
PANAMA CITY – A group of Panamanian teenagers claim to have killed and photographed a monster!
A group of teenagers, ranging from 14 years to 16 years old, were spending time outside in Cerro Azul when they spotted the creature. According to them, it startled them when it suddenly crawled out of a cave.
As it came towards them, they panicked and began to throw things at it. It subsequently died from the injuries inflicted, after which the teenagers ran away.
Apparently they went back to take photos, as they were posted on Telemetro.com
It’s appearance near water and its lack of hair has lead to comparisons to the famous Montauk Monster, a still unsolved creature that washed ashore on Long Island.
However, the ‘paws’ on the monster are leading some to believe it is merely a sloth missing it’s fur.
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142 thoughts on “PANAMA'S MONTAUK MONSTER?”

  1. If it was compared to a sloth it would be a lot slower and would bearly move at all. That being it probably is a new animal or somthing.

  2. Why would I believe that this is a foreign object when the photos clearly shows that it is a hairless SLOTH or a Pre-mature hairless ALBINO SLOTH!!!!!!
    Clearly I think it is in the SEA-MONSTER FAMILY!!!!!!!!

    • lol? im a cgartist my self, and by the looks of it I dont sence any 3d here dude, if it is 3d, its top professionel made… its not 3d, believe me

  3. i dont know if it was real, but if it was these panamar kids are idiotic, why on earth would you throw things at it and try to harm it. wouldnt you try an befreind the thing, who knows it could be the beggining of many new creatures similar – leave them alone im sure they are not trying to harm you.

    • But you never know it could have done somthing to them so the first opption is clear. Its what most humans would do.

  4. The long island monster had different legs. Legs with fingers. But it`s wierd cause this creature doesn`t look like beaten to death. There is no blood or something and the kids had just sticks to kill it so it would take some time I think… Very strange…

  5. Maybe this animal mutation is because of global warming. Maybe these hairless creature are a creation from our careless attitude to the planet we live in.

  6. honestly im going with its a new animal that nobodys has ever seen, not a sloth not a racoon and deff not a turtle… I think god I giving us more life to the world and we keep killing it.. I think its him making futuristic animals just so we would be scrared away and notttt harm them.

    • Reptilians are at least 8ft. Tall,highly intelligent and generally vicious.bibliocapades.org elena danaan and asheanna .aterials as well as exopoliticstoday.org.supersoldiertalk.com david lotherington gene decode Frank Castello dolores cannon.david marshall vids about Vril aliens clones fake Second Coming.Wake Up people!!Montauk Babies-book read it.Bucegi Mountain.d.u.m.b.s. Andromeda Strain a.i. alien biology.

  7. People like to use their imagination when something strange is found. If people would use common sense and look before they leap (or write ) they would recognize all the facts then establish a opinion. Look at the pictures and start comparing them to a sloth. The arms and joints are the same shape and proportions as a sloth, next the claw in the picture is that of a sloth. The neck and head are the same shape form of a sloth. Finally if you look at the one picture you can see that there is fur on the animals lower body that just hasn't come off yet making this animal not hairless. Use your imagination if you want, it's great to hope for new discoveries; but I don't believe this is one of them.
    SLOTH !!!!!!!

  8. I'm guessing, if it's not a 3d type of thing, it's either a radiated or a mutant sloth. the claws are 100% sloth claws. the face is all weird. Hey, maybe some psycho tortured this sloth, pull out its hair? or maybe it has been getting chemotherapy. and, i am suure the kids were all evil, the minute they saw the animal they hit it for fun then went home to take their cameras and went back. man, todays kids are all sick.

  9. what i know for sure – this creature is very strange. What what tells us about the fact this is a MONSTER?? i do not consider it to be a monster at all.

  10. bullllonnnneeeeeeyyyyyyy thats southern for bologna like 14 yr olds are gonna kill this thing and not take pics right after it happened. This thing is bloated has been there for several days. It has layed out in the open and is getting ready to burst from gasses inside it. Looks like a dead animal that has been in the water for some time then washed up on the beach

  11. I think that's a hybrid of different species, this is the result. It's really scary, whatever. The real question is how this mutation had the intelligence to throw stones .. Should check it out and the lake too!

  12. I used to live in Panama, I have seen sloths and this thing may be a very mutated sloth.
    It's dosent look like one in the shape of the arms,nose or in size, either way it's weird.

  13. no its not, this is obveiously a poor little sloth which has lost most of its hair due to it floting in water, poor thing probably drowned. but if you ask me the shaved off al its hair, and thats exatcly what a hairless sloths head looks like, i saw how the had to like shave off this sloths hair on its face to operate on a facial tumor this was at Sandeago Zoo.

  14. i think that its just not right that it gets all the press about the animal and what it might be instead of the kids who just killed it because it came near them. I don't go around killing animals just because they come near me. And if I did I'm sure that there would be some serious repercussions. I just think people are missing the point that the kids killed this thing and then took pictures of the dead animal and then posted it on the internet and nothings happening to them, as if they can just do what they want. So they might even do it again to something, maybe more domesticated. Like a dog or a cat. I seriously just think that people are missing the point.

  15. i think it's a baby sloth or even a fetus. there's no way to tell the scale from these pictures. but another site has a picture of it a day later after being picked at. and there's grass growing by it. unless it's the biggest patch of grass ever growing out of a crack in the rocks, i think it's small. if you've seen a newborn mouse or cat, you'll notice how they can be nearly or completely hairless. kids probably found it, took extreme closeups and then made up a BS story to get on the news. simple as that.

  16. im from Panama and i heard on the local news that they founded it after it disappeared and studied it and it was already dead before they beat him with rocks and sticks. Also that it wasn´t a sloth because some kind of goverment organization took it and studied it and the newspaper only got these info…..
    " El supuesto mounstro no era un oso perezoso ya que tenia muchas diferencias como que tenia 2 estomagos, solo un pulmon y el craneo es como un combinacion de un ser humano y un oso perezoso y no tenia dientes"
    now translated
    -the "monster" wasn´t a sloth because it had many features that a sloth don´t have like the fact that it had 2 stomachs and just one lung and also that the skull was like a combination of a human skull and a slth skull
    so i´m not pretty sure of what it was but i bet that it was an sloths mutation

  17. you such an ****** i am Panamanian not a panamar , u ignorant, and i would rather to kill something that i dont know what is and is the size of a chimpanci than letting that thing touching me. you just say that to make yourself look like a manly man but you are not. i bet you still live with your mother and that you are a computer geek. And Panamanian people are not idiotic.

  18. stfu guys… ITS OBVIOUSLY MEW!!!! ;P jk jk, im from panama… and its prolly fake or something, and if its real i would deff go for a sloth

  19. Why do you think anyone is doing DNA tests on it? someone would have to claim it first, do you even know how much DNA tests coasts? it's very unlikely tests will be done at all.

  20. Farmer kids usually have a disregard for animal life, especially teens, and if they think it poses a threat they wont think twice.
    I remember when my classmate killed a cute lil gardener snake in agriculture class, I was so pissed.
    He killed it because he thought it was poisonous (the snake) ignorance is a terrible thing, fear spreads from it, when people are afraid, especially testosterone filled teen boys their first reaction is likely to be violent.

  21. i reckon that it is a sloth that fell in a river and lost all its hair and then washed up on some creek and crawled its way towards those dicky children whom the hairless mutated sloth seeked sanctuary when then they decided to pulverise it with sticks and rocks it is not some goddly animal that sweet wounded jesus is gifting us with its presence and its not a bloody alien or a turtle without a shell if u realise that thing is too huge and has to long a limbs to be a freakin turtle and i dont exactly recall turtles having a hook for a hand nor a patch of fur on its genital area if it was a turtle it wouldnt almost drown "turtles live in the damn water" also they do not have titties. and why the hell would some1 steal a sloth and shave it but leave patches??

  22. I'd have to say it's a prank. it has too many other deformities than just the hair loss, including lack of visible teeth, and it doesn't appear to have any fatal injuries, other than it's sheer lack of the former, which I'm sure would have prevented it from growing so large as it had. It should have died very shortly after birth from starvation, or exposed it to predators earlier in life since it lacks camouflage.
    This all makes the whole story very unbelievable.
    I think, aswell, that even a mutant sloth would act like the rest of it's species and live in trees.

  23. you are talking about the credibility of some 15 year olds…. odds are they found it like it is in the photos, dead. They wanted to tell an exciting tale about defeating a monster.

  24. …Clearly a sloth.
    To those of you posting comments about how cruel these kids are for killing it. Let's take a look at the story, it came out of a cave and seemed threatening so they killed it…. Really? I can't imagine this sloth crawling around in a cave or ever appearing as a threat. It's not hairless, the photos clearly show that, and no these kids did not shave it. The hair loss can be explained very simply by it being tossed around in the water. More then likely, a few kids stumbled upon this creature and made up a heroic story about slaughtering a vicious cave monster. Still confused? lemme put it in one sentence. Water logged sloth found by children. The end. A story about as thrilling as a rotten raccoon mistaken for a turtle.

  25. Das ist kein Faultier ein Faultier hat haare
    Das seiht aus als wäre es der fohrfahre vom faultier
    ich finde so ein tier schöner wenn es lebt auch wenn es gruselig erscheint

  26. i for one believe that it is a new animal but people have to investigate and use occams razor to see if it is the simplest thing such as a guy in a suit.

  27. i just realized that this is weekly world news, the company that makes fake newspapers… soab!!! but still this is on other sites so maybe…

  28. It did say that it approached them……
    Frankly, I'd be pretty scared too if that thing started crawling at me- but I'd probably run away screaming at the top of my lungs rather than get close enough to attack it!
    Shame that they killed it ๐Ÿ™

  29. For all those who think its a sloth, I don't claim to have anything other than the computer and internet image searches on the subject, but am I the only one who seems to have looked at hundreds of pics of sloths and noticed that the noses, eyes and mouth of this thing and sloths are different??? Not to mention the neck and arm size and darkness around sloths eyes and noses. There may be another explanation, such as we read in the news every now and then that new species have been found by scientists.

  30. I would say sloth, but what ever it is somebody needs to beat those kids ass' for killing it and charge them animal cruelty and make their parents pay a fine for the kids being so stupid. 14 to 16 year old children should know better.

  31. That ain't no freaking sloth it's similar but not all the way. And did you notice that it didn't have any bruises or cuts on the body? And just to metion that it might not even be real. I think it could be and if it was living (sloth or monster) it had no way to defend itself (even if the STUPID kids say is was going to attack them) some scientists say that it was a fetis (a.k.a. an infantbaby). And just think, if that was the baby and that big think how big the parents are.

  32. this thing in panama is probably a sloth, people just like the thought of new and outa-this-world stuff. but as far as montauk monsters, i dont know what to think. has anyone actually ran tests on the bodies? and what ever happened to the corpses? i think it is something from plum island, or the federal government doing freaky experiments. when the bodies came up they take over and try to cover up. i'd like to see some answers

  33. Has anyone thought about the idea that it could be an animal mixed with human dna? Looking at the other montauk creatures they all seem to be 1. experimented on 2. hairless in areas (human skin) 3. most recent creature has hair not unlike a humans. Dodgy how they seem to dissapear too. Why aren't there any scientists on this case? Why haven't they been spotted sooner in such densely populated areas? Animal experiments if you ask me. Bad cover ups.
    I'm gonna laugh if this gets removed!!

  34. I agree… Maybe not try to get a great friendship, but… kill the poor thing throwing stones at it? that's really mean.

  35. what the kids did was horrible in any case… i guess an earth animal deserves a good treatment just like any other lifeform visiting our planet =D
    that, supposing they did kill the animal, because it has no marks whatsoever and really seems to have been long rotting in water… so they may have have just add a bit of action to the finding of it.
    my vote goes for a sloth, too

  36. they said they killed it. but it was certainly dead in the water. the saltwater and the sun have done the rest to lose the fur, to bleach the body and reach this slippery effect. those stupid guys have no idea and had to come up with anything.

  37. God didnt just put us on earth you know aliens are real watch the movie the fourth kind they have actual fotage of a alien invasion in Alaska and there is i think 40K alien ubductions there but the number is not exact sorry

  38. I live in Panama this was a hairless sloth and that was all it was…. there is 2 kind of hairless animal. For the ones that do not read the one we see with all the sharp teeth in Long Island turned out to be a hairless Raccoon.

  39. no way that that thing is a raccoon! i also think it is a sloth! it is just hairless because it was in the water for a long time! i reed one report and it says that the "monster" was dead when the kids found it!

  40. id beat them lil foreign kids to death if i new where to find em, but why the fu** dont we put it under the knife and find out what it is no1 ever does this when a 'monster' is found

  41. The conclusion I get from reading all of the comments is that it could be an previously unknown creature. It could be a cross between a sloth and something. A new species. I don't believe this is a prank of SHAVING a sloth, maybe a prank, maybe not, im leaning towards it not a hoax. Those kids had every right to attack the animal.Sure they could have run from it, sure they could have left it alone. It was chasing them, if it was quicker than them. Im not saying it was RIGHT but it was self defense not just because they wanted to kill it, according to the story hopefully it is accurate.

  42. Oh for Christ's sake. If you are going to promote God and say he is creating new animals – THEN PLEASE – spell properly and use capitals. I'm sure if you believe in God, it isn't hard to put a capital G. I don't even believe in him and I'm able to put a G.
    On a side note, totally a sloth; possibly mutated or perhaps climate change is causing them to adapt. Wouldn't be the first time.

  43. Oh seriously. If a human being can have 8 legs, mermaid tails, multiple organs, and have their mouth and nose connected together due to mutations in the cells; then WHY can't it just be a sloth that mutated before birth. WHICH would explain the fact that it lacks the qualities of a healthy sloth, and to account for the lack of hair/fur: when a creature is left in water, the tiny cells expand (making us human look rinkled up), and that in turn, could alter the physical appearance of the "monster". Also, if it was mutated, then perhaps it was not born with fur – and that in the nature of things, could have made it possible for it to fall into the ocean and die.
    For those who believe it's God's gift, or claim that it's a new alien species. Look at everyone mutated or retarded (sorry, for the lack of a better word) in human society. Sloths are close to our gene pattern and branch from us at some point. If we can alter dramatically over an extra chormosone (down-syndrome), it isn't too far fetched to believe this creature was once a normal sloth.
    Sorry if I offended anyone.

  44. this is mentioned in this video from an MKULTRA mind controlled military assassin who was part of what they called Project Seagate – a military genetic experiment to combine dolphin and human DNA for military purposes…. he said that this is a case where the experiment had "failed".

  45. Something small and runs fast I would rush forward and give it a good kick, anyways I got friends to help me if it pinches my nose with its teethless mouth, and instead of a ball and socket joint that we have on your shoulders this animal has a gliding joint, like on out hands and feet.
    If it has sloth DNA why only are the claws of its kind? and whats with the big tummy and super small head and what about it being teethless?
    I wonder how they beat it to death, with rocks and sticks or shoes and fists.
    We should stop experamenting before we do something very wrong, like making an animal that reproduces like ants and as dangurous as wolves, thats just to much!

  46. It looks 100% like a sloth, think about it, a sloth crawls when on the floor, if you looks at pictures of sloths crawling, almost on their stomachs, the claw, which is quite prominent, the tongue, which the sloth is well known for, and finally both the eyes and nose. No doubt we have ourselves a dead sloth, seriously, even if the creature was a dangerous sloth, why kill it, why do these ignorant people do this, I have seen sloths as babies, they are so cute, this poor thing couldn't have retaliated, humanity this is, pure, ignorance of human nature, us humans are the dangerous race and breed, not the animals. Nature will hopefully get back at us one day.

  47. HOLY CRAP that thing is like ET!! Those people had no right to kill it! It could have been the biggest discovery in man kind if it said "ET fone home"

    • doesn't really look like a hairless sloth, if you compare the shape of their faces. the dead thing has really rounded features. and also, i would say that crispy dried up thing they found on the beach looks like a snapping turtle without its shell, but it has teeth and turtles don't have teeth. so i'm calling photoshop on everything.

  48. like the original montauk monster it was not killed by those teenagers it had decomposed in water and they just happened to stumble across it

  49. So I looked at the sloth picture and this picture. They have their similarities and differences. The eyes on this picture is to far away from the snout/nose. In other pictures (live ones), the eyes are closer to the snout/nose. I'm not saying this is not a sloth. I'm saying if it is a sloth, this is a different unknown species of sloth!

  50. its a sloth alright. these are my favourite animals, i know full well what they look like. Hell knows what it was doing in a cave, for all we know some sick person might have shaved the poor thing and slung it in there. Sloths are near harmless, especially when on the floor; their legs arn't designed for supporting the weight of ther bodies, but for carrying it ( if that makes sense). Their claws makes it impossible to walk properly aswell. It might have been scared and went for them, but even then it would have been more likely to try and get away from them. Sloths usually only attack during mating seasons and when protecting young, so it might not have even seen them as a threat until it was too late. Poor thing. ๐Ÿ™

    • if they are indeed your favourite "ANIMAL" then you would know that they are in fact mammals. sorry but they are also mine and i just had to point that out ๐Ÿ™‚

    • …why did you point out that they are mammals? what did that have to do with what she said about them?

  51. If you look in the top left of the picture you see hair !!!! It's a sloth that either died and fell in the river or "fell in and died". It's clearly a bloated corpse of a dead sloth and it's OBVIOUS !! A mutated hairless sloth ??? LMAO


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