
You can make slaves of friends, co-workers, acquaintances – even strangers on the street – with these tips from a leading expert.

“You can make people do whatever you want them to do by boosting their egos and sense of self-worth,” pyschologist Jonathan Marsh told reporters.

“With a few words of praise, you can make anybody feel better about himself. And when a person feels good about himself, he’s almost certain to feel superior to you.

“Once a person feels superior to you, he’s ready to eat our of your hand. By playing dumb and acting like you can’t accomplish anything yourself, you’ll find that this person will want to do things for you.

“If you play your cards right, he’ll be your personal slave.”

Dr. Marsh’s methods may be controversial but they really do seem to work.

The expert offers these tips for making slaves of the people around you:

  • Praise people indiscriminately for no reason whatsoever. Just be sure to lay it on thick. If you compliment the person on a shirt, for example, don’t stop there.Tell him how smart he was to buy it as well. As soon as you finish praising him, ask for a favor. He’ll be happy to help.
  • Let a person know that you think he is smarter than you are and ask for his opinions on everything. You’ll soon find that he offers advice, even cash and a helping hand, at the drop of a hat.
  • Play dumb. If you want somebody to tune your car, for example, invite him over to your house and ask question after question about how to get the job done.Before you know it, he’ll roll up his sleeves and do all the work – while you watch.

“Most people have extremely high estimations of themselves,” said Marsh.

“And if you give them half a chance, they’ll muster all the intelligence and energy at their disposal – and give it to you.”

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  1. You're all such beautiful, sweet, super intelligent geniuses and I can't believe how blessed I am just to be reading the same material as you! Let me know if you need a personal email on me as I find other people interesting and would like to learn more about YOU!!

  2. I didn’t have the intension of doing this, but something I never really used in my home was broken and I was telling my guest about it and was going on about it for ages for some reason. I didn’t feel bad about boring him, but I made a very convincing apology to save face. He ended up calling a tech person to fix the issue and insisted on paying for it even though I told him I’d pay. I knew that he’d pay. I didn’t realy want to pay as the repair work was too costly but I just wanted to look decent and respectful.


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