NEW YORK, NY – One judge couldn’t seem to kick his “naughty” addiction!
You usually think of a judge as someone that upholds the law. A person that seeks justice and righteousness and looks to set an example. A judge, given the nature of his job, would never have time to waste on pornography. And if he did, assuming his high intellect, he would definitely be a little more discreet about it. Well Judge James Gibbons would like to hit the rewind button because pornography ended up being his downfall.
Gibbons resigned yesterday after officials found a massive porn stash on his work computer. That might have just been the icing on the cake because that wasn’t Gibbons first mishap. The criminal court judge fathered a son with a young Legal Aid lawyer. Guess he lost his judge etiquette book – what a shame!
“There was a lot of porn on his computer – all young women,” an investigator told the Daily News. “Lots of crotch and cleavage shots.”
That’s what you call a fall from grace. Gibbons was once an ace prosecutor who convicted rapists and killers. Now he stands to face criminal charges as the Manhattan district attorney’s office is looking at the files to see if such charges are warranted.
Gibbons – who was not arrested – was caught when a computer-monitoring system in the courthouse red-flagged  his courthouse terminal, a law enforcement source said.
“He was a very careful judge on the law,” lawyer Adam Freedman said. “If he was using his state-issued computer for illegal activities, it would be uncharacteristic, considering how careful he is on the law.”
Gibbons was brief in his resignation letter – needing only three paragraphs to get his point across.
“It has been a privilege to serve as a judge of the Criminal Court of the City of New York,” he wrote. “Please accept this letter as a statement of my resignation of that office effective today.”

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2 thoughts on “JUDGE JAMES GIBBONS”

  1. The Internet was invented to look at porn and gamble, don't know why judge gibbons is being given such a hard time
    Weekly world news needs to do an expose on taking the dark vale off of porn and gambling via the internet


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