NAMIBIA – The dog-headed pig monster is once again terrorizing rural populations.
Local citizens are living in fear – travelling in groups and arming themselves before venturing out.
The creature is said to be white with a dog’s head and a giant pig-like body.  It has a broad, round and hairless back and the shoulders of a giant pig or hog.

Many residents have seen it attacking dogs, horses, goats, cats and hyenas.
“This is an alien animal that the people have not seen before,” said a local official.  “We are living in fear, but we are hunting for him. We will kill him.”
There is great superstition about the beast that actually makes locals act up and – attack each other.
“This dog-headed pig monster is the source of  black magic,” said an official in the Peshonana region of northern Namibia.
Superstitions  have serious consequences in Namibia and throughout sub-Saharan African where elderly people are often accused of practicing the “old ways,” or witchcraft.  Thousands have been forced to flee for their lives, and many do not survive.  Across the continent, there are frequent reports of people accused of witchcraft being murdered by family members, neighbors or frenzied mobs.

A young man from Oshana tried to fight off the dog-headed pig monster, but unfortunately, he was shredded to pieces.
The United Nations is sending witch doctors to Namibia to held rid the country of the “black magic.”
Check out this video from 1992 – the last time beast reared his ugly head.

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