PHILADELPHIA, PA – Freedom of Speech comes at a price in one city!
Thanks to the evolvement of the Internet, two things have been able to flourish – blogging has become a potential career for some and many individuals have found a vehicle to express their opinions with. Blogs continue to rise in popularity and are giving normal websites a run for their money. While Blogs have presented individuals with a potential for income and a way to use their freedom of speech – there is a small price to pay for both in Philadelphia.
Philadelphia is one of those cities that has been hit hard by the economy. Given the rise in popularity of blogging, Philadelphia has come up with a solution for some solid income – tax the bloggers.
Philadelphia is demanding that bloggers pay $300 for a business license, whether or no the blogs brings in a fraction of that amount in profit, according to the Philadelphia City Paper.
Marilyn Bess is one of those up-and-coming bloggers and lives in Philadelphia. Her area of expertise is eco-friendly living in the city and surrounding areas and she occasionally contributes to the DIY site eHow.com. Her profit in the last few years – $50. She told the City Paper that she received a letter from the city in May, demanding the $300 for a “business privilege license.”
According to the city’s website, every individual, partnership, association and corporation engaged in a business, profession or other activity for profit within the city of Philadelphia must file a Business Privilege Tax Return.
Earning a profit on your blog does not matter.

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3 thoughts on “FREEDOM OF SPEECH – $300 IN PHILLY”

  1. Philadelphia is demanding that bloggers pay $300 for a business license, whether or not the blog brings in a fraction of that amount in profit, according to the Philadelphia City Paper.
    I wonder if they will street charging for tweets? Frank lake might need to find another social media vanue or stay the he'll out of Philly!


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