QUINCY, MA – A very unique discovery has shed light on one of our nation’s past leader!
An accidental discovery by a lawyer has turned up a letter penned by America’s sixth president, John Quincy Adams. The letter, discovered in a Massachusetts City Hall,  was dated Sept 8, 1826 and detailed his wishes for his father’s burial. He wrote the letter two weeks after his father passed away and was looking for permission from supervisors of the church across City Hall to bury his father and mother.
In the letter, President Adams asked town officials to allow him to build “a plain and modest monument” to his father, President John Adams.
Paul Hines, an assistant city solicitor, was doing some research in the basement of City Hall, looking to build a case against a city lawsuit. In his research he came across a dust-covered box which contained the former president’s letter.
“It was very exciting,” Hines said. “I was wondering whether anyone knew this existed, and when the last time it was seen. I thought we should take it out of those conditions, so it could be shared and preserved.”
“I have considered it a duty devolving upon me to erect a plain and modest monument to his memory: and my wish is that divested of all ostentation it may yet be as durable as the walls of the Temple to the erection of which he has contributed. and as the Rocks of his native Town which are to supply the materials for it,” Adams wrote.
John and Abigail Adams, as well as John Quincy and Louisa Catherine Adams remain buried in the church today.

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