I’m madder than Richard Petty with a flat tire over all the talk about lowering the speed limit on the U.S. highways. Just a few years ago we were able to move the speed limit up to 70 m.p.h. but now some Nervous Nellies want to push it back to 55 m.p.h.

These chickens have some fancy study showing that when people lose control of their cars they’ll flip over two extra times if they’re going 70 instead of 55. I say instead of lowering the speed limit they should RAISE it. I think 100 m.p.h. is a nice round figure, but if your car has 140 on its speedometer, I say go for it.
Americans love speed – we always have and always will. Back in the days of the covered wagon, the only pioneers who survived were the ones fast enough to outrun the Indians. And why did Henry Ford invent the car in the first place? He once summed it up to a reporter in five simple words, “I wanted to go faster.”
It seems to me that the only people who don’t want to go faster are blue-haired geezer gals who always seem to poke along in front of me going about 25 m.p.h. straddling the middle line on the highway. Imagine how these old ladies will feel when they see me coming at them going 100 m.p.h. It might scare them into their senses and teach them to clear off the road once and for all.
And forget about people telling you that fast speeds aren’t safe. The simple fact is if you’re driving 100 m.p.h., you get wherever you’re going a lot faster than if you’re lollygagging along at 30 m.p.h. And when you get where you’re going, you’re off the road. And friends, when you’re not on the road, you won’t be involved in any accidents.
And you’d better believe that policemen and state troopers would love to see us raise the speed limits. Hey, cops love going fast, too – and when they’re chasing down a speeder, they want a chance to see how fast their patrol car can go.

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5 thoughts on “RAISE THE SPEED LIMIT TO 100 MPH”

  1. This position takes alot of courage Ed. It's what I expect from you. Those so-called enviornmentalists will come after you on this one. We got gas and oil to up our butts. Isn't that why we invaded Iraq? We should go after those towel heads in Saudi Arabia next.

  2. I think that a higher speed limit and minimun should be in the left lane ex. 80-110 but for people that dont know a gas pedal from a flower pedal the right lane would be 60-70.

  3. Yes! They need to raise the speed limits most definitely. I would love to see 100 mph being the new limit on interstates. Or as the other poster said, left lanes could be the 100 mph limit, and the right lane could be for the slow traffic (as it should be).

  4. henry ford invent the car? Chickens? im all for raising the speed limit but this post is anything but useful. If your really looking to let people know why the speed limit should be raised, get good information, and learn your history. (henry ford did not invent the car) Instead, compare american highways to the autobahn. The autobahn has very few speed limits, yet the fatality and crash rates are almost identical to the highways in the united states. I agree with you, i just wish you had even a part of a brain.


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