NEW ORLEANS, LA – One Saints fan went to an extreme to show her love for her team!
New Orleans resident, Florellan Rickard, was rushed to the ER last week for a rather peculiar reason. Rickard, 42, had a fleur de lis earring stuck in her throat. The fleur de lis is the Saints logo.
Every night, before bed, Rickard puts her favorite earrings in her jewelry box and takes six vitamins kept on her night stand. Last Monday, her routine didn’t go according to plan. While in the dark, she reached for her vitamins and water. “I swallowed and something really hurt – then I looked down and saw one fleur de lis,” said Rickard.
At the ER, doctors quickly pushed the earring into her esophagus and then pumped her stomach to recover the piece. When looking at x-rays, doctors noticed the distinction in the earring and couldn’t help but laugh. Rickard was a “Saints fan, inside and out” one of the doctors said.
Any complications were avoided and Florellan Rickard and her husband were able to enjoy the Saints 31-17 upset victory over the Colts. Rickard was of course wearing her lucky pair of earrings.

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