A 2,000-mile high pillar of cloud has formed on Saturn and scientists believe the planet may explode in the near future.

At first scientists believed that the fog near Saturn was coming from Saturn’s moon, Titan, but on closer examination it appears that Saturn is undergoing a cataclysm and it could destroy itself in the next ten months.

NASA scientists are puzzling over the orbiting Cassini probe’s images of Saturn. “We’re not sure what’s going on up there,” said lead astrophysicist, Dr. Robert Comito of NASA.  “But Saturn’s atmosphere seems to be imploding.  The planet appears to be heating up and is releasing enormous amounts of energy.”

“It’s almost releasing as much energy as a ex-galactic sun,” Comito went on to say.  “This may actually explain the extreme weather we’ve been having on earth.”

Saturn has long been considered a “frozen planet” so the fact that it appears to be burning up has many members of NASA in a state of utter panic.

“We’re in unchartered waters,” said a top executive with NASA.  “If Saturn blows up, the whole solar system will be thrown out of sync and who knows what that will mean for Earth.  It can’t be good.”

Images from NASA’s Cassini spacecraft show a concentration of high-altitude haze, a vortex materializing and massive flames on Saturn.

Cassini first saw a ‘hood’ of high-altitude haze and a vortex, which is a mass of swirling gas on Saturn in 2004.

During a June 27 distant flyby, Cassini’s imaging cameras captured a crow’s-eye view of thevortex in visible light. These new images show this detached, high-altitude haze layer in stunning new detail.

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30 thoughts on “SATURN READY TO EXPLODE”

  1. Maybe we need to give another tax break to multi millionaires. This will prevent Saturn from blowing up and it will create jobs on Saturn.

  2. Really… all of this has JUST been made up… Wow….


    A 200-mile high pillar of cloud has boiled up out of the foggy atmosphere of Saturn's moon Titan.

    Nasa scientists are puzzling over the orbiting Cassini probe's images of the 'vortex' at the moon's south pole.

    The find could offer an insight into the moon's mysterious atmosphere, where seasons last for seven years, and 300-foot dunes of frozen chemicals roll across the surface of the planet.

    The formation seen at the pole is similar to ones seen over Earth's oceans, say Nasa team members.

    Tony Del Genio, says, ‘But unlike on Earth, where such layers are just above the surface, this one is at very high altitude, maybe a response of Titan’s stratosphere to seasonal cooling as southern winter approaches. But so soon in the game, we’re not sure.’

    Images from NASA’s Cassini spacecraft show a concentration of high-altitude haze and a vortex materializing at the south pole of Saturn’s moon Titan, signs that the seasons are turning on Saturn’s largest moon.

  3. Saturn won't explode, but the Sun does it for like about 4,5 billion years. So, there's an huge amount of energy needed, when you want something blow something up so big. And so far we know, Saturn is not a star and there's no fusion inside it. What that article doesn't expain to us is, just how it is possible to think that the second big planet of our solar system (100 Earth masses) would explode just like in the dragonball universe, all without fusion or any nuclear reaction, or anything.

    Even if it would be an internal-energy included, which heats up the planet from inside, and cause an explotion from inside, the gravity would hold it together, because there's no such a big energy source up there to blow the whole thing up! Like: Kaboom! No way. No es posible. No hay razón para entrar en pánico.

    It's just pathetic to try to misinform stupid people like that, no matter for what reason. Get real, and find more plausible apocalypse-scenarios. Good luck!

  4. New research shows that 75% of all internet users can’t take a joke, 80% don’t understand sarcasm, 90% don’t understand satire, and a whopping 99% are dicks.

  5. Wait so all content on this website is Complete crap, they just smoked and decided to put it up…. wow what assholes. They should try flying of a building. i hear smoking pot so much you can fly *sarcasm max lvl*

  6. Well, its July 22, 2012 at 6AM. Should not have slept in. I missed the Nibiru collision with earth. Darn it all. Oh well,next time.

  7. I warn that if a major planet in this solar system gets bombarded or altered in a major manner through a collision, catastrophies could occur on earth.
    I caught a glimpse of lods of satellites around the world would arrive to pick up humans to mother ships from other solar systems.

  8. I warn that if a major planet in this solar system gets bombarded or altered in a major manner through a collision, catastrophies could occur on earth.
    I caught a glimpse of lods of satellites around the world would arrive to pick up humans to mother ships from other solar systems.

  9. According to the European Space Agency (ESA) and NASA, Saturn will indeed explode in the year 2027. Recent observations made by the NASA produced Cassini satellite have found Saturn’s core to be heating up at an alarmingly fast rate. According to the Professor of Astrophysics at Harvard University, Sighmen Bikailem, this heating will cause a rapid nuclear fusion reaction developing a neutron type star and subsequent solar system instability, further causing an extreme extinction event on earth.


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