
I’m madder than a hillbilly with a busted banjo string because Obama isn’t helping those poor folks in Kentucky!

Seems they had a big ice storm and dozens of people are dead. More than a million homes haven’t got electricity. It’s a state of emergency but the funny thing is: I don’t see the midstream media filming folks looting plasma TVs or huddled together at Churchill Downs, yelling about cannibalism, or shooting the National Guard from the roofs of their hillbilly shacks.

I guess because none of that’s going on! All those crazy stupid hicks are just taking care of themselves and their neighbors, and clinging to their guns and bibles and Klan robes and moonshine to keep warm like they have for countless inbred generations.

But what’s our new Communist-in-Chief doing? Chowing down on arugula steaks at that fancy pants Buckwheat Dinner, then watching the Super Bowl in his toasty warm office. (Guess you heard that the same guy who told us “we can’t keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times” insists his Oval Office be kept hotter than an orchid greenhouse because “he’s from Hawaii.”)

Obama doesn’t want to make a fuss about the Kentucky ice storm, and not just because those hillbillies didn’t vote for him. It’s because if he does, his whole global warming scam goes right out the single-pane window! Boy, does Obama have slush on his face now!

The Teleprompter Kid better fly his magic unicorn over the rainbow and down to Kentucky pronto if he wants to keep that Spike Jones fella from making a nasty movie called “When the Generators Broke”. Obama said he’d stop the oceans from rising but he can’t melt a little snow?

That Obama! I tell you – he sure puts the “F” in FEMA!

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  1. This is the main problem with the Media IMO. Real talented writers have been replaced by Journalism school hacks. These schools are nothing but Puppy farms for Marxists with Political correctness run amuck. With cultural equivalence married to moral relativism. They lose the ability for logic or deduction in the mind fogging ideology they worship. Its replaced by Emotion which becomes the bases of their values. Feelings become more solid than reality. In the minds of these folks its of more importance than truth.

    This mutant press is in thrall to Obama. So too the Champagne Journalists who sniff after celebrity. Give me a Mark Steyn or an Ezra Levant any day.
    They stand for free speech with word , deed, & treasure. While the socialists plot change by propaganda worshipping government icons. They would never let there messiah be put in a bad light. Therefore no coverage. You have them dead to rights Ed when it comes to Obama’s equivocation on this tragedy. With all the reasons you well stated. There was none for Bush, just lies! Its why the MSM is dying. This year more people are getting info from online than any other outlet.. I think even Liberals want some truth every once in a while.


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