
NEW YORK, NY – Family pets – through some amazing psychic ability – have trekked hundreds of miles over unfamiliar territory and found their way to their masters.
One of the most thoroughly documented cases of pet psychic power is that of Sugar, a black and white cat of mixed ancestry. Sugar had a slight deformity in his left hip joint which could be felt when he was petted.
Sugar was owned by the Woods family, who lived in Anderson, Calif. The Woods eventually moved to a farm in Gage, Okla., and left Sugar behind with some neighbors.
About 14 months later, Sugar appeared at the Woods’ farm in Oklahoma – nearly 1,500 miles away, at a place he’d never been before. Of course, the Woods at first didn’t believe it was their cat. It was not until Mrs. Woods was idly stroking the cat and found the telltale protruding hipbone that they realized the cat was undeniably Sugar. As final confirmation, the Woods got in touch with their former California neighbors who said that Sugar disappeared three weeks after the Woods finally left for Oklahoma.
Noted ESP researcher Dr. J.B. Rhine, formerly of Duker University, became interested in Sugar’s remarkable journey and he went to Oklahoma to observe Sugar and gather data.
Investigating the homing abilities of pigeons, Dr. Rhine reports the case of a pigeon owned by a young West Virginia boy named Hugh Perkins.
One day Hugh fell ill and his parents rushed him over the mountains to a hospital 120 miles away. The next night, while recuperating from his emergency operation, Hugh heard a gentle tapping on the window of his room. When he turned, he saw a pigeon standing on the windowsill, its feet stiff in the snow.
The bird stayed there all through the night. The next morning a nurse came into the room and Hugh asker her to open the window. In flew his beloved pigeon with the identifying band on its leg.
Another particularly moving report involves a Manhattan family who had taken a summer house some 100 miles away from the city.
When their cat became pregnant she found a secret nest in which to give birth. But on the day the family was scheduled to return to the city, the cat was nowhere to be found and so, with heavy heart, the family returned to the city without her.
About two months later, the cat appeared at the window of the family’s second-story apartment in Manhattan.
She carried one of her kittens in her mouth – mother and kitten had traveled the 100 miles, through fields, towns, and, finally, through the chaotic heart of Manhattan.
The family was overjoyed and astonished but the celebration was cut short because before long the mother cat was gone again.
She turned up two weeks later with another one of her kittens in her teeth,
This time, the family put her in the car and drove back to the country house to collect the rest of the litter!
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