OLD BRIDGE, NJ – A New Jersey woman is looking to break an unusual record and has piqued the interest of Tonya!
Donna Simpson, who already tips the scales at 600 pounds, is looking to double her weight in a bid to become the world’s fattest woman. The 42-year-old says that she is set on reaching the 1,000 pound mark over the next two years.
“My favorite foes is sushi, but unlike others I can sit and eat 70 big pieces of sushi in one go,” she told London’s Daily Mail in an interview. “I do love cakes and sweet things, doughnuts are my favorite.”
Health concerns will certainly be at the forefront, but Simpson insists she’s healthy. Hard to believe when she can’t walk and needs a motorized scooter to move around. Simpson wears 7XL dresses and makes fast food such as hamburgers and french fries a staple of her diet.
“Donna makes my eating routine seem like a joke. She does, however, make 7XL dresses look good. Bigger is Better!” Tonya, the world’s fattest cat, said through her spokeswoman.
To reach this unbelievable goal, Simpson says she consumes roughly 12,000 calories a day – the average woman should only consume 2,000. Her food bill runs somewhere in the $750 range for the week and she funds her eating habits by running a Web site where men pay to watch her eat.
“This is a woman after my own heart,” said Tonya through her spokeswoman. “I love sushi! I love sweet things! I love doughnuts! Donna Simpson has brought a tear to my eye and she has my full support in her quest. Come to think of it, I would love to be with her on her journey because I certainly would never go hungry.”

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82 thoughts on “DONNA SIMPSON”

  1. This woman is a pig….. Who's taking care of her children while she's whirling around BK on her motorized scooter … Greedy sow… She wants to be the world's fattest pig..she's already one of the stupidest.

  2. its fascinating to see a person try to kill themselves this way and no one steps up to stop them but if the same person were to attempt suicide by jumping off a building, they'd be arrested.

  3. She'll be bed-ridden, unable to breathe, have a heart attack or aspirate her stomach contents in her sleep and drown in her own secretions long before she reaches her goal.

  4. thats really disgusting and she will have alot of health problems and pass away at an early age..why would anyone want to be so fat like her. loose weight before its too late./

  5. are there that many men in the world who would pay to watch this woman eat????? $750 a week for her food??? …..and when she get diabetes, will these men pay for her treatment too???

  6. this is so irresponsible. I hope no kid in the world is reading this gross thing. I believe that this sets the worst example for a kid who is battling against obesity. This can be an mental disorder, it cannot be normal

  7. If she is on State Aid, then the state should step in and remove the children an demand she conforms to standards rules. Or lose her aid, which in turn she will lose her children anyways, and still trim down. With the health care debate going on… now isnt the right time for this story.

  8. Who pays for her medical care and housing and clothing and her kids? Taxpayer? Shame on the Guiness book of world records for supporting by publishing such a goal.

  9. I wonder if there is any forethought to the future that her daughter will have. When Donna reaches her "goal" she will be a burden for the rest of her family and anyone around her. We have all seen the stories on TV. It's sad that someone is eating enough food to feed a small village in Haiti for a week.

  10. What a goal in life!!! To be the fattest tub of lard in the world,my god what has the world come to? The freak show has left town tank girl.. How much will the average joe have to pay to keep this thing alive when her on line porn gig goes BELLY up? It all just pisses me off….

    and like everyone else we are doing just what she wants.. and we are paying attention to her even by our comments….
    yes all of what you say is true even down to how the ell does she wipe her ass….
    she should really be ashamed of herself when she is doing something to her body normal people would never want to or intentionally do…she needs some serious help and I think someone should step in and give it to her..we would step in if she was someone trying to be too thin starving themselves …
    so as long as we keep responding to sites like these then we are also feeding the sickness (excuse the punn)

  12. my question is how can she afford a $750.00 grocery bill? Does she work, What's her Boyfriend do to be able to support her and his child?

  13. If she chooses to do that to simply gain all that negative attention, that's her choice. But why does the media keep feeding her by continuing to write news articles about her? But also as her choice, John Q . Public should never be asked to foot a nickel of the bill for welfare or her medical care, as she can't get out of bed, needs round the clock nursing care (one person is not going to be able to handle a woman that size). And who takes care of her child when she becomes unable? She should be monitored for neglect as that will be an issue as she is immobile stuffing her face..

  14. This is completely ridiculous, here is a prime example of how stupid people are these days.
    Sure, she can fund her eating habbits with her website, what about when she goes into the hospital? That's when her and her "followers" will expect the American taxpayers to pay the bill.
    And she has children? How can she care for them, and how are they affected by her "goals"

  15. Think about your daughter and the issues she would have growing up……what if there are health complications along the way and you die before you reach 1,000 pounds???

  16. Wow… why doesn't she just OD, slit her wrists, or shoot herself? Is an early death worth having your name written in a book for the rest of your life (or until some other person who weighs more comes along)?? And WHAT is she teaching her children? That it's okay to slowly kill yourself for a little bit of fame? How can you possibly care for them in a proper manner? Or is that left for your husband to do? Octo-mom had social services all over her for having so many children… I hope that your local human services agency investigates you. You're behaving in a way that will lead to your death and will obviously have very negative impact on your children.

  17. (continued) What about the men who are paying for this because they find it attractive? It's one thing to like a curvy girl, but quite another to want to fatten one up or to find that sexy. I'm interested in what these men are like in relationships. In my opinion, encouraging someone to be so unhealthy is, in my opinion, abusive behavior. To these men, will it be so sexy when this woman's lifeless body is being lifted out of her home by a crane because there's no other way to get her out? And why the hell are you giving away your money to help kill someone?
    I'm sure that the people of NJ are thrilled to know that their tax dollars are going to pay for this woman's health care when she eventually declines. This seems to be yet another person abusing the system. She should have to sign a waiver that says that because she's choosing to act in a manner that will cause a decline in health, she will not rely on the government to care for her. But, that will never happen.

  18. (continued again) This woman is so selfish!! If you are okay with the fact that you will die from this, fine, that's your business. What about your children? And your husband? It seems that you're okay knowing that you will leave them behind (probably earlier than you would if you lived a healthy life), all to get your 15 minutes of fame? What about the taxpayers of the state of New Jersey? What about everyone who is going to have to help you when you can't help yourself? This woman's problem isn't just physical….It's mental.

  19. Its stupid people like these that cause the health care costs to rise. There should be legislation passed that if (when) she has medical complications (wont be too long) she would not be eligible for any help from taxpayers dollars. She is voluntarily doing this to herself and should face the concequences of her stupidity.

  20. Someone, please get this woman some mental health help. Does she realize the example she's showing to her daughter???? I agree with Celina – it's disgusting, but why does the media glamorize it?? God help us all.

  21. this is absolutely disgusting and appauling. The fact taht she is getting publically recognized for this is sad. She will no doubt die of heart failure before her goal is reached.

  22. thats soo bad for ur health i feel real bad for u ..i hope start to loss some weight soon u might not make it until ur 1,000 pounds..its just not health to be that big ..

  23. Forget about the book of world records she will be dead soon. The human body can only take so much. Instead of eating soooo verrryyy much think about the children who soon will not have a mother. Forget about the donuts and think about the children they are much more important than any bag of chips I have ever met.

  24. How sick can a human be, and to what extreme will they go to get publicity???? What about her young daughter, who will surely lose her mother very soon, due to an obsesive desire to be fat. How selfish!!!!! This woman is a burden on society and social security due to her twisted ego. This orgasmic obsession of hers should be illegal!!!!!

  25. There's no doubt she has mental issues. She can go ahead and kill herself, but what about her small children? They will be motherless in a short period of time.

  26. Leave Donna alone. This is her choice and it's not hurting anyone. Is it harming you? I don't think so. I may not agree with her choice, and there are her children too… but I met Donna and her husband… and they are good people. Not everyone can be "normal" size… and what do you care if she's fat or not? Are you the epitome of health? I doubt it. There's way too much societal emphasis on beauty and being the "perfect size". Maybe Donna will lose weight when she reaches her goal… maybe she'll decide not to weight 1000 pounds… but will your sick, nasty comments change her mind sooner? I doubt. You guys need to get a life. Leave Donna alone!

  27. Dear Donna,its good to see that how passionate you abt this challenge but you hav to b very carefull abt ur health as its a very dangerous thing if your body denies this.U should b vry carefull as u hav a daughter n ur family who cares for u. I wish u all the best for your goal and hop u will find success soon. If u are my girl friend thn i'll also help u in such thing coz i do personally like fat girls.if u find someone for me thn pls tell me abt her.

  28. The first thing you must understand is that there is no physical exercise that can reduce fat from a specific part of the body. When you burn fat for energy, as during an aerobic activity, fat loss will occur systemically, i.e., from all over the body. But since fat distribution naturally varies from person to person, depending on inherited genetic factors, some people will tend to lose abdominal fat faster while others may lose fat at say hips or thighs faster. So do not compare your abdominal fat loss graph with others.

  29. *Barfs*
    Huge fatty! You should be ashamed of yourself. Sorry, there is nothing sexy about being obese. All that blubbery fat blubber engulfing your body. Somebody should throw you to some cannibal tribe in South America. They could feed off of your blubbery fatness for months.

  30. First this woman does not weigh no 600 pounds, if you believe that then you need a serious reality check and here is how you can tell. Look at her pictures like my better half and I have done and believe us it took us awhile to look. If this fat pig was 600 pounds then 1 she wouldn't be able to sit in a chair, it would have broken, 2 wouldn't be able to walk. and 3. wouldn't be able to stand. It is plain to see that she does have more chins than a hong kong phone book but seriously people do not believe a word of this. there is no way she is 600 lbs.

  31. also to someone who knows you are just as pathetic as Donna is, if you support what she is doing then you need to just go out and shoot your self as well. CPS should look in on taking the child because it is not a good environment to raise a child in when you choose to kill yourself. You say her husband and she are good people, if that was the case they would think of the child or children and realize what they are doing to her or them. when Donna dies what will his words be to her? Oh I am so sorry little one or honey your mom died because it was her choice to kill herself from being to d*** fat. Instead of supporting them you should be trying to get the fat hog some mental help.

  32. She is very unhappy person who wants to arouse interest in his own person. I weighed over 100 pounds and mentally I did not want to fight for themselves. One day I woke up and said thatI need to to take back. In six months I have lost 42 kg. Just because you are well poukładałam in the head. Gave an impetus to me that the men behind me started to watch it. I got a manager – his whole life changed. The way you think it worth wasting your life just to get people to look at you and say I want to puke as you look "
    You have a beautiful face. Is it worth it for the moment there is nothing significant to do the fame of such a monster? The life you have one. Why should it end so quickly?
    The worst part is that you have an idea for a child can fall and you want to emulate. You have to be responsible and you are behaving like spoiled brat, who, in life there is nothing that came out as the stupidity …
    Lidia (Poland)

  33. where is your brain fat pig? maybe under the kilos of fat! what is she doing? her children watch her dying and she condsiders herself as a good mother?!

  34. What a disgusting display! This selfish, pathetic creature, clearly an unfit (in more ways than one) mother is caught up in the "Oh how much of a loser can I be to get attention and money " sydrome, just like those losers on reality shows. I'm sure she would love to have one of those so she could disgust a wide (and I mean wider) audience. She should be stopped, institutionalized, charged with child endangerment and hide in shame for the rest of her days.

  35. I think we should not insult her I think she is right the more your fat the more sexy I am 427pds and I love it I have a big butt and fat arms and most of all a sexy belly if you weigh less than 300pds you r wrong!!!!!
    I love how fat lovers look at me when I walk my fat jiggles women I am getting the goul of 750pds because I wanna beable to kiss a man every week!!!!! Ha! I love fat! I love Donna Simpson! I'm kissing fat!

  36. Donna is a disgusting pig and should be put to sleep, because you can bet your next pay check that when that fat ass ends up in the hospital it will be our tax dollars paying for her to have a gastric bypass and lipo. or some damn cardiac surgery. She will be on some talk show crying about how miserable she is, so f!@#$% pathetic.

  37. This is so sad. WOW she want's to be FAT. I guess she do not have a lot to live for. Her poor children SS please come and get her KIDs

  38. People are not meant to live like this and she will die very soon. We do not and should not accommodate people like this. She does not deserve extra seats on a plane, special consideration when she goes out, etc. This is filthy and disgusting. She will die a horrible death.


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