Your Weekly Star Guide
By Madame Malisa
Renowned medium & psychic

Mar. 21 – Apr. 19

Take it slow and easy! Get your act together early in the week, so you can lie back and enjoy the good life on the weekend.

Someone will try to coax you into a financial move that won’t increase your savings by a nickel. Show them the door.

A casual meeting out on the street is the start of a wonderful new relationship. Don’t be too shy to enjoy it.

Apr.20 – May 20

Take the lead! You want the world at your feet – and it’s only what you deserve. Focus on what you want life to give you.

Now’s the time to make your dreams come true. Be confident, tell a few white lies if you must and the best will come to you.

Money coming your way from a family source you haven’t paid any attention to in ages will make it easier for you to get where you belong.

May 21 – Jun. 20

A hunch pays off. Your instinct about a loved one was right on the money. It’s a relief that you were right. Now you can go on without a care!

You are going to be tempted to put some hard earned money on something that everyone else calls flighty. Give it some more thought, and if it’s really going to make you happy, buy it!

E-mail six people who love you. You can make them feel wonderful!

Jun. 21 – Jul. 22

Listen to your heart for a change. A second chance at romance is headed your way. A phone call from the one you adore will put sparks in that old engine – if you’ll just let it.

A dream will show you where that item you hid months ago really is. You’ll be relieved.

Money matters seem pretty sound now, so don’t fuss if someone wants to splurge a little. A surprise bonus is coming your way, so your pockets won’t be empty for long.

Jul. 23 – Aug. 22

Make a fuss! Do whatever’s called for to get noticed. Once people see how good you are, the world is yours.

Let your heart rule your head when it comes to romance. Fussing with a loved one will get you exactly nowhere. Turn the tables and send a sentimental card. You’ll love what you get in return!

Tell creditors you’ll pay them later. Right now you want your cash ready for a  once-in-a-lifetime deal.

Aug. 23 – Sep. 22

Get set to say “yes!” Being ready, willing and able could put you right in the money. A snap decision about how and where you live is going to be called for soon.

You handle risk taking well, so go for a life of good fortune.

Someone you haven’t seen in a while is going to be back in the picture. Surprise them by acting glad to see them. This will give you the upper hand.

Sep. 23 – Oct. 22

Hold your horses! Take it slow and easy. Don’t scare off someone by acting too sure of yourself. You’ll be fine if you play it cool.

An unasked-for loan from a friend is going to pull you out of a hole. This will give you time to get your budget working again, and from then on it’ll be clear sailing financially.

Call someone you’ve been eyeing from a distance. They’re longing for that phone to ring.

Oct. 23 – Nov. 21

Come down to earth. Someone’s waiting for you to get your head out of the clouds and notice them. This is a very romantic time for you if you just take hold of what’s offered.

A new way of increasing your financial security is coming your way. You’ll need to look sharp to take real advantage of it.

Use your good head for figures and you’ll come out with a big bonus. Spend some of it on a big TV.

Nov. 22 – Dec. 21

Get caught up on lost sleep. Those money worries that make your nights sleepless will disappear when you put your catchy way with words to entering a big bucks contest. You can’t help but win!

Good old-fashioned romance is going to take an unexpected direction. Listen instead of talk, and you’ll be thought of as a lover who’s one in a million.

Look to an oldster for the solution to a silly problem.

Dec. 22 – Jan. 19

Bank those pennies, and watch them turn into dollars. Money in the bank is going to make you feel a lot more comfortable.

And slap your hand away if you’re tempted to dip into your account on a whim, even a generous whim.

Don’t be too slow to offer your love. Someone is waiting for it with their heart.

A special little keepsake could be just the thing to start the ball rolling – and keep it rolling.

Jan. 20 – Feb. 18

You’re sailing on a cloud! One good thing leads to another, as everything rolls smoothly along in your life. Keep the wheels greased!

A person you barely know is going to show you how hearts-and-flowers romance can be yours this week. When it happens you’ll realize it was meant to be.

Sort through those things the family’s been squirreling away. They’re hiding a treasure just waiting to be discovered – and spent.

Feb. 19 – Mar. 20

The world is at your feet. Your faith in yourself is making everything come out right.

That risk you took turns out to be a sure thing – and it’s going to put a few bucks in your pocket as a reward.

Spend some time with someone who’s on your wavelength. They’ve got something to tell you. The information will help you win over a younger loved one.

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