Your Weekly Star Guide
By Madame Malisa
Renowned medium & psychic

Mar. 21 – Apr. 19
Show your wacky side! Throw being sensible out the window. When you stir things up, money comes your way in a hurry.
You’ll ask yourself why you didn’t make like a crazy big shot sooner?
Don’t worry when the phone rings early in the morning. It’s someone who loves you, but who hasn’t had the courage to call before. Let them have their say.

Apr.20 – May 20
Climb that ladder! Take a big step toward the success that looks so good to you.
A project that’s close to your heart gets off the ground. Anytime you use your hands to make something cute you can count on selling it for profit.
There’s someone – and you know who – who’s longing to lead you along the garden path. Go!

May 21 – Jun. 20
Dance the two-step! A romantic memory tugs at your heart strings. Make that phone call you’ve been thinking about and let the fun begin all over again!
Push yourself in your search for extra cash. Something to do with food will be just the ticket – if the family doesn’t eat up the profits!
Lie back and watch TV every night. Look for a special message!

Jun. 21 – Jul. 22
Make life comfy! Get everything in your life clean and tidy. Once you’ve banished the real “dust bunnies” and the emotional ones, you can rock ‘n roll.
Someone’s going to show you how to have the world on a string – a yo-yo string – when a silly kiddie toy gives romance a boost.
Keep looking down! A shiny 14-karat item will be lying right by your left foot on Friday.

Jul. 23 – Aug. 22
Be bossy! Don’t hang back – tell the people you work around how to get on with it.
Your sassy spirit gets you what you want – especially where a little smooch is concerned – but you have to ask for it in a loud voice.
A bundle of ratty fur touches your heart. Don’t let this “old friend” go yet. Convince the family to put up with a pet’s crankiness.

Aug. 23 – Sep. 22
Heads turn when you go by! If you’re in the mood for fun and games, now’s the time to make your move. Start the action yourself and watch how the shy sweetie you love follows your lead.
Be a risk-taker! Give yourself a fantasy-filled future by entering a big-bucks contest.
Morning TV has a personal health hint. Take it! It tastes nice!

Sep. 23 – Oct. 22
Cultivate a little laziness! You’ve been hustling so hard at the money game you’re out of breath.
Get tore into some of that merry-making that everyone else is enjoying so much. You deserve some partytime – and someone’s just panting to party with you.
A wad of cash you thought you’d lost shows up in an old coat.

Oct. 23 – Nov. 21
Be stubborn! Everyone wants what you’ve got to offer – make them pay for it!
Someone’s crazy about you and has plenty of bucks to indulge your every whim. Go for it – for at least the weekend!
Tackle a grubby job you’ve been putting off.

Nov. 22 – Dec. 21
Take a chance – a big chance! A hot tip could put you on Easy Street. It all depends on whether you trust an old “enemy” who’s offering to let you into a sweet deal.
Give it a whirl! You won’t lose the farm and you could win, win, win!
A phone call brings an old flame roaring into your life. Is this too hot to handle? Only you know, hot stuff!

Dec. 22 – Jan. 19
Catch that dream! Take a good look at the past. You can relive all those old lovey-dovy-dreams just by picking up the phone.
Celebrate feeling good by handing out balloons to the folks you see everyday. They’ll love it – and you!
Move quickly on your new idea – and investigate getting it patented. You can make some bucks on this one in just a few weeks!

Jan. 20 – Feb. 18
You’re really cookin’! Your sassy spirit gets you what you want – but you have to ask for it in a loud voice.
You can handle the craziness stirred up by a certain someone. You know you’re right, so dig in your heels and tell them off.
A slinky love token from your sweetie makes a dream come true on Saturday evening.

Feb. 19 – Mar. 20
Let the good times roll! Whoop it up with a bunch of friends. Take off for the day in the middle of the week, and come back tired, happy and refreshed.
A certain someone has a gift for you that you’ve been longing for. Repay this generosity with love and you’ll both be in seventh heaven.
Extra cash is in the mail!

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