A swarm of 200,000 bees took over a small town in England.  Thousands of residents are on the run!
Stunned onlookers described how the air turned black over parts of Romsey when the honeybees flew around residential areas on the lookout for a new home.
The police were called as the giant swarm moved south where some settled on homes and schools.
Resident Jacob Wilton, of Footner Close, first spotted them as he drove into his road.  “I heard an intense buzz sound and then I saw them coming.  It was like a big black cloud coming at me.  I slammed all the windows shut and hid in the cellar.

Military beekeepers were  called in to deal with the bees, estimated to be between 150,000 and 200,000 in number.
They suspect that the bees came from Greece, as part of a plot of the Greek government to get back at members of the Eurozone.
This Romsey man was singled out by the killer bees:

Chad Wolk of  The British Beekeepers Association, was given the task of herding the bees and getting them to turn around and head for France.

The bees were mostly females and WWN learned that females are much more aggressive than the males.  “Males don’t stand a chance – when females attack, they’re dead.”
Frightened residents are still running away from town, even though most of them are 10-20 miles away.  “I’m still terrified,” said Fiona McBlork.

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