
I never much cared for that David Letterman fellow, and not just because his show is on way past my bedtime. But I think he’s finally lost it!

The other night he made some weird joke about Sarah Palin’s 14-year-old daughter getting raped by a baseball player at a charity event. I didn’t really get it – young people today have a funny sense of humor, I guess.

After some normal folks complained, Letterman said he was sorry, but not really. You could tell he didn’t think he’d done anything wrong.

I’m surprised Todd Palin didn’t drive his snowmobile down to New York City and shove Letterman’s stinky cigar where the sun don’t shine, right after he wiped that gap tooth grin off his face!

For a millionaire with his own fancy TV program, David Letterman acts more like David Bitterman. What’s he so mad about anyway? He’s got a high-class penthouse and all the booze he can drink, which I’m guessing is a lot.

And his big liberal hero, the Teleprompter Kid, is President now! Shouldn’t David Bitterman be happy, instead of telling jokes about some lady who lost the election last year?

Instead, David Letterman and his Hollywood friends seem madder than ever! Look at Danny DeVito. Remember when he went on TV drunk and stupid and joked about how George Bush was a stupid drunk? Well, DeVito made a drunk fool of himself again on tv this week — and George Bush isn’t around anymore!

Even Obama’s hero, Reverend Wright, is ticked off because every time he tries to call his favorite parishioner, sneaky Jewish people steal his cell phone!

And I thought liberals were about love and peace, and us right-wingers were the bitter, angry ones! I guess you learn something new every day!

I never much cared for that David Letterman fellow, and not just because his show is on way past my bedtime. But I think he’s finally lost it!

The other night he made some weird joke about Sarah Palin’s 14-year-old daughter getting raped by a baseball player at a charity event. I didn’t really get it – young people today have a funny sense of humor, I guess.

After some normal folks complained, Letterman said he was sorry, but not really. You could tell he didn’t think he’d done anything wrong.

I’m surprised Todd Palin didn’t drive his snowmobile down to New York City and shove Letterman’s stinky cigar where the sun don’t shine, right after he wiped that gap tooth grin off his face!

For a millionaire with his own fancy TV program, David Letterman acts more like David Bitterman. What’s he so mad about anyway? He’s got a high-class penthouse and all the booze he can drink, which I’m guessing is a lot.

And his big liberal hero, the Teleprompter Kid, is President now!

Shouldn’t David Bitterman be happy, instead of telling jokes about some lady who lost the election last year?

Instead, David Letterman and his Hollywood friends seem madder than ever! Look at Danny DeVito. Remember when he went on tv drunk and stupid and joked about how George Bush was a stupid drunk? Well, DeVito made a drunk fool of himself again on tv this week — and George Bush isn’t around anymore!

Even Obama’s hero, Reverend Wright, is ticked off because every time he tries to call his favorite parishioner, sneaky Jewish people steal his cell phone!

And I thought liberals were about love and peace, and us right-wingers were the bitter, angry ones! I guess you learn something new every day!

(Visited 84 times, 1 visits today)


  1. This is Obamaland where change you can believe in is now the change no one expected. This is a sad day for Americans when they can dismiss the rantings of a left-wing lunatic who disparages young teen-age women and see nothing wrong with it. This Bitterman joke isn't even funny. Yet, because it's about Palin, it's ok. You won't hear ONE WORD about Obama's children. They would be yanked off the program before it was over. We now live in the gestapo land known as Obamaland. Change you can just accept or be jailed for your protestations.

  2. What would be Mr. Bitterman's reaction be if people started crude rude jokes about his mother? He gave his mother a job no less to keep the money in the family. This old dried piece of scrotum is a laughing stock of a "HAS BEEN"

  3. Letterman, age 62; married a woman at age 62 (I understand they have lived together 23 yrs, so he was age 39 and I don't think she was more than 19 when he was "intimate" with his "girlfriend". Letterman was age 57 when son was born. Letterman will be age 72 when son is age 15.
    He's mad because he's an old, late, late parent (forgive the pun), who's frail with serious health problems that may mean he possibly won't see or help his Son buy his first car, graduate, get married, and all because he bought into the lie that his career and narcissistic ego were more important than anything else on offer.

    I bet he secretly looks at the Palins, with Grandmum Sarah, who's gonna watch her Grandchildren grow up, and sees everything he can now, never ever have, so why wouldn't he be bitter?

    • Seriously….PTK… having a baby when you're 57 is a lot weirder than a teen pregnancy. My mom had me at 18. How would Letterman like it if people started talking about his wife?

  4. LEFT-WING LUNATIC? what about the countless right-wing fanatics like Rush Limbaugh, who says the economic meltdown is a democrat conspiracy to create communism, or Sarah Palin, who just spouts whatever the lobbyist-controlled Republican party tells her to.
    He was making a joke, first of all. When Sarah Palin parades her daughter around, selling her out for votes, and then sends her out to talk about ABSTINENCE, i really don't think that it was much of a surprise that a comedian with a taste for pointing out the selling out of the republicans? He was mocking the fact that Sarah Palin sold her daughter's dignity for votes. Clearly you are stupid enough not to see the rather direct satire.

  5. oh, and btw, he would come back in a comical fashion. I'm not really sure that a joke about his mother would really offend anyone; the conservatives have absolutely no material on policy considering they pushed the economy into failure, and then wanted to let it fail (but the companies are too big to fail! cough cough) just so they could save political face, dividing the country into the people who know what they're talking about, the flailing republican party, and the idiots who believe the mudslings thrown in a desperate attempt to take the entire country down along with the republican party.

  6. The writer of this paper is clearly unable to realize, btw, that all of these people are making jokes. Do you really think DeVito was actually drunk? And you really think that Letterman has a penthouse? Somehow, Republicans try to fight reality and win by throwing around mudslings that people like you will believe. Fight us liberals on policy–not by calling the president a terrorist over and over. Oh, wait, the liberals are actually improving things! Guess mudslinging is your best bet. Go listen to Rush Limbaugh. Betcha five bucks you'll believe him, considering you can't understand the humor behind Letterman, and the fact that Palin used her daughter as a political tool.

  7. In the state of NY, having intercourse with a 14-year-old is rape in the second degree, a class D felony. David Letterman's joke was in extremely bad taste.

  8. I can't speak for DeVito being drunk, if you think he was acting, that's your call, as I didn't see it, however, Letterman has shown his penthouse on his show on more than one occasion. You might want to do a fact check on your rantings….


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