JAPAN –  Scientists have cloned a wooly mammoth!
A Japanese scientist has successfully cloned a real, actual woolly mammoth!  There will be  a real Jurassic Park in Japan.
“It took five years of hard work, but our team of genetic engineers pulled it off,” said Japanese Science Minister, Arata Aoi.
Scientists around the world are concerned because mammoths may use their special frog DNA to become hermaphroditic, and then they breed, and then they would be able to use their tusks to murder countless numbers of citizens and there won’t be much authorities will be able to do.
“Bullets won’t affect Mammoths,” said Assistant Secretary of Defense, Chris Blanton.  “If they breed like I’ve heard they do, I think they only way to stop them will be to drop another A-Bomb on Japan.  That will be the only way to stop these vicious animals.”
Dr. Daiki Ikaki of Kyoto University is thrilled about cloning the mammoths and is excited to clone as many as twenty-five before the end of January.
“The success rate in the cloning of cattle was poor until recently but now stands at about 98 per cent with my new cloning technique,” he said. “I think the mammoths that we clone will all be healthy and will have long, normal mammoth lives.”

The last attempts at cloning mammoths were unsuccessful because the existing mammoth cells were too messed up by the millions of years of freezing cold. But Ikaki’s new technique was first successful in cloning a mouse from frozen tissue, then an African elephant and now a mammoth.
Ikaki is traveling to Siberia this summer to clone some mammoths for Russian Prime Minister, Vladmir Putin, who wants his own mammoth to ride.
Some believe that Putin has more nefarious ideas for using the mammoth.

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64 thoughts on “WOOLY MAMMOTH CLONED”

  1. Those frozen mammoths are not that old. They probably date from the 1600 or 1700s. This nonsensical place is a good place to say this.

    • Well, it was at most three thousand years ago, actually. However, they lived on the Earth since Policene, precisely 4.8 million years ago. So, maybe it could be possible to find some frozen tissue from millions of years ago. Anyway, that's not the case as explained in the article.

    • Quibble,Quibble. My point was that they could have used newer material instead of older material to clone the mammoth.

  2. This is the proof that this site says only a lot of rubbishes!! Hahahaha!! We are not stupid!! I won't believe to any word I read here, now! I don't know why this site still exists since it publishes false articles… Maybe because it has to make us laugh! That's its point, I think! Well, hahaha!

    • yes but if they put the embryo of a mammoth into a couple different elephants they can breed the elephant out of it eventually and just make it a pure mammoth

    • No, it will be pure mammoth. The elephant is only used for the embryo, which was cloned to be 100% mammoth, to develop into a baby mammoth for delivery. At no point is elephant DNA transferred into the mammoth embryo.

  3. How would bullets not be able to kill a mammoth? I’m more than sure if our ancestors could kill them with a spear, then we can with bullets.

  4. so fake it doesn't seem posible that you can clone a prehisoric animal. if you can why don't you just revive that alien skull you found in peru.

  5. @Cindy Donahey, mammoths date back to the ice age, which were far before the 1600s. And it is possible to clone anything. When animals are fossilized, their cells stay inside of the actual fossil. See people, get your facts straight. Its not that hard…..jeez…

    • Idiots all of you… They have found many frozen Mammoth carcases (think frozen meat) not fossilized. Fossilization means that the chemicals inside carcass are replaced with mineals and literally become rock. In order to clone (hasn't happened yet) scientists will need to obtain a copy of the entire mammoth genome. Either by finding it in-tact, or by sequencing many fragments and then printing it out deoxyribonucleotide by deoxyribonucleotide (makes up DNA) with a machine (these do exist). The Mammoth's chromosomes will then need to be transferred into an Asian elephants egg cell and hopefully brought to full term. This hasn't been done yet. Time will tell

  6. They have found many frozen Mammoth carcases (think frozen meat) not fossilized. Fossilization means that the chemicals inside the carcass are replaced with minerals and literally become rock. In order to clone (hasn't happened yet) scientists will need to obtain a copy of the entire mammoth genome. Either by finding it in-tact, or by sequencing many fragments and then printing it out deoxyribonucleotide by deoxyribonucleotide (makes up DNA) with a machine (these do exist). The Mammoth's chromosomes will then need to be transferred into an Asian elephants egg cell and hopefully brought to full term. This hasn't been done yet. Time will tell

    • This is a crock. The experiment is only 1 year old. Elephant gestation take 3 years. While the experiment is real, this article is a hoax.

  7. I think cloning is a possibility, so I read with interest until the STUPID statement by an official of bombing them. to keep their numbers down.
    Yahoo, have you no shame?

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  11. great article, excellent manner & style of writing, enjoyable to read.
    reminds ia panorama but better
    vlad approves

    hope to ride herm mammoth soon

    write more things like that, thats better than alex jones

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