Women  around the world are joining a movement to occupy — men’s toilets.
Fed up with long queues for ladies’,  Li Tingting made headlines when she and 20 women marched into a men’s public toilet in the southern city of Guangzhou carrying colorful placards calling for equal waiting times for both sexes.
Her Occupy Toilet movement quickly spread to Beijing and Shanghai where leaders will gather next month for the annual meeting of the country’s parliament.
“We want senior officials to pay attention to this issue,” she told AFP. “It is a big issue for many women. During the protest in Guangzhou, we conducted intensive surveys and found that the majority of people supported us.”
“We gathered here not to forcibly stop men from using their toilet, but to arouse consciousness on gender equality for both women and men,” said one female student and an activist during the march.  “But if the government does not comply, swiftly, we plan to occupy men’s toilets around the world!”

 Local media in China reported after the protest that provincial officials in Guangzhou had responded by agreeing to increase the number of women’s toilets by 50 percent — a pledge Li says should be taken worldwide.

“The Americans occupy Wall STreet, the Chinese occupy toilets. This is very different,” posted one blogger under the name Huashuo Sian. Studies show that women take about twice as long as men in the restroom. The reasons vary, from the obvious (the need to secure themselves inside a stall, shed more clothes and use toilet paper) to the not-so-obvious (menstrual cycles and the increased likelihood, compared to men, of ushering small children).

Groups including the American Restroom Association and the World Toilet Organization view quick access to clean public toilets as no laughing matter. People with medical problems, including bladder or bowel dysfunction, may not be able to wait. Long waits can exacerbate other issues, including urinary-tract infections.

For years, women have most dealt with the consequences, if not the indignity, of waiting in long lines.
No more… Occupy Toilet aims to correct that situation, permanently.

“We want equal waiting time for toilets.  If we have to wait longer than men, then more toilets should be available for women, or we should be allowed to use the men’s restroom,” said one Occupy Toilet leader.
New York City already passed a law in 2005 requiring that all new or significantly renovated places of public assembly — concert halls, arenas, Broadway theaters, stadiums and the like — have two women’s toilet fixtures for every one devoted to men.
But that’s not good enough. “We want three women’s toilet fixtures for every one devoted to men. That is what is the most equitable,” said Tingting.

“We want governments around the world to pay attention to this issue,” said Tingting. “It is a a big issue for women that has never been properly addressed.  Not anymore.  We will occupy men’s toilets around the world!”
Reports are coming in from around the globe – women are taking over men’s restrooms and men are being forced to pee outside in the woods or streets.   “Doesn’t matter to me,” said Jeb Martin of Omaha.  “I’ll pee anywhere.”


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  1. These women fail to realise that it doesnt take men that long to pee. Thats why the line to the mens room is so short. This article is just plain silly.

    • I went to a public toilet in GuangZhou and the ladies cue was so long. I felt bad walking past them all and back after a quick piss. Their toilets should be made bigger… and males should be made smaller. Then the cues will be even. Problem solved.

  2. Occupy Toilet Movement? What is the point? To give women more or better toilet rights (at least in China) is absurd. China doesn't have the room to make more PUBLIC bathrooms.

  3. It takes the human body the same amount of time to pee or poop no matter what sex. The variances are slight and not gender specific. How about you ladies in China or wherever try speeding up the process? And yes you should be given equal number of toilets. For those 4 standup comodes I see in the pic there should be 4 sit down stalls in the women's bathroom. I'm all for equal toilets.

  4. @John Richard Foy what country are you from? Sometimes I use British spelling. Back to the issue at hand. If women start using mens room and a man looks at them the wrong way, the woman will cry rape. Also, the women will be complaining because men dont leave the seat down. If a woman cant control their bowels and/or their kidneys, they should wear adult diapers.

  5. If women were allowed to use the men's restroom, they'd probably cry rape if some guy looked at her funny. They'd probably complain that the men leave the seat up, too.


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