UPDATE: NASA scientists have reportedly confirmed that the planet Nibiru will collide with Earth on October 17, 2017 or 17/10/17.
The Nibiru collision with Earth in 2017 has been predicted for a long time, but astrophysicists, cosmologists and astronomers around the world have now come to a consensus that Earth will indeed collide with the planet, which lies just outside Pluto.

Nibiru, in Babylonian Astronomy translates to “Point of Transition” or “Planet of Crossing,”  especially of rivers, i.e. river crossings or ferry-boats, a term of the highest point of the ecliptic, i.e. the point of summer solstice, and its associated constellation. The establishment of the Nibiru point is described in tablet 5 of the Enuma Elish. Its cuneiform sign was often a cross, or various winged disc. The Sumerian culture was located in the fertile lands between the Euphrates and Tigris rivers, at the southern part of today’s Iraq.

As the highest point in the paths of the planets, Nibiru was considered the seat of the summus deus who pastures the stars like sheep, in Babylon identified with Marduk. This interpretation of Marduk as the ruler of the cosmos was identified as an early monotheist tendency in Babylonian religion by Alfred Jeremias.

Natural disasters are accelerating exponentially and astronomers believe that they are being caused by Nibiru coming closer and closer to Earth.


Beings from Nibiru are considered closer to human beings than any other beings in our galaxy.   Many extraterrestrial experts believe that the gray beings from Nibiru have been on Earth many times before and have combined their DNA with humans to create a more evolved life form.

The original prediction that Nibiru would collide with earth came from an unlikely source.  A Wisconsin woman Nancy Lieder  said that as a young girl she was contacted by extraterrestrials called Zetas who had set up a communication device in her brain and sent out messages to her and they had told her about the Nibiru collision.

Though she had predicted the year of doom as 2003, however it has been linked with the year 2012 after the interpretations with Sumerian and Mayan calendars. According to the interpretation recorded by astronaut writer Zecharia Sitchin, it is said that a planet that crosses Earth once in 3600 years and is an opportunity for the Annunaki (the inhabitants of Nibiru) to interact with the humans.

NASA is publicly denying anything about collision (and even deny the existence of Nibiru), but privately several sources in NASA have confirmed the projected collision date of October 17, 2017 or 17/10/17.

The world has seen many such claims of doom come and go.  But many believe that with The Nibiru collision fits in well with the Mayan prophecy – the apocalypse.  Originally, some thought Nibiru would collide with Earth sooner, but now it all seems to make sense to scientists.
We’ll see come 17/10/17.

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1,965 thoughts on “EARTH TO COLLIDE WITH NIBIRU ON OCTOBER 17, 2017!”

    • Damn! does this mean that I won't be invited to my girlfriends grand parents house next Christmas… (Good times!)… ''hehehe… Hey planet x… here boy…'' 🙂

    • i think your right, there are those that don't believe and its there choice, i too happen to believe and some think i've lost my mind, we just have to wait and see.

  1. frank i belive in nibiru i watch this thing very clearly we see him evry day and evry day is bigerr so guys if you think is frank idiot go to the psihaitrist and ask him what is wrong with mee i dont whana belive in things i only jerk on homade movies idiots.nibiru is here realy watch the sky wee se him from slovenija evry day people here prepere on this….

  2. hi everyone,
    this happen before, but i don't think its gonna happen again, if this were true, earth would be totally destoyed, niburi is 5 times larger than earth, almost the size of jupiter. the first time it hit was in the btween jupiter and mars, the astroid belt, it hit so hard it was sent into a new orbit, which is our home earth, see the 12th planet. now its passing will cause problems for all planets. remember the earth will be destoryed by fire, how about a huge solar flare from the sun.


  4. The Sumerians failed to strictly adhere with the ancient Zetas instructions, in particular, they ignored Charon's influence on Pluto as was taught, hence, their calendar was off by over fourteen years and two months. The Mayans made a similar mistake while excavating the ancient mountain of Zimalulu in search of the life-giving "Mato" dust. Only through modern science and with the use of used Department of Defense Cray III supercomputers by independently funded astrophysicists was Nancy's prediction nailed down.

  5. "Nibiru is ridiculous because it doesn't exist — it never existed as anything other than a figment of the imagination by pseudo-scientists who don't seem bothered by a complete lack of evidence," astronomer Don Yeomans, manager of NASA's Near-Earth Object program office at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., told SPACE.com.
    prepare not for the coming of nibiru, for its not true, but for the coming of perfect solar storm.

    • i'd be careful when you make such claims as (Nibiru doesn't exist) because my friend you have no evidence of that. and don yeomans only specialises with near earth objects like asteroids and comets Nibiru isn't a near earth object atleast not yet anyway. Even if don himself knew about Nibiru he would never tell the public because of who he works for! (NASA) and we know that they do not give to much info to the public dont we only what they think we need to know.
      you my friend are just like the rest of us….Puppets under Nasa's strings.

  6. Es muy facil hablar mal de Zichin, cuando se nada en el Oceano de la ignorancia. Nadie se puede comparar a este señor…ni de lejos. Más de uno debería aprender a nadar y guardar la ropa. Nibiru existe y está llegando. Más vale preparar el corazón y dejarse de monsergas pues ha de llegar en medio de la noche..del alma.

  7. in islam, the phropet had said that there will be one day in the middle of the islamic month, ramadan. at friday morning there will be someting fall from the sky and 1/3 human will die… guess what, the ramadan month is in july this year!!!…

  8. I think Nibiru is a real hoax and since some political figures are talking about there career only a handful of humans are preparing for what will happen to our futures even it is a hoax

  9. I heard a runaway planet will hurl between the Earth and the moon. Mans civilization will be cast in ruin. 2000 years later the Earth will be reborn.

  10. Well if this site is anything to go by the world has faced doomsday over and over and over already! We are all still here so i wouldn't go spending your savings just yet as this is just a load of old Boll**ks! Aliens,Monsters,planet x !!!! Our only worry is the human race SELFDESTRUCTION!!!! Its just a question of who presses that button first! Spend your hard earned cash on lining your basement with lead! Not worrying about crap that WILL NEVER HAPPEN! We all die one day so we are all doomed! Live life to the max!!

  11. The only thing that we can do as human race is to stop pannic and bestow our hopes to the Almighty God and all our worries will be taken care off.
    Let us be worried of the everlasting punishment from God because is the only and the only with authority to do anything to us.
    Let us go back to God in prayer on our knees not in panic and worries .PLEASE PRAY AND PRAY AND PRAY IN jESUS NAME.

  12. Nibiru is real.. I have solid proof. I can't believe you "nay-sayers" (non believers) really can't see the truth.. in that Nibiru (AKA – Xena and or Eris) is REAL! I'm currently working on my own article.. which will contain pictures of Nibiru. Not only pictures of it.. but I'll also include articles that NASA themselves wrote.. about Nibiru shortly after they discovered it.. and found out that it is indeed Nibiru. Tired of all these people out here thinking that there's nothing there.. when the signs are so obvious in that my 3 year-old neice could figure out that theres something out there that the government and NASA don't want the public knowing about. I'll be releasing my article within the next 2 to 3 weeks upon final completion.. and again, it will contain ONLY facts and truths behind this whole Nibiru subject. Thanks for your time.

    • I am in the northern part of the U.S. what I saw with my own eyes was enough to convince me. People do not think anything out of the ordanary with the weather, but take a look for yourself, nothing in this life is a givin anymore, If you dont watch the weather and what is going on around you, then so help you God.

    • JUST GET IT DONE ALREADY opps caps, with all the earth quakes going on and sun flairs , put it out there !

    • I agree. I read Zecharia Sitchin's book – The 12th planet, back in 1980.
      Convinced me.
      It's where our ancestors came from, genetically engineered a few local species, and gave us guess who? (blacks and orientals)
      It's all in the ancient texts: Google – Zecharia Sitchin or the 12th planet and see what happens.

    • This sounds like Terral03 from pal-talk honestly .. the weather is diffrant but look at the chem-trails they are spraying on us as well as haarp..

    • You really know nothing about the laws of gravity do you? If Nibiru had an elliptical orbit like the story says, it would hurl it's self off into open space and never come back again. And why would NASA cover it up if it's they're asses living on this planet?

    • Q: Is there a planet or brown dwarf called Nibiru or Planet X or Eris that is approaching the Earth and threatening our planet with widespread destruction?
      A: Nibiru and other stories about wayward planets are an Internet hoax. There is no factual basis for these claims. If Nibiru or Planet X were real and headed for an encounter with the Earth in 2012, astronomers would have been tracking it for at least the past decade, and it would be visible by now to the naked eye. Obviously, it does not exist. Eris is real, but it is a dwarf planet similar to Pluto that will remain in the outer solar system; the closest it can come to Earth is about 4 billion miles.

  13. cor, this is a goldmine. who are you people? how do you become so stupid? what happened to good old logic. what are your sources, and where is any shred of evidence?!?!

  14. It will be worth it. Its idiots like the writer of this article that hold back human evolution. You deserve to die for being that stupid. 🙁 i give up

  15. It's amazing how dumb some people can be. There's no such planet. people should start acting like intelligent human beings instead of giving credit to drugadicts and trailer park derranged women.

  16. i believed in what samson lemuya have said., because everything will come to pass sayth unto the Lord., so be prepared., we still have time to repent., repent before its too late. peace be with you.

  17. i believe niburi is real and i really don't believe earth and niburi will collide, niburi did collide with talmet many eons ago, talmet was in the orbit between mars and jupiter,when niburi collided with talmet, it sent most of ot into a new orbit which became earth, the fragments that are left are now what we call the astroid belt. if anything is going to hit the earth, it will be a astroid/meteor/comet.

  18. Y2K. The year 2000. Companies made money off generator sales. Hale bopp comet (Heaven's Gate cutl?) Rapture May 21 2011. Prophet suffers stroke. Hmmm.

  19. It is really pathetic the way a bunch of nuts wishes to die in a collition with an imaginary planet. Instead of behaving like lunatics try to find something useful to do.

  20. I watch it every nite, I see it with what I have which is one of the best binoc's and a telescope, it is real. we dont know when or where, but my ass is going to be prepared for it!!! TRUST AND BELEIVE THAT ONE!!!

  21. Dont want this to happen i beleave something is going to
    happen however maybe a new beinging for all of us. mankind has many ways to pull the wool over your eyes and the goverments have way to many sercets. we are all in the dark about whats going to happen look at google sky things are missing and what of the deep space satilutes all swiched off the public no more excess why? The govements no why, all these movies a hint maybe or maybe not. someone out there knows the truth that all i want. can anyone help us please reply

  22. God is the only one who knows when and how this will happen , it states in the bible he will come like a thief in the night so why stress yourselves out about it , there will be nothing you can do to stop it from happening just live your lives hopefully the right way and there will be no worries about what will happen to any of you .

  23. The word is not going to end right now…and Nancy Lieder certainly did NOT predict any collision! She states that Nibiru will go past the earth and cause havoc…like it had in the past. The world as we know it, will end and a few will survive…google the subject or go to Zetatalk and stop spreading typical mainstream disinfo – better to be prepared for the havoc, then to argue about it!

    • Again you didnt do your homework, The planet will pass by, with complications…BUT, The ANNUNAKI are also coming..we have to answer to them…Better brush up on Sumerian..

  24. You people,better think positive about major shift.The power of thought is enormous(words of father Tadej),so,keep the faith and smile:)

    • Actually they wrote about it in a magazine in the 50's, Popular Science i believe..But no one was worried because back then it was 50 plus years ahead..Go ahead do some research..you tell us why they would just forget..Then i will say"The fathers of our society, the Sumerians wrote about ALL of this 4000 years ago..It was no fable, no science fiction, it was everyday knowledge..ARE people on this planet really so IGNORANT?

  25. We cant satisfied everyone. We cant force them to believe. Im alone also make a research about 2012 phenomenon. So, we hear the 2012 phenomenon, we just get ready. If its just a hoax We wont loose anything. BUT, what if ITS really happening? and those who are not ready for it? The answer is in ur hand.

  26. If Nibiru were real, it would be tracked by thousands of astronomers, amateurs as well a professional. These astronomers are spread all over the world. I know the astronomy community, and these scientists would not keep a secret even if ordered to. It is also worth remembering that most astronomers in the U.S. work for universities, and that academic organizations, not the government, run most of the big telescopes. Even the Hubble Space Telescope is operated by a consortium of universities. NASA and the government get most of their information from these outside astronomers, not the other way around.

    • It's really funny how, just after the hubble telescope went operational, it had a malfunciton that required it to be pointed to a different part of the sky.

  27. Actually the 'planet' isn't due for a number of years yet.
    The only reason the Mayan calendar ends, when it does, is because the Christians wiped out the Mayans before they could make another one.
    Hallelujah, praise the lord and pass the bread.

    • i sure do like your way of thinking,thats the best thing ive heard in months,thanks sheila.

  28. just looked at date of so called collision its on a saturday in the uk just before i get paid oh no where can i get a lay on got have a smoke first lol

  29. People, Listen to the Facts, Sumerians knew all about this stuff and even wrote it down for us..RELIGION is the chains on our feet, it causes wars, and has killed many people. IGNORANCE is the runner up..WE are not alone people..we are actually like insects compared to the life beyond the stars, babies,We have been created, we have been fought over, lets try and understand that what lies ahead is not an END but its definetely gonna be different.

    • This guy is writing very interesting stuff far as I understand with the help of Google translator

    • no i'm just kidding but it sounded prettie good and dude you know what just stop it this world will come to an end when it does allright you be tuff now and grw some balls and dont worry about it yomsayen later

  30. l cannot argue much on this issue,lm not an ignorant individual neither am an individual who instantly believes into every thing posted on the net.lf earth is going to collide with nibiru on 21 july,then its not going to be a 1day event but signs from the heavens wil speak for themselves that something big is in the horizon.we wait and see!!!

  31. there's no such planet as nibiru, it does not exist in our solar system. Stop saying false informations. NASA said that there is no disasters like planet collision or what so ever will come to our earth. NASA added that our earth is behaving for about 4million years now. Only Planet Eris is true,w/c is next to pluto,but planet X nibiru is just a hoax.

    • oh ya like nasa will tell ya anyway. oh our president says our economy is doing good. hmm must be doing great. I know i make a ton of money unemployed. you are ignorant, this might or might not be real, but dont believe nasa or our government.

  32. i'm waiting for this event.. oh i've pack up my things and ride with this nibiru.. it's time to relocate and leave the earth..

  33. I just remembered, the red lectroids come from Planet 10! Maybe they want to destroy the Earth because Buckaroo Banzai destroyed their leader, John Whorfin! 😛

  34. Make sure you have a Towel and the Guide…. We may all need it… Didn't believe it at first until, in Miami… Seen two stars setting… over the gulf.. and what a site it was….. Might not been a star, but it sure wasn't small in the sky…..

    • it was jupiter and venus….people need to get the galaxy map app…so easy to figure this shat out

  35. One of the most mind-blowing explanations I’ve ever seen on the topic of Planet Nibiru is from a man named Dr. Scott McQuate. He uses the Sumerian language to go into detail about Planet Nibiru and explains things I’ve never heard anywhere else. He has a fascinating video lecture you can watch at <a href="http://www.PlanetNibiru.us” target=”_blank”>www.PlanetNibiru.us Well worth your time. Peace!

  36. One of the most mind-blowing explanations I’ve ever seen on the topic of Planet Nibiru is from a man named Dr. Scott McQuate. He uses the Sumerian language to go into detail about Planet Nibiru and explains things I’ve never heard anywhere else. He has a fascinating video lecture you can watch at <a href="http://www.PlanetNibiru.us” target=”_blank”>www.PlanetNibiru.us Well worth your time. Peace!

  37. this profile picture i am using is a picture i took at 3-28-12 at 9:45 am from california that looks like a planet under the sun too me !!!!

  38. Seriously the Nibiru theory makes as much sense as the biblical account of creation…….I always assumed that alien DNA was mixed with ape/caveman DNA to produce Homo Sapians…..and have believed for years that Jesus was an alien hybrid (immaculate conception,rising from the dead,ascending to heaven on a beam of light etc). But a theory I have always been interested in is ….since time travel will be acheived (at some point in the relative future) I feel the aliens (mainly the greys/greens) are in fact super future humans who, after being forced to leave a depleated barren future earth, have traveled back in time to hopefully prevent said depleation of the earth from occuring (by enlightening us) so that leaving the earth is unnecessary 10, 20, or 50 thousand years from now……What do you think!

  39. im thinkin this is all proficy that is written in the bible that is unfolding right now ,we all better repent !! im knowing, im repenting!!

  40. this is the most accurate documentary on this subject that could be written , im thinking , it totally coisides with the bible ,and explains the meaning s of words that joe average ,or even a scollar could not explain,for reals

  41. Have any of you guys listen to what you are talking about? How incredibily silly this all is. Aliens, and end of the world planet distruction. Like come on, maybe grow up and move out of your parents basement. The end of the world will happen when Jesus comes back to earth and no one knows when that will happen. Like is this the best thing you guys can do with your time?

    • Like have you ever seen or herd of a person that has died and come back in even 6 months even you are a hypocrite to suggest the Jesus will come back that all your knowledge that you were razed to believe in is actual fact. Can you as an individual prove that he is coming back.
      This has been proved and dose exist its not fiction and not a story book that you can read about!!! do some research before you can make an informed comment.

    • Like have you ever seen or herd of a person that has died and come back in even 6 months even you are a hypocrite to suggest the Jesus will come back that all your knowledge that you were razed to believe in is actual fact. Can you as an individual prove that he is coming back.

    • You're a moron. First you say that this is "incredibly silly", then you go on to say "jesus" only knows the end. You're a complete dumbass man. An alien invasion or another planet bringing destruction to earth is FAR more believable than the bible you silly religious fanatic.

    • Right,
      If you believe the Jesus theory over aliens, you are misled.
      At this point, we have more proof of Alien existence than the
      theory that Jesus is the son of god…hmmm….old stories vs. science
      and factual data….I just don't know

  42. hi and my best wishes to all.
    a direct collision i have never forseen but polar shift and debri will cause untold devistation. We are about to enter a place where linear time stops and we are immersed into eternal existance at the same time there will be herd a loud noise that will modify the gnome to a more adaptable state for the enlighttened.
    good luck and god speed to us all

  43. One if this planet was going to hit us this year we would be able to see it up close by now day or night. Unless it is sat the other side of Jupiter waiting for Dec 21 travel at the speed of light and go boo I'm hear. Em grow up yes weird thing are happening around the world that we can't explain but its not the end of the word and no planet is going to crash in to earth or aliens attack. The only thing that will end us all is us humans.

  44. Well. Well. You all know that if thear was A planet to hit our planet. That the gov.Wouldent give you the time of day. even if they did know. The reason for that is it would couse total panneat. to every one. In short all hell would break louse. So for my thing. Back in 2009. Around May I my self seened A very large sun like planit. Along side the sun. I my self thought it was Mars. But after A few years. I started looking in to this. Hot dam thear it is at the soundern hemafear. Nibiru with 6 moons. Its suspose to come with in 480,000 miles of earth. Well that fokes is to close to our planet .they say that it will come between the earth and our sun. Well if that dusent burn use. May bee one of the moons will hit use. I my self do think that thear is going to have somthing happaning soon. It dose say in the bible that well will burn by fire . So hang on. Dec 21 2012 its not far away

  45. If nibiru is real and theirs going to be a pole shift
    The best place to be will be on the international spacestation
    So if we see Osama Obama Llama Llama Duck getting on the space shuttle we can start to worry
    personally I'm not bothered we're a race of inbred numpty's and we're all related through DNA so why start wars when we're basicly the same

  46. The wages of sin is death.but the gift of God is eternal life through our Lord Jesus christ. Bible.Thank God I recived eternal Life. So no fear of nibiru or death.Praise The lord.

  47. Wish u all a glorious Easter.JesusChrist the saviour of the world came tothis world to deliver them who throughfear of death were all their life time subject to bondage.Heb .2;13.so many mighty people
    born and died .But Jesus christ alone roseagain from death.He is living..So He promise us….Iam the resurection.and the life.he that beliveth in me though hewere dead yet shall he live.john11;25
    when I was young iwas seeking sinfuljoybut no peaceinmy life. Finaly i found the truthand prayed to jesus lord
    . Forgive mysins. He gave me true peace and joy.He deliverd me from fear of death.after death my life start in heaven.so no fear of NIBIRU.Praise the lord.

  48. if you still don't believe me then this is what a TRUE said himself <a href="http://!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRMBxnxWiNQ” target=”_blank”>!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRMBxnxWiNQ The overwhelming evidence is proof that Nibiru exists. Guys the aliens on Nibiru are actually called Chuck Norris, the leader of them will come to this planet to eliminate Justin Bieber. They will mix their DNA with ours and this hybrid will be called memeans (MEEM-EE-ANZ) that will open the path to Nyan cat's lair and bring us closer to Arceus and our true goal to being Rick-Rolled

  49. I belive nibiru is truely going to collied with the earth but not in2012. .Duringthe time of tribulation nibiru must coliled with the earth.Threeandhalf years afterthe rapture nibiru. Isgoing to hit the earth may be in 2015 july (If the rapture occur this year.)And the second angel sounded and as it were a great mountain burning with fire (NIBIRU) was cost into the sea.and the third partof the sea become blood. Revel 8:8

    • Nibiru is a name in Babylonian astrology sometimes associated with the god Marduk. Nibiru appears as a minor character in the Babylonian creation poem Enuma Elish as recorded in the library of Assurbanipal, King of Assyria (668-627 BCE). Sumer flourished much earlier, from about the 23rd century to the 17th century BCE. The claims that Nibiru is a planet and was known to the Sumerians are contradicted by scholars who (unlike Zecharia Sitchin) actually study and translate the written records of ancient Mesopotamia. Sumer was indeed a great civilization, important for the development of agriculture, water management, urban life, and especially writing. However, they left very few records dealing with astronomy. Certainly they did not know about the existence of Uranus, Neptune or Pluto. They also had no understanding that the planets orbited the Sun, an idea that first developed in ancient Greece two millennia after the end of Sumer. Claims that Sumerians had a sophisticated astronomy, or that they had a planet named Nibiru, are the product of Sitchin’s imagination.

    • There is no factual basis for the many Nibiru stories. This Internet chatter originated from the claim by Nancy Lieder that she was warned about this planet by aliens from the star Zeta Reticuli. In the absence of real information, however, people
      speculate and embellish this fictional story. One such addition is to link Nibiru with “Planet X,” a term used for many years by astronomers to refer to any unknown planet that might exist beyond Pluto. Far from being a real object, this term indicates an unknown or undiscovered object (that is why it is called “X”). Another false link is with Eris, the largest of the dwarf planets recently found beyond Neptune, designated 2003 UB313 when it was discovered in 2003. Before Eris was given its formal name, its discoverer, Mike Brown of Caltech, informally referred to it as Xena, a word play on “Planet X.” The name Eris was officially adopted by the International Astronomical Union in 2006. However, this has nothing to do with Nibiru. Nibiru is supposed to be a large planet on a highly elliptical orbit with a period of 3,600 years, which comes onto the inner solar system and will disrupt Earth in 2003 (the original claim) or 2012 (the current claim). Eris is a dwarf planet (smaller than the Moon) with a period of 557 years, currently far beyond Neptune or Pluto at a distance of about 10 billion miles. Its orbit will never bring it into the inner solar system; the closest it will come, in about 2255, is 4 billion miles. Eris does not match the fictional object Nibiru in distance, orbit, size, or any other property, and it does not threaten Earth in any way. The other items you mention from the Internet are untrue. Neither Pluto nor any other transneptunian object is deviating from its normal path. Time is not speeding up, and the days are not shorter. You know as well as I do that there are still the usual 24 hours in the day, not 16! Please don’t be scared; the entire Nibiru story, as well as any concerns about Eris threatening Earth, are a hoax, nothing more.

  50. WHAT a load of CRAP. The world may end someday, but we won't know when. And, hey! At least we'll die quick enough. I HIGHLY doubt a mythological planet is going to strike Earth. But, if I am wrong, and the world does end at a different time, so be it! But this planet doesn't exist. It can't. We can clearly see (From Astronomy books, etc.) The only things beyond Pluto are other moons and planets, but not ONE is called Niburu. COME ON PEOPLE! Every psycho in the Earth has his/her own theory about the world ending but this one? This one is just dumb.

  51. Idiots? Might b exciting to watch or not. No fear at all, only seems unfortunate our sience, culture, and spirituality are only now showing promise and hope for real progress. We all are crippled by gov liars and other stumbleing blocks. My info shows pole shift @1st week of june with flyby. No collision. Effects of very strong magnetic and gravitational forces unknown. I suspect time/space demensional shift with unknown variables. Would like to confirm verify any part of it.

    • If we were really going to be passed in just over two months by a planet that is 10 times the size of Jupiter, don't you think we would be able to see it by now???

  52. july 24th is my birthday….i want to celebrate it 🙁 🙁
    i dont wanna die …go away nibiru , it may come in august 3 not july21

  53. look around. you can fill it inside. nothing growes right. the sesones are way off. the GOV . is falling apart. 98 percent of the world doesent have a clue on whats going on. in a way im glad its coming. i just wish or hope and pray god reaches and gets all the littel ones they dont need too witness this.we have been lied too since the begining. im ready

  54. If you want to see Niburu you have to stare at the sun for at least 20 minutes with your naked eyes, then look away you will see Niburu wherever you want it to be for the rest of the day !!!! ENJOY!!!!!!!!!

  55. This just in reportedly from NASA!!! Niburu is actually showing signs of life. Using their telescopes they noticed what seemed like a gigantic tounge of some sort. It came out quickly from the planet and grasped an asteroid and then quickly brought it back into it's core.
    Crazy stuff I tell ya.. They then zoomed in and stabilized the image and found that Nibiru is a giant asteroid eating frog!! They then focused their space vacuum microphones at the planet and heard the frog speak. It has been transliterated like this. " Eyog Feyog. Motot engyon jorg enturno." It says this phrase over and over!!! What does it mean I wonder?

  56. No one is predicting a collision. That's just stupid. If Nibiru exists, it will pass close to earth and cause gravitational disturbances.

  57. the Sumerian and Mayan calendars were created before the leap year was introduced, everyone over looks this. the end of the world should have happened 6 months ago 😛

  58. i was panicking until i remember THAT NIBIRU DOESN'T EVEN EXIST, so i checked about this website ONLY TO DISCOVER ALL OF YOUR ARTICLES ARE HOAXES

    • don't think so much about,because time will come and nobody knows when it will happen even NASA,or the MAYANS,or the AZTEC,and who else claiming their predictions nobody but only GOD knows…Trust with HIM with all of your heart…..

    • Hoax? This idea is based on a theory written in a book called "The 12th Planet" by Zecharia Sitchin. The "theory" is based on the "fact" that archeologists have uncovered numerous writings and drawings telling the same and/or similar stories as told in the "Bible" but with varying explanations and timeframes. While it is only a theory, it is more believable than what we were all raised to believe; at least "The 12th Planet" gives explanations and possibilities that are based in science rather than just faith. Whether or not the earth ends on 12/21/12 is anyone's guess. Read the book, and choose to believe or not; but don't call it a hoax simply because you don't accept the theory.

  59. Hi, Steve..
    I completely agree with your point of view about this entire scenario. I share the exactly same thoughts. I would refrain myself from caling it an enlightenment from God almighty. Although this concept is quite complicated for human brain to comprehend, this is the most logical and scientific reason that can corroborate every mythological story and even the present situation. I am eventually very glad and now confident to know that atleast one other person like you shares the same views as mine are ! Great thinking.

  60. Ha! This all a hoax, Niburu is just a imaginary planet created by a fool. Your scaring millions of people thinking all this is true! Besides, the Mayan calender ending in 2012-12-21 is a time to celebrate, a new era is suppose to begin on that date. Besides, if Niburu was heading towards earth, NASA, and Astronomers would be tracking it down for decades and Niburu would be visible to the naked eye.The "2012 doomsday" is a hoax, a fraud, and an absolute con job. It is a cruel and disgusting lie being promoted by scam artists after money; First they scare people to death that something terrible is going to happen, then publish books and videos on "how to survive the apocalypse". Get the scam?! You're not going to fall for something like that… right?
    The problem is that some people will fall for the scam. Some people will believe it. Some people will waste their money buying fake information on "how to survive". Some people will buy worthless survival kits, and some will even buy spaces in shelters that are not going to be built – ever!.

    • There is absolutely zero scientific evidence of any worldwide disasters in December. There are a number of debunking websites and NASA videos that explain that there is nothing to worry about. … It is true that a certain correlation of the Mayan Long Count calender reaches on our date December 21, but the next day (Dec 22) actually clicks over to … which is the start of a new Baktun – #14. … Several years ago, some white people (gringos) made certain interpretations because they thought the calender ended and that meant bad things would happen. They started to spread the misinformation via videos, books, and websites. …. For more info, please go to: <a href="http://www.2012hoax.org” target=”_blank”>www.2012hoax.org

    • They have been tracking it for decades learn the facts this 12 planet hides behind the orbit of saturn and jupiter NASA has pics of this planet at first it was news then all of sudden they stopeed speaking of it can you picture if the government confirmed all systems would break down it might not happen in 2012 but its out there

  61. If this even was true, which I HIGHLY doubt, how is the plant going to make its way past all the planets PLUS the freakin huge asteroid belt. You come up with an answer, let me know. By the way, to every one bashing Jesus, then I feel sorry for you. Jesus Christ is Lord and MY savior. The only one that knows the exact time and date of when the earth will end and He will come and collect his children, is the Father. Yes I know I will probably get votes down for this post but that really doesn't bother me. I will continue to live my life one day after the next without fear of anything preaching the Gospel. Thank you

    • Thank you for saying this. I believe in Jesus as well and know without a doubt he will be coming back. You are right only God knows the hour. For those who do not believe I say a prayer for you. God Bless you!

  62. why are all of you jesus lovers even on any of these sites? really your ganna belive some person is ganna save you… i look at it this way when one person has an imaginary friend they are called crazy but when a group of people have the same imaginary friend its called a god. lmao there is more proof in bigfoot than jesus has anyone ever seen him heard his voice ect.

    • I hear him daily. Maybe some of you just do not know the language to listen for. I am tired of people confusing God with Aliens. Aliens come from our same dimension and are physical (if they even exist at all), God is pure energy manifested in the ways we need through our faith, if we are open and listening to the energy flow in our soul. The physical world will never understand the spiritual world, until we learn to shut out our inputs and focus solely internally where true God really lives (in our thoughts). Too many religions are ruining the true meaning of God, by trying to fit him into the material world..

  63. Nibiru is unfortunately not real, its a shame because this world does need a good kicking, we need to go back to the dark ages and start again! all you people that rely on power sources and money think your special and know it all, you know nothing! when were sent back dont expect us that know how to live without power and money to be helping you out! your greed will be punished!

  64. Well, if you also think as jesus as a savior, there is probally someone in a differen t galaxy, exactly like you, and as some basic encryptions in the bible, (book of eli, enki" the originals, jesus was an E.T., and Nibiru meaning "home of the fruit", is the location of were Adam was created, not earth. The bible is nothing to its original scriptures. Nothing, so you might believe in someones other beliefs or likings. Sadly. Think outside of the box, or even better.. think outside our galaxy.

  65. Steve start doing some real research and you will find that the so called Aliens that have been here since the beginning are fallen angels only here to decieve man until the end of time. It's called the battle between good & evil for human souls. There is only one creator and that is God. We only live in one dimension of the Universe. There is considered to be 10 universes. There is the visible and invisible. We live in the visible universe. When our souls leave our body we travel on a stream of light to another dimension. You might want to read The Book of Enoch. Read up on what humans are made of, the earth, the universe, etc. everything is connected. Another book you may want to read is Eden 666. There is so much. All I can say is change your direction be objective and start researching. God Bless you!

  66. If anything is truly going to end our world as we know it, we won't see it coming and if we do we can't do much about it. I personally have not seen anything with my own eyes, thus I have no reason to believe what anyone "tells" me, including a book that says I will suffer for all eternity if I do not blindly follow its "word". The true fact of the matter is one day, history will repeat itself and all will come to an end. It could very well be a restart, but who the heck is going to witness and live to tell the tale of what very well could have been the same result of previous Earthly destruction. We just don't know and I'm sure the "common" population won't be informed or properly prepared. Until I am not breathing anymore, it be from my own health failing or all of us obliterated, I will continue to live life like we all normally do, trying to keep myself from turning to a street rate, loving my family and friends, and allowing the distractions to distract.
    P.S. To those who say "that's stupid", you're ignorant for not having an opened mind.
    Steve Buchholz, your theory is close to my own, however you cannot simply say "I think Jesus was a hybrid." You can think that yes, but one can also think the same of other god like men. Human Beings are not natural to this planet in my view. We simply do not fit and certainly do not play much a part in the preservation of what little we have unlike the rest of the natural kingdom. To me it could be anything from Extra-Terrestrial experimental reproduction to the idea that nuclear energy is what makes us different then anything else and was brought here via asteroid, meteor, intense flare, whatever it could have been that killed the dinosaurs (if they were real, like I said, I didn't discover it, I don't know ANYTHING for sure, just like MOST of you.)
    It is conclusive to me we can only theorize and explore. If you want to dwell on this or something of its nature like religious salvation through destruction and mass genocide by the hand of your savior then go ahead. Fear god. Fear the Universe. Fear yourself and fear your fellow man. I'll sit here and watch my futball and cheer for the Red Devils and love my family and work for my comfort and focus on my life. Because personally, I could care less if we all died together. Better that then to all perish individually as fools. If I die before the end, which again I DO NOT KNOW, NEITHER DO YOU, you better damn well believe I won't be scared of ANYTHING going into it.

  67. You guys wouldnt be questioning christ or the lord when you see them face to face ….. he already told us he only knows noone else its writting in the revelation …. and nibiru is pprolly a fals prophet

  68. I can't say how true this is, as NASA is denying so many things… you don't know what to believe. But so many people writing "pray jesus, pray the lord" 😮 I can't understand why people spend their life on something, while concentrating only on its surface. Yes, the bible has some meaning. And yes, so many stories from the bible are similar to those of the summerians, and even to the ones in ancient Egypt… The bad thing is that the true meaning is long lost. The religion's ideas have been lost from a long time, and it is obviously hard to find the connection and meaning of those stories mentioned in the bible and in ancient texts. The idea was not in any way about a "god, that tells you what is right to do and what you should not do", but much more complex. Maybe the pope has it somewhere in one of the many books in his secret library, but when is he gonna reveal those things (if ever) who knows 😀

  69. Every noob atheist out there, here is the truth. to get here a planet has to be traveling at 3,191,489.361702128 km a day to reach here in time for it. Only a star quake would be able to propel a planet this big and the quake itself would destroy it. therefore i pronounce this a hoax by some people and a scare tactic into submission.

    • a particle has been successfully accelerated faster than the speed of light.
      3600 years for an orbit is enough.

  70. We are all made of the greatness which exist in the galaxy surrounding earth…, however we have lost connections with that greatness because of, as the BIBLE says sins of man. (to keep it simple). I know, and I truly believe that in order for humanity to be fully restored as GOD wanted, then it will have to come from much more intelligent beings than what we've become. Think about everyone being equal having divine knowledge and supreme understanding, and acceptance of everything in existence…, sounds like HAVEN ugh? The frightening thing about this concept is, for all the chaos that caused things to go wrong…, will probably take the same amount or more chaos to put things back as GOD intended. I am a believer of greater forces, and greater beings than myself, and of those who governs this world of man made laws…, and these are the forces that their power will have to answer to. This is how it all makes sense to me. PEACE "CURTIS FLOOD"

  71. Hey lets go believe some trailer trash lady that she got visited by aliens telling us to prepare for a collision course that if it was real we could see by now! Lets believe a doomsday that was originally supposed to be in 2003, but for some reason is in 2012! (BTW the mayan calender DOES NOT end in 2012, just a mayan period called a Bakdun) Seriously, the biggest thing we need to fear in 2012 is the crazy ass rising gas prices, am I right?

  72. Decoding modern religion will be almost impossible for those who see only what it tells you and not whats symbolically behind it. Theres so much Human Beings just dont understand or comprehend just yet. 2012 is a year of spiritual enlightenment and mental awakening… You all will know soon enough.

  73. ok first of all its impossible 2 decifer the doomsday prophecy second if this really were goin 2 happen dont u think this would be all ova cnn, abc, and fox news i mean common duh july is only 3 months away xome up wit somethin diff for once not this end of the world shit

  74. La 3a guerra mundial empezará con la campanada de comienzo de las olimpiadas de Londres el 27 de Julio de 2012.
    Los efectos del paso de Nibiru se harán sentir durante las 2 semanas de Los Juegos.

  75. You know most if not all of the modern world uses leap year right? The Mayan calender was made before leap year was, so technically the world should have ended about 8-9 months ago…

    • if the mordern world uses leap year doom is still coming cause the mayan dont use leap year leap is a tool to throw us off but face what could we anyways that was somthing that the modern poeple started mayan are very old so who is telling the truth if eveybody knew the world was aout to end people would go crazy

    • Just a comment on the leap year problem. A year is the time it takes Earth to completely orbit the sun. At this time it takes 365 1/4 days exactly. That is why we add the extra day every 4 years – to make up for the quarter of a day. The Mayans used a different calendar to be sure, but they still counted a year the same as us. They just did it a little differently. So as I understand it, x amount of our years would still equal x amount of Mayan years.
      Hopefully there is nothing to the July 21st thing. But if it is true, we won't have to worry about it.

    • A few years ago, when I first read Stitchen's works, I belived that there might be something to this "Nibiru" stuff.
      Now, here we are on the 22nd of April 2012 and if Nibiru were real, everyone on earth would be readily able to see it and the news channels and internet would be talking about nothing else 24/7.
      Nibiru is "BS"

  76. The third war will begin the 27th July 2012,the same day that the olympic games of London.
    Nibiru ´s effects will appear during the olympic games,between 27 th July and 11 th August.

  77. All the professional astronomers throughout the world dismiss the whole 2012 doomsday encounter with a rouge planet or star or whatever. If you people really believe tens of thousands of professionals in the astrophysics field have either conspired to keep this a secret or succumbed to some kind of threat from 'the government' to keep mum on the matter despite their knowing better, you are gullible beyond measure. There will be increased solar activity throughout 2012 as part of a well documented cycle, maybe a few sattelites will get fried and at the very worse the electrical grid will take it on the chin but the planet is in no danger of exploding. As far as little gray men showing up to scare the crap out of us, I fully believe they exist somewhere out there and suspect maybe just maybe we have been visited in the past but to think their return will coincide with a phantom menace playing peekaboo behind the sun is far fetched sci-fi baloney. E.T. can sit this one out… we are making huge leaps and strides toward screwing up our planet for good. We have seen Nibiru and it is us.

  78. What if everyones thinking about this all wrong what if its not the end of the world and nibiru is not a planet but a ship and that were all experiments if you all think of what we do when we find a new type of animal we observe it. What if all the ufo's that have been seen through out history are just there watching us or come to take samples or readings (abductions,ass probes). What if the date on the mayan calinder is not the end of the world but when they will be bk it would certanly be the start of a new begining lol. Just my thaulghts on the whole thing most of u would probs think or say im completly stupid and it rediculos ider but hay its just a ider but i do beleve something will happen.

  79. Did you know that the Martian natives are going to attack the Martian landing party in 2016 which will start a huge Earth versus Mars war, that triggers a year long ice age in 2018? … I would be very surprised if anybody answers 'yes', because I made it up. After all, this is a comment in 'Weekly World News'! .lol.

  80. Nibiru is coming and there is nothing we can do about it Just wait and see It will not be the end of the world but there will be a lot of distruction on earth and it all have to do with nibiru"s magnetic field

  81. I have looked at lots of videos on this matter and it has got me disturbed. There are people who said they have seen nibiru from the hubbel telescope. I want to tell all my friends but I am too saddened by the subject and don't want to scare them. Where could we all run to? If nibiru is comming we are all doomed.

  82. I have just learned comet elenin and planet nibiru are a fear conspircy by those who are in power so as to control us but fear not becouse disclosure is comming ( :

  83. What's interesting is that, those who don't believe are getting + responses, but those who believe gets – responses …, reminds me of the biblical story of NOAH…, GOD told him to prepare for the storm, and a few people thought he was foolish. Have to respect information, the way this world is going something needs to happen to make things right.

  84. You are all so full of shit that it has disrupted the orbit of earth around the sun and starting in12/12/12 earth will begin a decent to the sun where all of your stupid asses will be bbq.

  85. I believe all christians are aware of what our Lord Jesus Christ said. "No body knows the day the world will end, except my Father. It will come like a thief. The one on top of a house will not come down." For years we have been reading the doomsday claim. However whatever jesus said happened. You dont need to be a Christian to know this. How can I and you believe human beings know the day for so many years. Thank you.

    • Very true my friend. Nobody knows but god. I feel bad for the people who dont believe. He'll come when we least expect it. Like a theif in the night.

  86. first of of jesus is a lie never existed no j in hebrew ancient language his name adds up to 666 so that we are all worshiping the son of zeus no lie why did the roman catholics and the jews take out the original name of GOD Yahuwah and replace it with pagan names

  87. Where do you get all this Crap from???? This is utter nonsense. If anything like a crap Nibiru is heading towards direct collision with earth, it should have been visible with naked eye by now…… Stop promoting all rumors.

  88. Well how in the hell are the aliens supposed to attack in november if earth isn't gonna even be here. LOL!! Some people will believe anything. Everyone knows that we are protected by the galactic federation from any type of threat that would destroy us all.

  89. Sitting in my back yard yesterday at about 4pm , I noticed a star in the sky, said to my husband, have a look at this, it was way to early, and my husband said no it's a plane. Well be watched it and it was not moving.
    The sun sets here (Australia) at about 6pm at this time of the year. We watched it until the sun was down, and of course it just got brighter as the sky darkened.
    My question is why were we able to see a star in a bright sunny sky without a telescope…any one know the answer to that one ?

    • That was probably the ISS International Space Station which you can see just before dawn…..This moves fast enoughQ

    • Hi Annie Greeg her I can see it from my place at night not throw the day,looked throw the telescope the other night at it,mate it looked like a half moon do,s that mean there is some thing in front of it I don,t know. I keep looking and keep you in formed. Take care.

    • what u saw existed and has been existing .its only that we do not concentrate so much on what is not beneficial like looking at the sky all the time.i still asure you that even if you go back to your back yard and concentrate you will still be able to see one

  90. Well how in the hell are the aliens supposed to attack in november if earth isn't gonna even be here. LOL!! Some people will believe anything. Everyone knows that we are protected by the galactic federation from any type of threat that would destroy us all.

  91. It is a choice to believe or not believe in Jesus and the word he delivered.
    But consider that Noah a man of God prepared for alot of water about 3600 years ago.
    Also see that parts of the ship were found in the highest reaches of the earth.
    God will do and alow what he wants, when he wants to.
    God Bless and good luck to all of you.

  92. Truth be told. . . I am GOD, but so are you.
    Through the gift of baptism the lord of lords resides in you and from then on you Are his body here on earth. Just like all the rest of us.
    For a few days you'll be high on life then come down like the rest of us. Life is what you make it… this is heaven. The lie was believing it is not.

  93. Did you know, this article could cause an already distressed young person, who has been fed this crap by his classmates, and his school have failed to teach him the most basic critical thinking skills, to attempt to take his own life, and even succeed? There is not one shred of truth in this article, you're giving NASA, an organisation that has spent BILLIONS helping people like me and you understand how the universe works, helped us get more of a perspective on our lives, traveled out into space, the final frontier for human kind, and even put humans in orbit and on the moon, a terrible name linking them to this shit. It would be great if NASA were to sue you for defamation of the agencies name! The conspiracy nuts would just love rolling in that pigshit.
    Just incase anyone who is destressed is reading my comment, please, listen carefully. There is NO threat to the Earth in 2012 or any of the coming years.
    Nibiru does NOT EXIST, it is the work of one man, Sitchin, who was an avid user of halucinagens and other drugs, and was a right new age nutcase. He took some Sumerian texts, spun them all up in his drug addled head, and spat out this imaginary planet.

  94. If Nibiru did exist, it would be larger than the sun now in the sky and you would be able to see it with your naked eyes.
    A rotational pole shift is SCIENTIFICALLY IMPOSSIBLE, it won't happen in 2012 or any year after.
    The Earth's magnetic poles DO move yes, it's a very slow process of magnetic north migrating to another point in the Earth's magnetosphere. This poses no risk to Earth at all, the only effect it will have on humans is the need to alter compasses, sattelites and maybe TV dishes in a few thousand years. The process takes thousands of years to complete, and the magnetosphere continues to protect the Earth from harmful radiation from the sun during the process. It will not even upset migratory animals like whales, narwals, dolphins and migratory birds because the process is so slow, and inconsequential for Earth life.
    The Mayans were indeed very clever, and good astronomers, emphasis on GOOD, they were not GREAT nor were they gods or have magical powers. The Mayans were just like you and me, but they didn't have computers or cell phones or telescopes. They had only their eyes, and could only see what the naked eye can see.
    The Mayans would not for example have known about Pluto, the now declassified planetoid, because you need a med strength telescope to view Pluto.
    The Mayan calandar is actually very simple, the long count callendar is easy to understand after a little research. All it really is is the Mayans didn't measure time in days like we do, they measured it in longer periods of time called Bakatuns. This was important because the Mayan tribal elders needed to know the correct season to plant their sacred crop, corn. Missing the prime time to plant was the difference between life and death, wealth and famine for the Mayans. The long count mapped time periods, to what I think may have been based on how much grain the Mayans thought they had, enough for a thousand years of planting, and needed a callendar to tell them when to plant it.
    Sadly, the Spanish invaded Mesoamerica, and the Mayans were all but driven out, murdered and looted. Before then, the Mayans thrived in lush rainforests, living with nature, but they were a very war hungry people, with tribes constantly fighting. The Mayans did NOT all vanish in some kind of disaster, the Spanish finished their civilisation. If the Spanish had not turned up, the Mayans would still be living in the Lush rainforests of Mexico and Nicaragua today.
    Their long count doesn't end, it simply goes from Bakatun 13 to bakatun 14, just like your gregorian callendar does on your kitchen wall. Think of bakatun 13 as a block of time, and bakatun 14 as the start of a new block of time, only there are no Mayan tribes here anymore to make another stone round. A callendar cannot fortell the end of the world.
    Yes, it will come, we live next door to the large object that will one day end this world, and that is our lifegiving sun. HOWEVER, the sun won't even start to go red giant for the next billion two two billion years, and by then, thanks to the work of the ever begrudged NASA, and other country's space programs, humans will no doubt be zapping off at superluminal speed (not too far away methinks, the tech out there excites me) to colonise other, Earth like worlds that have air, water and sustainable soil, like Earth does. Maybe we will even be able to set up on more than one planet, forming something similar to the human empire in Dr Who or the scenario in stargate atlantis! This is what you should be researching, exciting new developments, and planning for your own future. I wanted to be an astronaught when I was a kid, didn't make it, lol 🙁
    You must remember there are at least 5 doomsday sagas every year, some are preached at us by religious fanatics, others are internet scams to sell books, camping equipment and non-existant bunker places. 2012 is the latter, it's a scam and it is making some people very rich off other people's fear.
    Instead of buying a fake ebook full of useless camping tips, or a 'bug out kit' made from last year's army surplus, find a good charity and donate the money. Help people who really are living through a disaster, people who are starving to death and watching their children starving and dying from curable diseases. Donate to Africa appeals, buy a homeless person some food and drink and point them to a shelter, help someone who IS in trouble and DOES need that $5 ! :

  95. As adults we can believe, or not believe all we are reading about what is supposed to happen this year.
    What is really a worry is that young people are scared stiff. I know of a few that have quit school half way through their high school years because they think it's all a waste of precious time.

  96. I agree with Chez, to a majority of his points and i have been telling people myself that because there are no Mayans to create a new Calendar then of cause there will be no more there after. That does not mean the end of the world as we know it , it just means that , there is no other Mayan Calendar. All those who believe this crock are just that Boof heads ( its a word we use here in Australia, it means many things but it is the nicest way of telling people without being rude). Now Chez, fair enough standing up for NASA, but dude you are being just as gullible as the ones who believe in the Crock here ..lol. NASA is a large Organisation that thrives on secrets. I'm sure they have many thigs that they are not telling us , and to believe their every word is just as foolish ..lol. So to all read more facts and less fiction and make up your own minds. From Ben a true blue Aussie guy who like all Aussies , are just boof heads most of the time ..lol

  97. First, why is NASA viewed as a cover up agency? Ever talk to a NASA scientist, or an astronomer? They love space and the excitement it brings to everyone and will not stop talking. There is a group that does plan for plausible doomsday events but not any event known to be soon. They plan counteract methods not how can cover this up. Nibiru is pseudoscience. No Nibiru exists. No evidence exists at all. Just non sense about cover ups and alien talk.
    Lieder takes others ideas and says they are the same as hers. Hers was called Planet X not Nibiru. She used the comet of 2010 (maybe 2011) as the Planet X idea again and called the 12th Planet and Planet X to be the same. Anytime an idea semi-related comes out she says that is Planet X and already said the world would end in 2003. After that didn't occur she said I lied on purpose to trick the governments. Why even believe this horrible pier. Tell her to present evidence and then we can consider her "zetatalk" as plausible science but don't just make it up.
    What I am trying to say here is. Put one and two together, add it up, open your eyes. Space is great to explore, go get a telescope and search the skies for whatever you like. Don't waste your lifetime believing silly jokes.

  98. Annunaki SON!
    Nibs is coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol and it wont collide it will just pass by causing some phenomenons.
    I just want the ailiens to show them selves. Quit hiding ailiens!!!


  100. it sure is reassuring to say your imaginary friend is better at global kickball.Might be better off not getting picked for either team.

  101. Frank,
    It´s a big mistake.
    Why don´t you want people know that the flyby of Nibiru will be the 27,28,29,30th July 2012?
    Why don´t you want people know the rapture will be the 31th July 2012.
    It´s the greatest news of the century.
    Why do you want to hide it?

    • Its called Wormwood in the bible, the bible talks about it but not in specification. Look it up.

    • Don`t forget what is for told in Rev 8 :8, after a firey mountain turns 1/3 of the ocean blood red and kills 1/3 of the fish and 1/3 of the ships , then the 3rd angel sounds his trumpet and then comes wormwood a star that will poison 1/3 of the rivers . so let us wait and see if this is wormwood.

  102. Science man you are a creep. Christianity has been a very sweet
    influence on the world, and they started hospitals and schools
    and are the first to respond in giving food and medical care to
    those in need. Do the research – even Harvard, Princeton, and
    Yale were all started as Christian schools. You show your
    murderous true colors demanding that people should kill
    themselves. What a shameful twit you are. The only
    thing you know how to do is to regurgitate darwinist lies
    that your god has told you to do, which makes you nothing
    but a puppet, right down to the name you chose for yourself
    as 'science man'. Pooh pooh. You should get a real
    education and learn real history (not the rewritten blather
    that comes from devils in academia). I'm amazed at all
    the idiots there are running around just like you.

    • hey dude at least i have somethin better to do with my life then babble on about some crap that has no proof behind it

  103. Its is strange that someone would say when the rapture would occur when we obviously dont know when the event will happen unless God came again told us. If you look at when the rapture happens (if all is in chronoligical order) it happens just before the great tribulation, however, tribulations happen before that time including the enterance of the antichrists public debut.
    I have not seen any telescope images of this planet/brown dwarf star yet. I will not discount the possability of this event, but until I see some image evidence then why should any of us believe it.
    I have seen some video archeology from the middle east / babylon area which shows the sun and an extra planet in the solar system. There just is no conclusive evidence to heavily weigh in favor for or against Nibaru arrival.
    Science man, im sorry to see you say such things, would you change your tune if your parents or children was one of those people you say should kill themselves. Last I saw genocide is committed by believers and non believers around the globe to this date. As for proving in science field, proof is not a viable term since we only have best known theories as time has shown we continue to find out more and make new theories.

  104. I completely understand where you're coming from. Religion has done nasty things. But it's also saved many many lives and it's given people a certain hope for after they die. Nobody likes the idea of just not existing, no thought, no emotions, forever. Even Athiests. I'm on the fence and I keep an open mind about everything. But goin so far as to tell "them" all to kill themselves is just stupid. If the whole world was like you then everyone would be filled with hate. Not motivation to venture out to find out all of the beauty of the universe. Religion gives people a certain amount of control. It maintains something in them. Religion has an evil side but only for evil people. You seem like a bitter old asshole that's gone through rejection after rejection through his life. I'm not preaching. I'm just telling an ignorant stupid asshole what he is before he gets ahead of himself. You're a disgrace to humans.

  105. Thank you! Finally somone is sane around here. Because of leap year… the world should have ended, oh I don't know… 7 months ago!

  106. nibiru is a real planet…but it definately isnt going to hit us anytime soon its orbit comes around every 3600 years. and if it is 20 times larger than jupiter we would definately see it. this is crap.

    • I agree 100% with you nobama….It is crap, and ouw beaitifull mother earth is not going to end!!!!!!

    • Your right it does exist. Its called Jupiter. And that most definately is not heading ouur way. And besides that if it were we would already feel the gravitational changes and be able to see nibiru with the naked eye.

  107. its not coming in July. its coming December 21. and guess whats coming in November? 3 different ships 200 miles wide to save us. ignorant people..

  108. you people need to do more research on the mayians calendar, and their The End Of The World termanology, to them it was a metaphor in the since of it being The End of the World as we know it. to them we have gone through 4 different End Times, since we humans have lived on this planet and this will be the 5th and this occurs every 24000 years. this accurance is suppose to cause a shift in counsince, as our solar system enters The Dark Rift of our galaxy which is also based of the Mayains 24000 year calendar. it just so happens that Nibiru is to make a near pass, NOT BY ANY MEANS HIT US. its just suppose to cause weird weather phonomalies more and more as well as cause them to be more and more sever by causeing a pole shift. you cant completely agnure that the weather has been acting out of the ordinary the past 7-12 years even the earthquaks have been more intense and appear in places that have not had earthquaks in a long time or even had any known record of them.
    when you have a planet like Nibiru that was originaly suppose to have come from the Sirus Star System and enters our solar system every 3600 years give or take a 100 years. it will effect the planets, in its near passing by its gravitational pull and the other plants gravitational pull tugging at one a nother. now keeping that in mind, when you have planets of different size tugging at one another the bigger planet will have bigger effect on the smaller one and with Nibiru, supposably haveing an irregular orbit compared to the planets in our solar system, and its also suppose to be 3-5 times bigger than earth it will have a big effect on Earth in more than JUST effecting the earths weather such as also causeing a pole shift.
    its been know to have pass in the past, and heres some of the other names its gone by:
    the egyptians called it The Destoryer
    the bible calls it Wormwood
    the sumerians called it 12th Planet, Nibiru, Planet of Crossing
    Babylonians and Mesopotamians called it Marduk, The King of the Heavens, Great Heavenly Body
    the ancient hebrews called it Winged Globe
    Greeks called it Nemesis
    the ancient chinese called it Gung-gung, Red Dragon
    Phoenicians called it The Great Phoenix
    Hebrews called it Yahweh
    Mayians called it Celestial Quetzalcoatl, Tzoltzeek

  109. is this real the worl will defently end if it happen it will be so nice that all the culprits can kick off and new peacfull day can come….

  110. if Nibiru hit Earth, we would be gone in a few minutes, and we would know for a few seconds The Bee Gees wouldn't be able to sing, I GOT HIT BY NIBIRU, AND I DIED!

  111. everyone together we can survive!! dont go in your bunkers dont use your guns!! we all need to make our way to the ruins!! we are gods children!! and i ask all to REPENT,REPENT,REPENT and REPENT!!

  112. In good old days – before the advent of the Internet – we had a good word for statements like the heading of this article (and most of the contents as well). We used to call them "LIES". Telling lies was usually considered to be bad moral.

  113. Nibiru is most definitely real. I see it every single morning, and this may sound strange, but it is surrounded by liquid water and is brown in color. NASA most definitely knows of it's existence, but refuses to comment on it due to the etiquette required at such a high level job situation.
    It can be seen with the naked eye every morning in my area around 5am, and biologists absolutely do know of the life that inhabits this word. They are a mixture of several forms of bacteria…..nothing more.
    The liquid water that surrounds Nibiru stays well below freezing temperatures, and occasionally will move in a spiral motion, in a sense "flushing" Nibiru into a vast black hole.
    Nibiru does have an unimagineable size, but in no way has it's own gravitational field.
    It actually stays in constant orbit with the earth and is seen by everyone on earth on an almost daily basis . Yes, with their naked eyes. There's actually billions of large objects seen daily.
    If any of you doubt me and choose to make a YouTube video and state my claims, I can guarantee the top scientific minds of the world will acknowledge and confirm my claims.
    I on the other hand, have no time to post such a video asking for scientific confirmation of what is actually common knowledge.

  114. What part of the sky is it seen in? Which hemisphere? At least give directions so we can verify it for our own… Thanks!

    • Oh, you almost forgot! This isn't on ANY news stations either! And when did NASA say that this planet exsists? Even though they said it doesn't before? Just let them belive in there planet, they will kill themselves that day anyway.

    • who would want to fantasize about this?? if you dont see it in the sky whos the blind one? no one benefits from this!! its not some kind of get rich skeem.

  115. The few bloggers who posted their comments about their firm believe of the existence of Nibiru demonstrates how bad they are retarded and how easy is to brainwash them. I would say go and have a meaningful life such as go and collect stamps instead of making false assumptions.

  116. I just wanted to add that if Nibiru is a planet like this article claims then it will be visible to the naked eye as far as this planet is due to collide with Earth on July 2012 but that's not the case here. If there is an object out there and we can't still see it then it's definitely a brown dwarf. A brown dwarf is invincible to the naked eye and most of the existing telescopes won't be able to detect it. The only devise capable to detect invisible celestial object is an infrared telescope in outer space. Do your research.

  117. you can see it at night its probably the brightess star out there and its only gettin closer! people shouldnt ignore this!! its also alined with the sun so look at the sun if u get a hint of black that it!! GOD created it what are you to GOD!! STORE GAS AND WATER!!

  118. Nibiru is a hoax….you end of the world story tellers need to get a life…maybe put your talents to predicting lotto numbers…get real

  119. Lora, dear, you got all wrong what it is all about! Do you really know (or some one is making you know and you don't have the will and capacity to rersist him) what the name of Yehova means in hebrew, i.e. the voice Moses heard from the bush in response to his question who he were and the voice answered "I'm who I'm", which
    in "common parlance" has a meaning to the effect: It's none of your business to know who I'm?! It is of paramount importance for everyone to retain an open an freed from preconceptions mind in the times we are living and not let be manipulated and brainwashed.

  120. Hmmm? July of this year? Thats only tow months away. We cant see anything over here in NYC Manhattan…. I tried looking near the sun and I didnt see anything out of the ordinary. If it was going to be here in July then wouldnt everyone be able to see it? Yeahh….

  121. research people…your bibles are a tainted version of anothers history…..plates are shifting.new zealand still shakes since before the new year..beware of deceiption.it is the evil that has control here.peace out

  122. Here in Argentina we are still expecting to see Nibiru by our own eyes tomorro, May 21st, 2012. To confirm this history is true or everythng is fake. FM.

  123. Nibiru is indeed real, it's hard to ignore the fact that for thousands of years numerous ancient civilizations from different time periods and different parts of the world all focused a large part of their attention to the heavens. The Sumerians for example existed as far back as 4000 bc, a md have numerous texts carved in stone tablets depicting the celestial body and it's inhabitents. The Sumerians were aware that the earth was indeed round and that the earth orbited around the sun. They knew of each planet in our solar system and accurately depicted each planet in their current positions as they orbit the sun. If you don't believe me, do the research yourself. The Mayans were another civilization that some how were able to understand the wonders of the universe and accurately plotted the paths of the earth and Nibiru on a calendar. They understood that the earth rotated with a wobble, we call it the precession of the equinox today. They knew it took precisely 26000 years and included this into their calander. They aligned there pyramids in the same fashion that the Egyptians aligned the pyramids of Giza with Orion's belt, also known as the three kings. It is also well known that the Mayans also predicted that aproximately every 3500 years their was a distant planet with an eliptical orbit that crossed through our solar system. They understood that changes to the earth came about every time this planet made its pass. This can explain natural disasters such as floods and earthquakes even the last ice age. This planet has already been verified by numerous scientists and has even made an appearance inn CNN news. So to say such a planet doesnt exist when records dating all the way back into antiquity prove otherwise would be ignorant.

  124. 12. The fourth angel blew his trumpet, and a third of the sun, the moon and the stars was affected. Daylight decreased one third, and the light at night as well.

  125. I was intrigue with the comment of Lora, quite interesting, can you give more detail about Jewish name an name of god which you wrote Yahuwah?

  126. I'm confused or possibly retarded. If it is covered in liquid water, how can it be well below freezing temp? I thought once water froze became a solid.

  127. the Jews don't have j's then where did the J in jew come from. Oh that's right it's pronounced like a a y or u sound. Just as Jesus would have been. Ignorance is bliss so stay on vacation man.

  128. Yea how will it sound if someone says …" hey guys i just seen nibiru from the hubble space telescope:). Yea the one that's in space". Learn to question the reliability of something. Like questioning the reliability of a crazy old lady that said she was from another planet (nibirus) in the 80's…

  129. damn guy you sure are retarded… how do you know unless youre a powerleader thats planning to start it. If not ,which i know youre not, then shut up.

  130. first of all i know there aint no star/planet comin here. Second what if the star moves 100 km per hour of something like that but it has been coming for 10000's of years… Well there goes your theory

    • John, I saw your video therefore let me correct you about your translated Bible in which I don't believe but it says clearly "No one knows the hour of the end even the Angels except God the magnificent". you are contradicting your Bible therefore you don't really trust and believe in your own Bible. In conclusion I would say this to you; tomorrow will be a new day like any other days and you will still alive like nothing happened. Get back to your senses and stop believing in fictional events that won't happen anytime soon. We Muslims don't interact in God's affairs and certainly don't associate him with other Christians divinity. If you are from a Mayan descent then you perfectly know that the Mayans never ever predicted a cataclysm on December 21st 2012. Their long count calendar is ending specifically on that date. It's simply the end of a cycle and the start of a new one. I went to visit Chicheniza and spoke to a Mayan historian, He said clearly that it's a western scam and there is no prove whatsoever that the Mayan predicted such event. If you do have proves show me a one from the Mayan themselves.

    • i dont have time to convert anyone.. but today happend!! and just as revelations nine says..WICH I THINK IS NEXT!!9.1 BECAUSE 8.12 happend today and so did 8.13. next time you leave me a comment about my bible and about my god i would like you to remember STFP and LISTEN!!

    • my exact name in jonas.. its translated the same in every language your not correcting anybody..

  131. Shaynebls, if you really can see Nibiru every Single morning then you really must be hallucinating because no one of us can see it. Nibiru is a myth pure and simple.

    • John, you are really a mental case. You need to consult a psychiatric for your own good because you're hallucinating in a very vague way. Desperation leads to suicide note. Islam is the solution to all of you. We Muslim don't transgress with God's affairs. Nobody knows the day and the hour of the end of time not even the Angels in the sky so grow up and find yourself something useful to do in your life such as properly worshiping God by full submission instead of playing God yourself and associating him with other divinities.

    • Lynette, let me correct you on the subject, the Mayans never ever predicted a cataclysm on December 21st 2012. Their long count calendar is ending on that date and the beginning of a new cycle starts after that date.
      There is no Mayan scriptures or documents predicting such event, it's actually a pure scam from the western world to scare people off in order to sell their commodities such as books, survival kits, movies, documentaries, food, bunker, …etc.
      Just imagine the potential for these greedy fat cat exploiting the weak minds.

    • the only thing i think about is saving my family and anyone that knows this is real no one deserves to suffer but you choose your own destany!! no one listens to god anyway..


  133. whoa ! this website is ready to go far in lies only in the aim to do traffic, so advertisement, so the shop, so the money.
    NASA are the first one to debunked everything about nibiru, so even if nibiru is true, they never and they 'll never say that.
    that's why in all your crap article, there are never names , because no one at NASA say that.

    • its the first star in the air b4 the sun goes all the way down.. pleas wake up! PEOPLE ARE BLIND WTF IS GOING ON!!!

  134. 11. And the name of the star is called Wormwood. And a third part of the waters were turned into wormwood. And many men died from the waters, because they were made bitter. 12. And the fourth Angel sounded the trumpet. And a third part of the sun, and a third part of the moon, and a third part of the stars were struck, in such a way that a third part of them was obscured. And a third part of the day did not shine, and similarly the night. 13. And I saw, and I heard the voice of a lone eagle flying through the midst of heaven, calling with a great voice: “Woe, Woe, Woe, to the inhabitants of the earth, from the remaining voices of the three Angels, who will soon sound the trumpet!”
    Leia mais em: http://www.bibliacatolica.com.br/26/73/8.php#ixzz

  135. Nibiru is a myth and doesn't exist. It's an actual scam and a scare tactic to push weak minds such as yours to spend more money on commodities that you won't need anyway. A clear example is for those conspiracy theorists a good source of revenue to sell books, survival kits, bunkers, food and more traffic on their websites.
    Pure and simple.
    When someone makes a claim such as seeing Nibiru from the hubbel telescope, ask that person to present you with real and valid facts. That is the common sense.

  136. first star in the air is not nibiru, I've seen Venus quite a bit though, and are people just ignorant of how this planet works. No celestial body is causing any earthquakes or any other disasters. Oh and nothing is going to happen on July 21, and not on Dec 21 either.

    • um any telescope can see beyond Pluto,just looking at any star with your naked eye is looking beyond Pluto.

  137. When we look at ancient ruins all over the world, it's obvious that the level of technology used during the engineering of these sites can't even be reproduced with today's technology. These ancient people were able to move and place megalithic stones weighing over a ton, even more on the side of mountains. They were able to cut these hard granite rocks with supposedly no power tools in precise angles and mold them to fit perfectly with each other as that not even a strand of hair could fit between them. The problem is these sites were built thousands of years ago at a time where we don't even give man credit for even having the wheel. So how did they build these massive sites? Just like the Mayans have said, this world has ended 4 times previously and we are now on the verge of entering the 5th world age. Could it be that each time a world age ends there is a world wide catasclymic event that wipes out everything on this planet and each time we loose all knowledge and memory of who we were and where we came from. Maybe that's why these ancient sites are built on megalithic scales and all their records were carved in stone so that they would stand the test of time and the knowledge would be passed on. Each age could have been a different catastrophe, once by flood, in deed we are finding evidence all over that does support that at one point there was a world wide flood, lakes, and oceans with megalithic cities in them are being discovered, pyramids and other buildings similar to the architecture found in Egypt and the Mayans are being discovered in the Atlantic, but how did these cities get 13 miles under the ocean? We know for a fact that they are there, but how? Scientist say that the only time anybody could have built these cities would be close to around 14,000 years ago, before the last ice age! This was the only time that the ocean floor was at sea level. To me this all too obvious to be circumstantial. The proof is hitting us right in the face, and a lot of us are too blind to take notice of it.

    • Indeed, how did cities get built 13 miles under the oceans surface? the deepest part of the ocean (the mariana trench) is a little over 35000 feet deep, thats 6.78 miles.
      please provide links to the articles showing us the cities.
      and what scientists thought cities could have ever been built on the deepest parts of the ocean floor?
      I swear some people dont even try when they make crap up…

  138. John get your facts correct the first star out is ths planet venus..and the mayan provecy only states that the nine gods will return…

  139. ok how is the sun causing earthquakes when its 93 million miles from earth, second the moon has no gravity and its effect on our planet other than the tides is next to nothing. Anyone ever heard of tectonics. This article is pointless and this is my last reply here, its a tabloid folks, you can't believe this to be true.

    • electromagnetic energy created by the "crossing planet" through our solar system…has allready moved 2 planets orbits…jupiter and neptune..

    • ignorance is bliss isn't it bruce, if the moon has no gravity but yet controls the ebbing of tides what do you think a planet 2.5 times larger than earth with a gravity pulling 4 moons with it will do, it will be like the roadrunner passing the coyote, and this AINT NO CARTOON!!!

  140. This is a scam, don't believe this bull****. If anything is going to happen its a solar flare, some natural disaster or were going to nuke ourselves. That's about it.

  141. there is a Cross in the middle east they cannot explain who put it there..it is MUCH older than the rest of the markings left on our planet…this CROSS is a symbol to remind those who survived about the order of events..and that NIBIRU's electromagnetic energy is pulling at our sun which is causing the Solar flares…Ive spent the last 6 months researching this planet as it seems to me it wont collide with earth as it did tartus in 6600 bc or whenever the green planet we could see from earth was hit by the 4th moon of nibiru…
    Nibiru travels across our galaxy between our sun and the dead sun. every 3600 years it comes into our solar system wreaking havok..Nasa has confirmed *dec 21 2011* that Neptune's orbit had been shifted by something moving outside our solar system…Also ask any Astronomer and they will confirm our solar system would not make sense unless a HUGE powerful body *planet* was moving around it holding everything together with its gravity pull.. in 1984 this planet was found and named PLANET X. and would b later again found and identified in 2003. if you go to google earth and utilize the google sky option …scroll to virgo and click the Infared only…you will see wat google earth and nasa are keeping from us…a big black censor square…with a sun on the edge of it…Nibiru aparantly has 3 moons that it trails with it…1 is like a powersource…something like a mini sun…
    Now here is a mind screw…wat if the mayan calendar is not a count down to doomsday…
    but lets think about this for a moment…the mayans worshiped these creatures *anunaki*…and whos to say they dint just "hop" off the planet 3600 years ago and left with nibiru and their "overlords".
    I know this all sounds like science fiction..it did to me as well last xmas…but after TONS and TONS of research…i think its coming..
    Check out the "BOOK OF ENOCH" this book talks about the ANUNAKI and was written by Noah's Great grandfather at the time the Anunaki were planning the "great flood" .
    This book is STILL relevant in the Ethiopian bible…but was omitted from the rest of the worlds bible..because it gave to much power to the reader..and Relinqueshed too much power from the church..
    do your research..and if we are still here in july..then GREAT…but i fear for the worst…
    In NORTH AMERICA during nibiru's last visit the CHEROKEE indians were rescued in their belief by an alien race they called the "Ant" people which led them below the surface of the earth into caverns so deep the turmoil on the surface was waited out…they emerged 2000 years later…to re-populate north america..this led them to being the most "primitive" of humans as their ways had been tossed aside during the storms that rocked the earth and destroyed millions..

  142. there is a Cross in the middle east they cannot explain who put it there..it is MUCH older than the rest of the markings left on our planet…this CROSS is a symbol to remind those who survived about the order of events..and that NIBIRU's electromagnetic energy is pulling at our sun which is causing the Solar flares…Ive spent the last 6 months researching this planet as it seems to me it wont collide with earth as it did tartus in 6600 bc or whenever the green planet we could see from earth was hit by the 4th moon of nibiru…

  143. How do we explain megalithic cities under the Atlantic ocean? These cities are there for a fact, this is not a rumor or a science fiction story. People seem to ignore the facts when it comes to these type of things. People listen! The city Im referring to is at the bottom of the Atlantic ocean near the coast of Cuba. It stretches all around Cuba even around the southern part of the united states. This is a fact! Not a rumor. So how did this city get there? The only other opportunity that anybody would have had to build this city would have been over 10000 years ago at least, when the Atlantic oceans sea levels were a lot lower. This is not the only city, cities under ground and oceans have been popping up world wide with no explanation as to how they got there. It just goes to show how much we really know about our own planet.

    • For the unschooled, it's called tectonic plate movement.
      That's how the cities ended up under water.

  144. how silly will you 2012 believers feel on jan1st 2013? can you please take a long walk of a very short cliff, there is no no time for you idiots, please unplug you internet and go back to be crying hermits,

  145. The universe is over 14 billion years old, the earth itself is around 4 billion years old, not to mention that there is over a 100 billion other galaxies within the universe. This really gives the opportunity for other life to exist by simply numbers alone. Us humans have been around on planet earth for roughly 200,000 years, which is a split second in terms of the universe. From that prospective you start to realize the potential for intelligent life is very much possible. You also have to account for our own technological evolution which occurred rather quickly. We went from horse and buggy to sending people to the moon in just 100 years. The odds seem to be overwhelmingly convincing to me. It is very likely that within our own galaxy, intelligent life, that had a 100,000 year head start really can exist. Considering the huge difference in time that we have existed compared to the rest of the universe leaves the mind to wonder what endless possibilities are out there.

  146. Ajenjo
    Saltar a: navegación, búsqueda
    El término ajenjo puede referirse a:
    Una bebida alcohólica conocida como ajenjo o absenta.
    El nombre común de la planta Artemisia absinthium.
    Un cuadro del pintor francés Edgar Degas (1834-1917) llamado El ajenjo (1876).
    Estrella nombrada en el libro Apocalipsis de la Biblia, la cual amargará la tercera parte de las aguas de toda la Tierra.

  147. Oh, no! If it's gonna collide with earth, then the alien invaders we're having in November 2012 will have nowhere to land! How rude of us.

  148. Take a look at mainstream news articles explaining what Nibiru is and that it is coming towards earth. Articles are from Washington Post, Newsweek and many more, all from the early 1980 and 1990's. Now the mainstream media does not even mention this. After readying this you will be convinced that something is going on that we are not being told about! http://www.educatinghumanity.com/2012/05/planet-x

  149. Real or unreal it is certain that the world will come to an end someday. Jesus Christ said, NO ONE KNOWS THE DAY NOR THE HOUR WHEN THE END WILL BE( MATTHEW 24:36)
    Assume it is true and it is really going to happen, what is your position with the Almighty GOD? Have you accepted Jesus Christ personally as your Lord and saviour?
    He alone guarantees eternal life.
    Spread the news and safe your soul through Jesus before it is too late. Rejoice there is going to be another fellowship in heaven with Jesus.

  150. Oh Sweetheart, you are a precious young loving being. We as Adults should understand that ultimatly it is our next generation like yourself, who at such an age has enough to cope with. I and any other mother would much prefer you to grow into a self educated role model who has to join the same confusion I do remember myself going through. Except the Internet was a future dream not that of which I could care about. I was too busy doing teenage things, that was confusing enough 😉
    Please do not wonder or threat about what may be. I've gone through exhausting lonely worry over threats of end of the world dates that have been and gone and paranoid that we were going to be nuked at another endless supply of Inocent Countries.
    Yesterday is now history, today you must enjoy, tomorrow is of no apparent threat because it has not happened yet. I agree their is a lot to find out, to discover and question. If a Planet so huge was imminently going to crash with our Mother Earth, we would of been able to see her for months by now.
    Enjoy learning but please not with fear because you are being held back by the most hidious feeling anyone feels. That of fear, death, paranoia and depression.
    One Love

  151. Hi All
    I really don't mind peoples theories etc, yet has someone for got we need to be seriously protecting our next generation. Have any reporters even given a thought for our Teenagers that are seriously having their minds scrambled by all this "what if" etc.
    A huge Planet would be seen by now, I'm not doubting ones findings. But I am gaining forever worry from the poor young Adults that are becoming a growing life full of fear.
    I have 2 sons, I am doing my utter most to keep them safe but our society today are frightening them. Please please have some thought for these computer ABLE children of our precious Earth
    One Love

  152. hi Good evening. how all
    so u mean earth will crush some aliens, of-course NASA will care don't worry,,,,,,,,,,, still some aliens there they save pour earth, they doing past thousand of yrs, so don't worry, nothing to worry, we ready for space war, human power ready for face war………….
    Professor.Aaryan..Ufoogist <a href="http://www.7puls.blogspot.com” target=”_blank”>www.7puls.blogspot.com

  153. sometimes i wish this stuff was true. either way mankind is going to blow itself up with all the greed and corruption in this world. weve already destroyed earth. so i think we diserve all this apocolypse stuff

  154. No collide.But,3 days of darkness will happen in December.Then,we we'll step into Photon Belt.No invasion but contact with neighbors.Believe or not.And,for the Moon-this is artificial object from who-knows-where.If you people believe in government's crap,ok.

  155. Shame on your publication. Did you not learn from the 16yr old who committed suicide??!!?? All you're doing is scaring the weak of heart and uneducated civilians!! Question to you Mr. editor,,,,,,would you still report this crap if that were your 16yr old daughter or family member. Be more responsible and hold yourselves more accountable for your words. Keep in mind that your words can/could be more powerful then any action!!! You really need to look yourself in the mirror and realize that what your doing is wrong and you should not only stop, but also rescind your article!! Report on whatever you want but keep in mind the long lasting damage and possible death that you have dealt to our children, mothers, daughters, husbands, brothers, and sisters by allowing them to think that the world is coming to an end. You're better off going on an actual killing spree then reporting this kind of crap!! Get a grip!! We are the mentors and trailblazers for our children,,,,,not the grim reapers!!

    • If people are going to commit suicide over shit like this then those people are very mentaly unstable and need help and will probably end up killing themselfs over some other thing down the track from my research nibiru is indeed real but i don t go and kill myself over it i just every day as it comes,we all die one day anyway

  156. One word: Awesome! Nice venting, humans are quite arrogant to think we were the only intelligent life forms in the entire universe! Bravo!

  157. The Mayan calendar only went up to the Mayan year 2012, that does not mean our calendar will somehow end at the same number due to the world's destruction. Of course, if our planet is destroyed in July, just 6 days after FB shuts down, what will the invadng aliens do in November? Blast the dust into atoms?

  158. lol you should get your facts straight before talking out your ass and completely contradicting yourself.. while i agree with your final point that the article is pointless bull your comment about the moon having no gravity is simply hilarious. of course it has gravity! every body of mass in the universe has a gravitational pull and just FYI the moons gravity is 1/6th that of earth so it is still quite substantial. how could you concede that the moon has an effect on the tides if it has no gravity? you say it has no effect on anything else but the tides? what is this some sort of selective gravity that only affects water? and at any rate the earth is 2/3rds water so.. need i say more? i dont mean to be dick but you should educate yourself a bit

    • Take notice in what place they found the new calendars in the base of a mountain hidden in a vault like room. That was a bunker of thier times they went into bunkers because of what was taking place

  159. Bruce, everything has gravity. It's called universal gravitation. Even the tiniest particle with ANY mass imparts a gravitational field on every other object with any mass in the universe. Gravity is the weakest of the forces but everything attracts everything else. Here's the formula:
    Fg = G (m1*m2)/(d^2)
    where G= gravitational constant (6.67*10^-11 Nm^2/kg^2)
    m1 and m2 = the masses object 1 and object 2 respectively
    d=the distance (in meters) between the two objects

  160. Einstein said Buddhism is the only religion who can go along with science and discoveries, Buddhist calander is predicted even for 2013…nooooo…..earth is not going to die……

  161. if your in california and see mist at a distance in the mountains that woodworm!! you cant see it right in front of you! only at a distance! notice everything green turning yellow fast! thats the effect! pay attention to your dogs they might be acting wierd cuz the air! i hope my dogs dont die

  162. See all the articles about Planet X, Nibiru that appeared in the 1980's and 90's, NY Times, Newsweek, Weekly News and World report, all the articles mysteriously disappeared for about 25 years and now we are being told that planetX is real and it is just outside our own solar system. See all the stories plus confirmation that Planet X is real http://www.educatinghumanity.com/2012/05/planet-x

  163. If this were to happen only a month from now, don't you think we would see a gigantic object in the night sky brighter than any other. Well I haven't noticed a thing and most of the Nibiru theory's point to "you can only see it in the southern hemisphere." Well I live in the southern hemisphere and I haven't noticed a gigantic planet hurtling toward us. Plus what many of you don't realize is that this site is completely made by nutcases and biased sources. So if this was real, wouldn't you think this would make headlines and thousands of Facebook, Twitter and YouTube posts/videos? So please don't believe in this B.S. Again if you didn't see, this guy made another article about this happening about a couple of months ago but apparently he was wrong, so he had to go out of his way to make, yet again, another bogus account of "Nibiru."
    Sir you have been once again proven wrong by Science and Pwned.

    • I have to agree with him. -.-
      Nibiru? Seriously? If it REALLY was a well-known fact that this "planet N" was gonna collide in one month with Earth, don'tcha think Spell-Check would have updated to include it??

    • A woman snapped a picture of it on an airplane in Melbourne 5 days ago. Mainstream media is hiding this, alternative news is all over it. If Nibiru was such a hoax then why have governments around the world been massively increasing their underground bunkers in recent years? Do you think they're going to hide from the Boogyman? Or something much worse, like the famed planet x? Why all the FEMA coffins in the US? America is preparing for something massive and I'm sure other countries around the world are too- if people care to dig enough they'll find out. I guess we'll all find out come July. As for me, I'm right with God so I don't care what happens one way or the other.

  164. Not entirely true people, there are objects in the evening and night sky. Some in which I would call comets but there are two in particular that grab my attention. The first one being a reddish color object and the other looks like a small sun or star. Being a that I am not a astronomer and have no equipment, the reddish colored object could pass as Mars but it seems to closer. The second object appears to be what is known as planet x. I don't want to scare anyone and am not here to gain attention. I am here to enlighten you. I saw it with my own eyes in the winter sky in the northern hemisphere between 4-6 pm (Berlin time zone). Fortunately I was able to capture it on film with a cheap digital camera. This is no secret, the earth has been hit many times in it's history. People have survived and will so in the future but I will add that it is a good time to get a closer relationship with God. Prepare your loved ones and be ready. Don't panic or worry, use sound judgement and stay ready. We don't know if and when it will hit. God has saved us many times in the past. There was a giant object in 1971 that plowed through the earths atmosphere back into space. This is not the first time and surely won't be the last. Stay calm and be ready. May God Help Us All.

  165. Oh but Nancy 2003 has gone, doh! You better tell them little green men they got their dates mixed up. Total and utter rubbish she needs putting in a padded cell for her own protection and ours. The Earth will end the only fact is it will end in millions of years not now, everyone stop being so gullible.

  166. Haha what a comedy story…….definitely it won't collide because if there s any planet headed toward us means ,the scientist would saw that before 3months…believe scientist they wont betray us…..and another thing was our galaxy and our neighbour andromeda galaxy getting to collide with each other on after 4 billion years…so guys nd girls njoy ur life…dont wory abt rumours

  167. so planet X comes close every 3600 years . It comes and goes and we are still here.I know I am going to die . I predict it will be within my life time.We have escape-ism enough do we need doom and gloom.

  168. Nibiru is not coming. There will be a NEO that passes by REALLY close next year – Feb 15th (closer than the moon). BUT there are three rather huge things coming towards us, that backyard astronomers can already see. Smaller telescopes should be able to see them by August at the latest. Have a look yourselves. One prediction is that they should be "here" by about November of this year. Will see.

  169. Let me remind you that religion is not based on facts. Its based on faith. There was no such thing as an hour for a unit of time measurement back when Mathew 24;36 was written. Please dont debate over an argument that has to do with there being real facts or not, in order to prove or disprove it. Science has nothing to do with religion. Your quote can be applied to a relationship as much as you are applying it to "the end of the world". =P

  170. There is no such thing as a moving planet, people. Just for kicks and giggles, if there was a runaway planet the other planets in our solar system would act as a shield as basically block for us. The doomsday scenarios are getting old…

  171. Pingback: Ep. 4 Arrival Date
  172. your all goin to die humans!!! we return at the next cycle.extermination of your kind will be swift!! your brains will go to mush,cities will tremble,seas will over run the lands and a new beginning will emerge,as has happened over and over again throughout your history.how do you think all the civilisations of the past dissapeared? why are so many under the sea bed?wake up,get ready to poo your pants,not even the governments will survive,apocalypse is here!!!!!!!!! please send £2000 for apocalypse survival kit!!!!

  173. aint nothing going to hapen.. How about you get ready because God judgment is coming soon.. stop focusing on fallen angels (demons) they have always been here and never went anywhere

    • when the fig tree stops bearing its fruit know that the son of man comming is soon .if nibiru is what they say it is ,i see many trees not bearing any thing,famine,,,the same things that happen in the days of noah will happen when the son of man returns.read matthew

  174. The world is not ending, at least not because of the Mayan calendar. If we were to go off of the Mayan calendar, the world should have ended already. Such factors like daylights savings, which was only invented in the 1700s, is not taken into consideration. If the world were to end, it would be a slow and painful death for everyone, and would have been created by mankind itself.

  175. Firstly if you are going to write predictive dates for the world to be destroyed by Nibiru, then at least show a link back to the source of your information.
    You said and quote: ‘The Nibiru collision with Earth in 2012 has been predicted for a long time, but astrophysicists, cosmologists and astronomers around the world have now come to a consensus that Earth will indeed collide with the planet, which lies just outside Pluto.’
    OK where is the link to the source of information where these professionals have actually said this?
    Until you learn to link back to an original source for your profound information then you are solely, fear mongering! Your article has no credence or sustenance without proof for the claims you are portraying.

  176. Heloo
    This is Aaryan Ufologist..
    i seen ur Article but i conot accept this coz july 21 no Nibura wil atack coz Nibura planet not exist……..and i like ur website and belive ur site but if u keep this wrong new in ur site i wil stop to see ur site, coz ur site good but y u peoples published a wrong new at ur site,
    scientist Aaryan <a href="http://www.7pulse.blogpot.com” target=”_blank”>www.7pulse.blogpot.com

  177. Heloo
    This is Aaryan Ufologist..
    i seen ur Article but i conot accept this coz july 21 no Nibura wil atack coz Nibura planet not exist……..and i like ur website and belive ur site but if u keep this wrong new in ur site i wil stop to see ur site, coz ur site good but y u peoples published a wrong new at ur site,
    scientist Aaryan <a href="http://www.7pulse.blogpot.com” target=”_blank”>www.7pulse.blogpot.com

    • I think i have seen Nibiru with my own eyes. At the end of may i saw what looked like a round object with 2 wings of fire in a "V" shape out of my highrise apartment window. I found a video on you tube of the exact same object. Remember its exactly the same as this taken last year in USA i am in UK. Dave. See link. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9b4g3JdQ1Q

  178. i believe nibiru is real i have seen the winged Planet with my own eyes, but i cannot see NASA admitiing to it. They want to keep us in the dark so they can quietly sneak away to their bunkers and leave us all on the surface. Here is a link to exactly the same object as i saw 2 weeks ago with my own eyes. Thsi footage was taken last year IN USA and now its bigger. Iam in UK. THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I SAW. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9b4g3JdQ1Q

  179. I agree with most of you. Nothing will happen on july 21.
    I read all kinds of garbage on the web, but judgement is
    Coming to planet earth and nobody knows the date only GOD
    knows that! So get right with God, because that's all that
    Matters- your eternal sole.

    • With thought of eternal life, you don't cherish the one your living thus you'll be the first to go. Have fun in the dirt.

  180. everyone pay attention to the trees and how fast they are diying! and its in our air already niribus sky is basically invading ours! we breath it everyday as we speak! if your sky is turning white thats him PEOPLE! WE NEED TO BE EVACUATED.

    • im not even going to read your post cuz i can tell your half a retared.. but i live in california bay area and i see exactly what im seeing! and yes if you look straight up yes you see blue.. but at the brim and at a distance no.. today i woke up and i could barley see the hills cuz all that white shit.. its invisible up close.

    • How could another planet's "air invade ours"! The sky where I am is quite blue today. A few days ago it was grey, but that was caused by something called clouds. Clouds are water vapor and appear as white or grey puffy things in the sky. One thing that clouds do is cause rain. They are normal.

    • Why can't you see "Nibiru" directly with your eyes? If you're looking through glass, like a camera lens, at the sun you're seeing what's called "lens flare". It's a reflection of the sun. Sort of like looking in a mirror.

  181. Really, this is dumb and retarted if you ask me. only god knows when judgment day will come. Besides everybody the so called planet x is just a lesns reflection off a picture off the sun

    • I think i have seen Nibiru with my own eyes. At the end of may i saw what looked like a round object with 2 wings of fire in a "V" shape out of my highrise apartment window. I found a video on you tube of the exact same object. Remember its exactly the same as this taken last year in USA i am in UK. Dave. See link. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9b4g3JdQ1Q

  182. Salve,
    sono Faruh, sono T.O. (TOUR OPERATOR) & Sales Manager di Sarbon Tour. Sarbon Tour e' una agenzia di viaggio e INCOMING TOUR OPERATOR, si trova a Samarcanda. Stiamo lavorando con i Tour Operator, Agenzie di Viaggio, Aziende e con i Viaggiatori italiani. Se volete fare un bellissimo viaggio in Uzbekistan o nell'Asia Centrale, posso farvi i migliori tour con i bassi prezzi.
    Cerchi (cercate il viaggio in Uzbekistan, a Samarcanda) un splendido viaggio? Vuoi viaggiare da solo? Cerchi albergho (hotels) a Tashkent, a Khiva, a Bukhara, a Samarcanda e sulla Vale di Fergana? Vi sempre aiuto e vi sempre rispondo.
    Per favore, date una occhiata a questo itinerario.
    Tour classico – 8 giorni / 8 notti (con Air BALTIK ogni Martedi', Giovedi' e Sabato).
    2 notti a Tashkent
    2 notti a Khiva
    2 notti a Bukhara
    2 notti a Samarcanda
    Prezzi del tour e’ di:
    929 USD a testa per 2 persone;
    876 USD a testa per 4 persone;
    726 USD a testa per 6 persone.
    Prezzi sono validi dal 01.03 al 30.10.2012
    ALBERGHI – Prenotiamo la stanze STANDART negli alberghi 4**** a Tashknet (Grand MIR Hotel o un altro), a Khiva 3*** (Shakherezada Khiva o un altro), a Bukhara 3*** (Amelia Boutique o un altro), a Samarcanda 3*** (Malika Prime o un altro).
    La quota e' compreso di:
    • Macchina con aria condizionata;
    • Guida locale parlante italiano per tutto il tour;
    • Tutti gli ingressi ai musei ed escursione come da preventivo;
    • Stanze doppie in albergho – a Tashkent "Golden Valley 4****", a Khiva "Shakherezada Khiva 3***", a Bukhara "Amelia Boutique 3***" e a Samarcanda "Malika Prime 3***";
    • Pensione mezza (colazione e cena);
    • Il volo locale Tashkent/Urgench;
    • 1,5 litro acqua liscia a testa ogni giorno;
    • Spettacolo e concerto folkloristico a Bukhara;
    • Trasporto dei bagagli aeroporto/hotel/aeroporto.
    Prenotate il volo INTERNAZIONALE e perndete il visto uzbeko,
    tutti gli altri faccio io. Questo itinerario e' per 2012.
    Riesco a darvi i migliori prezzi con i migliori servizi.
    Abbiamo tantissimi programmi, potete darli una occhiata sul nostro sito.
    Se voi volete chiedere qualche informazone della nostra agenzia,
    potete chiedermi.
    Con i migliori saluti Faruh
    Faruh HODIEV
    TOUR OPERATOR & Sales Manager parlante italiano
    Indirizio: Via K.Ashurov 1/12, 140105
    Samarcanda, Uzbekistan
    Tel/Fax: +998 66 235 1894
    E-mail: st-italia@sarbon-tour.com
    <a href="http://www.sarbon-tour.com” target=”_blank”>www.sarbon-tour.com
    Skype: faruh.hodiev
    Licenza num. 378-03 Tashkent 17/02/2004 – Uzbek Turismo

  183. Interesting, how so many of these comments still put all their hope on a non-existing God,
    and consequently close their eyes and their intelligence for the Mysteries of Life.
    After 2000 years of Church domination, is it not time that in 2012 we start waking op to the truth,
    that there is no God, other than inside your own Heart, and you do not find this Source of All that Exists through fear,
    neither can you find it by clinging to the non-existent God, which is also based on fear and ignorance…

    • I agree with u 90,0000000000000000 percent…not enough percents to express my agreement with u…so i thank u for being so truthful…Its just a waste to try and warn ppl that God is not REAL….So it is so good to meet ppl with the same views and i dont have to try my hardest to show u the truth…I been gave up on that…A waste of energy that i could give to someone else who wants to hear…Universal Love!!

  184. Then I must be a Nibirue, because I have evolved..lolll Yes I evolved through GOD!!! Get with Him in your soul because I have had many a miracle happen to me and I DO BELIEVE!!!

  185. 11. And the name of the star is called Wormwood. And a third part of the waters were turned into wormwood. And many men died from the waters, because they were made bitter. 12. And the fourth Angel sounded the trumpet. And a third part of the sun, and a third part of the moon, and a third part of the stars were struck, in such a way that a third part of them was obscured. And a third part of the day did not shine, and similarly the night. 13. And I saw, and I heard the voice of a lone eagle flying through the midst of heaven, calling with a great voice: “Woe, Woe, Woe, to the inhabitants of the earth, from the remaining voices of the three Angels, who will soon sound the trumpet!”
    Leia mais em: http://www.bibliacatolica.com.br/26/73/8.php#ixzz

  186. no the planet is lined up with the sun thats a fact and its reflecting off the sun ive took enough pics of the sun in my lifetime to know wassup.

  187. If it was actually going to crash in a month, then we would be able to see it with our naked eye. Especially if it's approximately the size of Saturn. Just saying.

  188. Your worried about a giant planet smashing into the Earth
    When you should be more concerned about the elite(the rich) & government figuring away to kill you & me
    If we hope real hard maybe nibiru will shatter into enough pieces to hit & destroy all the rich & suits The scum of this world
    So we can take OUR money & OUR dreams back from those that THINK their above us. They blind you from slaveing for them.
    I'll cast the first stone & promise they will be no more
    & the golden age shall see NONE of their kind to existence
    As Above So Below

  189. John your cooked step away from the gr*** Im not talking about the stuff on your lawn Im talking about the stuff your illegally growing in your back yard chill out nothing is gonna happen

  190. I have a star map on my smart phone. I don't see the
    "Dark Star" and July 21 2012 is a month away if NIBIRU it is coming
    I think we would notice by now. I think you people should look up
    Hopi prophecy. The 9th sign is "heaven will appear as a giant blue star and it will crash onto the earth"
    The other 8 Hopi predictions were right. I just don't think planet X will be here by july. Better start building an Ark and buy some life jackets!!! I've also read that Nibiru might stop the earths rotation for 3 days all plantlife will die the air will burn our eyes

  191. i want a movement were no breathing human is left behind! together we can all get there and together we can all make sure no one is left behind thats the most important part!

  192. Can't wait to see if I will live in the time of the apocalypse, whether or not I am vaporized by fire or drowned in a tsunami or aliens come down an give just me special powers…. It's an exciting idea. One thing I know for certain is that the human will to survive, no less My will to survive will not be shaken.

  193. In the Oxford Dictionary online this is what it says the meaning is (No exact results found for Nibiru in the dictionary.)

  194. im really scared. its feels like i shouldnt have to live when the end comes…im really young and this has me shaking..it feels like i want to end it all now.

    • God used this planet in judgement in the past (plagues of egypt), knowing HE is in control should comfort you. HE said HE would make all things new. A new heaven and a new earth where there is no evil.

    • Yes, ass Angel4444 says, there is no such thing as Nibiru. People make this stuff up for publicity.

    • dont bother ( to end it all ), what does it matter, because your soul is eternal..( theres loads of evidence ), just keep appreciating all the nature and beautiful things..they also are eternal, the whole thing is much bigger and brighter than our short glimse of reality..also, many kids and people are dying every day from any kind of dumb event ( drought, fever ), and they dont go around killing themselves..be of good cheer

    • Dont be stupid nesh! its all make up for news shake. A new way to earn livelihood for some. But even if it is happening who does tell you everyone will die?It may also turn out that after the event you may have a load of land and ranches. This is internet and every finger types what he can to attract publicity. Wake up,its entertainment.I had been keeping the videos in my ipod for entertainment. lol..

    • Don't worry about a thing, this is false information meant to just gain hits on this Site 2013 is going to be the best year of you're life.

  195. Hmm – So a huge planet (brown dwaf star) is to collide with Earth on 21st July and yet we still can't see this MASSIVE BODY in the sky. WHAT CRUD some idiots believe, I'll gladly accept their bank balances and worldly goods right now if they TRULY believe all will end. Contact me to GIVE me the DEED to your house.

    • just look up silly. There's plenty to see if you are not busy enamored of your own Maya. The object is behind our sun, thus less obvious – just more light, easily explained away. . . But LOOK and you will notice the sky is still light til about midnight. In morning it is actually visible. LOTS of very obvious visuals but no one has ever paid attention so you are missing the show. You look but are too blind to see. Open your eyes. The son has indeed returned. Giddiup!

  196. please nesh, dont be scared. in the bible jesus says no one knows the time nor the hour of the end of days. this nibiru, 2012, stuff is nothing to be scared about. nothing will happen, i promise you.

  197. shits about to get real 😡 Enjoy, I will cuz im a wasted soul anyway -enjoy the plasmatrip -grab a bong and enjoy the fireworks 🙂

  198. I think the world should end this year in July 21st 2012 because I am sick and disgusted of this planet Earth staying alive. Also I want Niburu to come hit Earth so The whole entire Humanity will be wiped out. Its real it is so dam real. I don't give a crap about any ones felling's but myself. All you people out there say its not going to end, it is going to be the end of the world as you know it. Also everyone is a loser and I am a winner. I believe that the world should end in 2012. Also good Luke. Cause its happening on July 21st 2012.

    • Amen, my friend. If you believe in Jesus, not fire will burn you.
      †††Men for Jesus†††
      Christian page that proclaims Jesus as Lord and Saviour to all men, woman and children, in this broken world.
      If you like what you see, please like our page.
      Thank you.
      Hennie and Brenda Liebenberg.
      BBM Pin: 293B8510 Hennie
      BBM Pin: 28E0F314 Brenda

  199. Who Could confirm the distance from Earth to Nibiru at the present ?Is there any confirm proof that an Unknown planet will be able to heat the Earth ? Why NASA is Silent on such serious issue ? Is there conspiracy From NASA's Side ? If It is true to the fact NASA Must announce publicly about the fact ,because time is short to reach JULY 21st or Dec.21st. If all are false report then Such type of Internet Business Should be Stopped because it is harmful to the present Human Civilization. From Govind Sharma Ghimire , Nepalgunj ,Nepal

    • This is true before we were havin the maximum of NINE planet but has now been increased to twelve. Is all this that about to happen of human thinkin or for real. Alien from Gotan, Zeeba are attacking the without a confirmed info. Better they say the truth that people might prep to DIE SOFTLY

  200. Listen people…honestly…If NASA knew anything they WOULD NOT SAY ANYTHING!!!! Wake up….there are a few(very few) scientists for Nasa who do speak out then then mysteriously disapear…and so does the information. I remember when I was in school years ago they talked about they foun a new planet x…2 days later never spoken about again…If you dont beleave in this stuff im sorry for you…tell me why millionars are spending millions for secret undergroundground bunkers…I swear sheeple…wake the f*** up!

    • he bro! you have nothing to do with 2012 coz ur 2012 can come at any time which is called death and that is everyone;s 2012….you have nothing to do with the people who are alive after you …maybe my2012 will come tommorrow and that day will be the end of world for me..is'nt? coz i will then not be able to deal with the alive people…hope u will not critisize as it is a hobby of some people

    • You would rather have NASA feed you a truth than looking for yourself? You also would not walk outside to check the weather, but instead believe only the weather channel?

    • so the government thinks they are safe but they themselves are the ones that have been decived by lucifer.. they think they are going to make it on arks and bunkers! the bible clearly states the boat dont make it! the ovens are the bunkers!! EVERYONE NEEDS TO GET TO THE RUINS!!

    • its a hoax with all the tech we can all buy something that big u cant hide and for it to hit on july 21 2012 u would be abe to see it with your eyes so i surgest go out side and look up

  201. And people please…please stop talking about f***en suicide…WHERE IS YOUR WARRIOR INSTINCT!!! Im so scared….I dont want to live any more nana boo boo… There is to much to live for then to die for. Be glad people are warning you about whats to come cause at least you can prepare…Cause the government wont say crap. So now you know to get prepared….get a lead helmet…things like that. It is NOT going to be the end of the world. But a new beggining. The earth needs it…humans think the can do what they want…Its cleansing time. In the end God says who stays and goes…so be wise, stay strong and remember. Its better to be prepared and nothing happen then not be prepared and something DOES happen. Suicide is not the way. What if you are meant to be here to assist in some way… Fear…ha…death is normal…Enjoy your life and be positive and keep away the negative. God bless everyone and have a blessed day.

  202. There will be catastrophic events as we enter the period known as Jacobs troubles, or, the Great Tribulation…BUT, humanity will still be here after 2012. The way we can know this is that the man of perdition has not arrived on our planet as of yet. Mankind MUST go through a seven year period with the anti-christ before Jesus returns. Nesh, Jesus says that Earth will NEVER end…however, Earth will go through some pretty serious changes leading up to and during the tribulation. The answer is to get right with Jesus. Accept Jesus now so you will not have to go through this trouble. Jesus will protect his flock.
    After the tribulation Jesus will rule on Earth for 1000 years. The Earth will never end.

    • Check out the science360: 2012 – The truth about planetary alignment. There is a video about Niburu. It doesn't exist. Total bunkum. TT.

  203. I believe God talks to us who believe Him,in psalm 91,that us who believe in Him are not afraid of receiving bad news,and that thousends may fall beside us,and that will neva come near us,that whenever we are in trouble,when we call upon Him,He will hear us,and will send His angels to uplift us so we wont hurt our feet on the stone..man found everything here,does not know how it came about.ol they do is depend on their predictions,one thing remains,they are not sure,and if it does happen,how will it happen and for what,so i suggest that children of God do not be lead adtray,the only one who knows ol this is God.He is not a man that He should lie,thats y those who are not God but man,lies and say dec 21,then july21.but God promised to deal with them.He is superior,they are inferior,thats y they speculate

  204. Ok people…so you wish proof..ok…I will send you a link…if you are feeling suicidal…DONT CLICK HERE!!! Your just being a stupid fool. Suicide….weak and pathetic. Anyway to people with a little intelegance and who have that warrior instict. Who are saying…..Nibiru…bring it on…I am not scared…whether its Nibiru, a meteor or whatever Im prepared. So here is the link of a nasa scientist speaking out…hopefuly he wont die.. <a href="http://.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DCtfTU787w4&NR=1&feature=endscreen” target=”_blank”>.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DCtfTU787w4&NR=1&feature=endscreen Now dont freak out people its ok…remember If its not your time to go…you will not die. Now here is the eye opener for you sheeple http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dZTMV8fIto There you go. Now what I will say is this…this is a time where we all must come togeather and help eachother. Not thinking of yourself. If we stand as one we can prevail or we can fall devided. Stay positive and keep away the negative. God bless all and all have a blessed day.

  205. One more thing before I go….this will be my last wisdom I shall share with you…Cause I think you all should know this…this link that I will post will open your eyes on many things…you wish to know more..ok…becareful what you ask for…make yourself a nice cup of coffee sit back and be prepared for the road to enlightenment. You want to know about our government….you think they care… I laugh at you,and you are what is now comminly known as sheeple. Its a 2 hour video…ENJOY THE RIDE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atxGNYrBftI&fe… Sorry if I seem a little mean but Im tired of all the denyle. And after you see this…and you still say its not true with even the power houses admitting to it you are truly in DENYLE!!!! Its ok your scared so you want to avoid the truth…I get it…Im just saying people this is the time to join…watch the sighns…government is corupt. Im not shharing my findings with you to scare you either…far from it… I just want all to know whats going on and to at least get prepared. Wake up people…The time is now. Stay positive and keep away the negative. God bless all and have a blessed day.

    • Bro. It's common sense that if this were to happen, it would already be seen by now with the naked eye.If it takes satelites decades to reach planets like Neptune, don't you think it would be a bit strange for a planet to be moving fractions of the speed of light? Those people spent money because they will believe anything that they hear. Oh; and if we were to get hit, there's nothing that we could do. Not you, not me, not anyone. We're talking about a collision with another planet, not some tornado. We would have no chance at all. If you truly believe in God, just look to scripture. "No man knows the day nor hour" so how could we possibly predict the end? Simple. We can't.

    • this video is the truth! but its funny because the illuminati thinks that they are going to slay us and get on there ARKS and rule the world!! lucifer was put here by god to do his job and his job he has done he clearly calls his followers FOOLS! they will be the first to parish for they are already DEAD! you may be able to decive a nation but you cant decive GOD! the bible clearly states the BOATS in the WATER did not make it! so get on your ARKS aka DEATH TRAPS! go in your BUNKERS aka DEATH TRAPS! i ask everyone to repent if you are a good spirit you shouldnt be left out of the garden of the Heavens!! WE ARE ON THE INSIDE LOOKING OUT! WHOS ON THE OUSTIDE LOOKING IN!! OUR FATHER IS HERE! PRAISE THE LORD!

  206. This freaked me out although its not true. The world will end in 10000 years. And if It does end in 2012,God will be with us.

  207. I'm a strong believer in Nibiru and its arrival, but it is possible that Nibiru already came in 2003 (as predicted by Nancy Lieder) and left. Do a search on youtube for NEAT comet. There you will see a "horned comet" passing the sun and sling shots around it. Many say that was Nibiru and others say it was just a comet.. It seems we're just going to have to wait a few more weeks to be sure ;-). If the world ends on July 21st, awesome. If it doesn't end, awesome…

  208. our military needs to take over themselves there families are at risk just as much as ours!! Despetion has flooded everyones mind!! luckly the military is run by our people normal people that can take control and to what we have to do to survive.. those are our navy boats those are our airforce planes!! transport people to the ruins no one should have to die.

  209. En croyances religieuses islamiques sont vraie planète provient de l'annonce est la venue du Christ, mais cette planète ne touchera pas la planète.

  210. In Islamic religious beliefs are true planet comes from the ad is the coming of Christ, but will not affect this planet Earth.

  211. its getting pretty close to july since all of you say that if nibiru was going to collide with earth on july 21st we would be able to see it now so has any one seen it yet

  212. Who wrote this story, a cadet journo, Nibiru does not. Ollie with earth, der, if it passes every 3,600 years and has done for thousands of years what makes you think it's going to collide this time around. You have not done very good research have you. Nibiru is already visible from the South Pole and may also be seen via the live web cams at the pole on occasions, check out the YouTube video which is live video of it. Also the Nibiru cycle is olyptical not circular, and it passes between earth and the sun. Science has already proved the axis shift has happened 3 times before, what caused that, carbon immissions? Trace the origin of names, check out the research on Parson B ice berg, Noah's flood, they all date back around 10,000 years. Nibiru does not effect the earth on its first 3,600 yr cycle, it only causes complete cataclysmic effects on its second cycle. Nothing lives ON Nibiru, there is a race inside the planet who. Ever venture to the 'outer limits', the bloody thing is traveling at tremendous speed so nothing could live on it. Do your research properly before you go shooting of that great porridge muncher of yours and scaring the crap out of people.

  213. I think I will continue to pay my bills, if planet the size of this was getting close, we would know it, it would in theroy distort and move objects and light around it. right?

  214. Wow, only idiots believe in this crap, and if you think you see "Nibiru" then your just making an excuse to scare peope…

  215. i will say this once if it really was going to happen we would see this niberu day in and day out if its really that big . nasa let out information that was leaked that means not real >>> so why has people all of a sudden started panaking all of a sudden the planets that have crossed are mars and jupater and thats actually it and fyi meaning for your information i dont think its verry nice going round scareing people because no offence but its you people that are going to look like idiots when it gets to the end of the year and realise that the panic was over nothing

  216. To any mathematicians out there, based on its current size in the sky and the time of arrival being placed in December 21,2012, at what estimated speed in mph would this planet be moving?

  217. Here is something I feel that I should share with you all…I wonder what people are gonna say when they see this… Just trust me watch it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iIRk0CuNP5A Now im not saying at all this has anything to do with Nibiru…or maybe it does. Either way somethings coming… Stay positive and keep away the negative. God bless all and have a blessed day.

  218. so we have less then a month and our military should be trasporting us and there own families to the ruins to insure we live till the end of this year! i believe with the time that we have we may be able to move everyone! BUT thats not what its looking like! we are runing out of time! but insted we are at war!!

  219. Nibiru is indeed real and approaching our inner solar system but it will actualy collide with earth infact it only comes no closer than the asteroid belt but given its apparent density if earth is on the same side of the solar system when it passes it will cause major problems for our little blue planet including a possible polar axis shift(earth crust displacement),its the reason for all these underground bunkers being built including the doomsday vault(completed in 2009)to house the worlds plant seeds,the only possible collision earth may encounter when this object passes is from debris it is dragging along with it e.g. asteroids,comets,meteoroids etc

    • Where in the bible? No where, let me guess you have to read it a particular way or squint your eyes to see the true text. May be you need to stick a coin on to an umbrella and point it at Uranus to see the text correctly.

    • revelations 9. the end of revelations 8 happend already it describes the eclipse and if your illiterate you might mis it but its in plain view. GET YOUR ACT RIGHT PEOPLE

  220. actually NASA does know about nibiru its the 6th (last ) planet in a what used to be solar system to a distant binary star that died destroying the near 5 planets and knocking nibiru out of its orbit but i dont think its going to hit earth either and it BETTER NOT because i have a baby boy to meet this year

  221. Lets put it down here: As everyone knows s that our blue planet is many many years old and out of nowhere it is going to collide with us? This is what makes people scared and going ape**it over everyone else. It could happen last time nibiru came and even before that so why should it strike us with a collision this time huh? I bet the guy who wrote this article is one of those guys wich believ in everthing he hears so he probably wnated to scare other people more than him. But it will indeed be a relly hard time for the humanity because of our selfish and evil elite wich will survive because they are nothing bit aristocrats and believe that the human race would be much better without us but remember this: We will beat them when we have the change. We must unite and say NO to the moneythiefs and tell them that we dont want anything to do with them and put them against their evil actions. Peace out.

  222. All you smart people saying take a pic of the sun, have you ever done this yourself? Its BS you really smart people, there is nothing to see. Go take a photo yourself.

  223. I can't believe wat you are saying if nibiru is going to collide on 21july why isn't the world notified ASAP before hand

  224. People who post stuff like this to harm the world should be discarded off the website .its bad and it's hurting a lot off people in the world .if there is a nibiru why doesn't the government warn us

    • yea they just made that movie 2012 for no reason and they pulled it our of there ass.. people are really stupid wtf is going on with this world!! if you dont understand nature and your enviroment you must be a half ass human!! NATURAL INSTINCT.. consider yourself a brain washed american and you are a product of what the government was trying to do this whole time!!

    • so john……im guessing u believe in everything this tabloid says and pretty much wants to die…….well i guess go kill yourself…….cause people like u give this world a bad name because of all of these fake doomsday theories……….maybe the nibiru will just hit u……….and the goverment would tell u because THERE LIVES ARE AT STAKE TOO MORONS………and if it was true wouldnt we see it NOW

    • goverrment can not do anything about it so why would they warn us ? why are the tell us to prepair for catastrophys so hevely and what about jessey venturas findings about bodybags?

  225. It is a lie. You are a desinformation agent. Your task is to create delusion on people about Nibiru and so nobody will belive when it is closer.

  226. Maybe in a parrelel universe, yet it does inspire scenarios to the imagination beyond the inescapable limitations of we.
    Therefore, this is why every one of us is bestowed with mini black holes in our minds.
    Global warming anyone?
    I will be nibiru and you can be earth," providing we are the opposing genders", and we can savor the conflict for space but could this ever be, for no woman embrace science fiction.

  227. Think about this: A large heavenly body, 2 to 5 masses bigger than jupiter if im correct, and its also a brown dwarf. A brown dwarf is more like a failed star wich didnt make it to be like our sun and also has this enormous gravitation wich is extremly strong, would come between us and the sun. Think about this. People are saying that the earth will stop spinning when its close enough because of the gravitation. Note this: The earth is spinning more or less in 1600 km/h and is not spinning on the poles. So if a large heavnly body wich is a brown dwarf came close to us and make our planet stop rotating, will yes, be very catastrophic for the earth because that if the earth stops rotating in 1600 km/h, you would literary be thrown out in the atmosphere, just like the other things wich are not nailed to the grounds and this would also tear the earths crust apart in million pieces in a moment, wich goes against every fysics of nature. If this happens every 3600 years, there would not be an earth we lived on in this moment, so please i dont think that so called secret government plot of saving themselves from nibiru, by constructing bunkers, were they will hide from it. They would also die of this so i dont know what people think about this itself. Its uterly bogus and a handful of humbug that you would think that you would find bones from dinasours wich is buried 65 milloin years ago and would find it there.

  228. Stupidity of the highest degree, the fool who posts this sort of information should be locked up for fraud. NOTHING will happen you idiot.

  229. Hope we will see each other when we are flying in 1600 km per hour when the earth is stopping rotating. Hawaii, here i come ^^

  230. nesh, Weekly World News is not a real newspaper. It's entertainment. You don't have to believe anything you read here.

  231. In Philippine language biru means " joke" , thus the conjugation nibiru and biniru which both means joked upon

  232. Let me get things straight, there is no nibiru, there is no armegaddon, there is no apocalypse and most importantly there is no 2012 end of the world meteor thing crashing into earth on december 21st.

  233. i dont believe it will happen, but i dont want to take the risk!!! im really young, and i was looking forward to my birthday! (even tho last year they said it would end and nothing happened -.-)

  234. …..and we can't see it in the sky with just over 2 weeks to go? Give me a break…Frank Lake all your stories are at best funny however more like fear porn.

  235. I cannot swear that Nibiru does NOT exist BUT I can say that if it was anywhere near Pluto then our inner s/system would now be a shooting gallery that NO-ONE could cover up SO I won't be panicking just yet & I sincerely hope no-one else takes this seriously.
    ANY approaching object that size inbound Govs could certainly NOT keep quiet even if they wanted to, there are literally thousands of pairs of eyes transfixed out there not to mention unmanned observance, people would do ANYTHING to be the first to report it, anything !

    • further reading into it on the net & so on, many say Nibiru is 1 of the planets around a brown Dwarf, cant really see it or the other planets like you do our closer planets until its really close. reports say that it begins this month with the planets being visible in the morning and evening and its closest approach would be at the end of this year and making its way out between Jan 2013 & July 2012. should be a nice site to see if something that big comes that close, like those sci fi movies with the backdrop and 2 moons over a landscape pan.

  236. This thing called nibiru is true only if the 10th planet has am oval orbit and has been getting closer to the sun in the last several years. The 10th planet was discovered not long ago and it seems to be gaining significance this year

  237. Think Inside, or outside of the box,irrelevant!……………….I will do this very simple.What happened in 1912?—————————–What happened in 1812?———————————What happened in 1712?—————————What happened in 1612?—————And 1512?——————————–LOOK BACK IN TIME, TO SEE THE FUTURE.IF, THE SHIT HIT'S THE FAN,THEN THE SHIT HIT'S THE FAN!! I'M STILL GOING FISHING TOMORROW!!!!!

  238. OMFG this is fake u can tell here are 5reasons why, 1. David Morrison from NASA even attmitted that Nibiru/ Planet X isnt real and BTW if it was real WE humans would see it by the Naked eye. 2. The Mayan Calendar is not true and the Bible says, 'Nobody knows the end of the world not even the mayans or us no one only God knows but the world is never going to end when we r alive. and nvm about the other the other 3 nvm but on December 21st 2012 nothing is gonna happen and plus ppl hav been predicting the end of the world since 1960 and there is no Nibiru Bye -Carly

    • I can't believe carly rae jepsen is taking part in a discussion about the apocalypse. shouldn't you be singing call me maybe some where?

  239. To be honest whether its Niburu or a pole shift, it doesnt matter something is coming. just look around there is an air about everything kinda like the air before an evening thunder storm. then there are people going nuts raping 1yr old kids and 80 year old grannies, there is nothing new anymore, movies are predictable, same technology just slightly different.
    so personally alot of things make sense in what people are saying, connecting the dots etc there are just to many ancient writings through out every nation and in every creation story… even if you compare greek indu, norse, indian & sumer gods all the same just different names and same pecking order… it all goes different and parts missing in todays cultures and religions. but yet like Aubrey posted i am still packing my gear for fishing

  240. I cant wait to comment here on july 22 :D,If you believe this, will you commit suicide on july 22? or cut your hands, so u cant write S***ty things again

  241. Ok to the non beleavers… Now truth…it may not hit…thats right but I know for a fact something is coming this year. I said it before and I will say it again. If the government knew anything they would say nothing. Do you realize all the mass panic that would create. Dont beleave me please dont do your own research. I mean look at area 51 you beleavers in the government. We still dont fully know whats going on there. And yet our tax dolars pay for it. Now the government has nothing to hide right…RIGHT!!! Then why the F**K ARE THEY PAYING MILLIONS FOR SECRET UNDERGROUND BUNKERS!!!! And if Nibiru does hit it wont destroy our planet. It will wipe out a good percent of the population but it will not kill us all. There will be survivors. It needs to happen, because humans think they can do what they want. I just hope it takes out all the underground bunkers as well. Killing the fuc*ed up goverment aka Illuminati. Uh oh I said Illuminati that must mean im an idiot right. My opinion if you dont beleave in the illuminati he or she that calls me an idiot grab a mirror. Wake up people. God bless everyone and have a blessed day.

    • You need to visit your psychologist dude. If something the size of Nibiru was going to hit the Earth this month, it would fill up most of the sky by now. Illuminati does not exist either. I would expect a Zombie invasion before a Nibiru impact.

    • hehe, Nibiru doesnt exist, Eris is the closest thing to what you are all blabbing on about though, it is a dwarf planet, and the closest it will ever get to earth is 4 billion miles.
      sorry to be a Nazi but "why the F**K ARE THEY PAYING MILLIONS FOR SECRET UNDERGROUND BUNKERS!!!!"
      oh, so I see you're obvs a part of their 'secret' plan 😉 know it all

  242. Oh my word i cant belive that there are this many dumb people out there ie. Merlin777. "Dont beleave me please dont do your own research." Ive done plenty of research and the more i do the more i find its complete BS! Whats happening is people are combining all these dooms day theories into one and that is Aka Niburu. As Jack said we would see it in with the naked eye in day light. Do you even know the origin of the niburu story? It comes from some nut job lady that claims to have an implant and can comunicate with alliens and niburu was ment to arrive in 2003! Now correct me if im wrong but who ever did the maths here shows that they suck at it. Then theres another guy that didnt know how to do his job that read ancient sumari text and just made up his own story unfortunate for him there was sevral other guys that read the text and they all got the same mesage that niburu means Jupitar and its the name of there god except for this blow hole that added to the nut job ladies story. There names are Nancy L and Zecharia S. This started of as a scam to make money. So Merlin777 enjoy your last days on earth and spend all your hard earned cash

  243. "The end of the world" is something that happens to human dreams as everyone tries to avoid something it can't see- the COLLECTIVE NIGHTMARE being gratified into a dream, a marked vulnerability afterward.

  244. Im in kansas and i have a telescope and im up every moring from 330 to 630am with my newborn. I dont see sh¡t in the sky. whats happenin

    • Its not all this end of world stuff is bulll crap if and Im saying if a planet the size they say this "Nibaru" is was gona hit us or go past up we would deff see it now infact we would have seen it last year. Earth is not shifting slowly or anything its doing what its been doing 4 years dont 4get we have only been here 4 like 3mins of the Earth history.

    • well im not blind and i can see it everyday. useyour camera and take a picture of the sun.. at night pay attention to the moon. its movement indicates pole shift.

    • if thay say its nibiru but we cant see it in perth western australia nibiru is down the south pole and maybe ts pulling the earth

  245. Absolutely fake, we would have been able to see the planet for the past few years and scientists would be able to see it still from telescopes for the past 10 years

  246. Some people here are realy…how should I put this…hmmm…no…I shall not say it…there is no reason. But what I will say is in response to someone known as ZARZOR. Ok first off I never said I knew it all. its just facts…you can do your research and find that out. But you say Im mister know it all…hmm here is your words "hehe, Nibiru doesnt exist, Eris is the closest thing to what you are all blabbing on about though, it is a dwarf planet, and the closest it will ever get to earth is 4 billion miles. " Are you a space scientist…? And I did not say Nibiru would hit or not..dont read what you want read. i JUST SAY ITS BETTER TO BE PREPARED AND NOTHING HAPPEN THEN NOT BE PREPARED AND SOMETHING DOES HAPPEN. Ok now chak or whatever your name is I never said illuminati has anything to do with nibiru. I just asked a question… why are the millionars and the elite spending millions on underground bunkers. Maybe before you judge me you should watch jesse ventura 2012…thats all I have to say on the subject. Hello John its good to see someone with a good iq on here 😉
    Stay positive and keep away the negative.Everyone have a blessed day.

  247. Well, 9 days to go until the collision on the 21st? LOL
    Sorry, but 9 days before a planet 4 times the size of us impacting us, it would be so close we would all see it.
    It would be tugging at our planet almost ripping it apart – this would cause earthquakes world wide, tsunamis and for other big rocks etc in space to be hurling into our atmosphere.
    Maybe time to close this article and focus on December like all the other doomsday idiots.
    Seriosly, get off this article now, there is no point reading it as it is impossible for anything to happen in the next 9 days… you hear me ? COMPLETELY IMPOSSIBLE, IT CANT HAPPEN!!
    I give all the doomsday fu*ks another 5 months for this to happen, again, 9 days before the 5th month is up from now, we can all say NOTHING IS HAPPENING… Even 1 month before you would see a massive planet that looks BIGGER than the sun as it is so close.
    Please dont focus on little shining lights in the sky… this thing would be HUGE and highly visible before it impacted us, litterally about 1 month before it would look like its in our sky.

  248. Okay,
    i do believe something like that IS gonna happen, but not so soon.. o_o
    And merlin777, Nibiru is a passer by.. its elliptical orbit of 3600 earth years can come close only till the asteroid belts.. so being hit is definitely not possible.. However, even THAT close passage can cause geographical and polar reversals and hence destruction.. so yeah, we gonna experience something heavily cataclytic.. But not so soon.. At least not till dec 23.. (dec 21 + 2 days of catastrophe)!! ping back for an amiable discussion if you'd like one..
    p.s. To ZARZOR a.k.a. Mr.Nibiru-doesnt-exist, do you even know the name of our neighbour planets..?? 😀 go update your database..!! 😀

  249. a lot of good points. yes the government does in fact hide many things. and if something like this were to be leaked into the media there would be mass panic. but it is very difficult to predict such an event. but that's what science is about. theories. there are things that are unable to explain. and there is no reason to judge others in what they believe in.

  250. An extremely ret@rded article with no evidence or links to back it up. I wonder if this moron will make another one for this so called "Planet X" to hit us in 2013?

    • your on some whole other shit i recommend the book the 12 planet by zecheria sithschin this will give u more insite on nibiru

  251. It may be fake or not, but things like this are put in the news for a reason, to cover up whats really going on in this messed up world, everyone's getting frantic about this end of the world malarky, its not the end of the world, but the end of the world as we know it now, this planet is over populated and needs to reduce that soon, or we as humans will not have the space to grow , and we all over the world will keep pushing ourselves down till there is no chance of reversing what we've done.

    • what you say makes sense…"end of the world as we know it" although i would like to see the comments on here if people start seeing another planet with the naked eye as seen in the scribd link posted a little while ago… do the posters come running for advice. its just strange that proof hasnt been provided that it isnt there and alot of indications it is and why is the area blurred where its supposed to be on google.? if everyone knew it would be global panic so why not hide it for as long as possible. all in all i dont know about aliens finding our small grain of sand in a sand pit but the possibility of an object coming that close due to gravitational pull etc is very real being such a large universe with many other objects far larger.

    • It's also things like this that cause people to commit suicide and lower the earth's population….. wait a minute

  252. dude its the 12th today so according to this site the planet is 10 days away…if its roughly the size of Jupiter why can't we see it in the sky?
    ..Jupiter is light years away and we need the help of a telascope to see it.

  253. Well let us establish some facts anyway. Governments, in fact are not truthful entities. As a source of reliable info, one would have to be derelict to any sense of self preservation to base decisions on what it shares with the public. There are many airplanes spraying "stuff' over our heads without our permission. They don't have mine. At the same time , it just so happens that the sun isn't yellow anymore, At least not as seen from central Sierra Nevada foothills. And, there are about 50- 100 visible "stars" in the nighttime summer sky. Just a few little known , highly obvious facts. Looks like critical thinkers may do well as time goes on.

  254. If it's a hoax you will loose your credibility which you never had anyhow. This is nothing short of crap and ought to be dismissed as such. Within a week the world will be laughing at all you lunies.

  255. sitchin spent 40 years researching the sumarian cylinders, why would these ancient ppl lie, also the Hopi Indians, the ancient Chinese, oh and even the bible speaks of wormwood / the destroyer. are they all lying ? I would trust them over any government. not sure about the timeline but nibiru is very real and has been here many times in the past.

  256. also, you should know that nibiru is one of 6 planets / moons orbiting a dwarf star. this will have gravity and could be electromagnetic too, there is a 50 / 50 chance of it passing between earth and our sun, if this happens we will be in trouble, but it doesn't always happen that way. we have front row seats for the biggest event in recent history, so don't worry and live the moment. we are not who we think we are and we could well meet our creators.

  257. "The original prediction that Nibiru would collide with earth came from an unlikely source. A Wisconsin woman Nancy Lieder said that as a young girl she was contacted by extraterrestrials called Zetas who had set up a communication device in her brain and sent out messages to her and they had told her about the Nibiru collision."
    …I dont think I've ever laughed so hard in my entire life.

  258. All I have to say is no, the earth will still be here in 2013, but most of the people here will not be! I know you want to believe the Media but they lie to you! we are in for a good ride so hang on! It wouldn't hurt to store up a little food and water, you are going to need it. Go to stanley Idaho if you want to see for yourself the cover up.

    • I feel like the planet is on a course of change, but I dont understand why if so many know something is underway why is there not a worldwide alert by now. What is in Idaho

    • UFO's are flying over Idaho and the Government vehicles are out in numbers trying to keep people away so we can't see or talk about them. I don't know why they are there, just keeping an eye on us I guess. But I do know the government don't want you to know about these things. And in the end they aren't going to ask you to join them in their bunkers under grown.

    • Sorry about that but, but I'm afraid poistive isn't what you are going to get. Not from me or many of the others who have posted here! We don't like it anymore than you do but having our heads in the sand doesn't help. This may take a alittle longer than July but this thing is coming so it just won't hurt to be prepared. I still say the earth will survive, but things are really going to change.

    • I was up there In Cascade, ID. Tell me something? I beleive something is going to happen. But like everyone else Can not get the real story.

  259. Well if you can look directly into the sun without burning your eye balls out go for it! Just as the sun is rising over the mountains in our Idaho town you can see a very large object in front of the Sun. It could be just a UFO, but then most people would have to be abducted and carried away before they could believe in that as well!

  260. There was never any mention of the earth being destroyed on July 21th or on December 21st. No it won't happen but things are going to be alot different and the one's left to take care of the mess are the one's to feel sorry for. This planet is going to take back her right to live, and rid herself of those who are destroying her. You've had it your way far to long, now nature is going to show you who is boss! Sorry people but if you put your faith in our Government you have wasted your time. The are all corrupted.

  261. this is so dumb Nibiru will not collide with the earth… and besides i thought the end of the world is predicted to be in december… people are so outrageous this year! there are so many dumb predictions out there… aliens! fires! flooding! and now this wtf!

  262. i dont think the world will actually end but it is causing more disasters .. and i dont think it will actually collide.

  263. Let me give all you doomsdayers a fact! There is no Nibiru heading this way. Know what Nibiru is? Its another name for Jupiter. The ancient babylonians named Jupiter Nibiru. There is NO planet haeding this way. The only thing we have to worry about is 2029 when a meteor will come very close. It will orbit the sun then in 2036 might have a chance of hitting us. FACT!

    • i think this site is the dumbest one i have been in out of them all i cant believe they would publish such crap with some woman getting abducted by aliens and what ever as for the so called planet there have been infer red scanners that have tracked it on satellite mapping in space whether it is a planet or just a big ball of rock who knows the only thing i can say is there have been confirmed reports by NASA that something large will pass between the sun and our planet as it was said a yr ago the large what ever it is isnt going to hit us if it was then dont u think they be building ships to evacuate the planet it just seems stupid if they new it was gonna happen and just sit there and do nothing but i guess we will see just a few more months im waiting to see what effect will this have on the planet with something soo large passing through us with soo great speed will it effect our rotation around the sun will it cause our rotation to stop will it cause our magnetic poles to shift drastically these are the questions people should be asking cause cause if our rotation was to temporly stop i say that be the longest day or night id ever see or if our poles were to shift drastically at once then u would be looking at what u would call the end of most of the human race as for that crap with the end of the world the world will survive but the people on it wont and if this crap isnt true then why the hell is our tax dollars going in to building a load of underground shelters cause a shelter wont protect nothing if our tech tonic plates decide to shift and the ground cracks beneath our feet soo just a few more months and will see if this is just a load of crap or if NASA is correct with this large rock heading this way if our plates shift u are looking at every volcano and every natural disaster happening ever where as for the floods well read about how japan got flooded u will get the picture as for the the flooding tho under water volcano's the new land mass from them will shove the water aside causeing massive tidle waves flooding all coastal area's

    • Boy you are an idiot!!!I guess chemtrail,bases on the moon,aliens,ect. are not real either?Go plant your crops on Farmville and keep taking the pill!!!The facts are everywhere if you spend the time to look it up!!!Prepare yourself so that maybe your children can have a future!!!

    • 2036 now. well that date better then july 21st in 4 days… i dont know watta think… all this end of the world stuff is going make me go back to using … its driving me insane.. loosing my mind

  264. this is all scary shiiitttt… only 4 days away and we all could diee… OMFG.. i dont know what to beleave someone help me with the REAL facts.. i just had a baby.. i wanna see her grow up.. :'(

  265. why arnt my comments poping up.. i ask something i want to know if this is REALLLL… waiting for them to approve my comment… where is it !!!

  266. if its invisible then its should just go right throu us like a ghost doess… so eh then we dont need to worry if its truely invisible!!! yay! i like ur comment… ahahahahahaha

  267. Is this chat working, last comment I see is its 10 days away, well its july17, now its only 4 days away , where is it ?

    • lol i dont know if this chat workss.. im here didn't u read my comment from like an hour ago… open ur eyes.. LOL..

  268. if anyone is on here right now.. has the latest news about this "Nibiru"… ive just learnt about today.. please udate me with REAL facts!… im not that gullible but im open minded to anything… 4 days away till its going to hit us… hmm the skys look normal to me… sun looks normal.. no second sun in Canada.. youtube videos with showing another second sun i beleave could be fake its easy make videos like that throu ur computer.. someone come help me clear my mind with facts.. LOL

    • Sure. First off Nibiru was thought up by Zacheria Sitchin who incorrectly translated Sumerian txt and predicted a planet that could hit earth. Then a supposed physic named Nancy Lieder claimed we would get in in 2003. After it did not happen they moved the date to coincide with the Mayans Calender ending. Its a bunch of bull

    • i unfortunately can't help – hi from poland – for g.o.d'ssake our government only keeps on misinformi

    • dont forget about the 3 alien space crafts heading to earth!! LOL… Witch one will hit us 1st.. the alien ships or Nibiru…. LOl hahhaha

  269. Forget about nibiru. Its the 24th solar cycle we are entering now that will kill us. Solar maximum baby! Combine that with the interstelar photon cloud that will hit us and the sun in months from now and its really gonna be doom on. This is why the elites have built bunkers and theyre nearly ready to bug out. Have you noticed the driver is no longer at the wheel? Nibiru is indeed our planet jupiter and still on the outer portion of our solarsystem.

    • ya right mate…plus we would be able ta see it,an it would be massive in the sky already,much bigger than what the moon is in our sky at nite time…the earth would already be in turmoil,it is now i no,but it would be much much worse…y do these fools keep makin phony predictions?? i do belive in this planet x an that it will pass us sometime soon? but it aint gona be this month.when it is here ya wont need to read about it on here coz ya be able ta look up an see it? an no h.a.a.r.p tech or any other tech will be able ta hide it.so i wouldnt worry to much about it just yet…

  270. Truth and if know thing does happen and NASA and the world has been told about A meter that is scheduled to hit us in 2040. So if any thing does happen at the end of 2012 they will not live long enough to make a difference.

  271. I just want to say.. I am a 14 year old boy and dont do alot of searching about any of this.. i dont get great grades and I no im not the smartest person around but id like to point out that.if Nibru is thought to be causing natural disasters and stuff like that…why isnt it? you say it is less that 3 days away from now and nothing is happening…care to explain?

    • well Jonathon nibiru is not going to crash into the earth at all and it is quite likely it does not exist at all. but as far as nothing happening well that's another story all together. worst drought in Midwest in recorded history. massive solar flare activity. horrible floods. dormant volcanoes are erupting. hundreds of earthquakes daily just to name a few this evidence is what people are using to make these types of claims. I however love science fiction and enjoy the daily chatter of nibiru coming to entertain myself and let my imagination run wild with the thought of aliens coming to visit us and what they would be like. just enjoy it. and pretend it's just a great scifi story like independence day or avatar.

  272. all i understood from ur comment is " just a bunch of bull.".. LOL i agree with u 99%… the other 1% is lost somewhere… haha

  273. and what proof do u have??? is it throu the computer?? google?? youtube??/ do u beleave everything you read?? wheres ur actually real source coming from? where u getting these so called facts from?? lol lots of questions here for yea? now fill me in !!! lol

  274. I believe in it. It will happen. Sooner or later. I'm from south africa Kimberley (place of diamonds) and I also don't see anything yet. It would be cool if the earth's electricity would go out. Lol then we have to start over. Lol just imagine!!

  275. Read your bible all the answers are in it. Only god knows the hour jesus will return. Save ur souls remember jesus died for u nd loves you

    • hmmm that is very interesting.. thanks Stven for that link!.. looks legit to me… you made my mind clear now.. lol… =)

  276. Revelation, 9
    1. And the fifth Angel sounded the trumpet. And I saw upon the earth, a star that had fallen from heaven, and the key to the well of the abyss was given to him.
    2. And he opened the well of the abyss. And the smoke of the well ascended, like the smoke of a great furnace. And the sun and the air were obscured by the smoke of the well.
    3. And locusts went forth from the smoke of the well into the earth. And power was given to them, like the power that the scorpions of the earth have.
    4. And it was commanded of them that they must not harm the plants of the earth, nor anything green, nor any tree, but only those men who do not have the Seal of God upon their foreheads.
    5. And it was given to them that they would not kill them, but that they would torture them for five months. And their torture was like the torture of a scorpion, when he strikes a man.
    Leia mais em: http://www.bibliacatolica.com.br/26/73/9.php#ixzz

  277. I don't believe there will be a collision on July12. However, I believe that I may have the current coordinates. If I am wrong, then please explain what this is. Go to google earth (what I prefer) or wikisky. When on google earth click on the small Saturn looking icon and put it on sky. In the search box type in these coordinates: 9h39m53.9s 11 58'51.36". Leave a space betwee the 11 and the 58. It is amazing to see this fierce object and interesting object. You can change the views. Also, if you view the object on wikisky and change the setting to infrared and sloan digital you will see it. I believe the government is trying to conceal it but they have not done so if you go through google earth to view it. Just so you know, the coordinates have changed since I last saw it. The changes occure very slowly.
    Peace to all

  278. "Question everything" including nonsense that people make in these blogs.
    Glory to the sheep who believe everything they read, whilst calling everyone who disagrees a 'sheep'.

  279. go to google earth.
    click on the saturn looking icon and click on the sky mode.
    type in this:
    9h39m53.9s 11 58'51.36"
    Please leave a space between 53.9s and the 11
    Also leave a space between the 11 and 58'
    You can use these on wikisky too but you will need too and be able to view it on different modes as well. (infraredn, sloan digital, etc)
    good luck and peace

    • well i downloaded google earth.. i type in those coordinates.. that doesnt prove anything.. google earth looks computerized.. top it off those coordinates didnt show anything no planet "nibiru" nothing.. google earth suuckks!! looks fake! lol

  280. the whole thing about nibiru hitting earth is the most daft thing i have heard simple thing about this lie is if it was ment to hit earth u would see it by now

    • lol.. well i know it's not going to happen.. ive just heard about this "nibiru" the other day… honesty thou kinda freaked me out for a second… then reality hit me agian… damm interent,, LOL

  281. really so it will collide with earth when it becomes saturday in australia? australia is 10 hours ahead of british time

  282. Where do they get this stuff? If a object of any substantial size (like a planet) were just one day away from colliding with Earth, it would have a massive and unmistakeable presence in the night and/or daytime sky. It would have a reflective coefficient (albedo) so bright it would light up the surface of the Earth brighter than a full moon at night. Besides, you would very, very clearly see it, long before it got within one day of colliding with Earth. At a distance of one day, the weather all over the Earth would be in utter chaos… C'mon, surely no one really believes this hocus pocus. I will 100% guarantee you that no planet or even moon size object is going to collide with the Earth tomorrow or anytime in the near future. 100% guarantee it's NOT going to happen. Not this month or the next, for that matter NOT for at least 2 years…
    that it would seem almost like the daIt would be as big as or bigger than the moon. It other words, we would clearly see it coming long before it got within one day of hitting Earth.

    • its a lens flare……….that old video has been surfing the youtube universe for awhile now and has been debunked.

    • jena. Don't worry its just a cloud shining cuz of the sun see it all the time even NASA says its a fake planet don't worry it would be everywhere really just dont

  283. The lack of common sense here is amazing!
    If the moon's gravity controls our tides, what do you think and object the size
    of Jupiter or bigger would do to us way before it gets within even a month of Earth?

  284. It could potentially be an interdimentional planet that is out of phase of our visible spectrum. Just an open minded suggestion 😉 or anti matter encased in a vacuum or electromagnetic shield perhaps? I mean anything is possible, jupiter is all gas, and you cant see black holes, u can only see the affected environment nearby.

  285. Nibiru is a comet swarm, not a planet. Mathematical projections (from Ice Cores) indicates that it will pass through the inner solar system by the end of 2017. Russian sources suggest by 2014. ET alien sources suggest it will threaten Earth ~7 Sep. 2012 (and maybe a few months thereafter). Some of these meteorites have already struck (Sep. to Nov. 2010). The meteors appear to be devoid of volatiles and may became noticeable only if they are close enough to be heated by the Sun's heliosphere. The main threat could be detected Aug. 2012. This threat, coming DURING 2012 (with all its hype), has been hidden from us in plain sight.

  286. Oh man, July 21 is TOMORROW !!! I haven't paid my cable bill yet …. do you think Comcast will terminate my service BEFORE tomorrow? Bummer ….. i was going to watch a re-run of "2012" too …..

    • so does that mean nibiru will not collide with earth today but instead collide with earth on december 21st well as much as i don't want it to collide with earth i would rather december than july

  287. july 21st today so far so good no sign of nibiru stayed up all night looked out the window didn't get any sleep at all all i saw was stars i didn't see nibiru at all i don,t think it will happen today probably dececember 21st and by the way
    if you people saw nibiru last year how come it didn't hit earth last year
    you claim that nibiru would be visible to everyone the day it would hit earth why didn't it hit earth last year

  288. im 10 and freaked out i dont want to die and if i do die i definatly dont want it to hurt some one please tell me is this realy going to happen? ive been on nasa and they said it wouldnt but then i go on other sites and it says the complete opposite

  289. Nibiru is a comet swarm, not a planet. Mathematical projections (from Ice Cores) indicates that it will pass through the inner solar system by the end of 2017. Russian sources suggest by 2014. ET alien sources suggest it will threaten Earth ~7 Sep. 2012 (and maybe a few months thereafter). Some of these meteorites have already struck (Sep. to Nov. 2010). The meteors appear to be devoid of volatiles and may became noticeable only if they are close enough to be heated by the Sun's heliosphere. The main threat could be detected Aug. 2012. This threat, coming DURING 2012 (with all its hype), has been hidden from us in plain sight. ____

    • not yet still plenty of time if we get to 12:00 am july the 22nd
      withut nothing happpening today then this site should be shutdown fined for causing scucide and fear over absolute nonsense

  290. maybe its time for you guys to realize,, nothing on this earth will know the exact date or time the lord will end this world,,, not even the angels on the heaven…..in jesus name,, amen,, godbless us all,,,

    • Still here aren't we? Yawn. I guess this is Y2K on steroids all over again. You can just say "it slowed down" so now a new date can be released. What a joke.

  291. You know now that there are so many jobless people on the net… These people live creating/spreading stories like this… actually they are mentally imbalanced people and you have only to pitty them coz their happiness deppends on how upset they can make others reading their stories!
    In the scriptures Jesus very clearly states that the time of END is known ONLY by the father….. Indeed the scriptures are TRUE

  292. i think if it were coming, we'd be able to see it by now, and everybody, please do not commit suicide, there is no point because its not coming

    • thank you I didn't read NASA but if you read the whole thing it says NASA does not approve of this but secret NASA do secret NASA where have you heard of that and look at this website and when it is posted happeninfna da I'll live my life today and wake up tomorrow besides it would be all over the news and everything if true

  293. So the reporters here think that a fake planet is going to kill us all in July but believe that Aliens will invade us in November?
    Is this a comedy website?

  294. Guys it fake niburi is like a name for a god maryuk (forgot how to spell lol) meaning jupitar so basically whole plantet is fake

    • Maybe Nibiru is being too lazy to collide 😀 😛 or even better…it too is procrastinating its collision schedule to 21st dec 2012..ROFL

    • Maybe Nibiru is being too lazy to collide 😀 😛 or even better…it too is procrastinating its collision schedule to 21st dec 2012..ROFL

  295. Hmm its 7:22 am here in Canada… Now frickin dumb " Nibiru" where are you.. I have a killer hangover thanks to you!!… partyed way to hard like it was my last… HAHA…

  296. "God"… how the frick can you type go kill yourself to him… are you that ignorant??.. i hope it's cuz ur a lil foolish ignorant boy.. not a full grown adult.. if you are.. you gotta be the most lowest person out there.. you could be saying go kill urself to a lil child whos scared.. or watever.. doesnt mattter your ignorant man!!..

    • nasa says I not even a real planet besides it it was its past Pluto even if it was big I'd take a long timeb

  297. Please dont. Trust that God has a plan. Don't give up on life. Jesus loves you, he died for you and he has an awesome plan for your life.
    Whatever is making you feel hopeless at this moment will pass. I guarantee it. Something good is just around the corner. Turn to Jesus and talk to him in prayer. He will give you peace and hope. He offers everlasting life to all who call on him.
    I am going to be praying for you collin.

  298. do not commit suicide it is july 21 2012 and the event has not happend I have done lots of research on this subject I believe there might be a 10 planet but there are to many conflicting stories. The best thing to do is wait it out if nothing happens then great I would rather wait it out rather than kill my self and nothing happen you should always act this way when you do not have information confirming that the event will take place. With my research I beleive there is a much better chance of a major earth quack happening than anthing else. If this is true we can perpare and survive this kind of event I think we all should perpare for this event it will happen eventally and maybe soon. You can buy milliatry food for 12 month supply for 2,000 dollars that feeds 6 people and buy 12 months of water also you need to buy lots of first aid kits and medicines like for colds or flu like systems if you do this you could servive a major event. As far as the 10 planet we need to continue research it and keep up with updates on line until someone finally gets some real proof. I also sell all survial kits on my website mooresvillestore.com the store is closed but will reopen in august 2012

  299. no. nibiru is fake. its just a scam to make money. so dont kill yourself. just go on in life. or call suicide prevention

  300. U guys no world weekly news was made for entertainment not to legit. It's a was made to be a tabloid in the 70's for kicks n giggles

  301. pregnant and worried about this crap why do pepole keep saying this
    and that will happen its wrong its playing with everyone

    • sweetie people are very silly and mean.we get scare thinking of our children..good luck with the baby.x

  302. Stven sitchin died in 2010 so he never re calculated or lived to see his calculation be proven incorrect 😉 of course nothing would happen but meh just the failed life's work of an old nd now dead man

  303. haha its the 21/7/12 and still here this is why people got to stop moaning about the end of the world and start livin for a change what a load of crap if it was going to happen u would of seen it months ago dumbasses

  304. Many people have written Nibiru off as something that will never happen but read these stories form the late 1980's and 1990's. Articles from the Washington Post, Newsweek, Scientific Daily and many more. These are real stories about Nibiru but all the information somehow stopped appearing in the the papers and journals of the world. These stories lay out the truth which has now been completely removed from the public. Yo will be amazed! http://www.educatinghumanity.com/2012/05/planet-x

  305. We are still alive, but dont worry August 17th is the next due date, then sometime in september, and when that doesnt happen, sometime in December!!

  306. WELL, It's the 21st and NOTHING… OF COURSE NOTHING YOU IDIOTS, STOP dwelling on negativity and live for the moment cuz these fk'in idiots on here get there kicks out of deceiving the gullible….. NUFF SAID

  307. Ok everyone here is a must see video… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBJEm1BFPaw&fe… There you go. Now I beleave in nibiru but I dont know when its gonna hit. No one does. But I do beleave it will hit this year or somethings gonna happen this year. This is a good thing to listen to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DCtfTU787w4&NR… Now Ive shown you 2 good vids. They are both self explanitory. And again if it hits or not stop talking about f**king suicide. If it hits yes there will be destruction. But come on where is your warrior instinct. During dark times we must stand togeather or fall divided. Stay positive and keep away the negative.God bless everyone.

    • 1st video:all I see is a delusional lady making crazy stuff ou of her ass.
      2nd showing lens flare as evidence of a massive object that would already have torn the solar system apart if it existed and the rambling of an incompetent nobody who thinks knwos better than every astronomer in the world.

  308. I am glad Nibiru did not show up. However, if Ricky Ricardo were alive today he would have said:
    "Wot Hoppin"? (What happened?). LOL
    11:23 pm EST – No sign of Nibiru … this is good! Thank God!!!

  309. Such Bogus and filthy reporting are only the stupid business which might be uncomfortable for human being. July 21 have been passed ,and again November 21st also will come and go,nothing will be happen. Man should not go behind such false notice but should hard working and to be honest.

  310. Umm now its nov 21st ??, wow what a fake, heres a real fact if nibiru was real you would see it from any were in the world space is huge!, get a life dec 21st is fake too!, dam people are stupid God is the one whos gunna end it all so stop being idiots and go to hell!

  311. July 22nd, 2:25pm. Where's nibiru? oh thats right.. It doesn't exisit! This website is so full of Sh**. It should be shut down.

  312. Nibiru is comeing they want you to think its not. So they put July 21 so when it doesent hapen on that date you think its fake the army knows about it they want everyone near the sea bord to drown loock up Nibiru military brefing . You will get the ansers .the presedent knows about it 50 miles in from the ocean will be under water 70 pound metiorights will be falling 200 mile hour winds things hapening wright now the galfstream stoped .the top of Saturn is heating up .some birds died over city.they don't want people to move inland from the ocean it would be over populated so the government hase more money for them .go on the internet loock up Nibiru military brefing listen to vidio

  313. Nibiru..nibiru..nibiru whre u @????these guys wants tu make flipn cash wth lies..ther is no such thing that is going to happen.we sev a Mighty God…..make sure b4 u say next tym..nxaaaah

  314. Guys. Stop saying it exists and we dont know when it will hit. Niburu and planet x are supposed to be 2 different things. And both fairytales anout them say they wont HIT us but pass us. If you are going to insist in these lies learn the facts! There is no such planet! Gey over it. P.s. Youtube is not a good source of info…

  315. Its now going to hit in november, what a load of crap this website is. Start putting your time into something positive rather than spending time trying to predict the end of the world

  316. Whatever ur smokin.. Share it around! You freaks spend your whole life predicting and waiting to die.. How about livin and educating positive living.. We're only here for a blip.. Make the most of it.. So now im suppose to die on my birthday 21nov! Get a fckn life.. If it happens.. I'll be happy to leave you freaks.. W

    • It's funny that the recommended articles section on the right of this very page still shows a thumbnail of 'Earth to collide with Nibiru on july 21st 2012' and the link gets us back to this page.

    • yup i came to comment now they are just chinging dates… well its all a hoax doesnt anyone get it?

  317. Fooken sheeps, people turn on your brain a little. Think a little, you all depend on NASA,CIA,BIA,BRIJA,FBI,NBCCBCIBHMSN whatever they say is right they are smart you are stupid! Why you think whole NASA team can be smarter than you? You all give your ass to "NAME", they only have money thats only difference than you they have more resources than you, but still you have your brainnnn, anyway what i want ot say: IF THERE WAS AN SOME PLANET WHAT WOULD HIT THE EARTH AND DESTROY IT WELL THINK ON IT IT WOULD BE VISIBLE FOR YEARS THAT ITS APROCHING AND IT WOULD BECOME BIGGER AND BIGGER NOT JUST "tomorow we die, and not any sign to it" IMAGINE A PLANET THAT BIG AS THEY SAY IF IT HIT TOMORROW "today you dont see it" NOW IMAGINE THE SPEEEEEED OF THIS PLANET APROCHING THE EARTH IN TIME FROM TODAY TO TOMORROW, DONT BE FUNNY IT WOULDNT "POKE EARTH" AND LEAVE CRATER IT WOULD MAKE DUST OUT OF EARTH AND ITSELF, IT WOULD BE SAME SPEED EVEN FASTER THAN BULLET HITTING A SMALL(COIN SIZED) GLASS BALL.

  318. Everyone by the ocean is going to die.not November.that's to make you think its fake.3 to6 months from now.loock up Nibiru military brefing on the internet .watch vidio.the president wants everyone on the coast to die .to prevent over population.in mid states

  319. We survived another doomsday‎!!!!.. YAY!!! lol…. Now in November we have "3 alien space ships" and " Nibiru" coming for us.. LOL.. who's going to hit us 1st??? the aliens.. or… "Nibiru".. LOL… to hilariouss…

  320. this website is pathetic………….and i think this website will keep continuing to change the date until who knows when so just ignore the tabloid and live life

  321. It's not November.the government is hiding the truth.the golf stream has stoped.the planet is going to shift 20 degrees.the coast line Will be underwater.50 miles inland.there will be a bad metior storm coming.the top of Saturn is heating up .they at puting false stuf on the internet to make you think its not coming.military is on watch for a bugout normal people will be worned when its tolate.look up on the internet.Nibiru military brefing. Watch vidio you will get the truth from someone under cover in the military.please watch and listen to vidio.worn people near the coast line befor its to late .people and their kids die. will

  322. Nice to change the date because we dident die yesterday, and we wont die on November of the 21st. This website is so full of sh*t!

  323. Hahaha Weeklyworldnews's astrologists msut of discovered it wont come July so they put it forward 4 months… ROFL !!
    See you again in 4 months

  324. Read revelation. Nibiru (wormwood) is spoken of, and not diluted or exaggerated by those who prey upon the easily persuaded by what TV, movies and media relentlessly push upon the world wide public. It's quite clear as to what is going on if you do your research.

  325. Ok so here is a video where Russia is warning there people about Nibiru and there saying NASA is covering it up. They say its suppose to hit Dec. 21 who knows but they definetly see it. Funny how there government seems to care and ours want to hush it all up and let us all just die. hmmmm. Well check it out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsLqWbeA4iY&fe… God bless everyone. Stay positive and keep away the negative.

  326. There is definitely something going on people! Ever heard of the black budget and what our governments are spending the tax payers money on? Well i can tell you that ( D.U.M.B ) Deep Underground Military Bases are one of the things that our money is being spent on. Check it out our governments are preparing for something!

  327. July 23rd and we are all still here . Where are they getting their info ? Are they making it up ? Do they have nothing better to do than put trash like that on the web ?

  328. All about videos about nibiru colliding are fake, if nibiru was coming you could see it in a clear sky and you probably would of heard of it by now from all over the web.
    Don't research those articles or sources unless their from a proper source like the BBC or google, something like that cannot be keeped a secret.
    The religious people that made up nibiru said that it would come in sometime around early 2003 but then moved the date towards december 2012, there are people that make a lot of money selling books about this predictions, alongside it they have no evidence that it's coming or have even seen this planet.
    They said it was hiding behind the sun but it has to come out some time in order to hit us.
    If you want to be sure that something like this were to happen actually check the nasa website, something like this would impossible not to spot with all the satellites in space

  329. All info said about Nasa spotting this non-existant planet is false,
    check the god damn sky, a planet that huge would take up the sky if were to hit

  330. dont believe anything on this website dude!!… its only for laughs!… nothing serious is on here.. like comeon man look at most of these's articles ..aliens heading to earth… Kim's butt explodes… LOL… shiiiits n giggless..

    • actially there is a window of july 19 til august 1718th. look at the sky. its so obvious if you ever take the time to stare into space, lol. seriously. notice the moon? you tube this stuff. i did last night and it blew my mind

    • You my friend are more gullible than a 6 year old, Youtube is a freedom of speech website put into videos and beneath that is the comments and the good old dislike bar.
      Anyone can post anything they like on youtube and still believe it, youtube videos can be photo shopped or animated using cheap software, there are millions of videos all like it explaining the same stuff but different words and phrases.
      There are people that will believe anything on youtube, in my opinion it's free money delivered right to you your bank account from google made from good old advertisment revenue.
      Just about anyone on youtube will believe anything you tell them, they look at the video and believe it because of an old clip recorded from a Nasa satellite and see as evidence.
      They lack the intelligence to review the evidence at all, what they should do is research further using official sources

    • Rys you are the person who makes the most sense on this tabloid………..i thank you with the knowlege

    • You my friend are more gullible than a 6 year old, Youtube is a freedom of speech website put into videos and beneath that is the comments and the good old dislike bar.

  331. open your eyes. all the signs are actually materializing. thats what they want us to think but this time its for real. see for your self

  332. Ive seen video of nibiru recorded in antantarctica it showed nibiru crossing the night sky it lit up the antarctic like a red dewarf star which is what it is 5 times the size of earth comes this way every 3600 yrs it was being followed by a moon or planet 4 times smaller than nibiru it wont collide but it will cause major upheaval around the world only the elite will survive in their bunkers we the people will die hopefully weall ressurrect in the next dimension this is now a strong possibility unfourtunatly their is no other alternative peace be with u all.

  333. Really? You've got to be kidding me right? I don't understand why people are coming to conclusions that this Planet exists. And I am not stating as my consensus that it does not exist. I am hereby stating as an affiliated opinion directly correlated to this subject that it doesn't exist. And if it miraculously just so happened to actually be just beyond the orbit of Pluto, then we wouldn't see the effects from it, and certainly would not have it zipping through billions of miles of Deep Space within just a few short months. If such a catastrophic event were even taking place every 3,600 years, then would the planet Earth still be here? I certainly don't think so. The planet Nibiru was an idea, not a reality. People, get a grip, don't believe in such calamities, I can assure you we will still be here December 22nd 2012.

  334. Are they also keeping all the amateur astronomers around the world quite too? Haha you use a youtube video as a source really.

  335. For one if Nibiru was going to hit us soon we would see it or it would be causing alot of problems on earth and in space.

    • "it would be causing alot of problems on earth"… what do you call this?

    • Quite clearly fake, watching TV and collecting apparent facts from probably pseudoscientist is like reading fake articles from the internet like this one here
      If you want proper facts look in the sky or at the Nasa website and remember this, anything can be done on the internet and using any software.
      Using a computer is like using our imagination, anything can forged on a computer visually
      The goverment isn't hiding anything, if the world was to end people would be panicing, and I think your goverment would tell you at least since it's your right to know

    • The latest crop circle ( crop circle connector 2012 ) seems to confirm an imminant approach of a winged planet, plus alien grays…? To avert war, or to enforce survival modes, who knows..the humans are really funking the planet, so well, they may be just in time..
      Lets all hope for the best..peace to all men and women

  336. DON'T LOOK FOR THE TRUTH ON YOUTUBE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  337. Look at it this way
    How many end of the world predictions have you heard?
    If heard Thousands, there have been countless theories on the end of the world through out history and the beginning of recorded history
    Have any of them come true?
    Obviously not or we would be all dead
    Will there be more in the future?
    Yes there will be millions more until the human race is extinct or people of this race grow a god damn brain that works properly
    The truth about this article?
    This article currently saids "21st November 21st 2012" a week ago it said "21st of July 2012", wait it's past the date and were still here, the article is fake clearly. The evidence that it's fake is very clear and anyone with a brain can check the other top articles on this website and we can all believe that they stupid titles
    My evidence will be perfect with countless dates of nibiru hitting which are fake
    Still don't believe me grab a telescope and go star gazing and then try to spot a planet that is supposed to be 4 times bigger than Earth and heading straight towards Earth, by now I would think It would be very visible in broad daylight so you should have no problem of spotting it
    By the way all evidence pointing towards that Nasa have spotted it are fake, check there website up and down and you'll find them denying the exist of Planet X and Nibiru.
    I'm sure you can find a good video with a actually scienctist with good evidence that all end of the world theories are fake.

    • ha look at that, i guess im not the only one with a brain.
      besides even if it was true -its not-
      um what are we gonna do?,,,nothing if it was coming we are screwed either way so i dont know why people wanna know if its true or not -its not but..-
      if it hits it hits
      if we die we die
      dont think that just because you know its gonna come -its not- means you live..it doesn't…you die right along with us so stop flipping your shit over fake things

    • Nibiru, alias Hercolobus, Alias Planet X etc does exist contrary to Kepler's 3 laws that negates it totally and so do pink elephants, Donald Duck and Goofy. yuk yuk yuk yuk yuk.
      What do you say about all this Donald? Reply: kwaks kwaks all kwaks.

  338. Ok idiots writing these articles I thought it was going to hit on the 21st of July make ur mind up stop scaring people and get a life

    • If they have advertisment on the site they can make loads of money on the site because of morons keep clicking on the article

    • Bunkers won't save you if the whole planet were to be destroyed
      I'm not saying it's true but that would be the fact if were to be true

  339. Ok everyone…it seems like there are hard times ahead. Im not a person that only wants to hear r see the dark side of life. So if you wanna laugh and feel some joy through all this end of the world stuff. watch this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82_vFcl5zpo&fe… If your feeling suicidal or whatever watch this video. 100 percent you will be laughing. Truth is if Nibiru comes itll come. If not the government has there own nasty agenda so…why cry about it..lets laugh. Enjoy. Stay positive and keep away the negative. God bless everyone

    • Oh Rhys….am i…All I can say to that is it takes one to know one. I still dont see why Im a moron "in the highest degree" I guess you get your kicks by trying to start trouble….or talking sh*t. Its so easy to talk sh*t over the internet isnt it. I wonder if you would call me a moron to my face…I dont beleave you would. You are some uneducated,maybe spoiled…or perhaps you have no mother and father and are looking to vent…who knows and in the end who cares. Its people like you that make Nibiru worth seeing. lol.

  340. hey look at me im Merlin777 and i like to use youtube as sources and convince the minds of young children that a fake planet is heading our way………….i mean for real this guy is ticking me off…………THERES NO PLANET OR ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IF ANYONE WITH A BRAIN CAN FIND A ACTUAL SOURCE BESIDES YOUTUBE OR PHOTO SHOP PHOTOS OR SAYING TAKE A PIC OF THE SUN I WILL LISTEN BUT YOU KNOW WHAT NO ONE CAN CAUSE THEY DO THIS FOR FUN TO SCARE LITTLE KIDS AND THE PEOPLE WHO BELIEVE ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  342. I don't why these people want to die like this. If they want to die so hang your self at that date. Ok stop this. And let me focus on playing black ops 2 .

  343. I don't know why these people want to die like this. If they want to die so hang your self at that date. Ok stop this. And let me focus on playing black ops 2 .

  344. I will surely send New Year Greetings on 01-01-2013 to many people.
    And all those to whom greetings are sent will reciprocate also.
    What does this mean?
    Best wishes now iteslf.
    Ranganatha Rao

  345. You R so right! If all would just read there Bibles there would be no questions and all the answers are there.
    Why does the mind want to twist all this into fear! Because there is good and evil in this world. I choose to be @ peace with what I have peace in. god!

  346. I can give two good reasons why this is fail:
    1.It's the day after my birthday
    2.All this "Proof" is just photoshop crap

  347. look at how many sinkholes and fishers are opening up all over the world people are reporting strange noises from the earth. Magnetic north has been shifting at a rate of 42 feet a week for a long time now! bees are missing, birds and mammals are dying in large packs, the poles are shifting and ice is rapidly melting, strong earthquakes happen every time there has been an alignment with this planet; who by the way is carrying several other smaller planets in its tail …the earth has had a lot of issues in the last decade since this red dwarf entered our system, they say its 5 times bigger and come between us and Venus.

  348. Thanks to the haters 😉 God i love the hate by merlin 777 is stupid. Even if i did have info which i do why would i share it with the likes of you. Lol. I like youtube. Main reason I love it is the goverment doesnt. Lol you bunch of nuts I never said it was gonna hit anyway. I said i beleave it. There is a diffrence haters.And im showing you boys and girls good stuff. So if you dont like like what I say then just click that down finger you daranged idiotic pu**y a** when this thing does hit gonna be crying to your momma b*tch a** f*ck nuts. You think your comments bother me. I said it again its people like you that make nibiru worth seeing. Now go cry to mama.

    • does this comment bother you…………………..or does this bother you………………..i dont see no planet yet…………i wont see it anyway………..maybe that guy was haven a bad day and decided on a random soul to take his anger out on………..who knows but i still dont believe in a fake planet…….people cant stop you from believing in wacky theories so have fun and God bless or whatever you say these days…………and are you one of those people who is 40 and live in there moms basement

  349. I dont belive this… Huge size planet like nibiru colliding our earth is not possible.. If it is possible means then we can see that planet with our nacked eye in beginning of 2011 itself… I requested to those strangers that please dont post these kind of fake news in internet.

    • Heartiest congratulations and best wises if you are THE Usain Bolt.send friend request to Tom Coen Galway,Ireland on facebook to see some interesting and unusual photos.
      tom Coen.

  350. Please stfu, the world is not going to end this December (November? wtf!) people make up things on the internet to scare people and have no evidence what so ever!! Check nasa.gov. They will tell you nothing is going to happen this year. Nibiru does not exist because astronomers and scientists around the world would have seen the effects of it years and years ago and if it were hitting us, it would be the brightst object in the sky. (Venus is the brightest object in the night sky) No planetary allignments until 2040 and they have no tidal effects on the earth. The only 2 objects that have gravity on the earth is the sun and the moon! also, the poles wont shift and EVEN if they did, it takes thousands of years for the process. The mayan calender doesent even end. Its just the end of a long count of many many more to come. This has gone way too far! This is not funny anymore. You people need to stop scaring everybody. Do you realize people have killed themselves because of this?? Enjoy your Christmas 2012 and have a great 2013. God Bless!

    • you do know that the government will censor all info of a global disaster, right? Going to nasa.gov will not give you any real answers.

    • Im sorry to disrupt your theory but Niburu is real will it colide with earth no but on this December we will see this planet pass through out solar system just like our ancesters have seen this as well and from December 21-24 we will see a great star upon us for 3 days and 3 nights.

  351. It will not end that way.maybe. If it happens , It just does. Nobody can change fate, I do not believe it will happen, but for now I'll count my blessings, enjoy the world and cherish what we have. We should live everyday as if the world was ending tommorow. What about the Andromeda Galaxy, I heard theorys that it might collide with our galaxy, In that case where doomed, But these are only theory's. If they are true, regardless if they are correct or wrong, we should just move on with our lifes, don't let your fears get in the way of living life. Just a thought.

  352. Niburo does exist, I heard of it when I was a child, It kinda became one of my favorite planets, it sounded cool, all the oceans, with frozen ice. They believed their might have been life forms living in the oceans.

  353. Didn,t you state that the planets would collide on July 21st 2012. Must admit, my Daughters wedding on that day was certainly something to remember, and not the end of the world.

  354. November 21, 2012…..December 21, 2012 NOT TRUE …..nobody knows when the world it's going to end.But some religous cult they believe this year is the end of time…hello people how many of you was fooled last millenium bug end of the world ….this is not true…..yes since 1981 they discover the planet x which is approaching the earth now adays …Enjoy the life dont believe on those stupid things…..

    • No, in 1983 an overzealous, astronomically ignorant media reported something an astronomer theorized about as a fact when it was just pure speculation. It turned out to be a new type of galaxy far, far away.
      You people need to start looking into these claims a little deeper and get both sides of the argument before rushing to such conclusions. As we know it, Nibiru is not "real." It's never been seen and neither has the supposed binary companion to our sun. Our Solar System being so incredibly stable compared to the rest of the universe is another nail in "Nibiru's" coffin.

  355. Why is it people are always on one extreme of the other? No, the government and nasa are NOT trustworthy in the slightest. Their assurances mean nothing. At the same time, internet scholars and prophets are also extremely untrustworthy. The entire human species is either stupid, shady or completely wackadoo! As a collective, of course.

    • Chu, how can you explain the destroyer? You seem to be pretty sure of yourself. You said there is no evidence but there has been a historical evidence of disasters caused by something that comes into close contact with earth. Many writings from millennia ago read of such disasters. Just wondering how you would explain them. Were they fear mongers back 2 and 3 thousand years ago?

    • Chu, how can you explain the destroyer? You seem to be pretty sure of yourself. You said there is no evidence but there has been historical evidence of disasters caused by something that comes into close contact with earth. Many writings from millennia ago read of such disasters. Just wondering how you would explain them. Were they fear mongers back 2 and 3 thousand years ago?

  356. And I'm sorry to disrupt your delusion but no, Nibiru is NOT real and you're all full of it. Not one shred of evidence has been presented. And if you point to Earthquakes you'll be laughed out of the room and instantly lose all credibility because gravitational influences don't cause Earthquakes, they effect tides and weather, but that's it. And the only influential bodies in our system are the sun and the moon.
    We've heard this before. It's bunk. And not because "nasa said so" as your equally delusional counterparts would argue…but because there's NO WAY we could miss this thing coming in if it is as it's been described by the Nibiru faithful. If we can see Neptune and Pluto…then we could see Nibiru. And amateur astronomers the world over rush to put their names on new discoveries, they scour the skies every night obsessively looking for new objects. You couldn't cover this up, not even with the most 1984-esque big brother government imaginable. And that's another thing, 1984 didn't come true. Brave new World did. We're FLOODED with information to the point we don't know what's real and what's not.
    In 2020 we'll still be hearing about how this thing is coming in a few months. Any day now…it's becoming a collective troll job. I'm starting to think a lot of you are channers.

  357. Everyone is worried about Nemesis a hypothetical star, Nibiru a hypothetical planet or brown dwarf etc but no one worried about insane humans setting off nuclear explosions at sea causing "natural events" like our now permanent cyclonic system el nino due to the fissures they created that water flows into causing tsunami's and freak weather. No one told you about that one huh? all due to Nibiru huh? Before you look at hallucinations like
    brown dwarfs around our sun take a good look at what people are doing to our earth themselves. All that sea water seeping into fissures caused by nuke tests mmh wonder what happens to that water when it meets the lava, time to twidle da thumbs again and wait for greenpeace to do all the work while we search for nibiru.

  358. This is so ridiculous. First the world was supposed to end in 2003. Then 6/6/06. Then 9/9/09. Last year it was supposed to end in May. Why should anyone believe the world is going to end this year?

    • What was the reason for them to end tho?????? And as for the shift you can't be 100% sure when it will. It make's me laugh really one of you try and figure it out . You're going againt's these people who are trying to help save us you cant just know these things but even ancient egyptions mention this and the bible does to . Some people yes will be trying to scear you but the shift will happen if that's now or years down the line. It may not collide as such but stuff will happen as we are getting effect's os of now :).

  359. God damn. Nibiru is a hoax, a scam and everything fake. If it were real and headed towards earth we would see it aprroaching and it would disturb the outer planets orbits.

  360. Why do you need a lens to see it? how have they manages to make it invisible to the naked eye? you really are a prise plum tom, just so you know, santa, the easter bunny and the tooth fairy are all false too, sorry but that fact

  361. For those who disbelieve the superior proves his power. Might not be a planet collision but could be a natural disaster. Dont dismiss the unknown without credentials to do so.

  362. This is a carbon copy of what Orson Wells pulled that the Marsian's are coming. Panic attack only. Did you notice all the thing's you will need to buy ? Truck, gun's water purifier, Radio, medical supplies, cast iron pans, tent. This may be set up by Romney to fix the economy.

  363. okay at first your site claimed that nasa stated that nibiru would collide with earth on july 21 and now it's november 21st, makes you go hmmmmm ….

  364. This is rubbish. Human being and their lovely home, the planet earth are here and we are not going anywhere. People who are wasting their time on the end of our beloved planet are dreaming and should wake up.
    Long live the Earth long live humans

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  366. If you believe that nibiru is going to collide with earth the why did you sell advertising space on this site , where the heck you gonna spend it if we have all been destroyed

  367. all this is fake, because if nibiru would be coming on nov 12 or dec 12 , media and government would have told the people.

    • you really think that? The rich dont care about you. They are building underground bunkers to go hide in while we all die, but it wont happen till like 2017. This year is just the start of revelations.

    • AHAHAH underground bunkers. I don't know why I'm wasting my time responding to this but you are an idiot. Do you really think an underground bunker can protect you from a mass 17x the size of earth colliding with it? If this were indeed real (which it is now) and it does not collide with the earth but passes close by, the planet would be gone anyway. The reason for the demise would be the gravitational pull of Nibiru would cause the earth to leave it's normal orbit. In addition, the tides would be intense ie. extreme highs/lows and tidal waves. Also, I'm sure anything that large would have collected some debris that trail it. Imagine that meteor shower.

    • Do you know what would happen if the Gov. told the people……everything would STOP. People would want to be with thier families

    • HAHAHA you really believe the governments will tell us lol my friend they will be way down underground before anyone knows what's going on.

    • Hell no they woundn't have because it would caused global caos. They probably won't say a thing until the day it's supposed to happen. I have researched this for two years and everything I have read says the government is keeping this real quiet.

  368. but what about thanksgiving!? it just can't happen the day before thanksgiving! hows a guy to panic on an empty stomach?

  369. I'll be happy when 2012 will end.
    It will be a funny moment to laught at those who believed this apocalyptic crap.
    But how much time then before they will find some other new apocalyptic prophecy? Probably only a few hours.

  370. This was awsome incedent to happen (future)so we want ready to face any probelm life is short days enjoy so long that end of day will see what happen

  371. this is not true, many professinal scientist have proven may not this happen. because , we all know the use of computer website many people are always saying that the earth is going to collide in 12/21/12 but this is just a saying of humans. 12/21/12 is the date where in the mayan calendar ends, means that the mayans only the mayans(central american) will have a new era or generation .not the whole world. mayans never rule the world. REMEMBER MANY PEOPLE ARE MAKING STORY TO MAKE PEOPLE PANIC.

    • Now I don't believe this web site..or this story and the Mayans didn't rule the world.no.but many many groups of people report this planet.1983 an article in Washington posts states scientists spot a space monster a planet three times the size of jupitur. Its so cold it burns at400 degrees farenheight. Its unspottable only under infra red. So seeing it coming will never happen but it indeed does exist. Also watch the airing from the history channel called nemisis the suns evil twin it may help you all learn what your denying to be true
      They have told you. Just none of you are listening. They've been telling you.open your eyes.

  372. Load of rubbish first of all people do this to make money and scare idiots who believe it second of all if its coming in November and its supposed to be much larger than Jupiter wouldn't we have seen it by now? third of all this date and December 21st are a load of rubbish because the Mayan calender ended six years ago and there have been hundreds of predictions that were wrong once these dates pass and we are still alive I will find someone who believes in this crap and will laugh in there faces!! XD

  373. Lol I swear…Ok look Im not saying nibiru is coming or its not. But if it were coming and you beleave the government woud tell the people…..ha……HA……HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA….I cant breath….rotfl. Woooooo sorry. Thats just realy funny to me. Anyway If it hits itll be good. Why cause humans are destroying the planet worse then any natural disaster ever could. If this thing hits it wont be the end of the world anyway. Its just doing some much needed cleaning:) So on that note… Have a blessed day.

    • Dude! 😀 Do you really think government tells every thing ?? LOL!!! Well you need to open your mind and stop relying on government and news better do some research and then reach to some point!! Peace people! Open Your Mind dont be a sheep!!

    • Yes, Nibiru is coming to clean out all the antichrists of the world and will save the hypocritical Christians who don't even get The Bible in the first place.

  374. I have done soooooo much research on this thing. I even found out why some cant see it…but other places in the world claim they can…We are in a solar system…and we the earth are spinning. So if you would want to see it…well youd have to be at the right place at the right time as it were said. But i know its hard to take in. So many theories and sites saying it is gonna happen others saying its not. Hmmmm guess this is the time to make up your own mind. But who cares cause if it does happen theres nothing you can do to stop it. Live life enjoy it. if its time to go then fine if not also fine.Let nothing or noone bring you down.

  375. If its gonna collide with us in three months time it would be huge in the night sky, visible to us around the world with the naked eye by now. I've heard bollox its hiding behind the sun or pluto but lets be honest how long can it hide for if its there and gonna hit us?

    • Sure, the only thing is that when you look towards the sun with your naked eye, what do you see? Your blinded by the light. Just like when someone is shining a flash light at you in the dark, all you see is the light, do you see the guy behind the light? Same premise.

    • if its real, and its coming from up under neath our solar system as the "experts say..the only people that will see it coming are those in the extreme south…Also its moving at 240,000 mph so its passing us will only take 45 minutes. you'll be too busy holding on the earth as it rotates from the shifting poles to care whats in the sky.,

  376. Nibiru is not going to collide with earth, if it was we would have seen it by now because of the size people describe it as. No need to worry, 2012 is a hoax.

  377. At the moment I don't no what to believe. One website said that Neptune( as in the planet, not the God) was Nibiru. It said there wasn't going to be a collision but the " close encounter" was gonna effect the tides and cause mass tsunamis all over the world. WTF??? I live 10 metres from the sea. That sh*t ain't helpful!

  378. Believers and non believers, take a bit of time to ponder the following.
    Our Governments are not going to disclose their findings; it will create mass hysteria and chaos like you have never seen. NASA will never tell, but they do know stuff……
    Just watched a documentary called Nostrodamus 2012. His newly discovered predictions mentions "fire from the sky" “The fish in the oceans will boil”
    Now that can be interpreted as a couple of earth destroying events. The 3 main causes for earth's destruction are Nuclear War…. very possible. The second possibility….. An asteroid from out there and the 3rd is a solar flare.
    We know that the planets are lining up, but the Sun will be rising in the Milky Way and quite honestly I don't think anybody really knows what implications this has on us.
    Nibiru is not mentioned by Nostrodamus, but could it be the Fire in the Sky. Nebiru will not necessary collide with earth, she is 5 times the size of earth according to some experts and she will be traveling at 33 000 km per hour. The gravitational pull from Nebiru will apparently result in a polar switch; North Pole will physically become the South Pole. Now I believe that this is possible and if this happens as per the predictions, we will be entering the next Ice age. According to some experts, this Ice age will remain for 90 000 years and then will return to 10 000 of civilization
    If any of you feel like you would like to do a bit more research, check out the following:
    Nostrodamus 2012 – Documentary. This prophet has predicted so many events we can’t deny. As a matter of interest, he mentions that we will be in denial. Makes one wonder…
    He, like the Maya, also predicts the 21 December as The End
    UFO – The greatest story ever denied 2006. Amazing how nobody in the know and power ever told us about these events.
    Sherry Shriner – The Watcher Files .Some mind blowing stuff. This will scare you or confirm things you are already aware of.
    I am going to live my life, because we have no influence on what will or can happen. We will survive as a human race and our spirits will live forever.

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  380. well if you notice the person that is saying this is nancy leider, a false prophet and has been wrong hundreds of times, and she thinks she gets her info from a telepathic implant by aliens, i believe nibiru is real but i know for a fact it will not literally collide with earth, the book of jeremiah in the bible refers to nibiru as the destroyer that will come against every nation it is also been related to the star wormwood in revalation, so when it will hit we dont know but i believe it will cause the pole shift that is expected this year, if its not real then good for us its better to be safe than sorry.

  381. Nice ad to scare people if any doubt visit NASA rather than making people scary and funny for some of like us………if nibiru is coming the scientists would have alerted…….wats going on……nice fun

    • You are retarded the government will not tell us even if you were best friends with the president he wouldn't be allowed to tell you

  382. Yeah the new planet will collide with the earth, what a pile of crap. Have you forgotten like the other planets in front of it, I mean if earth was in front I would understand, there isn't 12 planets there 9

  383. The big problem with this report is, first, NASA does know it is inbound, they havn't disputed that, however as far as a collision, no one can calculate it's exact trajectory. Second, the reason why I know this is because NASA hasn't refered to it as Nibiru, ever. NASA named planet X only a while ago. They named it Eris. So, if a "NASA Scientist" said that Nibiru is on a collision course with Earth, than you know it's BS. Now, they do have another fear concerning the planet and it's not collision, it's that it may just park it's self close to us in our solar system and become our new neighbor as it was tens of thousands of years ago. Archeologists have been brought in to explain ancient Sumerian text concerning the subject. Man kind should prepare themselves, not for collision and the end of the world, but for a whole new way of life or war. Personaly, I'm going to follow the advise of a Government agent I know and start to read the Bible. Best of luck to everyone.

    • Hey, i just started reading the bible myself few years ago because of everything happening around us i wanted to get knowledge about what religion has to say about it. If u read the bible between the lines and with an open mind and a lot of patience U will get the answers you are seeking. Good luck.

  384. If you get ur mobile phone and take a picture of the sun or video it zoom in a little as the shine is to bright , you will see the planets, depending on ur location. Insted of depending on site's do ur own resurch and make ur own mind up!!!!!!!!

    • where are you located by chance? I'm in the United States and cannot visibly see it. Ive heard in the South you can see it. Thank you

    • If its visible only from the south it would be aslo visible from australia,south africa,south america…but its not there

    • We are in East London in the UK. As I said you can not see it with the naked eye as of yet. A mobile will do the trick there are more than just one planet so try not to get confused with them as it is difficalt to tell them apart at time's but my partner and I have been looking everyday and it seem's to have got closer and brighter we are getting better pictures and recordings everyday I will upload some photo's in due course so I will let everyone know when I do . We could not see it at first but we have been looking for month's now and we have been able to catch some lovely photo's but rather alarming at the same time but we would like to share them. I'm not saying it will happen now it may not but it may and it will happen. It is hard to judge when it will happen but we are getting the effect's of it as we speak. Weather it will be now or a few year's down the line be prepared for the worst as it will save you and your loved ones and if it happen's past our gene ration there will be a better understanding of safe places to go ect…At the end of the day we know the world is going to end so why not know???

  385. Planet X, Nibiru, etc ….true or not, know one thing, the people of Earth are already under threat, and that threat is themselves. Maybe it's time for humanity to look in on itself and see a catastrophe waiting to happen.

  386. Ѕweet blog! I found it while ѕurfing around
    οn Yahoo Νews. Do you haѵe any suggestіons on hoω to get listeԁ
    in Yahoo Nеws? I've been trying for a while but I never seem to get there! Appreciate it

  387. Fragments of a long-disintegrated comet will be observed approaching below Cepheus between the autumn equinox and the winter solstice. Impacts across third week march 2013

  388. sigh, you will be waiting a long, long…. long time for Eris to come anywhere near anything…
    "Currently, Eris is more than three times farther from the Sun than Pluto. It is so cold out there that the dwarf planet’s atmosphere has frozen onto the surface as a frosty glaze. The coating gleams brightly, reflecting as much sunlight as fresh fallen snow. The path Eris takes around the Sun is shaped like an oval rather than a circle. In about 290 years, Eris will move close enough to the Sun to partially thaw. Its icy veneer will melt away revealing a rocky, speckled landscape similar to Pluto’s."
    Kari Reitan
    Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore
    Sorry doomsdayers… keep collecting rice and guns, it's more likely that zombies will be coming to eat your brains before anything else))

    • You are the zombie who never bothered to understand long period comets or hierachies of disintegration. Don't mislead earths children son.

  389. There is no sign yet when i look up to the sky..guess Im safe for another day! One thing Im sure if this is true then Jesus will be here anytime now! God will NOT let his children get suffer!

  390. There is no sign yet when i look up to the sky..guess Im safe for another day! One thing Im sure if this is true then Jesus will be here anytime now! GOD will NOT let his children get suffer!

  391. Watch cepheus, assorted geeksters. These fragment streams have been impacting for 37,000 years, and as yet have failed to end life on earth. Just some more impacts, no doomsday – unless of course you personally are not ready to endure challenging circumstance. Watch below Cepheus

  392. Only God knows the end of time whom ever that is to each of us. If it were actually real all the politicians would be on space ships to Mars or some where. Don't let the media rattle shake you out of your cage.

  393. oThe path Eris takes around the Sun is shaped like an oval rather than a circle. In about 290 years, Eris will move close enough to the Sun to partially thaw. Its icy veneer will melt away revealing a rocky, speckled landscape similar to Pluto’s."

  394. seems good. but may b in faith they hav something in that……………WORLS NEVER ENDS"
    not yet officilaly govt not said about aliens and UFO's they is no official announcment from NASA, but most of peoples they belive Aliens Exist…………so peoles u have to check ur answers okay
    this is
    Scientist Mr Aryan <a href="http://www.7pulse.blogspot.com” target=”_blank”>www.7pulse.blogspot.com

  395. Its either yes or no, for its coming or collide on the date. Before the answer Yes and No came.
    Whether it is coming or not, make sure from now on, do more good deeds, help more others that needs, have more time spending with your families and love one, travel to where you always want to go, do things where you always wish you could done it, plan well on food and storage like you use to do.
    Now the Answer comes:
    If yes, lucky you've done all those mentioned above.
    If No, still the same, lucky you've done all those mentioned above, and wasn't it nice and comfort that you have done it.
    Lastly, do pray more and god bless. As they say, "Focus on current, prepare for future..". There is no need of panic as there weren't any solid proof, even though we all know that we are not alone in this universe. Stay Calm and enjoy your life.
    HDFIN9 dot com

    • Actually, we pass through the orbital path of Nibiru every year in November, since Nibiru is now known as the Astroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter. What happened to Nibiru to cause the planet to break apart? I have no idea, but, it's entirely possible planet Earth will collide with a large enough chunk of Nibiru to cause an ELE.

  396. Thanks , I have recently been searching for information about this subject for ages and yours is the best I have found out till now. However, what in regards to the bottom line? Are you certain concerning the source?|What i don't realize is in reality how you're not actually much more smartly-liked than you might be right now. You're very intelligent.

  397. You are so funny!!! I've become obsessed with your site and I spend most of my work hours reading all your archives. And I signed up JUST to post comments. I wish I had found out about sooner, and I wish you updated as much as you used to! You must be always busy now though because you are so famous!!

  398. there is plenty of facts that prove that nibiru is real for example why is it when you go to google sky and you type in the coordanates and what you see is someone cropped that out the government dont want us to know about it nasa knows thats one fact amung several other facts

    • google sky is an outdated application it is based on the sky years ago therefore nibiru wouldnt be in it, I am a believer and it is sad that millions are letting a beautiful spectical slip right through the sky, enjoy it while we are still breathing on this earth.

    • you are scared to realize that nibiru is real. and your also dumb their are signs of nibiru their are also warnings of nibiru from the anceint times also cities that are under from those civilazations. i think that someone needs to come back to reality

    • You're a liar i'm an amateur astronomer and i'm not intrested in science fiction…Your Nibiru isn't real
      Nibiru is another name for Jupiter I've never done real research…You need to wake up and stop believing tn this nonsense you've no idea how many lives it has destroyed..i watch the sky every day..and there's nothing out of the ordinary You're so dumb..You probably don't believe in this nonsense you're here to scare people
      Oh you failed once it was 21st July you'll again…see you next year dumbass

    • exactly your an amateur astronomer, amateur!!!!!!. your to dumb to realize that nibiru is real, the ancients have warned us with their writings and the carved pictures of a planet hat has wings their trying to tell us hey look out. plus the orbit of neptune is messed up something is interupting it something big and what do you think that is. your the biggest that knows nothing

    • @john i think you haven't finished primary school i feel sorry for you..you know nothing about astronomy,,so please shut up..You're lying people everyone with a half of brain knows it does NOT exist,,,ancient civilizations warned us..wich one?Mayan…sorry they didn't predict the it's just a made up story by stupid people like you ..And the orbit of Neptune isn't messed up..you've heard it somewhere and you're spreading lies.Nibiru has been debunked 936035690 times..smart people already moved on
      Only losers like you still believe in it..see you next year,,dumbass

    • John, this is your controller, please report to the nearest watching station and have your medication upgraded, you are worrying the natives

    • "Wings" were not ancient symbols of danger, they were symbols of speed and mobility, as per the term "planet," or "wandering one." And a shell of hundreds upon hundreds of objects called the Oort Cloud exists beyond Neptune which could collectively cause its orbital to wobble without the need for a large, single mass labelled "Nibiru." Please punctuate and capitalize your sentences.

    • we are paying nasa to keep the secret of nibiru when i can plainly see that it does exist. like all of the under water cities from ancient civilizations.also the south pole telescope that was built their out of the blue and you know why that was placed their, oh i know why to see nibiru coming in from the south

    • The south pole telescope is a radio telescope.and it doesn't belong to NASA. If it was coming from the south it would have been seen with the telescope in Chile

    • It was supposed to collide In August then September so that failed so now they need a new date I guess November sounds good! Ain't gonna happen you dumb ass

    • are you dumb or are you just plain stupid.to me you cant predict when this thing is going to hit earth you cant put a time frame on it do i beleive that nibiru is coming you bet i do. no the world isnt going to end december 21st nibiru will get here when it gets here. if you look at most ancient civilizations have a planet with wings around it. your so dumb the governments of countries inluding the U.S is keeping it a seceret from every body at least trying to until they finally anounce it is real

    • Get a doctor.You need medical help.Let's try again NIBIRU DOES NOT EXIST

    • i think your blind because the facts that nibiru is real is right in front of your eyes your to dumb to see it.

    • I've been searching for the facts since i heard of it probably earlier than you.The facts don't exist
      as well as your intelligence zero evidence zero IQ

    • well your the dumbest astronomer i ever heard of if you really are one. look their trying to scare us by telling this is going to happen on this date. nibiru will get here when it gets here if you was a astronomer you would know that their is a tugging or a pulling on neptunes orbit go ahead mr. astronomer hahaha!! so called astronomer. i think you need to go back to astronomer school and try to learn more because you know nothing.

    • Neptune is exactly where it should be id you have an evidence it's not please present us.I'd love to hear you.I'm more educated than you I know almost everything about astronomy you know nothing yea
      There's no evidence for it and never will.Nibiru has been proven as a hoax so many times with gravity equations,keplers laws etc etc and you can say whatever you want everyone with a half of brain would know you're making it all up

    • Actually, it is real. NASA calls it C/2012 S1 but they know the real truth and are not sharing the facts. They're sharing enough to say we will see a second object soon. Go checkout the 9 YouTube videos at 00skyview channel before they get taken down again. They're a group of astronomers in the US and Brazil that are following this object and their facts are different. This is a planetary system and it's huge. Keep an open mind and don't believe what your corrupt government tells you.

    • And one more thing they closed their account last year because they were ashamed
      Nibiru Shock please they don't even have a telescope

  399. my name is mason jeffery from nottingham england and i gotta say 1st of all those who dont believe in aliens are seriously needing a wake up call, u dont think were the only planet with life on do u? n second nibiru is also the nt7 ateroid we heard about 6 years ago n i tell u now ur a fool not 2 believe it as the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didnt exist

    • so you beleive there are aliens but you dont beleive that nibiru is real.let me tell you something nibiru is real and it is coming and when it does you will be crying for help

    • Aliens are real but Nibiru isn't it is the biggest hoax. and if you still believe in it you're the stupidest person.

  400. haha no way somthing like that would happen on my birthday lol, load of crap. But thats what this site is about. DUH its a joke site lmao
    ok heres the truth its happening on my birthday because i am the holy princess from the holy white moon who has a magical moon crystal with amazing power and will use it to save the earth from diaster ..thats the truth.

  401. haha no way somthing like that would happen on my birthday lol, load of crap. But thats what this site is about. DUH its a joke site lmao

  402. It doesn't have to hit us and I dont' think it will on this passing. Just imagine magnest in a vacuum and our small magnet earth is aligned with the biggest around, which is Sol. Then imagine another magnet comes in between and takes cntrol of the small magnets poles and the poles will shift to match the new bigger magnets polarity. That is plenty bad enough right there and this has happened hundreds if not thousands of times in earths' history

    • Dude, when a volcano erupts, the iron particles in the magma line up with the current magnetic field of the earth. That record is then trapped for scientists to dig up later. "Polar" shifts of this type have indeed occurred many times throughout the history of the planet, and while none have been recorded in human history, the latest one was 780,000 years ago, labeled the Brunhes-Matuyana event. The proper term for these events is "geomagnetic reversal."
      There is, of course, another theory that the tectonic plates of the earth can somehow cause rapid changes in the surface continental alignment, to sink continents like "Atlantis" and "Lemuria." This makes absolutely zero sense, because any force capable of overcoming the inertia of an entire tectonic plate would necessarily rip that plate apart into lots of tiny plates. The existence of large tectonic plates with archaeobiological predictive power disproves the idea of cataclysmic continent swaps.
      I don't know which evidence you were requesting. I hope it was for the latter, in which case you were entirely justified in noting the lack of evidence. You shouldn't try attacking the idea of geomagnetic reversal, though, unless you are yourself prepared to give a better explanation for the volcanic magnetic field records scientists have used to back up said idea. And regardless, there's enough ambiguity and confusion in our science-illiterate nation to that it is always best to take the time to give an explanation instead of continuously parroting the quintessential "Show me the evidence!?!"

  403. Pingback: Romney the Mormon
  404. The only thing I am curious about is what the morons who believe this crap will say on the 22nd November – when nothing has happened.
    I suspect they'll shrug their shoulders and move on to the next idiocy.

    • No, when it doesn't happen in November (and it won't), they will just move the time table up some more. Remember, it was supposed to have happened in 2003.

    • Nemesis has nothing to do with Nibiru.Nibiru is a made up story by Nancy Lieder and Zechariah Sitchin and this idiot John.

  405. The waxing obsession with Nibiru, which conspiracy theorists say is a planet swinging in from the outskirts of our solar system that is going to crash into Earth and wipe out humanity in 2012.

  406. i have been reading some of these comments on this site some of you beleive in nibiru some of you dont. i dont know if nibiru/planet x is real but for those of you who dont you cant say its not possible because it is possible that nibiru/planet x what ever you want to call it will come through our solar system. One thing that makes me wonder is most solar systems have to suns which is binary suns that orbit.

    • That's ridiculous we're not in a binary system there's no evidence for it.Nibiru is a made up story by Zecharia Sitchin and Nancy Lieder.

  407. what a load of crap-if it was that close that it was going to collide with the earth at the end of this year and the size of jupiter it would now be easy seen with the naked eye.-wake up people and think…

  408. If its only a month away how is it not visible in the night sky already. Nor has none of the millions of amateur astronomers seen it yet?

  409. Awful lot of talk bout belief. When did facts on either side of the issue become beleif? None the less. Every one needs to awaken. Bunch of crazy loons running the show here on earth. We need to say enuff is enuff already. For those who have not been GMO'd,Floridated, chemtrailed or Bioengineered to the point of complete stupity and suspended dis belief that is.

  410. Just saying, it seems like most of, if not all, of the articles on this site are completely fake. World ending on the 21st of October? Come on that was several days ago! A rogue planet that does not have a set orbit? Hah, how old are the people writing the rubbish on here? If anyone has half a brain it would be obvious it is rubbish. Look at how BADLY edited the images are! I could do a better job using PAINT. To start with, Pluto is now counted as a DWARF PLANET which means it should not be counted on that list of planets. If you put Pluto on there, what about the other Dwarf Planets? So what Luna is there, there are more than one. It is an out-dated image and a lie, to put it bluntly. I just don't think people can listen to lies. Y2K, you remember that? How about last year? It didn't happen then. It won't now.

  411. Hahahahaha go look on youtube, Europe's government has already been informed! To top that the reason its not visible at the moment to us is because it is currently only visible to people in the antartic, before you decide to write something that you obviously know nothing about please be sure to do your research! Also west coast, east coast, and south coast people in the military have already been briefed to get ready to lose their loved ones and to try their best to get them out without letting the population know. Survival of the fittest and our government wants you dead, thank god I'm in the Navy and on the other side of the world! 😛 Have fun with the big ass tsunami, I truly do hope this happens. I truly hate ignorant people that have a hard time looking at the facts and believing. Haha exactly as Nostradamus has predicted, oh and he did predict that Y2K would be a fake as well! Like I said do your research before you decide to put something up that truly shows your ignorance on the facts and proof!

    • Yeah, um, just sayin', but anything that can be seen from Antarctica can be seen from the entire Southern Hemisphere.
      You can do the math, but in order for something to be visible from the surface of a sphere only in an area as restricted as that of Antarctica, the object would have to be well under one diameter of relative distance from the surface of said sphere, meaning that it would have to be far closer than the Moon. Anything that close to the surface of the planet would have already crashed, so we can assume that if Nibiru is really visible in Antarctica, it's visible in Australia, Argentina, South Africa, and the southern areas of Brazil, such as Rio de Janiero.
      Since our Southern neighbors are NOT the ones alerting us of our impending doom, and since most Nibiru conspiracies originate in the U.S., I think it's safe to say that Nibiru is NOT "visible only in Antarctica," and therefore, even if Nibiru exists, your post is invalid.
      P.S. I'm not going to suggest that you go do some research, or call you ignorant.
      P.P.S. Jesus predicted that there would be false prophets, but neither he, nor Nostradamus, is particularly relevant to the conversation.
      P.P.P.S. (You misspelled "Antartic.")
      P.P.P.P.S. If you are really in the Navy, then your purported complete lack of compassion for other people is a poor reflection of military values.
      P.P.P.P.P.S. Yes, it is correct English to just keep adding P's as you add more post-scripts. It is rather unorthodox, of course, to use five, and most written letters would have only used one such post-script, if any, as a matter of style; it is not incorrect, however, so you can consider it a badge of honor that your post required five such additions and extensions to its correction.

    • Um, anything that would be visible from Antarctica would be visible from Australia, unless the earth's curvature were in the way (in which case, the object would either be closer than the moon, or visible from the Equator and Northern hemispheres). The object isn't "currently only visible to people in the antartic;" because all of Australia would see it plain as day, if it were there. Like you said, "do your research before you decide to put something up that truly shows your ignorance on the facts and proof."

  412. It is not sure whether world will end or not but it is sure that every one has to die 2 moths later or years later, to become immortal one have to serve to human kind, so live happily and other too.

  413. I need to fap everyday before the end and have animal sex with all of my pets. if anyone would like to join me in my last few minutes please cum. 😉 like literly cum.

  414. Qu'est-ce que c'est? Je ne comprends pas un mot que vous dites, parce que vous avez la capacité linguistique d'une chèvre.

  415. Um, why do you have to blame another planet for our problems? Isn't the internal dynamo theory complicated enough without having to believe in orbits that are just perfect enough to have cataclysmic gravitational and magnetic interactions without long-term orbital manipulation? I'm trying to point out that any planet that came big enough and close enough to mess with our planet-sized magnets would be able in turn to mess with our orbits and send the earth crashing toward the sun, or out of the System. At the very least, it would knock the moon around.
    In other words, you make no sense.

  416. dude, it's a shift in magnetism, not continents. let me explain:
    force=mass x acceleration
    (big f***ing mass of all seven continents) x (massive acceleration) = more force than your mom
    everybody calm down, the world's not gonna end.

  417. Everything is clearly mentioned in Bible
    Believe in jesus accept him , then u will be saved
    if it doesn't happen , Good all are in safe position
    If something happens .. then think what is u r position

  418. It's now 29/10/2012 and this planet is supposed to hit us on the 21/12, less than 2 months away. if it really exists then we'd see it by now. There'll be a lot of red faces on 22/12!

  419. well its whatever. all of it. ima just go through up tha christmas tree since snow is on its way from this hudge storm now and light a candle drink a toast an just say cheers an to all a goodnight lmao wht is goien on sumthn is stirring dead black birds crazy weather people eating people n not to mention this weird election an tha list gos on..yea safe to say somethns deff goien on..end of the world?? dono maby we should talk to god an figure out what hes tryen to say.ohh but wait he already did pretty clearly look it up~

  420. Just look up some of the thingson Nibiru, it may or may not be real but what I think is that the planet they say they found that's made of nothing but diamonds is nibiru,planet x ,nemesis. Whatever u want to call it.

    • Dr Harrington was looking for planet x to explain the orbit of Uranus and if it was real its orbit wouldn't be anywhere near us–so it would be a planet.
      Nemesis is a hypothetical star in the Kuiper Belt
      Nibiru is a made up story by Nancy Lieder and Zechariah Sitchin.

  421. what an utter and complete load you nut jobs need to do more research on your conspiracy theories and if you simply google nibiru there are a Mass of genuine websites explaining why this so called planet killer doesn't exist its complete bull I mean if a planet that size enters our solar system it would affect the planet's closest to it like Jupiter… do the research before you spout your dooms day bollocks

  422. do not believe nor disbelieve it. It would not hurt to see why this person believes that. It is alot of truth to this my friend just have to open your mind and start from stratch. Niburu has alot to do with our natural disaters. everytime our earth aligns with the sun,moon and this star it causes a wave in which causes the shakes on our surface.

    • ok i have something to say here for one i highly doubt that earth will colide with the FARTHEST planet away from it when luna is closer if we where to hit anything i think it iwll be luna not this other planet

  423. I think there is a planet out there (Planet X, Nibiru, or Nemesis), but what is the chance that it will just SKIP Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars? Seriously, people. Come on.

    • If it is true, the mentioned "Planet" should come from the "above", on "top" of the eleptic where most of the planets orbitates; Anyways, I don´t trust the actual astronomy and celestial mechanics which presents too many flaws…. I mean, how HUBBLE can take a picture from 200 Million Light Years and send us only "fuzzy" images from our MOON, VENUS and MARS?….. get serious !

  424. Anyone who believes the Nibiru colliding should get their head examined. Nibiru doesn't exist. Also, why do people think this place is a very credible news site…It's not.

  425. There must be some reason for the one month earlier predictions for these in this site, in comparison to those others outside. Earlier sale of the inclusive emergeny materials?

    • really dumbass, its not a theory anymore, you can see it for your self now, its bright and its blue, jsut look up at night you will see it, and everynight its getting closer, for a week now i have saw it everynight. dont be stupid, all you got to do is look up

  426. I hope this is a hoax but I do not know how come it is very rare incident that astroid strike the earth! is that there are very few objects in space? But other planets even moon gets so many strike.

  427. All of a sudden Dish Earth stops brodcasting! Why??? Because they dont want us to see what is heading our way??? Get ready for the REAL BIG BANG!!!

  428. it's come around every 3600 years, and hopefully will pass, but what follows is the massive shower of rock once killing the dinosaurs, n wiping the earth clean. man will survive but for how many we dont now, if it's real we won't know until it's to late

  429. nothing may happen, as this theory doesn't get the support of scientists…….be unperturbed… continue to do your work undisturbed……be pragmatic….no scaring…….if something is destined to happen, no one shall stop or thwart it…..this moment is ours, so hopeful of next moment………..

  430. id like to point out the moon is smaller than earth and you can see it quite clearly you expect me to beleive a planet like object bigger thn earth is going to hit this month and i cant see it? ridiculus and if it wer ther is nothing tht could be done to stop it

  431. That light in the sky is bigger than I've seen it today – SUPER DUPER HUGE – like to see it larger, and it wipe out all communications for a week – THAT would be cool.

  432. In the bible it says that before the end of the world before Jesus come bback 2/3 of the earth will be destroyed. When that is to happen noone knows but he gave us signs. Look around people the end is near. Why not just repent of sin and get right befo
    re hand.

    • No
      This Nibiru thing will not happen. Look into the sky dude, if Nibiru was gonna collide with us, you and I would have been able to see since August.
      No this is not God's judgment on Humanity. He has something more merciful in mind.

  433. OK i am from Ireland, 1st of all i believe in anything and nothing is impossible. I.E. THERE COULD BE TALKING BIDS ON ANOTHER PLANET IN ANOTHER GALAXY WHY NOT? people need to flick the dust off there heads and use there ANCIENT SCENCE as in the one the media and the governments of this world STEVEN SPEILBERG STYLE way stole from you to control and keep the world moving , , u think all the oil bein drained is for nothing all the abondednt oil wells in texas its for FUEL for the LUCKY FEW SELECTED PEOPLE GOIN INTO ORBIT BEFORE NIBIRU CAUSES SERIOUS DESTRUCTIVE CHANGES TO OUR BEAUTIFUL PLANET ….this is happening this is dont be fooled there alwys a few non believers ALL THE BIBLE , NASTRADMUS, MAYANS , SUMERIANS ALL HUNDREDS OF YEARS OLD SAID THIS IS HAPPENING SOON MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS AND FREINDS ENJOY THE NEXT FEW WEEKS AND HAVE A GOOD CHRISTMAS

  434. This is all is fake! The day of jugdment wil never come before the appearence of two moons,rising of sun from west,arival of hazrat Imam mehndi R.A,hazrat Eesa A.S and the devil dajal!! Non-believers such as jews,christains,hindus etc wil never acept it but this wil hapen one day,so earth is not coming to an end yet,may be something scary is going to happen in 2012 but it is not the end of world,we should pray to Allah for our sins and should believe in HIS oneness!

  435. well no one really knows about the end of the world ..but according to some holy books? its true,but no one knows the exact date or time..but something is going to happen sO get reading..well i'm personally very excited about that 😀

  436. If 2012 fails, like 2000 and 2008, is there anyone found to see a fourth prediction as anything more than a lame excuse for the death of our precious planet? I swear that it will pass. Impacts are rare. The governments must be keeping secrets of all sorts, but I can swear on the claim that there is no collision course with another planet. Please don't do re-predict any time soon, not to you directly, just anyone who believes in Niribu and the end of the world. Cling on to life! Whatever we busy our time with, whatever we occupy our lives with, it probably will be worth much more than your claims, whether true or not. You cannot tell us that the world itself might be gone overnight, not even if it will happen!
    Imagine someone says the world will end; no one believes him. Although, he speaks the truth (assuming that he does), no one will believe him. Hence the people won't realise the truth until they're all dead, so it doesn't matter who's who, cos they're all dead. Now Imagine a man says this is not the end; no one believes him. Consider: if he's false, then it wouldn't matter cos, the argument doesn't mean much cos everyone will die anyway remember? But if he is true, then the other side, the believers of 2012, will be proved wrong by everyone else after the predicted date/dates, still alive, unlike the previous scenario where no one's alive anyway. So in this case, they will be shamed and laughed upon. Why not be on the safe side? Are you really so convinced that you've ruled out any possibility of life itself? If 2012 fails, or Niribu is confirmed false, or at least not on a collision course, how will you feel? There may be a Niribu but you'll still be alive, so your in-corrections will matter. I won't lie John, I will feel sorry for you. And if you change your mind about 2012 then even if you were wrong to do so – and that would be my mistake – it would not matter because everyone will die with the end of the world, and no one will feel sorry for any one anyway, and nothing, including this conversation, will be of any worth any more (that is, if it does happen). Don't let the world prove you wrong if there is a possibility you are. Even though many will carry on believing that our planet is in protection, it shouldn't matter to them if what you claim will come to pass – because they will be dead remember?
    Is it really worth spending your precious time warning us that that precious time will end one day, calling the lovers of life and of earth dumb?? How strange. It's not my wish to force people to believe 2012 won't happen; I don't wish to cause offence to anyone. (I can see you've been bombarded with negative feedback already but they are mainly trying to piss you off john they are immature you know that) I want to respect your view, but I also can't hold back from telling you what I am sure will benefit you and loads others one day. You don't have to consider what I've said; after all, I'm only human! Your choice.

  437. Nibiru is the name of Iran's first Nuke and it will hit Washington,DC.. The Senate and the Congress should leave town NOW, and take the prez with you…Libia is a good place for you…

  438. Im on the east coast of Australia would we have tsunamis? Can u tell me as much as u know please because I do believe something is happening, my family hasnt even realised how iur local weather has changed and still dont when I point it out they just stare and think and say it hasnt really not knowung wat to say like they cant remember or something its strange

    • By November 14th, nothing can come from invisibility to visibility. We see stars hundreds of thousands of lightyears away. Unless it is moving faster than the speed of light, this is inaccurate. By the way, don't let your imagination take that moving faster than the speed of light and form a foundation beneath a new theory. It won't happen.

  439. nibiru is absolute garbage! If a celestial object of the supposed size of 'nibiru' was anywhere close we would all be able to see it!I don't discredit is exists but for it to come anywhere near Earth is total garbage!

  440. Go on YouTube look up two suns sunrise it clearly shows something rising before the sun.if you can't tell me what it is.with definite proof.then stfu.something is going to happen.

  441. it's real.
    nibiru showed up at the great Noah's flud,
    at the 10 plages (egyptians said it was not the hebrews God, the cause of the plages was the 2nd sun=nibiru)
    exactly the same period lenght id dec 21, 2012.
    be ready and be a solution and not a pain on problem.

  442. Well if nibiru is or was a hoax then why is it in the bible the book of revelation ,you all have your heads stuck in the sand and you will be the first to sh-t them self!

  443. Maybe a large comet or asteroid. Anything too massive would have perturbed the orbits of everything in the solar system the last time around and we wouldn't be here. If NASA and the government were honest we could just trust them but after they've hidden all the good photos (see Mars anomalies ) and lied to us (see GMO's, fluoride, vaccines and eugenics ) one things for sure … We've got enough problems down here!

  444. I believe it. And I vow to be part of the solution. The world won't end. There will be great upheaval, but there will also be ample opportunity to serve your neighbor. Time to do good! Then, after the troubles, comes the good times. We will re-build and create beautiful cities and live by the Constitution and be free to live consciously, without lies. We will have amazing sciences come forth. Yes, there are troubles ahead, but they will be short, fierce, but short. Pray and live.

    • I will give a million dollars to every person on earth if this actually happens!!! 210 million to the first person who contacts me after it happens, so that would be nov 22

  445. guys! Calm ur tits already… Sure, if something like this is in the bible then its most likely going to happen.. But theres a chance it wont happen, so whats the use worrying about it? If it happens it happens, we honestly cant do anything about it.. So, we'll just have to wait until the 21st of Nov and if nothing happens, y'all apocalyptic junkies need to pull ur head out of the sand and get real

  446. Never mind.I really think a little exercise would do you good.Keep your temper under control.If you would only try, you could do it.That's a good idea.I am too tired to speakIt is not so easy as you think.It doesn't make any sense to get up so earlyHow much does it cost? The editor over looked a print error.

  447. So… let me get this straight. A planet… that is way larger than the moon… and way larger than the Earth…. is going to collide with us, in 4 days… but we can't see it yet. It must now be closer to us, than say… Mars. Or Venus…. which we can see with the naked eye at night… but we can't see this one yet.
    It must have some sort of Klingon cloaking device.
    This is really going to mess up my Thanksgiving.

  448. every listen it is a known fact that most ufo can in fact cloak themselves, and they do range in sieze to plant and bigger also remember we are intering the age of aquaris we will be experienceing new levels of awearness and it dont matter if idt dosnt biblically state these facts .they are in fact apon us all so everyone wake up and ride these winds of changs with a open mind and you may find new levels of awearness love and light to you all.

  449. The object of topic was never going to hit us. The most logical explanation for all this talk was the fact that something big was passing through our solar system at a high rate of speed and possibly shared a certain course or path. As for the earthly events, its nothing new. Shyt happens. The world is changing, and many with parish during these times. The Mayans predicted alot of things that have been misconcepted through mainstream media and ones self infatuation with the supposed end of the world. The Mayans at no point predicted the end of the world. They simply implied that it would be the strychnine of a new age, a second son, nabiru being that second son and the worldly events such as earthquakes and flooding and tsunami shyt. That all takes place with the most miniscule imbalances in magnetic shifts as planets come close together, or when planets line up. Example being when the big earthquakes happened some months ago, that took place as Mars Venus the moon and sun had triangulated with each other. In, conclusion to this reply, things pass by earth more often than not, and big things too. Huge objects pass through our solar system all the time. Many times there has been talk about objects hitting the earthand nothing has happened yet. Besides, if it was to happen, sitting here talking about it ain't going to make it go away. Get out and enjoy life while you all have it. And remember, its not nabiru that's going to get us its the aliens. Peace.

  450. Whats funny is after November 21st is over it will switch it to anothet 21st date like december…just like it did after it didnt hit us September 21st. Whatever eventually people will realize this is a tabloid and will also realize this shyt doesn't exist. Oh well happy 2013 everyone!

  451. i totally agree with you. Ive been watching the skies for 2 years and still have`nt found Nirbiru ,plenty of UFO`s but no new planets! I dont think we`ll be impacted either but i do think something is going to happen e.g Pole-shift very near in the future!!!

  452. This story was all created by that crazy Nancy Lieder woman who believed she was visited by aliens and that they planted a communication device into her head!
    Do people actually listen to someone like that and think that what she has to say is going to be anything but complete nonsense?
    Personally I think she should be locked into a little padded room to stop her from hurting herself!

  453. so you're telling me that a planet that should be clearly visible in the sky right now, should have had gravitational effects on other planets, should have caused panic if it was real and is much larger than us is going to hit earth in only 3 days? yeah…you might wanna get an intervention

  454. if the worlds going to end by the planet nibiru, it should all the other planets before us like jupitar… but jupitar would take nibiru out…

  455. Yes! Nibiru MUST be causing the increase in natural disasters! And don't you mind the increase in solar activity, global warming, environmental control technology or any other CRAZY theories like these. Just know… Nibiru.
    You want proof?!? Aliens man!

  456. Well, it's the 20th november today. They will change the datev in a few days, just like they did in july, because 'the planet Nibiru' didn't crashed into us.

  457. I am bending down now and putting head between legs. One kiss then it's goodbye. Then again I might post something else tomorrow 21st November.
    Roll on December 21st then we can look out for the end of the world – right? (And I have bought all my Christmas presents – what a waste. Wonder if I could get a refund)

  458. meh,.. i was going to do the lottery.. i'd probably win it too.. but in all the chaos and fire and earthquakes i'd never be able to collect.. i'm going back to bed.. wake me when it's all over!..

  459. Just seen this doom gloom prediction. Every time people supposedly quote a NASA scientist who predicts these things , must be the same NASA scientist. This scientist should really stop talking because his/her predictions are a crock outright lies. Even back when they first predicted nibru colliding with earth , don't you think the planet would of been visible even a little if it was approaching earth in a few months. I wonder how many people killed themselves so as to not live to see this happen. Tsk tsk

  460. Wow julie someone brain washed you really good. Anyways my father wich has been working for the air force space devision at vandenberg afb launching ballistic missle test 3 times a year for 30 years and is a vet, has tol

    • I'm glad it isn't you working on the missiles. Here is why.
      It is which, not wich
      Air Force, not air force
      Julie, not julie
      division, not devision
      Vandenberg AFB, not vandenberg afb
      missile, not missile.

    • I think this is the mind game bloody Americans and Chinese are playing with world public to encash the situations

  461. I Think the gossips about the planet Nibiru are just a simple misunderstanding. Why those stupid people write this ridiculous nonsense about crashing Nibiru with Earth if they really don't know about this planet, a situation in our Solar System and didn't find out at the NASA news and other sources? For the first few seconds as I read this article I thought that was a stupid joke but later I Became frightened like a stupid chicken for a whole week and a half :/ Today 21st November this year I can only say to all, who have believed in this theory about planet collision that there will be no Earth and Nibiru collision, because the planet Nibiru does not exist really and this article is turned out to be a weird and stupid fairytale written by morons for morons :/

  462. 21.11.2012 has come and is about to go into past. we are all as safe as we were on this earth. Then what to call all the uploads in the web sites involving governments, scientific community, religions. Simply because one has the skills to generate an animation or some common knowledge about the celestial bodies, can he upload anything of his artistic imagination in the internet ? Are no checks and controls required ? The amusement of a few causes severe damage to science since the uploads seem to be so realistic and scientific. Gross misuse of scientific knowledge.

    • Today 21/11, exactly a month away from collision with Niburu and I still can't see it. I think by now everyone on Earth would have seen it and felt it's effects. It's a hoax (and a money making scam) and it's not going to happen. Niburu only exists in the minds of the gullible.
      What will you be posting here on 22/12 I wonder?
      Happy New Year 2013

  463. it's Nov 21. (4:20 pm) here. and……..WTF! Liers!
    It's a good thing that I don't believe in this "Earth collides with Planet X Nov. 21"
    I've just been chillin' on my day off, It's nice outside. working on repairing the house. Just enjoying my normal day. 😀
    Haven't felt or heard about earthquakes or anything on the news.

  464. If you all believe in the Lord, you would have already known that the world was not going to end today, nor will it end in December either. None shall know the day or the hour….

  465. My head is not in the sand. Today 21/11, exactly a month away from collision with Niburu and I still can't see it. I think by now everyone on Earth would have seen it and felt it's effects. It's a hoax (and a money making scam) and it's not going to happen. Niburu only exists in the minds of the gullible.

  466. Hey, I just read this article and I do believe in
    This planet… Scientist can't calculate when it will come because those on the planet controls when it wants to like the world can now control weather.. They're of a high advance race of people, but just for thought I did research today because I had a dream about this, I didn't know what planet nibiru was but In my dream there appeared a new red planet.. Normally when I have dreams this vivid they come true… You guys
    will find out one day

    • Highly advanced or not, colliding with the Earth would, if not destroy, then seriously hurt their planet as well. Or are you going to explain to us lowly humans how this wouldn't hurt them. Also, did they use their magic manipulation powers to keep us thinking the world didn't end? Or was their GPS off and they missed?

  467. Most people look for these 'apocalyptic' stuff for their own amusement. Just to prove that it won't happen. Why not just stop commenting on the bozo's information? Ranting that it isn't going to happen and feeding into the lies, really doesn't help the cause. If you truly don't like the situation, don't comment. These are bogus/trolled filled misinformation posts that will never give you an accomplishment.
    Just for some people that doesn't know this.. This site is usually just a bogus 'News' for the entertainment of the poster (depending on credential levels on it's normal viewers). Why should you care if someone dies because of these types of people post crap? Just another face that fades within 'BILLIONS' of people.
    "YOU" are the entertainment and the poster is laughing at YOU because you believed. Laugh at yourself now, because he won and you lost.

  468. I laugh at the stupidity of some, I feel bad for those who believe this. I understand who would, like children and others with anxiety. This is the LAST thing they need. A word to all, none should worry about life. As it is what brings you here today. Life is not for worry, it is for what you have now, and what your purpose is. Those who predict the end are scared for their own lives. They can't find purpose, or success. So don't worry, humanity. Live long and prosper.

    • Please don't lump all us anxious people together. I have a diagnosed anxiety disorder and I am not silly enough to believe this.

  469. So… Why am i not dead? Well. I'll tell u shall i. Your all a bunch of morons that stupidly believe everything u read. Now that nothing has happened i strongly suggest u GET A LIFE!!!

  470. This is fake : /…… i mean come on dis is notz truez the end of the earth is like in 7,000,000 years! COME ON AND BTW NIBIRU IS NOT A PLANET -.- AND ITS NOT DOOMSDAY YESH GET A LIFE -.- -.- -.-

  471. It's Jupiter, not jupitar. Dumbass. You are right that Jupiter would consume nibiru though, but what if Jupiter is on the other end of the solar system when nibiru supposedly comes through? It isn't like a celestial body has to pass by every planet on the way here.

    • You are one to talk about rules or speech? "verry" should be a) capitalized, as it is the beginning of the sentence, and b) it should be "very" with only one R. And "grammer" should be grammar. Don't even get me started on "planit" and "atmisphere" from your other post.

  472. not quite right if the planit was the same colour as our atmisphere you wood not see it the north american indians talk of the blue star karchena and the red star of the same name

  473. Haha this is so funny. If nibiru existed then we would be able to see it by now in the sky. It would in fact be bigger than we see the sun since it is now less then a month away. All of you are bible bashers who need to get some fresh air and not ram a book up your ass every night.

  474. I love the heading at the very top of this webpage: "The World's only reliable News" – Earth to Collide with Nibiru – on the 21st November 2012! So what is the date now… The world's only reliable news isn't living up to its name.

  475. you guys do realise there are alot of footage out there of people filming Nibiru which appears as two suns in the sky. There are some which is just lens flare but that is obvious. I've seen a few which clearly shows two suns in the sky. Nibiru is here

  476. Guess What? Nubiru collided with earth on November 21. It is rumoured that it colided in the arsehole of Frank Lake. So far no casualties have been reported! So Frank, Hows URANUS feeling today????

  477. if Nibiru was real and going to collide with earth in december, not only would it be clearly visible day and night right now, but earth would already be destroyed by the gravity of nibiru. and if you think nibiru is real and also a galaxy, go kill yourself. you're too stupid to be alive

  478. If u say nibiru came closer to planet earth yes correct may be, bu dont dont get it tweasted. That the creator dint no what hive created to be distroled by just nibiru, God's will must be done. At it own time, en nothing' can stop it.

  479. Today is November 30, 2012. It is 9 day after Nibiru hit the Earth. We are getting more and more news from all over the world reporting damages done by this collide. ….
    Fools, where id your Niburu hit?

  480. This article is hilarious. So this planet, Nibiru, was supposed to collide with earth in November of this year? Tell me, what is the date today? December 3. I'm still alive, no planet collided with earth did it. Everybody needs to shut up about the end if the world, stop making it such a big deal, it'll happen when it happens. You make yourself look ridiculously retarted when you predict some catastrophe then it doesn't happen. Just stop.

  481. scaremongering twat! you should have to go to jail, for scaring ppl with your lies! the world is not going to collide with another planet, at all, idiot. and nibiru is a piss take to sell books! your insane and should be put in a padded cell.

  482. since i waz a kid i heard bull about the world ending …………. the bible says no one will know the date or time when the world will end

  483. its becoming really fearful….but wt bout November 21??y earth didnt crashed???
    all are liers and creating rumors nOthng else…

  484. The World's Only Reliable News thats what u got at the top of this page LOL ALOT, ITS NOW DEC 10/12/12 WHAT HAPPEN 2 NIBIRU WAS IT JUST A BIG SMELLY GAS FART THAT DID NOT MAKE TO EART ON TIME LOL
    SERIOUSLY U GUYS ARE FULL OF SHIT make me laugh so much :)))

  485. The whole Nibiru thing is utterly fake, and made up by conspiracy theorists who obviously have mental problems. The science presented with regards to Nibirus orbit is utterly impossible, do the math, on that orbital plane the planet would of been catapulted out of the Solar System a long time ago. There's more chance of a dozen pornstars appearing in my bedroom for an all night orgy than there is of Nibiru even existing.

  486. If you believe this, you need to undergo therapy. Do you not think a planet of that mass and size would be visible to a huge extent by now? apparently the so called "Planet X" is still circling the sun or some rubbish. So presuming the distance from the sun to earth and the speed that thing would have to travel in order to get here, doesn't make this remotely possible. Your little post is flawed.

  487. You sad that niburu was confurmed by nasa scientist from where did you get your sources may you put them in this site please to be more objective

  488. dinosaurs where even t0ugH , huge in size and str0nger than humans. .
    BuT where are they? T0tally extinct.
    I pRay to God it will NEVer hapPEN to humans. .
    And whatever hapPens, we will meet our Savior s00ner.
    Smile . ./..

  489. This came up as a legit news item on Google. What a load of horse shit. I'm off to the bank to borrow a million bucks so I can have a bet with these morons that December 21 will come and go without so much as a strong breeze. And as for this so-called planet? If it were really to collide with Earth in a few days time, we would all be able to see it in the night sky. In fact, it would appear about the same size as the Moon or bigger. We wouldn't need dumb conspiracy theorists to tell us what would be obvious to even the most unintelligent human. Stupid!

  490. You can see it in the way south (pole). The sun is in the way for us to see try pics with your phone with shading some of the suns light. Alsoresearch this more on your own.

    • Dan you ignorant title. what you see when you take a pic of the sun is reflection from then lens, if you have not noticed the sun quite bright, it reflects light off the lens. you really should stop this. look what happened to that nurse over a simple prank, people might take this to be true. i hope your think about and put an end to this stood story. People there is nothing to worry about just dumb people getting kicks

  491. that site R complex is supposedly a parody website! interesting message though, wiki has vast information on this RavenRock mountain complex, so i have no doubt the place is legit. As for Nibiru, months ago i would have thought oh shit. but this guy says in his article it lies past pluto, how the hell could it get here that quick?! in 10 days, i think the nibiru thing has run its course now, you have a few days to think up a new theory! how about the star Betelgeuse goes supernova and hits us with all its got? or Betelgeuse is a cover up and it really is nibiru?! come think of a good one!!

  492. Jesus our fukin savoir will do nothing to save us
    Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
    Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
    Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
    Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?


    • no the world wont end this year, this is all a hoax, if it were going to end, they need to supply a significant amount of evidence to prove on how it is on its way to earth and if it were, nasa would of alerted everyone that it was going to happen, there is nothing to be worried about. 🙂

  494. To everyone out there that thinks the world is going to end on December 21 send me all your money because you won't need it anymore if the world ends and if the world doesn't end then I will be rich

  495. During the cosmic eclipse around the end of October, you could see an elliptical shape around the moon. I strongly believe this is Nibiru. If not, then what is it? The reason you could see it was that Nibiru is even bigger than the sun. Therefore the light the sun gives to the moon would directly show us the planet because during the cosmic eclipse all of the planets were alligned. We will crash into Nibiru. Either this winter or in 4 years, I can't aquire enough information to say exactly when, but its one or the other. And it's gravitational pull is much stronger than any planet in our solar system, including the sun. This world will come to an end, and God is here with us. And if you choose to walk by him, you've made the right choice. The annunaki do exist on nibiru, and when our planet enters theirs, there is no war. Only hell. They will enslave us, burn us, or hopefully just kill us off. There is nothing we can do besides live righteously in our last days. God sees everything, he exists in everything. The leader of the Annunaki and nibiru is Azzaziel, or lucifer. And he will decieve you if you let him, it is a simple choice. Do not fear death, it comes naturally to all. We are just un-lucky enough to live in this time period and have it come so unaturally. I am a witness of God, an Olive tree that supports his love. And I give this too to use for your own well being. Spend time with your families, tie up loose ends. This is your last chance to prove you are worth coming home to your true father. I love you all, and I hope to have helped you in these dire times.

    • The part when you said that “planet x is bigger than the Sun” is not true. If Planet X does exist it is 4-5 times bigger than Earth.

  496. can anyone seriously tell me that the world will end or not?Iam just confused of this matter.and infact im neither unsure to have a trip……………….

    • no the world wont end from planet nibiru or wat eva th fuk u call it, if it were, we would see it in the skies with our own eyes

  497. Nibiru and other stories about wayward planets are an Internet hoax. There is no factual basis for these claims. If Nibiru or Planet X were real and headed for an encounter with the Earth in 2012, astronomers would have been tracking it for at least the past decade, and it would be visible by now to the naked eye. Obviously, it does not exist. Eris is real, but it is a dwarf planet similar to Pluto that will remain in the outer solar system; the closest it can come to Earth is about 4 billion miles.

  498. I cant really say this is true or not but has science ever led us to be wrong before ? We really need to think about this logically, this may or may not be possible for it to end this way but if it does then God help us all!!!!!!!!!

  499. We might get some solar flares from the sun causing electrical disturbances or power outages. If that happens our nuclear plants will last 72 hours before they blow up, due to they have a few days supply of desel fuel to run generaters to keep the water flowing to cool. most of the professionals who built and ran things are now all retired and now

  500. And newbys are runnin things.. Bummer! I dont think things like ending calenders, shooting planets, pole shifts are relavent.. But we did leave ourselves wide open for human error.. the nuclear plants should be taken down and replaced with solar.. Also whats with all these wind turbines? Is it to power all the underground bunkers the governments are building?

  501. stupid news!!!no basis at all.f we are due for a collision with planet nibiru then we would clearly see it by now in our sky..last time i check sky:clear.

  502. They are harnessing all negative energy from the Earth, YOUR THOUGHTS ar THEIR POWER, conspiracies are needed to make a couple of billion people idolize a situation, the technology eats on depression… its ritualism like on Sept/11. Screw Elitists and black magic. "He will come like a thief in the night." wake up…


  504. Nibiru could sneek up to us, cloaked or not visible because our sun is alot bigger and brighter than God's designated Total Planet Killer. Too bad for the rich, a mercy killing for the many suffering. Mercifull God The One to Fear.

  505. I believe that the world will not end by a planet it has been the governments plans to destroy this civilisation since the worlds population is growing out of control

  506. I cant really say this is true or not but has science ever led us to be wrong before ? We really need to think about this logically, this may or may not be possible for it to end this way but if it does then God help us all!!!!!!!!!

  507. heyyyy niriru has passed our earth many times……how can you say that its is going to colidde on december 21st…….our earth is very old………by god its has never been harmed

  508. I don't see how its possible for a planet that far away from us is going to just magically appear and run into us within a few days. If it was going to hit us, wouldn't it make more sense if we could actually see the planet moving close and closer to us with our naked eye outside?

  509. Ok, so if these Sumerians saw this planet before, then surely they would have experienced the same thing, which means that civilisation would already be wiped out because nibiru would have already done whatever its supposedly about to do to earth. Secondly, NASA have not confirmed this, they have written on their website proof why it doesn't even exist. Nibiru, if it did exist, would already be visible in the sky and we would be able to see it approaching, if only increasing in diameter about 1cm a mont, a planet is not just going to appear out of nowhere and suddenly kill everyone!

  510. Fake! NASA confirmed nothing! if a planet was gonna hit they would know retards stop smokin! yall are dumb! God gave us life for a reason! Not to die! i plan on growing old but ill fight death instead of you scared losers

    • Light can only travel so fast. It's like how the sun can be above the mountains, but we'll only be able to see that position 8 1/2 minutes later.

    • I think you meant to say, 'Infrared', but since you can't spell it why correct someone else? Whoever the person that posted that comment is, is smart; completely right about being able to see the planet. It would be the same as looking at the Moon.

  511. I highly doubt we are going to get taken out by Planet X this dec. But I do find it interesting nasa sent up the mini unnamed shuttle yesterday on some TOP SECERT mission.
    IF the earth was going to be destroyed the government would NOT tell us. It would cause complete chaos weeks and months before the event.

  512. My my, why all the neg. comments? Why does it matter what ppl decide to believe? If you feel in all your vast wisdoms you know better then teach, don't lose your credibility with school yard bully tactics. There is a lot of gloom and doom all over the internet and not everyone can rationalise what is fact or scare tactics. Not everything printed on the internet is truth, any 6yr old can make statements on here so I would suggest do the research first with an open mind before coming to any conclusions. If Nibiru were to hit Earth by the 21st, it should clearly be visible by now to us all even without a scope. No special equip. needed since it should look like Venus in the morning sky by now at least. That being said, the universe holds its own power and mysteries still yet undiscovered by our primitive technologies so only time will tell us when Earth may face the ultimate threat. Peace

  513. Notice. This is a satire.
    All of these comments with people trying to call it false, getting angry.
    It's depressingly hilarious.
    Go back to tenth grade.
    Please research the topic SATIRE.
    Then respond to this.

    • yo. CosmiKitten. you're clearly one of the NIbirians. They want people to think their planet is not going to hit ours because they want to harvest our gold and they want our computers and laptops. If we all scramble to our spaceships they won't be able to catch that. You're busted. Stop playing games- don't listen to her anyone! red alert!

  514. Nibiru is behind the sun now, and it will never collide with the earth(this time at least). But if it comes to our side of the sun, then yeah, probably we will have real troubles.

  515. ALRIGHT. Nibiru is a big fat lie. If the thing was real. the world would have ended already. The planet being so close to earth would have caused massive earthquakes, super volcano eruptions and possibly have thrown meteors into the Earth. So this punk website World Wide News makes me laugh. Us Australians laugh at the fact you foreigners think the world will end. Pull your head out of your ass, stand up straight and realize that mountain people didn't predict the end of the world, we think they did. The calendar restarts. We have taken this as to be the end of the world. We have scared the shit out of ourselves. I don't blame the mayans for thinking our race still isn't good enough for their "god" (if their even is a god". EVOLUTION.
    Live in prosper, and have a good Christmas. See you in 2036 when APOPHIS hits Earth.

  516. It's not a planet people….!! it's a mothership. We are going to be invaded. The Large object has seen but to protect humanity from going studpid, they are calling it a planet. It cant be seen all the time and on the 21st, the ship we re-visit and destroy us all but not like an apocalypse, the mothership will open its flood gates and hundreds of war primed battle ships will shoot down and invade our space, they want our resources to continue their species.

  517. No one can predict the end of world, except god. If one knows that exactly, then there will not be selfish, cheating, lie, ect. in this world., the devil want all these greedy people, to decorate the hell, so the world is governed by evil spirit. Only god can make an end to all. So stop all the nonsence.and love others like yours

  518. I don't know what actually will be happen to us but something will happen that will destroy some of the parts of earth….!! I think so…!!

  519. see the sky guyz last nite i saw six astroids falling from the u think people are they are not see it for your in the skies..tonight dont miss it

  520. guys earth is not destroy but our human rises only destroy……….because in our past lot of generation will be gon like this type of crashes……..ok

  521. please predict winning lotery numbers ! How can human beings in the past see the future? If it ends so what. We are sure to die one day.

  522. Whether the prediction may be real or false,but the people everywhere are neglecting this prediction as it has already been predicted many seers.

    • God didnt mentioned any specific date (21.12.2012)any where related to his coming. No one knows about the end of the earth these are only predictions and roumers without evidence.

  523. i dont think nasa announced the date of end of the world. no evidence for nibiru is present or not . only predicted theories.
    so what u thinking just calm down and be happy and we will see on 21st dec it is really going to happen or smokin wordsabout that 😉

  524. don't know what actually will be happen to us but something will happen that will destroy some of the parts of earth….!! I think so…!! may be….

  525. Wow so that's how it will end……
    Yeah okay, first look outside in the sky during the day. What do you see no planet!!!! If this were to be true wouldn't you think it'll be the most visible thing out there other than the clouds and sun?
    Now let's take a look at night. What do you see? Stars wow and a
    Moon!!! Yes. But wait no up coming planet. So yeah we will not die on 12-21-2012. Because like stated before, it would had been the biggest visible thing up there. Thnx

    • NASA is run by the Federal government, do you really believe they would tell people? The only things we can do is look at facts and science, and use logic to determine that Nibiru is definitely headed to earth.

    • 20 years ago this would be easy to buy into, however All we have to do now is simply
      Look up…something that large would be clearly visible this close to it's destination

  526. Nasa and Russia are launching rockets at this minute to intercept Nibiru. China and N.Korea tried but theirs blew up on lift off. We can't trust them commies for anything! Rumor has it that Batboy is now flying a secret space craft and is leading the charge to save the earth! You know all will be well with Batboy on the case!

  527. >mothership >yes> coming of King of Kings? he been here 27years….
    governments know.. they hiding and hiding the truth..
    >going back home with motherships. >to Asgard

  528. I first read about Nibiru many years ago as described by Zachariah Zitchen. According to him the approach of Nibiru would have been plainly visible getting larger and larger since the year 2009. Obviously we look up and we have not seen it, which I'd it was close
    Enough to hit us in a week would like about 20 times larger than the moon, slightly noticeable…the Mayans built a calendar based in specific time scales, but thier calendar starts many thousands of years before their civilization did, and ends many hundreds of years after it collapsed.
    Enjoy your breakfast on December 22n?Seriously any panic is moot, nothing can be done to save earth from a collision with another planet, so just enjoy yourself and spend times with your friends and family

  529. Everyone here insists that god is real just like they insist nibiru is. Look up the video truth about religion. God is the sun and god watches over all of us. It will still rise even if we dont waste our time going to church reading lies. Everyone would be better off worshipping and donating to me because I am real and I can prove it. 🙂

  530. Unfortunately, our planet may undergo a blackout for a few hours due to the distortion of our frequencies during the planetary alignment. This tragedy may result in indictable offenses considering that criminals will be capable of raiding households without policy enforcers (incapable of contacting policy enforcers) interfering on their criminal activity. Furthermore, a few ignorant entities may panic due to the crisis, which may result in suicidal actions and/or the pillaging of various stores in order to obtain food products and medicine for survival.


  532. Everyone send me your money, because the world is going to end. I also live in Nigeria and you are the great great grandson to a relative who has left millions of dollars to you. All you have to do is wire $5,000 dollars for lawyer fees. Send to "URASUKR" to my paypal account.

  533. aaahhh man were all doomed doomed to be celebrating christmas forget nibiru look at the real threat type in meteor feb 2013 thats the real deal peeps!!

  534. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


    • guess your family got washed away in the flood of noah as they were saying let me in in i believe now let me innnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

  536. People think this shit is funny to post . i know some who almost killed there selfs the other night because the dont want to see the end of the world. This is not a game. And people should start taking legal action for posting dumb shit like this on the internet!!!

  537. The total earth life is 60 billion Years.. Now just 30 Billion years has been Completed.. The Earth will be for another 30 Billion years.. But HUMANS..??

  538. There are a lot of Mentally unsound people who gets a kick out of making others frighten and suffer by promoting and doing things that elevate the fear in people.
    The Mayans Did not say that the World will End. The person who translated the mayan scripts misunderstood and said it is supposed to be the end of the World.
    Do not fear because things will NOT happen when U expect it ! Things always happen when U least expect it.
    Please repost this or spread this words around

  539. To: ALL ASTRAUNANTS: People around the world are anxious and hungry for Ur advise on what they are supposed to do in on to be safe on the said date.

  540. Load of bullcrap. 'The world's only reliable news' – Yeah right. Have been searching through your website & Realised none of this sht is true. Like seriously. Trying to get people to read your website with absolute lies. Where is the proof of this?
    1) NASA haven't confirmed it – infact the quite opposite.
    2) You're all fktards if you believe this utter bull.

  541. This is not end of this earth. Allah is the creator of whole univers. So, he know only whats the correct time of end of this earth. We beleive that, he will safe us.:)

  542. well the thing is i watched a program and a scientist with levels in astronomy said the world isnt going to end and will not for another 6 billon years so nasa can shuve planet nibiru up the arse holes !!!!!

  543. Funny thing Nibiru doesn't even exist even NASA said so,everything on this website is False it says the world would end on October 21 2011,guess what? we're still here folks! so yeah we'll still be here after Dec 21st and we're gonna see Christmas and 2013 this year

    • Don't you know that since 2000, there have been 28 END OF TIME PREDICTIONS already? I'm 28 now, and yes, I hear them all. Still remember the Y2Kers & their blah blah blah, lot of my neighborhoods stock full of supplies, only to say AHHHH in 6 languages after Jan 02 2000. Funny, ha ha ha

  544. Proof it's not going to happen? Let me guess you believe the Official Story federally funded NASA tells you? Yes everyone, believe everything the government tells you! LOL!

    • Its funny you should say that, the government isn`t trustworthy but you`re eyes are and mine aren`t seeing any planets

  545. If Nibiru was to collide with the Earth on the 21st ( which is a week from now , we would be seeing it very clearly and very big in the sky right now. Whoever believes this is crazy.

    • Nah, dont say that, my man. Oh it's real, it's real alright. You know what? Because everyone say it's real. Eh, who's everyone again? Oh right, some old man got bored & one day yell "I'm the reincarnated Mayan princess, I tell you, the Nibiru on the way here" —> Yep, this is the source of a bunch of fools believe. The Truth Out There

  546. Interesting. I do not believe the Mayans cuz in the Bible it says that the world will surely end but no body knows when; so they should stop guessing cuz Jesus Christ himself doesn't know; so how would they know? Instead of making guesses of whn the world would end why just yall start to live better. So even if the world does end you know you'll go heaven and spend forever with God, his angels, Jesus Christ, and other godly souls. Another person said that the world was going to end on Juse 6, 2006; but it didn't. That's all. God Bless.

  547. @Someone: like they said, it's a satire website. All those just to mock the morons who pay 70k USD just to buy a vault for the end of time. Wish them luck for living in there the rest of their pathetic lives.
    @robotevil: robot huh? yeah sure, just like your nick, a machine who listen to what the heck others say, before understanding which one right or wrong

    • world is near to end , but when ? It is unknown … Allah pak says in quran that everything will go to end,, all muslims believe that there is surely an end of the world but when ? It's unknown ,,,

  548. Wikipedia says about the so called Nibiru:
    The Nibiru cataclysm is a supposed disastrous encounter between the Earth and a large planetary object (either a collision or a near-miss) which certain groups believe will take place in the early 21st century. Believers in this doomsday event usually refer to this object as Planet X or Nibiru. The idea that a planet-sized object could collide with or pass by Earth in the near future is not supported by any scientific evidence and has been rejected as pseudoscience by astronomers and planetary scientists.
    Nibiru is not a real planet. Its the name given to a planet thats supposed to collide with Earth according to some absurd theory.

  549. all are fake .Nibiru and other stories about wayward planets are an Internet hoax. There is no factual basis for these claims. If Nibiru or Planet X were real and headed for an encounter with the Earth in 2012, astronomers would have been tracking it for at least the past decade, and it would be visible by now to the naked eye. Obviously, it does not exist. Eris is real, but it is a dwarf planet similar to Pluto that will remain in the outer solar system; the closest it can come to Earth is about 4 billion miles.

  550. You can actually see it. Its the size of the moon right about now? From where I am its the upper right of the sun. So that's why its not visible to people.

  551. If the planet was to collide with us it would probably take up half of the sky we look into every day at this point concidering it is 6 days away

  552. [link <a href="http:// ]http://www.nasa.gov/topics/earth/features/2012.html[/link]" rel="nofollow"> <a href="http://]http://www.nasa.gov/topics/earth/features/2012.html%5B/link%5D” target=”_blank”>]http://www.nasa.gov/topics/earth/features/2012.html[/link]
    NASA has definitely NOT confirmed this nonsense folks! Makes good science fiction but the world will absolutely still be here on December 22nd. Contrary to the above posted nonsense;there is not a crumb of scientific evidence that anything even mildly disturbing will occur on the solstice folks. I have lived through at least 5 "end of the world" predictions & have no doubt that I will survive this one too.

  553. To be honest, Mayans were able to predict till December 21st 2012 as they dint get a chance to extend their calendar, if they still exist they would be able to extend the calender to (n)billion years.

    • My boy, if any single one of those moronic doomsdays predictors out there, any ONE OF THEM, has show ME myself that they MEET a REAL MAYAN (I'm talking about a REAL descendant of that oh-so-glory empire, not some mumbo jumbo out of no where, dear) and HE/SHE actually TELL me that 21-12-2012 is REAL, then I will believe it. Otherwise, yeah, right, ha ha ha. 28 yrs, from 2000 to 2012 I've heard 28 predictions, ha ha ha

    • The false predictions were to cover up the truth so that morons like you could believe that this is a theory and false. The capitalist and rich industrialists and even the Vatican have made investements in formation of large underground bunckers stocked with food and every item that can enable the elite society can stay alive until the catastrophe ends. I am not saying that I belive it, but I tend to keep an open mind rather than just rejecting things with my capslock on.

  554. We wonder why we have hospital shootings, mall shootings, and innocents sweet children being murdered. There are some sick people in this world and you are feeding off of this! I did a blog post about this just today. Please quit allowing these sick individuals to feed off of your emotions. The world is not going to end on the 21st of December – read my blog to find out why.

    • Glad to see someone here talking sense.
      If a planet several times the size of the Earth was on;y 4 or 5 days away I think we would see and experienced the catastrophic effects already.

  555. all of the muslims believe that one day earth has to reach its end ,, so dont forget to reciete the holy quran. The answer of each of your question is available in it, i individually like to mention here proudfully that i am muslim (alhamdolillah) and it's my faith that everything has to reach its end ,, even this earth or whole the universe except allah pak

  556. Guys, I hate to break it to you but this is a satire website. Check out some of their other stories about buses being sound on the moon and a boy that was born half bat. It's all an intentional joke, and you all seem to be falling for it!

  557. im a muslim and im telling you the truth about the end of the world……as in my 28 years of life i read and what i hear……my beloved book holy quran explains that day comes but in holy quran there is no exit day of that day…the earth will not end yet hazrat isa ( jesus ) will not come back on earth they will come back on earth and they will marry and they have childrens here on earth then dajjal will come and then they will fight each other…..and hazrat isa invites people to islam the final religion ……may ALLAH bless on us who born the hazrat isa (jesus ) without father…..god blesss us all

    • asad bro stop smoking your socks or whatever you on just by the way christianity as a religion is before islam get your facts right

    • And then you will hopefully wake up because all Religions are made up. None of them are right. It they were, the others wouldn't even exist because many religions have a "rule" from "God/Whatever Supreme being that you believe in" saying that "no other gods shall be believed in except me, none before me and none after" or something along those lines. Not to mention its the easiest way to control large masses of people, which we had real trouble with before we invented the idea of God. Think about it, if you are a person given a choice, live here protected and believe in our god, or die by our swords for not believing in our god, which one will you take?

  558. you people really chaos don't you no one know the expiration date of this world not even with every scientist on the planet will they ever figure that out, ever.so abandon your obsession of this ridiculous and unworthy fabricated calamity that is not going to transpire,we'll all wake December 22nd and get on with our pitiful lives so stop unnecessary obsession with this supposed impending doom!

  559. nobody knows the ending of the world..read the bible..it itself will tell u..u believe in jesus christ??? well then it u r protected by the almighty..jesus himself states the world will end without notice..he himself not the angels in heaven know the ending.but only the father wish is in heaven..the bible says it will happen in a blink of an eye..nobody will have time to prepare ..this is y he states for us to prepare now..and b ready for his coming and the end of the world..hello..people ..wake up!!!

  560. anyone notice he says, babylonian… such a babylon … as in the computer program.. .that no one likes.. yeah ok and if a planet, or anything big was gunna collide with us, we would have seen it about late november to the naked eye, let alone the real nasa would have seen it months ago, and if the real nasa did say, oh were all gunna die in 5 days, then the planet would me in mass chaos… so please stop scareing the stupid

  561. Come on people, get a life if you say that a planet is going to collide with Earth, Obviously we would have seen the planet coming with our naked eyes by now! Get a life or get some help people! They have plenty of Psych wards for you believers!

    • Good, you shouldn't. Trust this site, nothing will happen, and I promise you this site can back up why.

  562. I'm glad someone said this was a joke website because I really was about to go in on scientific facts & religious facts, & yes I can use them together, it's possible.

  563. I am shocked that NASA has not sued the Weekly World News. They keep saying that NASA has "confirmed" this when they certainly have not!

  564. Well now. you think that some telescope would have seen this planet larger than the moon by now? Even that it would be seen by the naked eye some time? And that some amateur would have taken pictures even some news agency would have published pictures of this planet? Its Monday the 17th of December. It took Apollo 11 3 days 3 hours and 49 minutes to reach the moon. It's the 17th of December 2012. We have 4 days till the 21st. The moon is a bit farther than the distance it took to travel by Apollo 11. Are we that stupid? Maybe this planet is invisible some how? Yet a planet that size would have massive gravitational effects on the earth and the moon not to mention the satellites in orbit. Any ideas? Maybe we are that stupid to mathematical theorems related to astro physics. Duh. Also if this planet is on its way you think we would see more military presence in some way such as the national guard and reserves being ready before the 21t of December? I was military for 12 years. I know what it takes to prepare for a conflict as I was involved in two of the major ones. So… WHERE IS THE FRIGGEN PROOF? Earth is tiny compared to that rogue planet. Nibiru is the size of saturn. WTF?

  565. NASA scientists confirmed this collision???But there's no such thing in NASA's official website.This website is trying to make fool of everyone.

  566. Just a small thought, don't worry when the world is going to end. Embrace everyday so that when the world ends you can say i lived my life to the full. And if it does end in 21 December then who gives a krap, you wont be able to do anything about it! Happy festive season people!!!

  567. To all who believe Friday is the end of the world
    My bank account number is 004590-778 at Chase
    Please deposit all you have in that account since you wont need it anymore

    • I agree. This site is run by one of the "National Inquirer's" rivals…that shpuld tell you something right there. Plus, with out much time left, I think it'd be visible. i don't care if it's a brown dwarf or purple one: sunlight would light it up like the moon and the planets.

  568. There is no number 12 planet called Nibiru (Planet x) This website has been set up to cause mayhem it is pure rubbish. What scientists do know is the world will end but not for another 4 billion years. It will be caused by the milky way coliding with Andromeda also called M31 you can find out all about it here http://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/201
    Hope you all find this useful. Happy holidays everyone

  569. eyond 2012: Why the World Won't End11.13.12
    Beyond 2012: Google+ Hangout with NASA Dec. 21, 2012, won't be the end of the world as we know, however, it will be another winter solstice.
    Contrary to some of the common beliefs out there, the claims behind the end of the world quickly unravel when pinned down to the 2012 timeline.

    Question (Q): Are there any threats to the Earth in 2012? Many Internet websites say the world will end in December 2012.
    Answer (A):The world will not end in 2012. Our planet has been getting along just fine for more than 4 billion years, and credible scientists worldwide know of no threat associated with 2012.

  571. well these so-called predictions are done by those religious sect maybe to increase donations to the churches. and of course if you make a lot of donations to them, your world will end because after December 21, you will not have even a penny in your pocket and you will be left alone,hungry and will die eventually…so….it's the end of your world!!!!!

  572. This has to be the worst article I have ever read on this subject. NASA has not confirmed a damn thing and astrophysicists, cosmologists and astronomers around the world have no f#@!#$% idea what you are on about. Your article is bad and you should feel bad.

  573. As a Christian I know that Jesus spoke about celestial collusion and massive rocks hitting our planet, but not on the scale of Nibiru prediction. Planet earth will be burnt by fire, it will not be shattered by a planetary colusion.

  574. Hellooooooooo???? Helllooooooooaaaahhhh!?!?!?!?!?!? Where are you??????? Is planet Nabiru full of Helium? Does it just float out there with no gravitational effects at all? Its supposed to be the size of saturn yet no idea why we can't see the damn thing. Maybe we are the ants in the colony on the massive planet and we have no concept of how to cloak a FRIGGEN planet! The moon is still there and we haven't seen the oceans effected by the moon being effected by the planet Nabiru. Oh wait thats right we are ants. We don't have the brain capacity to conceive such massive amounts of BU## SH%$ from another alien race that can cloak, move and prevent the gravitational effects on the universe and any celestial body. But wait. Nibiru is waiting like a cat ready to pounce. Listen for the subtle noises like leaves crackling and the smell of BULL SH%$ then it will be on us like sudden destruction. Go hide underground with a really nice prostitute and make sure you have plenty of jerky and water to prolong your slow death.

  575. is that a message from God that the world will end by tomorrow? how did u get that information? maybe God will or else. God bless the World

    • December 21, 2012 is yet the end of the world! MATTHEW 24:36 – But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

    • They got the information from the same person who gave them the information on the aliens abducting cheerleaders and all the rest of the hogwash they put in this paper. It is entertainment! This in a disclaimer on their terms of use page:
      "Weekly World News articles are drawn from a number of different sources and some are fictitious or satirical. Weekly World News uses invented names in some stories, except in cases where public figures are being satirized. Any other use of real names is accidental and coincidental. The reader should suspend disbelief for the sake of enjoyment (Worldweeklynews)
      References: "Weekly World News." Weekly World News. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Dec. 2012.

  576. Surely if it is going to hit earth then we will be all wiped out!!! Then maybe you need to update your article on facebook ending on January 15th 2013!!! Surely facebook will end on December 21st along with the rest of the world….or is facebook that good it will survive long after the earth has gone…

  577. "NASA scientists have reportedly confirmed that the planet Nibiru will collide with Earth on December 21st."….where's the source link from NASA? Do you really believe that the world will end tomorrow? If nibiru is already close to Earth by now (since the projected total havoc would be tomorrow) then we can see it in our naked eye..don't you get it? It's just like the Y2K scare….wake up guys!!!!!!!!!!!
    I know someday (maybe around 2020) there would be another scare that will eventually become 'viral' worlwide…

  578. read the bible no one will know when it will end God is the only one that created the world and gave his own son to save us from r sins there r no big foots just a bunch of crazy nuts there r no zombies just alot of mean and confused people its all a scam so people will buy all this stuff justt relax get to know ur beliefs and the world will end when God says it will and if ur r right with ur god or God then u have nothing to worry about and if u have sinned ask for giveness the GOD saves. After all isnt that why we celebrate christmas MERRY CHRISTMAS AND I BET ILL HAVE A GREAT CHRISTMAS TO I will pray for myself God forgive me for i have sinned and forgive those who want to be forgiven thankyou for giving us ur son to save us and we will do r best to do right and live the right way we should in jesus name we pray that want to amen merry christmas
    merry christmas everyone see i feel better everyone have fun (dec. 25 2012) we all r intitled to r opions so please its christmas watch ur language this is a public site

  579. Dear all,
    It took Billions of years for god or nature to creat an atmosphere on earth for mankind. First the creation of earth. Than the introduction of great lizards called dinasours. They had brains the size of nuts. They roamed Earth for millions of years. they were able to survive on the Earth. Than God or if you prefer Nature just wiped out every single of them with just 1 single disaster. And another million years to clear the damage. For finally creating mankind to live.
    Survey. God did the greatest survey to creat a place for mankind. For people who looked with features that resembled them. So many yearsit has taken. Do you all think that its going to be just wiped out like this. Its damn big hard work to creat earth. Do you think god would distroy this one and only entertainment that they have.

  580. Disasters will happen. It has always. Its how big of a news the media wants it to be.But our planet will stay. We have not written the calender for year 5000.just like that we cant expect the Mayans to keep writing the calender. They had to stop somewhere.

  581. Great conspiracy theory and I am waiting to be enlightened at 11:11Hrs 21 12 2012.
    Coincidence that it is 11am 11 minutes a bit like 9:11.
    Ever wonder whom has the time and resources to make all the You Tube videos?
    Someone made money from this and created panic and fear, exactly what Luceferian believers need to try and do hocus pocus and turn people away from Christ and the current religions to place new age ones in.
    Perhaps to make holographic images and use HAARP to alter weather to declare martial law and create a ONE World Government and a new world order.
    Pray for them and ask Jesus to forgive them for they know not what they do.
    That will send a strong message

  582. ROFL! You cannot actually believe this garbage???? This is all for entertainment value. Period! Click the "terms of use" link below and read all about it. Here is an excerpt from that very page, and I quote:
    "Weekly World News articles are drawn from a number of different sources and some are fictitious or satirical. Weekly World News uses invented names in some stories, except in cases where public figures are being satirized. Any other use of real names is accidental and coincidental. The reader should suspend disbelief for the sake of enjoyment" (Worldweeklynews).
    References: "Weekly World News." Weekly World News. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Dec. 2012.

  583. In addition.
    Good luck to all the people that built shelters and forked out millions including the world Governments like the US at Denver Airport?
    Stay there till Feb 14th when a meteor od commet passes by this is the opnly real threat we will possibly face, could be Jan 14th 2013.
    Spend Valentines day in a bunker eating a gormei army ration. Hah hah. Sucked in.
    The only real threat wer will face is greedy and stupid people that have world domination plans.
    This was a good way of making the ultra rich spend some money and in addition they will all be in one location perhaps the locks will fail and they will be trapped in their escape bunkers. Ohh, well to bad very sad.
    Hate to say this but if you had any ethics and knowledge you should have shared it with the rest of the world.
    Instead you wanted to save your lives and retain your wealth so when the rest of the population died yopu would resurface and be amongst the few remaining perhaps the 500 million population that the world was supposed to ideally have?
    Would it not be poetic justice that we survived and the illuminated were exterminated?
    So sorry, normally I am a peace loving kind person. I don't know what made me write the above comment?
    Perhaps perception?

  584. http://theextinctionprotocol.wordpress.com/2012/0
    Could Earth be impacted by large asteroid February 15-16, 2013?
    Earth is closest to sun in early January 2013
    The possibility of a Asteroid or meterite 433 something? on the 15 Feb 2013, NASA denies this.
    Or a Massive Solar Flare like in the 1950'ties when our Gravitational field is down (as some claim it is now and there is a hole in our magnetic fiels so our shields are down) could be a disaster.
    Pole shift or some space or scientific agency trying to get the antimatter particle by using HAARP and the Particle accelerator to shift the Earths Poles and timing it within the 11:11hr 21st December 2012 alignement in order to get a antimatter particle is a lot more plausible. Blowing themselves up and causing a major catstrophy I can accept. However Nibiru or planet X is a hoax. The Mayans (Look up AH TOC) explain this as an 8 minute galactic alignment that with the help of the pyramids will help man reach enlightment (Sort of your life flashes before your eyes before an accident event). So that you will realise all the mistakes and good you have done in your life. The pyramids were supposed to enhance this state and hold it for a longer period of time (Indefinetaly) but it did not work before as they could not magnify the forces and hold the enlightened state before. This was meant to enrich the human mind, knowledge and perception. Now most of the pyramids are destroyed or in a poor state so it is very unlikely it will work at all.
    However. look at the ancient Mayan history, sacrfices like cutting hearts out and offering them to the Anunaki, cruel and stupid practices performed by the high priests to gain power.
    Similar to the Jewish scribes betraying Christ and still not accepting him as their Messiah and breaking the covenant with God.
    Deception, murder, lies all for the sake of holding on to power and wealth their positions afforded them.
    The common person was enslaved and betrayed by not only the oppresors but by their own kind, their own country men.
    What has changed?
    Same thing different methods, with only a 1% of the wealthy possesing some 93% of the world wealth while others go hungry, and in addition there are plans to depopulate the world by over 80%.
    Nibiru is not the real threat, the greed and fear of the people with the wealth in power is and always has been the biggest threat we ever faced.
    Nothing new under the sun.


  586. Why do people keep talking fantasy? THERE IS NO GOD. Those who worship God are committing one of their own sins: worshiping a false idol. It's not a matter of opinion, it's a matter of fact. Yes, you have the right to believe in Fairy Tales, but no, no one has to respect that belief.

    • feel sorry for you….you will find out that there truly is a God, but I am afraid you will find out all too late.

    • Isn't God supposed to forget all sins? What makes you think your special?
      So self-righteous I'm sure your God would love that…

    • Your statement is logically flawed.
      You state that "there is no God",as a fact,when it is imposible to prove a negative empirically.
      You may well state that it's your belief that there's no God,however that's a faith-based assumption akin to a religious belief.The only truly scientific position is the agnostic one,there may or may not be a God,you're waiting for proof of a deity's existence before accepting it as fact.

  587. Today is 20/12, almost 6:00pm as I type this so less than one day from collision.
    Will any of those who said that NASA, governments etc denials were all a big cover up finally admit that they've been gullible fools.
    There was no cover up, because there was nothing to cover up – Niburu is pure fiction.

  588. 12/20/12
    To all the people that think the world is going to end: 1. Its not, Nibiru is a made up planet and does not exist and is only fiction. If it was real you would be able to see it because of big they say it is, but no its a fictional planet. 2.Get back to work.
    Mayans are Stupdid
    Sincerely a 15 year old who is more intelligent then you.

  589. this is alot of bull sh*t there is no planet going to hit earth. the moon is a day 1/2 away and we can clearly see that, the planet "Niburu" is aperantly less that 12 hours away and we cant see sh*t so that is all the fact you need to tell that it is a lode of bull sh*t. and i just checked the nasa site, thay confermed nothing like that so you must have made up some bull sh*t storry saying that "nasa confermed that earth is going to get hit by planet Niburu". Bull fu*king sh*t!! A complete fu*king lie

    • if it was 24 hours from hitting us, it would be the brightest thing in the sky, even visible in daylight!! Maybe i don't see it 'cause it is raining here…

    • Suppose Nibiru were to hit us and we are 24 hours away from it hitting, yet we can't see it, than that would show that it is coming quite fast. Alas, I don't see this happening in the near future, so no one needs to worry about the earth's destruction for quite some time. My friend was telling me that the approximate time of doomsday is 3:11pm, unless Nibiru came into viewing distance between now and 3pm, I don't see this having any credible evidence

  590. For anyone who really thinks the world is ending tomorrow, please send all your belongings to me!
    I'll gladly give my address as you really don't believe you'll need your worldly posessions tomorrow
    FYI: It's December 21st 2012 in Australia right now… and it's STILL THERE. -_-

  591. Down form where? there is no heavens! We all rot in the ground when we die, just like dogs or cats or horses etc. We're just animals that happen to be a bit smarter than the rest!!
    The sooner people get over themselves and come to terms with that fact the better. Doesnt bother me. When im dead im dead. Who gives a crap about living forever!

    seriously there is 8 planets 6 DISCOVERED dwarf planets and 1 asteroid belt and the Kuiper belt which houses most dwarf planets and a couple asteroid clusters there IS no nibiru and if there is its microscopic or VERY small

  593. Every few years some attention seeking arsewipe starts screaming about the end of the world, and there are always retards who will listen!
    And.. as long as there are retards listening there will always be attention seeking arsewipes screaming!

  594. REM had it right, it's the end of the world and I feel fine. But, work and the tax man will take their toll tomorrow regardless. And the next day and so on. That's life.

  595. This is ignorant. There is absolutely a GOD. GOD is not a fairy tale or even human, but rather a point of energy and light from which all other energies and light came from. It is everything around you. Take a science class. The answer is moleculor. You didn't give yourself a conscienceness.

  596. The world has ended. The new world is here every one start smoking your old socks and make love to the all mighty… Are you ready… Cracked rock in the desert. It has more sense than the article on this page.

  597. Science says life and the universe started with the big bang.So what created that big bang where did all the matter that exists in the universe come from (what created it?).Anything i ever blew up destroyed things no life was created from it .Seems like something has been at work unless you believe in complete random luck that life was created by chance .Austin you have no proof that god either exists or is a myth.I do not believe in a religious god but i think some higher intelligence created life .Choose to believe what you want i think insulting people because they think different or believe in something you don't get's you nowhere and i give everyone respect regardless of how my opinion might differ from theirs .Wish you all the best cheers 🙂

    • actually science has concluded that the universe was not caused from a big bang but rather an extremely fast and forever lasting inflation. if it was an actual bang, like an explosion. then the entire universe would not be so perfect. its even like a sheet of paper all filled out. if an actual explosion took place. there would be lage clusters of matter with enormous heat, mixed with large pockets of empty space to cold to survive in. instead we have nicely splace galaxies that forever spread apart from each other with a growing rate of speed. in the end billions of years from now. much after the entire human race has lived and died. everything will die from darkness and cold. 🙂

  598. Its been december 21st,2012 in most of the U.S. & other countries and I have not heard of, seen or felt anything out of the ordinary!! So all you people that prayed on gullable people and took money, I hope you get sued and have to stay in a shelter for one month!!! Bet your additudes change then…. Pray to god, its the most peaceful feeling in the world when you know your prayers are heard and answered by God, jesus and even saints. By the way, no one knows when the world will end, until its happening. Then all who make fun of God/jesus, will be licking satans feet!!! While I'll be beside God, Amen

  599. Only God knows when all our individual times to pass are!! Its not 2015, either. Forget about this calendar that most scholars will tell you, were not sure if were reading it right, look around the world, most countries are doing a good job of killing eachother without prophecies!!

  600. There will be not the end of the Earth on december 21., 2012. The Lord Almighty is and will protect the Earth . Tomorow We will be see, that life on the Earth will be continue. Do not fear because of false predictions of the end of the Earth. King David said "I will speak about deeds of the Lord Almighty." Yes, Lord Almighty will be doing His work by people today, tomorrow and in the next days and time too. You can say boldly "there is the future of Me, I ´ll be not afraid of the false predictions of destroing the Earth".

  601. i respect that some need to belive in a higher beeing (god/allah/whatever) but most of us have faith in the only true god HUMANS..There is nothing we cant do if want to, as it is we can make life or take life as we please, we have the power to kill this earth if we want to, or heal it if we really want to….all that stands in the way for humans to do good for all is our greed for monney,,didnt say we were perfect

    • bahaha. "Ancient prophesy is completely unfounded and ridiculous superstition. I know this because an omnipotent but intangible deity that I (but not everyone) believe in controls the fate of the world. " The pot calling the kettle black.

  602. what a steaming pile of horse sh$t. and i would know. I an astrophysicist and this aint happening people…seriously you think we might've seen a fudging planet heading towards us by now….or let me guess little green aliens have cloaked the planet in some sort of invisibility beam….yeah right! seriously grow a brain!

  603. sorry mate the Earth will end due to our suns increasing luminosity well before that, Our sun us a G2 classification star and will get more luminous and then expand entering a red giant phase.. the suns increased luminosity means that water would not be able to exist in liquid form in approximately 1.6 billions years if my lectures calcs are right. and given that it came from a world leading cosmologist I'm inclined to say they are. 🙂

  604. I don't thing its posible because for example earth and moon. Earth didn't upserve the moon because gravity magnet is pointed in middle of earth and our earth rounding a degree of so the another planet gravity will not able to stand on earth.maybe i thinking like this.its a guessing.thank u

  605. Still here in Australia, clear skies, the usual twinkling stars no sign of ET or any other planet, I think you all need to stop smoking weed.

  606. No, scientists have confirmed that our solar system will not be affected in anyway, we would simply only see a 'spectacular light show' in the sky, however, the world WILL end within another 4 billion years due to our sun dying.

    • Hi Andrew
      In 4 billion years the milky way will collide with the Andromeda belt The force will cause the sun and earth to be pushed millions of miles into another galaxy. No sun light no Earth. The only way the Earth will end before is if the powers of this planet like the governments push a button and nuke everyone. This place would be better if everyone could get along everyone from every faith creed and color we are after all the same made up of atoms. Even our DNA comes from space makes you wonder doesn't it

  607. Hi Jack
    The only thing that could happen is if someone pressed a button and nuked everyone. Or we wait around 4 Billion years for the milky way to collide with Andromeda. But somehow unless science comes up with an answer we all wont be here anyway.

  608. Today is indeed another glorious day to give thanks. It helps to remind us that we have no reason to fear the end of the world happening today. This speculation about the Mayan calendar or any other method of predicting the end of this planet just gives more reason to have faith in God. According to His word, only He knows the time and date. So for future reference only put your trust in the bible.

    • youre right. The only one who knows that is God. Noone else knows it even and noone can predict it. And i think everyone beloeve in God potaltialy. But some people try to forget it! Ok! Lets see them in at the upcomming years after we die. (pardon! My english skills are so poooooor!)

  609. "It will be caused by the milky way coliding with Andromeda " – Thats not true either by the way. The earth will die when it is engulfed by the sun when it expands at the end of its own lifespan (on 21.12.2013)

  610. When the world ends it will end. Why would anyone want to prepare to survive cataclysmic population reduction? That's a very sad place to live in. The more people on Earth the better, several are dying each day from Cancer, AIDS, and all other horrific diseases. Sometimes its best just to accept your fate as a human being who only has but so much time to live your life. 7 decades, that's what the average american has to live.

  611. I guess planet x most have landed in your backyard.. No sign of any planet or "big bang" what so ever no where else. Dissapointed….

  612. who ever started this should get arested peaple are commiting suicide and spending there money like there rich and they feel foolish of what they done now what is goiung to happen to them

  613. Well personally it has been a beautiful day inside my heart. However, my body has been in more pain than usual. And, about an hour ago my equilibrium started to feel like the world is spinning And bouncing at the same time. I thought today would be an uneventful day like most everyone else. However, my body usually reacts to natural events ~ just as it is beginning to act now. I knew when the earthquake in Japan and the northeast of the u.s. were coming. I knew some large event was coming when Sandy hit. Usually I have around a two week notice. So ~ if I'm reading my body properly, something will occur in the next two weeks. Now ~ I'm going to go curl up and try to deal with the pain and disorientation from my equilibrium being off. Have a great night.

  614. im not an atheist but i see your point because there is no proof of their being an allmighty but why does it matter its human instinct to place blame on some other being so as long as people stay out of others buisness then everyone can be just fine. also: ARE ALL YOU PEOPLE F***ING IDIOTS THIS SITE IS COMPLETLY FAKE NOT ONE WORD OF IT IS TRUE AND WHY DO PEOPLE TALK ABOUT RELIGION ON THE INTERNET NOBODY CARES AND ALL YOU GET IS NEGATIVE FEEDBACK!. thumbs up austin

  615. Austin, Peoples belief system whether fact or not, is based on their life experience. Just like yours, which I'm sure you've based on your life experience and understanding of it! You have no right to slate someone's belief system just because it is in opposition to yours! You need to understand that life is far bigger than your personal opinion. and it's quite true… No one, No one has to respect your belief either! Always remember that it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt!

  616. arrested is to light of a punishent, my daughter has been in pieces because of a*"holes like this frank lake, do you think people like him feel any remorse when someone takes there life or like what I was reading the other day of a mother who nearly took the life of herself and her children but go stopped just in time thankfully, all because of the 2012 hoax, all these people think about is $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ f""**ng animals should be put down

  617. id be worried if i were the one that doesnt believe. Because when he comes back my friend your gonna have a rude awakening and your gonna miss the bus that leads outa here.

  618. you know, it wasn't easy saving this world from destruction. A little appreciation to all of us that sacrificed so much so that you (the rest of the world) could continue to live would be nice

    • yes u r right,no matter how much u do for the masses they will not acknowledge it because they do not have the knowledge of what they r saved from because of some people,s prayer and other spiritual sacrifices. because most of the people in the world r spiritually blind.

  619. The doomsday prophesy was a government conspiracy to get stupid people to spend all their money and stimulate the economy. Pure genius in my opinion. Way to go Washington

  620. whether u beleive or not wont change reality. But i challenge u to study the bible which is the word of GOD and study it viciously for u will not find fault, and in the process u will be sanctified I promess u. IF COMING ACROSS any doubts look for pastor Stephen Bohr in youtube or in any media, for my understanding of the word of GOD was minimum til I found someone wo trully knows the word of GOD, GOD bless u.

  621. the world has not ended this news is lame . it may end in 85000 so dont worry! who on earth dreamed this up ? whoever did should get arrested

  622. To say there is no god would be to say there is no man. Life can be defined as energy. When you are alive your body is constantly flowing with energy even when you are asleep. This constant flowing energy is what seperates the dead from living. Since energy cant be created nor destroyed it can only be transferred then at the point of your death your energy (breath of life) is then transferred somewhere else. Whether you use science to try and disprove the existence of god or use other religions to tear down the basic lessons intended by every religion It all goes hand in hand and points back to the true creative power from which everything else spawns… GOD. Different people relate to different understandings. And im just curious why your beliefs are fact and everything else is a fairy tale?

  623. How come people are so sure what they were taught or whats considered common knowledge is absolutely 100 percent fact mainly in term os scientific principles. All im trying to say is at one point it was considered common knowledge that the earth was flat and people didn't question it for the longest time. Only time confirms what we consider to be absolute so who knows how much of the way we see the world will change in the future. So why rip eachothers throats out about something every single person on this planet could be wrong about. Its senseless and i think us as a whole, meaning every color, race, religion, creed, any other way we found to divide ourselves as a whole needs to strip away from our individual egos and reconnect to the whole. The same whole that created the universe and everything in it. Its funny, when we create something, what we create is a part of us. So since god created us god is a part of us. Thats why we have a primal instinct to acknowledge a bigger prescence out there than ourself. Thus came a reason to explain the world around us (religion, science, and philosophy)

  624. Folks I do write being in Hawaii
    And since around 20min we can see
    a huge planet approaching our orbit
    it actually doubled in size since we saw it first.
    It seems to almost half of size if the our moon
    God help us

  625. Austin, in order to believe in something , you have to have faith. All believes are based on the idea that you trust the idea as being real. Without all of that , it cannot exist. Some claim that seeing is believing. Well, then it must also claim that believing is seeing. Your eyes are not necessary to know all things are real. Like the breeze you feel as air rushes by. The heat you feel from the sun. You take these things in trust. Likewise, you take your belief in God because you can feel Him in your heart ,see Him through his works and hear Him in the words you read in His Holy Bible. Give Him a try and you will also know it as being real. God is not fantasy nor is worshiping Him a sin. Doing this is a fact, not opinion because you take it trust and faith.

  626. NIBIRU HAS COLLIDED WITH THE EARTH. It was a lot smaller than expected though. Fortunately I was in the kitchen about 3 am and saw the whole thing. About the size of a garden pea. it took a chip out of the corner of the fridge and disappeared. I think it may be under the house now. Or behind the fridge. That's usually where things turn up if they are lost.

  627. my organization has filed a class action lawsuit against this news affiliate along with six other publications for deliberately inciting panic and knowingly spreading false information despite knowing within it contained no validity.

  628. all you nibiru flunkies are left to suffer the earthly hell flames with everybody else lmao , thought you all were the chosen ones huh lmao

  629. Frank Lake, you lied. The whole 'Nibiru' scare was a lie, and you helped promote it. I hope that this is the end of your 'journalistic' career.

  630. @saved ur sorry*** why would you act like that claiming you saved us all ?If their had of been a red dwarf star such as what the planet Nibru is on a collision course with earth astronomers and millions of star gazers would have clearly seen it approaching .Since that was not the case since NASA debunked all these theories .It would be nice if people like you (a) Stopped taking credit for doing nothing.(b)Quit propagating fear so that gullible people don't fall prey to your inane rantings (c)Get a life do something worthy of accolades oh and if ur going to claim some sort of spiritual high ground be humble and quietly do something for humanity.


  632. Really taking credit for doing nothing seeking accolade's for sacrifices such as?You did nothing their was no impending doom and NASA said the entire prediction was with out merit.If a planet 1.5 times the size of earth was going to collide with the earth it would have been seen in the sky for years before colliding .None was seen nothing happened

  633. Everyone knows this paper or watever is a piece of shit…ud hav to be a complete idiot to think any of it is real…its a parody paper peeps…get over the basing!! We all knew the world wasnt going to end!!! Only the stupid ones thought it was!

  634. So what if all these stories are bullshit? Who gives a fuck if I am a fraud? I'm making more money than most of you pussy ass morons sitting at your computers talking shit about the people you are jealous of.
    Fuck off fairies,

    • do not fret my friends..for nibiru was just stuck in a traffic jam with pluto..says the intergalactic alliance of frank fraud..they are currently waiting for a traffic enforcer to untangle the said planet..for more traffic updates..you know where to land..behold! the next will be an asteroid the size of Mars! it will be delayed due to a flat tire for another million years.. 😀

  635. To anyone who has actually studied anything about this nibiru could possibly exist but if it does it wont cross our paths for quite awile yet educate ur selves read the books they will blow ur mind

  636. I m so happpy to say tht i m alive sitting with my 2 dumb friends n watching this stupidity n its i guess 4 th of feb n we are ZINDA !!!!(alive)

  637. Disinformation Nibiru does not collide but begins throwing shit like meteoroids are way.. Look for increased near earth activity. Also remember a meteor is a meteoroid until it strikes the ground then it is a meteorite.

  638. As expected nothing as such happened. What I believe personally that there might be some harm caused sometime in some part of the earth, but that won't be like this. And when the harm will be caused. No one will have any time to think.

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  641. All things you said are fake..
    I might not blame you for this, My blame is for those scientist who publish this fake things..
    And one thing which I feel, even if this becomes true, what would happen?? Could they save us??
    The answer would be no…
    If this is the case, then what is the use of publish it in the news..
    is it that the only reason is to make chaos???

  642. Have you ever considered about adding a little bit more than just your articles? I mean, what you say is valuable and everything. Nevertheless think of if you added some great visuals or videos to give your posts more, "pop"! Your content is excellent but with images and clips, this site could certainly be one of the greatest in its niche. Amazing blog!Pinellas Park Roofing, 9753 66th St., #206, Pinellas Park, FL 33782 – (727) 755-0026

  643. The god particle is something that will never be found, it is our very soul and being and its best left alone. I dont trust these scientist dudes to leave it alone!

  644. Anyone who still believes that this rogue planet/brown dwarf/neutron star/whatever is on a collision course with Earth, or that even a fly-by will happen, are gullible people who never had an interest in astronomy until they heard about aliens and doomsday planets, making them the epitome of ignorance in denial. And anyone who still pushes it (with the catastrophe element included, nothing wrong with saying there's other planets in our system) are con men or trolls who know people are ignorant scientifically and will buy whatever ghost story they tell them.

  645. Let's do it. A number are fairly understandable though, in the event you actually put yourself into the victim's
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    goods may take a number of hours weekly or why not be a full-time job.

  646. Whats next? Can we expect something similar to happen in 2013 or couple of years down the line. Who knows, may be there calculation was incorrect and it would be 12 21 13.

    • hi,
      i guess i too see it like you do but nothing ever happened, and i understand niburi has already passed by earth and is on its y out of our solar system. yes, i was worried that its passage would cause major changes on earth and other planets, but nothing unusual ever took place, i think they made more out of this scare,then it was worth. but who really knows it may be 2013 or 2014 when the effects take place,wait and see ! i personally do not think niburi will not do anything, at least at this time.
      well wait and see, have a great day
      blessed be !

  647. idiots for one the "sun" is not a planet its the sun, neither is the asteroid belt. so you can't count Nibiru as the 12th planet

  648. H­a­v­e a f­­r­e­­e t­i­m­­e a­­n­­d a c­o­m­p­u­t­e­r with i­n­te­rne­t a­c­ce­s­s a­­t h­­om­­e??? N­ee­d e­x­t­r­a i­n­c­o­m­e??? W­­­h­­y n­­­o­­t g­­­e­t a­n on­li­ne jo­b… w­w­w­.­W­a­m­j­o­b­s.­c­o­m

  649. Pingback: HEATH ^ BUSINESS
  650. Holy smokes we just read this! The weeklyworldnews is such a life saver. And this article is so good! We just did not realize what hit us when the Niburu struck. How many people are still alive these days?? Is the Niburu coming back again? Is it a good idea to hide in our garden shed, or should we crawl under the table…? What is your opinion? Thanks for your great articles.

  651. So funny, I’ve been listening to people talk about seeing Nibiru getting closer to us for 15 years now. Very convincing people I may add. They still say it’s coming! Still selling books. Its mind boggling.

  652. So funny, I’ve been listening to people talk about seeing Nibiru getting closer to us for 15 years now. Very convincing people I may add. They still say it’s coming! Still selling books. Its mind boggling.


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