On Thursday July 11, 2013, Congress is beginning impeachment proceedings against Barack Obama.

Members of Congress are reportedly beginning impeachment against Barack Obama based on the grounds of lying about Benghazi, the IRS scandal and attacking the press. unauthorized use of the military in Libya and Syria.  Congress is also looking into his involvement the unauthorized use of the military in Libya and Syria and the Fast and Furious scandal.


According to Congressional representatives Barack Obama has violated the Constitution by violating the 1st Amendment, the 4th Amendment and the 10th Amendment (and may have violated more).  Congressmen told WWN that the President took an oath to uphold the Constitution and he is bound to do so.

With regard to Libya and Syria: the rules that clearly state that the President must seek Congressional approval before using military force.  Now he says it was OK because he had international support.  “But how does that make it okay?  They aren’t our Congress.  They don’t determine what is right or wrong for us,” said a prominent Republican Congressman.

Sources close to aides in Congress say the Constitution clearly states “any use of military force by Obama without explicit consent and authorization of Congress constitutes an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under article II, Section 4.”

Republicans are pushing a resolution through Congress, which has been highly underreported by mainstream media, to look into further actions to be taken against the President.  Since it explicitly states in the Constitution that the President must ask permission from Congress to use military forces in another country, sources say there is clear cause for impeachment.

While an impeachment can be a strain on our country and may not be necessary in an election year – Republicans are still moving ahead with it.

“The days of Czars and Executive orders in order to sidestep Congress should end and if it takes an impeachment to do that, well…  it is something I and many other Americans would support,” said another prominent Republican Congressman.

“We have a President who believes our Constitution is just a ‘historical document’ that is not fit to determine how our country is run anymore,” said the Congressman.

Democrats, obviously, are opposing the impeachment effort but sources close to Republican leaders say that they are “moving full speed ahead” because “we need something to keep us busy until the next election.”

Stay tuned… it’s going to be a wild summer 2013.

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  1. give him the boot. he swore to protect and obey the constitution. he made a fraction against it. take him away! and put him behind bars!

  2. Dictator Obama needs to go, and all congressmen and senators regardless of affiliation has a duty to the US citizens who elected them to have him removed from office.

  3. I agree…He thinks he's above the law. If hey allow him to get away with this with no serious penalty then he'll do it again and again,

    • Amber – the more you speak the dumber you make yourself appear…. I would just keep my mouth shut if I were you while people think you still have at least one brain cell…..

    • Thats why they voted on it, Even John Kerry was for it before he was against it 🙂
      He covered his butt because he could say well I had approval and he did!

    • Each of them had Congressional approval before they made a move.Even if Bush Jr. had bad info he still had approval from Congress!

    • I saw no where that it said anything about his COLOR WTF maybe you the one with the problem…. Someone always has to pull the color / race outta their butts. He is just a piss poor president face the facts not the race or color.

    • yep. because you do. Yall can be ass holes all you want but then when you are called on it. you want to play innocent. to even make that comment makes you a racist. vagina douche

    • That response clealy identifies you as someone who is too ignorant, uneducated, and intellectually lazy (not to mention GUTLESS) to look beyond the simple, shallow, silly little talking points you have had spoon fed into your little mind. You are the textbook "useful idiot" and likely a racist yourself. By the way, when you project onto others the very things you are guilty of you reveal a substantially empty soul as well as some pretty serious psychological challenges. Keep it up peanut brain.

    • Why don't you actually talk about ideas rather than call us names? Put on our big boy shorts, if you will. I mean, seriously, you must have hated Bush because he was white, by your own logic.

    • Its always about race…the problem is when people like you post stuff like this it only says you are the one who is racist….Not everyone cares what color his skin is and if I remember correctly his mother was WHITE! You are the racist wanting to keep someone in office because he is black! Stupid freaking idiot…thought you were so smart until actual educated people who are not racist at all call you out for being one…Really how much sense does it make to keep a President in office who does not uphold our constitution? Maybe the next president can just say slavery being abolished was from too many years ago and has nothing to do with society today! Therefore making slavery legal again! Jack ass

    • I have 3 other things that I seriously Hope that they will also Impeach that Dictator on; For bypassing Congress and allowing Millions of Undocumented Illegal Immigrants to Stay in the USA. "The proposed immigration amnesty would benefit the 12 to 20 million undocumented aliens (illegal immigrants) currently living in the United States. An amnesty for illegal aliens forgives their acts of illegal immigration and implicitly forgives other related illegal acts such as driving and working with false documents. The result of an amnesty is that large numbers of foreigners who illegally gained entry into the United States are rewarded with legal status (Green Card) for breaking immigration laws."

    • Like to see him Impeached for another act of being Anti – American. He and his Billionaire buddy George Soros got together and set up a plan that will Force All American Citizens to Pay a "Global Tax Plan tht will be paid to the U.N for 3rd World Countries. This money is in Addition to all of the other Tax Dollars that we already send, Plus the Disaster Relief. Obama volunteers Americans to pay global taxes. Obama signs agreement for UN “Solidarity Levies” a Global IRS Tax. The United Nations is proceeding, with President Obama’s acquiescence, to implement a global plan to create a new international socialist order financed by global taxes on the American people. This is U.N.-speak for global taxes.

    • They are Anything but “Voluntary” for the People Forced to Pay them. The most “popular” proposals, which could generate tens of billions of dollars in revenue for global purposes, involve taxes on greenhouse gas emissions and financial transactions such as stock trades. Now, as President, Obama can bypass the Congress and simply direct his Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice to approve the U.N. conference document. Then the pressure will be increased on Congress to come up with the money and satisfy our “international commitments.” This is the pattern that he followed in regard to more money for the International Monetary Fund (IMF). After agreeing at the G-20 summit to provide more money for the IMF, the Obama White House slipped the cash and credit into the recently passed emergency war funding bill. The Obama White House had added billions in cash, as well as a $100 billion line of credit, for the IMF.

    • I want Obama Impeached for his Transportation Tax Plan .http://thehill.com/blogs/floor-action/house/159397-obama-floats-plan-to-tax-cars-by-the-mile Obama administration floats draft plan to tax cars by the mile.
      Tell that Dictator Obama that WE ALREADY PAY ENOUGH TAXES!- We pay taxes when we purchase the vehicle, we have to pay annual property taxes, we pay gas taxes, road taxes and toll fees. He will try to figure a way to take all our money some how plus monitor every move people make.
      In its report, the CBO said a vehicle miles-traveled tax could be tracked by installing electronic equipment on vehicles to determine how many miles were driven and payments could be made electronically at gas stations.
      Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad, D-N.D., who proposed taxing cars by the mile to increase federal highway revenues, sought the CBO report.

    • Obama's proposal appears to track that concept in the draft bill, a copy of which was obtained by Transportation Weekly. That section would create within the Federal Highway Administration a Surface Transportation Revenue Alternatives Office tasked with creating a "study framework that defines the functionality of a mileage-based user fee system and other systems," The Hill reported.
      The proposed office would include a public relations function, which the draft said should "increase public awareness regarding the need for an alternative funding source for surface transportation programs and provide information on possible approaches."
      The office would be required to conduct field trials to examine four factors — the capability of states to enforce payment, the reliability of technology, administrative costs, and "user acceptance," The Hill said. The new office would get $300 million through fiscal year 2017 for the project. http://thehill.com/blogs/floor-action/house/15939
      Who ever thinks this is about Race hasn't got a clue. They must not pay any attention at all to anything that he is doing that is Destroying OUR COUNTRY!! Vote him OUT in 2012

    • President Obama is not Hitler. he did not persecute a bunch of Jewish people in the name of ethnic cleansing. and President Obama was in cooperation with NATO.

    • this man is NOT BLACK OR WHITE he is muslim. and if you think for one minute that going against our constitution is not wrong then you too can hang for HIGH TREASON AGAINST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!!!

  4. noticed at least one played the race card on replies here….. LIberals need to grow up and stop acting like children everything someone mentions the name Obama, Every time someone has something negative to say against obama you hear someone play the race card. ITs not about Race.. its about performance.. law… ethics.. Truth and Justice… and he does not have any of these qualities at all… That is just the Truth and if Liberals hate me for telling the truth then they need to wake up to the reality of what Obama is all about… First President that in History seeks to destroy America rather then see it Prosper

    • LIberals can't grow up or they would become…(gasp)… conservatives. If they were of decent character they wouldn't be liberals to begin with. Only a low life is attracted to a political philosophy that trades in lies, deception, betrayal, and hate. Those low lifes are liberals. You know the old def. of a liberal…it's a conservative who hasn't been mugged yet.

    • Hey Folks, it's not Obama/Barry's name, liberal/conservative, Demo/Repub, CBS/FOX, left/right, "we've got to choose one or the other" ideologies that are in play here. Problem is, this man's Father was not a citizen, ergo, not eligible for Presidential office (He is easily qualified to be an American citizen though). However, we have larger problems; What do we do from here to recover from the usurper's "legislation" and the current issues that face our beloved Country? If one adheres to the "dichotomy" mentality, one must be either of the above categories, there can be no "crossing over"…. THIS IS INCORRECT; If Obama/Soetero has taught us anything, it's that 1) we want to believe in equality (maybe too much?) and 2) a person CAN exist being quite the 'mix' of "categories"
      His allegiances are still Constitutionally questionable, even taking the above into account.

      Some (most?) of the organizations that are motivated to keep you in this either/or mindset are "playing" you, in order to protect their interests/power/control – follow the money, silencing of media (threats), and attempts to control the Internet (SOPA, etc) to illustrate some obvious ones…. I know I'm not alone here in thinking "Technological Progress" cannot be reversed.

      So, let's quit "labeling" each other, and do your legal research by following the Georgia Case on eligibility, the latest I found so far here as of 3-7-2012: http://libertylegalfoundation.org/1825/emergency-
      A Concerned American for RP

  5. I heard on News Differently President Obama OPTED into the Libya Syria places yet constitution and Ammendmants are rights we have to uphold .That was the mind blower on the news a few months back I saw on my TV REPORT..Thinking of drawing 40 monsters creatures I wrote Lets stock the Groceries concentrate on Energy issues March 14th show us some new news WWNews we know you have had more action than this around campus .

  6. Those who play the race card for political gain ARE THE RACISTS! Notice how the Liberals want to WHINE about the past? It'll always be there for them to. But this is about NOW, about TODAY, and you can't impeach a FORMER President ya bunch of dumb jack-booted thugs.

    How anyone could attempt to pull a RACE card here is beyond me, O'Dumba is 1/2 WHITE!

    • It's not color, it is the fact that this President has and still is breaking laws. If any of us had done what has been done; we would have been in prison already. It would be nice if people would stop trying to use the race card, Obama is half white.

    Anyone? Anyone?
    Hmm, that's funny, they're all silent on the issue. Couldn't imagine why.

    • You show your ignorance by using the word "retard" I am offended………might as well use the race card because it is racist if you have someone in your family challenged. But that isn't the point here. Can't you say something halfway intelligent and about the article.

  8. Newsflash.. just because it isn't on CNN and FoxNews and other "major" media sites doesn't mean it's not true! He is being impeached because he WENT BEHIND THE BACKS OF CONGRESS. Who seriously thinks that the government doesn't control what is on the news? They don't want us to know what is going on! Doesn't matter if you are liberal or conservative. He's gotta go or else we are all f*cked.

    • I agree…. The leftwing eletist liberal media OWNS the media!!! Obama has his hand so far down their pocket they can't afford to say anything bad about him. Why do you think Obama has tried numerous times to ban Fox News?!?!…. Because they provide alot of factual information about just how horrible Obama has been as a president!

    • Turn off your CAPS LOCK.
      And start spelling correctly, if you would like to be taken seriously in this forum.

  9. No way, one of God's children being harmed due to his color. Unbelievable, though people like Joe Arpaio gets away with unseen causes for sending our Americans over boarder that are not illegals. I pray for the black people everyday, because they don't need to continue to be slaved by white racial individuals. I am sick of this country and tired of being white. Sucks to see that someone is trying to help the world gets shot at by our own white world of ugliness which at the end God will judge each and everyone of us and at the moment Congress represents not America but their wallets instead. I am ashamed to be white and to continue to read that Congress is out of hand once again in my opinion. How can they claim to be American when they have gone after Obama due to his color.

    • You are so right about the plight of the African people. There are so many orphans in African Countries that the kids call all adults 'mom' and 'papa', getting prepared for when their parents die. . How much longer will the selfish, self-absorbed American '*igga' rant with self pity before they go home to their countrymen and work for freedom and prosperity 'their' instead of expecting it for free 'here'. If I'd only known, I would've picked my own cotten.

    • Tanya, this has nothing to do with color. How can you claim to be American if you go after congress for being white and (in your opinion, persecuting blacks). Regardless of color, any president found in contempt of the oath taken to uphold the constitution is guilty of a high crime. In this case, it is Barack Obama.

    • Obama is being impeached not because he is black but because of:
      1) His birth certificate is proven 100% fake, the Photoshopped document has layers which a scanned copy shouldn't have.
      2) Obama waged war w/o congressional approval, which breaks the balance of power btw. the three branches.
      3) Obama is pushing for a WW3 with Iran.

    • Come on, Tanya, this is not a racial issue. It is a constitutional issue. Obama is not for black or white people. His is for his own pocket himself. Look into his hidden records issue. Look into his bailouts. He is betraying both blacks and whites. So, wake up, my dear. He is definitely backed by covert people who thought he would do a good job for them. Find out who it is that he is working for, then conclude it is a race issue.

    • Hey Tanya Jones, Well I'm sick of uninformed idiots like you so if you don't like being an American get the F*** out. Take your Obomination with you….

  10. how unbelievably false… its not in the mainstream media because its false information .. its NOT a bill its a RESOLUTION .. which has no power behind it , it is essentially an OPINION .. it is also not a JOINT resolution .. and it is only in committee .. it is NOT impeachment, or impeachment hearings in any way shape or form .. it is a statement that his actions should be CONSIDERED "impeachable" …
    the US as a nation was not involved with Lybia , NATO was, the US is a member of NATO and was fulfilling its NATO obligations.

  11. Barack Obama is half-white first of all. Next off Congress is not attacking him because he is black, they are attacking him because he is a 2 faced liar! He cares nothing about the people of this nation, with the exception of his "liberal friends" who share his insane beliefs. None of which are even close to being constitutional! He has done nothing but destroy what hundreds of thousands of white, black, asians, orientals, hispanic, etc. have died (serving our nation for FREEDOM) to PROTECT!! Obama wants to destroy the constitution and substitute his own personal dictatorship, and one-world government! He has broken numerous laws, and must now pay!!!!!!!!!! PLAIN AND SIMPLE! You people who are FOR Obama should be deported to a different country! You make me SICK TO MY STOMACH!

    • Have you completely lost your damn mind??? he cares not about the people of this nation???? and congresss does? Do you think Bush cared about anyone except rich white people?? who ever you are need to look at this for what it actually is and stop blaming him for things he can barely control!!!! Obama wants to do great things for everyone and if you had good judgement you can see that without reading any article, look into his eyes you sick fool because he is a genuine person and one of the first presidents that ever gave a damn about the people in this country!!! you must be a money hungry, heartless and inconsiderate republican!!!

    • His eyes are full of evil! How do you not see this. He is COMPLETELY DESTROYING the freedoms of Americans. He's STRIPPING our RIGHTS. What is wrong with you? How do I say this in PLAIN ENGLISH!! WAKE UP!!!

    • I don't believe that congress is looking out for the American people either. That said Obama claims to have been a constitutional law professor and yet he ignores the constitution when he wants to do something it prohibits. When Clinton was impeached Ron Paul said that it was crazy that he was being impeached for his affair with Monica Lewinsky instead of for is unconstitutional military actions. That was true and I believe that Obama should be impeached for the same improper use of military action.

    • And how are you so sure his parents are not staged like his birth certificate and the false SS numbers
      this so called president has been using ?

      I don't care if he is black white Chinese or Arab the fact is he is going to get us micro chipped,
      force us to get health care insurance trying to get rid of our online freedom of speech..
      whats next real freedom of speech?

    • Just look into his eyes? What ignorant person would do that? KJC would. That is plain stupid. Stop blaming him for things he can barely control. Sounds like another Obama excuser. Bush had a lot of control then because Obama blames him for EVERYTHING – even shit that Obama has been behind. Look at GITMO idiot. He said he would close it down. He realized it needs to stay open. He has badmouthed Bush for the debt he incurred, and Obama has surpassed Bush's debt in half the time. Obama has used drones to kill more people exponentially than Bush did, and Bush was called a murderer. Obama is such a hypocrite, and liar. You pull your head out of your ass and watch what he does this term. Stop drinking his kool-aid and refuse to believe what he tells you. Do your own research.

    • To put it plan and simple your 100% right and anybody paying attention to what's going on in this country should draw the same conclution.It has absolutly nothing to do with Black,White,Left or right,It's much more important.It's about our freedom and people that spout off that racist bull have no clue what's really going on in this country.

    • JetsonJoe: You have hit the nail square on the head. Barack Hussein Obama, in my opinion is the absolute worst president we have ever had…the WORST. In the four years that he's been on the job, he hasn't learned a thing. He never learned how to communicate with congress so he'll continue to fail to get anything passed through congress. "Grid lock" I think they call it! The man has no pride in the country he's been re-elected to lead. He is void of leadership skills. No one takes him seriously because they know he doesn't have a clue about anything pertaining to the affairs of state. Let us hope and pray that he plays more basketball, goes away on vacation and stays away from the Oval Office. He can't cause any trouble that way.

    • I could not of said it better,We need to get him out of office fast,impeachment is realy to good for this so called president. he needs to go prison for what he did to R men in benchzie.

  12. Quit sensoring my posts! I haven't said anything that isn't true. It's people like you who give the general public the wrong impression of what's REALLY happening in our nation with your "censorship".

    • I agree. The media as well as some blogs are against freedom of speech.. A sign of the times.


  13. Why should there be any debate about this at all? The fact remains the same no matter how you look at it, President Obama committed a high crime. It states in the Constitution, which this nation was founded on, that a high crime should be responded with impeachment of whoever committed the crime. What are we if we don’t follow the most basic of our own rules? Do we want to be hypocrites?

  14. Republicans aren't going to do anything but, talk about doing something.Look at fast & furious, look at all the other illegal acts obama has done. They've sat by quiet as a mouse. I have NO faith in republicans period.

  15. IN MY OPINION this is just another CHEAP SHOT at President Obama and WHY is the REPUBLICANS so hell bent on blaming President Obama and LYING trying to make it out like President Obama is doing something wrong in which HE IS NOT. Everyone can LIE,COVER THEIR EYES,AND GO DEAF YET THE FACT REMAIN THESE PEOPLE WHO ARE CLAIMING ALL THIS WRONG DOING WITH OUR PRESIDENT ARE FLAT OUT RACIST.


    • ????? Have you ever read any of Obamas books?
      That’s Just How White Folks Will Do You." Barack Hussein Obama
      "There was something about him that made me wary," Obama wrote. "A little too sure of himself, maybe. And white."
      "For he shares Michelle's sentiments of alienation, came to believe that race should trump everything and it should be anti-white"
      By the way Obama is not black, he has two different parents. I dont care if he is purple I dont like his policies I dont like were he is taking this country and I he is not a dictator.

  17. And it's NO getting around that. Ask yourself IF YOUR NOT A RACIST PERSON DO YOU WANT SOMEONE WORKING IN GOVERNMENT WHO MAKE DECISIONS FOR OUR COUNTRY TO STAND BEFORE US AND CLAIM TO BE FAIR YET THEY ARE USING RACIAL SLURS AND REMARKS SUCH AS THE ONES THEY ARE ALLOWED TO MAKE TOWARD OUR BLACK PRESIDENT? It's ok to disagree with our President yet it's the RACIST REMARK AND SLURS THAT IS WRONG. IF YOUR MAKING DECISIONS FOR OUR COUNTRY AS A WHOLE WHY COME WITH THE RACIST REMARKS? And WHAT HAVE THE REPUBLICAN DONE FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE? WE KNOW THEY JUMP REAL FAST WHEN IT COME TO POINTING OUT WHAT PRESIDENT OBAMA IS DOING YET I HADN'T SAW THEM DO NOT 1 THING TO MAKE NOR CHANGE THE ECONOMY TO MAKE IT BETTER. HOWEVER I have heard their racist remarks,I saw them cut/stop unemployment,cut and want to stop SSI/SS etc,fell/refuse to sit down with our President to come up with ways to make the economy better,the only time anything is agreed on is to benefit the Republican pockets,all those who are pointing fingers at President Obama has more SKELETON in there closet than you and I both can count. Ask yourself WHY do ALL of them got these LARGE AMOUNT OF MONEY IN THEIR OVERSEA ACCOUNTS? JMO!!

  18. We are losing our rights. We will be forced to give up our arms, as in Germany and Russia an all the other totalitarian countries. We are being told how to worship. We are forbidden to display our love for our God. We may be forced to become Muslims or else die. Isn't this a sign of the end times??? We have a fox in sheep's clothing running our country into the ground. This must be stopped.

  19. I agree! high crime is just that! what is there to talk about,there is no sugar coating a pile of crap! Obama knows just what he has done and he has lied to Americans and used our military and gone against our laws.Listen people you do not want a man who thinks he can tell our military what to do when he is not suppose to.That is a red flag! right there,that he would even go this far.And many other issues against this country.You know this is not a Democrat or Republican thing.Obama broke our laws period,high crime is nothing to joke about.sorry people,he knew what he was doing.He set his self higher than our laws.And he will need to be taken to court and impeached right away.I do not think there are any questions needed about this one.His actions is enough.He did the crime,and he may not do the time like any one else would have to do.But he sure does not belong in office one more second longer! Not only this he did commit fraud to even get elected,yes they found this out recently that his birth certificate really is a fake.But again besides all of this,No Republican or Democrat has the right to go against our laws and constitution.Non of them! it is not just a piece of paper! you sign an pledge to abide by the constitution and the laws of this nation when you are sworn into office! Obama has broken his sworn pledge to this country!

  20. The National Defense Authorization Act, Tresspass Bill, and National Defense Resource Preparedness executave order are all unconstitutional aren't they? We have drones in our country in the air and sea. Drone submarines…really? The police are basically military. I feel almost safe now. I'm in more danger now that the U.S. Marines can kick my door in arrest me, need no evidence, seize my water,food,guns and ammo, and my family can only protest in an area that has no chance for a government official to come near. Yea, we are safe with no rights. I bet we can rest assured that we always have a FEMA camp near our community if the going gets tough. Now all we need is Obama in a very high ranking position in the U.N. That will never happen though.

  21. ww-2 was the last war with congresional aproval korea,vietnam,iraq and afganastan not to mention a dozen conflicts were waged without aproval so give me a break!I do believe in constitutional aproval for war and only ron paul will restore constitutional purity!

  22. If a white man breaks a law he is liable… If a black man breaks a law he is liable. The Race Card has been played so much it has no credibility with me! Blacks and Whites are of equal value we all know it! It makes me sick that so many people continue whining about racism. A long time ago some cruel ass white people enslaved some black people! It was wrong, ugly and disgusting! It could of just as easily happened the other way around. The black folks could of enslaved and beaten the white folks. Those white ancestors that participated in slavery are dead now, thank God. That being said… Why can't we all just move on and be on the same team. We are all Americans!

  23. JetsonJoe looks like your paying attention to what's going on.How do like all the coverage of the impeachment by our media?It is turly discusting.We have been sold out by the media.

  24. First of all, hating Obama has nothing to do with race. All of this about white people hating Obama because he is black is ignorant. Have you ever considered the fact that maybe Obama really is a bad president, or are you just going to choose to show your ignorance. I myself am white, and I hate Obama not because he is black, but because he is screwing with my country. I would have been just fine with having Herman Cain as our next president, and his skin is even darker than Obama’s. Another point to make is that Obama does not even qualify for president of the United States due to the sad fact that his father was born in Kenya, and that the law clearly states that in order to even run for president, BOTH OF YOUR PARENTS MUST BE BORN U.S CITIZENS. There it is- Obama does’nt qualify!! Even if Obama did qualify, he would still be the WORST PRESIDENT EVER for these reasons and many more:

    He is the first president to spend 3 million dollars of our nation’s money on a ski trip· First president to spend a trillion dollars on shovel ready jobs and then later admit there was no such thing as shovel ready jobs· First president to sue states for requiring valid ID’s to vote, even though the same administration requires valid ID’s to travel by air· First president to defy a Federal Judge’s court order to cease implementing the Health Care reform law· First president to halt deportations of illegal aliens and grant them work permits, a form of stealth amnesty roughly equivalent to “The Dream Act” which would not pass congress· First president to require all Americans to purchase a product from a third party· First president to preside over a cut to the credit rating of the U.S government· First president to violate the war powers act· First president to orchestrate the sale of murder weapons to Mexican drug cartels· First president to issue an unlawful recess appointment while the U.S Senate remained in session (against the advice of his own justice department)· First president to be held in contempt of court for illegally obstructing oil in the Gulf of Mexico· I could spend my whole day naming everything negative that our illegal president has done, but since my hands are hurting from typing it all, I will choose not to. Again, I am white. Some of my best friends are black. I have nothing against black people. However, I do have something against someone black or white intentionaly destroying my country (especially when they are illegal). I just hope we have a good president soon. I don’t care if they are black or white as long as they love our country, and are willing to uphold the three things that make our country great: God, The Constitution, and the work of our founding fathers. But for now I am afraid that we are stuck with Obama. However, Election 2012 is here and our best choice is definitely Rick Santorum. It’s time to wake up America. It’s time to open our eyes to the truth. So all people, black and white, come join me as an American patriot, and together “We the People” can wake America and keep everything that makes us great. After all, equality is one of them. Our Declaration of Independece has written on it: “All men are created equal”. Together lets stop globalism, and keep our constitution, and everything the fathers fought for. By the way, weekdays at 9a.m tune in to 106.1 FM and listen to Glenn Beck. Also try watching him weekdays at 5pm at GBTV.Com you get a free 2 week trial. Please just try him out and see what you think.

    O- One





  25. I am white. I understand completely that slavery was a wrong and pure evil thing. If I were living during Slavery, I would have been fighting hard alongside Abe Lincoln and other whites as an ally of the blacks. I would work hard to end it. But we have to get past that because it is over. The evil whites who enslaved blacks are dead. We need to come together and break the feeling of animosity and work as a United nation just as it was intended to be. America can’t be America unless we unite. Let’s all come together to love the country in which we were born and as one, take pride in where we live. TOGETHER as ONE, let’s RE-EDUCATE ourselves, and FIGHT COMMUNISM AS ONE. This way, WE THE PEOPLE CAN TAKE AMERICA BACK!

  26. Has nothing to do with being black or white. All I know is that Obama is the worst president ever by a long shot. Herman Cain is even darker skinned than Obama, and as a white man, I would have been just fine with Cain! Listen to Glenn Beck on the radio weekmornings at 9a.m at 106.1 FM and for a 2 week free trial, please check him out by watching him weekdays at 5p.m on GBTV.Com

  27. Well, I’m black and I have this to say…People who support Obama and claim white people hate him cuz he’s black(not saying they’re aren’t any who do, that would be foolish to think)or say its the republicans, have no knowledge of the constitution. When your secretary of defense tells Senators in an Armed Services Committee hearing, that our military gets its orders from the UN or NATO and then the president backs that with saying he doesn’t have to “address the constitutional question” or a better way of putting it, doesn’t have to seek approval from congress to go to war, that is grounds for impeachment. They’ve handed our military over to a foreign power. THAT is treason.

    • What Jay said and…The black/white, republican/democrat, liberal/conservative, right/left,
      Christian/Muslim – Is Not RACISM

      It's called DIVIDE and CONQUER – United we win and they know it!

  28. Racism ENDED a long time ago~At least 50 years ago~
    unfortunately "affirmative action" did not, it still exists today in jobs and schools all across America. Obama is an AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PRESIDENT!

    • msbetz, get out of the house for once, you idiotic nincompoop, and you might see racism in its fullness. There is no end for racism in sight, and part of the reason is because at least one ignoramus such as yourself exists on average per square mile.

    • Doesn't make sense, does it? Call me paranoid, but they are up to something. It could be something as simple as "pacify" the people or as big as 9/11 +.

    • They will. There will be more names signed to impeach Obama than you can find in the DC directory! I think you will see a mass movement towards impeachment after the congressional hearings on Benghazi, Libya. It'll be bigger than President Clinton's.

  29. The black/white, republican/democrat, liberal/conservative, right/left,
    Christian/Muslim – Is Not RACISM

    It's called DIVIDE and CONQUER – United we win and they know it!

  30. Please take this President down. Obama is the worst President in American_History. He must be impeached before all Americans, whatever color their _skin, loose the Freedoms that we hold dear

  31. If you want to impeach Obama for this, then you should also try Bush Jr. and friends for lying to Congress, the American people and the UN about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Those lies caused the unnecessary deaths of thousands of our finest, not to mention more civilians in Iraq. I call that treason. Then try him and his top administration for torture as well. Lets be fair about this. Yes, I think that president Obama has to obtain permission from the Congress before entering that kind of military action. BUT consider the magnitude of the offenses. Bush Jr. obtained congressional approval by lying. How different is that than not asking for approval? Are thousands of American deaths less outrageous than failure to obtain congressional approval?

    • You may be right but we have to start somewhere, let's get this constitution shredding imposter out before he does any more damage.

    • I've found people will not believe we found Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq even if those of us that been there and saw it tells them. They will defend stupidity no matter what. Obama need to be impeached for so much more than this. His willingness to constantly bypass the Constitution of the United States is borderline on Treason and should be dealt with accordingly.

    • They did not lie about that. Hussein moved the WMDs to Syria which are now being used by the Syrian government on their own people. NO, he did not lie. Also, why did Obama leave them military in Iraq and Afghanistan? Quit blamikng the republicans for everything. It's ignorant.

  32. For those of you who are not familiar with Hitler, you should know that obama wants to be a dictator and kill off 90% of our population he dont care if your black, white, hispanic, or green he hates America and that is the truth. My Father fought in World war 2 and many good men have fought and died for this country because of these stupid wars. We need to keep our Country not give it up to a suicidal maniac. So get off the racism shit, I am jewish and 6 million jews died under Hitlers rule but, I don't keep talking about that everyone hates jews. So lets all get our shit together and love each other impeach so called president that wants to take away our life of freedom as we know it._

    • Obama suffers from the same mental illness Hitler did – megalomania (wanting to rule the world). I'm with you on your sentiment.

  33. all of the above mentioned by you is no doubt true. Also Americans have been dumbed down with the vaccines, chemicals in the air, radio waves from haarp, food supply and chemically treated water supply. scientifically planned and has worked. These reasons are why Americans are not that bright. These reasons are why we go along with their plans knowing their intention,s for us.. These reasons are why they have gotten as far as they have in taking control of our country like they have. We have been enslaved since the 1930,s. how long does it take for an intelligent person to figure it out let alone do something about it. So far we have only talked about it . This is why we Americans are where we are today. Still enslaved. Our first step in taking back our country is taking our money out of their banks. all at once,.. Chaos will soon follow and out of chaos a new America will be formed. Take control by taking back the power we give them to inst use against us. Secondly our policing agencies need to start remembering the oath they took and abide by it. Taking orders to harm your fellow Americans is as dumb as dumb gets. We help to enslave ourselves as if we will be considered to live amongst the half billion worldwide that will be left. we all assume we will be.


    Sony Corporation

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  35. Now that Obama has been reelected I am very concerned where America is headed? I for one am willing to back any impeachment to get Obama out of office?

    • Does anyone get it yet. When Obama first took office, he visited Venezuela to confer with Hugo Chavez. When Obama was about to speak on a platform stage backdropped by a range of mountains, the secret service were concerned about marksmanship persons from the mountains, and Hugo entered the platform from the right side of the stage, handed him a book he wrote on how to create a dictatorship. Obama acted sooo surprised. Come on, nobody gets that close to the president without permission. What is going on now is all in Obama's plan. He plans on being the last president and the first dictator. Next when he went to China, he was all smiles boarding and deboarding the plan. When he left China, there were no smiles. He appeared to be very disturbed? Perhaps China was not accommodate the U.S. anymore. Think about it. Impeach? Better hurry. KATE

  36. Morons, you can't impeach him over Libya.
    You already made fools of yourselves with Romney. Now you want to take Khadaffi's side against the Libyan people?

    • I disagree. You CAN impeach Obama over sending military troops to Libya, according to Article 1, Section 8 of the constitution, Congress and Congress alone has the power to declare war. With this said, Obama sent OFFENSIVE military troops to Libya without Congress's consent. Due to the the "offensive" aspect to the phrase, one may consider it declaring war. Also, according to Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta in wnd.com's article "OBAMA IMPEACHMENT BILL NOW IN CONGRESS", it seems that “Our goal would be to seek international permission and we would … come to the Congress and inform you and determine how best to approach this, whether or not we would want to get permission from the Congress – I think those are issues we would have to discuss as we decide what to do here.” Translation: ‘We’re going to seek international approval, and then we’ll come and tell the Congress what we might do, and we might seek congressional approval.’ You tell me, is that Constitutional?

    • this isn't red or blue this is American or unAmerican…and the President we have now is 100% unAmerican..eliminating our flag from the press room not to mention 43 impeachable offenses… and using the executive branch to legislate… that is a fail safe of having 3 dept of the government… executive branch is not to legislate laws, read a book

    • i'm more worried about siding with and for the American people than for against the Libyan people regarding something we had no business being mixed up in the first place. I will agree that Romney was a poor choice as a candidate and the dumbass "Republicans" who nominated him set themselves up for failure. I am more than willing to support a president regardless of party who attempts to do what is best for the country of people who elected him. Throwing us into other countries business does not look after our best interest and fanatics and idiots from left or right do nothing drive a division deeper throughout our country. how is it the the current administration is attempting to sue the companies that they attempted to bail out without any kind of ramifications from their actions that resulted in the need of a bailout, but are getting of scott free in regards to an idiotic gun running scheme in fast and furious. it's time that politicians that do not follow the wishes of those that elected them and who they are elected to serve face the consequences of their actions and do not get re-elected, that idiots who try to ignore the constitution are brought up on charges, and all of our elected leaders are held accountable

  37. We as Americans can talk /post, rant and vent our feelings about this man until we are blue in the face, But what can we do to actually get him out , Action is the only way to get him out, but right now he has his military force getting ready for us. Congress wants to impeach him but some parties are with him also as well as his Muslim brotherhood. We have to form a large group and sign a petition to give to members in Congress. There are members in Congress who are also fed up with him. The democrats public who voted for him still think of him as a great President a lot better than Bush and better than Mitt Romney. They think he is a American born citizen. Little do they know what will happen when 2013 comes our economy collapses.And he starts acting like the dictator / Islamic ruler. I feel that we have to get back our country, our freedoms and self respects for ourselves as Americans to show others that we will not allow this man and his backers to dominate and destroy our country. The only country that was founded by our forefathers who gave us the Declaration of Independence, The bill of Rights and The Constitution. Give me liberty ,for I will have no other way to live, if I 'm a slave . This man is not na American nor does he feel like we do. He hates and wants to destroy the U.S, of A. . We must band together and ignore our political beliefs and set those behind because right now they're not in question it's our freedoms and our lives to protect as well as those whose lives are not yet born for the next future generation of Americans.

    • I say we stand and fight them all !!!!
      bull crap if i want to be probed with micro chips because that's what he has plans to do with us all !!!

      and before any smart azz comment pops up google it – it is fact not fiction!

  38. It is clear to me that Obama has no interest in putting together a "bipartisan" effort to find a solution with congress about anything. The reason is, he just doesn't give a damn. He doesn't have to worry about re-election campaigns anymore…so he'll just lay back and do what he wants. Who'll question him? If the Republicans say anything in the way of constructive criticizm, he' s got his tailored made answer: "It doesn't matter what you say, I won the election, the people voted for me so that I can do what I want!" That's what he basically said in the beginning of his first term. Between now and the end of his second term, don't expect Obama to do anything different…he doesn't know how, nor does he care to know. That is who we re-elected!

  39. ok. this is obviously a lie. i'm sick of people who don't know anything about the rules of being a president running their stupid mouths. Barack Obama has every right to use whatever military force he wants. do you know why? because at times of war (which we are in right now) the president has complete power of the military. DUH. geez people pick up a book once and awhile. the internet is just plan bad for stupid ppls brains. 🙂

    • Yeah this fool has been faking his birth certificate using fake SS#s but if this don't get ya
      this fool plans on making us get micro chipped wtf?
      do your research fool before you are against taking him out of office !!!!

    • Obama isn't a legal pres… he got in there with faked documents… they don't give out birth certificates in Kenya… esp that village… and I know he was born in a Kenyan village because a missionary that has been there for over 20 yrs told me… as they elders in the village told him… so anything he does is ILLEGAL according to the Constitution…

    • No but because the hospital his birth certificate says he was born at wasn't built until nearly four years after he was born says he wasn't born there and the document is falsified

    • He does not. He doesn't even have to let congress know about it for 48 hours. And then he has 60 days and a 30 day withdrawal period before he needs congressional consent or a declaration of war. This isn't even a limit in the constitution, but a law passed in 1973,

    • The "1973 War Powers Act" applies only IF the U.S. has been attacked. It's a defensive measure. The president have no power whatsoever to declare war.

    • First off. You spelled plain wrong. so maybe YOU should pick up a book every once in a while. Secondly you are the uneducated moron that doesn't know what is going on in this country and that the so called president of the us is a terrorists and is running this country in the ground and he has dumb a$$'$ like you behind him because you liberals think you know everything but when the facts come out you uneducated liberals start changing the subject. He should be impeached and kicked out of this country!! if you wanna follow him you can go with him. plus he cheated in this past election, 300,000 to 600,000 soldiers did not get their ballots till a day after the election, did you know that???! the debt is unbelievable high. go to a computer and open your damn eyes and do some research and get some facts for a change, the bright side you will be the first liberal to do so, and see what he is doing to this country. its not that he's black its that hes a terrorists. go watch 2016. have a blessed day

    • Thank you for posting. I was one of the many military members who didn't get our ballots until after the election.

    • I am a retired military operator and commanding officer. following a lawful order to use force is required by higher command authority. Do you think it wise to send troops into battle with no backing? Ask Secretary Clinton. she did not help my shipmates who are now gone in the last event where folks asked for military support. Remember a lawful order.

    • Lt B: Military law also states when an order is unlawful or goes against the men in harms way, it can be ignored…I don't fault the two who tried to save the Ambassador and the other American. Far as I am concerned, the order to "stand down" was unlawful because they DID have the necessary backing. And the dimwits you apparently support refused to send that assistance—this makes them just as guilty as that liar in the oval office, clinton, and the rest of the ozero gang.

    • Geez, VofR, pick up a book and READ it, why don't you! It's clear by your ignorant post that you have no idea of what you are talking about….NO president has the "right" to use whatever military fore he wants and NO president has complete power over the military. Unfortunately, the predatory pathological liar in chief evidently thinks he has all the power and no one else can stop him. He is in for a very rude awakening.

    • your an idiot look at what that non-American board muslin traitor be impeached, if not the US os A is done for FREEDOM is over people wake the F'ing up!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Hey buddy Are You an Idiot? Obama Has way overreached his power and authority on many occasions. you know the prez should be impeached and ridiculed. I think we need to mock him and make and example of him for all the world and U. S. citizens to see and we should poll the super rich who he just went after to see what they want us to put him away for good. He is a disgrace to all races across the world and he has weakened the world opinion of us as a great world power because he let 4 americans die without killing those who attacked the consulate.

    • Whatever he wants? against American citizens? You sure? You are completely wrong my friend. AND what WAR are you talking about? Where are we 'At War'? who is the idiot now?

    • Barack Obama does not have the right. Did you forget about 'checks and balances' ? Just because he is 'unfortunately' the president does not give him the power to do as he pleases without getting approval. Furthermore, checks and balances has been in place in order to prevent any 'one' branch from having too much power. He must be impeached and now. He has stepped all over our country in more than one way and should never have been put in office!

    • Yourself included then? Since you obviously haven't picked up a copy of the Constitution which says only Congress can approve any declaration of war. Smarten up

    • sorry, he cannot do anything he wants by law. "at times of war." can you please show me where a "Declaration of War" has been issued.

    • Well well well…….His little gold pen that he loves to use might as well be dry………God please anwer our prayers IMPEACH!

    • He has been abusing the power since the 1st term, and does not like the Constitution because it limits his power. He needs to go and now! He is Anti- American and probably the Anti-Christ too.

    • First off, we are not IN A WAR. We are in conflicts, which in itself allows for almost any military action and DOES NOT REQUIRE CONGRESS'S APPROVAL.

      He is well within his rights. Bush started a entire conflict on lies that is still costing lives. Anybody mad about that?

      This is like impeaching Clinton for a blow job. Good luck tin hat people!

    • What war? There has not been an official decleration of war in the idiots term in office. He has not done any good for the country except put our grandchildren in debt and Piss off the citizens of this country. Nixon was a better president and more honest. Obuma can't be trusted and has devided the country.

    • This is the most retarded thing I've ever read, we are in an ENDLESS war you dumb S*!t, one that is also not allowed. They want it to be endless so they can always have an excuse to do anything they want whenever they want to. WE are the ones going to war, the other side just wants us to stop killing there children and living in there homes.

    • Actually voice of reason you are the idiot. We are NOT in a state of war, for war is declaired on another country which we are not. We are in a war on terror. Not real good with geography, but I'm pretty sure there is no country called terror. What a moron. Know your facts before you open your stupid mouth.

    • hold on to that one he has declaired war on the american people…just look at what he has done..
      need to be impeached right now…..

    • Um, I hate to inform you, but Obama still hasn't stopped the war declared in 620AD against the civilized world.

    • Just look at the way you type. What year are you in high school? We are not at war! The only way for the United States to actually be at war is for congress to say so. Even if we were, the president still doesn't have complete control. How do I know? Well I took four years of college history courses and I'm in the U.S. Navy. You need to read a book and get the hell off the internet.

    • Actually voice of reason you are the idiot. We are NOT in a state of war, for war is declaired on another country which we are not. We are in a war on terror. Not real good with geography, but I'm pretty sure there is no country called terror. What a moron. Know your facts before you open your stupid mouth.

    • Doesn't really work that way. thats like saying. we are at war with Iraq. So the president has the ability to send forces to france. we are in a war. But not with the libyia for that to happen congress needs to be involved

    • We aren't in a time of war dude. Only Congress has the authority to declare war on another nation & the President, no matter who he is must ask for this permission to do so. Perhaps you should brush up on Constitutional Law, checks & balances & the roles of all three branches of government before you openly showing your ignorance. Voice of Reason?? More like Voice of misinformation.

    • actually you should do your research because as a former military man myself we are not at a time of war and have not been for quite some time now. It is considered a police action at the moment not a time of war

    • you are wrong we are not in a time of war no deceleration of war has been issued iraq and afghanistan are operations. and even if a deceleration had been signed congress still has the power of the purse strings over the military.

    • The President has power over the Marine Corps, not the entire military. If we were at war, which we were and are not, it was NOT with Libya. Sadly, the idiot that Obama helped to seize control in Libya is the same one behind the Benghazi incident where Americans were killed. Barack's stupid butt needs to go.
      This coming from a black, disabled vet. 4 years active Marine Infantry, 4 years Marine Reserve and 4 years Army Guard.

    • This is correct the President can only use Marine Corps and FMF Navy personnel it short conflicts without congressional approval. 90 days of boots on the ground 60 for direct fire involvement and 30 of retrograde and reset. No other military force can act without congressional approval. For the other branches of service a special committee hearing/vote is all that is required for short military involvements. If anyone from another service outside of the Marines touched foreign soil without approval of congress as stated above then he is wrong. I do not know all the details about the actions that are in questions this is just what the true current law is regarding minor conflicts on foreign soil.

    • Wrong..the President can only give lawful orders. and we are not at war.. Declared… Your argument is incorrect..

    • Open your eyes "Voice of Reason" and you read a book. You will then know that what we are in is not War. The act of War can only be declared by Congress, in which they have not. So no matter what they call it, it is not officially war. So before you try to look like you are a well educated person on what war is and not, you need to "pick up a book". The President may use the military for policing actions with limitations. Not to the extent that Obamatard has done.

    • MORON! You don't know shit how this country works. Braindead people like vote scum in like this. Don't worry you win the office but we will get the last laugh.

    • Pick up a book? Read the Constitution of the United States of America. He needs Congressional Approval to use Military Force. It doesn't matter if it's a "time of war." If he wants to use military force SOMEWHERE ELSE, then he needs congressional approval.

    • Correct. To support your comment, Google: "1973 War Powers Act."

      The War Powers Act was a congressional tool given to the president to defend the United States in the event of being attacked. The president has no Constitutional enumerated powers whatsoever to declare war, or to engage our military into conflicts at his whim.

    • You are wrong, the president has the power to use the military with the United States Congressional approval only. We were not at war with Libya, he sent forces in without approval then said it was ok becasue he had UN approval. That is not the law and the UN does not have the power to dictate where our military goes, only congress. Wake up!

    • It has absolutely nothing to do with the military. It's the repeated violations of the Constitution, two of which are making recess appointments when Congress isn't in recess. It's supplying planes and ammo to countries that are known to harbor terrorists, enemies of the state. If you know anything about the Constitution, you'd know that high treason is punishable by death. You'd also know that the president is required to sign off on a budget annually. The president also may not violate the 10th Amendment. Tell me again about the internet being bad for stupid ppls brains.

    • your a retard. war on terrerism is not a war, that has already been deliberated. the CONSTITION says that NO MATTER WHAT congress has full controll over wars. obama commands but the system of checks and balances prevails. so when obama gets impeached i hope you go to jail with him, on charges of being a DUMBASS

    • voice of reason…. you must be one of the rats that crawled out of a hole to vote for him. go find some rats poison and chow down. its people like you that he shouldn't have a say in jack shit!

    • In this case, we don't need to pick up a book, we need to pick up the Constitution which specifically says he needs Congressional approval. The problem is that kids (this includes my government class in high school) are taught and texted out of books about the US government and not the Constitution.

    • Maybe you should check your information. Congress has NOT declared war, therefore we are not legally at war, and therefore he MUST get congressional approval for military actions.

    • Ok… I have heard that we have a "war on terror"… but have we declared an official act of war on a specific country? I work midnights and may have missed it…

    • He can use the military for up to 99 days without congressional approval… Libya was longer… Not only that but he signed an executive order allowing him to enact martial law even when we are not in war time, sorry but NO!!!!

    • @'voice of reason… You suggest picking up a book? Read the constitution and the bill of rights. Note that we were are NOT at war with Libya. The Prez does need to get permission from congress to use military force. It's The Law. The Prez does NOT have the right to use 'whatever military force he wants'….. Realize that there are 3 branches of Govt., designed to PROTECT us from free from a dictator/king etc. Its called 'balance of power'. To believe that the Prez has that kind of power only shows your ignorance.

    • Please change your name from Voice of Reason, there is nothing reasonable about your statements. We are NOT a monarchy and we are NOT his subjects. He has to ask permission to use the military you IDIOT. Go back to school and learn something about our country before you spout your BS. The President is NOT all powerful, there are rules he has to follow and he works FOR us the people, not that you would know it since he is destroying our country, but he does. He swore an oath to protect, support, and defend the Constitution of the United States of America and he should start doing it. We haven't had a budget the entire time he has been President…..really, and you think he's doing a great job…you are a moron. You probably believe that no one got taxed more too. It's people like you that have our country in the mess it is in, he NEVER should have been reelected by all of you lemmings who voted for him.

    • Incorrect. Look into the laws of the specific military clauses. He may be the Commander and Chief, but he still does have to have Congress approval. The military is not to command when and where he likes, as the military exists for the sole purpose of protecting American citizens, and the Constitution. NOT his personal motives. The military takes orders from him as long as it does not endanger the country, the citizens, or the constitutional rights therein.

    • Please go back to school and learn grammar, spelling, history, government…anything about the country you are fortunate enough to live in and be free to spout ridiculous, ignorant BS.

    • Although you are right, during a time a war, the president can. However, we are not at war and havn't been since 2005. We are in "Conflicts" right now, and under "Conflicts" the president needs congressional approval. So before you start calling people stupid and to crack a book, maybe you should as well.

    • I am unaware of any war that has been declared in many years. Show me the declaration! Obama swore to uphold and defend the Constitution and he has done nothing but abuse, try to change it to his benefit and crap all over it. Any disagreement and he wants to use executive order. Perhaps you should read a book, of course even then that won't give you any of the common sense of which you sorely lack. Talk about stupid sheeple, look in the mirror and you will see one. Gah!

    • Times of War which we are in? Funny.. this isn't a war in my eyes. We are not doing anything to protect us, just wasting money and resources. Regardless, he still has to follow the rules. They are rules, they are set there for a reason. You're right though.. the internet IS bad for stupid peoples brains… so you should /log off.

    • We are not in any declared wars. So, though I agree this is false (wishing it was true), you are obviously one of the ones who knows nothing about the "rules of being a president". The President can send troops to battle, but only Congress can declare war. Which hasn't happened at all since the first Gulf War. So maybe you should read a book, I would suggest throwing in the Constitution while you are at it, which is violated over and over by this President.

    • Have you ever read, or have any knowledge whatsoever of the "1973 War Powers Act?"

      Add, the president of the United States DO NOT have the Constitutional enumerated powers you speak of. For that very reason are why Congress gave the executive branch limited defensive measures with the "1973 War Powers Act" PERIOD

      Fact: President G. W. Bush had to get "War Powers Act" approval from congress before he went into Afghanistan and Iraq.

    • It's not a lie. Educate yourself by Googling the: "1973 War Powers Act."
      Bush got congressional WPA approval for Afghanistan and Iraq.

    • Where is the formal declaration of war from Congress? There is none because our country is a bankrupt out of control corrupt greedy "corporation" (Title 28 Section 3002). Our country is a company. It is in business to make a profit for the bankers and the puppet masters liker George Soros, George H W Bush and David Rockefeller The corporation called the United States started every war since WWI and we are under at least ten declared states of national emergency, which is why and how Obama and every other President can use executive orders. This is also evident in the gold fringed flags flying everywhere including on the shoulder patch of our corporation military. We are not at war. We are in business as a corporation killing people for profits for the bankers and this must stop now!

    • Voice of What? You should read the Constitution. Why suggest we read books about others opinions on what it says. It's written in plain English:

      Article 2; Section 2; The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, WHEN CALLED INTO THE ACTUAL SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES;…"

      Article 1 Section 8; The Congress shall have Power……To declare War, grant letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water."

    • your an idiot. yea he has every right as long as there is reason. we are already in so much debt because of him. he is giving tons of weapons to these countries to defend themselves. so we dont have to go over there. and we are not at war with those countires.

    • there is no war….it is all made up….government conspiracy. don't be fooled. all for show. do not buy into media crap its just for show.

    • another idiot sheep…. i wish u people would move the hell out of America. go read a book as u claim we need to …

    • If Im not mistaken I believe that regardless if he is"president" or not he still has to get approval from several people before he just starts bombing countries. Think you should check your facts before you start calling names.

    • If your hero, Barrack Hussein Obama has the right to tell the military to do everything he wants to, then why didn't he send troops to guard our Ambassador in Libya. The answer is that he didn't want to. He was afraid it would hurt his chances to get reelected and because of that 4 people are dead. Hillary's answer to that is "WHO CARES!:

    • You are the reason our Country is FAILING and we are losing freedoms…The President does not have any power to use whatever military force he feels. HE WASNT GIVEN THAT POWER by the founders. CONGRESS declares the threat. Obama went into libya and used our resources and military strength without the consent of CONGRESS. The President has the power to 'REPEL' invasions to our homeland and he doesn't even do that because we are invaded by illegal immigrants…Instead of picking up a book PICK UP THE CONSTITUTION and THE FEDERALISTS. You might not rant like a fool if you do. War Powers Act is unconstitutional as well and Obama didn't even obey that stinky legislation..My goodness you are such a terminal illness to my Country.

    • no he dont and wen they swear in its to protect the constitution not the president he just wants yall to see what u want , why dont ppl listen more instead he wants to take our rights and freedom, its in the bible pick it up

    • Yeah, apparently "another country" doesn't register in your mental dictionary…you should have that looked at!

    • he dose not have the power to go around congress even in war time, and he cannot declare war with out a declaration of war from congress , he is not aloud to be a dictator/king, get your facts straight .

    • Hey, "Voice of Dumbass liberals who don't know shit but voted for Obama anyway" – First off, you never have read the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. I suggest you do so, then read up on your King Obama, and his history. Find out who his mentors were, and the money he, his wife, and his Chicago cronies took from the taxpayers in Chicago. He grew up around card carrying communists (his dad was one), so was Frank Marshall Davis. Oh, you don't know who that was? Geez, pick up a book once in a while. Until you are educated enough to hold an adult conversation with God-loving, patriotic Americans on this website, many whom have served this nation in ways you will never understand, or appreciate, you should keep you pie-hole shut and pay attention to those who have the facts straight.

  40. Midnight, Tuesday 6 November 2012 – For the "BLASTS From The RAMSHORN" Record – NOTHING Has Changed – There "IS" NO Hope {NOW – 2016 or EVER} – Short of Impeachment & or Unless or Until "We the People" CHANGE – By returning to our Beginnings <> Honoring BOTH "God" the Creator of ALL that "IS" {including me & You} through Jesus Christ -&- the Divinely Inspired "Constitution" of this Greatest of All Single Nations – To Ever Exist! "Be It So" The Executive "Entity" – of ALL that "IS" in the Unknown Space of Universes "IS" Patiently Waiting to be CONVINCED through the Word that became Jesus Christ – that We are Worthy of the TRUTH of His Forgiveness. God DID Say "The Earth "IS" Mine". Nothing Could Be Simplier – Yet, So Hard For Man {wo-man "IS" man, too} – In Our Vanities – To DO!

  41. Yeah this fool has been faking his birth certificate using fake SS#s but if this don't get ya
    this fool plans on making us get micro chipped wtf?
    do your research fool before you are against taking him out of office !!!!
    do you want your kids micro chipped ?
    do you want health insurance against your will this will be not a option but a have to !!!!

    sorry to say nobody is sticking a micro chip in me ill beat em up first !!!

    • You no I cant understand how some people voted for him ,have they not had enough? I am A vet and I hope the armd forses do not turn on its own people,forget the two party stuff? THIS IS R COUNTRY


  42. I agree impeach Obama and his staff. They are all behind his dictatorship. We are freedom people not government control people. This is what is so wonderful about our Country freedom of decision and choices. Since he has been in office we have not had ekther. What I do not understand why people dont see him for whay he truly is a Dictator monster. Please work harder to gey him out before he destroys our Country to a point of no return. He has many issues you can impeach him for. All serious matters. Libia deaths which in itself alone is good enough as we lost four brave men and the President and his staff are trying to bouncr this around to stop the process from the truth which is They lied to the American people and covering ip the murders of the Ambasdador and the other brave men. Please move swiftly as the longer you wait the move lies between them will happen.
    Thank you

    • alot of people dont see him as he is, because they are the lazy ,check drawing,free cell phone, free insurance receiving trash that dont want to loose all he has given they. they might have to start work or something terrable like that.

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  47. By all means Congress should move ahead with Removal of that Criminal in the WH. And take all of the administration with him, like David Axelrod who is a known communist born in Moscow. Obama is and has never been qualified to be president, which he has admitted by his own admission. He has been pushed through by Peloshi who is probably responsible for ok his eligibility knowing full well he is not a Natural Born citizen. He is evil, dangerous, deranged and should be punished accordingly, such as PRISON. #1 threat to National Security.

    • TROLLS… don't feed the trolls. They think we are not awake. They think we will believe their rhetoric. Guess what, we stopped listening long time ago. Stay strong everyone justice will prevail.

    • I dont know why people.. such as yourself is on this u.s. citizen thing with obama! If he wasn't able then he wouldnt have made it through round two! secondly congress is the big problem here and if you dont realize that then you need to brush up on your politics. thirdly national security is not going to go with you on this one.. Prison?? are you serious.. learn more about what your talking about before you post things on the internet.. you look foolish and uneducated! There is one thing I can say.. the whole idea of giving the illegal citizenship should be null and void. If they are going to do that then they need to give all americans who have messed up in the past a new clean slate and try from now on documenting everybody.. and thats all i got to say.. good day!

    • Bradley, you are not very intelligent. You know nothinig about national security. Obama is in fact, a huge danger to our security. If you are interested in learning something, investigate the draw down of nuclear arsenal he wants to do while allowing communist countries to increase theirs. Look into cyber-attacks and how he wants to place our cyber-security in the hands of the United Nations. Our economy as a whole is a huge threat to our national defense. Have you heard about the sequstration that will gut our military and it's abilities to react in case we are attacked? If you choose to bury your head in the sand, be my guest, but don't come on here and try to argue about stuff you know nothing. I prefer to educate myself and pay attention, rather than be stupid.

  48. Stop threatening and just do it..NOW!!!. Don't give in to delays, excuses, threats, lies or Pelosi. Don't give the Dems a chance to plan the demise of Congress. If Congress has already decided he is a suspect in the crimes, he should be setting in a jail cell until his trial…just like the law is used on common folk.


  49. Wonder if half the people supporting his impeachment on the grounds of 'illegal military activity' wanted to throw Bush out after he took us to war on the grounds of false information which started this down hill slide our country is in in he first place… he didnt have congress's vote for war when he began his assault on the Afghanistan or Iraq… just a thought… Can't please everyone apparently.. If he dosn't use the military in reaction to Benghazi in Libya, than he is unpatriotic and doesnt care.. if he does, than he needs to be impeached? Some people just dont want to see him succeed..

    • BECAUSE Bush actually had war approved by Congress! YES! that is right the current president Barack Obama actually voted to go to war. Unfortunately, the information that was given by Intel was incorrect which was figured out after we went. Get your facts before you post.

    • Would you get off Bush's ass already??! Bush left office 4 years ago, and yet he is still being blamed for stuff? Obama's crimes go way beyond military action w/o Congressional approval. He should never have been elected in the first place! You are apparently too blindsided to see this!

    • Bush got congressional approval AFTER he sent troops. Corey has a good point…the Iraq/Afghanistan war is such a waste of tax dollars and lives. Its sad that we have such a stain on our country's history.

    • Corey, Congress approved Bush's request in military action in both Afghanistan & Iraq. Are you really that ignorant?? Oh yeah, you voted for Obama.

    • Funny how everyone refers back to Bush. Fact of the matter is he had congressional approval(including democrats) for the war that began under him. Obama did not have congressional approval to use US military to fire upon either country., which is against our Constitution. He does not have the authority to do this and the UN certainly does not have the authority.

    • Bush acted on poor information, he did not create it. Only thing I hold against him is that he wussed out. We should have went strong and hard right from the begining. Please understand I am not a Bush supporter, I sure as H*ll don't support what he did during his administration. But I do believe in this country, my rights, and my idea of freedom for all peoples. Bush was an idiot, Obama should damn well pay for allowing americans to come under attack and knowingly do nothing. Also to clarify, we have not yet congresionally declared war.

    • No we don't. He is the idiot that has destroyed this Nation. He just wants to be a dictator and we are not going to sit around and let him. Open your eyes idiot.

    • I absolutely wanted Bush out for what he did. As bad as his was he does not compare or even come close to how bad this tyrant in the White house is. He has not been successful in anything but destroying the United States. He

    • Actually Corey, he did have congressional approval for the OPERATION in Iraq. This was not a war, and even if it was he still followed the laws to do so and was backed by democrats and republicans enough to be approved. Look it up. Obama used our military like a UN security force. We do not send troops into countries based on UN orders, we have a United States congress for that. Wake up!

    • Actually Bush did NOT get congressional approval until AFTER he declared war!!!!!! Why dont yall check your facts.

    • actually Bush had full Congressional support for both Afghanistan and Iraq and also support of the UN security council for both

    • so we keep allowing wrong doing, just because it was done in the past? Seriously, this blame Bush thing is old. I'm a Libertarian, and yes Bush was a puppet…but so is Obama, who by the way, is following in Bush's footsteps, and is repeating many of Bush's policies. Not to mention his many promises and lies.

    • The Clintons, Bush both Jr and Sr, and Obama along with there alphabet agencies should all be taken down!!! Nothing but lies by all of them and there secret plans initiated through there ABC agencies to include: DHS, DOJ, CIA, FBI, FEMA, TSA.. CLOSE THEM ALL DOWN!!!! Get to the real truth!!! They are all part of the bildebergs!!! Thus every single one should be tried for treason to the US!!!

    • are you kidding ? I despise the vile lying pig but I wanted him to succeed because I want my country to succeed. It is quite obvious that is not happening, so if you can;t do the job, then we have to let you go. Good riddance

    • It amazes me that you still call it false information…lets' see, lets threaten someone for 3 years, then take action! I bet you support UN as well. Had we threatened and shown up on the doorstep the next day, I'd venture to guess things would have been different, but no, we were too busy worrying about offending someone or being racist! Libs and obamainions just amaze me, how can you put so much stupid in so many people so fast?

  50. Funny thing is, you dumbass conservatives think this is a real issue. This website is the only one with the story. Obama's done nothing wrong, and Obama's not going anywhere.

    • So murdering US Citizens for any reason, without a crime being committed is okay with you? How about indefinite detention without a trial? Fast and Furious? Giving 20 Billion dollars to the Muslim Brotherhood that want to murder us? Providing 20 F16 Fighter jets, 20 Submarines, Boats, Assault Weapons and ammo to Muslim Brotherhood, Syrian Rebels, and Libya forces which also want America destroyed. Then there is Benghazi which he is DIRECTLY Responsible for.

    • Well, I am an outsider from EU.
      I have just one replica: and who armed talibans – when they were in war with Russia!?
      America of course :=)

      So, please do not seek ways to prevent a good president, who wants to do also something for pure – or not-so-rich people in America!
      Be happy and proud you have such a man on top!

  51. what they said about democrats being opposed to our “president” potentially being impeached is not entirely true. i am a democrat, even though i am ashamed to admit it due to what party obama is part of, yet i am all for him being impeached. he is, in my opinion, the most unconstitutional president we have ever had (and i hope will have). i cannot stand what he has done to this country and pretty much turned his back on people like me and my family. every president this country has had during my life have been saints compared to the one we have now. he needs to be impeached and thrown in gitmo because he is in a sense being a terrorist to our own country and other countries. george w. bush was better than obama. get him out of office ASAP!

  52. Oh, you don't like Obamacare so you must be a racist? People these days. Ever hear of the boy who cried wolf? He's the brother of the boy who cried racist. He cried it so much that the word has lost all it's desired meaning and effect. Make sure you get your whole head in front of the shotgun. Thank you for calling!

    • Obama care? That's the least of our troubles! Your one of those that are completely drunk on the Obama can do no wrong wine. You are completely blind to the fact that closet socialists everywhere in our government, in our school systems, movie industry, you name it and their there, are now moving forward to bringing this country down, all the way down. Its just like someone like you to pull out the race card when the criticisms start pouring out.

  53. Try Reading a non-american News Paper. Maybe the Toronto Star out of Canada, If you want truly unbiased information, look outside your borders for the truth, You'll only get half truths from either side within your own country.


  55. i could care less what color he as long as he helps this country out of the mess we are in but to me after his first 4 years things have not change one bit, so he needs to get on the ball and do something significant to turn this country in a different direction.

  56. I’m beyond sick of hearing about ‘racism’! its not an issue of race, its an issue of fairness.

    first off, in our country you are legally the, same race as your MOTHER. this men Mr.Obama, though black because of the dominate pigmant gene, is in fact legally cacasian. second, obamacare isnt paided for by taxes we already pay, its paid for by more taxes we will be required to pay. that is those of us who work any way! the free loaders who already have free housing, free food and a welfare check already recieve free or discounted medical treatment at facilties such as quality of life. the medical treatment there is just as good as anywhere else! i know because i myself use them for treatment! i cannot afford the health insurance my job offers anymore but when i had it the doctors i was sent to were no better and i pay less now by 25% than i did with insurance!

    remember, the,government cannot give to you unless it has first taken from someone else

  57. Lol this is cute. More republicans wasting time instead of addressing needs of hurricane survivors. AND IT IS A WASTE OF TIME, simply because his jury is the senate, and who holds the majority there? Right. This is more republican ” i didn’t get my way so I’m throwing a tantrum.”

    All I can say to you guys is,

    “U MAD BRO?”

  58. Please let it be so! His politics are horrible. We don't need a president who thinks our constitution is a "historical document." I just hope that the majority or the country that voted for him will wake up and see that he is stripping us of our freedoms one at a time. Then saing that's its what is best for our country. WAKE UP America! Haven't we seen this in the history books? Or are you so blind because of his race that you can't see it? Who cares anymore on what his race is? Our country can't be founded on that. It's suppose to be what is really good for our nation not just a chosen few. Hitler did that and look at where it got all those Who opposed him. But it was too late for them because he had way more power than anyone and everyone was afraid to oppose him.
    Obama is attacking our freedoms. Making Christians do things they don't believe in. Trying to force murder down our throats. To accept abortion as a form of birth control. What ever happened to waiting? Is sex so much more important than a life? Guns, healthcare and much more that we losing to the government. Many may like the healthcare but I for one feel the affects of the rising cost. Last year our healthcare was much cheaper than this year. No we are not rich by any means. We barely make it now and that's with cutting everything extra out of our lives. We go nowhere anymore except to work and church. Yet the gas we spend a month is out the roof. We have small cars and don't live very far away from either place. We only have our bills to pay yet we can't seem to make it. Our income hasn't changed except for the healthcare we pay. That's a hundred dollars more a week. Utilities have gone up and food. Everything is getting worse. So who's fault is it this time people? Obama is the one that's been in office for over four years now. So do we blame him now? He should worry about the middle class because we are all going into poverty.

  59. Obama broke every part of his presidential oath when he did not stand up for our constitution against the U.N. that should be enough ground for impeachment in my opinion. Everything else with abuse of our military just adds to it. What I want to know is what is going on between the U.N. and Obama now while he distracts us. There are ways to tighten gun control without taking away our rights. For example it’s a hell of a lot easier to get a gun than a class C drivers license. Yet we all have the right to drive until the privilege is abused.

    • I am not a republican!!!!!!! Some Americans better wake up and not bend over to the loss of constitutional rights and the road to communism it paves. The only reason you have the freedoms that you do have is because the constitution and the men who are brave enough to fight for it and have died for it!!!!!! you should be ashamed of yourself as an American to not take the notion seriously no matter your political party. So the stupid is on you!!!!

    • He is, He sold military issued guns to the drug cartel, and they used those weapons to kill our border patrol agents, and several Mexican citizens. He talks about how it's a terrible thing that all these shootings and deaths are happening, and yet he's the biggest contributor to one.

    • Obama is a genius for sure, one hell of a speaker. He is an evil destructive force against this country. Most of the people whom are for him are poor followers and use to EXISTING and not really living. Those who are attacking us who are standing behind the constitution are weak and will crumble when face having to live under total rule and /or in camps. Lie, cheating, no morals, unable to make a stand alone. Most things do not make the news because the new media are weak followers also. When those who speak the truth and clearly explain the nearing collapse along with martial law, they are ridiculed. Time will show the truth very very soon. Those who insisted on the separation of our great nation will be the ones with no one and nowhere. No one to lean on or get handouts from.

    • obama is a worthless piece of trash, if you think he is so great why is trying to take away all of our rights, you need to open your eyes and take a look at what hes doing

    • NO read the article, involvement with Fast and Furious, also this website reports stories on aliens, come on people we all know this is not real

    • The answer is no. This is a fictional article, like the rest on their site. Take a look around; they also write about aliens, mutants, etc.

    • He definitely is, the answer is yes. You should put this article on blast and tell EVERYONE because you just KNOW mainstream media is NOT GOING TO COVER IT. Then you should do what I'm doing, I'm planning an impeachment party, I'm inviting everyone to come to my place and watch the impeachment hearings, they are starting on Feb 30 and I will be GLUED to my tv.

  60. Impeach him —hes trying to change all the const. admendments. First 2 now 22 and 4. We don't want him in there anymore . He has done nothing but screw over the people since hes been in.

  61. Now hes trying to make ALL gun owners buy a gun insurance.WTF this is stupid. Instead of being down on criminals ( who isn't going to listen anyways) hes doing it to all the people…GUNS don't kill people its the criminals who use the guns and no gun control will help. Hes using this to try to take over the United States god wake up people…

    • Yes sir, he is a stupid politiician that thinks if they pass legislation, then the street gangs of Chicago would comply with the law and register their weapons. By the way, last month, Chicago (his home of record) had 43-45 murders. There were only 26 murders during the St. Valentine's Day Massacre. Chicago has the most strict gun laws in the country. So, some liberal idiot is going to change this by making the law-abiding citizens give up their rights to self-protect? Only .03% of Chicagoans have licenses to own a weapon. So, who is doing all the killing? Nazi Germany was effective because they disarmed the population – that is what Obama is trying to do to us. Many in his party want to see a complete ban on weapons by private citizens. They will have a fight on their hands if they try to take mine. I am prepared.

    • Because the mainstream media is owned by reuters, who in turn is owned by…the banks. And who do the banks answer to? Thats right…the FED. You no longer recieve unbiased news…its all carefully controlled through a central network…and regurgitated across the nation. Very few media outlets have the balz to tell the truth.

  62. this is funny. America is such a great country even if only for the heated and usually uninformed debates that occur on the internet. The internet is the only place where both sides can throw their share of media spun crap and not have to suffer any real consequences. I love it

  63. The only problem with an impeachment, you have to have the majority of the house and senate both. Democraps control the senate. Bill Clinton was impeached by the House and acquitted by the senate and wasn't removed from office. Our congress doesn't have the balls to do this. We need an overhaul of congress to get this done. Why do people keep electing these idiots back into congress. They are useless!!!! I hope this is true but it will never happen with the incompetent congress we have today. We need to take our country back from these career politicians who only serve their needs and not the people they are meant to serve!!! I hope for the country's sake it is for real and actually happens but I am not holding my breath….

    • democrips and rebloodlicans ,they all want him gone, to get rid of the bully .
      ask any educated black person they will tell you he is bad news taking away mine and all black people rights we are in the same boat. ps dont suck the sack of main stream media black people.i think you know shit is getting worse .not better, has obama helped your people in your area? state your case! to me he is a great talker/and hot air, nothing more he has only put his time into out side nation stuff.

  64. Not sure how much truth and how much scandal is in this article I've only heard it from one source. Still should there be truth to these allegations lets hear the facts from both sides of the fence, Republican and Democrat. Because lets be honest here, most people only wanna take information the the source that caters to their beliefs. If this is true and should he be found guilty then by all means let have another president, for better or for worse. I'm a Black Republican. I don't agree with Obama on almost any issue. But I don't think him a criminal we should just throw him to the wolves.

  65. I believe the reason why people hate Barak Obama is obvious. Its plain racism. Maybe they dont know they are racist but seeing a Black Man in office scares the shit out of them. Its sad but racism hasnt gone any where. People accepted Blacks as neighbors but as The President they cant handle it. I say quit your crying and respect that man.

    • The first black president with a white mama, dims suckered you right in. It's not the color of his skin, it's the color of his ideology, RED. Get off the lame brain racism crap. I could care less about skin color, that is a dim subject, they didn't vote to free you or give you civil rights, the republicans did. They used you, made you dependent on them for handouts, wouldn't allow 2 parents in your HUD home and they kept you there, they aborted your children by the millions. They carried a KKK as a high ranking Senator in your party, Robert Byrd. Learn your history with them, or repeat it.

    • I think the reason most people dislike him is because he's a socialist. Race has nothing to do with it with most people I know, including myself. I don't want to work my ass off while a very capable person sits on their ass and collects a check that they feel (and our socialist president feels) rightfully belongs to them.

    • Erica,

      Not one (NOT ONE!) of his ancestors was a slave in the South. Never. Half of his ancestors aren't even American. Honey, African Americans don't even trust Barack Obama or like him.
      It's not racism, it's common sense.

      -Miss Lola

    • Psuedo-racism? I wouldn't favor nor disadvantage either party if African Americans supported him or not. Is he fulfilling his national and international duties?

    • Until he fulfills his national duties, as laid out in the Constitution, he has no international duties. And while in office, he has repeatedly and without regard or respect for the Constitution, sidestepped the Constitution through Presidential orders so as to avoid the possibility of being voted down in Congress. Racism, for me, is a non-issue. Some of my best friends in life have been of other races. I am an American and a defender of the Constitution and the way of life it affords. That's neither racism nor psuedo-racism.

    • J Sampson – That is because Congress blocked everything he was trying to do. He even sent several job creation bills to the house that would have entice corporations to hire Americans and you know what they did. They blocked them just to make him a one term president.
      And for your information, congress has the authority to override an executive decision if it goes against the Constitution. So learn how the constitution works before spouting your rubbish.
      He submitted his budgets to congress every year sincere he was sworn into office and they house sat on them or declined to bring it up for discussion in the Ways and Means Committee. So you and people like you need to visit the House Website and check out the Budget proposals by Obama submitted before repeating lies fed to you by Fox News, Rush Limbaugh and other ultra conservatives.
      The truth is out there on the House and Senate Websites all you have to go is go there and review the information and find the real truth out and not what the media wants you to believe. Also check out the White House website as well.

    • Lola, if you believe that then you have lived a sheltered life and have no clue to what the real environment is like in the US.

    • For sure she is. She is the reason why our country is suffering so much under the hands of this tyrant and his administration. Is useless to try to reason with this kind of people, like her we have a lot of people in this country. I pray to God this is a successful impeachment and our country can moved forward before is too late and this tyrant/dictator/useless president finish destroying it. I'm Hispanic, and I don't believe this has anything
      to do with racism!

    • No Alba – It is uneducated closed minded people like you who live in a dream world and have no clue to how the real country and world works. you need to travel to other states and countries and get a clue to what the real country is and how it works and then travel to other countries and see just how lucky we are and Obama is no tyrant compared to 235 other countries leaders in the world.
      YOU HAVE NO FLIPPING CLUE WHAT A DICTATOR IS !!!!!!!!! Go to North Korea and see what a real dictator does. GET A CLUE !!!!!!!!

    • i'm a veteran with 9 years of service to my country … and have seen those other countries you speak of. I agree with what you are saying … but also I know my history. If we are feed a little at a time .. that all is well …. we may no better off than the German people were under Hitler. We cow our heads down and say what can I do? If I can put food on the table and shelter for my family … I've done all I can do. I, on the other hand have seen the cost of freedom. I also know the warning of our forefathers … that our greatest fear should be that of our our goverment. If we don't stand up to what's right and up hold the Constitution … we are doomed to the same as the countries you speak of. I've seen enough killing flieds in my life time and pray I don't see any more. Let's take legal action while we can to avoid this horrible path. Wake-up my fellow Americans … this is our country … your State is you home and structured by Constitution Law to protect our rights individually. When we have a President that steps over State and Local law .. as Obama has for personal reasons … we no longer have a President for the people but one that is acting on his on ….Wow .. what do we call that when we see that in those countries you speak or .. "Your words" YOU HAVE NO FLIPPING CLUE WHAT A DICTATOR IS !!!!!!!!! Go to North Korea and see what a real dictator does. GET A CLUE !!!!!!!! .. Actually it is you who needs to re-look at what's going on here. And please never under mind those of us who have served and gave all for this great Nation .. and are still paying the price with our broken bodies and night-mares.

      Command Sargent Major

    • i do not like him because of political reasons, he is a horrible president and has nothing to do with his race.

    • I will not totally disagree with you, but playing the race card makes you a moron. People do not like him because he is a socialist taking away our rights as American citizens. Me, I could care less if you are white, black, brown, the color of the rainbow or beamed down to earth from the USS Enterprise; if you are a POS then you are a POS. End of story.

    • u are an idiot. he is ruining the country with his dont know shit policies… he was a crappy lawyer, didnt do so hot as a senator , and is way over his head being potus… he wants photo-ops, vacations, and money. and hes getting all 3 …. and not doing his job…

    • Are you kidding…it doesn't matter if he's black or white to quote a famous black woman….he's an idiot!

    • Erica you're an idiot… I could care less what color he is and I'm sick and tired of you guys using the racist card… Mexican's had it tough and "WE'RE NOT OUT THERE CRYING LIKE YOU ARE"… you know why? BECAUSE WE CAN HANDLE LIFE / CRAP AND PEOPLE LIKE YOU THAT USE THE RACIST CARD ARE THE BIGGEST DUMB ASS'S IN THIS UNIVERSE!!! RACIST MY ASS, HE IS SO AGAINST AMERICA AND THE AMERICAN PEOPLE but you're to dumb to see through it because you are to busy crying the WORD RACIST!!! CRY BABY!!!

    • What has Obama disregarded I the Constitution? Please enlighten me on this so I can refer to the Constitution o the United States, current executive orders and other actions taken by Obama. So that I can see it for myself.

    • no william….why dont you read for yourself. You dont need to go far,so it should be easy for you. Jerk off.

    • You are a moron. Being black has nothing to do with it. I wish every day Herman Cain was our President. The most prominent form of racism today is entitlement programs. It keeps minorities ever tied to their Democratic masters. The Confederacy called. They want their moronic racism back, prick.

    • Obozo is biracial, not black! I am black and I don't nor have I ever supported him. It isn't about race! It is about his numerous failed policies, over inflated ego and arrogance. This country needs a leader, not someone that see's himself as a God, he is the farthest thing from him. I could care less the race of a person, I look at character. PS. The dems handy dandy race card played out after Condi Rice got called the "house negro" and Tim Scott a "Token" by the oh so tolerant democratic party. Turn in your card, it's a disgrace!

    • How can one man destroy a nation that many men have led? It may sound elementary, but teamwork is the issue.

    • Destroyed too damn much??????? I guess Bush and the 110th, 111th and 112th congress didn't destroy anything?
      last I checked When Bush took office has was .95 per gallon, unemployment was roughly 4.7% and people were happy. By the end of the Bush Administration, we were losing 500k jobs a month, stock market imploded and went from 14k to 7k, and unemployment was reaching 10.2%, got us into two wars that have cost 1000s of young men and women's lives in the US military and trillions in spending.
      Obama since he took office, we have added roughly 175k to 225k net jobs a month, the stock market has gone from 7k to 15k. Got us out of Iraq, has drawn up plans to get out of Afghanistan by the end of next year, resisted sending troops into Syria to aid the Syrian Rebels like Rush Limbaugh and the rest o the War hawks want him to do and called him a ball less coward for not doing so. Now that he is furnishing them weapons to fight Assad, those same people are criticizing him for giving arms to the Syrian rebels.
      Last I checked, I can say what I want, go where I want, eat what I want, be who I want, dress like I want, talk to whom ever I want, take a bath when ever I want with Warm water, and do just about anything I wish as long as it doesn't violate the Laws of the Land set forth by the US Constitution and the Judicial System of the United States. I lost my 60k job a year in 2007 thanks to the economic collapse of the US economy. It wasn't until Obama and Bush came up with the two stimulus bills that saved the economy from going into a depression and stopped it in a deep recession. Oh Wow, did I just credit Bush for doing something good? Yes I did, he actually drafted the first stimulus and submitted it to congress before he was sworn out of office and Obama took over and signed it into law. He could have not signed the stimulus and lt the country go to crap. But he took a Republican President, Republican Backed bill and signed it into law because he thought it was good for America, just look Bush thought. So you and people like you that are on the Obama hate wagon need to check your full facts and not the facts of Fox News, Rush Limbaugh or any other media mogul and media source and get the truth from the House and Senate Websites and the White House website.

    • "What kind of country is this that a man can't hate another man unless he's white?" – Hank Hill (King of the Hill)
      No but really, just because people don't like someone of a different race doesn't mean they're racist. I don't like Obama because I don't like his policies. I really don't think he belongs in the White House at all. He's probably an OK guy outside of politics, but he sucks as president. This has NOTHING to do with his race.

    • The president leads a nation of people from all around the world. Beyond our control, America is still the Great Melting Pot. He follows through to support, serve and protect the citizens while honoring the Constitution according to WE THE PEOPLE not the government. His service extends to other dependent and needy countries, and that shall be honored.

    • You speak for a lot of us who are still red blooded Americans. If the person is right for the job no matter the skin color or heritage, he will run a constitutional goverment. He is a very likeable person but not as a president, his qualifications are zero. Just because he has a slick tongue doesn't make him a good leader. You are suppose to choose a leader who can do right by the people no matter if he is domocratic, republician, or independent. I don't vote for the skin color or for the slick tongue, I vote on whether he can lead America and I saw none of this in Obama. If we needed color in the white house, I would have liked to see Cain get the job.

    • Jordan, OK lets take your argument and examine a little bit then.
      Why was it that when Obama was confirmed as the 44th President of eh United States on 08 November 2008, the day after every white supremacy group saw an increase in membership of over 200% to 300%?
      Why did congressmen and congresswoman and Senators come out and declare that "They will do what ever it takes to make this president a one term president regardless of how badly it hurts America"? This was election night, not 1 month, 2 years, 4 years or 6 years down the road. it was the night of the election in 2008. Why did the House block every singe proposed budget of Obama?
      So you tell me how in the hades these people hated him and he hadn't even been sworn into office and is policies enacted yet?????
      Please enlighten me on this? Because it was pure racism. A lot of people don't want a black man in the white house. I cant imagine what you people would to a female president she gets voted in as president.

    • well your belief may be true by a small percentage, but trust me, we don't hate him because he's black, we hate him, because he's destroying America! He's one of the worst presidents, and if you did a little more research like the rest of the country, you will hate him too. TRUTH! Find out for yourself, before its too late!

      “any use of military force by Obama without explicit consent and authorization of Congress constitutes an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under article II, Section 4.”

    • it has noting to do with a black president . I am tired of the race card being played each time this man f's up which is all the time. he is simply a sh__y president. and should be impeaced if he was for the american people and actually helped us out instead of putting us down people would like him
      i have no problem voting for a black man as president as long as he does rite by the people who love this country instead he supports everyone else.

    • Wow. Were you smacked with stupid? People don't want Barack Obama in office because of what he has done in the past four years.. Do I need to remind you of the Benghazi cover-up, the Fast and Furious scandal, not to mention the deficit? He's a horrible president.. He deserves every right to be impeached!

    • The only one that is making this a race issue is people like you who cry racisim everytime someone voices their opinion and it differs from yours. I see more racism against the caucasian population taking place than anything else. The caucasian race has been silenced on just about every political/social issue that exist out of fear of being called a racist and no longer have the freedom to speak out because of claims such as this. But I guess you are too caught up in the race game to look at the current state of our country (financially and socially) to see that its not the color of ones skin that is responsible for its demise but ones management skills and loyalty.

    • I believe you are ignorant like him. Has nothing to do with color, its about how he is dragging this country through the mud. He had his chance and only proved that he isn't for the US

    • racism hasn't got anything to do with it. he's as white as he is black. his socialist policies are the problem. this is america. that's not how america works

    • i know tons of white people that voted for him.. just the fact he's making up unconstitutional laws every other day is the reason

    • Janis, because it is pure racism that is driving the divide in the is country. You don't want to admit it and a lot of people do not want to admit it but it is true. The facts are there and proof is abundant that most of the people hated Obama before he was even sworn into office. This has noting to do with is policies because they are the same as Romney just a different name and party. This is mostly based on race. Sure some of his policies I disagree with but that is what congress is there for as checks and balances and if they signed off on it both Republicans and Democrats then they thought it was best for the country.

    • Yes William, it is racism that is driving the divide in this country. However, its not being driven by the hard working white American or the hard working black American. It is being driven by uneducated, blinded by the skin color, ignorant people like you!

    • I respect the constitution of the United States and anyone who follows it. They could be purple and I would respect them if they followed the constitution. Obama does not respect the constitution so I feel he does not respect the United States. Those who believe he should remain in office just because of his race are the ones who are racist. You do not have to be white to be racist.

    • im not a racist , if he is guilty he needs to step down ,if he is not guilty then leave the man alone , thats my stance, ps i voted for him. dont even think about calling me a racist. ps my wife is black lady, with a hot booty.
      ive been with her for 10 years, her brothers are my brothers. ps i live in the STL- ghetto , ps do your research before you defend the man , going to war with out congress approval is an act against the us constitution there for its mandatory impeachable offense , get the the full scoop before you call PEOPLE A RACIST ,LADY

    • you have no idea what a white person thinks, i voted for him, so stop the racist crap! 90% of the white people on this site are saying drop the racist crap! yet the black people on this site are calling is all racist, that makes no sense. dumb ass!

    • The only people who "cry" racism are those who don't have a clue as to who Barack Obama is, and those who cannot spell his name. You obviously are not very intelligent, and really need to look into his past before you can speak as an authority figure on his behalf. Otherwise, he is nothing more than a social experiment to the liberals who by the way, were the racism party before Abraham Lincoln set the slaves free. Oh yeah, he was a Republican. The more you learn, the more you will know why people feel the way they do. That is what makes the difference between you and the educated voter. Not skin color you twit !!!

    • Barack Obama is a disguised terrorist, hell bent on destroying America . . . and we're letting him do it!

    • its usuallyu the blacks that are saying we want him there because hes black they dont think about the country we live in the great USa that obama is tearing down because he is the biggest moron we have ever had black or white makes no difference you just cant fix stupid so while hes president things will never get better its like haveing your 3 year old child run your household

    • as ive said on here to others.the race card is plain out old.im so sick of hearing it.quit crying already.for real.if a white man says anything about his own heritage he is a racist and a nazi.well president obama is a nazi and he is a royal screw up.fyi obama had 56% white voters and only 24% black.so dont come on here or anywhere else and cry that the ppl are mad cause there is a black president when not even 50% of black folks voted for the guy.he had more whites voting for him then blacks for cryin out loud.take that race bull crap and shove it up a pigs ass cause thats about what it ammounts to anymore.and fyi…whites are quickly becoming a minority in the u.s.. do ur research before u run ur mouth.no study no research………..no right to speak!!!!!

    • You are just like every other complete idiot out there… when you can't justify a real reason of why something or someone is working the way you think it should, you have to throw the RACE card. Get over yourself and get a life. Stop being a complete idiot and remember you're an American… Start acting like it!!!!!!

    • What scares the **** out of me is people like Erica Robinson. She is blind and ignorant. It does not matter what color he is, Obama is destroying America one illegal executive order at a time. Anyone who would look at this situation and claim that rejection of this crooked politician from Chicago is in any way related to racism is not only ignorant but a true racist. Wake up!

    • I voted for him the first time. I am white. I didn't vote for him the second time because he is a criminal. He and his buddies paid almost 2 million dollars to hide Obama's records. There has to be a reason for it. He has broken the laws of the Constitution many times violating the rights of citizens. He has murdered our citizens. abandoned our citizens when being attacked both in Benghazi and Mali. His excuse for Mali? I dont want it to appear as if we are waging war against Muslims. How many of your rights are you comfortable in giving u-p. The only colors that concern me are the RED, WHITE, AND BLUE. I couldn't care less what color the president is as long as he does his job which Obama is not. When Putin said, that obama is either stupid or purposely trying to ruin the American economy. It doesn't have jack to do with his color and everything to do with is blatant disregard for American citizens, Constitutional law(he claims to be a Constitutional attorney). Many, many states are hauling people in to court for illegal voting practices. this one women voted for something like 19 different people. Counties in florida and Ohio have reported 122% in votes. that means more votes were filed than actual citizens live there. Wake up and stop making lame idiotic statements like that you dumb liberal.

    • I saw a film clip where Barack Obama raised his right arm and said, "I will ALWAYS support Islam". I can't find that clip again, but if you look very closely, you'll see that is exactly what he is doing!

      He is actually a disguised terrorist!

    • thats stupid he is half white.the fact is he is destroying what we know as a free country with rights.he is a criminal and needs just what he is going to get IMPEACHED!!!!!!

    • No Erica. I hate the white half just as much as his black half. Its not his color. Its his liberal,socialist agendas. God help us all!!!

    • Erica, I am so tired of people saying I'm racist because I don't agree with or support Obama in any way. I AM NOT racist. I believe in what our country was founded on and believe in a limited, NOT UNLIMITED government. Obama thinks he is our king, not our president, and he is doing everything in his power and beyond his power to destroy our country from the inside. He has violated the Constitution of the United States of America at every turn and ignores the law of the land at whim. The only thing any liberal can ever say when presented with the FACTS is that we're all racist. You know, black people are not the only ones who can be racist. Your stating that we are all racist, without knowing any of our reasons for not supporting Obama, is in and of itself, RACIST. Stop spewing the standard liberal rhetoric and learn about what's in our Constitution before you keep criticizing the rest of us.

    • umm i am racist, always have been and always will be! but the fact that the dumbass is black, white oreo what ever he may be does not matter in the fact that he is running our country into the GROUND!!!!

    • Erica, you need to take a good long look in the mirror to figure out where that comment came from. I'm white, married to a black man, no racism here, girl. My husband doesn't even like Obama so what is racism about that? We don't like his policies. We don't like the fact that the man is destroying this nation from the inside. We don't like the fact that he is trying to take away our rights and pretending to be a good guy. We don't like the fact that he's treating us like children- like he's the concerned parent who knows what's best for us. He's a Marxist! He's taking every good thing about this country and trying to make it out to be bad. He needs to be impeached, fired, and thrown out of this country on his giant ear!

    • You're an imbecile. There should be a test before they let you vote. People don't like him because he's a liar who's taking away all of our rights without giving us a say in it.

    • Andy i agree about the test voters need to know what they are voting for being 18 or 88 meens you can only get or loose your driving licence but still help pick a leader rediculous standards its all backwards

    • Wait a minute, a voting TEST or LICENSE? And someone else besides me has thought of it? WE HAVE HOPE NOW!!!

    • ignorant libtard, you are a racist because your saying everyone else is. hows that numb nuts, because you resent and accuse people that dont like that terrorist of being racist, that mean you yourself are a racist.. see how stupid you sound!

    • Wow Really ur going to bring up racism? Let me guess ur black n that y ur saying its racism? Racism doesnt have nething to do with this u idoit. U can say its racism all u want but obviously is right now. Unemployment is so bad that its extremely hard for neone to really get a job n obama is more wory about trying to take guns rather than trying to get unemployment back up. I mean sure bush didnt help much but obama hasnt made it ne better now has he? No he has made it even more bad but no its all about racism ur ufcking stupid man.

    • Erica, that is the oldest excuse in the book, and we aren't buying it anymore…people don't hate the President…they hate what he is doing…Using the Military without Congressional Approval, Using Executive orders to get around congress, trying to put our country into Civil War. Hasn't been forthright about anything…must I go on…he is a renegade and is making a mockery of our Nation. Thats why we don't approve.

    • of course, it's racism. it's blatant racism. people can't stand to see an educated black man, let alone one who was elected president. the proof is in the fact that if you put obama's record side-by-side with clinton or even reagan, he is no more liberal than either of them. but a black man…well, he must be a socialist. most people who call him that couldn't even define "socialist," they just know that they don't like him but can't admit why to themselves. to the rest of us, it is beyond obvious.

    • mason,yes he is educated but also is ruing this country,thats what people are upset about and has went back on his word.If you can not see that your a idiot.

    • Steve I don't I know about that. He said he graduated from Columbia BUT HE only attended 9 mos Check out the Maricopa County's Cold Case Posse's investigation I dont think he is educated at all. I dont believe that he passed the Bar either I think he is a Liar and a Con Which is frightening He's a high rolling celebrity wanna-be wWile others in Washington are trying to COVER UP what he has screwed up Watch Clinton come back She can not blame her actions on Barry She should have told the truth PLEASE do not elect that woman Clinton' did a number on this country we can not afford another Risk especially when there are skeletons i the closet. VINCE FOSTER ??? They Had their Water Gate NAFT….and so much more Ron Paul was blacklisted by the media becaue Barry would not have beaen him even with the cheating votes

      I can only hope that this article is true…or that people begin to put pressure on DC and the SUPREME court reminding them WE PAY the BILLS I pray Congress has began the process of impeachment

      HOWEVER Americans MUST continue to keep pressure on the media and DONT LET UP STAND IN FRONT OF THEIR studios COMMENT on their sites daily REMIND THEM that it is the Viewers that they need to keep afloat Shame on them spinless story telling fools AMERICA KNOWS BETTER

      We have been good little boys and girls for too long Our tolerance has been noted as acceptance and subservient All the while the rest of the world laughs at us KEEP YOUR EYES WIDE OPEN and QUESTION EVERYTHING!

    • Mason, apparently you need to do your research he's not a black man. Well we don't know what he is but rumor has it he's 1/2 white and 1/2 black and raised by a whites. The reality is that his records are sealed so we don't have a clue about this man. What we do know is the Birth Certificate he presented is a forgery, what we do know is there is evidence of voter fraud all around his election. Other things we know are he's stomping all over the constitution when he doesn't get his way, he uses the executive order. He seems to like to blame everyone else for his problems and has no accountability. His previous 4 yrs. are a real good indication of his abilities and if you look closely at all the cover-ups and fraud you can see this administration is up to no good. So I would suggest you do a bit more research before you come out here and speak about things you don't know much about.

    • no, I hate him cause he is a lying, lazy sack of dog dung…he has not done anything to benefit our nation since day one and anyone who voted for him is as ignorant and gullible as sheep.

    • I don't care if a black man is president…I don't care if his purple as long as he's doing a good job. Obama is not doing a good job. He wont's to be King and be a dictator, like Hitler. He's a commie! He's a Muslim, that don't believe in the bible and has made fun of it. While you've had your blinders on, Muslims are taking over America. Obama lies about everything. He gave a fake SS # and provided a fake Birth Cert., that case will be heard Feb 15th by the Supreme Court Justice…Go there and click on docket and put this # in 12A604…or 12A606…you can also go to this site and read more. .http://beforeitsnews.com/strange/2013/01/obamasoetoro-time-travel-the-us-supreme-court-2446644.html?currentSplittedPage=1 Also anyone who goes along w/a fake is doing the same thing people did with Hitler. Obama was facanated with Hitler in College. Time to take those blinder off and start being smart. Allen West is black and I'm for him all the way.

    • Racism exists. But this is not the case with this guy. For perspective, I am pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, and pro-gun. This president has over stepped his power more in the past 3 weeks than any other president in history. The fact that you would throw down the race card is by all accounts, pure cowardice. Stop trying to to impress friends and colleagues, or prevent misgivings with family and wake the phvck up.

    • If you can't see how bad Obama is screwing up, you know nothing about politics. This has nothing to do about race, and everything to do about him wiping his crack with the Constitution. I Voted for Obama in '08, I did not vote for him last November. And to see how bad he is screwing up just in the last two months, he needs to be thrown out of office soon, before this country falls into Civil War.

    • A lot of people hate him because he's black , they are mostly conservative republicans . A lot of people like him only because he' black. but many people do not like him because of his policies, and his lie ,after lie ,after lie. I can't see why republicans don't like him and democrats like him . He talks like a democrat but acts like a republican. He's a closet republican. There has been no difference between Bush and Obama, You could say he's been worse. Go down the list, War's overseas, Nothing to help the home owners,Off shore drilling, Cutting of social programs, No taxes for the rich, worse environmental democrat president ever in my life time, increase the drone attacks over seas, killing thousands of innocent people including children. Breaking constitutional law ( using military action and going to war with out the approval of congress ). The list goes on and on . It can't be right for Bush and not Obama or not right for Bush and right for Obama.
      So it's not obvious. I voted for him the first time and even did some campaigning of him, but did not vote for the less of the two evils. That's how both parties screw the american people every time.

    • whats scary erica,…..people with your leval of ignorance and deep seeded racism actually get a vote…..and you are clearly demonstrating why you shouldnt,……..this guy could have had visable horns and a tail and people like would vote for him,…..cuz he b a black man.

    • yes anybody who disagrees with president obama's policies-actions+decisions as president does it due to his"race"lmao.

    • I voted for him the first time but not the second because he is destroying America and if anyone does not see it than they are blind.

    • Not true Erica,he has done corrupt stuff.I am white,but not a racist.I would have like to have seen Colin Powell or even Dr.Ben Carson as president,yes i would have voted for them not because there black but there character

    • Has nothing to do with race. I'm a black man. Obama, Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton have enslaved my black brothers and sisters withe since of mind that the US owes them something. Let me guess you are an uneducated democrat black person that's on welfare and has a baby every year so you can stay on it. You believe that because Obama is black he's going to give you more. Are you aware he is doing the same things Hitler did before killing all the Jews after taking their guns. Trust me if he becomes a dictator, which it looks like its heading that way, you will be one of the first that will be killed because you are an unproductive person. You are a leech on society and a drain on the wealth of the nation because you we're brought up thinking the US owed you something because of slavery. You're the racist! That's what dictators do! Muslims are evil they do the same thing.

    • I hate Obama and it has nothing to do with racism. I'd be happier than a hyena in a meat plant if they would impeach him and put Dr. Carson in office. How's that for racism ya moron?

    • I'm not racist–I would have loved to see Obama do a great job and be a great President. But face facts, Erica-he is a lying sneaky sad excuse for a President, and if he had his way, America would be so screwed it would take another century to fix what he hopes to f-up. Unfortunately, I do think the anti-American way he is trying to lead the country will have a large negative effect on the next black man who runs for President, no matter how great a leader he might be.

    • You are an Idiot and a racist yourself. Read and learn the facts about what that Muslim Terrorist has done. Wake up fool._

    • Cool your jets Joshua. While your statement may contain accuracies, your tone is only contributing to the overall problem and validation of her claim.

    • Racist? Really? Because he is half black or half white? So tired of people playing the race card in his defense of inexcusable actions!. I'd like to see Condelezza Rice run on the Republican ticket!

    • How about you research your beloved President before you make baseless accusations. Only an ignorant twat would write this off as racism.

    • Wrong. I'm not racist at all. How dare you!

      I propose that it is you who is projecting your ethnocentric bias onto others.

      I, however, don't approve of BO because he doesn't fulfill any promise that he made, contingent to his election and yours and others support for him based on those promises. In the even that he has fulfilled promises, the results have been a forsaking of his original claim to that promise. Look at the Affordable Healthcare Act. It isn't affordable, it's very costly.

      Furthermore, he oversteps his authority, over-reaches his power, and even threatens more of the same.

      He has yet to prove that he was even qualified to become president. He may have released a Birth Cert, Selective Service Registration form, and even has a SSN, but those are clearly digital forgeries, and poor ones at best. If there is any doubt, download the docs for yourself from Whitehouse.gov. Zoom in, and you can see that they are digitally manipulated. Additionally, they are not scans of a document. Scans do not contain data layers and metadata. Anyone savvy with imaging or digital documents knows this is fact. A scan is a single layer image; his birth cert alone has greater than 24 layered edits. Uncheck the layers, the birth cert is blank.

      I really ache for you Erica. I love you and need you to wake up to a certain reality; we have all been deceived. Black, white, brown, Liberal, Conservative, or whatever, you have been used.

      Lastly, while some may actually be racist, not agreeing with you or your choice in candidate does not make one racist. You are my neighbor, my sister, my friend, my fellow citizen; don't accuse me this way.

    • Has nothing to do with his color of skin but instead it has to do with his integrity as an american president. I dont care if hes asian he still works for the people and this is what he has forgotten. I dont want a president that I fear is going to take away my rights as an American citizen. All I see from this guy is change in the wrong direction I thought he was going to be good for this country at first but now he is just as crooked as the majority of the politicians in washington have become. Its time to clean house and in a big way I say. So dont make this a racist thing because it isnt that at all maybe for some but not for the majority of honest working and legal citizens in this country.

    • Then why do we want Dr. Benjamin Carson as our President Erica? Dr. Carson is a WONDEFUL Christian loving man who has value and dignity as a human being. It is NOT racism….we loathe Obama because is a lying deceitful dictator that has NO interest in the American people's welfare.

    • Its sad that you are such a bigot! We don't hate obama, We want him out of office because he is infringinf many of our constitutional rights! Yuor the one being racist towards everyone else. I bet You only voted because he was black! Damn Racist!

    • Yeah i have always wondered why current black Superiorist/defense/anti-white racist trends continue to go unnoticed, while we get hate for being white ALL THE TIME. SOME people need to let go of the slavery that was abolished over A HUNDRED YEARS AGO and focus on NOW! Ignorant fools.

    • And you dear, hate me because i am white. You are the racist. Obama is a horrible commander and chief not because he is black, but because he has no freakinf clue! For gods sake he thinks the constitution in optional.

    • The first "Black" president??? His mother was white, he spent ?? Years in Indonesia with an Asian step-father & was sent to Hawaii to live with "white" grandparents & last but certainly not least his birth fathers family never had any influence or taught him his black heritage! Being "white" I take great offense to your & many others telling me this man is black! That statement is racist!

    • You're Uneducated If you think thats the matter. Sorry to tell you but i have black family members and Friends and they dont even want his ass in office so stfu with this racism BS. And the one crying would be your miss informed Self.

    • Anytime there is a mention of racism it is coming from (please let me use the politically correct title) afro-americans. I am fed up with the word racist. It's become a political code word to force white people to back down. I find being identified as a white man racist, I am a caucassion. How long has it been since the Emancipation Proclimation was signed by Abraham Lincoln (the founder of the Republican Party). No more if thats the only play you have find another game.

    • I am white and quite frankly I am sick and tired of tip toeing around I am not a racist sick of being accused dagnabit people it is not about color we all have equal rihts well maybe not white peple cant have a miss white america

      Besides he is not black he is Bi-Racial We ALL ARE ! This is america Only ISRAEL has PURE BLOOD and WE ARE NOT INVITED to live in ISRAEL

      racisim —– always referring to white people CHECK THE CRIMES black on black HIGH Black on white HIGH white on black LOW it is in the statistics NO MORE TIP TOEING for this cracker And no more tolerance for those who play the racist card !!!!! Get over your skin color everyone else has

    • They should go back to the slave days. Less crime and the earth wasnt such a shithole. People supported themselves instead of being lazy thinking America "owes" them

    • That is a total lie, dont play race card with everything, it is that this man is a dangerous president. He is playing a dictator you have to get congressional approval and he thinks he can by pass all laws but his own.

    • Well He NEEDS to be impeached he is trying to take away our rights.

      As for the racist comment about that being why no one wants him in office. I always think it's funny that the first people to pull the race card out are the racist people.

      get off your high horse he is NOT that great!

    • I would have to say that you are wrong. I am not a racist by any means. I would have to say, going off of your post, that you are a simple minded blind follower who feels that elected officials have yours and mine best interest in mind. Have you read anything about the man and what he has done and continues to do to this country? Have you read them with an open mind? Have you researched his voting history? Have you listened to him blaming everyone else who held office for the mess we are currently in? Have you read his health care reform? Do you know how it effects doctors, nurses, small business? Did you do any homework before posting your comment? This not about racism this is about the ruining of this country not only by the current administration but by many former administrations as well. Do you know maam that to support someone simply based on skin color is just as racist as to oppose someone based on skin color.

    • I don't like him because he is an idiot. There are far more black men out there that are far better, more qualified and generally better than he is! This man is bringing black people down and not helping them at all! This man lies. Its not because he is black he is being impeached its because he is a total moron!

    • are you seriously that stupid i mean he has ordered the deaths of American's who were dangerous enough to oppose him he has taken constitutional rights away and btw moron im mixed so call me recast you and see how stupid you are wake up Obama is killing this country and people see it. The members of government know if they don't impeach him there will be a civel war and he only won the popular vote by 50% that means half the country is opposed to him

    • Seriously? I have african American friends And I am not raciest. My black friends don't like him either because he is simply a terrible president. Quit being ignorant and trowing out the (R) CARD. But there are Raciest people out there that dont like him just because of the color of his skin. I'm not one of them. He is just a bad president. And he needs out.

    • It has nothing to do with his color. I served with men and women of all colors and nationalities. I can say black man, brown man, yellow man and white man because I know the men i served with had honor. They called me Ol Man because I was the oldest one there. This has nothing to do with race. Anyone who does is STUPID!!!. This man has gone above his limits of power. He has ramrodded his policies on the US. He let the Americans DIE at the embassy. Tell me he did not. He has NO ANSWER for the ACTIONS taken that night. He has been compared to the WORST PEOPLE IN HISTORY!!! No other President has ever been compared to HITLER. But he has. I WONDER WHY? You stop being raciest. Just because we do not like the man it does not mean RACISM!!!! F!@#ing NUMNUT!!!!!.

    • I am SO SICK AND TIRED of people labeling those who disagree with the Presidents policies as racists. This has nothing to do with race and everything to do with the future of our country. This is the same man who called Bush unpatriotic for spending 5 trillion in 8 years. He has spent 6 trillion in 4 years. Most likely it will be 15 trillion by the time he is done. I say no matter what color you are wake up!!!!! Government is not the answer.

    • Instead of pulling the racism card, why don't you take a look of some of Obama's actions, such as ordering the death of Americans oversees without trial. Maybe then you can make a clear assessment as to whether or not he's the best president. If people were fully racist, Obama wouldn't even be president. It's not about racism, Obama has taken action without the approval of congress and that is grounds for impeachment. And do not attempt to label me as a racist, for I am a minority as well. I just call em as i see em.

    • as a v-nam vet miiltary take an oath to fight enemys at home or abroad and american or not home or abroud his first and formost job as president is to protect it. an american fighting our military home or abroud is clear and plain treasan and punishable by death (or at least use to be) now tell me if your son or daughter was killed by an american while fighting an enemy at home or abroud do you only want the other enemys killed and the american brought back so an expensive lawer can get hi/her off is that the chance you are asking for because that makes no sence an enemy in war is an enemy anywhere

    • Dear Erica,

      I agree whole-heartedly. Unfortunately, there are still some who haven't accepted blacks as neighbours. Just google how some people think their property values go down when blacks move into their neighbourhood. Although, thankfully, I believe their numbers are dwindling with time.

    • Are you stupid? You surely show your liberal side well. Everybody's a racist and America should pay for this. Hell, lets take away some rights while we're at it, right? Oh and lets push all of our individual responsibilities on to our government as well because surely the U.S. can afford it and the Government makes everything all better…Dumbass!

    • Ya know… I've never heard that blacks cause property values to drop, but since Obama has been in office I guess I'd have to agree!
      And btw I have black neighbors next door and they are great people.

    • It's not when Blacks move in it's when ignorant people such as your self moves in to our neighborhoods and you whine and cry about our guns and how much money we make. You want the government to rule your life make laws and rules to stop people from making money living better because your to lazy to get off your a$$ . You think people like us should have respect for lazy sorry people who sit with their hand out and cry for my MONEY… YOUR to stupid to vote and just TO STUPID and lazy to own or rent a home in my neighborhood i don't care if your white,black, tan,purple or green if you cant get off your a$$ and stop making excuses like my an ancestors was a slave someone owns me something stop ridding on their suffering you were not a slave and if you feel poor trapped and enslaved right now then get off your a$$ and stop asking your fellow countrymen to support you and your government to enslave you with the handouts…

    • you so full of it, has NOTHING to do with race why is it thats the first thing people like you do is pull the race card, this has to do with his HATRED of America and Americans

    • Obama himself is the MOST racist of all! And, that has absolutely NOTHING to do with any of this!! He is a terrible leader that has lead this country into bankruptcy…………PERIOD!!

    • I think it is very assumptive for you make a blanket statement as to the motivation behind other people's feelings and opinions. You may have witnessed or experienced this in your life but I know many people including myself who dislike his policies and leadership. I have worked with and for persons of many different ethic backgrounds and have found that there is a lot more to understand and know if you take each person as that "a person" and make your valuation of that person based on their actions and statements. I don't write this in anger but hope that you will rethink how you see others in the world. I hope you have a great day.

    • you need to get real! being black is not an excuse for being stupid! i do not care about politics, i voted for him the first time because i thought it would be nice to see what the first black president would do…..the second time around i was not so ignorant…. yes he is black….. I DO NOT CARE if he is red white black purple or gold….he does NOT know how to run a country!!! he is running our country into the ground!!!!

    • It has nothing to do with the color of his skin….you are ignorant for even posting that….educate yourself before making any type of response….

    • I am sick and tired of hearing people say that I don't want a BLACK president!

      1. He is ONLY half black. His mother is WHITE!
      2. The part of him that is black, is NOT African Ameircan.
      3. He is intentionally destroying our economy. I don't care how black or white someone is RULES ARE RULES!
      4. I would be happy to have a black president. I know plenty of people I would vote for…if they ran. BUT NOT OBAMA!
      5. America DOES NOT OWE YOU ANYTHING JUST BECAUSE OF THE COLOR OF YOUR SKIN! Everyone in this country should have to work for what they have just like everyone else!!!!
      and I almost forgot…I DO NOT RESPECT THIS MAN AT ALL! I respect the office, but not the person!

    • im racist for speaking my mind and putting out against this socialist. you argument is completely valid. dumb liberal cunt

    • Erica,
      Racism?? Really?? Do you not see what he is doing to America? Do you not see him ignoring the constitution ?? I would lay odds that you are on one or more state / federal assistant programs and if Obama is ousted those might go away. It has nothing to do with the color of his skin. It has all to do with the hate he has for America. He doesn't want to president of the US, he wants to be the dictator of a new socialist country.

    • For some, it may be racism, but for me it isn't… I don't like Obama, but I think Joe Biden is just as pathetic. Every time he opens his mouth with the media, he says something stupid

    • What a stupid thing to say! I don't hate him because he's black! I hate that he is a freedom thief and bent on turning this country into a welfare state that he can rule over! He is a Muslim lover and hater of our Constitution that he deems as "deeply flawed"! For this reason alone, he is unfit to sit as President of the United States of America. What a dumbass conclusion that race has anything to do with it! Get over it, because you are the one concerned with race! When your freedoms are gone from sight, then bring it and try to say it was race. So tired of blindness from people like you.

    • A Black man in the White don't botta me man, It's an ARAB MUSLIM in the White House that scares hell outta me!!!!!!!!!

    • I think this is a completely ignorant statement. He remained in office for four years without impeachment. I highly doubt that this has anything to do with racism, or he wouldnt have survived the first four. It is so easy to play the race card to cover-up ignorance and lack any actual progress

    • Obviously you know nothing about Obama. That's the biggest crock of BS I've ever heard. The man is dangerous in the White house. If you don't believe that, I can send you tons of information that you probably wouldn't believe either.

    • One nation, one people, one constitution, with liberty and justice for all. It is not about skin color! Obama has appointed himself King!

    • Let me guess Erica, you're black? I am white and have NO problems with a black man, or in Obama's case half black running this country. The problem is he's running this country into the stone age!


    • you quit crying you evidentally black person. Evidentally you are so blind you can't tell his lies from the truth. How is it goiving for you he's forgotten blacks all together since he's only thinking of the poor illlegal Meixcans. Looks like you got the shaff from your dumb president, if you can call him that. I look at him as a dumb man not black or white but a muslin lieing idiot!!

    • the only reason people are getting upset and pulling the racists card is because they are black themselves and have no job, living off what Obama gives them so they don't have to work for anything other than sitting on a corner getting paid under the table!….i gave Obama a chance my mistake..i learned my lesson the hard way didn't vote for him the second time!….But if a president is so worried about abusing his privileges to suit his ego by saying America is bad then something is smelling burnt….He is too full of himself..and i don't like how we have to get his so called "Obama Health plan" BOO the fact that if i don't have that stupid thing than a hospital can turn me down!.. oh and by the way i am WHITE HE SHOULD BE IMPEACHED AND DEPORTED!!!!

    • I can not respect a marxist. There are other Black men I wholehearted respect and wish they would run for president. You are so blind if you think obama deserves respect.

    • Just so you know obama heritage is 48% arabic, 6% african, 46% white!!! So much for him being a true african male!!! lol Personally I could care less if a president candidate is black, white, brown, tan, red, or even blue! What I care about is the moral compass and charater of his/her being. Obama has shown himself to lack either!! I don't care replace himwith anyone who is black, as long as that person truly believes in the constitution of the US and isn't wrought with deception…. ie fraud, forgery, bribery…etc

    • Color has nothing to do with this issue in order to respect someone that someone has to respect as well this is a two way street and color dosnt own it he needs to not only respect others but the office of the PRESIDENCY as well.

    • I dont care iff he is black white or pink ,he is killing this country,wake up,do U wont to live in A commie country? I dont,Iff U do move to russa

    • Erica why does everything have to be Racism, I believe its people like you that keep bringing up RACISM,
      RACISM that keeps this going on and on, I do not see skin color I see people for people and no one I have
      contact with brings up anything about different colors, so if you and everyone one else stops saying bringing
      up this fact, we may make a difference. Self respect comes first, and I HAVE that .

    • am business person & can see from experience that he is antibusiness & am not against him because of his color(would love Herman Cain or Dr Ben Carson for president) am against him because he has no clue how to govern has put into place antibusiness policies, regulations & ObamaCare which is real business killer. My family has lost 3 doctors because of ObamaCare. The man has no integrity, is beholden to interest groups & is leading America in the wrong direction. African Americans have been hurt the most by him….black unemployment is the highest in the country. I can't respect someone that has done all this carnage!

    • no im not A racist ,I dount care iff the president is black white green or pink ,all I know is he is not for america in any way,and he is not A leader.

    • Wrong. What scares us is his desire to deconstruct our constitutional system and turn the USA into a euro socialist style state.

    • Erica, i am sorry to inform you that racism is not the main mantra of the hate for obama. Its his pure disrespect for our constution and the bill of rights. It also might have something to do with him not being born on U.S. soil. Some also could stem from his ability to put this country in to a worse economic tail spin while increasing the the national debt faster than any other president in history. I know what your going to say too.. Ohhhhh he inhereted the worst state of the union in history. Again thats wrong. Ronald Regan inhereted the worst state of the union. Basicaly all im saying is get informed! Learn about this man you want to defend simply because of his color. Oncew you have im sure if you have any sense at all you will be for the people noth the man that made 5 million from a book, and still kept the four hundred thousand that this country paid him to help us not destroy this nation.

    • It's not about race dummy. I'm Asian and I'm a minority. He is clearly taking this country down a path that more of our rights will be taken and never GIVEN BACK!! It's about protecting and upholding the Constitution and not about RACISM!! What is wrong with you and others that just because someone is doing a bad job and do not perform well just as long as they are of color it BECOMES A RACIAL THING!!! Get REAL!! I don't like him for his performance and interests. He is not here FOR THE PEOPLE but for CORPORATE INTERESTS!!

    • when he made the bad policy's that no one likes….. did he do so by filing under some white or black side ……..no he made each policy from a democratic side or perspective. So when people appose him that is because ……and I know this is a stretch but try to stay with me……..they are republican or independent…….. …..so that is how simple it is ……or we could just start to use the same principle that you have ignorantly used here today, and say that every time you appose a republicans views you to are a racist……..Dummy!

    • If a white, Mexican, Chinese, Japanese, or Portages man or woman was doing exactly the same thing Obama was doing, I would still not like that man. Sorry to pop your "Everyone who does not like Obama is a racist" bubble.

    • Nobody gives a crap if he is black. Maybe you think people are racist because you don't pay taxes or read a newspaper.

      Why would I respect a man who does nothing but ignore the laws of the constitution, steal from american citizens and spend a ridiculous amount of our money on unauthorized wars?

      Maybe you are the one who is racist considering you can't see past the color of his skin.

    • FYI… It's not racism and that attitude is why he got elected in the first place. People afraid of being called racist. I have beautiful bi-racial babies who I love and I am no where NEAR racist. I don't like him because he is against everything our country stands for. He has run our great country into the ground. I would be happy to have a president of any race or gender as long as they do their job. I would vote for Mr. Carson or Mr. West anyday and they are both black. They stand for American ideals and I would be proud to have them and there are others too serving as our president.

      Get off the race card, because in this case it isn't an issue. He's just an ass plain and simple.

    • Obama ist fur die Muslimbruderschaft, und wir mussen fur Amerika und Israel stehen
      Mahmoud Ahmadinejad sagte in seiner Rede seine uberzeugung ist, dass die End of Days gekommen ist. Einige Muslime glauben, dass der schiitische Messias als à ¢ bekannt "Twelfth Imamaa oder die Mahdia wird bald erscheinen, um eine globale islamische Reich als das Kalifat bekannt zu etablieren. Whata ¢ â, mehr, glauben, dass sie die Art und Weise, um das Kommen des Zwölften Imam zu beschleunigen ist es annihilate Israel und die Vereinigten States. Das ist mein Anliegen für Amerika und den Schutz unseres Landes.
      Obama is for the muslim brotherhood, and we need to stand for America and Israel
      Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said in his speech his is convinced that the End of Days has come. Some muslims believe the Shia messiah known as the “Twelfth Imam” or the “Mahdi” will appear soon to establish a global Islamic kingdom known as the caliphate. What’s more, they believe the way to hasten the coming of the Twelfth Imam is to annihilate” Israel and the United States.” This my concern for America, and the protection of our country

    • I have never noticed the color of another persons skin other than to admire it, in my entire life. Obama has abused his power, issues executive orders to run past the Constitution and Congress, his health care package will deny help to many who cannot afford it, he has denounced Jesus, is supporting Islamic ptayer in school but not Christian prayer, he watched the Benghazi travesty on a live feed and issued no military assistance to American citizens; he watched them die, h sent 20 F-18 jet fighters, tanks and ground equipment to Egypt, Israel's enemy, he's working on disarming and silencing this country, he wants control of the internet so we cannot talk with each other…..how much mor do I have to say? Erica, I do not care if he was blue, pink or purple. He has to go before we have nothing left. I said nothing about how much debt he's racked up for us with China.

    • Do your homework he is not even American.! thats out of his own mouth & his wife, look it up on you tube in their on words, their own speeches.! he is from Kenya,
      Has nothing to do with race don't be naive. he is out to destroy this countries values along with the zionists that paid to get him in…! may God allow you to see the truth dear child, may you be able to see what is really going on, may your eyes be opened… God Bless You.!

    • I could give a frog's fat ass if he was purple, he's an incompetent, bumbling boob. And he is systematically trying to destroy this country with each act he implements. THAT's why I hate him! Do you really not see what goes on around you? Or is your face too buried in your free phone? I guess YOU ARE just too racist to SEE that!

    • Erics, get over yourself and get with the orogram. You can dislike, disagree, hate and any other adjective you want to throw in there without anything to do with racism. If you are black and you dont like George W Bush, does that mean you are racist. Stop with the excuses and realize Obama totally sucks.

    • That is absolutely Racist to say that people don't like him cause he's black. I'm not racist.. I don't like Biden either.. Obama is a Fascist wanna be dictator prick with his communist fathers agenda. If you can't see the destruction you are heading for, you deserve to be a slave to the NWO. Take some Advice – Buy yourself a gun before he illegally shreds the 2nd amendment and learn how to use it. You O supporters are complete IDIOTS for even believing the words out of his antichristian,UNAMERICAN,Greedy,selfish wannabe cracker mouth. SEQUESTER=His Idea(Now it's the Rep's fault) – NON-ESSENTIAL FLIGHTS=Tiger Golf game-Michelles Colorado Trip- all @ OUR Expense US TAXPAYERS) – BUDGET CUT=Why wont he cut his own pay then congress? Show the people he's Sincere about saving US TAX $$ Lie after Lie after Lie- Bush was no better but at least he didn't threaten the Constitution which YOU (WE THE PEOPLE) should wake the F**K UP and see the TYRANNY before you! This happened in 1929-Russia(SOVIET UNION) ALL Citizens Disarmed – CHINA 1935 Citizens Guns Confiscated – and 1928-Germany with a "Police State" after ALL citizens were disarmed and it can happen here. There are more countries to prove his method is Tyranny.

      "Those who give up Liberty for Security, Deserve Neither Liberty Nor Security!" ~ 1776
      Protect the Constitution or GET A REVOLUTION! LIBERTY !!!

    • watch the obama deception, oh and also concider his multiply children casualties and deaths as a direct result of obumhead ordering drone strikes. hello . do you have a brain at all.

    • The race card is so old. get over it already! We have a
      president that is a coinstituion trampler,a hidden agenda,and would rather be a dictator rather than a president.

    • Racism? Really. Is that your excuse for stupidity. There is NO RACISM left in America except for twits like you who can't discern reality from fiction. Did you vote for Allen Keys when he ran for President? I did. Did you vote for Herman Cain when he ran as a Presidential candidate? I did. You, are the racist because you voted for Obama because of his "race". Remember, moron, Obama is bi-racial, neither black nor white but both. I didn't vote for the most unqualified, lying, poser because of the color of his skin like so many morons, like you, did. I didn't vote for him because I see his true colors. Because he is a liar and a deceiver who hates America and what she stands for and wants to "radically transform us" into a Marxist nation. You however, seem to be one of the most unqualified voters, like all those who voted for Obama, because you voted for Obama out of emotion instead of facts!

    • Sounds like words from a black person saying this Sh*t. Truth be know black are more racist than whites ever were. So just sit the hell down and call someone who gives a damn !!!!

    • Respect has to be earned, it is not something you can buy in a store, What has he done that is noteworthy? nothing ! what has he said that has been Statesman like? nothing ! Why did he and Michelle lose their licences to practice Law ? … must have been bad for that to happen …. PUT a REAL American in the White House and see the difference …..

    • Erica ,you are a idiot.
      Go back to school so you can read and see what this other idiot that got in office has done agaist the people of the United States.

    • You are a dum uninformed ignorant idiot, I hope you are one of the individuals taken to a fema camp because thats where sheep belong. black or white he is white and black not an a American Citizen and was raised socialist Communist quit your whining about racism and respect the United States of America's Constitutional Rights! You waste of Groceries!! Educate yourself on the facts before you shoot your gate off!!
      What Obama is doing is against the law!!!! He has killed people in Foriegn Countries and killed women and children in Libya thats Murder u dum hole. Obama cares about no one just himself!! He is a DICTATOR wake up stupid.

    • The reason you brought this up is that your racist yourself. I am a white guy married to a half black woman and her dad is black. My sister is married to a black man and I have half black nieces. I do not care what the color anyone's skin color is. There are many black people I look up to. The reason I do not like Obama is because he is not for the people. His people are not just black people as he himself is half white. I would be totally happy with a real black man in office if he showed that he worked hard for the people of America and not just for his special interest groups. I cant stand how arrogant he is and always blaming the "Republicans". I am sorry but he represents everyone not just Democrats. I am also tired of all the lies!! So, I think you should really get your mind away from the whole race idea. If America was so racist, how did he become POTUS? I am an American not a color!! Ma'am, I would suggest you look at this way as well!! I am guessing your black right? But I don't see you as a black person unless you have to point it out. I would not go around and say, OMG there goes another black person. So, please open up your mind!! God made us all who we are black, white, etc. Nobody should have the right to say one race is more superior than another. If America has not gone very far since the Civil Rights movement, then I should be on here bashing you with all kinds of nonsense and telling you that this is a whites only domain. BUT, this is America where everyone is equal, no matter if your Black, White, Latino whatever you are!! If your a legal citizen then your an American. I just hope you read this with some love in your heart as I wrote this with love in my heart. I am sorry if you have ever felt that your skin color has made you feel less equal in this country. I pray that people would stop blaming racism on everything. Racism would not exist if people weren't always reminded of it. I am disgusted how black were treated, when I watch movies of those days I hated the white people!! I am glad I was educated on the history, but we all can all make it better by not placing the reason people hate or dislike Obama because he is black!! I personally think its awesome that America has overcome much of its racism by allowing a black man making it in office. Please educate yourself in what Obama is doing, and realize that he is not working for the people rather pandering to the World.. I will admit I do not know everything, but I do not like what I see as in his policies. I write this out of love and respect for
      all Americans with the freedom to speak their minds. I appreciate you were able to speak your's , but I had to write this because I don't see racism, I am not racist I hope we all come to God as a people as it is our only salvation. If your not a believer in God, I am not trying to offend you , but I will not offend God by denying him. Words I heard from Dr. Benjamin Carson a black man, believer in God, and a real man who stands up for the people of this country. Have a blessed day, I will be praying for you!!

    • your an idiot…Erica…I was going to vote for Hermain Cain who is a Black Republican! So I guess Im racist…He was my first choice for Republican Nominee.

    • When are Blacks going to stop using the race card. Seems like when things don't go their way, then it is because they are black. White Americans are not racist. The only time I think of blacks is when the blacks bring it up. Stop It.

    • Wait a minute I have family that are colored and family that are half hispanic and the President being Colored has nothing to do with it. The way I see it is he is doing things all wrong. He was voted in to do the right thing and he isn't. Giving money to Egypt when we need the money to help out the people here in the U.S. We have alot of people out of work and living on the streets and in there cars. Come on guys we all need help but help us out here not over seas in other countries. And when it comes to welfare and food stamps we all have done that a time or 2. So stop blaming each other and stand together as 1 cause "WE ARE THE PEOPLE".

    • You are literally one of the most ignorant people on here. Still playing the racism card? That logic can be used for why Mitt didn't win, or why any other ethnicity lost to the other. It is a shame that ignorance like this is so prevalent in our nation today. Ironically your party, Democrats/Liberals, bring up ethnicity and race FAR more than the Republicans/Conservatives. Keep in mind, Republicans freed the slaves, Democrats fought to keep African-American slaves. Biden yells, "He wants to put ya'll back in chains!" Who truly brings up racism? Democrats do, to cover their own bigotry and distract from the many failed policies over many presidencies. Please go educate yourself.

    • erica you are so blind by idiocy racism has nothing to do with it the destruction of our country has everything to do with it, the only prejudice we have is against idocy most of us want dr carson as president and he is a black man.

    • obama has ruined the nation and stepping all over our constitutional rights, millions of people dont even like him, let alone respect him,the worst president that the american people has ever had, ted nugent would make a lot better president, the black people dont even like him, you wont like him either when he puts a drone up your butt, so lets impeach this thing we call a president, lets put someone in the whitehouse that is not deaf & dumb,

    • That's completely ignorant and isn't surprising coming from an Obama supporter. It has nothing to do with him being BLACK…I think Obama is the worst president this country has ever had and I was a Herman Cain supporter during this last election. SO what ground do you have to stand on now? None, now go continuing collecting your food stamps you socialist leech.

    • Racism now thats a bunh of CRAP. I have family that is half Black and some that are half mexican so I don't care about the color of skin he has. He can be Red, Bown, White I don't care. He isn't nor will he ever be a good President. When he takes away from the seniors and the Military that pisses me off. I have 2 boys in the Army and my youngest just got back from Iraq and still can't afford to keep bills paid now. Can you imagine what it is going to be like after words. Come on now really. You think he will be good. Get your head out of your ass. Wake up and smell the coffee…..


    • im black and Obama has no respect from me. you really don't know what he is doing to us Americans. he unlawfully killed a civilian SUSPECTED of a crime, he is like a dictator with his executive orders, he waists money, golfs when the usa is in a crises, he threatens Americans, and he broke may other laws.

    • and you are a nut if that is what u think racism, racism the candy of anyone who cry's they been wronged he has the morals of a dog try's to play preacher talks truth but does not know what the word means and some where someone needed to take a stand just like famous bill Clinton who is unable to take a stand on any moral issue even those he swore to protect and know back peddles his way thru the tulips many black Americans are telling us he has gone to far u better wake up and stop crying race. because race has nothing to do with it but law does the founding fathers do the contusion does and many others black white Hispanic and others who paid it with there blood the only things Obama has spilled is someone else blood thank you but no thanks to race GOD bless us all

    • Obama has dark skin and frizzy but he is not black on the inside at all. The only people who cant see the truth about obama by now is because they dont want to see the truth.


    • Erica, you say its about RACISM but lets look at the reality of this. His records are sealed so we don't know what he is but RUMOR has is he's 1/2 black and 1/2 white but not an American born citizen therefore not eligible to be president. The fact that his records are SEALED bothers me, and the reason is simple my records aren't sealed and I bet yours aren't either. I served my country and respect my dear is earned and nothing he's done in the last 4 yrs or currently is deserving of respect.

    • I would almost bet Erica that you are a black woman. I would have more respect for the President if he would accept responsibility for his failures and stop blaming Bush. He has proven to be an idiot , and should have never been re-elected regardless of color. Erica I bet in your lifetime you have pulled out the race card many times.

    • YOU are so VERY wrong!!Guess you haven't seen all the vids on youtube….if one more person pulls out that frickin' race card..THAT is all you libs can do or say brcause YOU and all of us KNOW that you do not watch truthful news..instead, you prefer listening to the George Soros owned media..abccbsnbcmsnbc et al. Just wait!! Some of those reporters are going to let you know that they were threatened, at the very least their jobs were dangling in the air..and possibly family was threatened..as was Chelsea Clinton. WAke the hell up..you KNOW he deserves no R-E-s-p-e-c-t whatso-ever. He is a communist, and THAT, lady and what it means is the reason we have NO RESPECT for him or his money-hungry 'wife'…..Deal with that!! BTW..it's YOUR prez who kept referring to racism, where there was none…just to keep the waters boiling and splitting a country literally in half…so, lady, it's time YOU and libs stopped whining about racism..if that's all you've got, then you lose.


    • he is not black he is mulatto and that has nothing to do with it anyway….he is a bad leader,period

    • The only racist thing about your statement is you. Obama has a White Mother. That "Fact" keeps him from being "Black". The only reason that He claims to be " Black" is to get the "Black Vote". Why is it that it is always a person of Color that plays the " Race Card" in any bad situation ? As for respecting him, I did until his actions became so bad for the Nation that I could not respect him any longer. I doubt that I am alone.

    • I say if the president was white and did the %$#t that this one has done he would have already been impeached so stop using the race card!

    • Now that's just stupid, the reason everyone hates him is because he is breaking constitutional law and is a criminal, the man is a terrorist and he gave guns to the Mexican drug cartels, plus uses the military without going through congress, The man is a liar and a crook.. Impeach him, and fast before we wind up a communist nation. Joe DeMartino USMC

    • No one is being racist. He sucks at being president. Plain and simple. We don't care what color he is as long as he does right by our country.

    • Sorry but you are an idiot. Does that imply that every black person opposing Obama is too a racist? My husband is black and he is smart enough to know that Obama was not fit to be a president of the United States but maybe better suited to move over to socialist nation and serve as their president. One of the problems with our society is that so many minorities are seeking handouts and claiming racial discrimination and as my husband puts it "9 out of 10" times its a bogus claim. My husband had a crappy childhood but he wanted better so as soon as he could he joined the military. He hasn't asked for a hand out since or cried that the hate for the president is racially related rather that the president is encouraging minorities to ride the system and bankrupt the US. Claim what you want but you will only fall into a category of people that pull the racial card for no damn reason.

    • He scares the hell out of many citizens – Not because he is black! He has his own agenda and it's not constitutional. My Brothers and sisters of all races have and are serving this country to defend our freedom. Nobody has a problem with that except for the enemies of the US..

    • Respct him for what?? Ruining the economy?,Raising our taxes? trashing the constitution? givng Citizenship to those ILLEGALS who broke the law jumping the border without permission? Taking away out 2nd ammendment rights? Ramming down our throats his OBAMA CARE?? Sinking the country into socilism?? Sinking this nation into an unpayable debt?? I can go on and on as to why HE should be thrown out of our White House.. NOT because he is an illegal President!! Not because he is a half breed Kenyan/American!, Not becausee he has been backed up by multi millionairs. NOt because he has never shown his BIRTH CERTIFICATE from Kenya. HE SHOULD be impreached simply becasue he is RUINING THE AMERICAN WAY and wants to turn this into another 3rd world socialist country.. It's THAT simple. IF you cannot see this – as apparently the majority of Americans who re-elected him—- I feel sorry for America.

    • Thats what colored people and some whites say all the time when people dont like a person of color …(its Racism ) Well FYI Its a bunch of BS ….obama is a useless person no matter what color he is…. Hes being impeached for not doing his job and other impeachable offenses ….STOP THROWING THE RACE CARD …HIM BEING BLACK HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HIM BEING IMPEACHED

    • The truth may hurt…but is still the truth…Name ONE single thing he has done right or hasn't lied about…Explain Benghazi to me….WAKE UP….geeze…you sheeple scare me…..wow

    • He hasn't done ANYTHING right, and every time you see his lips moving, you KNOW he is lying! There are so many "do gooders" out there . . . they all say, "if he would only do this" or "If he would only do that", They are all supposing that he wants this country to improve. They think "improvement" is on Obama's mind because that is the one thing that would be on a patriotic mind. And hat he actually wants conditions in America to improve!

      But they really have it wrong! Obama is a very smart man, and he is doing EXACTLY as his goals dictate. He is a disguised terrorist! I saw a film clip of him raising his right arm over his heard, exclaiming, "I will ALWAYS support Islam" I keep looking,, but I cannot find that clip again. But if you look at what he is actually doing, you will see that he is ALWAYS supporting Islam . . . . radicals or otherwise.

      He has pulled the wool over the eyes of the majority of the American people! He is a disguised terrorist!

      First he will destroy America by collapsing the economy. Then he will try (little by little" taking the firearms away from the American people. Or at least make them as ineffective as possible. It will soon be so expensive to own a gun, that many will just "give up". Either way, this gives him little resistance from us.

      While he pays lip service to the issue of jobs, he is out of the public's eye while he writes 40 billion dollars of strangling regulations that actually prevent people from working . . . . while at the same time creating a dependency on the part of the unemployed, to the government for actually staying alive.

      This disguised terrorist needs to be impeached, while there is still time to salvage most of our country. But the clock is ticking and very soon it will be too late to turn things around. He is pretty INSIDIOUS!

    • BS!!!!!! it has nothing to do with the color of his skin…..not at all, It has to do with his deeds to bypass the constitution and to descend upon the American people and remove their god given rights as supported by the Constitution. it is his policies that make him hated!! STOP drinking the cool aid!!!

    • You can't claim that for all people. I don't like Barack Obama in office, but not because having a black man in office scares me. I don't like him because he's a horrible President, just like many others. Of course, there is no perfect candidate for anyone besides themselves, but calling people racist because they think President Obama is a bad president is outright radical.


    • Unfortunately, OBAMA IS A RACIST. Also, he has murdered over 200 children with drone attacks. Impeach the RACIST OBAMA AND END THE TYRANY. TAKE THE NATION BACK FROM RACISM.


    • Really racism, he is the worst president ever. it has nothing to do with his color. How are we supposed to respect someone who is taking our rights away and trying to make his a communist country.

    • The race card…. typical. Its you idiots pulling that out at every oportunity that make YOU….the racist!

    • Listen to Ben Carson. Black and has integrity and brilliant. As a brain surgeon he describes taking off part of the skull to perform surgery. He points out that the important part of that person is viewed beneath the surface not what is on the outside. It 's not the surface or skin that bothers me about Obama, it is his marxist, anti- american, anti- christian, anti- capitalist, fund terrorist, this could go on and on, it seems as though the guy is possessed by devils, thats the bottom line.

    • Wake up will you. It's not racisim no matter how you try to make it sound that way. It's about violating the constitution of the united states. PERIOD nothing more nothing less.
      Signed ashamed to be a DEMOCRAT.

    • Come on over to the REPUBLICAN PARTY! You will be welcomed there. I have to tell you that there are several kinds of Republicans, from moderate to conservative. I call myself a "Constitutional Conservative", but you can choose whatever 'niche" that you feel comfortable with.

    • U are the dumber than SPIT. U are the true racist for implying and saying everyone here is racist. Ur a fool and are blinded by all the lies media has said. Well the sons and daughters of the real America have experienced it and will fight on to get this liar out of office. AMERICA, USA, USA, USA

    • I take it your black??? I thought so, it has nothing to do about the color of his skin,…FACT IS …HE IS DESTROYING AMERICA!!!

    • Erica I fought to protect the Constitution, and shed blood for this country, I am disabled for my actions in combat, and because I think this president Obama should be impeached that makes me a racist, then I guess I am a racist, he and his cabinet need to go.

    • Never ever will I respect that man as a "man" or a president. He has kept every promise he made during his campaigning, only he misinterpreted them, meaning that he didn't mean what we all thought he meant. Still a lie. "Fundamentally change America" . He certainly has, and not for the positive.

    • Obama clearly stated what his plans for America were, it's the sheeple who voted for him that did the misinterpreting. He's after "social justice". Sounds good enough until you do a little research into just what that entails to a Marxist. His mission is to level the standard of living globally, by bringing it up in other countries and forcing it down in America. People who call him "idiot" and "moron" are missing the big picture. He's smart enough to implement his Communist/Islamist agenda, the real mental defectives in this story are the folks who voted for him the second time, when it had already become clear what was to come to anyone with their eyes open.

    • Erica Robinson, my dislike of the president has nothing what so ever to do with his race. He has lied time and time again. Treasonous acts have been committed by him and all who are part of the fraud perpetrated with his birth certificate forgery. The list only continues from there. He does not love nor respect this country. All those who voted for him will see. When he leaves the white house it will be in disgrace.

    • I didn't vote for obama but not because he is black. You see I don't care what color his skin might happen to be I just didn't want some stupid "SOB" that don't know his a$$ from a hole in the ground. I tell you if a humming bird had his brain he would suck a mules butt thinking it was morning glory.

    • the reason people hate him is not because of his color he could be white with the same policies and people would hate him oh wait it happened before he just transformed from a white guy from texas to a black guy from india and the reason we want to impeach him is because of obamacare, sopa,sequester,libiya,wire taps,fema camps,hateing the constitution,illeagal presidential orders, the banning of weapons,giving local government more control to dump on the rights of it's population,and putting big bussiness before small bussiness and the american people in my city 50 small mom and pop stores went out of bussiness but walmart just built a new store and spent over 600 million to do it and to top it the city is gonna build 3 new streets to route trafic from the old walmart to the new walmart and to top it off they are bulldozing peoples homes to build a street shopping malll and parking lots this isn't a police state it's a corrupt one and people who say that he's a good president hold your breathe for 10 minutes your live longer

    • You man are truly blind, I am not racist nor are 90% of the people pushing for impeachment. Obama is ruining this country he is wasting borrowed money and at the same time selling us to chine and unless you want America to become a Communist nation you would be best advised to change your opinion. You are obviously a black woman that is blind to anything that makes sense I could care less if he was orange, blue, black, white, brown or tan. I just hate ignorance and lies and you are obviously the only one looking at skin color which you are one of many that helped put this lying, wasteful tyrant in office. With all do respect Damon b.

    • your an uneducated moron.he's a kenya native.with no love for the USA.the fact that your ignorant is amazing.thx for voting in Satan B*tch. keep watchn MTV for your education

    • It has nothing to do with race! He has violated his oath of office, he has bypassed Congress in appointments and actions, he has heavy handed his office by his agenda. He has broken more laws and trust than Richard Nixion did and yet people always play a race card. I for one am tired of this cheap and low handed way of people who would defend this usurper! He needs to go along with Joe Biden and many of the liberals in Congress who have no respect for the Constitution and the people of this great country!

    • According to Statistics, 96 percent of black people voted for Obama. You speak of Racism….that is the absolute pinnacle of Racism. I'm white and don't care what color the president is. What I have a problem with is: high unemployment, reducing our military support structure, increasing the country's deficit spending beyond comprehension, getting our people killed in Bengazi and I can go on with many more issues. Racism is no where in the equasion

    • you are right it was a truly obvious racial re-election. if you go back and check the stats posted on television you would see that between white or hispanic or native americans the voting averages ran between 47 to53 percent between cantidates except in the black catagory of registered voters 93 percent of registered black voters voted for obama they obviously voted color not record if a person is going to vote in any election from school board to mayor or anything they should find out who and what they are voting for so yes it was a racial election i dare you to go back and check the stats.

    • imagine what reaction the left would have if 93 percent of white people voted for romney- lol the hipocracy from the left is unbelievable- liberals are either extremely ignorant or just plain evil- true stuff!

    • You're also being biased though, you accuse other's for being racist while you defend him because he is black. If you really liked his stance as president for his beliefs then you would have stated that, not throw around accusations. The truth is, Erica, Americans will always complain about our Presidents because they all have been lacking. Few people care about Obama being black, they just want to whine about what a crap job he's doing just like Bush, just like Clinton, just like every president that hasn't been in a complete battle, where we as Americans had to work together to stop from being totally annihilated.

    • I voted for President Obama the first time around. Deducing this to racism is complete denial of what he has done to our Country and us since in office. Just because he is black doesn't mean he is a victim of racism, we are fed up with his actions plain and simple. Do you even know what he had done since in office? Are you aware we are in a state of Marshall Law? He did that. Do you have an explanation for him appointing Micheal Taylor as the Food Safety CZAR of the FDA? Can you explain why he just passed the Monsanto protection act?

      Maybe educating yourself on why the outrage with Obamacare and more would be a good idea for you Erica. I think there is much more important issues than the color of our president at stake here and you might want to learn more about what is happening to our Country before making statements about racism like this one.

      I say quit making generalized statements about millions of people who voted for Obama because we believed he would bring change for us and have seen him break many promises and make decisions that are hurting our Country and us.

      Respect is earned, no one gets respected based solely on the color of their skin and thinking that is enough to earn respect in itself is a racist view.

    • How can we respect a lier and a user of the American Tax payers tax money to flont his high living and obvious inability to act responsibly on our nations current problems. He is a failure?

    • You are undoubtedly going straight to hell along with the whole obama regime if you believe that stupid shit

    • Erica, you are an idiot. It has nothing to do with racism, except for maybe his. He hates this country and is trying to destroy it from the inside. Respect what? His socialist agenda? His complete disregard for the Constitution? His affiliations with communists, black panthers, the muslims brotherhood? Have you ever read the Constitution? Do you know how to read? It has NOTHING to do with the color of his skin, but the LACK of content in his character.

    • The hate for Obama has nothing to do with racism…..it is purely about what he is doing to our country. Only those that want something for nothing are standing behind him.

    • Those of you that say it is a Racist issue are the ones who are Actually Racist! You are the ignorant one, do you REALLY think he is help our country, yes, the USA?! Because the USA is MY country and would rather not have Hitler II running it! It is not about color, it is about ABILITY, and Mr. Obama does not possess the ABILITY to run MY country properly! He does everything so secretively and underhanded. He should be Impeached on the shear dishonesty and disloyalty to My beloved country. He took an OATH to Uphold the Constitution, not to destroy it!!! What is wrong with you? Maybe you should take your blinders off and come out of the closet!

    • it's not that he's black but. it's what he's trying to do to this country! he wants to spend our hard earned money on himself and take our rights away! wake up. him beining black isn't working anymore!

    • I am not a raciest. I don't like Obama for many reasons. He is not what a true american is, not by natural law or by constitutional law. His actions are self serving he is a freely elected monster propped up by foreign money.

      He is a socialist and a slave trader by heritage his education is hidden and his passports are hidden.

      The media supports this clown for some reason and I have yet to put my finger on.

      i am disappointed with America as a whole and to the greedy lengths the government allowed in our undoing

      to those in congress and the senate your bought and paid for you have no idea what is like to stand up for this country, you all make back door agreements and tell lies to facilitate your agendas, you all think this is normal and it is not

      i for one would like to see the 28 amendment that has been passed around be ratified

    • yer right african americans are very racist and think because they were mistreaded that every one owes them somthing

    • you have got to be kidding with what this man has done to our country and your defending him all the jobs thats been lost taking 6 vacations butting shuting the white house to little kid but sorry are you blind or stupid

    • Dear God, stop using the Racism excuse! It's not because he's Black that he's a POS President… He's done nothing to earn our respect. Look around you lady, he's dismantling America. Tell me what he's done right?

    • Oh hush. It's not racism, it's fight or flight. Obama is killing the USA and it would not matter if he were white or purple. Wrong is wrong and our constitution is being torn apart by a tyrant who uses executive orders like you and I use toilet paper. If he can't get anyone on board with his socialist agenda and new world order BS, he simply makes it so using a pen. He has to go!

    • your very ignorant- look at what he has done since being elected president, almost everything he has done has weakened our country- I bet you cant give me 1 example of how he has made our country stronger or better off for the future what about black people who agree with me? are they racist? every time liberals are backed into a corner in debate involving obama you pull the race card-

    • if racism hasnt gone anywhere then why did he get elected twice? because the media backs up his lies and people like you either refuse to acknowledge facts or are enemies of america just like barack obama who is just as much white as he is black- people like you are the reason why our country is headed downhill- I will continue to pray for people like you- psychopath

    • yup its racism alright he hates whites simple as that and he is not the first black president of the united states but i guarantee he will be the last.

    • If Barrack Obama is not the first black president…who was? I totally agree with everything else, but one of us has been misinformed….

    • Little tongue-in-cheek there, Chandra – the media dubbed Bill Clinton as our "First Black President"…but I guess you wouldn't know that if you don't read the papers and get all your news from MTV and Jon Stewart.

    • your stupid af erica thats not it at all he is breaking thousand of laws and trying to take our guns wich is unconstitutional you idiot stop being so ignorant. everyone that has obamas back says the people dont like him beacuse we are racist NO WRONG

    • Oh shut up. This has nothing to do with race, this has everything to do with how badly he is doing his job. You're simply making it an issue about skin color because you are far too unintelligent and shallow-minded to understand what really is going on, and you are simply trying to sound smarter than you are.

      Erica Robinson – Another Child Left Behind

    • If you have been paying attention then you would know it has not a dam thing to do with race you idiot ! only morons pull the race card in 2013 . I guess your ok with the NDAA & the patriot act or maybe the bank bail outs My God the list goes on but if your stupid your stupid I guess and nothing we can do for you. Do no pull the Bush card neither because we already know he sucked to but Obummer is Bush on Steroids. You can learn the truth bu searching late night in the midlands dot com

    • No Erica, I want him out of office for every reason except his race. I voted for his first term…did not vote for his second term….

    • racism has nothing to do with it. its a card played by a racist. he is a fraud and a serious threat to america including your freedoms. I think you need to wake up and educate yourself. stop listening to main stream media who now are goverment funded and ran. stop being a sheep and think for yourself. i may be sticking my foot in my mouth but im venturing to say you are black and in my experience alot of blacks see a black man in power and nothing else. it was time for a black president he's just a poor example. both democrat and republican polititian are corrupt in one fashion or another. in my opion republicans are the less of the two evils. they protect the constitution and peoples rights. i voted independant for the first time. under funded and not well known man from alabama .i think if he had the funding to campain like the others he could of been a underdog contender.

    • What's obvious is your ignorance! Obama loving drones like you can't see the forest for the trees. It has nothing to do with racism and everything to do with his policies and disdain for our constitution and laws that he has violated since day 1. Wake up America!

    • Do you even know anything about Barack Obama besides the fact that you THINK he's black? Honestly, you're just another ignorant black person who supports Obama only because of the color of his skin. That sounds like racism to me. People HATED Bush, but that's okay because he's white. If they hate a "black" man (for very good reason btw) it's racist. I'm black & I'm telling you that you need to educate yourself.

    • Black people are more racists than whites….so lets just STOP using the race card already. No one cares that he is Black it has to do with the facts. He went above Congress and did what HE wanted to do, he has given weapons to terrorist, money to the Muslim Brotherhood all in the name of Allah….WE THE PEOPLE WILL NOT STAND BY AND LET HIM RUIN OUR COUNTRY.

    • He gives food stamps to his people to buy crab and steak. He's raised taxes like he said he wouldn't do. Obama care will kill this country. He will be our last so called president.

    • Oh now play the "Race Card" You are dumber than dirt my friend. I don't hate the man, heck I don't even know him.

    • dude your fool of your self that is not it it be cuz he sucks at his job cant do nuthing right

    • im black and I don't care for him so dos that make me racism !!!!!!!! shut the hell up I have seen the news and followed his lies so YES INPEACH HIS ASS!!!!!! every one I know (black or white) agree

    • I agree with you Erica , some of theses Obama haters are just plain idiots in what that say wish they would step back and see who is really killing America not Obama but the hate and sepperation these people are causing it is discusting if you ask me, grow up people start acting like the Christians you accuse Obama of of not being and follow the teachings of God (hipocrits)

    • Michelle how is it that we as christians are not christians because of our desernment on who this man is and what he has done to the united states and the americans, name the one thing he has done to help the working people and i mean people that works and not people that lives off of the government for whatever they can get so that they do not have to get out and work themselves. Wise up girl.

    • It's not racism. It's because he's a traitor, liar, thief . Benghazi says it all. Not to mention Obama selling guns to our enemy. He wants to take americans guns away and put them right into the hands of those who have threatened to kill every Jew and Christian on the planet . Why? Because Obama is a Muslim . His sole purpose is to push sharia law on Americans, disarm them so they're easy to slaughter.

    • Im not a racist. I hate Biden, Pelosi, Clinton, Boxer and Fienstin the same. When you're out of college and have a real life, pay your own bills and are not sucking off the tit of American's, you'll learn to hate their type too.

    • It has nothing to do about race….It has to do with one question. What has he done to benefit the american people since he has been elected? The answer not one good thing. Not to mention he should be impeached for the biggest screw up a president has ever made, in the history of America. If you dont follow dumb ass im speaking about the Benghazi cover-up.

    • stop playing the race card it does no one no good and keep racism alive in this country treat him like anyone else

    • ThaT has nothing to do with it…he is not american. Birth certif7cate was proven to be a fake. Plus, he has abused his powers as being a president. Open yo6r eyes to the real worl.

    • Are you insane or what, the reason why we cannot tolerate a man like obama in the white house is because of what he has done to the united states, are you so stupid as to believe he has done nothing to destroy the american people with his agenda to take away our freedom and put us more in financial debt, wake up idiot and quit playing the race card. STUPIDDDDDDDDDDDDDD, We are not against the color of his skin but about truth, character and his loyalty to the United States which he has none of the three.

    • You are full of it! He is ruining our country and putting Muslims in high power jobs! All his lies are starting to fall in on him!

    • It has zero to do with Racism. I think you live behind your own racist clouded reality. You would rather throw race into the arguement to cover up bad deeds. I bet you view President's actions in an opposite way regarding GW Bush. I bet with Bush, the race card is absent. Yeah, you probably say things like, GW caused our debt to triple, & Iraq war is wrong, etc… You need to put the race card down and focus on the facts! A (MAN) our (PRESIDENT) minus a (COLOR) has done a poor job for a (COUNTRY) called (AMERICA). He was our (PRESIDENT) during (FAST & FURIOUS) and (AMERICANS DIED.) He was our (PRESIDENT) when his (PERSONALLY ELECTED) cabinet done (WRONG,) more than once. Minus the race card, I'd say he is a (BAD) (PESIDENT.) From (SOLENDRA) to (FAST & FURIOUS) to his joke about our border security, (THE MOTE FULL OF ALLIGATORS quote). He is unprofessional, unsympathetic to America, and just wrong for a needed and compassionate American President. JUST (WRONG!)

    • I'm married to a black man, I'm not racist at all but absolutely dislike how your President is running this nation; you need to be inform about what really is going on Erica move on from the denial phase to at least be a bit more informed.

    • You sir have just revived the lamest excuse for people not liking our oh so beloved president.
      I absolutely love hearing from short-sighted fools like you. Wait, hearing?
      No no its more like watching a comedy show. I know very well how racist i am,
      that would be 0% thank you very much. You're just drawing attention from the real problem,
      the fact that he is an utterly horrific evil Muslim sympathizer communist/socialist ignorant hypocritical
      finger pointing politician. And guess what? I would accept Herman Cain as a president ANY DAY.
      If you and i could go back to the civil war, i would become a union officer and help abolish slavery,
      while kicking your ass. So please, continue to rant about how people, (That would be you),
      should leave racial matters out of the question. I would love to hear more (And then laugh it off).

    • You sir have just revived the lamest excuse for people not liking our oh so beloved president.
      I absolutely love hearing from short-sighted fools like you. Wait, hearing?
      No no its more like watching a comedy show. I know very well how racist i am,
      that would be 0% thank you very much. You're just drawing attention from the real problem,
      the fact that he is an utterly horrific evil Muslim sympathizer communist/socialist ignorant hypocritical
      finger pointing politician. And guess what? I would accept Herman Cain as a president ANY DAY.
      If you and i could go back to the civil war, i would become a union officer and help abolish slavery,
      while kicking your arse. So please, continue to rant about how people, (That would be you),
      should leave racial matters out of the question. I would love to hear more (And then laugh it off).

    • You sir have just revived the lamest excuse for people not liking our oh so beloved president.
      I absolutely love hearing from short-sighted fools like you. Wait, hearing?
      No no its more like watching a comedy show. I know very well how racist i am,
      that would be 0% thank you very much. You're just drawing attention from the real problem,
      the fact that he is an utterly horrific evil Muslim sympathizer communist/socialist ignorant hypocritical
      finger pointing politician. And guess what? I would accept Herman Cain as a president ANY DAY.
      If you and i could go back to the civil war, i would become a union officer and help abolish slavery,
      while kicking your ***. So please, continue to rant about how people, (That would be you),
      should leave racial matters out of the question. I would love to hear more (And then laugh it off).

    • Racism has nothing to do with congress finding it necessary to impeach Obama for violating the Constitution on grounds of unauthorized use of military in Libya and Syria. This is just one example of Obama's many occasions of violating the Constitution he swore to uphold, protect and defend to the best of his ability, when he took the oath of office. These violations of the Constitution he committed, rises to the level of impeachment.
      Neglecting his duty to protect the 4 Americans who were under attack and killed in an unprotected consulate in Benghazi is another impeachable offense.

    • Bullcrap!!!!! It has nothing to do with his race, that makes me disgusted by him. It wasn't Clinton's race that
      made me not like him as he made a mockery of the White House in my eyes. By the way, can you please tell me how Hilary got a position that she is unable to fulfill? Did she buy it??? I have sent blessings his way when he took office, and this is the result. He is his own worst enemy and will go down as THE worst President ever, just my opinion.

    • Hillary agreed to drop out of the running in exchange for the Sec of State appointment (looks good on the resume of a Presidential candidate) and the promise of an endorsement from Obama when she runs for Pres in 2016. Remember, it was the Clintons who were the first "birthers" and before Bill endorsed Obama he called the latter's campaign a "fairy tail". Think of the way the Clintons have always played politics (DIRTY, with not a few suspicious deaths amongst their familiars) – I believe that as part of the deal they also handed over to BHO their dossiers on our Senators and Justices, it's hard to understand their voting record if blackmail's not involved.

    • the idea of disagreing with a black man is not racist and to pull the race card on every time a black perosn messes up in order to get them out of problems is a sign of weekness

    • All men are created equal! His actions are the problem stop listening to the lies and observe his actions they are undefendable!

    • You are an idiot. I don't care if he was purple with green warts. He's destroying this county. Stomping all over the laws that keep this a free nation. If you don't like your freedom go live in syria.

    • You have GOT to be kidding! Seriously? I guess that would explain the love affair with the truly great Dr. Benjamin Crter who people,yeah whites,jews,etc,hispanics LOVE. Go figure? But I guess with The FRAUD in the WH it's all about racism. Ya . Sure.

    • No you are the racist one. You believe that what Obama has done, is doing, and will do is okay just because he is half white and black. I assume you hated Bush right? Obama continues to enforce and extend Bush era policies. Obama started if not supports two whole other wars. His ordered an underage American to be blown up with another American. He ignored the call for help by U.S. the US Ambassador and just let the Ambassador along with three other Americans get slaughtered by angry muslims. He violates First Second Fourth Amemendment rights. He Forces Americans to be stripped searched, hasseled, and have naked pictures taken of them in Airports around the globe. So, unless you were born yesterday, you are okay with al this because he is black. I assume you are too. Unlike you, and Tina Turner, the rest of America does not like to be abused by black men. But, for you its okay I get it.

    • Get over yourself. Racism isn't a huge thing anymore. If you actually paid attention to what he's doing it would be obvious why everyone hates him. Get over yourself, and stop feeling bad for our loser of a president okay.
      (seriously? over half of america would hate him because his SKIN color is different from ours?? lololol that's actually comical.) It's hilarious to me that I'm obviously more involved in politics than you are–and I'm 14.

    • You need to get your head out of your butt and put it back on your shoulders. Having this sorry sucker impeached is not racism. This would be the best thing to do for our country before he screws it up anymore than he already has. I feel sorry for the next president who has to try to clean up the massive mess Obama has made. With what Obama has/hasn't done will take many years to straighten out. Every word that comes out of his mouth has been a lie. He is a sneaky, lying, piece of crap that needs to go back to the hole he crawled out of. I would still be saying this even if he was of a different race.

    • Oh, please….still with the race card!!!!! Your deck must have only one card in it! Shut it, already….we're tired of hearing it!

    • Have u forgotten that your BOY is half white and it was the MAJORITY of WHITE people that voted his HALF BLACK ASS IN……………….MORON.

    • Racism???? Really? You must be one of the ignorant or in politically correct terms misinformed. This man has no clue what's going on in depts that he's in charge of? Highly doubtful and even if he doesn't then that leaves him unfit to be in power if he can't run these depts. not to mention all the other crap. I don't take either side because ones just as bad as the other and quite frankly they all should be removed in my opinion. Your the problem with this country now. Once someone who isn't white starts undermining a black person the race card is pulled. Maybe white people should start pulling that shit. These issues our country is in now have nothing to do with race. It's what barrack Obama has done and has lied to the "AMERICAN PEOPLE". Not to mention violating the United States constitution. I served my country honorably and served 2 tours in Iraq to watch all of our hard work go down the drain because he pulled all of us out. Now I'm a federal civilian barely making it and were getting furloughed? How bout stop giving countries our money in which hates us. Stop giving terrorists more freedoms than we have. Try them in a military court not a civilian court. These are war enemies. If these people detain our soldiers they are put to death. Same should go for them. Wake up lady. Quit listening to the media.

    • Obama's no dummy and he knows EXACTLY what he's doing, escorting America along the road to ruin. Cannot understand how someone who has flagrantly violated his oath of office has managed to avoid impeachment this long, unless there's blackmail going on behind the scenes.

    • Give us Allen West or Dr. Ben Carson, ect. to vote for then you might see just how much we care if we have a Black man in the White House.Besides, Obama is a Mullato!

    • you people yelling racism racism all the time, make me sick because YOU are the biggest racists of all. You use race to excuse every scandal every crime this man commits and because he is black, you expect us to allow him to get away with it. You probably voted for him merely because he is black. You are so guilt ridden so self loathing with your own issues of race, that you can't imagine anyone else having any other reason to hate Obama's guts so you project your own reasons and superimpose your very own racism on everyone else. Not only do you commit your own bigotry by making this a blanket reason for ALL of those having anything against this President but it shows how oblivious you are to the very real problems at issue the people have with him.

      Let me tell you something you bigoted twit, if ALL Black people were as corrupt as sleazy and sneaky so full of lies and so incompetent having so intent a determined mission to ruin this country, as Obama has proven, then YOU CAN BET YOUR ASS I WOULD HATE ALL BLACKS AND YOU CAN CALL ME A BIGOT AND ILL SAY PROUD OF IT TOO!

      The problem is, ALL Blacks are nothing like this piece of garbage who seems to be just as much against the Black community as he is any other.. Many Blacks understand he has done nothing to help them and has even made living harder for them.

      So take your accusation and attempt to diminish and invalidate our very serious reasons this idiot needs to GO, calling us racist, and SHOVE IT,



    • I don't care what race he is if he doesn't obey the rules, regulations and laws that are in place he must go. Nixon was impeached for far less. Ask Hillary Clinton since she was on that committee.

    • In fact, she was fired from THAT job without a recommendation for unethical practices. Nothing new under the sun.

    • You are kidding right! All I want is a president who cares about this country. A president who doesn't give in to the Muslims. A president who is protecting the citizens of this great country. A president who cares about small businesses and small government. A president who isn't doing everything to destroy this country. A president who doesn't believe that amnesty is the answer for the illegal immigrants in this country.

    • You are a frigging libtard moron Erica.The O.J. Defense is getting way old.You freeeking Communists dont have a leg to stand on with your FAILED douche Presedent, so in typical LEFTIST fashion you attack anyone's credibility. Try some different talking points and go take yoiuir meds.This Communist President and his vacation taking wife need to go.LOSER.

    • You, Erica Robinson, are an idiot. Race has nothing to do with the issues at hand. The fact is that Bill Clinton faced impeachment over a blow job and that is no where near as serious as all the shit that B. O. has done during his time in office to undermine both this nation and our Constitution. Pull your head out of the sand and stop trying to play the race card for a man who isn't even black. B. O. is a mulatto. That is to say he comes from a mixed (black father, white mother) parentage. So, no, it is not about race. It is all about his continued attempts to destroy America and his continued misuse of power.

    • Sorry, Erica. Your reasoning and conclusion in this matter are both wrong. I oppose Obama's presidency because of his ideology and his actions; color has nothing to do with it. I oppose ANY president, regardless of color or party, who refuses to be guided by our Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Those documents were written to protect MY rights and to limit government's ability to trample them; therefore, anyone who attempts to make those documents of no effect (as Obama does) is an enemy of the Constitution and unworthy to the office of president.

      Electing the first Black president is a notable achievement in this country, an achievement that I had long looked forward to. You see — I am also Black. However, now I have been reduced to looking forward to the first Black president that I can be proud of. I cannot be proud of Barack Obama because of what he is — a totalitarian, socialist/communist/Marxist, wannabe dictator!

      My father and grandfather fought in major wars to defeat totalitarians — now we elect them to high office. No, I cannot be proud of that, and I will oppose it and this president with every fiber of my being.

      I know many (White) Americans who also oppose Obama for the same reasons that I do. I personally know none who oppose him because of the color of his skin. Many of those on the left cannot bring themselves to admit the truth of the matter (Obama's ideology stinks), so they make up "reasons" that are not based in reality. Believe what you will — the truth will prevail!

    • You are an idiot. How typical to use racism as an excuse, that is so over used. Try the truth. This has nothing to do with the color of his skin. He is incompetent as President. People are loosing jobs, loosing their lives (Benghazi) soon to loose their health care. He took an oath to uphold the constitution and he has done nothing but try to undermine it. I have no doubt he is behind all the scandals in the white house right now and it's exactly why nobody is talking. And you say "respect the man" Give me a break, really.

    • In The Audacity of Hope, Obama writes that he "was not raised in a religious household". He describes his mother, raised by non-religious parents (whom Obama has specified elsewhere as "non-practicing Methodists and Baptists") to be detached from religion, yet "in many ways the most spiritually awakened person that I have ever known". He describes his father as "raised a Muslim", but a "confirmed atheist". Racism has nothing to do with incompetence. He is an utter failure on all counts. This is NOT the "moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on Earth. This was the moment – this was the time – when we came together to remake this great nation so that it may always reflect our very best selves, and our highest ideals." I call BS.

    • Really? You have to be a Lib, no one else is that ignorant. No way it could have anything to do with him violating his oath over and over, stonewalling investigations, total disregard for the power of congress, Benghazi, his many attempts to take away or constitutional rights, Lie after lie to the American people? I guess you are ok with all of this? Are you really that ignorant? Or you have no interest in researching what he has done and is doing???

    • how about directing racism where it belongs against racist people no way is this why people hate OBama is because he is a complete failure as a president he is destroying this country slamming our constitution I guess foreign leaders are racist too or how about the black community that doesn't like him either are they racist get your head out your butt because as long as there is people like you racism will never die in this country makes me sick ya'll holla racism when its crap just like that senator from La. which caused a colored man to change party's cause he would not stand for that is he racist I believe not God created us all equal hoe about practicing that cause one thing I learned in the past is the one that hollars racist usually the racist

    • Get over the race card thing. It doesn't work anymore. It wouldn't matter to me if the Pres. was white, black, brown, olive or flippin' PURPLE! Any Pres. that lies to me I'm NOT going to like and any Pres. that shreds the Constitution, I'm NOT going to like. The only reason he scares the **** out of me isn't because he's black, it's because of his hate for our country and it's people. It just amazes me that everyone can't see what he's doing to us……but then, it takes all kinds. I'll still pray for those that just follow along like sheep and can't see this treasonous man for what he really is.

    • You have got to be kidding!!! With all the problems we HAD when he took office (the first 4 years), all he has done was drag us FURTHER into a recession and WORSE! I am very embarrassed to say I voted for him. I expected a 'Christian' man and someone that had big ideas for 'OUR COUNTRY'. He has let me and SO many others down and has stepped on our Constitutional rights and made a 'LAUGHING STALK' of our government! I am not a racist and I tell you that is the first thing people say when they can't come up with anything else. We have been so scared to step on anyones toes because that is one excuse people yell when they don't get their way. I am so disappointed at all this mess We need to look at one thing here… Clinton was looked down upon for what? Having sex in the Oval Office. Obama has done so much more and you feel he has a right to STAY in office? Look at our deficit. Clinton had us in the black and now where are we? Obama feels he should take away from the Social Security, where we (those that have worked for a living) should give it up so we can make up what he has taken from this country. Messing up our medical insurance with this Obamacare shit. All the wars and all those who has given their lives for our country and just shy of spitting on them and those that served in the past. I know that there was a lot of problems before he took office, but all he has done was screw up so much more! It just burned my s'mores seeing them going on vacation every time we had problems with the gas costs and the rise in the economy and the weather disasters and they come off of Air Force One with smiles and the many trips to Europe for visits here and there and no care in the world how we are here with all the struggling and the bombings and people dying. All the time they could just enjoy the sights and museums and theaters and such our country has to offer, and it has to be on the jet going over seas when our country has to pay over $4 or 5 a gallon (reg. gas). You really have got to be kidding saying it is because of their race. I think you need to look in the mirror. There is so much more than the thought of him being the first black man serving office.

    • WHAT A CROCK OF CRAP and you know it, you people that voted for him can't come up with anything better than to label someone racist.

    • Just what is there to respect about the man? Are you deaf and blind? Or are you a special kind of stupid? It's obvious you are not up to date with current affairs otherwise you would not spew trash out your mouth. Unbelievable!! We have Benghazigate, IRS, Fast and Furious, Executive Orders giving the man a pay raise while America is in an economic downward spiral. And then there's the AP scandal. Man you people are true sheeple.

    • What an idiot. Talk about a racist. look at yourself in the mirror. You defend the man because he is black. That is it. You can not defend him in any other way.

    • ..anyone who has even a very basic understanding of psychology would tell you "when you point a finger at someone, there are 3 fingers pointing back at you" ..therefore YOU are racist !
      …"respect that man" ?? ..i have more respect for a piece of dog shit!

    • Oh get over it Erica! WE are so friggin' sick of your type, (low-info/skin-color voters)! If stupidity were a commodity on the stock exchange, YOU and the rest of the OBAMABOTS would be rich; shame that you do not have a rich insight into just what is happening in OUR country. Racism, racism, racism; that's ALL "you people" can throw into the arguement. It's NO WONDER that MARXISM has been able to take a foot-hold in the fed gov't! How about Herman Cain? Many of WE THE PEOPLE love him because it has nothing to do with his skin-color and everything to do with his life experience and his wisdom! I voted for him but "you people" chose to disseminate lies about him because he wasn't YOUR MARXIST GOD! Oh yeah, HE was an "uncle-tom" right? Yeah, y'all got it coming to you and YOUR MESSIAH is going to insure the delivery! Ha!

    • Mr. Robinson … this has nothing to do with the color of his skin… it is the fact that he wants to destroy America because believe me of Mr, West or any other Black American was to run for I would vote for them if they were going to do what they say they are going to do and not LIe every time they open their mouth.. Like this man has I am so fed up with everyone saying it is racism…. IT IS NOT!!!! it about NOT LOSING OUR RIGHTS the right that your families and mine died for….The right not to be slaves and yes that is for blacks , whites.and indians for that matter anyone that live in these United States Of America. Did you forget that MLK fought for this in the civil march….. and to be politically correct he is Biracial! So No I will not respect someone who takes away our rights to benefit them only… What part of this do you not understand…. I do believe you have the right to your opinion but you please look at the history before you start calling out people on racism… and if that is the case then you need to do it in your own race because there are a lot of Black Americans that have came out and said the same things about him… So you see it not racism at all when it come from all sides……


    • get it through your thick skull the lying worthless treasonous traitorous muslim in the whitehouse is there for one reason and that is to destroy America….and by the way he isn't even half black…some people look at color the wrong way and then have the gall to say "your a racists"….I would suggest you examine your motives before calling people names…but then liberal democrats only resort to name calling when they know they are wrong.

    • So my black ass must be racist too because I can't stand his ass. WTF gives this guy the right to infringe on our constitutional god given rights. I think he is a disgrace to the black race. It took us over 200 yrs to get a black man elected as president, and this idiot went messed it all up for us. I even think its time to stop using the race card. He Fu*ked up let him suffer the consequences. It's the best thing for this country.

    • stop playing the race card to get away with corruption in office and further a Communists/Socialists agendas the race card has gotten old and lame

    • No, it's not racism – it's ideals! My #1 choice for president is Allen West, so take your racist comment and stuff it!

    • No, its because he's just a ghastly president. Typical corrupt Chicago politician- who is copying the bad things Bush did, but tenfold. Many of the things he has done, and is doing- are very unconstitutional, and if he were a white man, he'd no doubt be impeached, or the calls for it would be louder. However because he is a black social democrat, and because people are so stupid- and don't see, or wanna see the damage grows… People like you will be the first to scream and complain in the streets when things fall apart.

    • You are just plain dumb huh? It has nothing to do with his race or lack of etc…it is a shame that all your libtards have to use is the tired old Racism Card. STFU and get over it already..Obama is a Terrorist and a Madman who needs to be ousted from this country.

    • Respect him my ass we are headed for dooms day and you say respect him. He is a freaking idiot. He hates America and Americans. He set out to destroy us and make us a muslim country. Are you really that Fu*^ing stupid. He has 21 impeachment of. against him 21! Oh by the way he isn't black. He is 50% white 40% Arab 10% white. So don't go calling the race card on me. You are just afraid of losing all those free bee's. You are just like him. You could care less about America. Why don't you leave with him and go back to Kenya where he was born.

    • How stupid can you possibilly be? What you just stated is totally irrelevent, as well as totally biased. Get your facts straight before you post your liberalist comments. This has absolutely nothing to do with being racist – wake up and smell the coffee. The nation is in trouble, zero thanks to a man who swore to up hold the office, defend the constitution, protect the liberty and freedom of the American Republic. But, No he ruined everything America has fought her as well as defend. But now we are higher in debt, economy is still sluggish, we are a laughing stock of countries world wide. If you say we re being racist, I 'll tell you what – Why don't you excerise your american right and LEAVE THE UNITED STATES! – CAUSE YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE ANY RIGHTS OF LABLELING US AS RACIST!

    • People who "hate" Barack Obama do it on the basis that he is a down right horrible president, NOT because they're racist. Just because a person disagrees with him means they're racist? Take offense: you are a small minded f****** idiot, lady. We're not crying, we're just informed well enough to know that this man is taking us and this country to a bad place.

    • Erica, when will you and everyone else playing the race card get it that the man is also half white!!!!? Lets get over this issue and concentrate on the real issue here!!! We don't care about what color he is, we don't like what he is doing!!! He compares himself to Lincoln, which many of us have to laugh about that one.

    • STFU…its not being raciest its being smart..he has been and always will be worthless get over it…we need somebody new in office that can really make a differnce with our conutry and not blow smoke up our ass

    • It not about racism any more this man is taken our right freedom away trying sign marytial law and breaking n our constitution right .stop look at it has black or white racism cause it is not..It really not about racism. People wake up the help.it not cause he black .it about how and his decision are making basically what he is doing yeah he might our 1st black president but the man want to to be a dictator ..SO PEOPLE IT NOT RACISIM OPEN YOUR DAMN EYES CAUSE I USE TO THINK JUST LIKE THAT TILL I REALIZE N LOOKING INTO IT..IT ABOUT RACISIM ANY MORE IT ABOUT THE PERSON. WHO OBTAIN TO MUCH POWER N THINK CAN DO WHATEVER THE PERSON WANT…SO PEOPLE OPEN EYES AND WAKE UP….IT NOT ABOUT BLACK OR WHITE..IT ABOUT POWER HE PROMISE ALOT OF THING AND LOOK EHAT HAPPEND WE ARE STILL N DEBT..FREEDOM BOUT TO GET TAKEN AWAY CAUSE HE PUSHING THE MARTIAL LAW ON TO SIGNING IT BASICALLY HE WANT GOVERNMENT TO BE SOCIALIST ..WAKE UP IGNORANT PEOPLE IF YOU THINKNIT ABOUT RASCISM THEN YA F***K, It about white or black any more the man can be Chinese or Iraqi Idgf but is he going to abuse his power that giving to him n use it right or wrong People Wake Up,and start saving America today

    • It has nothing to do with race, dumb ass. It has to do with his communist approach to governing. Obama has taken away individual rights for every American by opening the back door of the constitution with Obama are. The real racists are the democrats that have put the blacks back into.slavery with welfare and food stamps It was The Republican Party that freed the slaves and have fought for the minorities through history. You learn history before you defend your slave master democrats again.

    • What a strawman argument. I voted for Obama in 2008, and hoped that we really would get some change in government policies after Bush-era war profiteering. It turned out that Obama expanded those policies, continuously violates his oath, and I HOPE he is impeached. I would want the same for a white, yellow, or purple President. Principles over party, please.

    • Race has nothing to do with why people don't care for Obama. The job he has done while in office is all I base my opinion on. Most of the white presidents did stupid things also but Obama seems to do things to destroy this country.

    • Erica not true…. Obama is 1/2 white and 1/2 black…. People dislike him is because he violated our rights, lied to us and killed too many Americans.. When one person calls another person racist… that make you Erica the racist. Why do you hate whites.


    • screw you we all wanted him to succeed but he failed the nation with his regulations and put people out of a job

    • Are you joking or are you Black? 1st of all we did elect him which means race was not a concern, but unfortunately he is one of the worse Presidents we have ever had ! The man can't open his mouth without tripping on a lie. He does what the hell he wants whether it hurts out economy or our people. ease tell me one thing he has done to improve our economy, our way of life, our future? Waiting to hear this

    • You're clearly a racist just for bringing it up. I'm white and I was happy when Obama was elected because it meant progress as far as racism was concerned. Him having to go has nothing to do with being black. He is deceptive and has broken his presidential oathe, signed treasonous bills into law, and continues the march to tyranny. It's easy to dismiss these claims, because he plays it off so well, however, PAY NO ATTENTION TO WHAT HE SAYS, BUT WATCH VERY CLOSELY WHAT HE DOES.

    • Sheesh — I am sick of hearing that one! The only racists are the liberals who use that term as an out for everything that they cannot prove with logic.

      I have friends of many races and religions – including African ethnic origins. I would not call myself racist. I embrace diversity and other races. I do NOT embrace corruption and Chicago Style politics, ripping apart our country, class warfare, and certainly NOT being blames for being racist since I do not agree with a POLITICIAN who lies at every bend in the road.

      Get over it — racism is pretty much gone in the US except when used as an weapon against 1st amendment rights, or to disagree with your point of view.

      In your little world, racism seems to be limited to people who do not like Obama.

    • Yea because a MAN who is running this country into the ground and is not fit to run this country has nothing to do with it.
      Are you f@#$ing stupid? No tour just black and trying to play the race card.
      I voted for him the first time. I am NOT black. I wish I could take it back.
      I had high hopes that this country could move in a better direction as it seemed the "People" had spoken.
      Now I see it was a great deception. Look at what is going on. We are all being spied on, locked up with no due process, targeted if we speak out against war and other liberal agendas, in debt our children wont even get out of. Wake up!! How is anyone racist for not wanting to deal with these issues anymore?

    • Erica this is the great lie that has been perpetuated by the liberal agenda and has kept this country from having an honest dialogue. The real reason that people hate Obama is that he is dishonest and has no integrity. He has not fulfilled any campaign promise that he has made and has regularly done just the opposite of what he has promised. I can currently think of three very intelligent black men that I would prefer to see in office but the liberal media both white and black continually bad mouth them. Does that mean that the liberal media is racist . I say no. I say the liberal media is racist because they continually bring up the race issue where none exists.

    • You know Erica, you got it all wrong. I don't hate Obama, I think is a sorry excuse for a President; calling racism is inaccurate and repulsive..! The honest truth is the person would have got my vote in 2012 pulled out of the election process. That Herman Cain, (a black man). So how is it racism, that it seems to that Obama has proven to be a lousy President?

    • Erica, you cant be that stupid to believe it has to do with race. It has to do with not upholding the constitution of the United States. How do you get racism out of that? You need to stop drinking the Obama Kool-Aid.

    • dude it has nothing to do with him being black.it is because he is trashing the constitution and also the fact that he is a socialist/communist.

    • You are a naive idiot Erica Robinson. Look at how Barak Obama has stuffed up America. If he was white, purple, yellow, rainbow we would be saying the exact same thing. I am going to say that you are racist-phobic. Accusing others of being racist means that is exactly what you are – A racist idot!! Can't think of an argument against what people are saying against your Obama, then blame them for being racist as an incentive to shut them up. People like you are so annoying.

    • Really, your going to cry racism. NO ONE cares about his race. He could purple for all anyone cares. The fact is he is a HORRIBLE president and acts like this whole thing is a JOKE. You might want to get your facts straight before you go one here and scream racism.

    • How in the hell do you think you know what I believe, or any one else for that matter? Racism has nothing to do with such widespread disapproval! Obviously you came to this site to see why the President may be impeached. I read nothing about racism anywhere in the article. Laws are laws, well… atleast they used to be! IMPEACH OBAMA!!!

    • Really??? This has nothing to do with race. Obama is a constant liar, dictator and is runing this contry.

    • what does it matter if he is a descendant of a slave?he is a person like us and he is WE THE PEOPLE too! i don't agree the things he does either but i don't say bad thing about him i would really like him to get impeached and i dault that will happen!

    • Are you kidding me? If people truly hated Barack Obama he would have never have been elected president of the United States Of America. My wife is black, and I dislike Obama. I guess I'm racist right? No, I dislike the man because of what he has been doing recently. You are very ignorant to pull the race card out on this. When Obama was elected on the night of November 4th of 2008, I thought he could make a difference, and was glad to see that THE FIRST AFRICAN AMERICAN WAS ELECTED. It shows that America isn't focused on race anymore. Yes, we still have racism today, but racism will always exist sadly. You're living way back in history. If people really disliked Obama because of his race John McCain would have been elected. Get a clue.

    • Erica, your are perhaps the dumbest most racist person I have ever read. Anyone who would take the time to typ what you did should be shipped to another country. If you want to keep your blinders on and pretend he is doing a good job. Do America a favor and leave. Go by an island, invite that piece of sh*t to run it and be the president that way we don't have to deal with him, or you,, Anyone who brings up race, is racist themselves.

    • The only reason you stand by Obama is because you must be black person, and to you no black person can do no wrong or is allowed to tear our country down. If you follow and understand what is really going on, this isn't racism, for it wouldn't matter if the person in office was white, yellow, green,or purple much less a woman, or anyone else. To see a persons color is not the issue here. It what is going on against the constitution, false flags, scandals etc. Let me make this statement to you. If this was a white person in office, would you still think the President is doing a super job, or would you be yelling Impeach this traitor. But on second thought if you don't understand what our country is about or what is happening to you, your family and future and to our America Constitution and the right to bare arms, and your right as an American citizen to have a trial, Benghazi, IRS and all the scandals and cover ups , you must be down right illiterate .or plain stupid. If that is the case then I understand and I have pity for you. In your eyes you are colored blind and the only word or thought is racism in your little mind.

    • idiotic post. I'M BLACK and I'm here to tell you that that man is out to destroy this country. Speaking the truth has nothing to do with color.

    • you're obviously uneducated and ignorant if you really think the majority of people hate him because of his skin color.

    • rjs girl that's not it he's doing a f–ked up job. he's MUSLIM. He hates Christans and Jews. God warns don't mess with Israel. do you like your amendment rights violated? He used voter fraud to get into office. I'M NOT A RACIST-I have a lot of black friends,went with 2 black men. Do you want the government to tell when to take a crap too. Eric Holder should be kicked out too,along with many others. I'm not crying,cause my hope is in Jesus Christ. Stop drinking the kool-aide

    • No, Obama plays the racist card to try to get away with murder. Look at what the man does, not the color of his skin..or his political party. Being racist is the opposite of what you claim Erica. Doing nothing and letting a person, any person, get away with things because of the color of their skin IS racist. I would suggest doing some soul searching Erica. I voted for this P.O.S. If I was racist I wouldn't have done so.

    • This crap is so old it isn't even funny any more! If anyone else had done the things this administration had done they would have been out of office long ago! Obama's race is the only thing keeping him in office right now! No one cares if he is black…they are just terrified of being called a racist if they say anything at all about his policies! Obama's policies would have been bad for our country no matter who had put them in place! Obamacare stank when they called it Romney care! Our men in Benghazi are going to stay dead no matter whether Obama or Hillary ordered the stand down. And the IRS and NSA scandals would be an infringement on our Constitutional rights even if Obama's white half were his dominate half!

    • Do you read anything? Racism? Racism is Al Sharpton. Obama is only partially black so if you have any education at all, racism isn't it. Obummer is still a community organizer, incapable and impotent at leading the country. He is thin skinned and a whiner. Totally incompetent, the worst president of all time. History will tell and most thinking individuals can't wait to begin to undo his disastrous policies of 8 years, if we can. He may have such a mess going in the country it may never be the same. Read Winston Churchill's remarks on Socialism.

    • I went to him begging on a serial rape/ child homicide case, begging to have a rich white man put out of the workplace, into prison, for felony rape of his office workers…..Obama sent me letters stating this was not "crimes' ….(as long as his corporation will pay to keep him out of prison, rape is nothing more than "revenue" to Joe and Barack….

      I still cry about the women and kids raped and murdered, for all that federal "case money"., that turns into "revenue' for Barack Obama….what is there to respect about that???

    • Erica, your comment is nothing but Reverse Racism.. Barack Obama is not Black, he is Mulatto. Black Father and White Mother. How convenient his White heritage is only remembered when votes are needed. Barack Obama has abused his Presidential Executive Authority, trampled on the Constitution, his administration authorized illegal wire taps against Americans and his administration directly was involved with IRS singling out political opponents for illegal IRS audits. None of this even takes into consideration his allocating millions to radical Muslim groups overseas, a 16 + Trillion National Debt and at list goes on.. Black or White, this President has abused and exceeded the authority of his office.. Just a reminder, Nixon was impeached for a whole lot less and he was a White Guy!…

    • Erica, you are seriously misinformed or ignorant. Obama's problems have NOTHING TO DO with his Race. Wake Up!

    • Well, we impeached Nixon because he was black, right? Yeah.__So we always impeach black people, and it has nothing to do with the bad choices they make for Americans, right?__I don't want to hear racism when we hired the guy to do a job. If he was a CEO, he would have been gone a long, long time ago. He's in there still because he is black. Let's face truth.

    • Actually, thinking just because they don't like Obama because he is black is racism, so please, stop using the race card. It gets old and it seems like a default for blame when someone has a different view or opinion . I don't have anything against anyone, yet, I am called racist for not liking someone that doesn't stand up to my level of morals and ethics. How can i be racist when my wife and kids are not white? I am confused. WIll someone explain, in detail, why this is brought up every time a white male doesn't like obama? I feel as if I need to apologize for being a white Christian. I am sorry for being a white Christian that doesn't want the government to pay my way, sorry that our four fathers were racist, (given that most racist people today are not white), sorry for wanting my kids to grow up in a country that has a bright future, sorry for not wanting to pay for you to sit home and have kids, and sorry for being a racist when I am not..

    • His decisions go against the US Constitution–it is simple—he gives speeches and does nothing—using racism is a lame excuse—it is an excuse that the uneducated use.

    • You obviously haven't been paying attention. Race has nothing to do with the dislike of Pres. Obama. It's his piss pore job of running this country. It's just unfortunate he is also African American. It's people like you that turn it into a racial issue…….so who is the racist …… think about it.

    • Here we go with the "racism card" again……we have had enough of the guy, black or whatever he is.he must go and go now while we still have a country……plain and simple, the man is not only inept, he ahs violated the very constitution that his office is charged with upholding……

    • you are sooo wrong take a look at this nation 25 – 50 yrs ago God was the center of the heart of this nation with this man its all about welfare gov handouts now no one will work but look only to the gov to care for them any thing to do with God and the bible he has taken away I was in ohio and a black lady mad this statement as long as he will give me my welfare I will vote for him now that's the nation he has made it to be

    • It has nothing to do with race you moron. Obama is doing everything he can to put the US in a socialist nation. He has effectively gotten rid of the constitution and the freedom this country stands for. Obama care opened the back door of the constitution and individual rights are gone. He put diplomats in a war zone without protection. He went to war without congressional approval. He had the IRS collect personal data on Americans without probable case. He has a war on coal, Race has not a damn thing to do with it. Obama is a dumb ass and that has everything to do with it.

    • Erica you are right. These people say they aren't racist but when Obama was confirmed as the newly elected President in 2008 the memberships of every white supremacy group increased any where from 200% to 300%. Congress members before Obama was even sworn into office were already talking about how they are going to do anything and everything they can to make him a one term president no matter how badly it hurt America.
      So you are right, racism is live and well in the US. These people are too blind to see because they think they aren't but they really are.

    • Delusional is what you are. Obama is also white. So tell me am I just racist against the black?Has nothing to do with color….rather the lies, deceit, fraud, anti-American, anti-Christian, cover-ups…..shall I go on????? Not just him but Biden, Pelosi, Holder, Feinstein….Clinton….they are not black….just incompetent,
      unethical, liars, deceivers.

    • i am caucasian. ever listen to Dr Ben Carson? he is black. i would vote for him in a heartbeat! it's not the color of the person's skin, it's the moral integrity, and abilities of a person. all white people are not racist and continuing to pound the race drum only keeps it going. Obama is a liar, a spinner, and a lousy manager. he does not even act presidential. lip service is nothing. anybody can talk and say anything. a president needs to be much more that that. who cares about skin color? i care about an effective manager who will address our nation's issues and fairly speak to all in a truthful manner. he's still campaigning to his base. 8 years lost for our country, how sad.

    • Obama is over 50% white, not "Black" in my book. What bothers me about seeing him in office is his heritage – not racial, POLITICAL. His Communist grandparents and parents, his mentors and friends. The fact that he was never properly vetted by the press, and that all of his records have been sealed so we can't do it now. His first official act in office was to make all of his records off-limits, doesn't that bother YOU? His published statements that he supports Islam. The behind-the-scenes machinations of George Soros and the Saudis to ensure his election, and Valerie Jarrett's full-time presence in the White House as his "advisor" (I say handler). Doesn't it bother you even a little bit that the first "birthers" were the Clintons, but they shut up as soon as Hillary was promised Sec of State and an endorsement for Pres in 2016?
      His color has nothing to with his qualifications for office, and I don't "hate" him any more than I do Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Hillary Clinton, et al – and they are all inarguably white. The folks I have the least respect for are the low-information voters who put his crew in power TWICE, mostly because of white guilt. They are the racists here.

    • How can anyone be racist to Barack Obama, he is African American and Caucasian? I personally do not like his work ethics and the direction he taken our country……. I guess African Americans liked being slaves, cause Obama is working toward making all of us slaves in our own country! I like my freedom and I would like all Americans to keep their freedom and their rights. Open your eyes man! You have blinders on right now!

    • Racism is the only thing that got O elected, when you vote for someone because of skin color, it is racism. O is supporting the Muslim Brotherhood and wants Islam to rule the world. I hope you like living under sharia law, wearing burqas and getting beaten by your husband when ever he feel the desire. Oh, and I hope you like his other wives.

    • It has NOTHING to do with black, white or purple!!! Just look at the very things happening!! Doesn't matter if he is purple with green stripes!! This is coming from someone that voted for him the first time and I'm white as white can be. You need to inform yourself and throw out the race card!!!

    • Impeaching Obama has nothing to do with racism, but you're probably too narrow minded and uneducated to know that. Educate yourself on what hes doing to our country and the changes that are going to ruin us. We don't want to be like other countries, we are our own and hes destroying us, probably some part of an evil plan. We need to get rid of him and this may not be a dictator country but maybe we're on that path, he has a hidden agenda or Obama's just plain stupid.

    • ffs grow a fricken brain will u! Obama is a criminal, he isn't even an American citizen, he was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia, this has nothing to do with race it's about justice u dumbass

    • We have a president who dishonors the same american troops who protect his sorry hind end, he bows down and apoligizes to terrorists , and refuses to honor the same constitution that has protected his rights and allowed him to run for president. He doesn't deserve any respect , he deserves to be impeached.

    • you are jackass, do you realize how stupid you sound put that up. OMG they no like him cuz he black!! Jackass!! Well I guess birds of the same feather, flock together…

    • Sad. Once again someone claims the only motivation people have in disagreement with the policies and actions of the government is based on racism. Are there racist? Sure, I deal with everyday but disagreeing isn't racism.

    • Mrs Erica, I promise you racism has nothing to do with my reason for disliking OBAMA. Yes I am a Caucasian woman but my 36 year old Son was born with Sturgis Weber syndrome which means his body is covered with red & purple splotches. We have delt with the hurt of people calling him Bloody Mary & to me that is as bad as the horrible N word which I also hate & have never used. I would love to have an HONEST African American President that has ALL our best interests at heart. My reason for wanting OBAMA out is because he has lied so many times & Is trying to turn us against each other. I was raised to always tell the truth. When I meet a person I don't look at skin color I see their heart. If you think I am just blowing smoke I promise you I have many African American Close Friends who would tell you I'm all about truth. I just had the honor of being Matron of honor at my closest Friends wedding who just happens to be African American. I just want an HONEST man in the Presidents seat that will bring us all together not tear us appart. I'm sorry if I've made you angry but I just thought you should know it's the lying & deception on OBAMAS part . Nothing More. I Hope You Have A GREAT DAY.

    • The color of Obama's skin had nothing to do with….IRS scandal, NSA scandal, Benghazi scandal. Obama is a traitor and this current government is the American's peoples worst enemy. Obama will rot in hell where he belongs, with his Muslim brotherhood.

    • I supported Obama and I believed every lie he's ever said. He has no interest in closing down Guantanamo Bay. His hawk like foreign policy is similar to that of republicans. He has breached habeas corpus when he signed the NDAA and put 4 US citizens to death with drone strikes without due process. Obama is Bush incarnate

    • that racism card is bs. obama is attacking america. its people like you that caused this country to fall so low. open your eyes understand that he is a domestic terrorist. racism goes both ways blacks can be racist against whites and vice versa. you will be among the first to die when he lets the bombs hit home.

    • Really if that was the case he would never been President, gert your head out of the sand and think of something better then the old race card, Everyone is tire of hearing that and blaming Bush. Come up with something original.

    • Thanks for pointing out that you are the racist one. Racists notice color the rest of us recognize actions and behaviors. His color doesn't scare me its what he is doing to this country. Obama deserves no respect. He can't even follow the laws himself and he is the one who is suppose to uphold and enforce the laws. Piss pore leadership. He thinks he's royalty and above the law. You must love him for no other reason than the free hand outs he distributes to those of you who can't take care of yourselves. Oh and he supports the Taliban also. I've never known the Taliban to want to do anything to American's besides kill them. You need to pay closer attention.

    • I say quit using the race card to defend Obama. Obama is a big boy and can defend himself. It has nothing to do with the color of his skin, people are sick and tired of every President misusing the power we give them. Plain and simple.

    • Oh please. Respect is earned. This president is half white or did you conveniently forget this? Who's the racist?. Any president that conducts himself on the level that he has and disregards OUR constitution the way that he has deserves an impeachment.

    • White people believed in him also there is no racism involved here , he is just not good at being president of our United States

    • Your an idiot, it has nothing to do with the fact that 12% of him is black and all to do with the fact that he as violated the constitution, and has implemented policies that are wrecking this country as well as taking all of our freedoms away.

    • are you kidding. mostly whites put this tyrant in office, fool. your obviously not abreast of current events such as benzai, the irs scandle, and the nsa's absconding of cell phone records. your ignorance and bigotry are surely showing, retard!!!!

    • ERICA ROBINSON—–YOU ARE AN IDIOT. It's people like YOU that keep Racist going. I have a LOT of black friends male and female. I Love them just like I Love my white friends. AGAIN—YOU ARE AN IDIOT. I do NOT have one speak of a problem with a black man being president. But at least ACT LIKE ONE. Barack Hussein Obama is NOT African American—-HE is HALF MUSLIM and HALF WHITE. So see how STUPID YOU ARE. Get your facts–His skin color is black,,,but as you can see he is a VERY LIGHT SKINNED—-SOOOOOOOOO,,,that means he ALSO Has WHITE in him. So this is NOT about Racist—-It's about a President that is OUT TO DESTROY this COUNTRY because this is NOT HIS COUNTRY. So go look up your facts before you start trying to stir up more comments on Racist.

    • Sorry for ya Sally—this is AMERICA and I have the right to say what I want. So YOU feel FREE to SHUT UP. And out of ALL the other comments on here you are going to pick on little ole me–HAHAHA!!! Go back home to your mommy.

    • I toally agree .. this is not about racism .. it's about breaking Constitutional Law … and used his powers to suppress the media.

      Mr. Veteran

    • I toally agree .. this is not about racism .. it's about breaking Constitutional Law … and used his powers to suppress the media.

    • the only president to bow down to another country disrespect for what we as veterans fight for. google it……..

    • How can you respect a man, and I use that word loosely, who has sidestepped the Constitution and Congress?

    • Seriously! I don't like Obama either and I've given speeches against racism before. I don't like him simply because he is a bad president. He sees the United States as the problem so he destroys everything that makes it look good (the space missions, the economy, ect.). I don't know if there is someone who is racist against him or not, but if there is, that's the minority.

    • The space missions are not destroyed. They have just taken a different approach. They still have people in space and are still sending the rockets with various equipment etc. They just are not doing trips to the moon with space shuttles anymore. I live right there and it is a popular thing the space station and such. My child just last years spoke with astronauts doing training for future asteroid missions.

    • OK First of all shut THE f**K up he has done nothing for America but f*** it up. You are stupid for believing in him you need to take a look at ever right he is taking away from us, the man is a phony and a huge lair. Just really take a look at everything. All your rights as an American and under the constitution are gone. He is tapping into our phones, having drones watch us and ruining our country. GET OBAMA OUT OF OFFICE ASAP!!!

    • What the heck are you drinking, this has nothing about racism… Seriously , when someone screws up as badly as Obama and his crazy uninformed wife, they call it racism.. I say quit your crying about racism, and I will respect someone , only when they deserve it.

    • Your dead wrong I am white a voted for him the first time around. Then I learned he was a socialist dictator and went against everything the constitiution and the country stands for, that's why I voted against him the second term, now because of his lying, egotistical, extravagant lifestyle on tax payer's dollars, the U.S.A. in trouble no matter what your race or beliefs are. He has spent over I billion dollars in tax payer's money on his family luxery vacations while Americans are losing their jobs because of his socialist Obama law and ruining of the economy. YOur ignorant if you think this is because of race, it's because American's don't like being lied to a robbed of their money and opportunities under this low life!

    • He has done some serious crimes and belittles our country, it has nothing to do with race, were all same on the inside, he is just not fit to be a president, he has done nothing but chance our country for the worse, open your eyes and see past a simple thing like race.

    • So if racism is the case how was he elected to office in the first place? I think it is his disregard for our constitution of which we were founded plain and simple.

    • For you to even think that, it shows where the racism is, you are RACIST……YOU DON"T KNOW THE COLOR OF OUR SKIN FROM THESE POSTS. Stop now, your showing YOUR Ignorance! If you had any sense you would base this president on his credentials and accomplishments,,,, IF YOU CAN FIND ANY!!!!

    • If it was a white man or woman in office we would be saying the same thing. Stop screaming racism for every criticism that comes your way. Its actually racist, to assume that everyone else is racist for not liking somebody. I personally do not like Obama for his policies, his disregard for the constitution, the way he belittles the American people, the race wars he starts, and the way he does not support our men and women in uniform, who by the way fight for your dumb ass to say shit like you just said. Do a little research and come back when you have a more informed answer other than crying racism when you don't get your way. 🙂

    • Racism? Ummm no. The disregard for the US Constitution more like it. But not racism. I wanted Colin Powell to run for president. I think we would be far better off under his administration.

    • Wake up Erica I couldn't care a thing about skin color. What I do care about is the dismantling of the Constitution and Bill of Rights both which n0bama has shown little respect. In case you are not up on current events in government but probably up on all the reality television shows, this administration is involved in more scandals than one can shake a stick at. (Amnesty for illegal immigrants, Benghazi, IRS, NSA, Drone strikes on Americans without due process, Deficit, un-affordabe health care act the list goes on and on.)

    • You are truly an idiot! This has nothing to do with the color of the man's skin. It has everything to do with politics, mismanagement of our country, sidestepping Congress for approval, backdoor deals to get poor legislation passed, infringement on our 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms, cover-ups and scandals that are consistent with Chicago-style business, and ELIGIBILITY. You obviously have your head in the sand on the important issues that the rest of the country sees. Take a look at his approval rating….it isn't because this piece of shit is black!!!!

    • He has done nothing to respect him. He is a traitor to this country it's people and our values. It's racism. If you think that then you have allowed yourself to be enslaved by the very tyrannical government you support.

    • You dumb stupid useless waste of space. YOU are racist. You think it's because he's "black" that people don't like him. Have you ever not liked someone because they held different views than you? I can GUARANTEE YOU DID! MOST people don't give a crap WHAT HIS RACE IS. What folks don't like is his POLICIES!! PERIOD!!! He is against the Consitution, and forcing americans policies they don't want. Shut your dumb mouth and go learn something

    • No missy…I'm Black and I want him impeached. I didn't trust his ass back in 2008. I kept warning people, that he was not saying what that CHANGE was going to be; that logo of his is the new American swastika, if he has his way. Race had and has nothing to do with it. The man is incompetent, dangerous and a traitor. There are many Blacks calling for his impeachment.

    • Erica it is sad to see another zombie. people like you need to wake up, also people like you would defend Obama if he called for mass genocide, calling those who oppose genocide racists. you are another sheeple of the mass distraction media who believes real news is Paris Hiltons shoes Miley Cirus skirt, who the Kardashian whores are with this week. Try to be an intellectual in things you understand





    • no…its because he (like more than 50% of america) is an idiot. like you, the "black" thing is all his supporters see. we (the true americans) see him as a failure. You excuse his actions and hide behind race, and use it shield him or absolve him from his failed actions. I see a man who has know idea how to unite a country.

      Racism….you may want to take a good hard look at your own morals Erica.

    • I say to you Erica, you are a complete FOOL!! People hate Barack Obama not because they are racists, but because he is one of the worst presidents we have ever had. Tell me one good thing he has done for this country and I will call you a liar and fool. Since he has been in office he has done nothing but violate the constitution and put our fragile economy at risk for a total collapse. How can you "respect that man" when him and his wife care only about making appearances on television. That man is a terrorist who should be impeached and locked up in Guantanamo bay and so should you………for TREASON!!!!!!

    • Erica, You young lady are an idiot who does not deserve to breathe the air God gave you.. I honestly believe that if the human body did not automatically breathe on its own that you would suffocate.

  66. Information is the key inform yourself. Read Before It's News, Listen to Oracle Broadcasting, Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis. Know about Project Blue Beam, Operation Mocking Bird, False Flag Attacks. Got Infowars.com with Alex Jones. Read Mark Dice books. Above all Ask QUESTIONS! Don't be a Sheeple! It was The Globe tabloid and Enquirer, broke news about President Bill Clinton's affair. As for this Impeachment of Obama.. I doubt it. But you can't trust the Mainstream Media anymore! They have a Narrative, to a story and an agenda. News is only valid during the first 24 hours of a story. You can't trust the MAINSTREAM MEDIA!

  67. It doesn't matter Obama has about as much power as Bush. There is always a man behind the curtain calling all the shots. I guess the people calling the shots right now aren't making the rich very happy huh? Obama is def not a free mason-Wasp-new world order f**k face so~he gets my vote every time.

    • do you really believe that all these negative comments are from those hated "rich" people you're so concerned about are true? do you know that rich people sometimes do very good and generous things? maybe you need to seek some factual materials, study those materials (I know it's hard and not as much fun as your version of the F word)and then think.. are you serious that they above listed three factors(I guess it's three, it's hard to tell) are your basis for voting? that is absplutely pitiful.

    • What makes you think that? Is it that he’s black? He is rich, so is his wife, and elitist. Oh, you think he’s the “comon” man? Lmao. Wake up. You don’t get in those circles, or elected if you are. He is no different than any corrupt politician. Believe that, & get the wool off your eyes.

    • Obama is a Mason, he wears his ring in many photos. He also has "there is no other god but allah" engraved on his wedding ring. He has also been to bilderberger meetings…so you can lift your veil and see your emperor for what he is…just another one of the "good ol' boys".

    • actually…if you listen to any of his speeches…he saids " the only way we can solve world porverty is to engage in a"….ready for this……" a new world order"…….so yeah….that pretty much said it all for ya. and if you really believe in the voting system…then you have been fooled. elections are just another way for government to put more money in their pockets. regardless who is president….they all playing the same game folks. "There's a big party….and we're not invited" – George Carlin.

      do your research

    • Well, Angelala, it appears that you listen to every word spewed by the Obama administration and believe everything he wants you to believe. See for the uneducated, that theory works, and he patronizes the morons in our country. He doesn't think you are smart enough to fact-check him. If you spent a little more time reading up on his past, you would learn a lot and understand why people have a negative opinion about him. Oh, by the way, he IS a new-world order F-face. Why do you think he is empowering other countries while crippling the U.S.? You really need to learn where our money is being spent around the world. Vote for him all you want, but fortunately for the rest of us, that won't be an option. I guess you can continue to write in his name on the ballot, but he can only serve two terms. Read a book – guit fondling yourself.

  68. alright … this president is trying to get rid of our rights including the second amendment and it makes all the others possible he don't care about rights of America or our safety all he cares about is getting what he wants like a little child i agree he needs to get out of the white house and let some one with some common sense in.

  69. To all of you Anti Bush idiots:
    George W. Bush got congressional approval before all of his wars. He was destroyed in the media for waterboarding, yet Obama killing people with drones is ok. No one seemed to care about Benghazi or Fast and Furious, yet if Bush had done either of those things, all of you Obama lovers would be up in arms outside the White House… I am tired of these double standards from you left winged hypocrites!

    • whoever talked about bush getting approval from congress before war and that democrats have double standards. here’s some for u, he had people in the embassy killed during his term too but NO ONE said a word but a BLACK president does it and its the end of the world? what do we call that? hmmm… hypocrisy!!!!!!

  70. Impeach the Chicago crook and send him back to Indonesia! He is NOT for America. Screw the rich. I'm tired of being poor an hungry. Wise up people! All food an fuel has doubled. And the light bills. He's nuts!,

    • I wish it were true, but there is no way it could happen. The Senate would never bring it to the floor for discussion, much less a vote. Next year if the Reublicans retain the House, gain the Senate, we may have a chance. If anything, he should be held responsible for dereliction of duty during the Benghazi attack on September 11, 2012. He was MIA during the 8 hour attack preparing for a fundraiser in Las Vegas the following day. All about him while 4 Americans were killed. Any other job, he would have been fired immediately, or prosecuted. He knew within the hour after the attack started, and never followed-up once the rest of the evening.

  71. Anyone who believes this story is a retard, and thank you for giving society the courtesy of identifying yourself publicly as such.

  72. it doesn't matter if you like him or you don't like him. If he isn't doing what he is supposed to be doing and they have the proof they need to impeach then they should impeach but if the man is legitimate and is really doing all that he should be doing and all that he can do as the President then they need to back off. Whether you like the man or not is irrelevant to the facts at hand. Just sayin.

  73. All of you are illiterate assholes who don’t have an F***ing clue what y’all are talking about. Here’s to mass ignorance and blindness to the truth. Quit worrying about fake articles and what other people blog about it

  74. According to wikipedia Obama has an INDONESIAN grandfather. He claims he's black but how is an asian black? Sorry, he's not Indonesian, but he is muslim for certain. The reason he stayed in office without impeachment is due the the fact we as a country are afraid to look ethnically prejudice. The man is foriegn for certain, not legal abiding natural citizen. But he is most certainly not black, and not asian. His records are too obscure and the dates are too wrong for what he claims to be true.

    Additionally, any thing against him is beyond political standing. This isn't about Republican or Democrat or anything. It's about a man allow our country to deteriorate and weaken ourselves as a whole.

  75. The date on this is off by a whole year. H.CON.RES.107 was introduced in 3-2012
    Maybe this will help clear up some things.

  76. Wow lol Obama sucks so bad as president and is trying to take away our rights slowly but surely. I don't support republicans or democrats but Obama is doing EVERYTHING that people criticized Bush for.

  77. I would like to know just one thing; Why is it that the Race card comes out first thing if I or someone else says they don't like Obama? Just because someone doesn't like his policies or the direction he is taking this country doesn't mean someone is a racist; That might mean they JUST don't like him.

    • I agree. The only reason there is racism today stems from people claiming racism when there was none intended. Minorities are pretty much oppressing themselves at this point. The fact that we have a black president is proof enough that the abrasive forms of racism are eradicated in this day and time. It's beyond me why people think it's racist to not like a person who happens to be black, Indian, or Muslim. As for the president being able to use military power at a whim? True to an extent. The president reserves the right to send in the USMC to a foreign country in a time of national emergency. He then can keep them in said country for up to three months without congressional approval. Use of the Air Force, Army, or Navy however has to be approved by congress even if we are at war with a different country in the same region. The fact that Obama sent the Air Force to Libya is in a sense, a war crime. As for the donation of F-16's and other weapons to the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, that is an entirely different breach of national security. Congress has almost endless grounds to begin and impeachment process on the entire presidential cabinet.
      @ Voice of Reason: Check your facts. I'm a veteran and I have a bachelors in Military Science and a Masters in International Affairs.
      @ Erica Robinson: I'm sure you mean well, but stop bringing black people down by enforcing stereotypes that aren't there. The reason Obama is so disliked is because of the Fascist and Socialist policies he is attempting to enforce on the American people. There is no law that dictates we have to respect any politician, especially the president. And furthermore, there is a reservation in the Constitution that says that no law may be construed to take away freedoms from the people of the United States. "Construed" means interpreted in case anyone doesn't know. And the manipulation of these statutes and laws by the president have nothing to do with him being black. It has everything to do with him being a short-sited, corrupt, and utterly irresponsible president. Think before you type down something so ignorant. I'm sure you're above that.

    • Isn't it obvious racist people always blame the racism on someone else to deflect their own racist comments and actions.. i.e. voting for someone just because you share an ethnic background. I'm not racist; Im prejudice… I dislike all stupid people equally without consideration of ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, or gender.

  78. What do you call someone who disagrees with Obama? wait for it……… A Racist! I hate Obama because he is a worthless President! I don't care if he is yellow, black, red, or white. Anyone who is elected by the people to lead the people, then fails the people deserves to be impeached.

  79. Hopefully they don't forget Barry Soetoro's violation of Article 1 Section 9 of the Constitution by accepting the Presidency of the UN Security council. Oopsie, Barry, another count of High Treason. Add that one on top of Fast & Furious, Benghazi, Syria, Lybia, the innococent children killed by your assassin drones…

  80. He. Have never seen his true birth certificate , I was born in queens

    Hospital in Hawii . I asked them for my birth certificate the (LONG

    FORM) they asked me y a long form, I said Obama has one. So


    Now what dose that tell you ???? (BYBTHE WAY WERE IS HIS ILLEGAL AUNT LIVING NOW????? Congress & senate are



  81. the war on terror has ended with opperation iraqi fredom now were are in opperation new dawn wich is nolonger ment to fight terror but to rebuild thats why army has pulled out of iraq and civilan contractors have taking over

  82. This about this president violating the constituion and not using the proper paths to check and balance power. It is about this president killing americans without due process and going to war without permision and thinking he has more power than the constittion allows .What about Bush he should be liable for the things he did too Do some research and figure out what this means to you and your children and what an out of control president or government can do to your freedom. This is not about race It is about freedom. Its about you and me and without restraint it can harm your basic freedoms. and freedom ot out children.

  83. Impeach Him!!! Everything our men faught and died for is at risk. Comunism is no joke or laughable mater. I am a democrat under normal circumstance but this is not normal or tolerable. When America becomes a third world country maybe people will wake up and smell the rotting corpses. BTW power to the people not the government!!! :'(

    • I'm sick of the racism bull crap too, so yeah Erica, grow the hell up. We're all of the human race. I don't care if your black or white. We're talking about the POTUS here, not playing the racism calling name games. I too voter for Obama the first time but not the second. And yeah, same here, I didn't like Bush or his father. Didn't trust either one of them.

    • People dont like obama because he created new taxes and is not handling the economy as well as he said. Personally on my part I dont like him because he thinks that people are entitled to things so he gives it to them. No one in this world is entitled to things you earn it, thats life .

  84. Justice yet remains under the current dictator and that

    Justice will finally be done to rectify the grave injustice and great harm done to
    The People of The United States of America by
    a criminal Imposter.

    Justice would include imposing the severest of penalties allowed
    under Our laws…

    and immediate reversal of all executive Orders,
    appointements/appointees, including, but not limited to
    the biggest ruse/lie of all time – ever – in any administration – obummercare.

    If it becomes necessary for The People of These United States of America to
    continuously file this law suit in every single State in the Union, it should be done
    until Justice is done and
    The Republic restored to IT'S RIGHTFUL OWNERS –


  85. I just love how Citizens of the United States want to bring up the RACE card on Obama. Forget everything he has done in his tenure as president. Forget all the facts that he is NOT a citizen of the United States. And most important forget that Obama wants a CRIPPLED and WEAK United States. I say impeach is in order. This president has done nothing but lie through and through. He is no President he is a coward. So to ALL of the people that want to place racism on this subject do me a favor. Get your heads out of your butts and wake up to the crap that he is trying to sell. WE are Americans. We the people have the right to place in office who we see fit to run this country. Sure as hell not Obama!!!

  86. chinese will take over white house soon, a red house, be carefull
    $90 Trillion is not a joke
    file bankruptcy should be done fast for usa
    crash stock market
    let go back in 1973 when russia was in power and usa
    cut internet for good , it is destroying usa and global
    this is the problem of killing your good enemy
    the bad enemy is china
    california soon will be swalloed by chinese
    let chinese in poverty

  87. i hate ppl who are pro-obama just saying everything is racism. they are just trying to defend his sorry ass. Its cuz he is a bad president. he has done nothing positive. and the second he supported the gun laws was the second he got unsupported by half the country

  88. Impeach the fraud called obama…..for high treason, derelection of duty, failure to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America, Illegal Gun-running to the enemy, using fraudulent SSN, Not being a US CITIZEN, failure to disclose college transcripts, Murder of American Citizens in the BENGHAZI Attack, ILLEGAL gun-running MURDERS of HUNDREDS of mexican citizens, Murder of our US BORDER PATROL AGENTS, and the MURDER OF OVER 46 US NAVY SEALS…..the list goes on, and on, and on, and on

    • Linda,

      Can you please answer one question. Since Obama graduated valedictorian from Harvard Law School, I'm assuming what you are really referring to is for Obama to disclose how he paid for college. So my question is, which WHITE president in the history of our country has EVER been asked to disclose how he paid for college?

      The fact people want Obama to disclose how he paid for college absolutely STINKS of racism. The implication is that since he is a black man, people are suspicious of how he paid for college because they don't think black people should be able to afford college unless they acquired the finances in a shady or illegal manner.

      That kind of thinking is SICKENING!

  89. your all so pathetic

    Obama is a FRAUD USURPER as such his signature bares absooutely no leagal Constitutional Power or Authority whatsoever. Because Congress and the Senate have allowed a FRAUD to USURP the office of President Congress and the Senate have NULLIFIED their power as well Constitution is the Law of this land and it is clear:

    As long as there is a FRAUD USURPING the office of President Congress and the Senate can make and pass no laws…..He cant be IMPEACHED becasue he is not Legally President he is a Puppet for the UN Bilderbergs Great Britain, George Soros NWOers and they are all guilty of Treason and Conspiracy to over throw and there are so many charges against them all they will all probably hand by the kneck at the gallows……They are all operating outside the Constitution and all need to be immediately arrested…..

    • I am with you Matt! your right on with this gov. The treason in this gov. needs to be addressed.
      I own and operate a company in Ok. and have lost so many good companies that got the hell out
      of U.S. since this gov. took over. People are loosing jobs every day! More and more people going on welfare
      and food stamps! Loosing there homes etc. We need more people like you! My vote is with you!!1 and you don't even need a birth certificate! LOL Rich

  90. That is stupid to think it is racist. Are ya'll so ignorant that you think white and hispanics did not have to vote for him in order for him to get elected. Do you really think that there was enough black votes to get him elected lmao.

  91. I just want to start out by saying I do not follow Obama, however with that u watch he isn’t going anywhere he’s the ” rock star president ” you watch he isn’t going anywhere besides dont u guys listen in history class just bc a president is impeached doesn’t mean we still won’t still have Obama sitting on the world and making it a priority to get marks and I feel that even before his term is up he will work on something to where he is a president for 3 terms…..

    • Not one (NOT ONE!) of his ancestors was a slave in the South. Never. Half of his ancestors aren't even American. Honey, African Americans don't even trust Barack Obama or like him.
      -Miss Lola

  92. Is anyone gonna call me a racist because I don't agree with the executive order the President signed giving him the authorization to murder anyone he chooses, including American Citizens…without a trial? I dare you to call me a racist with this argument. And I'm a Democrat. Wake up Libs…Wake up America.

  93. So, why if this is happening no sources are quoted by name?Why do I google it does the only place that is reporting impeachment proceeding is this paper? People, come on, do you really believe it cause it is on the net? Holy crap! What a bunch of sheep. I just found out thru a relative, but check out facts before I believe anything. Stop the hate! If you want to change something to make the world better. It is a Christian concept. Love your enemies. Remember?

    • Funny to watch worthless monkeys rant. Guess what did you free stuff come in stupid? Screw all you obamation supporters hope he gets fired like a black man should for being worthless in a job! Eat that.

    • Monkey lover you have got to be the dumbest most uneducated red neck your side of the Mississippi river and I bet your parents are brother and sister I mean you do realize it’s 2013 and your still throwing racial slurs around your worthless and your words are meaningless sounds to me like you should’ve probably been a hitler youth you f’n nazi.I’m a Christian but I tell you this people like you should already have the pistol in mouth just saying hypothetically u moron God bless

    • And then there are those of us who know a whole lot about history and see your statement for the BS that it is!

  94. He should be inpeached . He is Muslin , anti American and anti Isreal . He is out to destroy us , He supports the Muslin Brotherhood who want to destroys .

    • I totally agree. I would never in a million years believe a president could do so much damage in such a short period of time. In four years he has created more debt for our country than every president from the 1st to Bush. The sad part is people won't look as what he has done and what he is doing to our country. They are more impressed with personality and his smile. What is wrong with America. We use to take so much pride in our country and would fight for what we believed in. All I know is we need to have God Bless America but we have done so much to kick God out that I think he has taken his hedge of protection off America. People need to wake up. We need someone who loves Ameican and the freedoms we have had here for years. I think Obama will eliminate our rights, freedoms an more. He's already started.

    • Ok first of all its spelled Muslim not Muslin that's a type of fabric. Second of all he's Christian. And third and please pay attention because it's very important, impeachment is there for presidents who break the law, and last time I checked there were no laws in this country governing what god we are allowed to pray to. So even if he was Muslim (which is completely irrelevant as to how capable he is to do his job) it would not be grounds for impeachment. if your gonna disagree with a man who holds political office take issue with his politics not his religion.

    • WTF is a Muslin? Your IQ is probably around 70 or so, huh? Israel is owned by the Rothchilds, who also make the decisions for America. Obama is their puppet. I wish he WAS anti-Israel, then I would actually support him! I'd suggest you refrain from putting your stupidity on display like this, it's disgusting.

  95. He does need to be impeached, he is pushing socialism society on a country that is not set up for it. There’s not much difference between what he is doing than dictators done in the past. Twenty years ago the things he does, Americans would not have put up with it. People believe the country is separated by liberals and conservatives. I say it’s devided by givers(taxpayers) and takers, and Takers want Obama to set up on capital hill and punish people for there success. I’ve had enough of this guy. IMPEACH HIM before it is too late!!!

    • You my friend are one of the reasons that Americans cant stand on their own two feet anymore and say enough is enough…..what are you gonna do when they come to put your family in a FEMA camp? Get real or gone

  96. Guess im one of those bozo hicks! Obama is not eligible to be president, his father was not a citizen and he cannot be a natural born citizen due to that fact. Where he himself was born is of no consequence in the matter though I did just see a certified copy of his birth certificate on snopes that says he was born in Kenya. He has 23 unconstitutional presidential orders he just signed to take our guns away, and our 2nd amendment rights, he has abused the power of the president by sending American troops into combat without congressional permission, his actions regarding the Benghazi incident were appalling and traiterous and he needs to be removed from office before he does further damage to our country.

    • Because the White House controls alot of the media. If you knew how much, you would be appalled. There is no such thing as free speech on the airwaves anymore. Long live the internet!

  97. Funny you say that but if everyone that hates how he is running the country left, who would pay the bills? We have a congress that are suppose to represent us the people and a president that works for congress. Our president seems to think that he doesn’t have to abide by that and that he is going to do exactly what he wants, where does it stop. Executive order after executive order!!!!


  99. Great let the impeachment proceedings begin! Then the Republicans will have to admit the real reason they want to impeach the president because they are a bunch of racists bigots. The just can't get over the fact that a black man is in the White House. Go ahead we dare you!

    • Put your pride aside and look at what has happened. he made an executive order to attack another country without anyone's consent! it was voted to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt over his decision to withhold documents related to the “gun walking” (aka fast and furious :: google it) operation – documents that President Obama tried to keep secret by invoking executive privilege. WHYYYY would he do that? hmmmm There's just 2 reasons. But I don't expect you to get it..

      "We" dare you? lol JUST LOL

    • Dear Diane, This is not a schism issue. I am very saddened to see you and others slighted towards that paradigm of reality, for this is a proceeding against inhumane, unwarranted, dictatorial military actions towards an African nation, Libya, and a country that is horribly war torn by the arsenal funded to them by the posse of B. Hussein O. and friends. You must not blame the person. Any representative that you know of is taking orders from the "higher ups". The U.S. of D.C. is a private corporation. U.S. citizens are defined as federal employees of the foreign country of Washington, D.C. (foreign to America that is) We have all been slighted. Don't worry, I know this can be hard to fathom. The Republic for the united States of America has been re-seated in 2010 and have been operating in parallel with the corporation of U.S. until they collapse or ultimately shift power. Their website is found as republicfortheunitedstates.org and information can be found at republics.info ; I know you're confused in this life. We are all confused in some respect. The world lies to you. Who can you trust? Verifiable data that is measured; for you cannot truly know something until you measure it. We need to learn how to apply the trivium within our lives. Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric. May grace and peace be with all of you.

    • The real reason he is in is because of anti-Mormon bigotry, voter fraud and racism. There are multiple reasons to impeach him that are irifutable, one being the violation of the war powers act. Anyone dumb enough to vote for Obama would know nothing about that though.

    • Get your facts straight and look at the REAL reasons for this happening! It is ignorant people like you that play the "race card" every time and yet that has absolutely NOTHING to do with these proceedings! If you have children and grandchildren, be thankful that people (other than yourself) are actually looking out for their future!

    • Diane, are you black, hispanic, asian ect….? If so, Instead of throwing a race card, why don't you just admit you don't have a leg to stand on, in an arguement. And SHUT UP!!

    • It has nothing to do with all the illegal appointments he has made, nor the attempt to infringe on our 2nd amendment rights, nor the proliferation of executive orders he has signed in, nor Benghazi, nor his socialist agenda. No, none of those things could possibly be the problem because he is Black. It must be racism, or it could be that all you who cry 'racism' every time someone disagrees with Obama action and policy are morons and willing to ignore the damage this man has done to our country.

    • clear violation of the constitution ,….equals racism,….no wonder this country is so messed up,……do even understand how government works,…ever read the document,……you have proven my point thank you ,….blacks are the biggest racist in this country………….you dont like it……hop on a boat..!….im paying

    • Obama is a muslim you idiot. He is trying to take away our 4th amendment rights and our second amendment rights. He is shutting down small businesses and forcing people to be on Obama care. He wasn't born in our country and you need to read the biography on Hitler……..Hitler has been reborn. GET A CLUE YOU RACIST BIGOT.

    • If he were a black man who LOVED our country the way we do?? its a no brainer. But the fact of the matter is, he is NOT.. Both him and his wife are racist bigots.. THEY are the first ones to throw the race card.. Open your eyes already/

    • Unfortunately Diane & the rest of you calling Republicans bigots because we don't agree with our president, is very narrow minded. I am far from racist but I live in the USA & I have the right to my opinion. We live in a democracy & I've not interested to live with a dictator whether he/she is black, purple or green. Our forefathers were brilliant men & their work is being trashed by a man that wasn't even born here. He isn't above the law & hopefully something is done about his antics soon

  100. I just love seeing all the people scream "RACISM" because the rest of us want to live in a free nation where our rights and civil liberties are not trampled on or taken away from us. We elect members to Congress to be our voice in government and to check the actions of the President. If the President is going around Congress to use our military to start wars on foreign soil and to pass his own laws, then he is basically saying to the American people that he doesn't care what WE think because he is going to do whatever he likes. That is tyranny. I personally do not want to give up any of my civil rights. Like the right to an attorney, the right to stand trial by a jury of my peers, the right to humane and fair treatment while I am incarcerated. This is called due process. Under the Obama administration, anyone accused, just ACCUSED of terrorism, gives up their right to due process and can be incarcerated indefinitely and tortured while incarcerated. I also do not want to give up my right to freedom of speech and have someone come and wire tap my house just because I disagree with the way the government is being run. I also do not want someone sending a drone to mow down me and my family while we are sleeping or eating just because I do not agree with current government policies. All of these things happen or have happened under the Obama administration. And he does all of this by going around our elected Congress officials. Tyranny is NOT a skin color, it is a leader who does not listen to or care about the wishes of his/her people. But yeah, if you are still living in a self-imposed "back-of-the-bus" mentality, go ahead and scream racism. That will get you lots of respect.


  102. I just love it that some are ignorant enough to play the racism card. The law has been broken and the law is the law regardless of race. So are black Americans supposed to have immunity from the law? What about the law abiding black Americans that don't support obama.

  103. Erica, did you not hear the speech that Dr. King made, the "I have a dream" speech? Did you not hear when he said he dreams of a day when the black man will not be judged by the color of his skin but the content of his character? Why cannot that be what is happening? By your reasoning, black men are holy by nature; everything they do is naturally righteous and holy and what is best for everyone. Black men are not open to criticism by your analysis. But that cannot possibly be true… (And I would vote for the black man, Dr. Alan Keyes, in a heartbeat, and I am white.) I trust his opinions more than I do mine… Why? because his CHARACTER is better – he shows by his speech that he is committed to righteousness, and he is a well-educated man as well.

  104. I would vote for Dr.Ben Carson and he is a Black Man. Race has nothing to do with it. The man is a socialist and probably not an American citizen. Even if he is American, he care nothing for this country. He wants a one world Government and is weakening this country daily to make it so. He lies, has taken part in Illegal activities and bows to Muslim brotherhood. Unfortunately this article is not true, but I wish it was.

    • Dr. Carson is a great man!!! Why is he so great? Despite how poor he was growing up, he overcame adversity, didn't let the color of his skin get him down, became well-educated, a success. Most importantly he has what a lot of Americans these days don't, COMMON SENSE. I wish he would run for President. Love the way he spoke at the prayer breakfast. The man makes no excuses, just tells it how it is. D.C. would be a lot better off if there were more like him around. A hero in a world gone mad.

  105. "At first I had no opinion of President Obama, until I noticed all his campaign promises were broken, cutting the debt,no lobbying, against same sex marriage, fixing our illegal border migration problem, etc… Ok, I figured, maybe Obama was slow & unable to move forward because the recession was to much, ..I began noticing in the campaigns he only knew how to make more promises, and smeared Romney, giving entitlements to get votes,and he had the Bengazi & Susan Rite caper on his watch, ObamaCare would raise taxes on businesses and offer non-working people healthcare when he couldn't provide jobs?? How can the first black President be so uncapable of doing the most important job in the world, while everyone was in denial and being hush? Well the debt , jobs, broken Washington ratio will continue with frightening results..both economically and militarily!

  106. I have never had insurance never will, and when I get sick and die, then I will get sick and die. No government will ever tell me I have to buy insurance. I will die when it is my natural time to die, just like my mother did. Dad got sick and when they pumped him full of cancer fighting crap, a piece of the tumor lodged in his brain and he died. I learned from that mistake immediately. Stay away from doctors they only kill you. So enjoy your 20,000 a year insurance policy everyone. Ha ha I will be thinking about you when your in the bread line!

  107. It has nothing to do with the color of his skin. Obviously the only people who are saying this are the ones who dont pay attention to what hes doing to our country. Race has not one thing to do with it. Pay attention to whats going on around you, only an uneducated person would say something like that.

  108. I am so sick and tired of people saying that white people are racist because we don't like someone of color, give me a flippin break, there are alot of white people I don't care for either, doesn't make me racist, why is it everytime anything has to do with someone being of a different color and we don't agree we are called racist, do you see white people having just white tv, or a magazine with nothing but white folks in it, do we have white colleges, do we have a national white day, NO, don't be calling white folks racist, if anyone is a racist it would be the black community, so this is ridiculous, president obama sucks as a president, simple as that, he has broken laws, he is trying to change the constitution, he has committed treason, how much more do you need to know.

  109. He needs to be impeached because he is doing things that are unconstitutional. I, and the vast majority of people don't care one bit what color the man's skin is. He is doing a s***y job as president of this nation and is now trying to infringe upon our constitutional rights. Anyone who says the President is being ridiculed so much simply because he is black is ignorant and needs to open their eyes to more than the fact that he's a black man. I think the fact that he's black means more to non-whites than it does to whites. I, personally, don't care what color the President is. He can be green for all I care, as long as he doesn't try to infringe upon my constitutional rights as an American, or circumvent the Constitution, which he has already done.

  110. Using the military to fire on people in Libya and Syria is a misdemeanor, but I hit my neighbors mailbox with a baseball bat and its a felony.

  111. Obama should be impeached. You all have strong opinions based on emotion mostly. Use your heads people. When he makes a promise does he keep it? Did your taxes go up? Did the deficit go down? Did unemployment go down? Are we better off then we were four years ago? He is good at getting us all to argue to distract us from what is really happening. Stop using your hearts and start using heads. The first term is over. Look up all his speeches and compare his promises to his record. Are his polices working or just costing us money? Time will tell the truth. Hind sight is 20 20 as they say. Form your own opinions. Don't let the media brain wash you .

    • Unfortunately, the economic shambles Obama inherited, and the two wars that our country was deeply involved in when Obama took office, could not be completely turned around in four years. I think any expectations that our situation could be completely turned around by now were simply unrealistic. However, I do think we are headed in the right direction, with our withdrawal of forces from Iraq and Afghanistan, and our economy slowly coming around.

    • Headed in the right direction ? are you crazy? and it's time to quit passing the buck because the buck now stops WITH HIM impeach this jerk before it;s to late.

    • I totally agree with you Liberal56. Why is it that no one sees the mess President Obama inherited from Bush??? Bush left Obama with such a mess to clean up that really I think I would take more terms than the president has in office. People must believe in their President, instead of trying to dig up dirt and other crap to make our first black president look like crap!!!

    • When he makes a promise does he keep it?


      Did your taxes go up?

      No, mine didn't. Remember he promised to let the Bush tax cuts expire, so that would be a promise he kept.

      Did the deficit go down?


      Did unemployment go down?


      Are we better off than we were 4 years ago?

      Yes, quite a bit. Do you actually remember what it was like 4 years ago?

      Are his policies working?

      Yes, why do you think that Fox News has stopped talking about the economy?

    • And you people let Bush run rampant as President for two terms without saying shit about his inability to be President of the USA???? I don't get you people!!!! Yes, recovery of our economy has been slow; however, President Obama is doing everything he can (even with the Republicans against everything he stands for). Why the hell does his birth certificate even matter? Everyone that is throwing stones at President Obama, has never done anything wrong or against the law? And I am not saying he did!! Who the hell is perfect? We don't live in a perfect world and I agree with Obama on gun control!!! Something must be done to take these horrible ak-47 like weapons off the streets. We have lost enough children due to stupidity of adults buying these weapons, so that their crazy ass teens can go into schools, malls or where ever they choose to take innocent lives! I am so sick of this and would like to see the streets cleaned up of these jerks that don't like themselves!! I feel if you are a sick individual, kill yourself and do the public a favor, but don't take your anger, bitterness, resentment out on our children!!! I am so ashamed at the stigmatism between someone deciding to go out and shoot up whoever they want on mental illness. I think that maybe it is the lack of attention, or better friends that make them do crazy shit!!! I think that we should go back to the old west times in regards to having a gun. Really, isn't a six-shooter enough? I think that there are still a lot of prejudice people in the world and i am tired of hearing comparisons between the black and white population!!! I don't see color, I see the person no matter what race, color or creed they are!! I would like to ask everyone to "Get off Obama's case" and let him do his job!! Bush is the one that started the war and cost taxpayers the big bucks, so if you want to blame anyone for the deficit…..there's the starting point!!! Everyone on this website seems to be so judgemental and Republican!!! I am a Democrat and I think more people should start supporting our first black president and quit trying to undermine him!!!! I am just voicing my own opinion.

    • I don't think Obama should be impeached based on the fact that he's horrible at governing and hasn't kept his promise. Most presidents are like that, and the ones who do it more- lend up leaving a bad legacy when they leave. On his governing alone, he'll go down in history as a poor president. However the things I'm looking at, are not being reported in the media really, any including Fox News. I'm just studying and researching people he's surrounded himself with. Why? Because I remember in 08 (which by the way I hated McCain too, and he'd be just as bad as Obama- if not worse)- Obama said something quite interesting.

      "If you want to know who I am, and what my policies are- look at the people I surround myself with" . I've been looking, studying, researching, and listening- and not liking what I'm seeing, especially with one of his "czars" Cass Sunstien, and his wife who is wildly anti-Israel, and believes United States should defend Palestine from Israel… Basically side with terrorist against Israel. When I look at the people he's surrounded himself with, I see typical corrupt Chicago politicians (including himself), I see uber progressives- which mirror more and more, due to their ideas and views, of what became Nazi Germany.

      I'm not the least bit surprised over his behaviors with Benghazi- which the question that should be asked is "who ordered the soldiers ready to go help those men at the embassy to stand down?" I'm not surprised over this IRS scandal, or the AP/Fox News scandal. I wasn't surprised over the fast and furious scandal- or the lies and deflection that fly about- when questions are asked… All you get is "I don't know, I don't know, this is just political theater" blah blah BS. He's basically violated the constitution.

      If he were white, he'd be gone. The screams for his impeachment would have been so loud, and we would have seen riots already- and I wouldn't blame the angry crowd the least bit, they'd be in the right. The only reason why this has not happened, is because he's a black social democrat who is shielded by the media- and continues to play off the stupidity and weakness of so many Americans.

  112. None of our politicians do anything that helps anyone unless it helps them or their own cause(s)! PERIOD! Our current President, BHO, is no different. The United States is in for a very turbulent time ahead. We are suffering the consequences of many years of corruption within our political system. Corruption spawns more corruption. In the real world, it’s hard to compete against someone that is too low because they made a mistake. It’s even harden when they are depective and steal and lie. Our Government is full of crooks and liars starting at the top, with our current President, and trickling all the way down the ladder.

    May God bless The United States of America!
    It’s the only HOPE for a CHANGE that we have!

  113. I am so sick of all this racist crap. Look Obama is just as white as he is black. That makes him a Mulatto, not black not white, but half and half. I f you really want to be angry over the plight of the black man, then you really need to be angry at their own people in Africa, they started the whole slavery trade thing. Also if all the people in the US do not like our country they need to go back to theirs. I don't see the blacks rushing back the Africa, the hispanics rushing back to Mexico, or any other foreigner rushing back to their country, why because America has always been the greatest country in the world. So either go home or be a true American. By the way Our language is English, so speak it. If I go to your country I'll learn to speak your language.And yes we do need to do away with Obama, he is an evil man and I don't care if you call him Black, White or Mulatto, he is bringing the the U.S. to her knees. He is another Hitler. Read your history!1 Save our Country. Be an American. It doesn't matter where you come from as long as you are a U.S. Citizen, Support our constitution, and would be willing to fight and die if necessary to protect this great country that our fathers and forefathers fought and died for.
    God Bless American, Land that I love, Stand beside her and guide her……….

  114. As a Native American I can say this: Obama might be half white but he does bad white man things against America. If you don't know the real facts about Obama and his Nazi-ish side then you might not have wanted to vote for him in the first place. loving him just because he looks black to you is okay, as long as you remember we are holding YOU personally responsible for ruining this country just as much as him. And sure, you can trust the governement, just ask another Indian! The ONLY real slaves still living on concentration camps today (remember the rezervations) got it?

    • I was born as a white American with Cherokee relation. I have always been haunted and saddened by the way that the American Indians were treated by the Government and I am ashamed of my ancestors for this. I have always thought and made it known to BLACKS that if they thought they had it bad, they need to think again.The American Indian was treated way worse in comparison to Balcks. To all True Native Americans, accept my apologies for the suffering that your ancestors endured, I like you, was born into this country.

    • No Indians are currently being forced to live on reservations by the federal government or anyone else. Those who live there have chosen to stay. So don't give me this BS about comparing concentration camps to Indian reservations!

    • Since you seem to have a hard time remembering
      A person who is the legal property of another and is forced to obey them

    • I am a first Nations and for you who obviously claim you are of such most of us don't call ourselves "" Indians"" since most Mideastern people are Indian as in India. First Nations most of them anyway don't call ourselves native american as well since in fact we was first to the nations before it was founded as america so we were not native to america since we was here way before it was america and i also agree with the other comment above people are not forced to live on a reservation people stay since it is their god given right to since our lands were taken yes we was pushed out of places we called home in very disgraceful ways i will not speak of but we was given land to call our own "reservations" for our people others like my self choose to not live on such i work i have my own place i live as anyone else would i am nor have i ever been forced to live on a reservation i was raised outside of one then moved further away as an adult i dont drink or other bad things i am a good person i do agree somewhat on the comment about African Americans to an extent they did have it ruff first nations had it very ruff but to try to compare someones troubles with another they will never know to the full extents unless they were their yes both was killed and raped and other such but did you know that even some first nations as in the Cherokees had slaves as well ? i am Sioux so i'm out of that one lol and yeah Obama is black and white oh well i dont really see colors as others do i see and judge others by who and what they are and the actions they have done and could have done yes Obama may have done bad things but whom hasnt truthfully no one is spic an span. to impeach someone over guns isnt right but you american lovers believe in the constitution first nations never had such things it was the things that caused blood shed and wars but i am a person who loves guns i even have a gun room but oh well and sent troops to places he didnt have permition to is wrong but oh well yes jobs are going scarce and gass and other stuff is steadily rising i know but he is doing his best it takes time for change most presidents are still trying to fix or help fix the problems of previous years. i am done talking now but i will leave everyone with this its not right to judge one on their color nor is it right to just agree with everything a person is doing just because they look of their color if a person is doing wrong then they should be punished not rewarded.

  115. Just remember one thing…"What the government giveth, the government can also taketh away!" Be careful what you vote for!!! Look at how in the past, the Russian government took care of their people!! Wasn't too pretty was it?? Be careful ALL AMERICAN CITIZENS!!! ALL of us are in deep trouble if we allow ANY politician to get away with what is happening to this country. My opinion, the reason why so many politicians want to get rid of the law that gives us the right to bear arms, is because they know that the American citizens are starting to see and understand what they are doing to this country. I think they are afraid of an uprising of the people because of what they are doing to us as a nation, ad as individuals. WE are the government, not them!!

  116. Obama took the Oath to adhere to the US Constitution and to Protect and Defend the American People for Foreign or Domestic Enemies; this is why he has to be impeached; it is called Treason. He has aide and abet the Enemy and has lied to the American People to cover his crimes. This is what it is all about, period.

  117. American's are just fed up with Politicians who are Frauds and it does not matter what color or sex they happen to be. Obama has to go even though he is popular as a person.

  118. Yeah, this article sounds like a reputable source. Thats why NONE of the congressman are mentioned by name. Also, notice that according to the article, those who drafted the constitution somehow knew that Barack Obama was going to be president. Since, according to this article 'the Constitution clearly states “any use of military force by Obama without explicit consent and authorization of Congress constitutes an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under article II, Section 4.”'

  119. The violations Obama committed are impeachable offenses, It has nothing to do with the color of his skin.
    I agree with a previous poster, Dr Benjimin Carson I would vote for in a heartbeat, I don't understand why the ones who support Obama continuosly trys to say a person who feel he has conducted impeachable actions is a racist. Obama has failed to uphold his oath of office that is the fact. A person who commits a crime is tried before a court to determine if he or she is guilty, it has nothing to do with the color of his skin. Just as Jessy Jackson and his wife are being tried. or is that racially motivated also?

  120. You blacks complain way to much about racism. Obama is the worst president we ever had. Everybody is making less money because of him. How stupid is it that black people ONLY want him to be the president cause hes black.

    • You realize that's an incredibly racist statement right? I've met plenty of "black" people who voted for Romney. I know it's hard to believe, someone with dark skin has a mind and opinions of their own!

    • amen to that. its not about race or what party. he is just not good for this country. there are no jobs. people are making less money than they have in years if they are lucky enough to have a job. owning a home what kind of joke is that. oh yeah we forgot about this new insurance plan he is sticking us with. if we don't get him out times are going to get a lot harder before they get better.

    • If that was the case then why did Obama win by a landslide BOTH elections? G.W. Bush was the worst president we have ever had. It is because of HIM that our economy went to hell. We were almost in a depression before Obama took office. Now we are almost completely OUT of the recession, our economy is the best it's been since Clinton was in office, who also had a Bush to clean up after. As for racism, I think that word is thrown around far too often, I agree. However, America is the most racist country in the world after Africa.

  121. Look people trying to get obama out of office are not being racist or has anything to do with racism, is plainly clear of what the heck is going. He broke a commandment first one was not showing (birth certificate) when he was ask to cause hes not a natural u.s born citizen. Also he's not negro he's muslim his parents were born in lybia which is a muslim country. Now hes trying to break another commandment which is using military without notifying congress first come on guys get a clue. If this man is to stay in office our country will become the next downtown china do you want your children to grow up with that? He's wrecking our country, I hope he gets impeached im a white man with no reason to be racist. Do any of you believe in the bible? because I do believe their is a chapter that states Every man of kind will recieve a chip in there right hand well they are starting that. Another chapter states, The first beast is bad the second beast will finish us (which obama is training his brother in office ok). Look I think gods word is that we can save the the world if we take it in the hands of ourselves. So I strongly agree that he shall IMPEACHED. Care for your children and not just yourselves and give them a life as well…

    • Up until the year 2008 we were under the 1 drop rule, one drop of black blood in you meant you were 100% negro as far as voting rights, who you could marry, and general treatment. Funny it should change now

    • I want him impeached and then tried for treason. Not just him either. I want his entire cabinet and czars tried as well. Last time I looked, aiding, abetting and providing shelter for known enemies of this country, are criminal offenses. I've got 10 treason lawsuits that have been filed, yet nothing has been done and no action has been taken. He better not walk away from this with a slap on the wrist. This man has to go .

  122. He is only 3% black.
    He is also 47% Arab and 50% Caucasian.
    He is of unverified birth, but he is a Muslim Citizen of Indonesia.
    His SS# belongs to a man born in 1800's Connecticut (a state he has never lived in) and is the 12th SS# he has used. His Selective services registration has an extra digit in a misaligned and different font showing registration in Hawaii on the same day he was in class in California, registered and paid for as a foreign student. Removal of that extra digit shows it was done in Chicago in 2003, incidentally the office that holds all these forms in also in Chicago in his home district.

  123. Erica Robinson, You are an idiot!!! Only idiots would say what you did! First of all he is not Afro-American, his mother is Caucasian. You are racist and you don't know it. Obama is destroying our country, and we are going into a depression, because of him. How can you respect someone who lies and lies again. He may not even be a US citizen, as there is a birth certificate from Kenya being posted on Facebook, don't you know that. He does not abide by the constitution, and if you knew the US Constitution, you would know that. I wanted legitimate people like Cain to be president, so I am a racist. Cain is Afro-American. How many executive orders has he made so he won't have to go through Congress. Please, give me a break!! Racist!!

  124. Obama is a communist, gay man and who knows what else. Yes he's not American and our Gov. Does nothing.
    Wake up American , God help us.

  125. Funny since in my experience it was always the blacks asking for the hand out acting like it was owed to em cause their family were slaves 300 years ago even though they dont remember it they expect to be paid for it by people who werent around to enslave anyones family anyways

  126. I hate how all of you are bringing up that he is Muslim. Who the hell cares?! Our government states that church and state are TWO DIFFERENT THINGS! Also, I am a Democrat, I believe he is doing good in office except for one thing, he gives the money out to the wrong people. The thing that makes me mad the most is seeing these Hispanics in line that just pull out their access cards when I work hard for my money. Lastly, there are many jobs available so I don't know why so many complain about it, yes they are less disirable but a job is a job! I think the saddest part of this all is that I am 16 and I am more open minded and able to make a more successful argument than all of you. I understand this will get so many dislikes but this is the truth I myself am a white, low-middle class man and I have experienced the most out of all of this and I can honestly say Obama has helped me and even my father, a republican admits he helped him.

    • I agree with you. People need to back him not try to make him look bad. Trying to impeach him, charging him with genocide, it is all a bunch of crap. I believe he is trying his best, with what his has to work with and that sure isn't the American people backing him. HE IS OUR PRESIDENT AND TRYING TO DO THE BEST HE CAN WE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE NEED TO STAND BEHIND HIM!!!!!!

    • Kathy what planet have you been hiding on?? He isn't even a american citizen. His real name is BARRY SOETOROS not Barack Obama. He used a forged birth certificate and a stolen SS number. He is a impostor and traitor. He should be hung with no trial or rights


    • RICK, THE TRUTH IS he is american citizen and was born here but it was HIS REAL FATHER THAT WAS THE REASON THEY BROUGHT THIS KENYAN IN THE PICTURE BECAUSE HE WAS BORN TO THE AYERS TOP COMMUNIST fred marshell davis AND THEY COULD'NT TELL THE AMERICAN PEOPLE HIS daddy was a communist so they had to start this lie about the kenyan and as they say there is no jazz music in kenya but obama swers he learn to love jazz from his dad and guest what fred marshell davis was a big jazzist just read up a little and yu'llc look up a brown jzer to u will c a hel;va lot of resem i do believe this kenya thing was a BIG FRONT

    • Carla, think about a few things here. You think he's an American citizen born here in the US but there’s evidence his birth certificate is a fraud. There’s proof his records are sealed so they can't be looked into, who does that? Someone that has something to hide. My records aren't sealed are yours???????????? !!!!!!!!!!!

    • lets see what U say when U R A pupit on A string for obama,when U have no freedom left,wake up,iff U cant see what he is trying to do ,he is not for the people in any way.I am A independent voter ,I vote for the people ,not ,and america.

    • kathy…. for your sake….. please get out of the rock you're living under….. go find facts….. him being our president doesn't automatically make him and American. he is NOT doing his best…… please….. go find facts.

    • wow, first off. why does it matter that Odumbo supports muslims??? let me count the ways. Beruit comes to mind where 200 plus marines died. London a few years later when muslims blew up the subway…..what you're 16, let us get more recent. 2000 plus in the world trade centers, pentagon, and penn. the several thousand that have died over there trying to bring democracy. And he gives the muslims brotherhood leaders that hold up signs that say death to america billions and fighter jets and tanks. that's a problem.

      2. separation of church and state. it's okay for obama but not us???? obamacare directly violates the 1st amendment in several ways and is causing several christian based religions to pay for birth control that they do not believe in. therefore, the state (government) is all up in the church's business now isn't it?

      3. He is doing a good job? I realize you are young but if you're going to make comments on public sites only fair that we get to respond. first off, I'm an American neither rep. or dem. don't care for many of them. but my morals will not allow me to vote for anyone that calls an unborn baby a choice and allows it to be murdered.
      I will also not stand for ANYONE threatening my 2nd amendment rights. Obama has done both. as far as his good job. when he took over 30 million americans were uninsured and that's horrible. but 270 million WERE insured. therefore we didn't need to reinvent the wheel. just fix the system already in place. now 40% of americans (once that socialist bill takes effect) will have to drop their coverage because they can't afford it. anyone wants to argue please read the bill first. and yes i have read it over 20 times now. i know it well.

      the bill also promises low cost for elderly (the words from odumbo's mouth) not true at all. if they take any medications or are considered in poor health their coverage will at least double. how many 65 plus year olds do you know that aren't on some kind of medicine?????

      unemployment is higher. these jobs you claim are out there, for a kid maybe. for grow ups that have bills to pay wiping tables and taking orders is not a job. it can not support a family. that's why they (fast food) are filled with teenagers working in them.

      I don't know what anyone else has said, but I'm former military. and obama has not helped me or my family one bit. he opened the gate to illegals and put them on welfare and food stamps and took money from the depart. of veteran's affairs to do it. among other places.

      i could keep going, but we're out of jobs, our debt is out of control. they're threatening our guns, forcing healthcare on us, and he's doing a good job? i guess if you're a socialist that can't wait for the fall of america and our way of life, he's doing a great job. but if you believe in a democratic republic were nothing can be forced on us according to the constitution that he's getting a big fat F.

    • Drinking that kool aid arent' you? Wow! In your last paragraph, you speak of being forced to do things? What about your GOP forcing their social idealogies on the country. That is why they lost this last election. And before you say they didn't, they actually did lose the popular vote overall…even after all the work they did to squash the American Peoples Right To Vote. It still didn't work. They can't win without cheating. Republicans need to get with the rest of the world before they are extinct. Come join your fellow Americans and let's all stand together. Together we are strong.

    • I have a question about obama care… you have read it so I thought maybe you could answer it for me if you dont mind… Is the chip in the bill? and is it mandatory? thank you so much

    • I agree with you. Kids are just drawn by what comes down the grape vine….. and on the fact that there are no jobs available…. I've been looking for a job since i was unfairly fired last year from my $20/hr medical management job because they didn't like people who speak the truth…. anyway, you're right…. I am a Hispanic who was brought here by my parents "illegally" but my parents came in and immediately were processed legally and have since been very hard working and have never filed to receive any assistance or government "charity" because they taught me that you must work hard and earn what you live for and not take it from other hard working folks. So what Obama did by just allowing so many immigrants into the country just like that is that many bad people who just want to come and terrorize and work for free were allowed an easy way in… don't get me wrong, I respect human life and I am not turning on my people at all, but I do believe in fairness and like my parents taught me, work hard to earn much. America was created and founded on the principles of allowing anyone an opportunity to live in freedom, not FREE. But people chased these dreams and made them come true, not given to them in their hands while they live free at our (hard working people's) cost.

    • The youth of america is the future, what so many people don't seem to understand is that we(yes i'm 16, i'm taking AP government, AP us history, and AP Econ, all collage level classes, more education about the government than most people have so i think i'm very qualified to say something) We are the future of this country, and 90% of youth under 18 would have voted for Obama if we could vote. Obama is doing a great job in office, however he cannot get anything done because congress refuses to work together, America is going in the same path as the Roman and Ottoman empire, and if we keep going in the path that we are going America will fall, much like the Roman and Ottoman empire,

      This country was built on compromise, and for some reason we have fallen off that path, there are republicans who will vote the opposite of democrats just because they don't like them. we can't keep doing what we are doing we must fix this, and no i know i'm going to get replies saying it is Obama's fault but bottom line is its not.

      The reason your comment stuck out to me was because you're a teenager, you're 16, i'm 16


      all the decisions that we don't get a voice on we're going to have to live with for the rest of our life, and that is just unfair.

      Keep speaking your opinion, because you're not alone.

    • Nope you are not our future , because there will be no future when obama is through with america… dont you get it???

    • so U R 16 ,you dont even know what freedom is All About,R men And wemen die every day for R freedom ,and U dont care that is is being taking away from us every day

    • I believe that would be *you're, not your. But way to go insulting an adolescent. Wrong or right *you* sound like the idiot when you insult our youth with a childish comment like that.

    • Tyler needs to get educated as to what is going on . And lay off the flouride Son. It impedes the minds ability to think critically . ps it is in the water ~ ask your local municipal supply guys boss . Gave it to the Jews in concentration camp Germany to help manage the large numbers . Before you laugh too hard do your own research while you still have the internet.

    • He's being educated by AMERICAN SCHOOLS controlled by AMERICAN GOVERNMENT…. of course he's being taught what THEY want to teach. That's why most kids are so ignorant this generation compared to any past generation. Wow… these kids are our future huh??? Dam.

    • Firstly Tyler you are a 16 year old child NOT A MAN! You need to go home and grow up a little more before you get on a big boy site and start ranting. You sir and many others like you are the exact reason for whats wrong with this country. Little kids like you how ever old they may appear going around acting like the cock of the walk when they have no idea whats really going on. You sit and spew your Roderic trying to sound smart and screaming "RACISM! Oh the horrors". But you only scream racism because you cant come up with a better argument. My girlfriend was a democrat she voted for Obama and even she thinks he needs to go. There is a reason why you can't vote before 18. Nuff said…..

    • Tyler , you are not wise enough at your age to see Obama is a con man , he has been back to the time he first ran for office ! Tyler , you infer race to be the reason as the reason Americans want Obama gone , it's simply not so. Obama is doing permanent damage to our economy and to our Constitutional Republic. Obama wants you to be his servant ,a serf to the state , a slave . At every single turn, Obama has lied and deceived the American people . The only people who understand the true Obama are the communist who want to see your country destroyed.

    • U better not do no wrong or he will drone your ass,hitler and obama I think was brothers.A person for OBAMA is not american in any way.

    • Sorry to burst your bubble kid… I'm "Hispanic" in a Caucasian neighborhood, and along with most of my "Hispanic" family and friends, I am a very high income earner….. sadly (for your thoughtless attitude) I've managed people's finances for years now….. and 99% of "access" holders are Caucasian…… morons like you are fast to judge on extreme prejudice and fail to realize that racism has been left behind many years ago by the rest of us. My grandparents were very racist like you against black people and Caucasian "trailer" people standing on every freeway exit asking for change…. but even they realized how wrong they were and now have business with anyone regardless of race. I'm sure Obama helped you and all, and he, like everyone else has a good side (I haven't seen it, but i'm sure he must have a soul) but also like the rest of us, he has made mistakes. HIS mistakes unfortunately affect ALL AMERICANS (and in some part, the rest of the world.) therefor his mistakes are more highly punishable. Anyway…. grow up and get all the facts before making bluntly ignorant statements as you've done. Other than that, you sound like a smart kid.

    • What does it matter if you believe in separation of church and state but the other guy doesn't. But aside from that, the problem most people are oblivious to is that GWB filled the government with Jesuits and this is not a good thing. The don't realize that this is really what the country was always about, people getting away from the attempts of the Roman Catholic Church to take over all the governments of Europe (via the banks, too), and re-instating the Inquisition. What do you think WACO was about? It took them over 200 years but the Inquisition is back. The average American Catholic is usually completely unaware, some of them are in big trouble if their hierarchy gets control, they are too free-thinking. If Obama has crossed Bush's Jesuits, tho, that doesn't necessarily mean he is good, it just means there are at least three angles and he is basically a wild card in the situation. People really need to study history and I don't mean the modern textbooks that leave out anything really important, especially about 10 facts that would connect the dots properly. There is a historical RELATIONSHIP between the RCC and Islam people are very ignorant of. People, I don't say this out of hate or bigotry. Christianity was basically co-opted or hijacked a long time ago and most Roman Catholics are basically victims. And it's not hate when they (that is, their leaders) really are doing what you say. All roads lead to Rome. Read up about the Jesuits and I don't mean their propaganda.

    • You need to learn a bit about politics because all of what you said is an opinion that holds no merit and no evidence that even pushes on racist in your "Hispanic" remark. Latino Americans are still Americans and no different than any white man living off the government. At 16 please do not call yourself a man, especially since chances are you don't know a day of hard labor, managing a household, or even simply filing your taxes. In the old days 16 may be considered a man through ACTION something no kid knows of today.

    • Tyler,

      I realize that you say/think Obama has helped you and your father and for that, you probably see him as a hero. Unfortunately (and you'll understand this better when you get older) but helping a few while destroying the lives are many doesn't make him a good man nor leader. I'm glad you and your father were able to get help but I'm here to tell you that he is attempting to gut the US from the inside out. I know you don't see it but most of the country does. I could care less if he's black, white, male, female, it simply doesn't matter. The bottom line is you have to be able to do the job and though he has helped a few, the majority will suffer. One day you'll see the truth.



    • it does matter that hes a muslim , muslims and christians believe in 2 different things …. in the end of times in the bible someone will come and killa all the christians and the end of times for the muslims a great leader will kill all that is not muslim ….he is the antichrist ! look at what hes doing for all the countries who pratice the muslim religion !

    • This isn't about him being a MUSLIM it’s about him being ineligible to be the president. It’s about his election turning out to made up of voter fraud and the fact that his administration is over reaching and seems to have fraud all around it. So it’s not about RACE, I could care less what color he is and btw we don't know his records are sealed but rumor has it he's 1/2 black and 1/2 white so this BS about there being a black man in the WH is just that BS it’s another stab at the RACE card. The reality is we have an AMATUER in the white house, someone that has no clue how to deal with crisis. Someone that is known for his ability to admit he’s accountable. One cover up after anoth cover-up its all starting to come out.

    • Grow up!! You have no more sense than any 16 yr.old…go see 2016..words from his very own brother. Look on youtube to all the vids, esp on b.o. and fema death camps..then read Mein Campff by hitler..and you can not say that the agenda is not the very same thing as what b.o, is working on..there are hundreds…or WERE.. of vids showing his tyranny and why he's gotten away with murder and treason. 4 AMERICANS killed in Benghazi..at least 2 American border patrol in AZ…and 2500 dead bodies from drone warfare. BTW..he "buys demos 'votes' to get what he wants…by placating their 'need' for gimmes and free stuff. Believe this..if he is NOT impeached…and he follows through on his one world order (Look THAT up )…he will NOT know you from Adam..and the free stuff stops…you can not give a good healthy argument because you are NOT openminded. Basically because you don't 'listen' to the other side of the coin……which half this country refuses to do , as well.

    • I'm sorry but he even isn't American. Why does he hide his collage papers and he was challanged by Donald Trump to recieve 5million dollars to show us his documents. His book before he knew he would be president says born in Kena raised in Indonesia, He lies about every thing and he is a blamer to others. He believes our US Constitution is only a historial document wereby we have lived it for more than 200 years. He is a dictator and wants to destroy America. When we are asking for a balanced budget, he flys airforce one to florida to golf with Tiger Woode at a cost of 180,000 per hour whrn we have 50million on food stamps and unemployment of over 17million. You admire this person I cannot even call him a president. Obamacare will rob our children and grand children of a place that you and me have enjoyed for so many years. You and obaa are what you call a dedagod. I'm sorry for you. You are not old enough to know whats best for 300million people. Shame on you. I love our country the way it was before obama.

    • he also took away your rights with the NDAA. Continues to devalue the US dollar, and is strangling small business. I have personally been affected by his polices. One example is that my hours have been cut at work do to obama care. Many companies cant afford to pay for all of their employees to have insurance. I work a minimum wage job and i need to work more than 29 hrs a week to support myself, but due to Obama i cant. Tell me how that is helping. i would love to be educated on how exactly this benefits me.

    • Lol. You are 16? I'm 17 man, and let me tell as a guy WITH a job who is saving up to attempt to pay for COLLEGE, I think he is f'ing with our economy and making it harder for me AND YOU to get financial aid for college. THINK about this; if the economy is bad, banks have high loan rates, and the FAFSA is losing more Federal funding due to budget cuts, not directly caused by Obama, however preventable by him, doesn't it seem like you and I will have to pay more out of pocket for college? Or from our parents retirement money? I don't know about you, but I respect my parents and don't want them to have to pay for all my college when they are having it hard already. Trust me man, I hope you keep your mind open. I live in Washington State, and I am hardcore liberal, however I can even see this poop hitting the fan. Trust me, it's not pretty

  127. obama is turning this country over to the u n and gonna kill the u.s. dollar for world wide currency, declare marshell law and it only gets worse from there.. pls keep your eye on the ball.. i dont care if he is white black or any other.. he is not what he appears to be. just wake up and do your research on history of the usa and nazi's and compare.. you will BE surprised.

  128. i do not care what color or if he is muslim or any other, i just care what he is doing to the usa. he will come for our rights as a citizen, such as gun rights, your dear rifle your pistols, little 22 rifles. but he cant get them without suspending the constitution and bill of rights. but marshell law will enable him to do just that. nation wide gun registry will be how they know who has guns and what they are. If we lose the 2nd amendment, we wont have ANY way to protect our familys from others that would harm us. i dont care what color you are, he IS coming for them.

  129. I Feel,Oboma is not a Citizen of the United States.and should have never been allowed to run in the first place!.That said,Fast and furiouse debocle,using force in libia,and seria,without congressional aproval,the fact he blatently disregards our laws to push HIS AGENDA!.on Illegal Immigration and aspecially This gun ban!.He wants to gutt our second ammendment,find out who has guns and wher4e so after they manage this shurade,they can set president for futer gun grabs.We need a president thats worrying about The United States of America,they want us to stop using USA,ect to convey messages about our country because they want to brain wash us into feeling thet if you are born or live on this Continant,you are entitaled to live and work in the United States Of America..They are pushing the NAU agenda with Canida,Mexico and the (USA).Agenda 21 in a nutshell and we will not stand for either agendas,the Legalization of Illegal Alien trasspassers.The NAU,Agenda21,This Gon Grabb debocle based on lies!.and his disregard for Congress and our Constitution and Bill Of Rights.Impeach this clown.

  130. Even if you were to impeach Obama, that would make Joe Biden our President. I'm pretty sure we can all agree he is even stupider that Obama. Well, of course, Biden would be POTUS if this article was true.

  131. If they ran the oil pipeline from Canada and got US oil the USA would be wealthy and not dependant on the MIddle East for oil ..people would have jobs- the lack of US oil money would take power away from the Middle East countries who are now even more than ever bringing their citizens under totalarism in the name of religion. If Obama was white he never would have gotten into the White House ..sorry, but it's true. the gay partners shot and put under the rug along with lots of other stuff – from Chicago to Bengazi .. how come that was NEVER ANSWERED.. how come Obama didn't make one phone call? What was he doing that he didn't seem to know –
    what was happening??

    • well actually here in MN, we get our oil from Canada, not the middle east lol. BUT, I hate Obama too, he's shredding our Constitution

    • Obama was perfect for the Democratic party: a forger, a fraud, an extortionist, gay, and radical muslim!! Every single one of them know he is not eligible for office…. that is why they tried for 5 years preceeding him running for office they tried to pass legislation changing the meaning of the term natural born citizen. Putting him in office did a dis service to the African American citizens. Obama reinforces that corruption and being a thug is race related! They should have ran a Ben Carson, Allen West ticket!!! At least these two have America in their best interest and believe in both GOD and the United States Constitution!!

    • We can only hope an pray he does get impeached on March 11, 2013 before he does anymore damage to America. All patriots please get on your knees and pray to God he does get impeached for his crimes against the U.S,. then this country can begin to heal itself after a real American President replaces him.

  132. Im not racist,but I truelly believe Obama has been bad for America. He will cost Americans to lose their jobs.He has none squat for Blacks ,who now own a 14% unemployment rate.Hes done nothing for our vets who come home torn apart. He cosistenly tries to circumvent our laws by declaring he can make laws on his own. He has always believed in a socialistic style of life and goverment. Impeachment is more necessary today than it ever was with Clinton. This is a land governed by and for the people.For Americans to continue being free,we must reinstill God,family values morality and ethics .Every nation since the beginning of time trhat has crumbled and died has gone away from God. Dems and republicians both need to bring back the values this country was founded on over 200years ago.its a must !

    • What does someone's color have to do whether or not they can do a good job? You people need to get off that horse and start looking for the person who can do the job effectively, regardless of their color. I'm sick of hearing "we need to elect/hire someone due to their race/color, it's racism at its finest!

  133. First thing first!! He is not a US born citizen, that's #1. Secondly, he has done no good for the American people. At this rate, soon we'll all have to go to Mexico to find a job!!

  134. It's common knowledge and a fact that the majority of blacks and illegals believe everyone owes them a living! Come on, get real! They're the ones who drain the food stamp and welfare system and always have. I'm not being a racist by saying this. Research it and you'll find out for yourself.

  135. I really love Bill cosby he says it like it is. Hey brother pull up your pants stop showing your crack , stop with this jive talk nobody can understand what your saying . your really not kool as you think join the Marines thats kool..Get an education do you really want to be kool do something to be proud of show your friends that you can achieve something graet, help your fellow man thats real kool.. Stop thinking that society see you as kool because they dont Bill Cosby is the leader of being kool and everybody loves him and he has made alot of money being kooland smart.


    • Good greif, you guys are all a bunch of nut cases. All of you ought to be locked away. President Obama is a U.S. Citizen. He was born in Hawaii, he has not lied to anyone about anything. Why can't you be honest (you know, instead of YOU lying all the time) that it is because he is a black man — PERIOD. What does that say about the problems with the United States, that they are just as prejudiced as they were back in the 60's in Mississippi. You all are sickening and should rot in hell (which you will do).

    • If you say impeach Obama, then what you are really saying is that he WAS eligible to be President in the first place. No, he has never been eligible and Congress and Obama should be prosecuted as criminals.


  138. Obama has no character, lies constantly, he has no empathy or sympathy for babies or old people. He spends millions of taxpayer dollars on playing golf with Tiger Woods and separate and family vacations, flying around for thousands of dollars each ride! EVERY DAY!! Family and separate vacations for Obamas are paid with our taxpayer money and he spouts how he hates the rich and that they should pay more while he spends as much as he can get while he knows so many people are out of work now, no shame at all. The Obamas are the real welfare recipients living high on the hog with our taxpayer money. These people in the White House are taking all they can get free because they never had anything before this. We are saps to put up with this. He will never be impeached because the Republicans are cowards afraid they will be called racist if they do impeach him, but Obama really deserves impeachment for so many things and anyone who is intelligent knows it!!!

  139. Impeachment? Last time I checked the punishment for treason was DEATH! Make an example out of him of what happens to those that abuse power and go apeshlt with executive orders 2nd term.

  140. Can't take any more of the racist shit. Only the blacks call it racist when it is against Obama. So, I say shove it up your ass. Sticks and stones can brake our bones ,but my foot up you ass will hurt pretty bad. If you do not understand what Obama is trying to do to America then you need to go back to school and learn. You are an idiot ,and an uninteligent fool. I hope that all you fools get the royal shaft that you deserve

  141. Impeach, his criminal acts are complicit and obvious! We shall se if there is any form of justice in this country or even a morsel that is not rotten right to the core!

  142. So, it is not only in south america that these "socialists" (a.k.a communists in better clothes) are trying to destroy the capitalism by helping they brothers (a.k.a Islam) in the orient. May be is the interest of american people that the money that Obama is sending to the Syrian rebels are only being used to install the Islam on Syria, and to slaughter Christians meanwhile.

    My advise to american people: get ride of these "socialists" scum quickly or they will infiltrate they roots too deeply to cut down later…

    • Tyler you're an ignorant 16 year old! You think he is a great man even though he's killing innocent people with drones? He's made this country way worse than it ever was. I'm not racist I thought it was awesome to have a black man in office(not that I ever voted for him)until he started destroying this country

  143. Impeach him, we need me back in office. My dad said he is killing us and our country. If we would just re-instate them blacks as slaves. A’MERICA!!!!

  144. To say that Obama should be impeached is to say that Obama WAS eligible to be President! No, he was never eligible and all senators and representatives who supported him should be removed from office along with the usurper and all tried as criminals.

  145. I hate Obama and it has nothing to do with his race….It has to do with his lies, the fact that he is Hitler all over again, or how about the fact he can't prove he is an American? He miss uses the office as does his wife. I hear all his supporters go on about oh its because of his race…my ass if that was the case he would have never got into office the first time. It has to do with him is taking our rights away, lies, steals from Americans in more then one way, and last time I checked Our Commander and Chief should protect the American people and not send us straight to hell….shut up with the racist bs and see who he really is….if a soldier runs from his duties in a time of war he can be put to death by laws, what about a man who got himself into the white house buy fraud?

  146. Please impeach Obama will we still have a country. He has turned criminals lose on innocent American citizens and has told more lies than can be kept track of–please impeach him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • I sent him a picture of himself with a 18 inch nose and told him he made the Gen world record book for being the only human who can stuff his head where the sun don't shine without having to bend over.

  147. when do the non peacfull protest beging we need to mass up agianst these government control freaks who run our lives isnt it time to show these people that we KILL tyrants there is nothing peacefull about this if congress dont act then the american people inebidably will GOD bless the inocent souls they will kill to protect thier lies awaken america tyrany is at our front door i am beside u and we do not forgive

  148. Hello, I agree with those you who don't like Barack Obama. If I were hinest, you'd yank me off here, so I'll just say that I'm not a racist but would love to see him fry (on the witness stand)

  149. Erica Robinson… really, playing the race card? It's always the race card being played and I'm getting tired of people that have to take the lazy approach. There is a race issues because of people like you that make it an issue when it's not. Our mainstream media does the same thing, they protect someone just because of their skin color and not by the content of their character.
    Martin Luther King Jr said, "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." Hmmm… sounds like our mainstream media and you are protecting Obama by the color of his skin. Martin Luther King jr would roll in his grave to see where racism is today.

    • the reason they use the race card is ?they know U R right in what U say,so they play the race card,to get out of talking about it.

  150. I could care less about his race, religion, or what ever I don't really hate anyone but I don't like having him as our leader. He is a liar, and has not kept up with any of his promises. What I don't get is why if so many people hated him so much, why the hell did you vote him in again? I honestly think that most people that run are in it for the power not so much for helping the people. Now he is trying to stop gaming because of some idiots who decided to go kill people out of the blue & just because they game that means that games should be banned, and because they used a gun we should all loose our right to protect ourselves. What next? Guns don't kill people, people kill people. Games don't kill people or corrupt them, I am a gamer & I don't even own a gun. I love military games, and first person shooters but I have no desire to go out & make it real. I do agree with placing age restrictions on some games for obvious reasons for people under the age of 18. Also if parents did their job & watched their kids instead of making the internet raise them then perhaps they would come out better then what the do otherwise. Americans should be allowed to discipline their children to teach them right from wrong & point them in the right direction. And as for Obama, I honestly hope he does loose office he is useless to the growth & future of this country & I don't think he gives a rats about any of us.

  151. Barry Hussein Soetoro, Barack Hussein Obama, Harrison J Bounel, is a foreign born Communist spawn of Islam and his goal is to destroy America and Western Civilization as a whole in fire.

    Enjoy the ride useless idiots.

  152. Hi i just want to say obama sucks he’s talking about sending unmanned drones to kill American civilians because we the people who own firearms will not give them up. Correct me if I’m wrong that’s an act of war against the American people and if they do try to do this we as us citizens need to fight back those dushbags in Washington are killing this country and starting a war they can’t win I’m not crazy or a trouble maker I love this country i was born in this country and Obama is about to burn the constitution and take away all the things we hold dear the founding fathers didn’t go threw all of this like the revolution just to be burned and pissed on

  153. I will not be disarmed of my guns and they are not going to get them they will have a major fight on there hands I’m free the country is free we need to take our country back and put it back to the way president Washington started the government by following the constitution of the united states to the (T) and the second amendment doesn’t say anything about what type of guns the people can & cannot have. At that time it was muskets today it’s semiautomatics or lever actions or shotguns we are aloud to own AR-15’s because we the people need to have the same firepower as the government so if they do try to hurt us or kill us we can fight back

  154. IMPEACH him, and same here not because of his race but because we gave him a chance as a president and I feel he has failed we need someone in there to run the country and make it a better place not get in there to bark new laws just because he can we deserve better so we can make this country better

  155. I hope it actually results in his removal from office. In the U.S.’s history only two presidents were impeached , Jackson and Clinton. Neither received the votes to have them removed from office due to split house. So, I think, unfortunately, Obama’s just going to get a slap on the wrist and have his powers limited, like Clinton.

    And just because of Obama and his antics, I’m actually on the verge of a divorce. What a world, huh?

  156. I wish I could get the last ten minutes of my life back reading through the race BS , however since that wont happen here it is kiddies. I am American I live by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights . They are not just pieces of paper . They were written to not give ultimate power to one body . They are completely out of control people, wake up , 6 TRILLION seriously ?!?!?!?! . How many of you will ever take even one 7 million dollar vacation , huh? Never !!!! So its not about race its about responsibility for our money and to serve us . They took office to serve us and they have failed to obey the laws written to serve and protect us bottom line . If you or I did the things that these people do we would be put in jail. Treason has been committed , the law of the land will be served to the guilty . They will be held responsible for what they have been doing to the American people as well as Sovereign nations. Seriously on so many faceted levels , the enormity of it all is staggering. There will always be ignorance if we allow it . The awakening is here, open your eyes race is not the issue here unless you make it that way.

  157. Race? Shouldn’t it be raceS? He is 4/8 WHITE, 3/8 middle eastern, and 1/8 African – that’s 3 raceS I count so far. And he is ZERO “African American” yet has pulled the wool over the eyes of OUR African Americans making them think he is just like them! He has trampled the Constitution. There is still a great deal of doubt – and no real proof – about his eligibility to have run for the Presidency in the first place! A newspaper article when he ran for the Senate called him “Kenyan born” which he did not refute. How do you impeach someone who was illegally elected?

  158. For pass 5yr my husband and his military

    Friend has been trying to kill me family

    Using verichip I have been writing pass

    5 yr about them domestic terrace

    Satellite using police banque verichip

    I have X ray you can see them in

    My head kidney breast feet hand

    And family member some are

    Kid every that law nobody

    Has done not what us to die

  159. Impeach Obama. It is not a question of his race, it is a question has he used executive orders in Libya and the Fast and Furious. He has clearly mislead America with Obama Care and the economy. He is overspending and driving us into the ground. He doesn't really care for America. Don't be fooled listen to your heart and you will see that Impeachment and accountability is just.

  160. Obama's Impeachment hearings start today. Everyone show their support! We need to reclaim our country and stop letting him ruin everything we have worked so hard for.

  161. I’m not racist, and I will admit that as a NORMAL person and NOT as president, Obama is extremely smart, but as a president, well, America voted for him, so all who voted for him are the stupid ones. He’s against our military, he doesn’t believe in our flag, he lies to America about who he really is, other countries know more about who he is then we do. He puts other countries before his own. He came up with this stupid Obama Plan to help Americans find work, but in the mean time, part timers are limited to a certain amount of hours. How the Hell can ANYONE make a living on 25 hours a week? And, the Obama care……we all have to have health insurance by 2014 or we will be fined. My bills total up to more then what I make, I CANNOT afford health insurance. Is this who we really want for president? America voted…..this is what you all got. I didn’t vote for the mutt, I knew what we would be getting ourselves into. IMPEACH OBAMA!!!!!!!!

    • America did not vote for Obama. Mexico did!!! Many cities in the USA do not require identification. Obama spent over a month in Nevada trying to get the Hispanic vote. He promised them Citizenship if they voted for him. Remember at the beginning of his first term when he told us not to spend our money in Vegas? Then he spends a over a month campaigning for second term trying to get votes from illegals. He is so dumb that he thinks by making illegals illegal he will get more tax money. Hispanics come to this country to get the free stuff. Then they go on to tell they will always be Mexicans not Americans. Boy, are they laughing at us. They speak spanish so they can make fun of Americans.

  162. Clinton got impeached for getting a blow-job…what is going on here? How many birth certificates and social security numbers need to be found before those in positions of power find their balls and retract every initiative hithertofore and just plain start over with ANYONE who can actually prove that they can meet the criteria for presidency. Why are we allowing this would-be president to sign off on laws which give the executive branch unlimited powers. Why is the most important document which made America being circumvented. Who has their finger on the button here. Those entrusted with power, please act now, for the sake of us all. I heard someone say that they swore an oath to uphold and defend the constitution. That is not being done, does that not also serve as an impeachable offence? Lyndon LaRouche for Pres! At least he will be truthful.

    • To answer all your "why" questions. It is because nobody (other than me and maybe a few more) is putting their questions in writing to the Congress and the Supreme Court. Start those emails, faxes, and letters moving. Otherwise all you are doing is wasting your time telling everyone your gripes except those who can do something about it.

    • That act by Clinton pissed me off so bad because he made the US look stupid. Who in their right mind gets a BJ in the OVAL OFFICE where there is traffic galore. The guy is a sick f _ _ k and still is. Now we have Obama taking vacation after vacation. Hell we the taxpayers also paid for his daughter and 14 of her friends to have a nice little vacation. GET THAT MAN OUT OFFICE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!!!!

  163. Please impeach Obama . We can not work any harder or longer, I do not do anything but work and my business is barley surviving and he wants more ? We can't give our customers can not pay any more. Please get this twisted thinker out of our country

  164. Impeach this man now. Sick of his lies. Sick of him putting blame on everyone but himself for his failures. This guy is the worst president we have ever had. Get rid of him now!!!!

  165. impeach this thing we call a president, remember the second amendment shall not be infringed,this has to be the worst president in 200 years, he has turned this country upside down, he thinks he,s king obama i think he,s a lying p,o,s, america wake up,before its to late

  166. Franklythis country is not run by presidents or congress it is run by the Federal reseve banks , the bilderberrg group the Illuminati , and the pope adn the queen of england , you want to impeach anyone they should of started with Kennedy right down the the preseent president no one has the American interest at heart not one , IF you do you homework , the russian and china mafia and drug lord run this country laundry money through corporation. one big corruption mess of devils and demons , it is shameful goto sherryshriner.com and see what i mean

  167. I don't care what color or religion Obama is he stinks as a leader. Impeach the jerk and lets get our country back in working order.

  168. When people call impeaching this fraudulent american racist it shows you how dumb and retarded and racist they are! you know its a stupid black person who wants to act like they're intelligent, dont want to ruin the food stamps and section 8 charity, Barry Soetoro is half white/Kenyan so he is not all black , he's also white so we can be as racist as we want dumb black idiots. Also he is not smart he is as dumb as they come with his dumbo ears, the Chinese call him monkey man, If he infringes on the 2nd amendment he Infringes on every black person in the ghetto so you may as well arrest all the black people because they all got illegal guns and felonies, that actually would be a great thing! if you want soc. sec or passport or welfare you have to present a real birth certificate at that point in time in order to get it, you don't get these things first and then three years later show your birth certificate! Obama/Barry is a communist dictator who mocks the christian bible and is under minding the united states constitution and you cannot be a muslim and be a president because remember Islam are the terrorist they hate and kill americans! Michelle Obama is a serious racist ugly as hell b**ch,

    • Michelle Obama will be Hilary's pick for VP sorry to say. I forget which radio station I heard this but it scares the hell out of me. You better hang on because its going to be one hell of a ride if this happens. Its like evil on top of evil. Meaning the Clinton's arn't any different from what we have now. Oh I'm sorry, I must be a raceist against woman. Well I'll say this much: Obama's Father's dream is not the same dream as our Founding Fathers.

    • From your comment, I don't know whether to think you just said those racist comments for another reason or because you're racist. As the news article states, Congress is working to impeach him because of his unauthorized military operations in Syria and Libya, so it's clearly not racist and even he can't hide behind the race card anymore. I know how racism started and it shouldn't have happened. If it hadn't, Barack Obama might not have been re-elected.

  169. It's time to swallow your pride and start the impeachment process. Way to many problems to just over look a couple errors and over spending problems. Time is now. Congress needs to stand up and protect America! The oath they took to defend the United States of America should mean something. When the President can kill at will a law abiding US citizen without due process, When a Federal judge allows hidden video and audio recorders installed on private property with out a warrant ! Time to stop this three ring pony show and impeach President Obama and the corupt judges. Act now before anymore damage can be done.

  170. I don't care if he's black or not. He pulled a Drone on a CIVILIAN whether he was dangerous or not. He uses military force without congress approval. He's overstepped our 2nd amendment, and we're done. Impeach him, as a type one juvenile diabetic and a middle class citizen, I would like to personally thank president Barrack Obama for creating Obama-care and destroying my credit score with MEDICAL bills. Yep, my coverage went from 50/50 with no cover fees for my endo appointments to me paying 80% and insurance paying 20%, and hiking the price on medication you can't get generic (insulin). Yeah, definitely done with this "Yes we can …. kill our own citizens with drones and forget everything our constitution holds" president.

    • The presidents color or religion is not the point or the problem. He just isn't the right man for the job. People need to wake up and look at the whole picture. Regardless of black, white, christian, Muslim, it's not the point. It's what he is doing and not doing. Wake up!

  171. You just said everything I wanted to say! We need more people to wake up and realize that this isn't the "land of the free" anymore. Terrible things are going to happen… I mean they are already invading our own privacy at home with the damn drones! What's next?.. Man, I wish more people were like you and my fiancee!

  172. It has absolutely nothing to do with racism, It has to do with taking responsibility for ones actions – Obama doesn't have the guts to take responsibility for his actions – all he does is blames others for his costly mistakes. He's a Liar! Plain and simple. If your against in getting American back in order – and working – Then I suggest you pack up and leave! Impeach Obama, NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  173. Obama should have never become the President of America. Firstly he wasn't born in America and had his records sealed to keep Americans from knowing this. Romney WON the second election, but this wasn't found out until recently, AND they kept this from Main stream media to prevent "RIOTS" from happening. Romney won both the vote of the people, and the electoral college votes. A woman CONFESSED to voting not once but FIVE (5) times for Obama. Obama should not only be impeached but tried for treason. He is against Americans and the rest of the world is laughing while they are picking their slice of us that Obama is handing. Stop the non-american president from ruining our country. Impeach him and try him and anyone found guilty of this mess with treason against America and her people!!!

    • Obama needs to be impeached because he violates his oath of office and the Constitution. It's real simple.

  174. now is the time to impeach obama before he destroys this country. if the congress cant get their a– in gear then they should be replaced . we dont have time to keep fooling around.. this includes the senate and harry reid

    I fought for this country for 3 years, what have these scum suckers done but scrrew up our country VIETNAM

  175. I wish you people would stop about race. impeaching Obama isn't about race and I promise every one of you that think it is hasn't done the research about him and has no idea what is going on. If you had any idea what the Bill Of Rights or the Constitution or knew your history about what's going on was then you would want to impeach him to. You all that thinks its all about race has no idea we are fighting for your freedom as well as ours. Impeaching Obama is only part of what's going on. All I can say is get ready for what's coming.

  176. Running unground domestic terrorist operation using
    For robber home invasion rape sexual fault child pornography
    I salvation of women kids
    Testing family with verichip, training military people at my
    House. Chicago IL

  177. This so called “president” should never Been elected, In my opinion he should be made to suffer the same BS policys he’s trying to and has imposed on American citizens say for instance, indefinate detention or tourture.
    He is not an American, he is not my president and his wife looks like she gave birth to the game, I’ve seen the YouTube clip where she mocks us and says “all this for a flag?” (With a look on her face like she smells shit on her top lip) While he gives her his approving look of yeah stupid right? Mabye if they were Americans and or loved our country they would understand why we love our flag and what it symbolizes…like freedom from oppressive tyrants like himself or the freedom to openly criticize anything or anyone yes that means you Berry. I fear the day when we as FREE Americans have no choice but to take up arms against our own brothers and sisters, but of that’s the only way than so be it, ITS TIME WE TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK FROM THE TYRANTS WHO WISH TO OPRESS US WHOM EVER THEY MAY BE.
    Good luck and God speed America, we may need it.

  178. This Obama is a traitor of the United States. He is protecting the interests of the military industrial complex group controlled by the international mega bankers. I doubt he is a natural American Citizen, he cannot even show a true copy of his birth certificate. Obama has openly defied almost all of the provisions of the US constitutional which blocked his way in protecting the globalist bankers' interests. He should not stay a minute longer as the fake president.

  179. About time, this man really has hurt our country. I use to have health care but now that Obama is involved my employer has cut everyone to 29 hours or less. Now i cant afford to pay the cost, this man Obama is really a bad president. He doesn't care about nothing but furthering his own agenda. 2nd I use to have a chance at retirement cause i save some money at the bank. No not with Obama interest rate are at nothing. I should have taken more political classes in school so I wold know how to get this man out of office. IMPEACH OBAMA The person i feel sorry for is his kids they cant help there father being a loser and nation breaker. Even the ones we dont know about are affected by his antics. God is in control of our future so if its time to destroy America He has chosen the right person Obama will destroy our country so you might as will kiss you ass good bye cause the East has started its takeover….

  180. TYLER grow up you can talk when you mommy quit paying you bills. You haven't lived long enough to have an opinion. Wake up and learn something before you speak. Your comment is just a joke you are not white mid class your parent are. At this point your just a sperm product living off you family.

  181. This impeachment is not about the color of his skin or his nationality. It's about Obama being a bad president and us wanting a chance in life without Government control. Money is the strongest drug of the market Obama is just getting people strung out so they will steal, lie and cheat for him. Any good drug dealer does the same you 1st shot is always free. WE DON'T WANT A DRUG DEALER FOR A PRESIDENT. Obama is a drug dealer that all he is.

  182. Inpeach him for wiping his ass with our bill of rights and our Constitution of American Constitution and killing of our American citicizens taking our freedoms away like military police u can try taking my guns shall the south will rise again we will not lose this time Thomas Jeffeson quote when they come take your guns when u need to use them its time give me liberty or death

  183. impeach obama would be nice but i think it's a rumor people talk. obama doesn't look like an american, or a black man I'm not racist just saying the truth. he does nothing but talk and no action,

  184. It only took 5yrs….But…Good always conquers evil…and the truth WILL come out….Knew it from DAY ONE…..he was born in Kenya, raised in Indonesia, and moved to Hawaii….and there are A LOT of players in this game…and for what he has done…Lied about being an American…the fake birth certificate….it automatically punished by death…and anyone who "helped" get's a minimum of 15yrs….God is so good…..Thank you for someone FINALLY have the backbone to bring this con man, narcissist to be accountable for all he had lied about…and all the people he is responsible for their deaths….I don't post opinion….but fact..so please don't jump me or call me names…I am so tired of people playing the 'bush" card or "racial" card…it's just an easy way out for people who don't want to see the truth…well…HERE IS THE TRUTH…..Love and God Bless everyone, and GOD BLESS THE USA!!!!!!!!!

  185. It is always the "BLACK" card being thrown out there….. When will racist people realize that because he is "BLACK/WHITE" is not the reason why we want/have to get him out(hoping)–it's because he has done so much damaged to our country and people.. Our children–what they will have to pay back… When can we play the "WHITE" card…..

  186. it does not clearly state what this person has written about the constitution. The person who wrote the article has distorted the facts. that part of the constitution states nothing about "asking for permission" to use military action against another country, just that they can be impeached for committing crimes.

    that being said i do not support or appose his actions

    • Article II, Section 2, gives the President (Executive Branch) Command of Armed Forces.
      Article I, Section 8, gives the Congress (Legislative Branch) Power to declare when we go to war.
      Built in protection by wisdom of our forefathers requires President to seek approval to go to war
      from theCongress. (People's representatives)

  187. If this is a public forum and I believe it must be because you just need to leave your name and email address to do so, then why the is the admin monitoring and filtering comments. Freedom of speech is that a thing of the past.

  188. You retards need to open your eyes and learn your constitution and rights before its to late and were at war. History repeats its self and Obama is another Hitler. First he takes your guns then he takes your rights.

    • I have concluded that Obama is simply a disguised terrorist! For a moment, put yourself in the position of a terrorist who wanted to destroy America. If you had the power, what would be the first thing you would do?

      Collapse the economy! Isn't that exactly what Obama is doing?

      What would be the second thing you would do?

      Disarm the population! Isn't Obama trying to do exactly that? A piece at a time, until the entire project is completed.

      The third thing you would want to do if you were a terrorist bent on destroying America, would be to reduce the standard of living in this country to match the standard of living in third world countries. You see, this man
      is not just a Socialist, he's actually a "global" Socialist. He wants ALL countries to be "on an 'even' playing field".

      So although he pays "lip service" to increasing jobs in this country, behind the scenes he is actually spending billions of dollars to create strangling regulations to actually destroy the job market!

      I find myself wondering why it has taken so long to start impeachment proceedings against a guy who is obviously so bad for our country? And I still want to know what is taking so long! Every morning I wake up, turn on the television and learn that Obama is STILL our president. This just screws up my whole day!

      A disguised terrorist is what we have! He needs to be GONE!

  189. i believe he should be impeached because what he said he straight got punked out by north korea, i dont wan't no coward has my president

  190. Obama keeps crying, campaigning and repeats everything he said 4 years ago. He's good with words. He's a liar and with each lie his ears get bigger…Pinocchio's nose got longer when he lied…watch Obamas ears grow. He has become very cocky and now trying to force major cuts of spending EXCEPT with him& his wife. WE the taxpayers are paying for their Hollywood socializing. How does it benefit Americans by them flying around to appear on every talk show there is? What a wasted expense. Was a party necessary on St.Patricks day for his cronies? Wake up America. We have a dictator in office. Why do we have to pay for their pleasures? Golf, basketball, vacations, parties, etc. etc. this is insane. Sick of hearing racism. He can't do the job period!!!!

  191. why post anything here , it will just be filtered if the mods do not like what you say about thier dicktator obama

  192. it has nothing to do with what race some one is it has to do with what is right impeach the man he has done nothing to help America he want to live high on the hog and we are the ones paying for it

  193. Donne I am with you $3.00 for milk or egg this is getting out of hand, every thing going up but our paycheck going down . Illegal alien stay in our country . Last I check illegal means against the law. why are they still here? Impeachment is the best thing they can do.

  194. Obama’s two terms will become known as “Judgment Day”… The collective judgment displayed by the majority of the voters on Election Day was so disturbing. Obama reminds me of others throughout history, with their ability to so quietly and enchantingly say one thing, mean and do another; and people will shake their heads in approval of the very things they oppose. What is amazing is they believe they have agreed with him. The results of these elections provide proof that people can be hypnotized to the degree that they not know what they are doing. What is very scary is that history has also proven repeatedly; that those willing to agree without questioning become hypnotized and are the first to die by the millions.

    • This last election set the course of this nation for the next two or three decades and possibly longer to clean up his mess. I fear that the voting public did not really understand the choice they made. My hope was that voters would choose the more difficult path of liberty and limited government; so that the American dream and culture for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness would once again triumph and flourish.

      THE BIG QUESTION…have “We the People” learned anything over the past four years? Obviously not, so…Here we go again.

      CONTINUED: http://whyobamawilllose.blogtownhall.com/

  195. John Dickinson in his revolutionary war song The Liberty Song. In the song, first published in the Boston Gazette in July 1768, he wrote: “Then join hand in hand, brave Americans all! By uniting we stand, by dividing we fall!”
    And oh GOD how John Dickinson was so right back then for it is the problem with our America as we watch before our vary eyes as ONE man is able to Divide and Destroy America.

  196. This has to happen Obama has done so many terrible things to us and he just keeps on spending taking vacation after vacation… So does Biden… I am going to have to work til i die… He should have been impeached last Sept. with the Bengazi thing.. He came straight out and lied to us week after week… and we still don't have answers.. What other president would sleep thru the nite and not care about our men that are serving our country… Please I hope this is for real with getting him out–but then you have Biden he is just as bad….Is there a way to impeach him…..

    • Him self mabie a $900000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.00 vacation for his ugly wife

    • He's the 'Emperor'. Read about the stuff that Caligula, Nero and Diocletian (and MANY other Roman Emperors) did in Rome and you'll see the similarities. He is "The man who would be king". His arrogance is startling and quite unsettling.

  197. i think we should be worried about the multi billion$ worth of militar equip. that he wants to leave and or destroy in afgan and pakstan. this will sureley come back to bite us this equip. needs to be moved to another area that it is needed in maybe n-kor or bring it back home we paid for it and it is cheaper to move it than replace it please give this some thought and do somthing about it you own it not obama

    • And don't be surprised if shortly after this equipment is left behind two things will happen:
      1) OUR equipment will find its way to Africa, North Korea, Pakistan and any number of other places that will use OUR equipment to help their communist/marxist/socilaist tyranny.
      2) Obama will give HUGE contracts to Union auto makers to replace "the equipment our military needs and give our military new and better equipment". And yes, we'll borrow from China the money to pay the Unions.

  198. it goes much further, fema camps, 102,000 box cars with shackles and guilatines, martial law, governmental agendas to seize control of every utilities, vehicles, and roadways… its treason folks and they intend to kill us.. impeach now and hang this man for treason

    • If you held up a bank because your family was starving you would probably get a life sentence what happened
      to the trillions disappeared from the federal reserve and no one has been investigated, why is "Barry" making deals with China and hiding it from congress, what happened to the jobs promised and the bettering of the economy all, side stepped just to attack the Constitution, the world is watching and waiting and we are the A_ _
      Holes. Having him in the White House is like having a fly in a glass of milk.

  199. You people are so sadly misguided. The president can not do anything by himself. A lot of things happen behind closed doors. Those things we will never know about.. you talk about obama but nobody said anything when the bush's ran the office. Everybody is so quick to judge and ridicule. None of you truly no what happend. This misguided information you have is filterd. Do you really think goverment will give you detail for detail? Idiots! Think About it. Soldiers have died to maintain a u.s presence. Maybe some have died for reasons not involving good reason! But hell people are dying everyday in your neighborhood for less.. so are you taking action aginst your governor? No your not! When was thelast time you were active in your community? Exactly so growup and enjoy the ride ****ing idiots

    • Nobody said anything about Bush?? What planet are you on? Dems not only slammed Bush they threatened assassination. Republicans didn't like him much either. Even so, Bush isn't in office anymore. Hasn't been for over 4 years. Obama is in office and Obama is destroying the country without any help from Bush. OBAMA SUCKS!!!!

    • no you enjoy your own ride son. not misguided you are blind to a control. so be then the death of you and yours as sad as that is. just for your knowledge I spend every day striving to change the world from the death you welcome. even tho you will cry like a baby when it happens and scream why didnt anyone tell me as they murder your family. I'll still be praying for you. may jesus open your eyes to your ignorance soon!

    • As President Harry S. Truman coined the phrase "The Buck Stops Here", he was not referring to the Governors, The Mayors, or any other local officials. When Mr..Obama was elected, his "contract" was with the American people. He works for us. And, he is still blaming the Bush administration. Since this new administration began, our Country has been decimated morally, economically, and socially. Before calling others Idiots, take a long look at yourselves; you want to be able to do any thing you please without any self responsibility or disciplines. You are so easily led by anything that feels "good".

    • Nobody said anything about the Bushs' except all the people that talked a lot of shit about the Bushs' right? The issue is none of this begins or ends with the Presidency. Our government is corrupt to the very core.

    • i agree with you that bush was no better and the others befor him but obama from what i have seen and heard has convinced me that he thinks that he rules and lives by human history of this state he wrong. he's not doing what is right. this our country and you have arabs on here saying harsh things about the bombing of boston and us, saying that we are stupid, and that we are a dirty country, right that's why they come here to live because there's no freedom where they come from. they say that we are jealous of them because they are taking over and that angers me. but however i do agree with you i know that we really don't know what he did but i do know that something is not right at all.

    • your a looser democrat Obama is a piece of shit that thinks hes a dictator……….. bankrupting this country and tax payers im not on welfare i dont need a democrat in office and im sick of people pulling the race card its a week move for week people your the idiot homey im a educated black man …………ive had no problem making it in life .

    • Really? No one said a thing about Bush…???? I remember several Reps and Dems a like were talking about impeachment of Bush on Iraq and "war crimes"… ____Obama needs to be impeached due to infringment and failure to follow Operational Security (OPSEC)____Like everyother Pres. he swore to protect the constitution not infringe or change the constitution. As Commander and Chief of our Armed Forces he pledged to follow OPSEC, not to disclose any classified intel gathered by CIA, FBI, JSOC, and other intel. Agencies. __

    • You're the ****ing idiot, we don't care what happens behind closed doors, the president is the TopDog and thats where the buck stops. he is responsible for all that comes out of that office, whether it was public or behind closed doors and as far as the soldiers go, its about time they stopped dying for the presidents stupidity. Thats what we have congress for,they're the ones who should decide whether the situation is grave enough for a war,not the president just because he wants to make a name for himself and impress the UN, and yes many have died for lesser things like breaking into houses to support their Crack habbits. You want to do something thats helpfull, call the Police and give them your friends names and stay out of Politics as you don't know what you're talking about…****ing IDIOT!

    • EVERYBODY said something about the Bushes! It's like you guys were hiding under a rock & only decided to emerge once a "black" man became president.

  200. impeach obama ! then REOPEN the investigation into 911 and BUSH

    they want you to think its a rascist move its not obama has been setup to be their fall guy

    hes been playing the part all along from solandria the fast and furious to benghazi

    and restore the constitution NOW

  201. All of the human beings that find this informative or truthful are exactly what is wrong with this country. Ignorance allows the tragedies to continue. Stupidity of those who pass crap off as legitimately “published” information and all of the unsuspecting or uneducated fools who buy in to it and spread it amongst friends/relatives and neighbors. Stop the world, I want to get off.

  202. He is a usurper and not technically the President. He is not a naturalized American citizen and therefore is ineligible to be President. All laws he signed are invalid and he should be tried as a common criminal if not declared an insane person.

  203. You notice the "main media" is saying NOTHING about IMPEACHING Obama. It's on Fast and Furious. It';s not about war in Libya. It also could be on Bengazhi… There are so many things to impeach him on. Another offence is; not reporting on international funds he used for his campaigns…..
    One of Obama's cabinet members said, " never let a CRISIS go to waste." Maybe they created the CRISIS, so that no one would report on this IMPEACHMENT that is starting. Guess what domestic Crisis?Yesterday?He has people in his cabinet that in the 60's thought nothing of planting bombs to disrupt things…. Do your research. Print this if you're not afraid. I wrote it! "The Lord has not given me a spirit of fear"!

  204. The first thing on the list of impeachable charges that “Barry Soetoro” is not even a US citizen . Those that know to begin with that reason should know the rest of the list. He’s just another puppet, selected not elected.

  205. Funny that a guy clearly breaks the law ,which unfornately turns out to be a biracial president ,that if you question this person you are a racist . President Bush sought congressional approval to go to war and was granted by congress 99to1 to proceed. Then he also was granted permission from United Nations as well. Oh how memories are short ,Bush gave two stimulus checks to Americans and lets don't forget the so called Obams phone. I guess all the democrats and liberals and indepents that didnt like him.,sshould have sent their money back.

    • Bush raped this country. He only got congressional approval because he was able to convince Condoleeza Rice to lie for him and his Halliburton thieves to lie about WMD and to not even look for BiLaden. That is a crime! Bush and Cheney should both be in jail for killing 4,000 of our young people in a false flag war for heir own personal profit.

    • I totally agree with you.. But You can't convince them of anything, so i don't try. I find "THEM" incapable of comprehending or accepting the truth at any level….sad, sad, sad.

  206. So I don't like him because I am a racist or could it be because when he ran for his first office he only won because he had his opponents kicked off the ballets maybe it could be because after he came into office the deficit went up 5 trillion dollars how about the fact that he has yet to do anything he says he said he would not raise taxes it was the first thing he did we have an almost endless supply of coal which can now be burned safer and cleaner then ever and he stated if someone wanted to open a coal power plant it would break them he really doesn't sound like a peoples president the best part is when he came in gas was just over 1 dollar the shot up for you smokers the first tax increase was a 1dollar a pack don't down talk my post without checking my data because i do

  207. i saw through this man before he was elected…..when i and 13 coworkers were laid-off that jan. he was elected…i told everybody in the office that satin never looked so good……

    • If you got laid off in Jan. when Obama took office, that would have been the result of the Bush/Cheney raping of America. That layoff would have been set into motion months before Obama took office. Bush administration, determined to keep us in war to line their own pockets with dirty Halliburton money. The crooks Bush & Cheney took your job! Buy a clue dude.

  208. Racism has nothing to do with anything about Obama. That excuse has been beaten up and chewed long enough!!
    He is in with other American haters and enabling them to change America from the great country it is. When common sense takes over this country again and we the citizens get off our lazy butts and vote the evil cokey self serving public servants out, we can rid the evil in Washington starting from the person who never read the Constitution…..We can regain our values and quit listening to the minority whining liberals and get our values which made us great back again. I am not a Republican or a Democrat. I try to vote intelligently for the best liar running for office. Get the message?

  209. Just get rid of this mess that was voted onto office twice. What and I mean just what kind of idiot’s would of voted this misguided puppet into office. He doesn’t belong there and doing it twice just shows me exactly how stupid the american people have become. Notice I did not add a capital A to american, as we don’t deserve one right now. Just impeach him and let’s get this country back to where it belongs. He spends tax payer money like a strip dancer and those who have been kissing his rear are just blind to what this country represents. I know you are going to start saying something to bring on some stupid remarks but it is time to get rid of this mess and start the real recovery.

  210. OUTSTANDING MKT, You have hit the proverbial nail right on the freaking head and I couldn't agree with you more. IMO Barry Sorento has appointed himself the king of this country. The lavish vacations. Sending your daughter and 25 friends on vacation with an army of Secret Service agents to protect them, just aintagonna work.

  211. Obama is the Ant-Christ. Good willl prevail, but suffering may be great. Boot this jackass out before he completly destroys us. The musslims HAVE INFITRATED our country all the way to the top. Remove them at all cost. It's not racial, it's pure communism against freedom as we knew it. Send a message America. Whitehous Feistein, Warren and the rest of the anti -constitution devils-vote them out and impeach if possible. .

    • well fu** ya ass**** you're not one to talk about who infitrated who and untill you move your asses outa their countries they'll comeback to theirs , and one more thing your obama ain't muslim real muslims are better than what you ass*** think so you better think twice before you talk

    • Hi Steve,
      Obama is not the anti-Christ. Practically every knowledgeable Bible student and theologian believes that the anti-Christ will be born in the old Roman Empire, that is the nations lining the Mediterranean Sea. The A-C is the little horn on top of the ten headed beast. See Revelations. The European Union is certainly attempting to set the stage for his "arrival" but they are flailing in creating a viable World Government. I am old enough to remember that JFK was called the anti-Christ, and when he was shot in the head, people were convinced he would rise from the dead and take over the world. Bill Clinton was also called the anti-Christ, but since he was born in Arkansas, he would not have the Biblical qualifications. In fact, . No US president will ever be the Anti-Christ. When those folks forged Obama's Kenyan birth certificate, they disqualified him from being the A-C. If they had forged a Libyan, Moroccan or Tunisian BC, they could have had a two-fer, foreign born, and also A-C. Sadly, they did not pay attention in Sunday School.

    • Jim,, Nice speaking… Your are correct about the A-C. And the mark is accepting and ruling under this one guy as well, thats accepting HIM (AC) is accepting the mark and to obey his needs and wishes. Its not the rfid chip, as people think as well. The bible is based on an eastern way of life and the way things were, and the way things will be. Mogog will take over gog,,,, sooooon. Best of luck to you.

    • I don't know if it's worth starting a conversation with someone who can't even string together coherent sentences, but just for the sake of argument..

      1) You start out by claiming that president Obama is some kind of christ in the form of an ant?

      2) Infitrated is not a word and claiming that Muslims have secretly INFILTRATED our government somehow is a ridiculously paranoid idea and has no factual basis.

      3) Implying that all Muslims are evil and have some major plot to take over America is extremely racist and and a stark generalization that is fueled by your ignorance and probably a healthy dose of Fox News.

      4) Even radical Muslims do not promote communism. Get out from underneath your school desk, the nuclear fallout drill is over, McCarthy and the Red Scare are long gone.

      5) Before you call anybody a jackass, you should probably take a long hard look in the mirror and decide weither or not you have absolutely any room to talk. I respect your passion for freedom and for the ideals of America, but this kind of uneducated, ignorant, and backwards thought process is exactly what is wrong with America today and it makes me sick to my stomach to think that there are at least 21 other people in this world like you.

  212. Alright I see that everyone has taken one side or the other on this. There is no denying that Obama has taken action without consent from Congress. Regardless of who was behind this with him or who’s support he had. The only people allowed to approve action against another country is Congress. Plain and simple, not racism. Now when Bush was running the show people said he had no proof of any nuclear activity and there was no reason to move on Iraq. The only thing I have to say of this would be he went threw the proper channels and followed the constitution. This might not have been a great decision for the country, but he and Congress agreed something must be done. If Obama would have followed the constitution the strikes on Lybia would not have constituted a crime.
    We cannot as a country have a leader who does not follow the rules outlined by the constitution. Our nation has and will continue to be great as long as we follow these guidelines.


  214. What d you mean it must be approved? What to see if its politically correct. Freedom of speech. You assholes need to read the constitution.

  215. He is simply the worst thing that has happened to America. All lies, no action, he is not for the American people. I would love to see him gone no matter what color he is.

  216. Nobel Peace Prize… BS! This man came to lie, steal, destroy, or kill. He has done a great job of that. I dson't care if he was purple. he needs to go now!

  217. I am not racist however I do feel that Obama should be impeached. Our constitution means nothing to him. It means everything to us. Our soldiers mean nothing to him. They mean everything to us. Americans mean nothing to him. That’s what we are. I’m not racist but I do believe in taking care of your country, living by the constitution, and speaking the truth. Our constitutional rights are something he cannot take away from us weather he believes in it or not. I am an American and I believe America has made it very clear that Obama is overstepping his boundaries. Its time to IMPEACH OBAMA!

    • Excellent comment Amanda , I even voted for him the first time. He has shown loud and clear that all that matters to Obama is he , himself, not the people , the country, the Constitution or the military. Certainly not health care, that is only a farce to implement Big Brother control. Mark my words , just follow the evidence coming out in the IRS scandal already and if you research you will note that the IRS will control Obama care.I have seen one scandal after another and been hearing about impeachment since the first election , don't understand how he keeps getting away with everything. there is always someone he can throw under the bus.

  218. Chris you are ignorant man. Step out in these streets if you want too we get down in these streets with our hands. You must be mad cause a brother took your wife or maybe your momma

  219. I have but one request to every American fuming about the President and the current state of America. Please keep your mind sharp, free of religious bias, and emotionally stable when you make your decisions. Too many people use their religion to influence this nation, too many people use their emotions to blindly lead them to action. You're doing yourself and the nation a huge disservice. At the moment, with Obama's lack of concern for breaking the law and going against the constitution, he deserves to be impeached without question. I encourage all of you to actually analyze the current state we're in instead of throwing around religious statements and getting all heated over your emotions towards this predicament. I not only encourage, but beg you to do so, because the majority of American people are scaring me right now. I want to leave, not because of the government, but because you people are incapable of controlling your own government with your lack of reasoning. This is a free nation. When deciding on worldly matters for a nation like the United States, which so happens to have freedom of religion, you may not use your religious bias as an influence.

  220. how can 12% of the population lead any statistics in welfare, you need to have a convo with white people cause they're truly the ones living of the backs of americans

  221. The thing that makes me mad is in a country with free speech which seems it doesn't exist now if i join the military or say freely I don't like Obama I hope he goes to hell the authorities would mark me a terrorist and if in the military I would be court martial-ed for expressing the truth and also in December there were many impeachment movements for this mad man in all the state capitals and as well as we the people website and the petitions were matched with how many were needed to be heard and for something to be done but nothing was done, so as for America and its ideology about democracy its full of crap as for the lies of the constitution its full of crap it is masonic ideology and they are satanist and as for Americas favorite idea of economical ideas of capitalism which america has fought for very hard in the past century and into the next its full of crap if you truly agree with capitalism then why can't we afford the basic necessities of life rather than living paycheck to paycheck with increasing inflation will it never end until we are on our knees and made slaves of this country we call America needs a revolution or truly it will fail soon and also the father from god we get the more closer we get to falling off the cliff so everyone decide what you want and fight for it not just say it in anger

  222. notice how every time something is done against this mans anti American stances that it always comes down to race by some people, I for one , see this mans actions above the law, as treasonous and poisonous to Americas infrastructure , and if we do nothing , we owe every president that has been impeached before him an apology, I am sick , our ways of life has suffered , men in general have lost the economic battle this time, and simply cannot afford three more years of the same , the men of this country are the savers, we understand that spending is a virus we can no longer afford, and we have a president that simply cannot stop spending, we must close this chapter before its to late. Jacob myers

  223. I do not hate Obama, and have a lot of respect for Africans. But I cannot agree with his ideals. The decisions that he makes, scares me. The scandals that are going on, cover ups, and the Obama health care program and all it's lengthy laws that Congress didn't even try reading, inability to pass a budget, and on going fighting over what's best for the party rather than what's best for our country, leads me to feel it would be best to see Obama resign. If he succeeds, and things go as they have been going since Obama took office, within 10 years, maybe a longer, it's my opinion that the United States of America will wind up like the Soviet Union, that Collapsed in 1989. With other countries that hate us, we will most certainly be vulnerable then. It will be difficult times in those days, if they happen.

  224. after all hoop tee do about sneaking into Canada being a citizen of another country and his fake birth certificate and McCain being ordered by his own party to not bring up his non citizenship and then his fast trip to fix his birth record why should it not be a surprise about the irs and bengaze when you start you have to make bigger false statement to cover up the previous ones the only way this is going to get him out of office is when the American people force our politicians to do there job if he broke the law is not black or white it is the law he should be arrested and jailed just like any other person who knowingly commits a crime and then tried simple to the point non racial just the law

  225. Did someone forget that a majority of voters do not support the Congress and their decisions? Check and Balance, please. This is not ancient Rome.

  226. We all endured 8 years of what really cost America fortunes. Try enduring 4 more years of solutions. Where are the gadflys?

  227. Congress needs to stop playing puppet master. The president is executive, and some need to be fired. The president is fulfilling his national and international duties for the sake of mankind for generations to come. He has no malicious intent. Salute.

  228. Congress needs to stop trying to play puppet master. The president is executive, and some need to be fired. The president is fulfilling his national and international duties for the sake of mankind for many generations to come. He has no malicious intent. Saluted.

  229. The president is executive, not a puppet. He is fulfilling national and international duties for the sake of mankind for many generations to come. He has no malicious intent.

  230. He is executive, not a puppet. He is fulfilling his national and international duties for the sake of mankind for many generations to come. He has no malicious intent.

  231. It doesn't make sense. One man, a House full of people, and he "lied" or withheld information? And you didn't know. You absolutely had nothing to do with it?

  232. The Constitution has a PREamble: We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

  233. “The days of Czars and Executive orders in order to sidestep Congress should end and if it takes an impeachment to do that, well… it is something I and many other Americans would support,” said another prominent Republican Congressman."

    Uhh i dont know about the rest of you guys but that sounds like checks and balances doing its job if you take that away from the executive branch it becomes weak against congress… and that should not be supported by any American with enough knoledge of government

  234. Would anyone care if I truthfully said "I give up". I am an American, and I'm tired. 25 years old. And I'm tired.

    • You need to study WWll. That was one damn, tough generation. In your 25 years young and you want to throw in the towel? Get a back bone and quit whining!

    • thats what they want us to do Give up. DON'T GIVE UP !!! if everybody stands together as American's start writing letters and make Calls to your senators , congressmen and representatives this is why we're in this situation because everybody is tired and laying down… GET UP AMERICA…. there's more of us that Love this great Country than they that hate it. and that's including the world.

  235. Obama spent over 3 million dollars to hide his past. His ObamaCare was never officially approved of by Congress or "We The People." We don't know who the authors are, and the States are forced to use ObamaCare.
    Obama approved of making a fake birth Certificate, and used an illegal social security number. Gave over 2000 guns to the Mexican Drug Cartel, then after numerous killings, stopped Congress from investigating.
    It's against the Constitution for him to hold a chair on the UN Security board. He not only holds a chair, but is using it to take our guns away. His administration has been involved with voter fraud, and has threatened votes.
    America is having economic problems and he gave 650 million dollars to Russia, and to the Muslim Brotherhood. An Ambassador and two Navy Seals begged for help in Benghazi, and He ignored them.
    Obama disrespected the American Flag, our military, and school system. He attacked, our Natural rights, The Constitution of the United States, Bill of Rights, and Declaration of Independence. And controlled the news media so truthful information would not be given to the general public.
    His youth army pays allegiance to Obama not America. The army has 2600 tanks, and armored trucks, millions of hollow point bullets, not to be used in war, but against American Citizens. And he is continually upgrading his weaponry.
    While many were out of work, he spent hundreds of thousands on lavish vacations.
    And once Obama was president, news papers stopped covering the World Peace Projects activities.
    The 9/11 World Peace Strategist – Dr. Kirk Ellis

    • I still don't see how we can impeach this crook.. obama cannot legally BE the President. His father was NOT an American Citizen and to hold office of President the US Constitution says both parents must be American Citizen-! However, we CAN prosecute him for all his criminal activities.. Fraud and TREASON and murder against the American people!

  236. there is only one thing i have to say about all of this is that he is not thr first black president he is also half white. he needs to be thought of it that way. he thought he was doing right by letting the irs do what they want. but now we are not the land of the free we are the land of socializm and on the verge of being a communist country. so as i always say in my opion i think i can say what ever the hell i want

    • Not happening, Gail … there is no basis and no move on the part of Congress to impeach this fine president. They would look foolish if they did. America sees exactly what the are up to and this paper's continual mis-reporting is not journalism, it's JUNK NEWS! Congress and it's bunch of Republican lackeys should be impeached for TREASON in undermining the president and the American people, none of whom would ever support President Obama's impeachment. His performance has been stellar, his team is organized and on top of the needs of the country and his policies are good for America. The racist, genocidal calls on the part of irresponsible Americans, including this paper is a desperate ploy and unfounded!

  237. I don't care if the swine is impeached or not … sure he is a traitor and a murderer but what is wrong with that if he is the president of the most heinous nation the world has ever known?

  238. If only this were true but it is not. Unfortunely we in America are without any Leadership for the people and only have rino's and marxist left in what use to be the world's greatest nation. The muslim in the Whitehouse has declared war on America and has put in place a machine the is funded by the saudies and supported by the uneducated and racist society of the muslim decent. Congress and the senate are both as corrupt as obama so it ain't gonna happen. Simple words for simple people.

  239. Impeachment = Sour Grapes…Oh yeah, the same thing happened to Clinton when he won a second term. Repubs lost and immediately started to look into a way to impeach the President. They found a scandal and latched on to it. You couldn't make him 1 term President you dreamed about, so now its impeachment time. You guys make me sick. And all under the guise of Patriotism…#Wow

    Check this out. Obama isn't going anywhere. He'll be here until Jan 2017. You can fight over the office in Nov 2016. You're going to have to do better than what you have on the table right now!

  240. I can only hope and pray that this news is true. However, if this is going to happen on July 11. 2013….it will NOT be on a Monday but on a Thursday. Better check your calenders for accuracy.

  241. I have some news for you folks!Whether you are for him or against him he will be leaving office this year! Guaranteed! Was already part of the plan!There has been a lot of action going on behind the to make changes in the government and the financial system not just here in the states but through out the entire globe.

    Watch listen and learn! There have been arrests going on with our government behind the scenes for the last couple of years! Mark my word! He will not serve out his first year of second term in office.

    They have already chosen an interim president and vice pres

  242. reread the article, all the quotes are not attributed to any person, this should be a clue that it is totally bogus story. A wet WWN dream.

  243. Pingback: IMPEACHING OBAMA |
  244. Obama was NOT born in this country, So, he is not the president ! Everything he has signed is invalid. Everything he has done is invalid. The proof is coming that this guy is not who he says he is. Billionaires funded is elections and they wanted someone to turn the USA into a socialist country. That he has almost completed. Obama has borrowed more money than all the other presidents combined. This is what the Billionaires wanted, so they could take over the USA! Impeach Obama ASAP!!!!!!

  245. "The only UNRELIABLE news" ! You are a bunch of knuckle dragging neanderthals – desperate and frustrated! If you did your homework, you would realize that the Congress has no intention or ANY BASIS for impeaching this president. Impeachment is a serious undertaking and requires a whole host of steps and proof of intent to do harm to the American people and/or America. Focus your limited intellect on the GOP whose undermining of this fine president and dragging their feet to do the work they were elected to do amounts to treason! Do not undermine President Obama, he is 10 steps ahead of everyone, government included! You are a RAG and nothing more! Let the president do his job as he has done in such a stellar way over the past 4 1/2 years.

  246. Impeaching Obama, I hope the congress don't turn tail and run from this communist, If they do than america is in for a rebellion against a terrny government. Then who is the government supporting a communist or americans after all they also took an oath to uphold the constition or did they. Should be tried like Nurinberg, Germany after the war on war crimes and Obama has done crimes against america. Congress and senate do the right thing if not than you should be sent to a mental instition for evalution.

  247. In July CONGRESS will begin to IMPEACH OBAMA!


  248. I, as a natural born American, cannot believe anything obama has said, he is a liar and has used his power against all of the citizens of America. Instead of helping us he has given money to everyone else outside of the country that has elected him, even though I believe his election was a farce. Still waiting to see "barry's" real birth certificate. He and his wife have proven to be beyond reproach. I have never in my life seen such a disregard for the American Constitution, he won't even salute the flag or cover his heart during our country's national anthem. I am NOT a racist but I am a true American. I am embarrassed every time I see this man, he is not our representative for the people. He needs to be Impeached along with biden. Our country is going down hill in a hand basket. God save us from this Muslim. Impeach him NOW.

  249. If anyone should've been impeached it should have been George W Bush, but he is getting off and far greater crimes than Obama AND Bill Clinton, this impeachment process is nothing more than plain racism and partisanship through and through.

    Libya/Syria involvement: i clearly remember hearing republicans clearly wanting the US to be involved in both of these, and now that he has gotten involved, they want to hang him because of it, we shouldn't listen to republicans on these issues

    Obamacare: it has issues, yes, but it is a good format for future development, sooner or later we are going to have to step in to help the less than fortunate.

    "he is turning our country in a socialist country": im sorry to say, but we have been quite a socialist country for awhile, Social Security, worker compensation, Corporate welfare, if you want to take it any further, ANY programs that provide assistance can be considered Socialist, and in that case this country has been socialist well before Barrack Obama was even born.

    "he is taking away our guns": no, he isn't, all he has done is try to make sure guns ownership is safer for americans, and that means creating a national registry for all guns to be able to be tracked down in case it was used in a crime, because alot of the guns that are used in crime are stolen, thus you can trace it back to the person who lost it and follow up from there.

    • Your argument on guns makes no sense… That's great that after a crime has been committed they will now be able to track down who the gun has been stolen from??? How is that going to save lives? Problems solved WOW! Not really sure how we're gonna save our country from this awful downhill spiral! Good luck to us all

    • When Obama was running for the Illinois state Senate in 1996, a Chicago nonprofit, Independent Voters of Illinois, asked for Obama's position on gun control: His answers on the questionnaire are a matter of public record:

      35. Do you support state legislation to:
      a. ban the manufacture, sale and possession of handguns? Yes.
      b. ban assault weapons? Yes.
      c. mandatory waiting periods and background checks? Yes.

      I believe that his response to 35(a) is pretty clear.

  250. I would rather have 10 Watergate scandals than have this monster in the office ten more minutes, at least with Watergate the only death was a political career.

    • sue thank you for comm..I'm most likely olde, but i feel i still have keen sence about our country..we all worry aboutthe path of the government, but sart at the head and work your way downI have never know a presient that states he knows so much,but tells us hedidn't, he got it from the news..What box of cracker jacks, the prize in
      side "i, I'm nas, and I watch your ever move,so don't cross me, or you will pay dearly. We shouldn't be affraid of
      government, but we have allowed FBI, IRS, EPA,an other government agencies to control us, now is time to step up to home base and hit a home run,You are not going to control our freedoms from this day forward. We need to real know the persons)we vote into office, that doesn't mean repulicn or democrate, but the person. love my country and she stands for, lliberty, justice and damn sure don't to give it up just to please the president as of now(obama) orthose who follow him this is america,so lets do everyting in our power t keep it free.and we are a free nation.It ll ke democrates, rebulicans, indepents, libias,etc standing together for a better world.

  251. Don't let Obama use the race card! He is a wannabe dictator who is hellbent on destroying America! He has borrowed over a trillion dollars every year from china since he took office! He is the worst incompetent president we have ever had.He has done acts of war to other countries just trying to get us into another war.If another country sent a drone to America and killed someone we would declare war instantly.Obama thinks he can send drones into any contry he wants to.Why do you thnk the terrorist come here? To get even. you don'tsee japan,china,russia or any other country sending drones anywhere.Just America. Who do you think pays for all the military and equipment? The hard working taxpayer!Not the welfare recipient.We MUST get rid of Obama while we still have an America.He is really trying to destroy America.I believe he hates all real Americans.God help us all.And please send Obama to hell and to burn all eternity!!!

  252. impeach or not whats the difference? nothing will change , the banks and big buisness are running everything anyway, you americans are owned by china they say they can tell to the minute the british empire fell and they can now tell the hour the american empire fell , u talk shit about socialist this and socialist that but your now under the thumb of communist china . i wonder what the politicians after the second world war right upto obahma would be thinking now that the path they put america on was one of subservience to communists. well done america well done.

  253. i don't hate obama..I don't trust him. I was taught there is a fine line between love and hate. Hate has a bitter end.

  254. there are so many reasons obama should have been impeached long ago. but hs visit a few weks ago he allowed china acess to capital hill no where in 237 years in history has a foreign goverenment been granted such intimate acess all the way to captial hill.this could lead to china ruling america. this is grounds and big grounds to impeach this man who took oath to protect america.his book said he wanted to bring america down… i don't care if he's green,purple.black or white. he is clearly acting as a dictator and that my friends is more reason to impeach that is written any person that is president showing dictator tendencies congress has a job to impeach.IMPEACH this man how many are killed now in obamas wars. we are just not told as we were under bush. get real.. this has nothing to do wth being repubican or democrate… this is about america being taken down to no return my friend

  255. its about F-IN time this guy has should never have been elected the nation should never use affirmative action to elect our president ! this incompetent asshole needs to go NOW!

  256. Im not an american, I honestly never want to be one but can't believe how you see things in your country. Here in Australia we get medicare for all citizens, permanent residents and even people who apply for visas to become a resident of the country. We have social welfare and government subsidised housing for the poor and also government incentives to buy property. Australia is not a communist/ socialist country but a democratic capitalist country that doesn't allow its people to suffer. If Obama is trying to change the country so you dont shoot each other and are able to afford even the most basic of medical help then his the best thing your countries ever seen.

  257. I see stupid people who don't have a clue what they're talking about.
    I see stupid people who got sucked in to another WWN hoax.
    I see hatred and willful ignorance.
    I weep for America if all of you are examples of our best and brightest.
    God damn stupid Americans, damn them straight to Hell.

  258. How come an article that was just published has 65 week old comments?
    Don't any of you haters find this odd?

  259. You guys in office do the right thing and carry this impeachment through. Don't worry that certain ethnic groups wiil accuse you of a lynching. This Obama is a dangerous player with no conscience.

  260. Attaboy! Let the games begin! Now they can add the NSA scandal to the above too and the inhuman treatment of Bradley Manning as well as the prisoners at Guantanomo Bay! Transparent President? – Rather is Obama a Permanent Pea Fog “president”! The NSA revelations affect international citizens too and infringing on their human rights, they should vote for Obama’s impeachment too! The USA does not need a person like him, besmirching her name globally and showing no respect for the sovereignty of independent countries in the Middle East and Africa. Hands off Obama!

    • I think everyone who is posting on this site knows this isn't really happening , but its a forum that's allowing people to truly express their opinions of this guy, I'm an African american and was a democrat , I voted for this guy the first time, but now I'm seeing the true obama and what he really stands for and wish I could correct my mistake of voting for him, I trust the facts and the facts are , that he is up to something that is going to tear america apart. its starts off giving to the people with a smile on his face, then with the same arrogant smile he tells you,"look at everything ive done for you now your going to do things my way or i will take your freedom away." I hope and pray that never happens, but that is his personality .

  261. This has nothing to do with race, this current president is trying to take away what made our country loved by billions, he wants to turn our country into another korea where only one man calls the shots and everyone else has to just deal with it, thats not how our country was born, he wants to take every Americans free will and opinions away, If we allow him to get away with it , it will cause a civil war, right now he is charming so many liberals they think he is the greatest but what they dont see is, this president behind closed doors calling the suckers, Obama is out for Obama not for the american people, OPEN YOUR EYES read all the reports even from the liberal media, research this guy and the people he has put in high powered positions, check their backgrounds, what you find will shock you, this guy has given powerful authority to people who believe in the Communist type government, dictatorship government, ect…..He is not for the people he has an agenda and the end result is not going to be a happy one, he will take that away from us,just do your research on this guy , really get to know him you will see that he is really good at charming people, but he breaks the rules, rules that were put in place to protect us, weve lived by the constitution for hundreds of years, it was written up beautifully giving us our freedom and free will, he wants to throw it away and write up his own personal constitution, Do you really want that? come on people open your eyes, if there is away to get him out of office, we need to back up congress so that this can happen, this president is slowly but surely leading our country down a dark, depressing road, I dont know about you but I love my freedom, I enjoy waking up knowing that I have the freedom to say what i want, do what i want and go where i want to go. Dont allow this guy to take you God given right away, and your constitutional rights away, If you allow it this guy will take each and every american to hell.

    • You sir are a smart individual and it is so sag that there aren't enough people with good common sense anymore to see you are telling the truth. Also as I recall this is just history repeating itself. In fact I'll bet if you were to just casually stroll in a private room of Mr. Obama you would find lots of things with hitler and his nazi party in it.

  262. Anyone up on the D.N.A splicing?I think we got a whole lot to add to the plate now….Anyone wanna change their minds about him now?????

  263. We understand the politics, the fight between Democrat and Republican continue. Why you (Republican) never impeached George Bush who also violated the constitution? I strongly believed that you are involving racism into this.

    • Actually I can think of 44 presidents who probably violated the constitution in some way or another. But to have one publically supporting terroists groups and selling the US to china is a unforgivable fact no matter who or what his race is. To be honest I'm more concerned about his religion than his race! How he snaked his way into office is something above my understanding or how he fooled all of you into electing him a second term. I'm not the smartest person around but as one who has fought in both s***holes known as Iraq and Afghanistan I can tell you that I know s*** when I smell it. Obama has stood by shamefully and watched as other muslim nations have provoked us while letting terroists kill inocent Americans and his only response was to downsize the military. So as far as I'm concerned you might as well call him Mexican to since his skin should be brown.

  264. This isn’t about racism. Read the Dr reply. He admitted he voted and he is African American. This is about people waking up and seeing that this beast is destroying this country. Telling us to get insurance or pay a fee. That he has the right to go over the Congress to start a war. Yes we have had bad presidents in the past, that’s nothing compared to what he is doing to us now. More poverty, homeless, jobless people since he has been in office. Letting the illegals vote and claim amnesty. Illegals are taking the government money from us. What this country was founded on was freedom of religion. Freedom that is being taken from us. War vets are considered terrorist and Christians too. What we are allowed in the bank to save for retirement is being taken as well. We will be seeing people in their 80’s working because their retirement has been taxed heavily. Like the Dr said…open your eyes people and do your homework. Where is the proof? Why is he doing this? A real American would not do this to his people. Its not white or black, democrat or republican. It’s our freedom our rights our country. By the people, for the People!!

    • Sorry denale but Bill Clinton did some pretty bad things to. Im not just talking about his secretary bj's either!

    • I fully agree with the Congress getting the Impeachment process started. I hope it is not too late tosave our precious America from further damage caused by Obama and his practices, laws etc. May God bless our country and Save us from further damage.

  265. Go Ahead, ' Make America's Day ' :–> Starting The Impeachment Process Of The 44-th President, Barack H. Obama, Today, Today, Today !_

  266. Yeah!!! Impeach George W Bush! Down with Bush! Down with Bush!!! (Who also went to Afghanistan without the debate in congress)

  267. "THE WORLD'S ONLY RELIABLE NEWS" " Weekly world news" LMFAO this place is as bad as huffingtonpost!!! This is honestly sad it shows the desperation of Americans and how badly they want him out of office. I'd love to see him impeached but this isn't going to happen at least not yet.

  268. If it's racist to hate socialists, then I guess I'm racist against socialists. Oh, and Larry Elder, the human being whose skin color is darker than Obama's, is awesome.

  269. This site has great satire, but unfortunately has idiotic people commenting on the articles. It sad that the majority think that the article is real; ignorance is bliss, so they say.

  270. as much as I want this to happen…..unfortunately July 11th does not fall on Monday….. so I strongly question the legitimacy of this article…..

  271. I am not sure why he has not been impeached yet, Congress and all Americans are letting this man throw our country down the toilet. He is trying to sell our land to China,he is not sending out troops when they are desperately needed and then he sends them out without permission.Obama is shutting down our main line of defense. He is not even from here, he has not shown us a birth certificate and there is evidence that he went to school in Indonesia and had studied Islam, he has put us trillions of dollars in debt and has lied to America. Last but not least he has broken the law and has become a dictator thinking he can run America however he wants. I am not quite sure why this whole country has not protested and rioted in every state and city until he has been over thrown.

  272. Haha Bush went against the UN. The UN didn't want us to go and naturally we don't care what they think cause we aren't in the UN…… Obama wants us in the UN and that is ridiculous!!!! We're America!!! We do things our way not the way the world wants us to be!!! We are blessed to live here where we get to practice what we want!! We are blessed the live here where we can defend ourselves and practice the religions we want and be as successful as we want and choose how we live our lives! Get this guy out!!!!

    • You are a liar. Bush got approval from the UN and congress. He also had a coalition of 83 nations backing us. Get the facts you liberal idiot.

    • The United States of America helped form the United States and is a permanent Sitting member of the UN Council!!!!!!!! It has been there since the formation 24-10-1945.
      So RedbloodedAmerican, you are not a red bloodedamerian if you didn't know that. Even Naturalized citizens and children taught in US schools know this.

  273. My question is , can you Impeach an Ilegal President?It has never been really proven where he was born, I beleive he was born in Kenya, like hid Grandmother said.If he is not legal under the Consitution, that he could be tried as a Traitor, which he is will qualified for that bu giving guns to our enemey's X's that we know.

    • Christine to update you on a little peace of information. Obama's MOM WAS A AMERICAN BORN WHITE WOMAN IN THE MIDWEST. THIS MAKES OBAMA A US CITIZEN BY BIRTH no matter where his as born!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      This link is the deciding factor, the reason the birth-er movement was made was because they didn't want him in office.

    • natural born citizen requires both parents be citizens. Also, Obama's father was Kenyan, which is a British territory. There is a law that states that no British subject can be a natural born citizen.

  274. Many, Many, Many Honorable service men, and women, have died for this country, to protect our fundamental rights, and freedoms, and he pisses on their graves. This, in my eyes, makes him unworthy to draw breath. He allowed 4 Americans to die. He did nothing. He knew they were being attacked and did nothing. He should, at the very least, be charged with 1st degree Murder. With all the things he has done, he should be imprisoned for the rest of his pathetic, worthless, natural life. And that statement has not a damn thing to do with the color of his. In fact, I couldn't care less what color he is. He isn't even eligible to be the President of this fine Nation. He spits on us repeatedly, and you think we want him out because he's black? If that's what you think, then you are no better than he is. Maybe you could be his cellmate. You insufferable twit!

  275. President Obama should be impeached ! Holder should be fired both. Out pay look the only reason you would sell military weapons to a drug cartel is you are involved with the drug trade! I’m a Vietnam vet these things are nothing new! The IRS should be desolated and the building turned into a housing complex for vets. Be Blessed Harold Graves

  276. John…..WAKE UP….This IS going on.
    You would NEVER know it IF you listen to your TV news or newspapers.
    SHEEPLE don’t REALIZE YET that American news & broadcasting is CENSORED !o.
    Foreign countries know MORE about what’s REALLY going on in America than Americans do.
    John, I can either conclude that you are a SHILL to spread false lies OR that you are a Full Blown SHEEPLE !

  277. Which is against the law. In Carmel, a guy are not able to wear any coat as well as shorts that definitely not match up.

    Looks like the style authorities composed that one. With

    Carmel you happen to be additionally a no-no from feeding on ufc 162 live stream free

    the rocks treatment for the sidewalk. Throughout Sea Town, folks are

    not allowed to help swimming within the water and also consume

    simultaneously. They’ve also been banned to help engage in pinball with Sundays, so they can promote uncooked hamburger by any means. Adult men aren’t

    allowed to move topless in the center of area (even if it’s not for enterprise purposes). Staten Tropical isle features a peculiar regulation with regards to yard servicing. It is possible to normal water your current backyard that has a line if you offer the hose in your side. You can not don household slippers immediately after 10: 00pm. There isn’t any word on when you’re authorized to put your house shoes returning upon. Probably the strangest regulation is that folks within the Talk about of Big apple are not able to welcome the other person by means of “putting your usb to the nasal area as well as constantly moving your hands. inch Since i have possess still to determine any person greet us in this way, I am able to just presume they anxiety the punishment pertaining to violating this rules.

  278. I look this up and Obama never had the right to be in office…There is a lot of things he should be looking at jail time..and day after day…no one will….do anything. about it…and most of American ever voted him in…

  279. seriously.. it's not about fu***** racism it's just a president that needs to be impeached… now stfu you clowns.

    • that's the problem….race is always brought into it…….blacks have protection and rights and whites have none…..Obama needs to be impeached because he is assaulted our country in every way…..too many to list

  280. if we cant have a nation that is founded on the principles of our forefathers to ensure there are no tyrannies at home or abroad we are not a democratic republic anymore

  281. when we have a president who wants to send n military to egypt to get morsi back … and all before . impeach is the only way to go. before worldwar 3 starts. we have children who have parents not able to find a job starving right here at u.s.a. while billions are sent to muslim brotherhood for weapons.something is wrong with this picture. remember why we have the 4th of july… remember history of america.look at why and who is supporting one side vs the other one side is america guess who the other side wanting to end our freedom and liberty.

  282. Dear Mr. Obama,

    For the past 15 years your CIA brains have been planning to change Egypt into another Iraq.
    Well, NICE TRY. You have FAILED.

    You don't understand a lot about Egypt, sir. Maybe you should ask your Kenyan Muslim relatives about the status of our country in the Holy Qur'an, or how Prophet Mohamed ,peace be upon him, described our army. Egypt has been mentioned in our Holy Book five times, and is described as a secure country where people live in peace and harmony. Prophet Mohamed (pbuh) has described our soldiers as the best on the planet, stating clearly that our army and the Egyptian people remain united till the end of time.

    In the Bible, the Egyptian people are described as the blessed nation of Jesus Christ.

    So Mr. Obama, you can kindly oblige us by calling in your lady of doom Mrs. Anne Patterson back home to the USA, as she is no longer welcomed in Egypt.

    We hope you have learnt that not all countries yield to manipulation and that you should not attempt to spend the money of American tax payers creating dictatorships in countries of independence and sovereignty.

    To American People,
    We call upon all Americans whom we know as a peace loving people to seriously investigate their government's sincere endeavors to aid terrorists imposing a fascist regime, is this what they pay taxes to achieve? Are these the human values upon which you have been elected??
    The Egyptian People

  283. I am wondering if this is true, but I definitely want him to be impeached. Sending our military to get Morsi back, is just the stupidest thing I have ever seen. Lying about Benghazi. A president can not lie. Richard Nixon lied on National TV and was forced to resign. Barack Obama does not have the right to be in office. He has violated 3 amendments. The only one I know is the right to bear arms. And that alone violates 2. To bear arms and freedom of speech. We need to get Obama out and we need to get him out quick before he ruins our country and starts another World War

    • I am concerned that impeachment proceedings at this time, is just want Obama is wanting.
      It takes a two thirds vote in the Senate, and right now, the US Senate is owned and operated by Joe Biden.

      The 2014 elections, Repubs will most likely pack the Senate and House……impeachment would be certain
      BUT, impeachment is stupid anyway, more government BS……Nixon opened trade relations with China, AFTER he was properly impeached, for paying thugs to "plug leakers"

  284. opama,the egyption people thought for awhile that you would bring peace to the world when you came to EGYPT our beloved country after the 25th Janraury revolution!
    now,we hate you very much.
    God heavens!you are a scorpion

  285. Every time I see someone claiming that people want Obama out of office because he is black, I am totally amazed. How many unconstitutional acts must he perform, how many lies must he tell, how many lives must he cause to be lost before people realize he cannot be allowed to continue in office. He is not there legally to start with and nothing he has done is or should be considered to be legally binding. I dont know why he was allowed to take office since he is not eligible to serve and I certainly dont know after his performance the first 4 years in office how he got elected a 2nd time, also illegally but the fact is he is destroying America and must be stopped.

  286. ِAs an Egyptian I feel that I have been betrayed and stabbed in the back by the US and Obama and the US Embassy in Cairo . Support and finance of the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood and their terrorists has resulted in hundreds of deaths since 2011 . The US has liberally financed them and are on record as paying over 1.5 Billion USD. and they supplied the knowhow to rig several elections . Now we don't need the aid we can replace it , we don't need the embassy we can cut down the staff from over 2000 to 200 . We have existed thousands of years without the US and we can do so in the future . Enough is enough .We are sick of your lectures and your values , take it or LEAVE IT.

    • Please believe me when I say that the majority of the American people feel as you do. I applaud your country and its decision and victory in removing your former leader. The majority of the Americans would love to remove Obama from office. He is a disgrace to the US. Obama and his over paid liers are stabbing all of us in the back. It's an uneasy feeling.

  287. Just want to say one thing…so tired of all Obama's bs! Hope all you idiots that voted him back in again are happy!…He is destroying this country!

  288. Please someone with 1/2 a brain Run for President;


    will support YOU the 1/2 brain over what we have

    a President that has totally given up on the common caring citizens

    WE need a President that will immediately drain the Oil Reserve 98,000,000 barrels of oil that will make gasoline prices drop immediately and save the economy.

    Please someone run for President NOW even SARAH PALIN…Please


  289. NO It isn't the color of the skin it is the Color of the Character of a Man or Woman. America and Americans have been sold out. TREASON. Americans are stepping up and saying, "The Leaders in DC are not a True representation of "In God we Trust" Americans but are in Fact Anti-God and Anti-Christ..

    • Agreed to a large extent of what you're saying but also agree that the American people are people with heart. I love what to ChristinaMarlyn said in her comment and have to support her thoughtful comment. I believe that the American people for the most part have been indoctrinated into an AntiChrist attitude. Too many of us have turned away from our God and have been deceived and lied to for decades. Too many of us don't know or can even comprehend the level of deceit and evil that has been cast upon us. So prayers en mass are in order. It is our only hope against this
      spiritual warfare we're involved in.

  290. UNCONSTITUTIONAL DEMANDS & TRAINING have turned our Police into "Bullies" to enforce Tyranny and Terrorizing of the Free People Under One God nation when we tell them they are Liars and ignoring the Constitution of a Free People. They don't believe in "Love your Neighbor" but falsely accuse, plant false evidence, terrorize and kill Americans especially the returning of Special Force guys, whistleblowers who are for the people, etc., these are the biggest bunch of Murderers in the HISTORY of Man KIND! . Search for yourself and you will see ALL over American this is going on and to replace ALL the Honorable Police, Sheriffs, etc., they are bringing in UN Troops, Russian Spetznaz, etc., under the guise of bringing them in as "Help with Disasters" troops.

  291. Bringing in the UN Troops & Russian Spetsnaz is like bringing in the FOX to Help with guarding the sheep and the chickens ~ The only reason The President or so called Officials would bring in COMMUNISTS troops is because they themselves are COMMUNISTS and now that the Americans are waking up ~ These Officials want these UN troops to protect them from The Right to Carry & Bear Arms Americans that may arrest them for TREASON & they don't want to go to Prison nor do they want to do what is Right. They fear an honest, honorable and free people.

    • You keep using the word communist and treason, I dont think you really know what it means. Without the human elenent communism is perfect. Its designed so that everyone receives equal everything and if you dont contribute then you get nothing. If you use what little intelligence you may happen to have and break the word communism down, you will learn that the prefix commun means together. So the basis of communism (like the word COMMUNity) is to work together…

  292. True Americans are a beautiful people. They live ALL over America and if you were in trouble or needed help they would be there to help you. The Dictators who have managed to usurp the Authority of the American people will NOT have it forever because MY God the God of the American people says, " If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." 2Ch-7:14 If God will listen to the unrighteous when they repent and pray how more will he listen to the righteous Pray for this Land. Yes I believe we will have our beautiful America back again if we don't lose Heart but pray. Amen.

  293. You are right. The problem with our government is they care too much about other nations when if fact our own county is in need. They keep making it worse just so one person can recieve a payout or else you wouldnt have stuff like this happening not just in your country, but so many more around the world. No offense to you as an Egyptian, but a lot of us do not feel the way our saddly weakened government has portrayed us. I wouldn't expect other nations to care about what happens to America and as such they shouldn't expect us to either. Most of the world's nations that exist do so because they formed themselves without our help. In fact America is the youngest nation if I'm not mistaken so who are we to help others. Don't worry though cause that DA called Obama has sold us out to China so here soon that embassy will be Chinese and not American. I know our values are different because most of us here hold a higher standard than the other nations in the world. Of course we all have our bad apples to, but it is what it is. Well sir I hope sincerely you have a good day and that I have not offended, but as you said….take it or leave it!

  294. We can only pray that we get him out before it's too late, however I believe he has people in high places that will make sure that he stays right where he is, he won't be finished until the US is…

    • You people are insane, I sit here and read these comments and I wonder where you people get all this bogus information, most of what I see here are just lies, and the rest misinformation, it's sad that there is so much hate in this country, everyone hating each other is the reason this country is literally falling apart, what would we hate each other about if we were all the same race, I believe even then we would find something, it's seems we are just wired to hate anything or anyone we don't understand, it's sad life could be so much more productive if we could find some way to control are hate and dislike for one another, and I would like to add, what we know is at best but little compared, to that of which we are ignorant WAKE UP !!

  295. It's sad that people think it's racism. Personally, get over yourself. People who are racist are the ones calling it racism. If you think it's about racism then you are the racist. If you get outside the history that you may or may not have learned while in school, researched the people that are in office, and really cared about this country that you call home then you wouldn't like our current President either. I am apart of a demographic that he claims to help yet all of his policies have cost me more money out of pocket and no means to get any other support.

    • I agree, I'm certainly not a racist and I thought Obama was going to do great things for us…..but all I've seen is the economy going down, my paycheck going down and Obamacare is becoming a nightmare. This country is going downhill very fast and I believe that people are getting very angry. What I don't see is protests….don't you believe we have a voice anymore. We need to stand up and make our thoughts be heard…..look back in history, how were things changed? Protests!!! No one stands up anymore and that's exactly why our government is walking all over us because they know we've become a weak society and we take what they give. HELLO

    • See, I'd be more inclined to believe people who said things like this if they hadn't sat by quietly while a white man in the exact same position did exactly what this black man is doing. Let the men and women who called for impeachment against former presidents who acted in this way – and rest assured there have been several – lead the charge for Barack Hussein Obama's impeachment. Everyone else can sit their racist backsides on the curb as far as I'm concerned.

  296. He's ( Obama ) using NAZI tactics ! NSA to spy on us , IRS to control us aka( SSTROOPS ) . Using attention diversion tactics ( military ) George Zimmerman & Travon Martin fueled by Media , D.O.J ! , and of all the N.A.A.C.P. Military tactics to divert your anger and attention from Benghazi , IRS , Spying on our phone , Internet , &e-mail . Pissing on the constitution . This man has succeeded where others have failed . America is down. Help us get HER back Up and proud again . GOD BLESS .

  297. amigos yo pedi ayer un desbloqueo para un iphone 4s alrededor de las 3 de la tarde hora ecuatoriana y todavia no recibo email de confirmacion de desbloqueo vi unos comentarios que era muy rapido el servicio porfavor me podrian ayudar gracias…

  298. You know that this whole site is opinionated right??? It's not going to happen people. If it was, it would of happened to Bush when he was in office trust me. Check on real news sites. If it was true, it would be on sites like CNN

    • yes,because the "real news sites" are definitely not opinionated…and they always tell the truth….they never hold back what's really happening….they are so trustworthy….
      Mike…..wake up…you're dreaming…and you're dreaming a fantasy…

    • If this site is accurate, then the impeachment should have already happened. July 11 was a month ago.

    • Your an IDIOT all the news is bought and payed for.. by the government agency's. You have to go to the small outlets to get truth. CNN MSNBC etc all are on the dole.

  299. Our President is against the word of God. Our constitution was founded on biblical principles therefore He is against not only the bible but also against the constitution. America as a nation has embraced all manner of ungodliness and is receiving payback for it. Here is a short list of reasons America is a sinking ship:

    Removal of God from schools

    The love of money






    The acceptance of homosexuality





    Worship of entertainment, trends and materialism

    Our freedoms are quickly dwindling. In fifty years America will be a very scary place to live in with the military flooding our streets and murder seen on a daily basis and homosexuality having caused worldwide chaos and the proliferation of diseases. Our nation is corrupt and it’s people are also corrupt so what can we expect in those conditions?

    Turn to Christ as he is our only hope. America will burn to the ground one day and those who look forward to a new heaven and a new earth will be the blessed and happy ones

    • Ben I couldn't say it better then what you surely in the sign of end times when good becomes evil and evil becomes good just look how Obama was against gay marriage and now he's turn America into Sodom and Gomorrah. Just think God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of their Abominations and if he doesn't judge America he will owe Sodom and Gomorrah an apology. Our children are in great danger with indoctrination. God Bless.

    • I think you both are crazier than a rat in tin shit house! The constitution is not biblical and god doesn't exist. Atheism rules and homosexuals are people. Get over yourselves because if you were good Christians you wouldn't pass judgements.

    • see you are wrong there is a god known as Jesus Christ and look up the constitution it is biblical this country was built on the bible. and to be good Christians you don't believe in homosexuality women were mad for man and vice versa. not man for man nor woman for woman.

    • neither would you. everyone yells about what offends them and anyone with a christian thought is shut down well if you have your fundamentels and it offends anyone else you should be shut down close your mouth and eyes if it should offend you America was founded on christian principles and if you dont like those principles move to a country where they dont have them or find a new country where you can rule as youd like let us have the priniples we would like to see carried out

    • I don't think you understand. Institutionalized religion was founded on principles of paying money, yes, MONEY. Religious institutes are another problem because sure, they "follow" a great moral, but the act of paying anyone money to keep a free organizationreligion afloat is obviously corrupt. How do you think these religious figures are so wealthy? Because they use your "donations to the holy church" to push them forward. And Christianity… really? Look at your bible, really look at it. Sure Jesus was a real man, but that was all that he was. The first man to truely understand that we come from heaven (space) and earth (evolution) and when they mention Gods "son" he is saying the actual fireball, just look! its spelled S U N not SON. Get with the program people, you do not need a church to confirm your spirituality or beliefs. If anything,THEY question it for the sake of monetary values.

    • Inequality? Really? To much contradiction in one small list. With him there will finally be equality. Besides not EVERYONE believes in your "god". I certainly don't dedicate my life to a book that's been altered about a dozen times. But if you choose to believe that kind of stuff go ahead, but don't force it down peoples throats.

    • Congress , and Supreme Court may remove what ever offends the school. But thing they can not ever do
      is dictate to our hearts our relationship with God.

      It is the silent prayers of the few that are keeping America strong despite the condition and chaos we are
      going through. America will endure this conflict.

    • Funny your an idiot love of money is fu(king conservative thing the whole conservative party and people are guilty of everything you list Obama for being guilty of. Your kind project onto others what you are guilty of. Conservatives are avid porn users. Racism are effin kidding that is the new patriotism to conservative whites. You guys are the ones calling the president a monkey, a fried chicken watermelon eating kool aid drinking Muslim Kenyan who was never born here. The mere fact you go out of your way to fabricate what Obama is shows that the real problem with Obama is the color of his skin. Drugs big pharma is supported buy the top and glen beck and rush were and still are drug users.. Selfishness conservatives only care about themselves that's why they hate taxes and universal health care and put guns above human life

    • First of all. Have you ever heard of the separation of church and state? Our country was not founded on Christianity, but religious and cultural tolerance. You hide behind your Bible like it's a shield, but if you have truly read it and understood it's lessons. It is to love and tolerate everyone. I want you to come back to this and not look at it as a reprimand but as a lesson. Obama messed up, I never thought he was the man to run the country, but I want to believe he actually tried. My question is, "What did you do?"

  300. The truth is that Obama has failed. I could care less about black people or what they think and I am white by the way. The fact that being black is an excuse for everything is ridiculous. The black community lies about there own race of thug trash. More than 75% of crimes,poverty,welfare, and neighboring problems in this country are from the black community. The fact that I am white and proud is racist in the black eyes. I work hard and spend all of my time with my family away from the trash in our society, you know thieves, thugs, drug addicts, murderers, rapist, and so on. Yes you have these types of people in other races but the black community has triple these types of losers among us in society.Truth is we don't have to except it and you can't have a president talk about this like its them who are the victim. You can't just keep listening to this bull about inequality. We have more important things to do with our lives then worry about black folks and im not scared to stand up and push this black nonsense out of my life. More than half the black community lives for free on behalf of white and other races tax paying dollars. Its amazing how the entire world is full of different races that work well within their own race in being successful and that every time the African American race can't achieve equal or greater success its racist. African Americans only target whites because if they attacked other races which they will eventually with non sense like changing government to get what you work hard for for free through free government programs.

  301. The LaRouche Pac people, that are trying to push the Glass-Steagall bill to change banking back to the way it was done before the Democrats changed it and created the last great depression,
    are trying to push forward with impeachment also. The sponsors of that bill is made up of 83 Democrats. Even this guys own party are not falling for his communist crap anymore. This guy will go down as the worst most crooked president in US history…..

  302. I have nothing personal against president Obama, other than the fact our country and it s values no longer matter
    to him, and his minions in Washington. Our country is not the same that I fought for some twenty plus years.

    Businesses and corporations are forced to hire every damn illegal immigrant that comes along. That sucks
    America is the land of free, alright , free loading illegals and immigrants , and gutless liberals who can not do nothing except march for every useless cause.

    We are going to lose this country one day if we allow Mr Obama to continue as our leader. If this matter dose
    not soon, will have another revolution that may end up in loss of life, destroying what our forefathers created
    and our American men and women fight and die for.


    • So what your saying is that impeachable crimes are ok as long as you are a democrat.Oh, by the way. Your caps lock is on..

    • Stay out of politics it's not for you… btw your caps is on and when handling a weapon insure the safety is as well

    • Mike & Jerry know what they're talkin' about. Obama's a moron; the sooner USA gets him out of Office, the better. He discraced his whole family name "Obama". He had better learn to wear a paper bag over his head for the rest of his life (which shall never be short enough).

    • So your reasoning is "he is trying"….. your an idiot. Rewards go to those who do a good job. This is a "meritocracy" ….you must have recieved trophies in sports for mearlt participating.

    • You're as bad at thinking, planning, & using common sense as Obama. He had 5 yrs. & counting to help us & he failed. See him for what he really is: "THE NEW WORSE USA PRESIDENT YET". I'm glad he's soon to be out of Office. I hope USA tar & feathers him.


    • Unfortunately, he has done so on many occasions and blatantly without apology – almost with an 'I dare you' type of attitude, it seems. it seems our President really does feel that he is untouchable but God's got a surprise for him. He has given the President ample opportunities and chances to do right and the President has refused and instead committed acts that stated more 'I hate you God' than anything else. He and his cabinet will be removed from office, shamefully so, his head will hang low then his fist will rise to the sky his teeth knurling at the heavens…

  305. people say its racism because we want him outa office then how come black americans all over the country protesting to impeach this sorry ass president of ours so race isnt an issue so quit ryin to make it one it aint doin his job he is a lyin bastered who spends our taxpayin money to go on vacations instead of takin care of our problems as a president should o by the way blame it on bush naw tht shit dont work he has had plenty of time to do somethin an he aint done jack so,, impeach this sorry no good raghead lovin basterd…..

  306. How soon can we make this happen? I am sick of the mafia running America. I hope they don't forget to add biden, pelosi, and holder to the list of traitors for prosecution!

    • When he is impeached his entire cabinet should also be impeached and every appointee removed from office. We have really got to clean house.

    • Add Reid to that list too, or would that be racist as well as O supporters like to call us for not liking obimbo?

  307. I’m sorry but, religion isn’t righteous any more, it is a monetary monger just like any other organization. You do not need a bible and church to confirm YOUR beliefs. Obama has gone against true human beliefs and has desecrated our constitutions statutes. He is turning our military and our brothers and sisters against us. He is for the institutionalization of his people through FEMA and war. He talks big of change, the only thing I see changing, is our way of life as free human beings. We are ALL humans, as one species, of many ethnicities. Do you really think the elites aren’t human? They are, flesh and blood like us. They are the bullies on the playground and we are the peons. Get it? I mean hell, we might as well water our crops with Gatorade like Idiocrasy because that what Americans are as a whole. We are idiots. Idiots to not defend our home against the common threat in our OWN country. It is OURS, THE PEOPLE! Not Goldman Sachs, not JP Morgan, not Exxon, not BP, etc etc. They aren’t compitent enough to put our species above money. I’m sorry, but our countries money is worth nothing, it’s not even REAL currency, it’s an IOU that isn’t backed by precious metals which are finite. I’m sorry but there was never and will not EVER be an infinite supply of resources which our economy is based on. Gold and silver need to be reinstated because there IS a finite amount on earth. Therefore, the majority of people will have the wealth they deserve. Free of multi BILLION dollar establishments.

  308. GOOD RIDDANCE he's a wolf in sheep's wool and has instigated racism in America . And Erica Robinson you're an ass clown if you think this POS should stay in office I've got plenty of African American friends and even they say and I quote " That nigga is gonna get us all strung up again." It's people like you who throw it outta proportion and call it racism. My guess is you voted for him because of his race… call the kettle black? He got my first vote because he said No to GMO and yet he approves now. Do yourself and the world a favor and stay out of politics, it's no for you. America needs a Leader not a Tyrant I don't care if he's green blue yellow black tan or white but better sure as shit respect America's forefathers laws and constitution this goes for everyone in DC

  309. Democrats your president had been bad, be is getting a big time out. You will be ok, don’t stand up for his wrong doings,two wrongs don’t make a right. You know in your hart you don’t want kids killed in drone strikes. Be civil.

  310. Not only has Obama violated the constitution,
    He has also made the U.S. look weak, made WE THE PEOPLE suffer,
    He is disgracing what our founding fathers created,
    He has single handedly put the U.S. in its worst position since the great depresion.








  312. Republican congressmen insist on doing anything they can to avoid constructive legislation for real problems facing this nation. They successfully avoided their elected responsibilities during the previous term after leading us to the brink of financial ruin and continue to favor special interest lobbies for their own personal gain. Now they want the media spotlight, not for any other reason but publicity. They attack a President who is trying to help this nation without any help or reasonable offer of compromise from them. They were not so eager to defend the constitution when Bush and Cheney lead us into financial ruin with the longest runing wars in our history and costing thousands of lives and wasting billions of dollars. They should get back to what they were elected to do and represent the, not continue to be obstructionist.

  313. The GOP in Congress hates Our President. They do not want Our President to succeed which is hurting our country. People voted Obama for president and just because the Republicans do not like that, they want to impeach him. For what? The GOP needs to be voted out of Congress and the Senate since they have done nothing for jobs, the economy, health care, They forced the sequester, closing head start, taking funds out of food stamps, They don't want Americans to go back to work. But they rather decrease taxes for the 2% of the millionaires and billionaires. They subsidies big corporations and deny climate change. They will not vote for immigration reform, they will not vote for higher minimum wages, they will not vote for infrastructure, they do want the poor to get poorer and the middle class not to grow. 2014, is the change to make a change for the GOP to be voted out of government. No vote should be suppressed.

    • We can see you know very little of what is going on in your country or its politics. Maybe you should get your news from a more reliable source if you are watching any news at all.

    • Rosemary you need to be educated before you write, we would all like to have a president succeed, but it is not
      possible with the policies and arrogant behavior of our present one. He is not capable of leading this country.
      The only experience he has had is as a community organizer and that does not give him the tools to lead this
      wonderful country. The Republicans did not force the sequester, it was Mr. Obamas call. He has lead us to a
      path of moral and economic destruction.

    • seriously? Both republicans and democrats are to blame. The problem is that nobody wants to really see that our government has been continually killing us blaming terrorist. so they can go to war in the name of freedom and pump us up. Well weve all been lied to. About our history, about who we really are.

    • after reading again you really are clueless. Our Government has you fooled. THIS IS NOT A WELFARE COUNTRY LADY. ALL I HEAR IS THE GOVERNMENT HAS TO DO THIS OR THAT PAY FOR THIS.
      its the truth. so While they have you blinded. get some candles and explore the truth. IT MIGHT JUST SET YOU FREE.

    • When an elected person breaks the law, they should have to pay the piper, just like Cunningham the congressman from Calif.

      If only half the things he is charged with, Obama should spend some time in the same jail as Cunningham, lose all of his perks retirement and never be allowed to vote again.
      This is from a person who voted for him and is black so cannot be raciest

    • You must be on the FREEBEE list. He has hurt the American people. I forgot some of you do want to know the truth.

  314. Obama conned not only you, but most of the USA into thinking he actually cared about USA. I'm glad I voted against him in both of the Elections. You're correct, he does deserve his impeachment………….& he deserves to be KICKED OUT OF OFFICE.

  315. Obama's about the worst USA President yet. He really is is the new Richard Nixon. If he knows what better for the world, he's resign from Office. I now know for sure I chose wisely to vote against him in both of the last 2 Elections.

  316. This is insane and crazy! How can the democrats let this happen! How can the reuplicans make us look like such a foolish country! This is a disgrace and it is like what they did to clinton…I am sad for America if people think this is ok. When Bush, Regan, and all those repubs went and fired at coutries it was ok! Now, cause it’s Obama and the the repubublican congress is mad???? So, they calll impeach! This is a hard time for America…so, ok repubs…make it even worse. We look crazy if this is really true

    • Goober, Are you nuts? Haven't you been paying attention to anything that is going on? Bill Clinton, under Hillary's advice, bombed the Serbian Christians because they were being invaded by tne Muslims. The Muslims took all the dead bodies from their conflict with the Serbs and staged a massacre! And the main training camp for the Alqueda was right there, sending the killers of our soldiers in Afganistan and Iraq. Bill Clinton gave speeches about the WMDs in Iraq, and Bush gets accredited to making that up. On the other hand, Mubarak, kept the peace in Egypt for years, and sat down and talked with Obama as if we were still a sane country. Even Gaddafi kept the peace in Libya. He could go down the streets and never had to worry about the people hurting him because they loved him. Bring in Obama and his fellow Muslim Brotherhood, and look at those places now! And since he is encouraging them to overthrow Syria, I'm beginning to think Russia is right to back the government. Look at the murdering Muslim Brotherhood there. They murder the Christians for no reason. They kill women and children, and rape the young girls first. It's coming to America if we don't remove Obama soon!

    • See people like you are what is wrong with this country. Your blaming republicans it's all there fault. Why don't people choose who is right not just the person of the same political party.

    • Bush and Clinton both had congress behind them and Obama has not. The election was a fraud .and like his administration to say the least has been baught by big business . Nixion was impeached for less than this man did in his first year in office. The IRS scandal , Bungassie and several others directally lead to Obama and are impeachable offences. Not to bring up the faltsafiyng legal documents fraud and in my opinion should be tried for treason.

  317. SMPLE

    What a common sense dictates is,… to leave all that conflict to the people there in the middle east.

    To leave them alone to sort out their own disputes of / for tribal power….after all, these people has been killing each other since biblical times so it would be good to let them decimate themselves as much as they could possibly can;… so in the long run …and in the short run, less vermin-terrorists will be in the world , as result.

    But this , of course, is quite impossible, since the unconstitutional fraud-base current administration is Islamic-muslim terrorists friendly oriented.

    And as for us, patriot americans here in our country…what we should, could, and must do is….MASSIVE MEGA-IMPEACHMENT against the entire current administration for their ongoing insidious assault in so many ways and at so many levels – to the good people of our great country.

    And on this, since the congress does not have any teeth , much less stomach for it, (for they are bribed and intimidated and so in fear) we, the people have, should , must hire external powerful legal array (and we all know they are there) to get the job done.

    Input anyone? Opinions welcome.

  318. Britain responsible for chemicals in Syria…on youtube watch—

    WOW WTF : Britain sold nerve gas chemicals to Syria 10 months after war began .

  319. from the first words out of his lying mouth in 2008, I knew he was no good for this country. The hair on the back of neck stood up. Get rid of the liar.

    • I totally agree with You Obama, he needs to go he is a threat to this great country of ours, he is also a member
      of the Muslim brotherhood, why do you think He sent all those guns to Syria he hates this country and
      is trying to destroy This great nation

  320. Bush lied about weapons of mass destruction and made an innocent CIA agent suffer to cover uphis deception and the GOP went along with his corruption so they should just let President Obama do his job in peace. Its like crooks trying to make a good man pay for the crimes that Republicans committed.


    • they moved the mass destruction weapons out of iraq to syria how else do you think the rebels are fighting bush said they had but no-one could find them now obama is supplying weapons for the same radical rebels look it up it is like rague its in there reports

  321. Call a referendum instead, ask the peolple who elected him.

    Americans should separate between national security strategy adopted by white house looong ago, and public politics.

    there are 2 options to defend oneself, Act before you are attacked or die then fight back,
    i mean being proactive or wait until 2 or mere americans are dead then defend them, else, let another super power dominate the world, humiliate the americans and then try to rise back loosing 2/3 of your economy or even more.

    Why do you elect a leader? to lead you well or let you down?

    I believe most people act before they think if not theyaare haters of the minority.

  322. Let me start off with a quote from during a debate in congress on February 8, 1964 my Mr. Waggonner himself. "Do not destroy this democracy for a Socialist government."
    This is in my Law Textbook, and i am a college student and just ran across this in my book.

    Obama is turning the US into a Socialist Country, the same issue on the CIVIL RIGHTS ACT

    talk about FLIP FLOP…. Obama is obviously Blinded by the people who are controlling his every move with their pocket books.

  323. Though obtaining them, can provide is?Process BPO vendors, penned down by.Own hand This, You should hire.And the frame nanoGARD ANTI STICK – marco – Indonesia, your troubles It lot can go.Wanted it Reason, a wealth builder.,

  324. 16.8 Trillion dollars in Debt and he wants a DEBT ceiling raised? OBAMACARE that the American people CAN'T afford? I am worried about my great grandchildren and their children how do they make it in this mess? If I can't afford something like OBAMACARE I don't get it because it is not in my budget another 4 trillion Dollars in DEBT? No Jobs unless there are on Mars? When does this END? Can't the American People stop all this? I am in if we can. I have e-mailed my representatives and tried to call what else can be done?

  325. Obama hates usa he said it in one of his books. He was brought up by communism, but lot of people don't see this, he is out to take us down and he is doing a good job. If he not stop soon there will be no more america.

  326. Republican, Democrat; what does it matter, the entire system is corrupt…… doe the "Great Whore" ring a bell, Just be glad your not one of them when the judgement day comes! We work we pay the taxes, what they do with the money now falls on their shoulders.. think about it. Truth be known there probably isn't a handful of them that gives a rats behind about our welfare, corruption and greed has killed every great nation in history and we're already in the swirly of the the big toilette bowl. Take care and live right for our time on earth is but a drop in the bucket compared to eternity, the choice is in your hands!


  328. People need to realize we are always being lied to. They go with popular demand so they can make money.. Otherwise they don’t care.


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