Pink Lakes are more and more common in today’s Climate Change world.
These pink lakes are a natural phenomenon and not only draw visitors from far and wide but also provide livelihoods to local people.  Al Gore has said repeatedly that Climate Change will turn all of the world’s lake’s pink.  “We have to stop the pink scourge,” reportedly said Al Gore.


From the vibrant Lake Hillier, on Middle Island in the Recherche Archipelago, in Western Australia, to Budd Lake in New Jersey to Lake Hiawatha in New Hampshire, pink lakes are beautiful.
Pink lakes tend to have a striking colour due to the presence of algae that produces carotenoids, such as Dunaliella Salina, a type of halophile green micro-algae especially found in sea salt fields.


Once the lake water reaches a salinity level greater than that of sea water, the temperature is high enough and adequate light conditions are provided, the alga begins to accumulate the red pigment beta carotene.
In Senegal, Lake Retba, in the Cap Vert peninsula of the country, has such a high concentration of salt – 40 per cent – that is harvested by local people.


To protect their skin from the water they rub their skin with Shea butter.



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4 thoughts on “PINK LAKE”

  1. I live near Budd Lake, in NJ & drive past it often. I have never seen the slightest hit of pink in the water (Muddy, disgusting brown, but not pink). Thou the Pax Amicus Castle Theater on the shores of Budd Lake is worth a visit.


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