Bottlenose dolphins released from captivity have been seen – flying through the skies!
The Miami dolphins were released after being kept cooped up for six years in poor conditions.  Within minutes of their release, they were seen flying overhead.
Some onlookers were stunned when they saw the dolphins flying for extended periods of time.  “It’s the most incredible thing I ever saw,” said Boyd Lindsay of Tampa.  “Them dolphins were flying in they sky, looked like they could go a long way.  I’m still in shock.”

The dolphins that led the charge into the sky are named Tom and Misha.  They are a different species because they spent years in captivity and may have developed this special talent.

The dolphins apparently built up special dolphin muscles while in captivity, essentially turning their fins into wings.
“It’s not completely surprising,” said NASA expert, Tom Hillstrom.  “Dolphins are naturally built for flying.  They are aerodynamically proportioned for flight. Their fins are the perfect length and width for flying.”

He added that they obviously have the fitness and stamina for flight.
The dolphins all have satellite tracking tags on them and a web site is being set up so that anybody can watch follow the movements of the dolphins.
Up, up and away…

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