WASHINGTON – Scientists have made a DNA breakthrough that they say takes genetic technology to unchartered territories!
Scientists have used four frozen hairs from a Greenlander who died 4,000 years ago for their study. The study has been headed by Morten Rasmussen of the University of Copenhagen. “This provides evidence for a migration from Siberia into the New World some 5,500 years ago, independent of that giving rise to the modern Native Americans and Inuit,” said the research team in Thursday’s issue of the journal Nature.
According to the researchers, their findings shed light on two issues. It will transform the study of archeology and it will help to answer questions about the origins of modern populations and diseases.
The DNA from the man in study suggest that he lived among the Saqqaq people, the earliest known culture in southern Greenland that lasted from 2500 BC until roughly 800 BC. Eska Willerslev oversaw the study and said that the DNA was recovered from a frozen Saqqaq site and that the DNA was sequenced just as they would a modern person’s full genome, looking for characteristic mutations.
“The sequencing project described here is a direct test of the extent to which ancient genomics can contribute to knowledge about now-extinct cultures,” commented the researchers. The DNA has linked the Inuk people to modern-day Artic residents of Siberia. There were no traces of the mutations seen in Indians living in Central and South America.
This is an impressive step in the tracing of DNA samples and in the linking of modern day populations to the ancestors from which they are descended from.

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1 thought on “GREENLAND GENE MAP”

  1. Mutants in Central & South America? What?! hahaha…I'll need to hear more on THAT subject – are we talking chupacabra or??? hee hee


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