CARSON CITY, NV — The Astrology Association of America has released an official profile for the new zodiac sign Ophiuchus.

OPHIUCHUS (Nov. 29th – Dec. 17th)

If your birthday falls between November 29th and December 17th and you’ve always felt a disconnect with the qualities and characterizations of the Sagittarius sign (formerly November 23rd to December 22nd), the following new profile will probably come as a long-awaited, much-welcomed relief.
Your zodiac identity crisis is over!
Ophiuchus Profile, based on the astrological charts that I reviewed with the AAA:

*The Sun is in Ophiuchus from November 29 to December 17.
* Ophiuchus is the thirteenth of the twelve constellations of the Zodiac, or the forgotten constellation.
* The Sun spends more time with the stars of Ophiuchus (19 days) than it does in nearby Scorpius (6 days), however the stars aren’t as bright or visible.

* Ophiuchus is also known as the snake charmer or serpent holder.

* Ophiuchus is the only sign of the Zodiac which is based on a real person. This man, Imhotep, lived in ancient Egypt around the 27th century BCE. Historians have speculated for centuries that Imhotep brought the art of healing to mankind.

* The serpent or snake symbol is still used to symbolize the medical profession and Imhotep.
Ophiuchus Traits:
* Peaceful and wise, seeks knowledge throughout life
* Unusually lucky, draws unusual amounts of jealousy
* Dream-driven, regards sleep dreams with serious consideration
* Achievement and goal-driven, always pushes toward something new and better
* Favored and trusted by authority
* Enjoys family, and tends to have many children
* Excellent builder or architect
* Prefers bright colors and flashy attire
* Strong musical sense, often has natural musical talent
* Creative and innovative in every aspect of life
Compatible With:
* Pisces, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn and other Ophiuchus
Lucky Number:
* 12
Lucky Color:
* Purple, and patterns including plaid
Lucky Stone:

Famous and Ophiuchus:
Winston Churchill (Nov 30)
Mark Twain (Nov 30)
Richard Pryor (Dec 1)
Gianni Versace (Dec 2)
Ozzy Osbourne (Dec 3)
Jay-Z (Dec 4)
Walt Disney (Dec 5)
Frank Sinatra (Dec 12)
Rex Ryan (Dec 13)
Taylor Swift (Dec 13)
Vanessa Hudgens (Dec 14)
Flo Rida (Dec 16)
Bob Guccione (Dec 17)
[note from the Editor:  WWN’s Pulitzer Prize winning journalist, ELSA AKESSON, BROKE THE NEW ZODIAC SIGN STORY. READ IT HERE. Her ground-breaking astrology book, “The New Astrology,” will be in bookstores in June, 2011.]

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  1. Certainly informative, and what about the other 11 zodiac signs that feel "identity crisis" or of the feeling of being in between zodiac signs.

  2. I have heard about this Z.sign and some astrologers in India also believes that this sign exists in astrology, lets us see which way the wind blows.


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