I think your beyond help
      British is someone from Great Britain you dumb fuc k any one of the four nations.
      Stop embarrassing your countrymen you imbisile.
      Think all those irish jokes the Brits come up with must apply to you.LOL

    • Ive met plenty of irish, scots and welsh who all consider themselves as British,and none of them would appreciate a jerkoff like you speaking on thier behalf so stop making yourself sound more ridiculous than you actually are.
      And as for picking up one spelling mistake of mine just proves how an illiterate a sshole like you is scraping the barrel for credibility. Your posts have no punctuation and are barely ledgible…..lad…….lol.
      I bet uve never met an American or even been outside that hopeless bogland you are trying to defend.
      And stop trying to make out you and the Brits share the same jokes .The Brits look down upon you thats why they see you as a joke.Get an education and stop living in that anti American fairyland.

    • Its obvious that in Ireland they never taught the use of capital letters……lad
      But an insult match with you is futile……you just dont get it!
      I just read your response to Bill's post on Britains resolve in WW2.
      It was beyond your capability to recognise the magnitude of what Britain did.
      Which just says to me that youv inherited by indoctrination of that hate for Britain by your countrymen,leaving you too biased against them to give credit where its due.
      So what chance would America stand of getting its just apraisal from you for its efforts to keep the world free.

  530. So why didnt your government declare war on him……ours did.
    You cowered under a white flag.
    There was no conscription in the North those volunteers probably came from there.
    Pearl harbor was the Japs.
    Without the U.S all of you people over there would have been under the jackboot.
    So give thanks to the United States.

  531. your government declared war on him AFTER pearl harbour, and no those men came from the republic of ireland, and you really mean if it wasnt for the brits and brave resistant fighters, we would all be under the jackboot…and dont be calling us cowards considering yous coward under the white flag for the first 5 years of the war

  532. spot on, i too spent some time studying in the states and the irish americans are nothing like the irish, i wouldnt say i love england but i will say is that i do like it, despite the conflict, i have many relatives that are british which i get on with, so tbh i really couldnt hate…the only problem i have are the yanks coming on this telling us our history which they have no clue about, tbh it amuses the hell out of me

  533. is that so alex, and where is your evidence that every nation hates ireland?? yeah stfu lol, i think your comment about the irish is mainly referring to yourself ya cunt

  534. dont flatter yourself, no offence but yous arent that popular to be fighting over, im just pointing out some obvious facts to these thick yanks who wont get with reality about whats happening in the world and still think the troubles is on

    • Not looking for flattery mate.
      Just looking at the obsurdity of the argument.
      Allways thought you and the yanks were beest of buddies,allied English haters.
      Its amusing thats all.

  535. 'Ugly ungreat Britain'?
    Its a genetical fact the irish are the ugliest race on the planet due to centuries of insestual breading.
    As for ungreat Britain. What have the irish given to the world apart from thieving travellers?
    Your an idiot mate.

  536. bill the only reason yous got involved in WW2 was for personal reasons nothing else e.g, pearl harbour
    when england needed yous the most, yous turned them down, refusing to get involved, thats cowardly especially for a strong and powerfull nation
    yes i agree, ireland should have got involved in the war, but we have a reason why we didnt, yous dont. ireland back then had a defence of roughly 100,000 to 200,000 men, our army wasnt as powerful as yours or the british,
    yes i agree our governments were acting like cowards but i cant class them as cowards considering the majority of them fought in the "irish war of independence", we were neutral, which means we were not taking ANY side of the war, which is why hitler wasnt condemned by the government, but the people did condemn him… at least the 165,000 irish men from the republic went over along with a further 35,000 men from ulster went off to fight hitler alongside the british, i wouldnt class them as cowards
    i really dont know why you have so much against the irish bill, i really dont but to be judging us the way you are, considering there are way worse nations out there than us, come on
    and as for inbred i have heard of stuff like that in traveller communities but thats about it, just the same as in your redneck communities

    • Thats the most sensible comment you have said and the only one as an American I agree upon.
      The U.S let England down in thier hour of need while they were fighting alone against the largest most evil military machine in history,and for that stance the whole of the free world should be thankfull to them.
      And as an American of Irish decent it hurts me to say that the reason for our delay in joining in with England was the strong anti english feeling by Irish Americans.
      And thats a good reason for me to be more proud of being American than irish-american.
      Could you imagine what a world we would have lived in if the British had given in to the nazis.
      America has no prouder allie.

  537. well putting aside the hatred and insults, the irish are different to the irish americans and if you ever came over, you will notice the difference..many of the irish americans and beaver think the troubles and feud between the irish and british is still on, and been outstraight its not, its all history, its over the irish and british know this
    this site is disgraceful and people like ed and beaver just sicken me, but i know not all americans are like them because i spent 3 years in idaho state university and met a lot of nice ones
    165,000 irish men from the republic enlisted in WW2, and i am proud of that considering they werent forced too, which showed great courage and bravery from the irish as well as the british
    as for the IRA, i do not condone what they did, it hurts me that women and children were among the murdered, but i do not condone what the loyalists did either

  538. well coolman if you read my comment, you will know it said IDAHO state university, but you probably cant read so i will make an exception lol

  539. Irish isn't a race. It's a pastiche of pict, gael, roman, Norman, Viking, English, Spanish and various randy sailors.
    Of course the proud history of IRA collusion with the Third Reich would have you saying anything glowing about a bunch of pasty racists and slimy pedos living in damp rock houses, who got their farmland they sold to a ghost estate developer for 500 times its value, off murdered Protestants ethnically cleansed out of there in the 1920s to fix the status of the Republic's voting constituencies to "Republican".
    Except now after you snorted your farmland profit in the form of coke and Spanish holiday homes now worth zip, you're all in hock to the EU and every child born in Ireland owes €100,000 at birth for the bailout. How's that freedom working out for you? Fancy a round of Ms Merkel's national anthem?
    I am going to be buying a very large cake for the Ulster Covenant centenary. Partition: wow, was that ever a good idea. Even Catholics up here would agree, you'd be surprised how many of them vote DUP.

  540. oh ya ,,,you mean like waterford chrystal ,,, or guiness ,,, or atlas towtrucks ,, or best golfing in the world , best musicians in the world , best actors in the world ,, irish president that put a man on the moon , irish backgrounds are the most succesful in the usa , over any other except china ,, you mean stuff like that ,,,

    • Hey listen shyster…..thats all cr ap
      Best musicians and actors my a ss
      The Brits leave you standing.
      So now LBJ was irish ……heard it all now now mr O'dumbnessy

  541. well mrs survivor, i had a child born there a couple of weeks back and it wasnt 100,000 euro, get outta that now and it doesnt matter, if you offend the majority of irish people, its classed as racial discrimination and speaking of IRA, i never once condoned what the IRA did, they are as much condemned down here than they are up in NI, yes they are rascists but so are the majority of people on this but thats no excuse to point the finger at catholics or the irish down south, yous arent the innocent victims and neither are we so. honestly i couldnt care less what happens in NI, my only problem is the arrogant americans who come on this who think they know what they are talking about and speak of how the irish are evil and that we are all criminals for supporting them which we dont, and whats even funnier is that they are the ones who supported the IRA with weapons, the same weapons that have not only british blood on them but irish blood aswell, and when its mentioned to them they blame the irish americans and irish to cover their arses but tbh thats all they do is cover their arses, as far as i read on this, irish americans and of course all americans have said they consider themselves to be JUST AMERICAN. As for spanish holiday homes?? lol you must be joking and speaking of murdered protestants, what about the murdered catholics i guess they dont mean anything to you mrs survivor considering your most likely a protestant which i have nothing against in fairness, as for supporting the DUP what yous vote for up there up in NI is completely your business, i will not judge otherwise no matter what religion yous are.
    as for you beaver, you cant like anything you have no clue about even though you happen to only agree with people that are not irish

  542. loyalty?? im loyal to my own country lad, nowhere else no matter what you yanks think
    we have no cred?? wait and yous do?? yeah sure you do (sarcastically)..newsflash, murdering innocent civilians and stealing other countrys oil doesnt give you credibility, think again you child murdering scum

  543. This is the most disgusting thing I have ever read. Everything that Ed has said is typical stereotype and not to mention racist! If you don't like the Irish or St. Patrick's Day then don't celebrate it. Don't ruin the fun for other people! Also people saying how Ireland only hates England is absolutely rubbish! The English hate Ireland just as much! It is hate that only Irish and England understand, so you American's stop trying to understand it because you won't be able to. I find it fascinating that this is a form of racism yet Ed Anger has not been arrested or even questioned? Racism at it's finest here!!

    • Glad you finally own up to the fact that you hate us.
      After all why not youv got nobody else to blame.
      No good deeds go unpunished…………..proof

  544. I was raised by my Irish Grandmother and I have to say Ed Anger's article is accurate, albeit with extra emotion added. Ed is especially accurate in regards to all catholic comments. I understand this is likely a joke-article, yet it is a funny and realistic view.

  545. Rogier is 100% correct ! When I read his post I was surprised to see someone expressed the same learned-opinion I also have developed.

  546. There was tension between the Irish and british before america was even founded so i don't see how any american on this site can use that issue in their stupid Racist comments

    • Stop trying to justify terrorism.
      What tension you fkg idiot they were your masters and its eay to see why.

    • justify terrorism?? thats rich coming from a yank whose country supported terrorism for years and commited terrorist acts in iraq and other nations, get over yourself son out of all the terrorists worldwide, the USA were the biggest and were no better

  547. Do they Fck have 30% decendency
    The majority is British and German, take them shi ty green glasses off and study the facts retard.

  548. In the second quarter, Ireland's surplus of €10.3 billion was exceeded only by Germany's surplus of €45 billion and the Netherlands' €11.8 billion surplus.
    Ireland's exports grew by 1% when compared with the first three months of 2011 and the level of imports were unchanged.
    The UK had the largest deficit, €37.1 billion, followed by France at €21.6 billion and Spain's €10.7billion.
    Britain's trade deficit widened sharply in April according to the Office for National Statistics.
    http://www.rte.ie/news/2012/0615/irelan … in-eu.html
    Ireland was placed 11th globally out of 82 countries in the 2008-2012 Business Environment Ranking of the Economist Intelligence Unit.
    An annual EU report, released in October 2011, which looks at industrial competitiveness across the region and policy measures adopted by member states to improve competitiveness, named Ireland as one of the best performers in the region. Ireland scored highly in labour productivity, rates considerably above the EU average, along with the Netherlands, Austria, Finland, Belgium, Luxembourg, Sweden and Germany. The economy was also rated above the EU average in many aspects of the business environment and work force. The proportion of firms in Ireland classed as "innovating" – those who had introduced new or significantly improved goods, services, processes, in addition to marketing or organisational innovation over a three-year period – was more than 50 per cent. The UK fell into the group where more than 30 per cent of all companies were innovating firms.
    US companies have invested more than $165bn in Ireland, more than in Brazil, Russia, India, and China put together. During the decade to 2010, US investment in Ireland was three times that of China, a population of over a billion.
    Google have their European headquarters in Ireland, as do Paypal, and other major internet firms such as LinkedIn. Major pharmaceutical companies such as Pfizer and Merck also have their European bases in Ireland. Just in the last few weeks, Pfizer, Sky, and PayPal all announced major expansions, involving the creation of thousands of jobs. Others such as HP and Abbot Pharmaceuticals have also announced major expansions.
    The agri-food industry also continues to defy the recession, contributing 24 billion euro to the Irish economy. Despite its small size, Ireland is the 24th biggest milk producer and 17th biggest beef producer in the world.
    The notion that the economy of Northern Ireland, which is effectively an enormous public sector funded by English taxes is superior to that of the Republic´s is dubious to say the least (or perhaps the person believes that the omnipotent IRA threatened the personnel at the EIU and the EU as well).
    Businesses are not threatened by the IRA. The IRA simply don´t feature much in the consciousness of people living in the Republic. And when the subject of them does come up, all the mainstream newspapers are severely critical of them, without any of their journalists being killed (unlike Catholic journalists who have been killed by Loyalist savages).
    Normally I would have to doubt the sanity of someone who proposes such preposterous ideas, but judging from the venom and default resulting to sloganeering and ethnic stereotyping when criticised in spite of the person´s Christian conscience (apparently fairly elsastic) I´m guessing that the person is either an Ulster Protestant sock puppet, or else is an individual who has done an 180 degree turn after being subjected to intensive brainwashing, in particular with regard to the subject of the Republic, after a bad personal experience.

    • "Loyalist savages" and "Protestant sock puppet" also denigrates Protestants with the propaganda of the 14% Party, indicating that you are Sinn Féin in a high government position looking to cover your butt, using your typical well-worn US propaganda techniques to turn what I have to say around in order to question my sanity. And denigrating my experience of the Republic as far from ideal, as an individual experience certainly not shared by the ***tens of thousands fleeing your island as immigrants***.
      Uh huh, tell me another good one, Mhaifeo Shineoir O'Fuichtáird. Meanwhile, extortion of small business owners isn't paying off as well as it once did, eh? That €7,000 illegal request for council rates was offered a deferment if I paid half of it directly to the office of Pearse Doherty. How interesting that extortion can be paid off with extortion. The problem is, nobody but equally crooked business owners can afford that.
      Oh and by the way US readers, if you're not aware, Sinn Féin **IS** the IRA. He's just cleverly rerouting your attention, as per their modus operandi.

    • What a load of bolix where do you get that sh yte from.
      Just another embittered countryman if mine trying to sound as clever as an Englishman.
      Go scrape your barrell elsewhere.
      England can offer a better standard of living than Ireland can.More Irish and decendents are living in England than the entire population of the republic.
      Without the EU Ireland would have to rely on Britains economy like it did before.
      Im proud of being Irish but I live in the real world.
      Your just another English hater.

  549. Your nation was founded first on piracy headed by Drake, a national hero, and then on stealing resources from countries all over the world. But I guess if you love evil, there´s a lot to love there.

  550. Yes all nationalities hate Ireland and you have been in every nation on earth and spoken to all their citizens, otherwise you wouldn´t post something so stupid.
    Try googling "hatred of Ireland" and "hatred of England" if you really are interested in reality.

  551. he did study the facts ya thick and he is right, 30% of americans have irish ancestry, i suggest you go and get something done with that sponge you call a brain

    • Google it you dumb fck its all there.
      African americans have a larger decendency than Irish in the U.S.
      Of course it is the Brits they colonised America and then the Germans arrived in larger numbers than the Irish and way before.
      All Ireland has given us is drunken ness and stupidity……Ed is spot on.
      What language are you speakin???????????

  552. no thad, nobody loves americans, only a small minority of the world population do and we can all see why, nothin but a bunch of corrupt child murdering scum yous are, the world see yous for what yous really are

  553. where did i say i didnt like the british??, i lived in london for 4 years lad, i suggest you get your facts right you door knob.

  554. How many Irish does it take to change a light bulb?
    Four. One to grit his teeth and change the bulb, and then sit in facepalm mode while the Revenue audit him, and the other three to screech and harangue about how much better he thinks he is than anyone else, organizing a Committee for the Furtherment of the Bulbless while getting pasted in a local pub on dole day.

  555. For the record, Saint Patrick is one of the rare cases in the past where the Irish civilized the Brits. Even if you watched the recent BBC documentary, the British, it is clearly stated how influential he was. As an Irish person, the one thing I reluctantly admit, is that to affect Britain in such a way is to effect the world as we know it today. As the Brits are by far the greatest race that ever lived. I am Irish, of catholic origins, so please, no stereotypical responses, from either side,

  556. Well your studies didnt really answer why de Valera didnt commit Ireland to the the side of freedom which was the allies.
    And his vex as you put it clearly allied him to the Gemans.
    And that is the fact your studies revealed.
    Yet a fact you ommitted to mention.

  557. stupidity?? no lad, you americans gave that trait all by yourselves, and your thick as a brick, I have studied the facts, and he is spot on…but what I have studied more is yous and the crimes yous are committing in middle east nations…I bet you are proud of all the women and children you have tortured and murdered…not to mention getting your arses handed to yous by the vietnamese and taliban, you are a joke son its no wonder yous are one of the most hated nations. I would rather give the world drunkess than give them war and genocide you scabby baby killer

    • Say what you like about America we are your saviours
      And a dot on the map like ireland is too insignificant to hold any credible opinion
      Also it dosnt retract from the fact that the Irish decendency in the U.S. is way less than the British and Germans.
      Its just that you make more noise…an empty can allways rattles loudest.
      Go crawl back into your hole retard.

  558. You total and utter loser. It' s people like you and others here supporting your IGNORANT comments that spread hatred throughout the world. You call the Irish Idiots and Racist Scumbags. Do you see the irony??? I'm astounded that there are people in this world with such narrow and sad views. You are the reason there is Racism and hatred in the world. You and people like you…..and by the way I'm sure you're lazy, incompetent and are all of the time stupid…OBVIOUSLY Alex!!!!

  559. Well go then….I'm sorry you had a bad time but you'd want to maybe do a bit more travelling around Ireland before putting on your orange sash and bowler had…but if thats what you want to do by all means paint yourself orange…I live in the Republic and certainly don't condone IRA activity… I have lovely friends who are English….I don't know what it's like to live up North but quite honestly nobody in the Republic or in England really cares…and that's the whole truth…People are dressing up and marching and fighting and being bitter and the rest of Ireland and England are getting on with their lives…hell we've even welcomed Queen Elizabeth with open arms…Truth is no-one cares anymore…It's not important…people are too busy trying to look after their families and get on with their lives

  560. saviours?? give me a break, you clowns are responsible for half the wars worldwide …and don't even mention credibility to me considering you yanks only get it by murdering woman and children, and stealing other nations resources (oil), how does that feel forest gump? bet your proud of what you have achieved in the middle east, but then again you got your arses handed too yous by the taliban lol…I think its you americans that have a high opinion of yourselves and are too insignificant to have any credible opinion about any country worldwide…now regards to irish decendency, you wankers would believe anything of the internet, thats why everyone thinks yous are as thick as bricks, now why don't you crawl back into your hole, stop murdering civilians and leave well enough alone you sad pathetic scum

    • Oh murdering civilians…you mean like the IRA
      Thank god for Britain and the EU huh otherwise all you inbred micks would starve
      nothing Irish holds water.

  561. The IRA?? lol, the IRA havent commited not even as close to as many attrocities your so called coward soldiers have and are still commiting in other nations …and that coming from a yank whose nation supported the IRA for years?? get out of that son, stop being a hypicrot…and your right thank god for the british, we do need professional soldiers to keep an eye on your dogs, otherwise they would be off running amuck, we can't have that now can we lol

    • The dumbness of ill informed irish decendants funded the IRA not the clear thinking Americans
      Any decent American respects the special relationship we have with Great Britain
      No one ever called your silly country Great Ireland LOL
      The only time you had any greatness is when you actually were British.
      Where do you get this baby killer sh it from cos it was a line said in Forest Gump.
      The guy portrayed as having as little brains as you.

  562. How dare you supply monies to the IRA to kill innocent people.
    How dare you acuse racism when you are unfoundedly racist against the English
    How dare you distort decenency figures in our country to pretend you have an influence
    How dare huh!

  563. oh blame the irish americans, are you clowns ever going to stand up and take responsibility?, no yous wont, instead you blame others but I am not suprised you always point the finger at other nations, don't play the innocent scape goat act here lad, nobody is buying it, everyone knows how corrupt your so called nation is, and newsflash son there is no such thing as a decent american…you actually think the brits love yous, sorry to say this to you but they don't, special relationship my bollox, they are their with yous i…there not thick, they know yous are just using them for your so called "war on terror", and as for forrest gump, he is just a pure example of what you americans are like lol …And as for yous being baby killers, I saw enough of your handy work during my tours in afghanistan…so whats next forrest, you going to try and deny allegations about torture, mistreatment and violation of human rights against so called suspected terrorists in several of your facilities worldwide???????

    • Your talkin out of your jealous irish a ss.
      I know a lot of English people and the all think America is great.
      Were you fck in Afghanistan Ireland dont even have an army …do they?
      As for corrupt thats rich coming from someone whos country is extorted by the IRA mafia.
      I can see why you have sympathy with terrorists your country were the worst perpetrators of it.
      I have served alongside the Brits and they are our partners fighting for all those freedoms you enjoy
      Whats your country's contribution?

  564. You dont like Americans .yet I see from the dumb badly phrased posts you nave written that the irish americans are ok.
    No you are the hypocrit
    Cant imagine how the Brits would allow a subversive like you in.
    And none of your anti American jiberish is proven,your living in a little world of your own.
    Your not sure of anything you say thats why you repeat yourself over and over
    No other posts on here have agreed with you. Think you have a biased illness.

  565. well tommy you are wrong because my (as you say) anti american posts are facts and have been proven, you just can't stand to face them, there have been many cases proven that you are holding prisoners without cause at several of your facilities worldwide and your support to terrorism e.g. IRA, also the death, torture and rape of women and children in the hands of your military, would you like me go on??? and I have not stated in my posts that I think Irish americans are ok, I think they are an absolute joke just like the majority of you americans on this. I suggest you learn to read posts clearly before you judge you doorknob. And how am I a hypicrot? I have never stated that I hate the british nor supported any terrorist organisation like the republican or loyalist groups.
    and sorry to point this out but I have had a good few people here agree with me, mainly british people who do think yous are using cunts and are arrogant and way over your head because yous are. They also agree with the fact that yous rely heavily on the british armed forces including special forces because they feel they are better than the US military and I agree.
    You just can't stand the truth son, Yous are one of the most hated nations worldwide and countrys like ireland and england, you should be happy to have the support of. Your self opiniated lad and arrogant because you are so quick to judge other nations but you can't judge your own which proves your ignorance. I think its you who has a biased illness lad

    • Your f kn joke!
      Proven how?
      Only in your tiny little irish mind.
      Historicaly each nation which becomes the most powerfull on earth gets accused of atrocities.
      First the Romans then Great Britain and now the United States,all of these accusations are usualy born from jealousy and you LAD are a classic case.
      Deep down your a wanabe American.
      And I repeat I have never experienced any critisism from the British.They love us.
      Think your a closet commy.

  566. oh so mistreatment and sexual abuse on prisoners at abu ghraib prison and quantanamo bay commited by US soldiers is all just hearsay right?…Or who could forget the infamous "my lai massacre" in which 347-504 civilians were massacred by US soldiers in south vietnam mostly women and children, oh right this is all fiction of my imagination…Yeah whatever buddy
    Me jealous?? of what, oh yeah I always wanted to come from a nation full of retards and self opiniated, child murdering scum who are in love with themselves lol
    listen to yourself buoy, "the brits love us", they are far more superior people than any yanks mate, so sorry to dissapoint you but their is nothing to love or be jealous about americans
    A commie?? oh hear we go this should be good lol

    • The worlds biggest ecomomy, the worlds most powerfull and technolodgical military,the national who put man on the moon,the inventors of everything in modern times,the victors of world war2
      Dont tell me you are not jealous.
      Think an American probably screwed you MRS thats why you hate us so much.
      Just wait till somebody tries to take over Europe again then all of a sudden youl want to be our pals.
      Your like a broken record.

  567. Yeah and china will be taken that lead soon lad. Powerful military? give me a break, yous may have the technology but thats all mate, the chinese and british would demolish you in a battlefield get out of that self opiniated fairytale son…The victors of WW2? get out of that, the brave resistant fighters, british and russians were the victors, you yanks coward under the white flag until a bunch of gooks kicked your arse at pearl harbour
    Inventors of what? oh yeah McDonalds and burger king, Yous are very good inventors at fattening people up alright, that was some accomplishment I bet you as an american are very proud
    Oh and who would want to invade the EU…oh wait I know, maybe bobby the baboon might or henry the hippo…And what yous will be our saviours? now I really feel safe knowing that a bunch of forrest gumps will come and rescue us lol
    And I will say this once, I am not jealous of you because simply their is nothing to be jealous about
    The only americans I hate are the self opiniated arrogant ones who hate, you know the dumb ones like you

    • Yep your ol lady definately got some U.S d ick.Thats why your so bent out of shape about us yanks lol.
      As an ex marine i'l give you one thing on which you are partialy right,man for man the brits have the best fighting army in the world,and as a patriot it kills me to say that,but I have seen it myself.They have the best discipline and training which comes from a thousand years of war fighting experience,but in a modern war they couldnt compete cos they dont have the equiptment.
      But I cant believe an a ss hole like you got in with them and how does that work? your irish
      You are full of s hit.

    • Well Tommy and John you are both right on some points.
      But as a British para who served in the Falklands I can honestly say the British army in a battlefield situation are second to none.
      I actually do like Americans but I,m sorry you couldnt live with our boys.
      No offence to anyone but I've seen too much

  568. I have very deep Irish blood running through my veins. It really hurts to see the world so bias to others who are different. I'm not certain where the people who make the comments are from but you have a super ego personality and have a small minded mentality. Most of these comments are unethical and have no respect or regard to human value ! This world needs to realize no one is better than the other. It's true face it! Most people who have no compassion and respect or value of other ethnicities suffer from a personality disorder. This world can never get better unless we value others that are different. Last time I checked we all bleed the same color when we die. I love others for who they are it makes life not boring that's the beauty of life! I will never judge others for their belief or ethnicity bc we are al humans. I know my own heart it has only good intentions, I never stole one dime in my life and had people who are not Irish steal and even almost kill me. I know some people who are not Irish that are great people also. Just bc I had a bad experience w/ others who are different I know it's not bc they are another nationally why they hurt me it's bc there is good and bad people in every nationality . Also we as in Irish girls are not all ugly trust me u have no clue what I see in my mirror and it's far from ugly so.God Bless You

  569. Forget but to include this in my earlier post . My religion is Roman Catholic and the catholic church is founded and created by Jesus Christ himself!!! So I figured you are baptist or church of god and that's fine but you should know that you are church was formed by a sick minded man who was put into a mental institute for being skitzophrenic named Martin Luther who formed other denominations also 80%of people who are not catholic suffer from narcissistic personality disorder. Catholic church is close in some ways to Judaism bc Jesus Christ formed the catholic church and beliefs from Judaism into catholic religion . So I'm sure you are not aware of that. True love is of others and value is knowledge and real love to humanity . Maybe Jesus should judge you like you do others who are different. Thanks Ed for your narcisstic article ! God bless you !!!

  570. You and the limeys have a special relationship,yeh right
    They ravaged your country for years and youv spent the last 40 years blowing them up!
    some special relationship huh.
    Im ex U.S navy.never new there was anything that special about the british military apart from SAS.
    Dont think anyone can beat the Green Berets

  571. Well wilbur with that comment it just shows how little you know about anglo-irish relations and current events
    And to be honest, The british army never thought there was anything special about the US army besides all the technology you waste money on, because without it you are absolutely useless
    Green berets?? get off that, I could name several special forces who would destroy your green berets with their bare hands and eyes shut

    • I dont think so, the green berets are the best in the world,everyone who is jealous of America would obviously say diferent.
      I cant even think of one thing the SAS have ever done,them and all those other copycat forces just try to copy ours.
      As for english /irish relations all the irish in America hate the English and if you own up to it so do you too.

  572. Yeah thats dead right you dumb illiterate mick.
    Americans have a lots of self respect.
    Whats up Mr irish trailor trash cant stand anyone on the English side can you LAD lol
    Well let me tell you our constitution was based on thiers and all the mick jealousy in the world wont change that
    take your hate campaign against Americans and English elsewhere we are your betters.
    you pathetic a sshole.

  573. Well sorry to dissapoint you wilbur but I am not jealous of yous, to be out straight there is nothing to be jealous of in regards of nationality and military.
    Let me tell you something. The Irish-americans are nothing like the Irish, never have and never will. We call them plastic paddys. If you ever came over to ireland you will notice a very big difference. As far as I am concerned they have no clue about anglo-irish relations
    I hate the british? ok that is very awkward because I have relations that are english and I served in the british armed forces

    • Oh yeah
      But you agree then we have the best special forces.
      As I said you cant even name one thing SAS has done
      Irish in America are more Irish than you will ever be you sound like a Brit colaborator.
      Your a plastic Brit!

  574. You know you remind me of forrest gump, with you being a retard like he was yous are practically same lol
    The english side? its a shame because as an ex british soldier, they just think yous are good for nothing clowns and complete retards. I havent stated that I was on anyone side, just here to make you yanks look like complete jokes, oh wait I don't have to do that, to everyone yous are a joke lol
    Yous are nobodys betters, actually we are yours. You should be happy to have europeans like the irish and english over their to train yous how to sit aint that right forrest

  575. Yous are the irish betters? hahaha is that why ireland has an excellent education system and america has one of the worlds worst…Proven fact…Springfield you are definately not on our side you come over to essex or anywhere in england with that attitude you will get your head kicked in you sad arrogant yank!!!

    • Why Essex?
      Isnt that where all the easy chics come from?
      2010…..is that when you were born?
      Been to England plenty of times think the south east london dudes would kick your a ss.

  576. I definately don't agree with that…I could name several special forces divisions that would eat yous for breakfast, and it is fact that has been proven
    How can an irish american be more irish than me? I was born and raised in ireland…Most of them havent being here lol and I am no british collaborator nor am I an IRA one
    I know plenty of SAS operations, one named operation condor, which the SAS attacked an al quieda opium plant…Would you like me to go on?

    • Yeh please do never heard of that
      Got plenty of green beret missions to mention tho.
      The Brits army couldnt get near to our guys and you know it,anyhow why should you care about them if your so Irish.

  577. if your irish good luck to you, but dont rub our noses in it or you will end up like the yossles in the 1930s and 40s, also, dont bite the hand that feeds you because one day you will be bitten back

    • Your a bloody yossel, you Jeremy Kyle candidate,go and collect your Social Security, in ireland we work for a living

  578. Your a mug mate
    You think the paddys are ok?
    Im a Londoner,wot you forgot about Canary Wharf, Woolwich,Downing St,Hyde park and all the otherplces in London they tried to bomb. And your stupid enuf to think Paddys like ya, ile tell ya theyr great to ur face but inside they fkg hate anything English.I think that Shermans got you sussed mate,2010 brain for you is about right. Anyway who ever heard of an Englishman called fkg Karlo. Ur a pr ic.

    • The IRA did that mate. Not the Irish. I'm Irish and I don't hate the English. I don't hate the English because I have the intelligence to realise that mistakes made by your forefathers have nothing to do with your generation. Their are still ignorant stubborn Irish who have this animosity towards the English but there are many Irish people who don't feel that way. I for one feel quite close to the English as we share same values, humour etc. Hate is a waste of energy and time. When has any good come from hate? People who hate just haven't learned to love I think. It's sad. The guy who wrote this article doesn't seem serious to me. It's all a bit of a joke really. I dunno deep seeded hate like that means you've got some real problems. The wicked envy and hate; it is their way of admiring. 😛

  579. So let me get this straight monty, because I am irish I hate the english right and pretend to like them to their faces?
    Even though I lived over in london for years and have many british friends, I am supposely an IRA supporter, although I served in the british armed forces…Tell me does that make any sense?
    I think it is you thats the mug lad, because you make no sense. your just some thick illiterate toerag, learn to spell

  580. You can go on and on about all the green beret missions all you want, you see whats pissing you off is that you can't accept that their are other armies/special ops out their that are better than you, you want to think the US military is the best in the world when in fact yous are not, yous have the most technological military in the world but without that technology, you are not as good as you think and it was proved at the combat team conference which is held every 4 years
    I don't care tbh, but i served with the british armed forces so i know how they operate

    • Firstly Well done on the Debate Tommy & John IE. It was really good reading the comments.I enjoyed it as you both made some really good points for an Irishman and a American 😛 lol. (Wilbur NO YOUR 100% Wrong) _The SCORES_American decendency debate Tommy Wins 1 – 0_middle east, oil, War on terror debate John IE Wins 1 – 1_holding prisoners without cause at several of your facilities worldwide and your support to ties to terrorism e.g. IRA, Terrorist yay or nay debate John IE wins 2 – 1_IRA being evil Debate all together debate Tommy wins 2 – 2_Who is Best Military in world debate both draw 3 – 3 UK IS THE BEST._See most countries settle things with sport, (Football aka Soccer) But because Ireland and America are crap at it thought i would make score up as go i along. __Ok now my opinion. There a idiots in each country, fact. Ireland has them, America has them, England has them, Scotland has them and so on. Swings and round abouts Guys.____

  581. The IRA are a terrorist organisation in no way supported by the public of Ireland. You're choosing a minority of people from a race and using it to generalize the entire country. It's people like you that are just as bad as these minorities, as you only know how to hate for the sake of hating. I'm hardly surprised though, considering how your post was written. They say hatred and stupidity go hand in hand.

  582. The comments on this are extreme… is this site not made up of jokey articles? So this isn't serious right? So everyone just needs to chill out and stop acting like children. It's the internet, not the end of the world.

  583. No you are not talking to me but technically you are talking about me because I am irish.
    Spouting about your anti-irish hatred sentiments that makes no sense what so ever. A londoner? yeah maybe you are one in the sewers but thats as far as you will ever get to being one.
    For you to blame all the irish people for the crimes commited by the IRA just says a lot about how stupid and arrogant you are and how little respect you have for yourself.
    Your an idiot lad

  584. You are really uneducated and thick.Not to mention very ill informed.
    Lets look at the basic diferences in terms of allegance to Britain
    WW2 for Britain started 3rd sept 1939,America joined us on Dec 8th 1941[thats 2yrs 2mths not 5yrs] within that time they suppliedwithout restriction or payment food,military hardware,intelegance and all basic needs required to enable Britain to survive,also at the cost of losing many of thier merchant ships in doing so. The on joining the war stood side by side with Britain militarliy as they have done every time over the past 100yrs.
    Now lets look at the irish contribution.
    Cowered under a white flag whilst thier government refused to condemn Hitler. Offered a refuelling base for German subs,gave agents to the Nazis to help give them British military information,their PM DeValera congratulated Hitler on the capture of Paris………These are your pals.
    The Queen did not apologise to the irish for anything,David Cameron did over one incident which is still up for debate.

    • Wrong wrong and wrong again the irish government never condemned the nazis. Why? because they were NEUTRAL, do you know what neutral means retard? it means you are on neither side you sad pathetic muppet and the irish NEVER offered to to refuel german U boats. i suppose you can back up that so called theory you stupid egg. And the irish government never gave agents to the nazi you fool. With what you wankor Why don't you stop hating our closiest friendly neighbours and leave the past behind where it belongs you arsehole find it very hard to believe your a brit because a normal decent brit forgets what happend nearly 90 years ago and moved on you illiterate dyslexic prick

    • Butt out! no one cares what you think.
      Read your other posts and every yank on here has crucified you.

  585. Why dont YOU stop hating the yanks they have stood as Bitains best ftiend for the past 100yrs.
    If you want someone to hate just look at what you have close to you.
    Had to sound a bit low life like you in previous posts so ude understand them
    Dont think your Britsh anyway….sound a bit greasy to me KARLO

    • He's not a fool. He's an Englishman. And I dont think you are.
      He's dead right about the Irish,I served in Northern Ireland and I know.

    • My arse did you serve in NI or where you ever in the army you wannabe prick, you know nothing about NI or of the irish…stfu and stay out of this

    • I am an american I am just curious to why you hate the irish so much.
      You can't pin what the IRA did on all the of them so whats your excuse? WW2 which happened 60 years ago. Every country makes mistakes incuding great britain
      Accept it and move on, There are countries out their that made even bigger mistakes than ireland

    • Agreed
      But everysingle Irish misfortune and shortcoming has allways been blamed on Britain by them.
      Weve helped them no end and they are still doing it ,we'd love to move on but its them who wont.

    • Monty I agree with you 100%, their are irish out their that won't move on mainly irish americans, but to be honest their are many irish that have moved on
      Every countrie makes mistakes including Ireland and England, I lived in london for years and have many british friends and relatives so I don't hate the british and many people that I know that are Irish don't either
      I know the mistakes ireland has made but i am also aware the mistakes other countries have made also so to be quite frankly nobody is perfect, If you are aware of the mistake ireland has made then you should be aware of our accomplishments
      Every yank I have debated with has done nothing but put pure hatred in every one of their posts so obviously I am going to do the same to even it out
      No yank crucified me, they crucified themselved because the lack knowledge of the troubles or of anglo irish relations and their arrogance
      Yes a small minority of the Irish supported the nazis, a small bunch but that was well before any of the nazi attrocities were uncovered and the reason they did was because they were led to believe that if the nazi conquered europe that we would get NI back.
      I served with the british armed forces and the irish rangers and served in afghanistan and to be quite honest, the americans are only your friends when they want something, thats in my opinion an many brits I served with felt the same

    • No i think its 120% in fact I think all the blacks ,Hispanics,Germans ,Italians, English ,Scotts,poles,asians and even native Americans are Irish too.
      Isnt it fun being silly,wish Ide heard from you before.

    • So why is there more English surnames than any other and why is there more towns and places named after British towns than any other and what language do we speak in America.
      And yes Ive checked out the stats and your way off the mark Mr dumbo dogbreath.

    • A former Royal Navy submariner has admitted collecting secret coding programmes that could be useful to an enemy of the UK.
      Petty officer Edward Devenney, from Northern Ireland, pleaded guilty at the Old Bailey to gathering details of encryption programmes in breach of the Official Secrets Act.
      The 30-year-old also admitted a charge of misconduct in a public office in relation to a meeting with two people he thought were from the Russian secret service.WTF guys real feel let Down, Southern Irish bad enough without this prat. THE DISGUSTING PIECE OF IRISH SH*T.

  586. i have nothing against the people of england most of them dont even know the history of ireland and like the irish im talking 90% of english people i know cause i lived in london manchester liverpool and newcastle the other 10% or a vial moronic ignorant breed of people that support the bnp which there head party member was caught doing nazi salutes and wearing a nazi arm band but could the people of britain show the world the respect of acknowledging that the british empire is responsible for atrocities around the world including rape murder causing famines starting slavery to america wiping out hole african tribes for there resources 30 million deaths in india selling opium to the chinese people and then when they where barred from the country for turning the people into drug addicts they invaded hong kong and three ports so to continue there drug dealing they droped bombs on dresden and killed 70000 women children and men and this is just the tip of the ice berg and i as a peaceful irish man are against this we dont only complain about what you have done you complain about the ira that didnt kill 1% the people that the british killed in ireland all you have to is read our history the people vwho died in ireland we will always remember them and there shall never be full peace between our countries because you still occupy the northen part of our country

    • Dont talk shyte you ignorant a sshole.
      Sounds like youve been poisoned with missinformation
      Typical Brit hating mick
      Take your hatred elsewhere.

  587. Just a few points from a born Englishman.
    The Navy Seals are not the best and neither are the SAS but check out the Iranian Embassy or the Gibraltar fiasco.
    I don't hate Americans and I don't hate the Irish.
    America did not win WW2 alone and the facts show that Russia made the biggest contribution.
    If almost 40% of American's have Irish lines then why are 8 out of 10 top American surnames originate from Britain? (Just a thought) ?
    Yes the British Empire did a lot of damage to the world just like every other empire have and will do, something Ireland won't have to ever worry about! Lol
    WW2 the Irish helped and supported the Nazis, don't believe me? Check it out! Ireland spied for Nazis on Britain so don't come all proper with me.
    You will find that plenty of Irish and English family have more links than many would believe.
    Stop the hating lol

    • Ok shaxx i agree with you on all said except for the irish supporting the nazis, Ireland was neutral during WW2 which means we were on neither side.. A small minority of the irish republicans supported the nazis and THEY did spieing for the nazis.. Just saying before you start saying that the irish supported the nazis, be sure to mention that only a small proportion of irish supported them.. Don't forget many irish moved over to england and joined the british army to fight against hitler

    • Agree with you on everything except for the SAS comments.
      How can you call Iranian Embassy and Gibralter a fiasco,on both occasions it was mission overwhemingly accomplished.
      The world looked on with envy.
      And I am an Australian

    • And you have no contribution.
      If your only point is spelling mistakes that indicates to me have you nothing more to say.
      YOUS hahahahaha……………Lad
      Have you ever heard of capitol letters you ignoramous

    • Oh I have a lot to say its just funny taking the piss out of you haha.
      "Capitol" letters?.. I believe that it is spelled "Capital" letters.
      And you say I am an ignoramous? Hahaha yeah good one…..

    • Did that to fool you dumboy
      Thats how its spelt in the U.S.
      Thats how much you know about the states.
      Youve probably never been outside ireland.
      Caught you good!

    • I am afraid not son you caught yourself out, firstly with your multiple accounts and secondly with your lack of intelligence and eduction, also to mention your stupidity.
      You see beaver/Thad, "Capital" is the proper way of spelling it, look it up in any dictionary. The spelling "Capitol" is only used for the building housing legislature or other governmental authority, as with the US Capitol building in Washington, DC. And guess what, I learned all of that in the US and of course Ireland.
      You just made an absolute fool of yourself bud, and you have just proven to me how thick you are and your lack of knowledge and education, and being outstraight I actually feel sorry for you, your family and your hatred towards us. especially when you use different accounts to spread your hatred and anti Irish sediments and you apposed anybody who did not agree with your american propaganda.
      Do you actually think that nobody would cop on that Thad replys to your message 18 mins exactly on the same date within the same hour as you, That is some coincidence I will tell you and says the exact same sediments as you? I think its very typical of you beaver that you TRY and catch me out. It just proves to me how desperate you are and that everything I said about good ole USA is true and I presented evidence to back that up and it is enraging you beaver like their is no tomorrow.
      Now I will admit Ireland has made mistakes but America has made far bigger mistakes than Ireland has or will ever make and everytime you are questioned on it you come out with excuses upon excuses.. Everytime
      There is nothing in question about me son.. I studied in Idaho State University studying paramedic science, Currently working for Dublin fire brigade.. I served in the British armed forces but left because of personal reasons. Two years later I enlisted into the Irish army and stayed their for 6 years. Why would I make that all up? I have no reason to lie.
      I have no reason to be jealous of the brits or of americans either because guess what, The brits are 3 times better people than you yanks will ever be, and you know this because you kiss up to them everytime in your posts.. The Irish and Brits together are a much better people than the americans will ever be and it sickens you because you unlike me are ashamed of where your from.. I do have british citizenship and could move their anytime I wanted to and you know what, my grandmother is actually british also which means I have british blood in me aswell. Let me tell you something son, I would rather put my life in the hands of a brit anyday than in the hands of a yank because to be honest you yanks can barely look after yourselves let alone someone else. I actually thank god that for my time in the US, I never met a vile sick human being yank like yourself so to tell you, everything I have said about yanks is pointed at you and your kind only.. Go get help son seriously, you do need it!!

    • Well then Thad you clearly just proved how much you know about foreign militarys and of foreign countries because many people in europe share the same opinion as me.
      Firstly prior to the invasion of iraq, George Bush could not present one shred of evidence about Saddam Hussein manufacturing Nucleur weapons which to be honest was the main reason for the U.S to invade Iraq as they claim of course. And it is funny because Iraq at the time was and still is a very wealthy country full of oil. And then when Iran was threathening to stop shipping oil to western countries, you threathened to invade them aswell.. Everything with you americans is invade, invade, invade, especially when you don't get your own way and you sit their behind a computer whose mouth is bigger than your balls and talk about the IRA which actually makes you incapable to even discuss and the fact you have not being to neither countries also makes your opinion on the matter very ill informed
      how dare you!!! and how dare you also question me on my life and then attempt to catch me out on a stupid ridiculous word which you epically failed in you dumb fruitcake.
      Then their was the cases of mistreatment and sexual abuse on so called suspected terrorists in abu ghraib prison, several cases where you used the prisoners family as leverage to get information which some did not have.
      And then their was vietnam, and the infamous "My lai massacre" which several innocent civilians mainly women and children were, in my opinion "BUTCHERED" by US Soldiers, several of them mutiliated, and for what? absolutely nothing!!! but at the end you did get arse kicked by the vietcong
      Oh I say you are very proud of the so called accomplishments america has made in the past and present, but do not however come on this and villianise the irish because you think that you are more superior than any other country in the world where I could name a dozen who hold higher respect than america ever will know, countrys that were around on this world well before america was even discovered..
      Let me tell you in my opinion, lets say america was to suddenly dissappear, I bet the world would be a much better place, I would say their would be more peace without you.
      How dare you insult my native language also, i bet you think the same about any language that is not english and it just proves how much of a racist you are and you say i am bad? haha I have an awful long way to go before i reach your level son.
      You know china are technically still communist so maybe you should invade them too.. No i think not because before you even get in the country they would kick your arses to kingdom come.
      And as for the brits, the only reason you have them as your allies is because if america is caught doing anything illegal under the geneva convention, the brits will go down with you also because of their involvement. It was your fault the 9/11 attacks happened and it is your fault of the attacks in london also to mention putting all your allies around the globe at high risk from terror attacks but you didn't care did you?? you were more concerned about greed, you let it get the better of you, some great nation you have their buoy..
      Ireland was a very powerfull allie in your war on terror alongside the UK by allowing U.S war planes land in shannon, Providing bomb experts to train soldiers in the middle east, cracking down on terror cells living in ireland, strenghtning your ties to the EU and at the request of the U.S government sheltering known terrorists who were released from your facilities worldwide putting Ireland, UK and many other nations at risk from attacks and in my opinion that was an awful lot of aid and support we gave you especially for a country of our size.
      Let me tell you something, if anything ever happened to great ole USA, it will be countries like ireland and britain that you would be relieing on to provide aid and support to the U.S and i severely doubt you will be insulting us then.
      You as an american should be proud to have countries like ireland and britain as friends because at the end you will not have any better friends than us especially considering you have nations out their that are enemies.
      You should be asking yourself this question, why do countries like ireland and england befriend you lad, not the other way around.. We have the EU so to be quite positive we actually don't need you, it is you that needs us and don't you forget that!!!
      And another thing beaver stop making up multiple accounts on this, you may have others fooled lad but certainly not me!!!

    • How would you feel if a little fairy kicked your ass.
      Allready proved you wrong on every issue,now your doin it again blindly siding with missinformed irish
      Your incapable of giving an unbiased opinion where the English are concernred
      Anyhow….he does what?…..talk sht same as you?

  588. I never went away just got bored with playing with your tiny Irish mind.
    You dont know a thing about us Americans so dont judge us.
    I never believed one single word youve said about yourself.
    You have no credit.

  589. My god tommy I didn't think you had the intelligence to know what a "mind" is, well wonders never cease.
    the same applies to you lad, Don't be judging us irish especially if you have no clue about us or of ireland
    And likewise tommy, I never believed a single word you said either and to be outstraight I couldn't care less whether you believed me or not
    And I have no credit? hahaha

  590. Why can't people learn to spell. For goodness sake, how can one be taken seriously on the opinion they provide if they cannot even articulate in their mother tongue

    • Multiple accounts.
      What a sad life you have,did you forget one thing……the time diference.
      I cant help it if other Americans are taking offence to your same old same old lengthy boring posts damning us.
      Jerkoffs like you and your tiny countrymen are insignificant to us.Say all you want about the U.S but all you guys over there need us and our wealth.
      How long do you sit writing and thinking up these derogotive posts about America why dont you go and put a few fires out.
      America dont need any help from any other military we could go it alone any time.
      And as for Vietnam do you think the Brits would have really faired any diferently in that situation.
      If the U.S. military couldnt do it no one could.
      Your jealousy is continuous.

  591. Ah you poor wee fella, did the Irish gal reject your sexual advances and you feel insecure. Never mind, you carry on ranting, raving and hating everyone, we Irish will go and enjoy life….

  592. I guess someone forgot that the Irish helped to build shit in this country. The Irish don't like you Ed. You are very uneducated in oh so many ways. By the way many of our forefathers Ed loves were not your standard christian…

  593. hate the british and the americans there the real enemy there involved in all the wars the last 100 years the americans are just stupid versions of the british no brains there soldiers watch to many rambo films get caught up in american/british propaganda and die as a result and for what oil maybe in 200 years they will look back and actually realize that they are wrong war mongers theifs murders rapists thats all

  594. it took russia britain america and all the rest of the allies to defeat our german army it took 3000 irish men with hardly any guns never mind air force or navy to take down the british empire your nothing compared to germans

    • When did the Irish bring down the British empire?
      Must have missed that one.
      And how brave you Germans must have been murdering all those innicent women and children.
      Thank god us and the Brits were around to stop you brainwashed maniacs.

    • Another hatefull Mick.
      Read loads of thier history
      Your just picking up on any bad points,read it yourself and you will see that they did more to pioneer and civilise the planet than anyone.
      All the irish have ever been is a burden.

    • Its an awful shame you read british history when your brain was sticking out of your arse. The only burden here is you and your scanger mother you bag of piss

  595. That was the English ruling classes,but the British working classes also got screwed over excactly the same.
    But it suits the irish to just generalise they have to have someone to blame.
    Get it through your thick skuls it is rich and ruling class againnst poor not people against people.

    • well said REG that is exactly the case, and that how it has been since the begining of written history. it is the desired outcome that the common people of nations should hate each other to maintain their stranglehold on their people. hate only breeds intolerance. the motto of the ruling class is, and always has been DIVIDE AND CONQUER

  596. you sound a bit of nazi what are you talking about 300 years ago britain only caused the bloody sunday massacre 30 odd years ago you still occupy our north with your filty neo nazi cousins that you dont want and we dont want and jealousy of what that you went around murdering raping and invading for your own benefit and then have the audacity to say it was the for the good of the people and your ignorance to it all and you say your proud of it your just another cockney scumbag that probably does nazi salutes at chelsea games well done your a proud member of a racist murdering war mongering nation that every body hates even alot of your so called allies well done im a member of a poetic rebel liberal proud country and we kicked you brit pigs out of our country

    • You are a classic example of a hatefull IRA jerkoff.
      Get it through your missinformed warped little mind.
      The Brits have done more for peace in that place than anyone they've bent over backwards for you,anyhow who said you have any claim on the north of Ireland I think the orangemen would have something to say about that.
      I'm an Irish American but have protestant relations in the north of Ireland.
      Its your kind that sicken me and the way youv 've stired up hate in America among the irish decendants who know nothing about that place.And get yourfacts right you twisted waster.

  597. By the way these last five posts have been done by the same guy,obviously trying to get people to think there is more than one a sshole with these ridicuous ideas.
    Also I dont think five people could be that illiterate.

  598. That view is a bit dated… 90% of Irish people have no problem with British people nowadays, hell the Queen's visit was a roaring sucess. And there's loads of Irish emigrating to Britain or joining the British Army. I'll admit there's still a small republican element in our society, but a lot of them are just idiots on the dole. I can see where you're coming from, especially if you lived through the troubles, but times have moved on. You should too, like you said some of us can be good blokes.

  599. i agreed with you till you called the irish paddys just goes to show the underlying hate and ignorance you have for the irish your just trying to be nice to get people on your side lets face it why would the irish be jealous of england and what about all the british living in the republic and the planted brits in the north im sure the irish would swop

  600. excuse me! i am irish and i am very proud of my heritage! leave the irish alone you jerk! what have they ever done to you! i am so sorry that you apparently hate people just for their heritage! they are people just like you but just with differnt history! stop being such a jerk and keep your opinions to yourself!

  601. shut up john you british cunt the irish americans helped us out alot in our fight with britain your granny was probably a black and tan sympathizer

    • Why the fck would you want the North and why the fck would the North want you.
      You cant run the republican territory that you 've got.Brits out wot a fkg joke you are

      And Cornawll is part of England ……is it not?
      And yes Celts originated from there.
      Not many Americans would know that.

    • what are you trying to claim st paddy for any way he is welsh by the way and even if he where english he is ours now and he chose ireland as his country cause lets face the man had good taste thats why he is celebrated world wide

  602. Top of the morning to you all and were are my lucky charms gor breakfast. May we all be in heaven before the devil knows we are dead.

  603. The Irish thought the British Germans and French how to read and about Christianity we thought you when you where nothing but savages after the fall of the roman empire in which we helped to kick out of britain the irish tribes attacotti and scotti attacked the roman legions and expelled them from britania don't believe me read the book how the Irish saved civilization or the Hiberno Scottish mission and this is how we are repaid very ungrateful lot you are this is why Ireland is called the land of saints and scholars

  604. to my knowelage the Irish as a people do not hate the English as a people, more so we hate the oppresive english policys of the past, the exact same policys that kept you and your familys poor and ignorant. This oppresion was not only visited on the Irish, but on a lot of nations throughout the world, and among them were the english pesants, to whom yo mrs crippsy were surely spawned from…pog mo thoin…

  605. it means kiss my ass, a phrase that you should be very familer with, seening that you have being doing that with your monarchy, in england for centurys

  606. What, this idiot actually believes that because points are awarded, it is therefore fact that everything said, is true, what a brainwashed lot the Americans are, In my opinion this is just an extention of the brainwashing that has been going on in the uk for so,so,so,long, and that crisspy, and churchill are a vivid example of there work, poor deluded people, i feel sorry for you ,you are incapible of independent thought. scary

  607. Americana and Britain are two powerful alls and have a good friendship. irish people need to stop taking OUR jobs so stay the hell out of the UK and AMERICA

    • I'm guessing your from the UK or America because they have nothing better to do then write mean articles about nice countries so SHUT UP ROSS :(!

  608. i doubt that ur kind living in the dirt and i cant belive ur pround of it or maybe ur just dumb and dont understand AMERICA AND THE UK FOREVER

    • good friendship me hole, the americans use the british as if they are reusable plastic bag you spa, thats all the americans ever do to every country, nothing but a bunch of using two face cunts who murder innocents and let me tell ya they have a long history of it

  609. You are being RUDE and RACIST!!!we don't ONLY eat potato and cabbage!!!There is only one Jesus!!! WE DON'T HAVE WARM BEER!!!Its not like America are exactly a model country….I mean don't get me wrong but are we meant to look up to a place that has 50 murders every day ,half the population are alcoholics and write articles like this!!! Well done if you were trying to get the Irish mad….but if you were trying to make America look good YOU HAVE FAILED!!!!!!!!you made America look mean!!!
    I don't know WHAT you have against US, but keep it to yourself !!!!

  610. You are being RUDE and RACIST!!!we don't ONLY eat potato and cabbage!!!There is only one Jesus!!! WE DON'T HAVE WARM BEER!!!Its not like America are exactly a model country….I mean don't get me wrong but are we meant to look up to a place that has 50 murders every day ,half the population are alcoholics and write articles like this!!! Well done if you were trying to get the Irish mad….but if you were trying to make America look good YOU HAVE FAILED!!!!!!!!you made America look mean!!!

    • Look this animal does not represent any part of the America I grew up in THe Irish have more medals of honor then any others They have had many inventions and culture The boose is a problem I wish I was one of them

  611. irelands a horrible place, full of druggies and rednecks called nackers and they are thiefs, dirty little things, aslo their catholics and are obviously greedy pricks

    • I'm an Irish traveler and I'm f*cking proud, not a "knacker" I don't sell horse meat. By the way, there are thieves and druggies in every culture and country, not everyone fits the same pair of shoes. Everyone has their right to their own beliefs and so f*cking what if the general population are catholic's, I have friends who are Muslim and others who don't even believe in a God, YOU DON'T SEE ME DISCRIMINATING!!!.

    • Lol Ireland is always in the list of the top ten human development index countrys , top 5 most charitable nations and the 6th most peaceful nation on earth and what is more it is beautiful ..The UK Or US are never on those lists . And even the fact nobody cares about your national holidays and yet ours is celebrated the world over the UK and US included lol . And strictly speaking Ireland has 25 gangs in the whole country . London has 600 and the US has 1000s . You spewing that BS is like a plank calling a speck a lump of wood . Make sure your own garden is clean before condemning others it will only make you look stupid even though it is obvious you are lol

  612. I cannot believe you all are taking Ed Anger seriously. Don't you know Ed Anger is a fictional character? Weekly World News started this column to make fun of Rush Limbaugh. Don't let it wind you up LOL

  613. Preach it Ed! The Irish are the laziest, filthiest, most messed crowd of people on this planet. They drink, steal, lie, inbreed, and collect welfare. How do I know? 'Cause I'm one of them!

    • I work i dont steal i do not drink and i am clean or collect welfare . I can say that i am more evolved than you and more sane as your as about as Irish as nan bread ..Delusional imbecile .

  614. I came on this page completely by accident and I haven't stopped laughing for the last five minutes! This writer just proves everything we've known about Americans……. They're stupid!!!!!!!!! Haha hilarious article! Proof that America needs to sort out their education system!

  615. That is funny as hell,Ed. Always remember= There are only two kinds of people in the world: the people who are Irish and the people who wish they were. You are obviously of the latter group, and borderline suicidal about it.

  616. It is true that the Ulster-Scots have become the ancestors of the buck tooth redneck races and yet there hatred lives on , though i am not surprised as they are still full of hate for the natives in the stolen land of Ulster they are truly lacking insight and truth , they are brain washed and pass it down like a verbal gene it is rhetoric and constant , while the true Irish inhabit the more influential places like Conneticut and actually contribute to American society your police army and fire fighters , it is in our genes to want to help and protect other people .You have anger issues maybe your repressed or sexually frustrated either way your not normal .Get a life you sad loser !

  617. Jimmy Saville , the moores murders the soham murders the jamie bulger murder , dont preach to us about peadophilia you servile granny worshipping idle freak . It would serve you better to wash yourself and your union jack boxer shorts your waste of sperm . And ^^ this is the rubbish britain is producing these days and yet the losers are a minority in there capital . Where did the phrase lager lout come from and who has the dirtiest and easiest women in Europe ahh merry ole England lol whom would suck and Irish man off way before a fellow Brit . See now stereotyping its not the most logic of comments is it so wise up you tool lol

  618. With grammar like that it is ironic you mentioned dumb . America is not a partner for England they only use you and abuse you . Why dont they celebrate St Georges day then lol haha

  619. Why are we not surprised to see so much hatred for the Irish afterall you have to type i hate the Irish to get this link . So therefore they are a very small creepy minority with an obsession to hate the emerald isle. Weirdos incase your wondering the link was posted to me by a very amused friend who wanted to show me true stupidity lol

  620. justify there own horrors and try and make us out to be like them , it is called a deflection, but yet we did not invade any countrys , displace its peoples , starve them or murder them, the British did and there conquests still resonates the miserys of there exploitations of Africa India and other parts of the world including Ireland , To have people from the US and the UK demean us as a people is pathetic because we do not have blood on our hands as they do . We are a proud community based people . Many countrys are catholics why not condemn them also ,..

  621. You silly little servile little cretin . You are living on our land you are from Scotland go back to it and get out of Ulster the province has nothing to do with you or your strange made up culture you stupid rat . Little fat prod descended from invaders living in our island you are the one who needs to go home get off our island and never come back . Do you think your queen cares about you , she wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire infact she couldnt care less about NI and yet you worship her like some goddess lol you fool that in itself makes you sub human . Why because you worship a human being thats all the old hag is . And right now its toff ass is in hospital with the shits lol so god hasnt saved her from diarroia lol stupid orange fat toothless flag waving weirdos

  622. Staggering ignorance. Blind, stupid hatred from somebody who knows nothing about this people, culturally of racially. The curse of the internet is that the nastiest, most brain cell-challenged people with nothing better to do – the emptiest of empty vessels, make ALL OF THE NOISE. Also, being Irish doesn't necessarily make one a Catholic. How dull are you not to grasp even this most basic of truths??

  623. since you feel so strongly about it why dont you find some of these mother F***in irish and tell them how you feel..
    make sure you also tell them that Ireland wasnt ours it was giving to us by the brits

  624. I can only imagine what job you work at.
    Whatever job it is I hope your employer keeps you away from the general public…
    Shocking REPLY

  625. So many pig ignorant comments from the world's most hated country……… America. As for Guinness being warm and brown? What a country of eejits.


  627. I agree with a lot of this article. I've met many stupid, ignorant, drunk Irish people and they think they're the greatest in the world. They live on a shitty litte rock in the ocean and somehow think it's the center of the universe. It;s not. Check out their newspapers to see how the fawn over their so called celebrities. Celebrities nobody outside of Ireland has ever heard of. Say what you wil about the English (I'm not Englsh) but they accomplished great things with their empire, including teaching the Irish how to read and write.

    • You clearly know nothing about IRELAND, if you did you would know that the Irish copied ancient Greek and Roman manuscripts in monasteries centuries before the British ever arrived in Ireland. After the fall of the roman empire was it not Ireland that in fact Ireland that preserved the knowledge of Europe and basically taught the British how to read and write. What do you think Europe would be like if Ireland hadn't preserved the ancient Greek and Roman manuscripts. That knowledge would be lost to us today if it wasn't for us Irish. So your welcome

    • Johnny You little shit, we were the island of saints and scholars beofore the Englsh could read, ignorant stupid drunk people are universal, I know, I was a bartender on Bourbon St in my Youth, its alldown to class and faction, the 'Brits' for example or a certaibn class of Brit are detested in Southern Europe for binge drinking and shitting in the streets – Our 'shitty litttle Rock' is no worse worse better than Gibraltar or Hawaii or another million little rocks, Our celebrities include Pierce Brosnan, Terry Wogan, GrahamNortan, U2 and Gabriel Byrne but I'm sure You would not have heard of any of these people as You probably are not that well educated as the averag bigot is not ans projects huis defenies onto others or as John le Carre so brilliantly puts itm the deficienr individulal must find a cause no matter how obscure and questionable

  628. i dont care, i have great fun being irish, go traveling to other countries and see there culture. To many small minded people out there. The main articles a joke.

  629. please stop i cryed when i read about what americans think about irish.im eleven i have nothing against america at all.peaple here are friendly and nice.there arent much drunkys at all.the hillsides are pure green and you can wander the country for ever and never get tired.when you need a break from the country dublin is lovely.familys are lovely even school is nice with no strict teachers and considerate caring friends.

  630. Thanks for the marvelous posting! I truly enjoyed reading it, you're a great author.I will remember to bookmark your blog and will come back sometime soon. I want to encourage you continue your great job, have a nice afternoon!

  631. your 100% correct. I'm English but i hate what we did to your people and many others but im proud that we explored the world and how brave we were.still are like you. i grew up in Ireland and was bulled for being british. i hope 1 day well get along better

    • Thanks Frank, it's so great to hear an English person saying that. I think English people are great. If we allow ourselves to forget how our ancestors were manipulated into hating each other for elite causes we can see how similar the common British and Irish people are. I think many Irish people confuse how the English establishment harmed Ireland and not the populace. And, other than the odd person who believes all the anti-Irish upper-class British propaganda, I find English people are some of the most polite and open-minded there are on this planet. And we owe a huge debt to Britain for WWII (although nowadays it looks like Germany has won in the end :)))

  632. The web provides such an interesting insight into people's thoughts, just a pity the people on this site aren't particularly interesting. Do na daoine as Éireann, cheapaim go bhfuil sibh cliste, suimiúil, dathúil agus an chraic ar fad!!! Cén fadh? Mar is mise as Éireann freisin. Bhí mé I mo chonai sna Stáit Aontaithe deich mblian o shin agus cheap mé go raibh níos mó de na daoine mi-chliste ó aon rud nach raibh baint aige le SAM (USA); bhí na Mhericanaigh Éireannacha ana ciníoch. God bless America, well that She might: there aren't too many outside the USA who share that sentiment. Also, learn proper English you guys! Really!

  633. This is the most insulting thing I have ever read, ok first I am Irish. And I don't drink, my dad hasn't had two drinks in a row in 12 years, and my mom doesn't drink. Also i don't even like cabbage! Sometimes I have potatoes, but who doesn't? This is really racist and i actually can't believe it. I bet you have never even been to Ireland! There are good and bad people in every country, and don't try and tell me NOBODY in your country has never been drunk. Plus I bet you have Irish blood running through your veins because as we all know Irish moved to USA during The Great Famine. And Ok, we celebrate St.Patricks day, but can we not have ONE day to ourselves? It's all just a bit of crack. If you don't want to wear green and pretend to be Irish then thats fine, but seriously? You hate us because of our country and religion? That is scab.

  634. You are a sad piece of s**t, us irish are considered to be some of the friendliest and smartest race in the world whereas ye americans are considered to be fat, lazy, dumb pices of s**t and half you americans claim to be irish anyway because we irish are superior to you americans, face all of you americans are stupid a**holes

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  636. How dare you say that about my country! We are said to be very friendly and yes a lot, even most of us are! I'm not saying there are no "mean" people in Ireland but all I'm saying is that a lot of Americans get drunk from time to time and not all Irish people do (some do, but not all) and what is wrong with being a chatholic, you know a lot of people are even if there not from Ireland
    So póg mo hón, and I think the rest of Ireland would agree with me
    Slán agus…racist much?!

  637. hang on there, Ireland is not a Catholic country, not anymore it isn't. As for Rome and it's AH's in clerical garb; they are an evil lot and always have been. Catholic priests? A lazy lot of avaricious child molesting crap heads.
    If people like, dislike, or even hate us Irish that's their right.

  638. No, he was more Irish than he was English, and in fact not even English did you not know that he was in fact of Roman ancestry. Oh and didn't the british cast him out after he dis obeyed the orders of the british clergy to return to britain.
    There seems to be something that every protestant is forgetting and that's that every protestant persons ancestors were Catholic.

  639. What a load of bullsh*t! I bet not one single person who is commenting negatively have ever even been to Ireland! What crap are you spouting about the irish murdering native-americans? As a country, we are neutral, unlike the americans who walk alongside terrorists every day of their lives! We have less restrictions regarding coming into Ireland but yet, its nearly always america who are encountering bombings! So I don't know what you're on about with your high obesity rates and people turning against their own 'beloved' country-america! Honestly, I don't see the point in anyone continuing this conversion as most of america are pig-headed and the russians above are only in favour of america because they've found a job there! And also, most americans claim to be Irish, half-Irish or even claiming to have the slightest bit of Irish blood running through them! So quit your biased bullsh*t and get some knowledge on other countries apart from your own.


    • nahh bro its a Greek fa% that totally agrees
      Irish contributed what to the USA ? then again I could be biased
      all I see around me is welfare queens and losers on welfare
      I even tried to have business partnership with husband's nephew, personal cash upfront and still they don't give a shit
      bunch of useful idiots majority of them

  641. The statue of Liberty was actually a gift to the US from France so actually one of your greatest money-spinners had nothing to do with your lil' puritans. I am half Irish, half Scottish with French heritage and I don't take offence from this article because you are quite clearly a raving Republican with limited mental faculties and it's really quite adorable that you managed to even switch on the computer.

    • totally agree with this article
      my husband is Irish, I am not
      but I can definitely say that either Irish are useful idiots or completely oblivious to events, there are exceptions of course
      If there was a race of people I would deport it would be either Mexicans or Irish, or both since one has contributed shit to the country and the other is here not legally

  642. Suck my balls. Oh yeah, I don't have any, like you. You worthless wanker. Go throw yourself off a bridge, its more effective usage of time than what you're doing now, obviously.

  643. How lovely to stumble upon a website dedicated to airing the views of racists who probably have never been outside their own country. History is a complex business written by the victors, so almost all the above nonsense words are not not built on fact but on prejudice. Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

  644. I hope you die you worthless racist piece of shit, yeah I'm Irish and in Ireland we think some Americans are dick heads but at least we don't do this your showing yourself and you're country up, thanks for making me hate America even more

  645. IRELAND IS THE BEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Most of the american population wish they were Irish. If Americans didn't like getting drunk then why would they celebrate St. Patricks day and most people in the parades are american service men and women. America's most popular religion is Christianity and the most popular form of Christianity in america in the catholic church. Most Irish people are the most friendliest people in the world (we say thanks to bus drivers). Even though we can be sick of it most of the time and complain about the weather I know I speak for most Irish people when I say I couldn't be more prouder of were I come from. (plus we have the best sport in the world Gaelic)

  646. the statue of liberty is a pagan symbol, its a symbol of Libertas, but basically means promise of freedom through service (which was usually going to war ) – you'd be better off with a statue of the virgin Mary.

  647. I'd say you're some craic, you're "article" is upsetting and based on lies. Please come to Ireland and then write this because I can guarantee your opinion will have changed. Go raibh maith agat, a gra!

  648. Although i am an outsider but i think this remarks are way bad than worst.I think Irish people are the most educated,conservative and caring people in the world.I will love to marry an irish american ladyThey hate england because of Northern ireland as england invaded it for no reason.The muslim world especially my country pakistan hate english more than any other country because these english ruled us like slaves and india also and took away everything frim our beautiful subcontinent and left the dispute of kashmir unresolved.the most hated nation in europe in england.is not uk but enland is the only country as scotland and wales want independence form british in 2014 and northern ireland want to go back to ireland.

    • First off, the Welsh don't want independence, support for independence is less than 8%, and in Scotland it's about 25%. In Northern Ireland nearly 100% of the protestants want to remain in the UK, and more than half of Catholics also want to remain in the UK. The fact is the UK union is stronger than it has ever been. And, just to clear up your line of – "scotland and wales want independence form british in 2014" – well, Scots and Welsh can never be anything but British, as British is being from the island of Great Britain, any independence vote is to leave the UK, not to not be British. Scots and Welsh will always be British just as a French person will always be European.

    • NI can't go back to Ireland as the ROI never had NI in the first place. Ireland only ever became united as one nation when under British rule, the British are the ones who actually united the Irish. The Irish don't hate the Brits, only some Irish-Americans do. The UK and Ireland are the most inter-married nations on earth, and that's because there's no hatred. And when you say about England taking over Ireland for no reason, well actually it was the Irish who were the first colonialists, as Irish kingdoms invaded Britain long before any Britons raided Ireland. The Irish used to raid Britain to get slaves, as even St.Patrick was an Englishman forced to go to Ireland as a kidnapped slave, so when you say Britain wasn't atagonised by Ireland and England attacked for no reason; this simply isn't true. When it comes to the troubles in NI today, that is because of the Scots, not the English. Scotland planted Protestants in the north of Ireland, and that's why there's trouble. Those Irish who wish to remain British, do so because they have a kinship with the Scots, not the English, but the Scots. For those not in the know, England gets the blame.

    • In regards to your subcontinent: The British were not the only European imperialists, so had it not been for the British then your subcontinent would have fallen into French hands, and you'd have found a period when Napoleon would have ruled you. If you were going to be a European colony, then best to be a British one rather than a French or Spanish one. The most successful nations in the world today were former British colonies, not French or Spanish. You might also like to learn that the Scots created the UK, not England. A Scottish king created the social union which paved the way for an Act of Union, and when Scottish imperialism in the Americas failed, their parliament voted for an act of union to create the UK. Without the Scots, the British Empire could never have existed. They even built the navy that built the empire.First off, the Welsh don't want independence, support for independence is less than 8%, and in Scotland it's about 25%. In Northern Ireland nearly 100% of the protestants want to remain in the UK.

  649. werwerwerwerwerwerwerwerwerwerwerwerwerwerwerwerewrwerwerwerwerwer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  650. Please note Mr poorly educated,
    1: You will never be a proper author stick to the bowels of the web its a place for the ignorant.
    2: America is free because of Irish men e.g.. 90% of Washington's men were first generation Irish.
    3: America is great because Irish men built it.
    4: Google the Irish they are a nation of honest decent people proud of who they are and where the come from.

  651. Yea man im Irish and I totally agree I hung around with foreign nationals for years and don't speak to the Irish unless I have to Im tryin to get out of the kip.

  652. Hey you the Irish are not bad:( We celebrate St.Patrikcks Day because he is the patron saint of our country. Show some respect! He did a lot for us and taught us about Jeasus and God so you're dis-respecting god you ashole. How about we say something about you're country I hate americans I hate the british it's not fair. Just becasue you think of leprachauns when you think of Ireland you should be bloody ashamed of yourself.
    I bet you don't live in Ireland so you don't know what it's like so f–k off and say something about you'r own country

  653. truth hits everybody · You're wrong. The Irish are not all drunks, that like me saying Americans are all fat.
    Also, the Irish have made massive contributions to science and technology, namely, pioneering the first transatlantic telephone connection, colour photography, the cure for leprosy and the modern submarine. For a small nation we make a large impact. Also, guess what, the Hoover Dam was based on the design already built in Ireland. A lot of international experience must mean you read a badly written travel guide, because you're describing a totally different country there.

  654. A very funny. tongue in cheek article.
    But if Eddie is serious, then as a bigoted nutcase
    He needs to be kicked base over apex
    Into the nearest field of cacti.
    Some poison ivy applied to Petty Eddie's genitals might be
    Justified, as well.
    After his pink panties are removed.
    But then, only if he is serious!

  655. You are really small minded and a complete ****** . Have you even been to Ireland???! And yes saint Patrick is welsh that doesn't mean he can't be the patron saint or Ireland . Wow guess we know who the real retard is …

    • You mean real retards, and yeah we know…they’re the ones taking this article that is obviously intended as (admittedly crude) humor seriously. It’s in the Weekly World News people… If you think anything on this site is real you may actually be mentally challenged.

  656. Your all idiots, every one of ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what if they were talking about your county! u wouldn't like it so much then would ya! if your from Ireland don't listen to everyone! your country is as good as any one else's!! every one else… go take a hike or suck some crap!!

  657. Affence Taken!!! i am Irish and part Australian!!!! not all irish people drink either!! not everyone likes football and my two big sister are very pretty! so's my mum!!! one of my sister even has an American boyfreind, probarbly WWAAAYYY better looking than u!!!! so shutup and keep it to your self!!! if theres any spelling mistakes its cuz i am balling my eyes out!!!!

  658. I hate the Americans. They are the so-called white trash of the American continent. All they ever do is try to invade you or eat you. Bunch of undisciplined oil thieves, who at the same time, are religious fanatics. The women are bunch of overweight rhinos, and the men are retarded Bible bashers.
    I have a lot of international experience, and unfortunately I have to say that the Americans have given me the most disappointed feelings. When you can somewhat trust a middle cl*** Canadian, you sure cannot trust any Yanks. As a nation the Americans don't really do so bad things, but the way of life is just so ****ing degenerated. You just cannot trust these ****ing gimps. They'll steal your hamburgers and try to eat them the very same day. And I'm not talking about the beaners (Mexicans, (what a bunch of ****ing idiots)).
    There must be something about living on an large continental landmass. Degeneration, I am talking about. Your father ****s your sister, who ****s your grandpa, who ****s your step sister (these low cl*** hillbilly marriages are so unsustainable). The whole Land of Manifest Destiny is totally degenerated, and that goes for Mexico as well. The working cl*** are bunch of ugly-*** fat ****s who can consentrate only on moonshine and American handegg ("football"). And the women are ugly. All the good looking women in America are immigrants. And the upper cl***. Well they have mid-Atlantic accents and some retardation in form of hobble or something.
    I like the Canadians though. BTW George Washington was British. Anybody seen the show Keeping up with the Kardashians? ****ing retards too.

  659. H­a­v­e a f­­r­e­­e t­i­m­­e a­­n­­d a c­o­m­p­u­t­e­r with i­n­te­rne­t a­c­ce­s­s a­­t h­­om­­e??? N­ee­d e­x­t­r­a i­n­c­o­m­e??? W­­­h­­y n­­­o­­t g­­­e­t a­n on­li­ne jo­b… w­w­w­.­W­a­m­j­o­b­s.­c­o­m

  660. Dear Ed Anger,
    Aren’t you pig-biting mad that people like Sean Hannity, (yeah, an Irishman), Rush Limbaugh, Laura Ingraham, and many others have been copying you? They probably grew up reading the Weekly World News. In fact, they probably read it while their parents were shopping, then put it back without paying for it.
    I think you should file a big lawsuit against these copycats. And once they’re out on their asses, Fox News will have no choice but to hire you! You can then broadcast your message from your own secure island compound, just like Hannity does. I see a Presidential Medal of Freedom in your future!


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